Val's Cafe
Hey Toady and Dachshund. Hope u all okay.
What happened with the snake?
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hey Reshmi, strange fotos, especially the loo rolls lol. Hope you all good and dad is behaving.
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hi toady
How are you tonight?
I dealt with a FB sleazy, cricket batted him into the next universe lol
These people never give up
Never mind I feasted on sugar food of the undisclosed variety
But don’t worry still eating in a balanced way mostly
Yes bread - ordering that could’ve been much worse
Just imagine if BR only consumed rye bread with his Toady Grey of a morning?
I’d have to arrange an al fresco delivery for 4 am just to be on the safe side lol
I was catching up on my texts and emails to friends today
As even by my standards the whole process had become exceedingly disorderly and chaotic lol
So bit of organisation in the chaos can only be a good thing 👍
Getting a bit sauna - like now
Mum has a routine kidney appointment at the hospital tomorrow, early morning again
I started my iron tablets yesterday, ferrous fumigate haha
Did make me feel a bit ookey but could’ve been worse I guess
If you could get the midnight milkman to supply some blearios just in case the the aristocratic littleys change their mind about what constitutes a gourmet breakfast repast, i would be very grateful lol
Have a good night toady tc xx
👋thanks SK lol, how are you?
well dad’s relatively behaving thanks - it could be worse
👋Toni how are you tonight? Sorry it’s sauna - time again
BR said he’s not a sous chef (he pronounces it Seuss chef lol) he’s the big chef and big brudder is the subordinate - oh dear! So fairy cake - baking with granny may become a challenge lol
Mum’s kidney appointment tomorrow
👋good night Toni SK Joan Jojo and S knee tc xx
ps time to procrastinate haha xx
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Morning Joan all went well at the hospital just took a few hours. History first then measurements then the 25 electrodes get attached. Then they do a 'normal' EEG including hyperventilation and strobe lights (takes about half an hour) then finally attaching Lucy up to a portable box.
I know no Coronation street! Football again🙄 still we have only just caught up with all the ones Paul recorded while we were away.
Have a good day Joan ((())) xxx
Morning Jojo that's good that you take paracetamol. Like you I can't take ibuprofen either, but paracetamol are good for milder stuff aren't they? Better for your stomach too in the long run. I'd rather take nothing though I bet you agree.
You have it sorted then for all of your animals while you're away. My daughter's brother in law he feeds anything scary and the dogs go with them. I do the cats. For my other two girls I do their cats for them they do mine. ((())) xxx
Morning Stuart I'm so glad Ollie is all done. Is he ok now? Poor little boy (()) still it's for the best. Hope your head is better now.
Well you know exactly what I think of hospitals then Skinny Keef the QE in Birmingham is where we found ourselves (me and Lucy via ambulance) when she had leukaemia so we spent a lot of time there it's a tough time isn't it? Luckily all is well now apart from the remaining epilepsy which is ongoing but manageable. No free parking (if you can find a space at all🙄) nope, but we did used to get a chemo pass back when she was really ill.
How are you feeling today yourself? well done getting out on the bike I bet that felt good. I am taking Sleek to the vet later in the Fig it just does our mental health so much good doesn't it?😊Sleek probably prefers it too🤭
Very good of you to cook for everyone in-laws and all they are very lucky.
No sign of Clapton in Antigua no Simon Cowell, Mick Jagger or even Elton John in Barbados😉
Take care((())) xxx
Reshmi how are you today? Doing ok I hope. Glad to hear your Mum got on ok. I reckon that patch has been a real help you know keeping things steady. Everyone should have one don't you think? Does she have to cover it in the bath?
Yes that's definitely how I picture RR! does he ever wear shades? I bet he does….
I could see you were rather running late yesterday I hope today is a bit less busy for you. Ablute. If it isn't a wrod already it jolly well ought too be!
Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
2 pairs of finches yesterday!!!! 2! How amazing is that? I need a camera well one to borrow really as my phone is good enough really. The bird pinching Paul's left overs I thought was their version of a Dunnock yes. We also had pigeons at breakfast keeping us company. But really you must must must eat outside when you can mustn't you. So rarely can you do that in the UK.
Elfie has calmed a little though he has taken possession of my sunglasses.
I suspect it will be at least Friday before I get near the greenhouse again, but you can't win 'em all can you? Just got to get through this week life should get easier.
Plotting and mumbling were you? Sounds perfect🤭 Sleek did say you two are busy thinking and planning. She thinks the little basil might do ok. Oh Toady let's hope we have a good gardening year! I must protect this shoulder at all costs. Last year was ruined by it wasn't it?
Hope your day is a good one Sleek will be over later after her J*A*B no a dicky bird eh?
Take care ((())) xxx
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morning all.
Toady, the mtx makes me feel rubbish for 24 hours, then I seem to be okay for 3 or 4 days, then the migraines start again. At least that is how it seems last couple of weeks. If I’m bad I still have a bad head all week. When i first started taking it it was like i was cured, but that didn’t last long which was a massive disappointment.Wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) Charlie knew it was a corn snake he took it and let it go in the hedge haven’t seen it again. I hope you have a good day. Are your neighbours still noisy.
Toni (()) the tests are for Lucy’s Epilepsy are they (()) she does so well with all her problems (()) have a good day all of you. How is Ayra I expect you noticed a difference in her.
Jojo (()) yes I know you have the dogs you are kept busy. Have a good day
Reshmi (()) how are you and your mum (()) have a good day
Stuart (()) how is Ollie after his op. Have a good day love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) I’m sorry you have the migraine’s. Love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning frogmorton I hope you are well yes parocetmol are good for mild pain and worse pain sometimes I need codeine although I'm trying to ease off them now I don't want to be addicted to them. Yeah I'm all covered for holidays. I'm pleased you have some help when you go on holiday.
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Thanks dachshund hope you have a good day too.
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Bad head again. Come on in last half hour. Was playing guitar but now can’t ☹️
Mtx day too. ☹️☹️
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hi Toni
Good afternoon
How are you today?
Mums ok 👍
Mum had a routine kidney blood test today early this morning
I’m tired but ok 🙏
Yes nasty weather for our skin
No kicking choc bar vending machines may not be kind on our knees
I’ll post later unless I fall asleep lol
Bye for now Toni tc xx
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Ollie had a tooth out spent the night spaced out. Took him down the vets this morning because he was not eating or drinking or been to the loo, so the vet rubbed an appetite cream on him, it worked the old Ollie is back!
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hi Toni
How are you?
I’ve made some notes and am trying to atone for my sins by answering old post(s)
A long time ago I had a very skinny pregnant colleague who was Jamaican I believe
She would eat the biggest portion of rice and peas you’ve ever seen in your life I lunchtime ha ha
yes both equine individuals will come to the holiday resort called Reading, but just for one night initially
no, I would not dare to present the anger out sign to my parents, I would explode in a fiery pool of magma
I agree with you this is definitely ookey skin season, however much I moisturise it never seems to be enoughno, I have not seen EF recently
However, Bill was in the middle of planning a Mother’s Day meal, well he started to plan it anyway but I’m not sure what’s happened. I think maybe he was distracted by something else but I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing EF for Mother’s Day although I don’t know exactly what the arrangements are yetokay I’ll leave it there for now Toni
have a good rest of the afternoon bye tc xx
👍greetings toady, Joan, JoJo, SK and S knee
Bye for now all and take care and tc xx
Ps image, I found on bin - terest Japanese, sweet potato bread, vegan xx
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Afternoon all 👋
Half asleep after a disturbed night, partly just unsettled, partly from outside, some sort of neighbourhood commotion 🙄 (best estate agent voice) it is a very nice neighbourhood honest 😬. Wish I'd given in and got up for a cup of tea round 2am it would save saved waking up twice.
Hope your day is better than that frog, have not been outdoors much myself. Two pairs of finches, oh super 😊 that's lovely to see & know they are there hopefully bagsing their territories. Yes we must please have a good gardening year, give at our best shot anyway, and you hang onto your shoulder (and your hollyhocks) so you have a sporting chance 👍️. I am a bit worried that as usual my seed list will sneak up on me, one minute plenty time for 'sow Feb/March' items, next week will suddenly go 'don't panic but it's not March anymore..' and yes the clocks, that's another marker 😬. This week looks nice so will apply myself if poss. I will give bulletins on the basil if they seem to be doing well, I have a thyme that I'm not sure intends to get going again 🤔 all my salvia look fine anyway. All the daffs from my mixed bag I bought are plain yellow daffs, where are my interesting ones 🤨 hmm. Hope you can get to the greenhouse soon - I have a third of a tidy garage 😄. Glad all went well with Lucy and good luck for tomorrow 👍️ what a week, poor Sleek too, I shall do some cat-mollifying if I can . Nice shades Elfie 😎 hang on to that holiday mood it will be your turn soon I expect 🏖️. Take care all & yes the week will pass 😘 xx
Hello Joan, yes the neighbour is still quiet maybe has finally run out of improvements thankfully. Not so quiet up the street here last night but have caught up today now as everything is ok and I had nothing to do myself. Might get some washing out tomorrow 😊 it looks really a very nice forecast for quite a way ahead if they don't sneak too much rain in. At least it is warm for the corn snake hopefully it will find itself a bolthole. At least it won't do anyone any harm. Have a good evening, it feels like Sunday to me 😮 I am often a day out but never this much 😄. Love to the dogs & yourself 😘 xx
Quick hi to bosh, yes I do hope there are no unforeseen supply chain issues with the littleys catering list 😬 can't rely on the milkman as you know, he might bring 'will o' the (rice) wispies' if there are no blearios 😱 it had better be belt & braces! Well done batting the sleazy person for six 👍️ yes there is no shortage and like the Pacman ghosts they do just keep coming 🙄. Hope your day has been ok so far and the ferrous fumigate is at least at single ook level and not double, and hope your mum got on alright of course. See you anon I will be napping shortly hope you get some rest in too 🤞 xx
Blah Keef 😟 I didn't realize that you felt the helpfulness of the meds had peaked, maybe just a blip I hope. Sorry symptoms have stopped play today and hope you have a better spell soon, if you are right about the pattern of the mxt then the head should improve tomorrow at least 🤞 best to everyone hope Sucré is getting on ok with the eye drops, is he off school today? xx
Hi Jojo hope your day is going well. Have been turning out my garage and found a rather large remains of spider, quite glad I did not run into it in life 😬 it would have been a job for the net on a pole I have. That's the trouble with garages etc I have a shed I store a couple of things in but am not brave enough to go in otherwise, always far too cobwebby 🕸️. Hope family ok, not that long til the school holidays is it 😮 how did that happen, I am meant to have got more things done by Easter than this 😬. Take care :) xx
Well done Ollie 😺👍️ did the vet have any theories about his other digestive issues Stuart? Hope he goes on ok now, and your day is not too bad, all the best to your mum too :) xx
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hi Toady, yes he has Tuesdays off anyway as he only at Nursery atm till September. If we pay for the nursery sessions this year we get a 50% reduction in skool fees inbthe first two years so it is worth it and he absolutely LOVES going. He was almost in tears at the weekend because he couldn’t go. We said the teachers have to have time off and he said can we just go and look to make sure they closed.
His eyes are much improved after 4 doses during the day, and I will go in at lunchtime tomorrow to do his drops.Right I have spent all afternoon in bed sleeping off this bad head and Sucré is snoring in my bed now having just been read a chapter of the first Harry Potter boom by Anda, and we all off to bed now so catch you all tomorrow hopefully. Night all. xx
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Hi everyone.
ive not been on for along time. I have had a lot going on in my life over the last however many months it is I have not posted lots of health problems with myself and mr T. I have followed some of your post. I have missed telling you all what’s going on in our lives and would love to start posting again. Some of you will not know me but I think it’s about time I made the effort to post again. I always looked upon the group as my extended family and I have really missed that. I will leave it at this for now but will post again soon. I promiseStay positive always👍xx2 -
Stay positive always👍xx0
hi toady of the nocturnal variety
I like the will o the wisp pun, very good lol
I read more of my book than on normal days 👍
Group tomorrow most probably
Very crackered.
Ps. Will o the wisp characters - please note Evil Edna is also called nasty M lol
Have a good night toady SK and everyone tc xx
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Oh I love that about wanting to see if nursery skool was definitely shut Keef 😊 that's epic. Brilliant that he loves it it sounds like exactly the right place, and to cope so well with the whole school experience, definitely one less thing to worry about. Hope he & you get on ok going in tomorrow and that u get some decent sleep first both, Anda too of course - hope the head abates. xx
Hi bosh sorry I didn't see your post earlier at the time but thanks for the wave and your hello tonight too. What book are you reading is it the light escapism type one or is that one book back now, have I lost track 🤔. Hope everything ok for you to get to group tomorrow, oh yes definitely a good counterpart there for Evil Edna, the antennae are for picking up unsuitable conversations and so forth 😉. Glad the wisp pun was acceptable I couldn't find a lot to work with on the cereal front 😂. Take care see you tomorrow 👋 xx
Hello Carol 😊 @Turbogran, you were the chief person I had in mind in the other day (mentioning people who post less regularly), I must have conjured you up. I was hoping things were as well as possible, sorry to hear though that it has been health troubles &c that meant you were not in much 😔 I do hope everything has stabilised a bit and that you will come in when you can 🤞. Hope all the younger generations are well, take care kettle is always on of course ☕️ xx
Night everyone, love to all 😘 xx
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midnight tea anyone?
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Good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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Morning Joan hope you are doing ok today? Yes the EEG is for Lucy's epilepsy back to the hospital again in a bit. Didn't see Dr Tim - remember him? We do miss him he really helped Lucy so much didn't he? Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Stuart wow! Go Ollie i bet his mouth hurt a little after his extraction, but imagine that something to get his appetite back! and it worked just like that! I am so pleased 😊 (())
Morning Skinny Keef I was awake but trying not to be reading my kindle in bed with a cat on my feet. Did you leave me any coffee?
Glad to hear Sucré is so much better his poor eye. It's so infectious he'll have caught it from another child. How sweet he loves his nursery so much that he had to be sure it was really really closed❤️ Harry Potter already? wow that boy is bright!
I was wondering whether your MTX dose is in fact right given that it works so well but not for the whole week🤔 maybe you can discuss that at your next appt with the consultant?
Take care have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Carol. LOVELY to see your name in the cafe. When you've got time you'll need to update us with some of what's been going on for you. All is well with me I think just the usual and spending most of this week back at the QE with Lucy while she has her ambulatory EEG attached. I will send you a PM when I get a minute of my 1st Grandaughter😊 Take care hope Cookie is well too ((())) xxx
Jojo hope you are doing ok today. You are very sensible to wean off the stronger pain meds then they work better when you do need them. We have had people here who have got addicted to them and it has been a very tough process to get off of them for them.
We help each other with our animals we all care about them like I can tell you do too. Hope your day is a good one ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you? Your Mum too of course.
Ok so we daren't put the angry sign up in case we make some sort of nuclear 💥 I get that really. Shame BB doesn't have a sense of humour. A trait somewhat lacking in the angrier amongst us unfortunately.
Skinny person who lived on rice and peas? I have a feeling too much might not be good for you. I think rice is a real 'not good 'carb especially white rice we need to check in with GI Joe? Alternatively if BIL eats lots of it it's probably not good for us😁
So BIL was (was?) trying to organise something for mother's day? Good I hope he doesn't forget whatever it was and finishes it and it's lovely. This mother's day my own daughter will be one too how odd is that? I am going to do a floral arrangement if i get time after this week's hospital visiting.
Sneezing too Reshmi what is out there causing this so early in the year??? Trees probably we have a birch.
That Japenese sweet potato bread looks yum! Thank you.
Take care going to the group look out for any nasties😉 ((())) xxx
Morning Toady hope you are doing ok after the nocturnal activity outside the other night🙄
Yes TWO pairs!!! How amazing is that? How lucky am I I have popped some seeds nearby for them too as that isn't my usual bird feeding station.
Elfie looks cooool doesn't he in his shades. He is coming to France when we go in the motorhome Paul promised he could. He had a little dance to Magpie murders theme tune last night.
I caught Sleek this time for her jab even though she was under the bed. Has she been over and told you about her escapology the other day?I bet she was proud of herself. She was however very very well behaved at the vets as usual and went there in style in Penelope.
I know it's nearly April scary thought eh? Many seeds here still to get started. We must and will have a better year. Not impressed with your daffs not actually being mixed😕Fingers crossed with the herbs though.
I have possibly got one idea to help the shoulder moving this lap top to the kitchen where it is lower down. Most of the ironing is up to date now after the holiday, but already my shoulder is less happy. Rest I need rest!!!!😂
Take care Toady have a good day no foodbank for me must let them know ASAP.😯Getting ready to go back to the QE again thanks all is well so far.
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morning all.
bad head again, although not as bad as yesterday. I keep getting pins and needles in my temples and scalp too, can’t be good, surely I can’t have anything else wrong ????Reshmi, those Willo the Wisp characters bring back some memories. Kenneth Williams I think did the voices. I absolutely loved him in the Carry Ons when I was kid.
Hi Toni, he has asked for something other than HP last two nights actually but Loanda hasn’t picked up the latest books for him from the library. We have the latest Dermot O’Leary on order, they are excellent and we all enjoy them. Last thing before bed is have story time as a family, Anda reads and me and Sucré (Sucré and I sorry mum) cuddle up and listen, his favourite time of the day.
Stuart how Ollie?
anyone out in the garden planting stuff??Anda uncovered my coca-cola plant yesterday as the frosts are done and it has new growth already. My fav plant in the garden.
Hello everyone Inhaven’t mentiones gotta stop typing head thumping now
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I’m sorry you are having a problem sleeping I hope it’s better tonight. I took Lexi to the vet yesterday because she kept being sick and she doesn’t want to eat. The vet said she had lost weight and her tummy was big so she took a blood test and said she needed her teeth done. before she has always said she didn’t want to take any out because of her age so they must be bad. I hope you have a good day
Toni (()) i hope everything goes well with Lucy today yes I remember Mr Tim he was good.
Have a good day both of you. That’s sleek done for another month she is good.
Reshmi (()) how are you and your mum (()) today. Have a good day
Jojo (()) how are you. You manage everything well. Have a good day.
Stuart (()) that’s good Ollie having a cream to get him to eat. Love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) that’s good Sucr’e love is school. (()) how are you love to Loanda (())
Carol it’s nice to see you (()) sorry you and Mr T (()) having health problems. How is cookie.
take care
joan xx0
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