RA, rituximab and everything…
hi gang, I’m new on here but have had sero negative RA diagnosis for ten+ years. Last year I had first two infusions of rituximab. My rheumatologist seemed fairly delighted my inflammation markers had reduced significantly but honestly I’m in agony with especially my hands. You can’t do anything without them!! My gp…
Osteoarthritis…. Any advice
I’ve recently been told I have osteoarthritis in my left big toe and in my hands. I have been told I have degenerative conditions in my right knee and to be so much more careful with my activity. many advice would be greatly appreciated. Any information regarding supplements etc … anything that may help. Thank you.
I have Fibromyalgia with neck pain and arthritis in my hands.
I have Fibromyalgia with neck pain and arthritis in my hands. The pain is minimal but I have chronic fatigue,dizziness and low mood I have tried umpteen drugs and I have just started Amitriptyline 10 mg which helps sleep but nothing else. However it is early days Any advice?
Avoiding finger exercises making OA worse
Hello, I have distal joint OA in my thumbs and little fingers, with a heberden's node on the little finger of my left (non-dominant) hand. I've had a course of physio and so know the basic set of finger exercises, but I have specific questions that I can't find answer to online. 1. Strength exercises I"ve been given and…
Using stressball for hand arthritis
I have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right hand and I am using a stressball for exercising the fingers. I am wondering if I might be over-doing it. Is there any guidance as to how frequently I should be using the stressball ?
Leather gloves
Hi folks, new here so hoping I am not breaking any of the guidelines with my question (I don't think I am, but the fibro fog is hitting hard today!) My mum has her heart set on a pair of leather gloves for Christmas, but she has really bad arthritis in her hands, so her knuckles are too swollen for most ladies gloves. Is…
Swimming gloves for Aqua Classes
hi, just discovered this community! I am recently diagnosed with arthritis in my thumbs. I love my Aqua classes but am finding that the foam weights we use are very hard on my hands. The instructor mentioned to try swim gloves instead. The pool is heated. Any comments before I buy?? I also spend lots of time in cold hockey…
Steroid injection.
Hello, I’m new here. I’ve recently been diagnosed with bilateral basal thumb arthritis which is causing a lot of pain. I also have arthritis in my feet and knees which was only diagnosed at the end of 2023. I have an appointment booked next week to have steroid injections in both my hands. I was wondering what to expect…
Post Trapeziectomy Hand Therapy
Hi All I hope this is permitted, I have attached here the PDF document my brilliant hand therapist gave me in 2020 which I stuck to religiously and it works. @Zuccho77 following our chats on your threads you might like to try these. I hope others find it useful. Please ignore the notes in the margins - recovery isn't a one…
Feeling lost - needing a diagnosis
Hi everyone, Apologies for the long post. I'm feeling rather dejected and lost. Approximately 8 weeks ago I began experiencing pain in the knuckles of both index fingers and middle fingers. Gradually got worse with redness, swelling (weirdly worse in my left hand), increased pain, and the pain spreading to my wrists. I…
Childproof medicine bottles
Does anyone have any tips for opening childproof medicine bottles? I've just totally failed to give my daughter her antihistamine and has to get my husband to help 😭
Non Specific Arthralgia
Hello, I recently visited my gp to ask for help in discussing my pain with work and he said the Rheumatology report notes I have non specific arthralgia, could anyone help with what this means please? At a previous appointment with Orthopedics I was advised I have wear and tear (i think this means osteoarthritis?) in my…
Advice on index fingers!
Hello, Does anyone have advice on dealing with osteoarthritis in the first joint of both index fingers. It’s really painful and seems to alternately sting, burn and throb. I take codeine for other joints, but my fingers still seem to hurt and are making it hard to use a mouse, type, cook and weirdly are my biggest barrier…
Hand OA
Hi Everyone I have recently developed hand OA (I am 56) and have particular pain in my right middle finger which feels almost like a wasp sting. Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might be able to alleviate the pain or does anyone suffer with the same thing? Thank you
Supporting a friend through Arthitis.
Hello everyone, A close friend of mine is waiting on a diagnosis.It is mostly confirmed to be Inflammatory Arthritis. Confusion reigns because she is in her late teens. She finds it hard to do a lot of things like writing, lifting and sometimes even texting because of how hard her wrists make it for her. It's also…
Looking for solutions and need some advice...
My grandparents suffer from arthritis meaning they can no longer complete most tasks at home and need a lot of help, especially during celebrations and family events. I was wondering if anyone has tried using gadgets to help them out and whether they are worth trying so I've made a google form for some feedback. Feel free…
Dip joint fusion. Should I do it?
Hi everyone. I am 50 yrs old and have had oa (hands, fingers, feet, shoulders and lower back and neck), and fibromyalgia for many years. Along with other health issues. My Ortho consultant has offered me dip joint fusion surgery. I was all for it, but reading up about it, the recovery seems quite harsh. I still work 4 days…
HRT and hand arthritis
Hello everyone - I'm a new member. Ive had to stop taking HRT and my hand arthritis has returned with a vengeance, particularly in my dominant left hand. It gets worse when I write or do crochet and I also get pins and needles and numbness. Any suggestions?
Back to Work
Just finished my first week back after a long Christmas break and last week's OA diagnosis. Yes, I've been aware of soreness in my hands for some time but this week felt worse and I'm very sore this morning. I'm trying to decide if it suddenly flared over the holidays or if now knowing what it is has made me more aware of…
Wrong diagnosis of wrist pain
I've had mild arthritis at the base of my thumbs for years. Recently, I experienced quite severe pain in my wrist, which came on fairly suddenly, and went to the GP about it. He said it was arthritis and to take painkillers. While browsing in here, I discovered that there are specialist hand therapists, so I searched and…
Recently told I have OA
Been recently told i have Osteoarthritus its in my hands knees feet wrists and neck.I think i must be having a flare up at moment as it hurts so bad.As anyone got any ideas how i can ease this pain.Doctor has only given me some gell im alergic to ibrufen and asprin.
How has arthritis changed what you do for enjoyment?
When I was first diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 16 years ago I was pretty devastated. One of main problems in the early days was fatigue - I seemed to have no energy for anything other than the absolute basics. And for a while I did nothing but those basics. Pre-RA there were two main things that I did for…
Increasing arthritis pain
I have had arthritis in my hands for some years, but it has never been bad enough to really affect my life. Within the past month it has become much worse. I am an artist working with fabrics through embroidery and print, so you can understand my worry. I have had steroid injections in the past which have been very…
Diagnosis without blood test- help please :(
Hi, I hope this is okay to ask, I have been back & forth with my GP for over a year with many symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis- but due to a crippling fear of needles I have been unable to have the blood tests done to give a definite diagnosis. I know the blood test won't hurt, I know the fear is silly, but I have tried…
Hand weirdness!?
Hi there, I'm recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and in the last few days have noticed my little fingers have started to point outwards and are a bit twisted. I'm assuming this is another lovely symptom on my new diagnosis!? 😏