Pain but no swelling?

For several years both my knees get incredibly painful and swell. Sometimes so much I can't bend them at all! I've been told it might be seronegative inflammatory arthritis but nothing solid as yet.

Over the last few months I've had pain in my l fingers which is sharp and sudden, some redness but zero visible swelling. My grip sometimes let's me down and I drop things. I've also had pain in my mid back that takes my breath away. I've told the rheumatologist but they don't seem to be interested.

Does anyone else get pain but without any swelling? Or anything similar? I don't believe it's in my head because it really hurts but the dismissal from the rheum makes me think it can't be related to anything arthritic


  • Loggiemod
    Loggiemod Member Posts: 240

    Hello @Ajagpd I have had pain oin my hands and very much reduced grip for a few years, but there are no visible signs of any problems so I know what you mean.