Help in coping with shoulder osteoarthritis

meekscas Member Posts: 2
edited 29. Sep 2024, 09:25 in Living with arthritis

Hello everyone

I visited the GP last December and was quickly referred to a physio. An x-ray followed at the beginning of January which confirmed severe osteoarthritis in my left shoulder. In February it was in my right shoulder. I was referred to orthopaedics but I have to be "vetted" by Connect Health first so getting any sort of solution seems a long way off.

In the meantime I am hoping you can help make daily existence a bit easier - mainly help with washing and dressing.

As movement in both arms behind my back & up to my waist is limited pulling up clothes, which obviously happens several times per day, is painful.

Also, as I cannot lift my left arm, dressing above the waist is not without issues. I get the left arm in it's sleeve first, then strain my right shoulder as it gropes around trying to find it's mate on the other side.

I also have a problem washing under my right arm. I have tried using a sponge for this but cannot apply sufficient pressure.

I have looked online for aids or tips but can find nothing. As I'm not the first with these issues I'm convinced the answer is out there if only I ask the right people

Over to you my friends


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,148

    Hello @meekscas and welcome to the online forum,

    Our members are an innovative lot, and can suggest lots of ways to make life a bit easier with shoulder arthritis. Here’s a recent thread started by one of our members that has got some clever tips.

    The Versus Arthritis website has also got a few ideas:

    Best wishes,


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 27. Mar 2024, 18:55

    Welcome to the not so wonderful world of arthritis, @meekscas . I'm sorry you have to join us but you are clearly trying to make the best of things so good foŕ you.

    If you google 'disability aids' I think you'll find some useful stuff. I have a dressing stick which is very useful. I also use a sock aid. I fins most disability shops are very helpful if I have to ask questions. Think about what you wear and try to make it easier. I gave up on skirts years ago. Trying to hold skirts up while pulling knickers down just didn't work. Trousers only for me. Also, I use a long handled washing aid. There are several types. See what you think.

    Do ask any questions you may have. We're quite an inventive lot.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    hi @meekscas

    I've had two subacromial decompressions on both shoulders to clean them off and from experience

    Washing up brushes with sponges on are great for applying cream to those areas you can't reach but also washing under arms. Simply cut the scourer bit off. If you get one that you can put washing up liquid inside, you could fill this with shower gel.

    Roll on deoderant is easier than a spray one - just tape your jar to something long to use it.

    Use a shoe horn (long or short) with a hook on the end to pull things up and down and then use it to put your shoes on

    When getting dressed, think of dressing a young baby - not tight fitting shirts/t-shirts and bend elbow holding forearm to your body and peel sleeves off upwards then through the neck. When putting coats, blouses, shirts on put in the worst arm first with it dangling by your side then the rest of you. Clothes without fasteners are better than struggling with buttons, zips etc front back and side.

    Don't stop using your arm because it hurts to move your shoulder! You'll lend up with a very stiff shoulder and even more problems - small movements.

    Don't stretch to reach something - ask and don't carry heavy shopping bags

    To fill a kettle, use either a jug or if you have a split sink sit the kettle on the bit between the two sinks and fill that way before moving back to make your drink.

    If I can think of anything else I'll let you know

    Good Luck


  • meekscas
    meekscas Member Posts: 2

    Thank you all for your ideas I knew you would be able to help.

  • I've just been told I need 2 new shoulder replacement how.long will it take as in a lot.of pain

  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,314

    hello @lesleynewcombe5 and welcome to the Community. We are a friendly and supportive group and I hope that will be your experience as well.

    You might find our website useful and I've put a link in below which gives some insight in to shoulder pain.


    Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Marje
    Marje Member Posts: 6

    my consultant put me off shoulder replacement as he said there’s lots that can go wrong so had cortisone injections in glenhumeral joint as I’m bone on bone 2 nd one lasted 3 months and was so good to be out of pain