Pain 4 months after hip arthroscopy

jellyfish89 Member Posts: 6
edited 5. Oct 2024, 19:23 in Hints and Tips

Hey everyone.

I wanted to post on here because I'm looking for specific advice and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for online. So any and all responses are welcome.

Bit of back story: About 4 months ago, I had revision hip arthroscopy surgery. The first surgery I had fixed my cam and pincer impingement, and this recent surgery took away scar tissue inside the joint area. I have also been diagnosed with grade 2 and 3 osteoarthritis on my hip and femur bone.

So my recovery was going really well. Both the physio and doctor were amazed by my progress. However, about 6 weeks ago, I moved house and got a new job. During those 6 weeks, I skipped on my physio recovery programme as I was just so busy. Then, my hip really messed up and I haven't been able to walk on it for a month now. I've had to use a walking stick at all times when I leave the house and I've had huge on and off flare ups of pain. I've tried to rest for days at a time, take pain relief, walk a little on my own but then my hip just becomes so incredible painful.

I've spoken to my doctor and he says that the joint looks fine from the CT scan and that the pain could be from inflamed hip flexors and tight hamstrings. So, now I'm in the process of waiting for a new physio (as a result of moving house).

My questions are: Can the result of not doing physio 3 months after surgery really cause such a huge step back, to the point of not being able to walk without aid? Has anyone experienced something similar? And how long can muscles be inflamed for?

Thanks everyone!


  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @jellyfish89 I really can't answer your question, but I can imagine a physio is the person who can. Is there any way you can speed up an appointment, particularly as you are suffering so much?

    I had my hip replacement just over nine months ago, and whilst I have made really good progress if I miss my exercises for a few days I start to walk awkwardly and if I walk too far without sitting down for a few minutes along the way I have pain. But once I get my exercises back on track or rest a little then all is back to making good progress. I can imagine you could have hindered your recovery from all that's entailed with a house move and lack of exercise, and you need to get the appropriate exercises to help you. Physios really are remarkable and I do hope you get some help soon.

  • Hi Janlyn.
    Thanks so much for your response. It’s great to hear that your recovery is going well after a hip replacement. And yeah, I think you have a point, I could have hindered my progress. I’m trying to get in asap but you know what these things are like. Thanks again for your response and take care.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @jellyfish89 good luck with getting an early appointment and please let us know how you go on?