Recently diagnosed

SLH22 Member Posts: 2

Hello all,

I am 39 and was diagnosed with RA 2 weeks ago. I have been given a steroid injection to offer me a bit of relief whilst I research the drug methotrexate which I will go on long term. Is anyone this? In a similar situation? I am just looking for a bit of support. Thank you


  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 354

    Hello and welcome.

    Sorry you have been diagnosed with RA. I have it too, confirmed about a year ago.

    I have been on and off steroids whilst the hospital try to find medication that will control the pain.

    I have recently had my methotrexate increased, and changed to injection, which I do myself. And a new tablet called Leflunomide.

    Hoping this new combo will work for me. How are you coping?

  • PJoanne
    PJoanne Moderator Posts: 115

    Hello @SLH22 and welcome to the online community. There will be lots of members here who will be able to share their own experiences of RA with you. I thought I would signpost the info below, there's a lot here so maybe grab a cup of tea and have a read!

    The lovely people here are available to talk to you as well:

    Looking forward to seeing you around the forum!

    Best, Joanne

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Hope767
    Hope767 Member Posts: 6
    edited 13. Jun 2024, 14:41

    Hello, I'm sorry to year of your diagnosis and hope you are coping.

    I was diagnosed with RA in March this year. Started oral Methotrexate 7 weeks ago. I still need steroids as my CRP is elevated.

    I’m in a lot of pain, hoping the Methotrexate starts to work soon, I’ve been told it can take at least 12 weeks or more to have an effect #methotrexate #RA

  • SLH22
    SLH22 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for your reply and I’m sorry to hear how much pain you are in. Have you had any side effects from the medication?

  • Hope767
    Hope767 Member Posts: 6

    Hi @SLH22

    Symptom wise;

    1. I get very tired on the day I take Methotrexate and sleep a lot the following day.
    2. I wear factor 50 sun protection daily because I have felt my skin get hotter more quickly when I’m in the sun.
    3. I did get a small blister in my mouth one week after taking it. My Consultant has offered me injections if this happens again.

    Hope this helps , look after yourself , rest when you need it. My doctor said something to me when I was desperate to understand why I had RA. I was looking at my lifestyle choices to help myself get better . I had been caring for my disabled mum, raising an school aged daughter, running a home, holding down a job and a self employed role. I felt I’d caused my own demise . Truth is, I was exhausted and then grief hit when I lost my mum.

    one of the kindest things the doctor said was :

    “ It’s not your fault, it’s nothing you have done”.

    I was grateful to hear this because people had said suggested I’d brought it on myself.

    I hope this helps . You really must honour yourself , be kind to yourself and take it easy ❤️

  • ladlegirl
    ladlegirl Member Posts: 2

    Hello everyone. I'm also newly diagnosed just last week with RA and separately with Fibromyalgia. I'm 40.

    I had a short trial of Steroids which really worked. I'm waiting now on my prescriptions for Methotrexate, Folic Acid, steroids, and my Phosphate is low (?!) So have to get a short course of supplements.

    I do already have some other chronic illnesses (Type 3C diabetes, Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, Hypothyroidism) so I'm trying to get my head around all this new information as well.

    I'm relieved there is treatment and also a community such as this.

    Thank you for reading.

  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,186

    Hello @ladlegirl and welcome to the Online Community. We are a friendly and supportive group and I hope that will be your experience as well.

    I see that you are about to start methotrexate, from what others say on here it seems to take a few weeks to work so bear with it. I've put some information below that you might find of help.


    I hope it helps you. If you have any more questions just raise them on the community and I am sure others will connect with you and share their support and experience. Please let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm