Arm ache

Fairly new here and only two months into meds but does anyone suffer with arm ache, and I mean to the point I can hardly lift my arms up some days 😩 I write a pain log so I have any questions I can ask when I’m seen, but I really don’t know what’s normal and what isn’t ☺️

Rach x



  • MissA
    MissA Member Posts: 58

    Hi Rach,

    I’m sorry you’re in pain. I have rheumatoid arthritis & for the last 2 days I’ve had inflammation in my right elbow which seems to radiate up to my shoulder. My left elbow is affected too but not as much. I too find it hard to raise my arm especially when trying to put my hair up, the muscle between my elbow & shoulder seems to go into spasm when I try. It’s also hard to find a comfortable position for my arm when sleeping. For me I would class this as an arthritis flare, which I’m hoping will pass in 48 hours but I’m not back on my usual meds yet, following a knee op, so I guess the flare may last longer.

    I find a hot water bottle for 10 mins followed by an ice pack for another 10 mins on the inflamed area can ease the pain as well as taking my prescribed anti-inflammatories.

    We are all different & can perceive pain differently, maybe some of what I have said you will find familiar, either way I hope you get some relief from the pain soon.

  • Rachibob89
    Rachibob89 Member Posts: 17

    Aww I try the heat but I don’t try cold so I will give that shot thank you! X

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    I will join you @Rachibob89 but for the first go I will only chill my heat pad in the fridge. When my arms flare up it feels like I have been punched in the arm. The pain is deceptive its not really from my arms. I am fairly certain its a tendon in the shoulder causing the trouble, which is something can only be learnt from scans or physio.

  • Rachibob89
    Rachibob89 Member Posts: 17

    Yeh I went to a physio not so long ago and he told me it all stemmed from neck and to treat arms like branches that leads to something else so I can believe that, I think it might be my shoulder joints that are tender but it’s weird getting it in so many places even my jaw ! X

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    Well, I wore a cool pad to bed. When I woke up I worked the bad shoulder and made sure I can hear the sinews crackling and moved my arm in directions it wanted to go until the sinew popped. Then made sure I got up in a way that wasn't hurting my arm. Who knows if that works.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    Um, that kind of worked so I will try it again a few times. If the flare up will go away that would be rather useful.

  • Rachibob89
    Rachibob89 Member Posts: 17

    Mine is bad today and one knee 😭 does moving make it worse I feel like sitting down makes it it worst cause your not walking it off , I don’t know what’s right or wrong x

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    There seems to be accepted wisdom with some of these things, so its easier to decide. Like, a joint does better when the surroundings are made stronger.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    I've always been told by physios to do strengthening exercises when things are reasonably good and just to take each joint through tange of movement ones when flaring. It works for me.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Rachibob89
    Rachibob89 Member Posts: 17

    Thanks guys I appreciate it xx

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    Remission from arm ache day 4. Aside from wearing a cool pad to bed on my shoulders, I made sure I was getting into bed and out of bed in a way that didn't make my arms hurt. The result was immediate remission from an arm ache that had been plaguing me ever since trying to visit the gymn. It wasn't being caused by the gym the ache was being prolonged by getting up painfully on my arms several times every night.

  • Rachibob89
    Rachibob89 Member Posts: 17

    What is this cool pad you explain is it an arm one? X

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    It's like a fuffy bean bag, a bit like a flight pillow that people wear on aeroplanes to help them sleep, except it can be warmed up in the microwave or chilled in the fridge for more comfort. In fact, when I first had my arthritis attack I did actually wear a pump up flight pillow in bed to relieve the horrible pain.

  • Sarah1007
    Sarah1007 Member Posts: 3

    Hi, I’m new here (today) and very recently diagnosed with RA. This is useful thanks as moztly affects my hands and wrists but less so my arms which feels SO different, like an injury and hadn’t thought shoulders and arms as branches🤞🏼 thanks all

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Hi @Sarah1007 A quick welcome.

    (apologies @Rachibob89 for the hijack)

    I'm so glad the posts are already helping you and very much hope you'll decide to stay and become an active member of this lovely community.

    I noticed you are very recently diagnosed which is a very tough time. I wondered whether you'd like to read this information:

    In addition this could link you to something happening in your local area if you are interested anything from groups to online exercise classes:

    My best wishes


  • Sarah1007
    Sarah1007 Member Posts: 3

    Hi, I’m new here (today) and very recently diagnosed with RA. This is useful thanks as moztly affects my hands and wrists but less so my arms which feels SO different, like an injury and hadn’t thought shoulders and arms as branches🤞🏼 thanks all

  • Rachibob89
    Rachibob89 Member Posts: 17

    Welcome girl! I’m a new year I’m 3 months into meds and every day is different ISNT it! Xx

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    Happy easter, aches and pains permitting. How is the pain log going. I look back on mine sometimes and think, gosh, yes it does change.

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 363

    Seem to be in pain most of the time too. It stinks.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    looks like I'm set right back to a set of physio exercises for rotator cuff injury, where you quite literally use your good arm to lift up your bad arm. Better get on with doing them I suppose.

  • Rachibob89
    Rachibob89 Member Posts: 17

    Happy easteri did look back and mine and I don’t cry in the night as much with the pain it’s gone to more of a stiffness now but I attempted 2 seated workouts this week, I want to build my strength up ☺️ But my right arm at the top has a horrible dull ache which Iv had all week

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 482

    @Rachibob89 Hiya! I’ve had it for a little over a year now, and I recall it took 3 months for the MTX to take effect. I used chilled gel wraps, that you can get fairly cheap from Amazon. The ones I had were like bandages with pockets to put the gel packs in, and then wrap each bandage round your knees and elbows. The gel packs are kept in the freezer or fridge and the cooling effect lasts hours, reducing inflammation.

    cold showers esp over the hot joints also helped, and studies of the Scandinavian practice of sauna & ice dips lowers inflammation in the population. I have neither, but a detachable shower head works just as well, so I would have hot & cold showers. The cold really helped.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    Sounds good. My shoulder ache isn't RA unless RA stands for really awkward. I started rotator cuff physio to get the movement back. I know something is up if I lie down on my back with arms by my side, I can't lift my left arm, the shoulder just cries out in pain unless I take the weight off with my other arm. Not so bad if I stand up and try to lift the arm sideways but bad enough.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 537

    Pushed my microwave shoulder heating pad into the fridge for some cold therapy. Takes longer to go cold than microwaving but there is usually room in the fridge. The pad is fluffy so there's no cold shock. I more and more fancy a sauna though. Never tried a sauna.