

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    My wife used to be the untidiest person ever, I used to moan and say it was like living with a teenager but she is 12 years younger than me and I met her when she was 23. Now I can’t tidy up all the time she is really good at keeping the mess down to a minimum most of the time. I have a blitz tidy now and again but if I’m really grumpy she’ll tidy up coz she knows it always improves my mood.

    I sometimes say i’m off to the music bunker coz it’s the only room that’s tidy. We do have a very small cottage though and a lot of stuff so it’s difficult to keep tidy all the time. Especially with a 2 yo on the loose.

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    I know what you mean. Only the other day I was saying to some fellow sufferers that in order to cope with the arthritis and life, the rest of life has to go perfectly. Unrealistic I know, but it is hard to cope with things going wrong in your body and in life in general.

    I never wanted to be grumpy, but I am now. And like you, I was quite often just grumpy in my own company. But with people I find irritating, I can no longer put up with them and cut them out. Not nice, but there is a limit to what any individual can be expected to tolerate.

    And people who try and say that we're just bring mardy (a local saying for sulky) wait until you have to live with constant pain and everything becomes a chore to endure.

    Grump away!!


  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    This is exactly right in every way 100%

    I could not have written it betterer.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,750

    @Trish9556 , I have resorted to flinging the laundry down the stairs too. On really bad days I was also known to fling my crutches with gusto after they’d clattered to the floor for the umpteenth time or battered my ankles again. A particularly stupid move, as I then had to sheepishly work out how to get them back. 🙄😂

    @Baloo , I developed a very successful policy for re-prioritising jobs. I had a mental ****** bucket (what rhymes with bucket...? 😳😂.) If delaying doing something wouldn’t result in the world grinding to a halt, it was mentally flung into the bucket. Works brilliantly. Ironing is a long gone thing of the past, dusting only when “visitors with standards” are coming, tidying restricted to max 5 mins a day. Best not put your tax return in there though. And thank heaven Mr LM does the cooking. 😂

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    Love this. Really made me smile.

    I’m gonna get me one of those buckets.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 769


    You could pretend you're a mermaid retrieving lost treasure from the bottom of the sea when retrieving your crutches alternatively sit and swear at them loudly. After all it is their fault you had to throw them xx

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 531

    Taking out your angst against inanimate objects is something I would recommend. Its nobody's fault really. Box therapy is quite a good start. Get a cardboard box and kick it around the house. Crutch tossing or even stick throwing, sounds more like an outdoor thing for the local park. I move too slowly these days for anything too aggressive. I think the closest I get is heaving the rubbish into the container bin with one bad arm, while the lid is propped up with my crutch in the other bad arm, there is something oddly satisfying about it. I could use some kind of marching chant for when my legs ache too much though. Ugh Ugh doesn't really cut the mustard.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 769

    Hmmm stick throwing and crutch tossing sound like the arthritis games versions of caber tossing. It could make for an enormous game of pick up sticks after the pub has shut

    Trish xc

  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 161
    edited 7. Jan 2023, 22:00

    'Only the other day I was saying to some fellow sufferers that in order to cope with the arthritis and life, the rest of life has to go perfectly'

    'But with people I find irritating, I can no longer put up with them and cut them out'


    'Must one hate a demon that makes one live? If one lives: No' - DH Lawrence, The Prussian Officer.

    My coping strategy is to live by myself: do sculpting and drawing.

  • Sandrabea
    Sandrabea Member Posts: 2

    I know exactly how you feel, I get so grumpy with the pain, my husband is my carer and he does his best but the house is so untidy, until I got to the point I could do the house work my home was spotless apart from when our daughters were young, but I tidied when they were in bed

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 866

    Welcome @Sandrabea to the online community.

    Sorry to highjack the thread to welcome a new member. It is great to hear from you and for your first post to be in support of others. Pain, grumpiness and frustration at lots of everyday matters all seem part and parcel of living with arthritis. So this thread has been a great channel for venting all that we don't necessarily want or can share with significant others.

    Long may it continue........

    Take care everyone

    Poppyjane ( Moderator)

    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.