
kenbo Member Posts: 20
edited 11. Aug 2022, 12:25 in Living with arthritis


I joined this group many months ago but for some reason i have never posted anything. I have mild osteoarthritis in all of my major joints, as well as my L big toe. Gouty as i have heard it described. As a semi retired nurse, even i am struggling to cope with this condition. Pain is a constant which never rests. The tiredness creates variable moods. My question how can the body and mind continue to facilitate this ongoing torment. I have had arthritis for many years by the way.


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The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!


  • Sunnyside_12
    Sunnyside_12 Member Posts: 27

    Hi Kenbo I feel your pain, I have osteoarthritis in both hips and I have depression and loneliness, it's difficult to maintain positive, but I have been trying to keep up with exercises, I also have an old dog, which has accidents in my home. I find the pain worse in the mornings, my appetite has gone just lately, think constantly being in pain doesn't help. I split up few weeks back from ex, he wasn't supportive, by his way of drinking beers and throwing in my face how much he did for me, which wasn't much. 😂

    I think to myself it will get better one day.

    All the best Ruth

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 116

    Hi Ruth,

    I know exactly what you mean. I have arthritis everywhere and my new joint in my knee is playing up. The swimming pool where I did brilliant water workout classes is closed now and I can't get to the others by public transport! Some days are awful. But I have had this now for over 30 years (I'm 70 now).

    My GP changed my pain killers recently because I had been on them for so long (although I didn't always take full dose as I didn't want to be hooked) and that has made a huge difference.

    I do gentle exercise ( the videos on VA are great and you can just do what you can cope with) and my garden has been a huge blessing. I also write a diary each day and try to find one positive thing to to put in it. I often set myself a tiny goal e.g. tidy the laundry cupboard or bash the cushions (good for frustration|) etc. per day. Gives you something to look back at and say that you achieved something - even a small thing.

    I'm also learning Welsh. You could try a language. Duo-lingo is brilliant and doesn't cost anything and it helps focus and take your mind off things. I can no longer play the instruments I used to but do listen to music instead on radio and CDs.

    I have found SKPE/Zoom useful for keeping in touch with folks I can no longer visit.

    Hope this might give you some ideas about what to try out that might work for you.

    I just need a new skeleton 5'3" in good condition. You don't have a spare in your cupboard, do you?

    Anyway, good luck.

  • Sunnyside_12
    Sunnyside_12 Member Posts: 27

    Hi moira

    Thank you for your kind words. I have been looking at Tai Chi, going to speak with my physio tomorrow about it, I have been feeling little better mentally today Sunday. I have a daughter not far in village nearby, I'm going to visit her this Tuesday, I have sorted a cleaner to clean once a week, which will help. I try exercises physio has given me each day, very difficult, knowing pain is worse. Hope you have had a good day and the new tablets are working well for you. I take naproxen but try miss some days, because body gets use to them.

    All the Best Ruth

  • kenbo
    kenbo Member Posts: 20

    Good afternoon everyone. I am aware I do far too much. I'm repeatedly being told off by my wife. My R knee has decided to play up, while I was walking around Sainsbury's. Luckily I had a trolley, so I hobbled about and made it to the car. It's not the first time this has happened. But it's certainly the most painful 'ouch' I've had in my knee.

  • kenbo
    kenbo Member Posts: 20

    Morning folks! How do you slow down and relax? It's one thing I fail at dramatically. I've had Osteoarthritis for a long time and have a non stop, keep moving, keep living strategy. As as a lifestyle choice. After all "it's only pain" is my motto to continue my progress. It's not anxiety from the condition by the way. I just find it difficult to relax.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    @kenbo I am aware you might be a can't stop jet set type of person. A comment from a fellow high speed person might help, but meanwhile have you tried mindfulness.

    Im natural slow speed. Mindfulness can teach to how to slow up on demand, in a round about sort of way. I found myself rather sceptical of slowing down even slower, but gave it a go using a mindfulness app to assist.

    The breathing thing was strange to learn about, but I will have to say the first time I tried to calm down in the midst of a crisis, just by breathing, it worked wonders. The system remembered what to do and just got on with it.

  • nett
    nett Member Posts: 2

    I’ve had osteoarthritis for some time and in many joints the worst being my hips which impacts everyday life. I do try very hard to take a “positive” and a “give it a go” approach. I recently moved house and I can’t believe how packing boxes etc has triggered a major flare up I am genuinely finding it hard to cope with the pain. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated 😁

  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 772

    Hi @nett

    Welcome to the versus arthritis forum.

    You suffer with osteoarthritis, particularly in your hips. Managing the pain associated with flare-ups is proving challenging so you’d like to hear from any forum members who have any suggestions.

    In the interim, these links to our website may be of interest:

    I hope you receive some useful feedback.

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • kenbo
    kenbo Member Posts: 20

    Hi Baloo

    Thanks for your kind comments. I wish I was a jet setter, sadly just a person who can't slow down for my own good. Mindfulness is helpful, but my inner racing mind always beat it up.

  • Brads27
    Brads27 Member Posts: 10

    I'm 70 next year,I have severe arthritis in both knees. 5 Years ago I spoke to my GP and he said lose 3 stone and I'll put you on the list for knee replacements.I lost the 3 stone and my knees felt better so I didn't go on the list. Now my knees feel really bad so I went to the doctor's and they are all new ones. I spoke to a female GP and she asked if I do exercise,I said I take my dog out three times a day, she said if I can walk a mile I'll never get new knees.I have took up crown green bowling and my knees feel better while I'm playing. I used to go swimming but now I'm to busy playing bowls.

  • MandyN7
    MandyN7 Member Posts: 3
    edited 19. Nov 2023, 13:25

    Hi all

    This is my 1st tie joining a forum. 😊

    I’ve been diagnosed with moderate osteoarthritis in my left knee & have started to suffer more with it over the last year. I am 54, & I injured it in March when it gave way whilst walking & partially tore my meniscus, to which I was then absent from work for over 2 months! And just over 5 weeks ago, had an arthroscopy to remove loose bone, a debridement & flush through. I’m still feeling some discomfort in the knee, but doing physio exercises daily, but at the moment, not feeling a great deal of difference. I’m just hoping in time, it may start to feel a bit easier. I’ve also been diagnosed with Patella Tendinitis in right knee due to over compensating, so wear different supports on both knees! 😟 I was an avid walker, as don’t drive, so walked most places, before this happened & feel that I’ve lost an awful lot of confidence. I use a stick when I leave the house as at times, it still feels slightly unstable & am paranoid it will happen again. I just hope in time, I can get back to some sort of normal.

  • AN9
    AN9 Member Posts: 2

    Hello everyone. I have osteoarthritis in my knees and shoulders. I found out after a fall I had about three years ago.

    But it only started flaring up badly over the last year. Sometimes the aching and any sharp movements can feel almost unbearable. It's relentless.

    I'm taking co-codamol for it at the moment, but it doesn't do much apart from knock me out and make me want to sleep all the time.

    I work, so I have to rely on Voltarol which doesn't do a lot. Is there anyone here who has found pain relief that doesn't make you drowsy?

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Hi @AN9 a quick hello and welcome from me.

    There are other medications people take for their pain some swear by capsaicin (prescription only) some take anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or prescription versions.

    It may be worth seeing your G for advice?

    I am just going too add a link o some gentle exercises which might help your joints a little too.

    Best wishes


  • Antheia
    Antheia Member Posts: 1
    edited 20. Jan 2024, 09:44

    Hello everyone, like Kenbo I have just joined . I and am a little confused about what is going on, have I had a flare or is this something else .

    For years I have had a problem standing up for long and was diagnosed with a VitD deficiency, I take VD3 on prescription.

    Then came pain in my right hip 2 years ago, no NHS physiotherapy available for 3 months so I saw a private phiso who was wonderful and got me moving and advised an x ray . She gave me a programme of stretching exercises which I continued after the treatment ended .The X ray revealed a degree of scoliosis/ severe OArthritis in my right hip and lower spine, and moderate OArthritis in my left hip. I carried on with my daily walks 2 miles + a day every day.

    Over the following 2 years I experienced more difficulty walking and standing, but I carried on with my 2 miles a day with difficulty but determination. I also have Atrial Fibrillation which leaves me exhausted .Last autumn I had a cardiac ablation for the AF, wires through tiny holes in the groin to the heart. Afterwards my right leg from top to knee was black and excessive bleeding from the groin meant I had to have pressure applied to my upper thigh for 5 hours, the pain was excruciating. The thigh healed in a couple of weeks.

    Next came pain in my right thigh and my right leg giving way , luckily I use a stick which prevented my falling most of the time .

    I have had 2.5 months of nightmare pain in my right thigh, I couldn't lift my right leg more than an inch , couldn't sit down because the back of my thigh was too painful, took ages to get into bed, couldn't bend without great difficulty, couldn't have a bath or shower because I can't lift my leg into the bath, standing only possible for a few moments, walking reduced to a short stagger . I am on medication for me Atrial Fibrillation which restricts painkillers to paracetamol which don't do much . I really didn't know how I was going to exist like this . I had to stop the excercise programme because of the pain in my right thigh, it was unbearable and I really wanted to scream and had to bite my lip. I also have pain in my hips and lower spine but that is bearable.

    I had another x ray which showed a deterioration in my right hip, I saw a Muscular Skeletal lead who said I need a right hip replacement but can't have one until my heart condition is stable (the ablation was not successful I need a second one) .

    My confusion is this, the last couple of days the pain in my right thigh has improved and I can walk better and climb the stairs bending my leg...

    Why the improvement after 2.5 months of hell, what this a 'flare up'

    Did inflammation from the cardiac ablation affect my thigh casing the pain,.

    I am now walking a bit up to half a mile a day when I can but scared to begin my stretching exercise programme again for fear of bringing back the pain .I have applied for NHS physiotherapy and have been waiting 2 months so far . I use hot and cold pads daily .

    Any comments welcome , thank you.

  • Denis68
    Denis68 Member Posts: 60

    I have no experience of AF but it sounds plausible that it was that which affected your thigh.

    Another thing it could be is your pain thresholds adjusting, your body deciding you could take it if you like.

    I had a similar experience in going from daily maximum doses of pain killers to none for two years until my Op - this was due to a conscious decision to ignore the pain. It's quite possible it can happen subconsciously too

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The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!

Hi, Welcome!

The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!