What does your arthritic hip actually feel like?

BJG Member Posts: 34
edited 29. Sep 2024, 09:24 in Living with arthritis

I'm new to the group and have found the compassion, understanding and highly practical advice incredibly useful.

This question is coming from a place of being new to an arthritic hip - severe apparently. With arthritis being such a personal experience, I realised what I hadn't seen was any indication of what others actually go through, your direct day to day experience.

For me, it's a daily and shiftable, a mix of:

soft tissue pain in the outer hip area or groin

pinching and nerve pain in the hip crease

adductor muscle tightening

pain walking uphill, in particular (in the crease)

a near constant feeling of needing to release or twist or free some part of the hip/groin

Part of the reason for mentioning this is that it took me a long time to accept the diagnosis of arthritis, largely due to the soft tissues often feeling like they were swollen or jammed or in pain - I mean, intuitively, you think the pain should be in the hip, right? It's been a journey to accept that the entire region and associated tissues can be affected.


  • Hi BJG,

    I have been recently diagnosed with moderate/severe OA in my left hip & can totally relate to all the symptoms you have mentioned.

    I find I can't sit for more than 30 minuted. I then have to get up to move around, otherwise the groin pain becomes worse & I get too stiff.

    I already have it in my r/knee, and found physio fairly helpful to start with, and have now been referred for physio for my hip and hope that will ease things a bit.


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 769

    Hi @BJG

    My hip pain goes all over the place.

    I can't sit, stand or lie down for more than about 5 minutes and I can't sleep.

    I gave up being able to walk any further than the local shop and if I need to walk up an incline, I don't. My 10,000 steps a day went out of the window a long time ago but apparently they've now said walking 2,000 steps plus a day is just as good.

    The pain starts at my groin and goes all the way round to my bottom and down my leg, that sometimes feels like it is a cold pain.

    It is a constant pain that makes me feel sick and makes me not want to eat - sometimes I don't eat vdery healthily as I can't stand to cook. My healthy regime will kick back in when my hip is fixed in May.

    I'm lucky that my physio from MSK told me she would refer me to the local private hospital under the NHS choices scheme as they had a shorter waiting list so my surgery will happen after only six months since I was first seen and since then I have had 3 x rays and an injection. I couldn't wait years for the NHS to get to see me.

    I sleep with a shaped cusion between my knees/thigh and am supposed to put a pillow between my lower legs ( I'm a side sleeper) but the pillow ends up on the floor for me to fall over lol.

    I've given up trying to get back to sleep when the pain wakes me, I go downstairs, have a hot chocolate and do some of my jigsaw puzzle for half an hour or so and then usually get back to sleep. The act of moving about actually eases some of the pain in the middle of the night.

    Roll on May

    Trish xx

  • BJG
    BJG Member Posts: 34

    Thanks for taking the time @Hellesbelles at least now I know I’m not going mad! Really sorry to hear we’re in similar boats and I truly hope the physio helps. 🙏🏻

  • BJG
    BJG Member Posts: 34

    Wow, thanks so much @Trish9556 for sharing and I’m truly sorry to hear that you’re in so much pain. Today has been like Russian roulette for me - sometimes I’m walking and it’s just a niggle, other times the pinching is so intense I can barely move - I’m almost afraid to move, so I totally get where you’re coming from. Very best of luck with the surgery. I’m probably going to try and get the op this year too.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 596

    @BJG I can identify with all of the above. I had my hip replacement three months ago and no regrets. I fought it for far too long, was in complete denial, but eventually had no choice. Surgeon, GP and physio all said so which persuaded me - best thing I have done so it's good to hear you will try to get your op this year.

    Take care.

  • @BJG I think it is different for everyone. I think that my hip is probably nearly bone on bone but I am not in that much pain and sometimes don't even take paracetamol. If I sit for too long standing up is difficult and sometimes after exercise there is more pain usually just around the hip itself. There is very rarely pain in the groin but sometimes there is discomfort around the knee and I think this is because of the way I am walking as everything is imbalanced. The range of movement is very limited and walking is becoming more difficult. I use walking poles if I am going to go any distance. I keep moving and go to several exercise classes a week and take supplements. I saw a GP a few months ago who said, based on the report, that he was surprised I can even walk! Not very helpful I thought.

    Walking uphill is very difficult now even with poles and unfortunately there are lots of hills/slopes around here. There is more back pain/discomfort now, presumably because everything is out of alignment.

    I have resisted having a hip replacement for a long time but I think it will have to be done this year. I am hoping to be able to get to Greece and India before I have it done but am aware this may not be possible (especially India). I know a lot of people struggle to get out of the house so it seems wrong to complain about not being able to go to India but to me this is important and if I can't get away and do things then I would be very depressed. I have huge anxiety about having a replacement done -about the operation itself and about how I would manage after as I live on my own and very little help is offered.

    I am seeing a consultant privately in April and will ask about a steroid injection just to buy me a bit more time but it may be too late for that so it will be a question of when I have the op (in a private hospital on the NHS)

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    Forgive me giving you advice, but I'd get yourself onto an NHS waiting list ASAP.

  • lynnyh
    lynnyh Member Posts: 17

    Relate to all the previous posts. Pain from OA in hip can radiate down the legs, into the groin, into the buttock. Sitting down became very painful, sleeping in a comfortable position became challenging. Approx 5 months before my surgery (I’m 8 weeks post hip replacement) I had to stop working. I was only very part time as a support worker (I’m a retired nurse) but realised some of my clients were more able bodied than I was! Total hip replacement is transformational, and has given me my life back. I tried steroid injections, physio etc alongside pain management. Please don’t wait too long if that’s what you need, and push for referral to an orthopaedic team. That was my biggest challenge. Once the orthopaedic consultant saw me the hip replacement was on cards.

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 180

    @BJG your symptoms sound very much like mine were. Up until September last year, physio said it was just a muscular problem as I could run but barely stand up from sitting. I didn't have pain unless I walked and couldn't lie flat on my back. The x-ray proved categorically it was degenerative OA. Even so I felt a fraud as most daily tasks were doable I could just barely walk at times. I didn't realise how different we all are with living with OA. I realise how lucky I have been in getting a THR within 6 months of OA diagnosis compared to many, but when I look back I have been suffering for several years with discomfort getting worse daily.

    I'm less than two weeks after THR but I know now things will improve and I will get back to normal.

    Wishing you Good luck.

  • Iwas diagnosed with osteoarthritis last April but since Christmas the symptoms have progressed so quickly that now it’s difficult to walk. hip constantly makes a terrible noise.

    on urgent hip replacement list but living with this is a nightmare. Sitting is painful as is getting out of chair .

    I feel a bit sick with the pain today. My sleep pattern is disrupted due to burning groin pain and knee pain. I can identify with comments here. Does anyone find a hot water bottle on groin helps?

  • Juester
    Juester Member Posts: 3

    I struggle to sleep I have an electric heat pad which I lay on and this helps the past couple of nights I’m finding that the pain is now radiating down my leg into my shin I’m a bit worried that this isn’t normal as I suffer from health anxiety and have read that bone cancer can be mistaken for arthritis. I do walk alit I do at least 150 mins of brisk walking and do yoga Pilates and strength and core training but the pain is constant

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,127

    Hello @julienaylor4 and welcome to the online community,

    The pain from hip arthritis can present itself in so many different forms, as one of our members describes here:

    If you are at all worried though, and are finding the pain difficult to manage, do contact your GP ( I know that can be easier said than done these days). Tell them of your concerns and that you need better pain relief. Are you on the waiting list for surgery? It might be that they can ask for it to be brought forward.

    Meanwhile, the attached link might give you some ideas for how you can help to manage the pain yourself:

    Best wishes, and do let us know how you’re getting on,


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Juester
    Juester Member Posts: 3

    my GP has put me on cocodamol which to be honest doesn’t really touch it I did start off on nsaids but I have a diverticula and these upset my stomach and gave me a bad reaction so I can’t take any anti inflammatory medication I can still manage to walk okay and do yoga and Pilates classes although I struggle with some moves so just do what I can.

  • Bevdav123
    Bevdav123 Member Posts: 60

    I’ve been suffering with hip arthritis ( also in my left foot) for years, been on the NHS waiting list for nearly 3 years , I have finally had a date for my op! May 1st , I suffer with groin pain back pain sometimes the pain radiates down to my knee, no two days are the same, I find it affects me more when I’m in bed, I can’t tolerate NSAID’s so I’m on Co Codamol 15/500 mg as the 30/500mg make me nauseous, I’ve got everything crossed that this op goes ahead and I can get my life back to some sort of normality .

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 64

    I am just turned 59 was really active, walking, cycling etc, in January 2023 felt pain in hip -buttock area. Had physio seemed to settle down went on holiday in August on return home couldn't walk without a stick. In pain constantly Had xray was told pain was coming from back had more physio no improvement then had an MRI showed bulging disks and stenosis in spine. Had cortisone injection in spine no improvement, constant hip pain. Went to see a hip surgeon privately waiting time in Northern Ireland so long even for urgent referrals. He told me I have dysplasia, femur exposed and lot of degeneration and cysts will need THR. Waiting list for THR will be years so going to have to consider paying to have it completed privately.

  • rosie159
    rosie159 Member Posts: 40

    i have had arthritic hip pain for 3 years I have found magnesium cream brilliant for any muscle pain ..its quite expensive £8 a tube but you use it sparingly also frankincense oil is a great pain reliever rubbed in to the affected joint. I have to go the alternative route as I am unable to take anti inflams.

  • Mommabear
    Mommabear Member Posts: 12

    I have arthritis in my hip and also the same knee. My hip feels stiff and aches most of the time. Sleeping is getting difficult and sleeping well is unheard of☹️I have had a steroid injection which helped but sadly has worn off now, but am going to have another one. If that doesn’t work as well as the first one, I am going to push for a replacement

  • Lin65
    Lin65 Member Posts: 2

    Hello. I can totally relate to the groin pain. That's where my hip arthritis first appeared. Very confusing as yes you think it would be the hip. Hills are also a nemesis for me.

    Awaiting the MSK dept for an initial appointment.

  • shacklock25
    shacklock25 Member Posts: 31

    I also have groin pain with my hip arthritis. I have been researching whether it could be due to hip bursitis. One of the hip bursa is in the groin area, the other one at the side. The symptoms of arthritis and bursitis are more or less the same including walking with a limp. The physiotherapy I am currently having is just making things worse, so am going to ask to be referred to the orthopaedic department. I also have fibromyalgia so am not sure whether it's that or arthritis/bursitis. I am having to walk with a stick now. On the x-ray it showed moderate arthritis in the left hip(the affected one) and very mild arthritis in the right hip. Would welcome feedback from others.

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96


    I can totally relate to all those symptoms and like you found it difficult to undestand why l was having ever changing pains throughout my hips, back groin, knees, shins and ankles and even in my toes when it is artritis of the hips, l thought that it must be something else. It was only when l joined this marvelous group that l found so many other people with rhe same or similar pains that l accepted it. I am 11 days post op now on my first hip and for the most part those pains have gone on that side. In addition so far l have found the intensity of the pain in the unoperated hip has decreased, l still have the bone crunching but that is to be expected. I hope you are in the system for treatment.

  • Marje
    Marje Member Posts: 6

    my right hip is moderate but the pain is awful dread to think what severe must feel like my knee is very painful but told it’s referred pain using a crutch to walk which again is painful as left shoulder is bone on bone but it’s only way I can get around. Do others have weakness and pain in right quad swell as groin and buttock pain ? Had mri privately which also showed degenerative changes in spine and bulging disc which had not been painful until hip got bad then with hobbling it now hurts. MRI showed lots of fluid possible bone infection but hospital did blood test said no nothing showed and was arthritus

  • ItsjustLisa
    ItsjustLisa Member Posts: 45

    @Norny do you have NHS choices in NI? I was referred here in the UK in march (second referral as I was too scared to go ahead first time) and my surgeon has said I'm in in November for THR.

    With the NHS choices my neighbour was referred to a private hospital within 6 months and had her THR 4 weeks ago.

    It's worth pestering your GP because it's something like £20k here (maybe a bit less not sure) and that's an awful lot of money in today's economic climate.

  • cocoa
    cocoa Member Posts: 7

    what is the best medication fir arthritic hip? I am on co codamol 15/500 twice a day but don’t get much relief . What makes a difference is if I take just one ibuprofen 400mg tab shortly after cocodamol . But have been told by doc not to take ciz if side effects so prescribed omeprazole but they made me very I’ll. what’s the plan . I just want some pain relief whilst waiting fir thr approx 1 year wait . Also arthritis in left toes? Where’s that come from

  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,284

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm