New, 66, Alone, In A OA Flare, No Pain Relief, Trying To Avoid Depression/Anxiety!

TessaTeapot Member Posts: 3
edited 16. Jan 2025, 12:33 in Living with arthritis

Hello, I'm 66, new to the VA Forum, it's good to see so many people here using it. Please bear with this lengthy post. My anterior THRs were done in 2016 and 2017 but it now feels like OA is all over, particularly the spine, neck (both of these were fractured in a fall last year), hands + trigger fingers (tendons), and most of the larger joints, shoulders, elbows, left knee. I have seen physios and had exercise advice, plus a course of 12 group NHS classes in summer this year.

Atm, I'm struggling with a flare that started as the weather turned colder. I hear that's pretty common. Sleep has been affected. I'm retired so I can at least rest. I'm struggling to do exercise as everything hurts. I did change to Chair Yoga from standard Yoga but have now missed 2 weeks as in too much pain to go. I have compression gloves for the hands. I'm trying not to feel isolated, though I'm widowed so that can't be helped. I've pushed myself to go to a couple of gentle events with friends over the last week but reluctant to do anything much now, as I always seem to have some payback! I only know one other person amongst my friends who has OA, and she's struggling too at the moment.

It'd be good not to feel so alone, and if anyone has tips on pain relief, please let me know. I find no relief in over the counter meds, and have had Tramadol, strong Cocodamol, injections in shoulder (short lived pain relief) and others prescribed in the past - but they don't seem to deal with the pain. When they gave me Oramorph I found it impractical as I kept nodding off at inappropriate times, missing appointments/events, etc! :-) I have tried hot water bottles/Biofreeze gel, but feel like I need a giant hot water bottle all over.

If anyone else is in the same boat, then I feel for you! I doubt I'm the first to post like this and probably won't be the last. And, if anyone has any particular helpful tips, for either physical or mental health during a painful flare, then please feel free to share them! Thanks for reading this. 😊


  • deny63
    deny63 Member Posts: 7

    hello I'm Denise new to the group I'm 61 and I've been struggling with my anxiety I have psoriatic arthritis 9 years treatment I've been on has done nothing for me side affects of the methotrexate was horrible I've got to start a new biological drug this week called adalimumab and my anxiety is over the roof and I scared of the unknown

  • MaryL44
    MaryL44 Moderator Posts: 150

    Hi @TessaTeapot .

    Welcome to the Community. We are a friendly and supportive group and I hope that will be your experience as well.

    So sorry to hear how bad you're feeling. Arthritis is often unforgiving. Our website is a mine of information so do look at it. You might be particularly interested in:

    Personally, when I'm feeling down, I will just sit infront of the laptop and go through all sorts of posts on the Versus Arthritis website. Knowledge is power and it helps to know that you are not alone in your situation. There are so many of us who feel your pain.

    Also, our community members will have vast experience and can empathise with you because many of us will have been or are going through the same issues so keep checking back here for their responses.

    Please keep posting now you are here and let us know how you are getting on.

    By the way I love the name. You've obviously still got a sense of humour. 🤣

    Best wishes


    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Hi Denise, well I've just looked up psoriatic arthritis and I see you have other symptoms on top of the pain, too. That's really tough. I get it must be nerve-wracking trying another med for the problems but wishing you good luck, you never know it might be the one to help you. They need to let you know of any potential side effects, so that you then have "informed consent".

    I am at my wits end about any meds now. I wrote to GP Surgery last week about pain relief but they've not come back to me, so I think even my GP has given up. 🤦‍♀️ But hey, I see I've had another helpful reply here so I'll look at the suggested links for my issues. At least being here, we know we're not totally alone with it all. 🙂

  • Thank you, @MaryL44

    Yes, I think my sense of humour has always carried me through things! But it's wilting a bit atm. Thank you for the info links you've given me here. I'll check them out. Yes, I think I'll try discovering all the different topics. I imagine many people will have gone through the same or similar experiences. Certainly feel less alone now I've found this Forum! 😊

  • jaybees
    jaybees Member Posts: 13

    Hi, I've just sent another post as feeling fed up. I can really sympathise with you and am hoping warmer weather will ease things. Many people can easily look at things online but I see you have neck problems like me and will understand the difficulties. I have just bought a heated blanket which is warm and comforting plus I have a small head pad for my back so feel cocooned. It's important to keep moving as much as able even though not easy.

    If feeling miserable I try to watch something amusing or engrossing on TV or chat with friends or sometimes just curl up in bed and have a snooze, maybe hibernation is the way to go !

    Will leave now as neck has had enough😕

    Take care and hope you find something that helps as no-one seems to have a magic wand handy ! xx😊