Static Bike

Hello! Haven’t posted much or for a while!

Please can anyone advise?

I’ve just had steroid jabs in knees.

Orthopaedic Surgeon pleased I am exercising and trying to strengthen muscles. Suggested I try a static bike.

Has anybody got any advice re where to go to buy one? I do not intend to do Peleton!,,, However I would like to get one which feels stable but preferably doesn’t take up too much room. ( Not foldable!)



  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 160

    The options for purchasing a static bike are endless so it's really a matter of finance and personal choice plus space for accommodating the bike indoors. It may also be worth considering that this is a solitary pursuit so doesn't suit all.

    If there are vacancies on local leisure centre classes a useful start is to join a beginners' class and discover what functions you need and how to adjust the bike to your specific requirements. In my experience these classes are extremely popular so may have long waiting lists but instructors are usually accommodating of physical limitations and it can be good fun to be part of a group.

    Do as much research as possible - mostly online - and decide on two or three models that you can then look for on sales sites and locate in sales showrooms where you can try without buying. Whether you then look for used or new depends on the depth of your pockets!

    If you find the right bike this is an excellent way of exercising but you need to take time before spending your hard-earned cash. Enjoy the search but don't look for more sophistication than you need!

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 852

    Hi @Gillyflower68

    I'd agree with all @crinkly has said. It was suggested to me that I try cycling to help my knees. I looked into getting an exercise bike that was substantial but the weight and space taken up by these is quite a good amount of real estate unless you've got a spare room. If you've got access to a bicycle then getting a cycle trainer which clamps onto the rear wheel might be an option - that's what I did. The bike stores in the shed and the cycle trainer collapses small in a cupboard. It sets up in minutes and I can use it indoors or outside under the gazebo. It also means you've got a road bicycle if you want different scenery.

  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 163

    "However I would like to get one which feels stable but preferably doesn’t take up too much room. ( Not foldable!)"

    Foldable and stable needn't be mutually exclusive (if that's what you mean?). I bought a semi recumbent bike that folds about two years ago, never had to fold it but it's as steady as a rock. There are loads of sites listing the top bikes on offer.

    One thing I would say is to get one with a decent digital readout or you'll get bored (feeling virtuous wears off after about 800 miles!).

    Oh and don't get a friction one - waste of money. Get a magnetic resistance or better.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,921

    Some great replies here for you @Gillyflower68

    Do let us know what you decide to get and how you get on with it.😊

    Best wishes
