Coping with arthritis from a young age

rosiematthews837 Member Posts: 1
edited 23. Feb 2025, 09:15 in Young people's community


Im new to this so I don’t know how it works, but just thought I would come on here and say a little bit about myself

My name is Rosie, I was diagnosed with arthritis and uveitis at the age of 1, I am now 20.I would say when I was younger I didn’t struggle with it as much, but as I have got older has made me for more and more like an outsider.For the most part my arthritis is under control however my uveitis has a tendency to flare up.When flare ups happen I tend to struggle the most as I think the worst.

I think the big thing for me is the common to terms with the fact that I have these illnesses and there’s not much I can do, which is a mental struggle for me a lot.

Whilst being at uni I learnt that not a lot of people are aware that younger people can struggle with diseases and I received a lot or rude comments surrounding me not drinking due to my medication.

Ive never met anyone in a situation to me and it would be lovely to hear other peoples stories 



  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,148
    edited 25. Jun 2024, 19:57

    Hi @rosiematthews837 and welcome to the online community,

    It’s certainly hard coming to terms with living with arthritis, especially when you’re so young, and flare ups can be so difficult to deal with. I’m a lot older than you and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when I was 19. It wasn’t always easy, but like you I went to university. I then had a rewarding career, married and had two daughters and still enjoy hiking and long haul travel. Life doesn’t end, it just takes us down a different path. Everyone here in the online community has experienced living with arthritis so you are in good company and I’m sure you’ll find other people around your age to chat to. If you check out the other posts in Young People’s community you’ll see that there are are several other members who have posted, wanting to make a connection with others in similar situations - perhaps you could respond to one of their posts? I’m sure they’d love to hear from you.

    Have you heard of ? It’s another online community specially created for young people - you might like to take a look at it.

    There have been a few other recent posts from members in the Young People’s forum- perhaps you could get in contact to have a chat with @catohara95 @MeVSRA @EmmaLeigh278456

    All the best,

    Anna ( Moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 363

    Hi Rosie.

    You have had Arthritis a very long time. I can’t imagine how that must have been growing up.

    It’s hard when people think you are a party pooper, because to have to avoid alcohol. You clearly haven’t let Arthritis get the better of you, going to uni. You should be proud of yourself.

    Maybe they should have a section on this website under 21’s. Suppose that is not PC these days, but it would be good for you young ones to have a section where you can share experiences etc. I’m knocking on at nearly 66 lol,mind you I reckon me and a few of the peeps on here could have played a better England game tonight, they were shocking.

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 363
  • EzzaAcko
    EzzaAcko Member Posts: 1

    Hi Rosie! I am recently 18 and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in February of this year so I am quite new to dealing with everything! I definitely understand how you feel when it comes to feeling like an outsider, I used to love a good party but now feel as though I sometimes bring the mood down now that I have become more fatigued and avoid alcohol more than I used to. However places like this and hearing other people's stories whether they are older or younger is nice to know as I realise I am not alone in this. Hope you are keeping well xx

  • MaryL44
    MaryL44 Moderator Posts: 159

    Hello  @EzzaAcko and welcome to the Community. We are a friendly and supportive group and I hope that will be your experience as well.

    Our website is a mine of information so do look at it. You might be particularly interested in:

    I hope you are able to follow the advice given by my colleague, Anna, above. It really does help to talk so have a look at the forums she mentions and make some contact with some others of our younger members.

    Also, our community members will have vast experience so keep checking back here for their responses.

    Please keep posting now you are here and let us know how you are getting on.

    Best wishes


    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Ari
    Ari Member Posts: 14

    @rosiematthews837 very sorry to hear dear I am 20 yrs old when I got diagnosed stay strong all will be alright

  • JIA_2004
    JIA_2004 Member Posts: 2

    hi Rosie, I was also diagnosed with arthritis age 1 and have had bouts of uveitis throughout my adult life. My diseases are relatively under control with medication, however I continue to struggle significantly with fatigue and depression/anxiety. I also often feel very misunderstood by those around me, and I still haven’t come to terms with the fact I have very little control over my diseases despite being 22 and having had these conditions the vast majority of my life. I have therapy which helps me cope, and a supportive boyfriend and family. I’m working on communicating my daily struggles better to my friends to help me feel less lonely and isolated. I hope you are able to find people you can connect with and I’m here if you want to talk :)