Who are we roll call - Part 1

noeltone Member Posts: 878
edited 18. Dec 2008, 08:44 in Say Hello Archive
Every so often we have had a roll call on here of who we are and so we know a bit about each other and who we are talking to and meeting as some hav eon here and the last time we introduced oursleves to each other was in 2007 i think and as there are quitea few new peeps and some of the older ones have perhaps moved on I thought it might be agood idea to ahve another roll call expecually if we can arrange a meeting as in where we are all from.

Anyway I am Chrisov user name Noeltone and I am now 51 have been on here for a while joined the forum just after it began might have been 2005 useless memory I am greedy and I have OA and RA and OA is now in most of my joints but the worst pain is in my spine and neck Cervical Spondy and I have RA in most joints it would seem but my feet are bad as is my hip I take Co dydramol, and nmorphine and have been on lots of inflamms last ones were naproxen and i was on planequil and very soon I will begin mtx . I first got arthur when I was in my teens and I retired from work on ill health ground from local gvmnt in 1998 and I have other ilnesses like epilepsy and have depression and poor memory after car smash and have bad hearing in one ear i get DLA and Incap.
I now live in Norwich and suppoort the footie team but I did live in Great Yarmouth( someone has to he he ) I was born in South Wales. I have two grown up children and i have now becoem a grandad and the little un is not to well he came early and is just about over 2 weeks old.I did play sports badmintion footie tennis now just play in my daydreaming and i like reading writing wathcing films and waffling well that is me warts and all anyone else


  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello :D:D

    By the end of the year I shall be 58 years young, :lol::lol::lol: very happily married for 32 years I have 2 children, aged 27 and very nearly 29 years old. Both have flown the nest and are happy with their respective partners. Had TKR in January this year which I am very pleased with. Have oa which is spreading...... but I will not let it get me down one jot! I am a gran since august 11th and love it. My grand daughter has given me a new lease of life and interest. It is the best thing that could have happened to me and I cannot see her often enough!

    I live in Buckinghamshire and have befriended and help out a couple of lovely, local people older than myself and I also see what old age is like. One is 99 years old and the other is 83. I visit my 83 year old mum most weeks and help her out.The journey by public transport takes 2.5 hours each way on a good day, but she is well worth it. . I like helping on our allotment and tending the garden. I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes but nothing fancy. I regularly keep in touch with my friends via email and love meeting them in London every now and again.

    I last worked in an office in 2005. I was made redundant.

    So that is a quick resume of me :lol::lol:
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • roczko
    roczko Member Posts: 92
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I'm Patrick aged 50¾ :wink: I too have had RA since my teens though it was in my mid 40s that it really became a problem for me and work.

    I had to retire on ill health grounds. I also have heart failure caused by two leaky heart valves and there's some speculation that RA has had a hand in that.

    I take sulfasalazine, leflunomide (suspended at the moment), prednisolone and tramadol for pain. I also take other drugs for the heart condition.

    I have two lovely dogs who keep me sane :D and a lovely house in the middle of nowhere.

    I must say, I enjoy the camaraderie and friendship this site and the NRAS site give me. It's great to be among friends.


    oops forgot to add, I live in the East Riding of Yorkshire in Holderness right on the Humber bank.
  • coralbangle
    coralbangle Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am Sharon, my age is 41 but sometimes feel alot more. My partner is called Nigel we have no children.

    I have been taking sulasalazine, diclofenic and co-codomal for psoratic arthritis since may this year but have had aches and pains for the last five years . I also have fibromyalgia (along with my mother) but I'm in denial :?: putting the tiredness down to arthritis and shifts. My feet hands wrists and lower back give me heaps of pain.

    Although I dont post on here very often I usually spend a few minutes a day reading through any new subjects and comments. The support and advice is invaluable, sometimes making me laugh and other times cry.

    I have two tortoise :P and live and work in the Swindon wiltshire area.

    Coral :lol:
  • dollie
    dollie Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I'm Dollie just turned 58 not long joined the forum having been diagnosed with RA beginning of year, although had it longer. I am a Scot living with my husband and 2 dogs in North Yorkshire. I am getting very frustrated as I do a lot of craftwork but now finding I cannot do as much as I used to do. I worked at my local Drs Surgery for 15 years when I took early retirement due to ill health!!!! 2 years ago. Still want to enjoy life and hoping condition does not get too bad.
    Loving the forum.

  • anniethe1st
    anniethe1st Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all i only joined recently,dr receptionist rang to say an x ray l had on left arm was arthritis ,last week had a terrible flare up right arm lthought someone was sawing my arm of saw gp on co drydamol dicloflex appointment to see musculoskeletal clinic 24th this month
    ive had aches and pains for years but gp never took me on,ive read info on site and l think it could be RA will write down how ive felt for appointment,im fifty four nearly fifty five l have five offspring seven grandchildren im retired but occasionaly teach folkart decorative painting l love crafts card making ect,we have three dogs a cairn a westie and a mongrel two are rescue dogs one fourteen year old cat a cockatiel and one great supportive hubby,l live near Wigan Lancashire.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All
    Great idea Chrisov!
    I'm Toni, am 45 and the rheumatologist thinks I have RA. I'm on Plaquenil, amtritilyne and arcoxia for flares. Ialso take co-codamol if needed. I have been very lucky as this only started at the end of May when I woke up stuck, (both hips,knees,ankles - 2heads, shoulders,knees and toes!"), but I've already seen the Rheumay twice. With that and the support from you lot I feel fien!
    I live in Staffs with my second husband and 3 girls 2 aged 13 (One is step, but lives with us), and the younges 10. We have a cat Eric Catona who is an old thing, but we love him.
    I had back surgery 5 years ago, which is unrelated to current problems, but intitially I did think was the cause, (oh yes that and the fact I went swimming!!! Coincidence!!)
    I like reading, gardening and swimming (am doing it again!).
    I used to be a Social Worker going back and hated it, but to some extent I think it's helping me know - that little bit of knowledge. Please dp not hold that against me!!!!! I was a nice one!!!! Honest!!!!!
    I now just work part time training people who work with people who have learning disablities! Phew!
    Keep it up guys I'm enjoying this one!
    Toni x
  • lynnee
    lynnee Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All
    I am Lynne, I live in Margate in Kent with my partner Dave and will be 50 in Jan. Not been on this forum long!
    I have OA which seems to be affecting most joints, some worse than others. This all started to hit me about 18 months ago.
    I am on Plaquenil, Meloxicam and BuTrans patches along with other medication for high blood pressure and asthma. Also take Glucosamine as I think this is good for OA - my GP agrees!
    Still mananging to work, have an office job with VERY understanding and considerate bosses which seems to be a rarity from reading some people's experiences on here!
    I hope to carry on working as long as I can - OA permitting - but as my mobility is quite severly restricted at times.....
    On that subject I got myself a scooter recently for shopping trips ect and it was the best thing I could have done!
    Finally thank you to everyone for all the comments and helpful advice to be found on here.
    Lynne x :D
  • phoebefoalsmum
    phoebefoalsmum Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My name is Ruth but my friends call me bug. I only joined yesterday after talking to my OT. In 1992 I was diagnosed with scoliosis and then started getting arthritis a few years ago and they put me on diclofenic. I have now been upgraded to cocodrydamol (I think) because I have been so very ill this year.

    I too am a football fan (Rochdale). In fact hubby and I met through football because I was collecting programmes in those days and he helped me quite a bit. He believes everyone should support their local team so we moved 200 miles to support Rochdale. I cant go very often now but thank God for Daleworld. Hubby has had to slow down his interest too because of me.......poor thing. Am typing this while watching soccer am.......lol

    Interesting to know many people on here are like me and in their 50s. I have met loads of people with health problems over the years who are in their 50s. Seems to be the most dangerous age. Well Im 54 (soon to be 55) and when my mum was told I was born with a damaged sacrum she said I was born middle-aged..........that makes me about 90 and thats how I feel most days. Im so grateful for my hubby. Dunno what I would do without him.

    HUgsssssssssssss to all
  • katedw
    katedw Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    My name is Kate. I am 32 and live in Devon with my husband, 2 children aged 18 months and 12, and our huge ginger cat. I have OA of the hip and shoulder and have had this for about 3-4 years. I was a solicitor but was made redundant in credit crunch! I have just started a new job working for the local council providing housing advice.

    I used to enjoy walking on Dartmoor and the coast. Still try to keep this up but cannot walk too far now. I enjoy reading, music and spending time with my family.

    :wink: x
  • sarahrockfan
    sarahrockfan Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, i'm sarah and i'm 26. I live in cornwall with my uncle(he's more like a brother) and my sister. I've had RA for 5yrs now.
    As my username suggests i do like rock music, but i like other types as well like classical.
    My hobbies are jewellery making, reading and listening
    to music. I use to do alot of cycling until the RA came along.
    I support Ipswich Town fc, have done all my life. You get born into a football team in our family lol.
    I joined this lovely forum in march and what a help it's been!
  • claregood1
    claregood1 Member Posts: 15
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I'm Clare, I'm 38 married to Tom and have 2 children aged 7 and 5. Ive had arthur since I was 2 so can't remember a time without pills and pain, though there have been many ups and downs along the way. I've always been very determined not to let this rule my life so despite missing lots of school I went on to Uni here in Nottingham then became a social worker here - I worked in child protection but was very nice to everyone who didn't hurt their children! I gave up when I had my daughter, partly because I wanted to be at home with her and partly because I had a bad flare up and was depressed. I'm now a childminder which I love. I also spend my time looking after the cat, 2 rabbits, fish, stick insects and then the allotment when I can get down there.
    Coming on this site is the first time I've ever sought the support of others in my position and I wish I'd done it years ago! Thankyou all.
  • mattsmum
    mattsmum Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I'm Joss, a fairly-newbie. I seem to be the grandmother round here. I'm 61. I've been happily married to a great guy for 39 years, and we have four kids and eight grandchildren. We've managed to spread them about a bit. We have three in Oregon, USA, two in Sheffield, two on the Yorkshire coast, and one currently in Germany. I'm a Smoggie, from Middlesbrough. I have RA, Sjogrens syndrome, which went a lot further than the classic dry eyes and mouth and has also given me serious kidney problems. I've also had Menieres disease for at least 20 years. Sound like a physical wreck, don't I! Sometimes, like yesterday, I feel it, but mostly I'm OK. I'm a retired teacher, secondary special needs and modern languages. I'm finding this forum really helpful, and people seem very mutually supportive.
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All,
    What a good idea this is. I’ve had RA since I was 27 – 22 years in all now. It came on overnight immediately after the birth of my 2nd son, basically all my joints closed down over a period of 3 weeks and I was admitted to hospital where I was mobilised once again. After this my husband had to return to work and I had to get on with the battle that is life caring for a new baby and a two year old – not easy! :( There were times when my hubby returned home from work to find all three of us crying – poor man!! :cry: My RA is very aggressive and therefore I am now quite disabled with poor mobility, but not in a wheelchair - yet, my hands, particularly, are very ugly. I had bi-lateral total knee replacements in 2000 which are excellent – although can still be sore sometimes due to being a Rheumatoid.

    My husband and I run a business together, I also paint and exhibit watercolours (I didn’t discover I could paint until after I contracted RA), I belong to NWR (a women’s group) and I also go to French classes, I have an excellent social life, enjoy the theatre, love eating out and drinking wine – red, white, rosé, good or cheap I really don’t mind! HIC :!: :oops: :roll: I am very proud of my handsome husband (just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary) and our two devilishly good-looking sons. All three, over the years, have loved and cared for me, encouraged and helped me to remain positive and achieve the most I can from my life. Without them I would not be the person I am and I try very hard to remember it’s not easy for them sometimes looking after an old crock like me :!:

    I consider myself a very lucky woman. :D
    Love to you all from Legs X X
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • xxcassx
    xxcassx Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, what a good topic - I'm Carole, am 53 years young and diagnosed with RA a month ago. Now on Prednisolone (20mg/day) and Mtx plus all the other bone and stomach tabs that go along with these - (started Mtx yesterday).
    I live in Essex, have a son aged 22 who lives with me, and a daughter aged 28 who lives with her partner (near me), daughter has a son Jordan, who is 10.
    I work full time, due to go back to work Monday having just had nearly a month off - 2 weeks sick (when newly diagnosed) and 2 weeks annual leave. I work various shifts, with my earliest start at 04.45 !!!!! and latest finish 23.30 !!!! I want to try to keep full time work up for as long as I can - unless of course I win the lottery or meet my millionnaire true love ha ha :D
    I try and catch up with this forum just about everyday, and think it's great to be able to chat and message and generally to know that we all go through the same thoughts and feelings at certain times. I hope eventually I will be able to give the same help and advice to 'newbies' as people have given me in the last few weeks.
  • ichabod6
    ichabod6 Member Posts: 843
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    My real name is Don. I live in Lancashire and support the world's
    best football team, Preston North End. I reckon I am older than
    anyone on this site so far. The blip in my life and has been
    for the last 14 years is RA.
    I take methotrexate, salazopryn, meloxicam and folic acid on a
    regular basis and supplement this drug diet from time to time
    with co-codamol, tramadol and prednisolone along with the odd
    steroid injection.
    The best step I have taken in my RA career was to go on an
    expert patient self management course. This did so much for
    me and I got so much from it that I took training and became
    a volunteer tutor and now regularly deliver courses. I then got
    involved with Arthritis Care and now deliver the pain courses
    and Challenging Arthritis. I would advise anyone and everyone
    to go on one of these courses. They certainly help.
    I'm married and have 1 wife 2 daughters 1 son 5 grandaughters
    1 grandson and 1 cat. Only wife and cat now live with me.
    In my other life I was a divorce lawyer and I like listening to
    classical music and New Orleans jazz.
  • virgolass
    virgolass Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone. :)

    I'm Vicki, I'm 36 and was diagnosed with PA 4 years ago. I have a 7 year old son and unfortunately am also having fertility problems now which may or may not be linked to my PA/meds.

    I live in North Wales and work part-time as a sales assistant, although it's not too good for my arthritis and am hoping to start a new job soon if the price is right!
  • lilmismayhem
    lilmismayhem Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    This is a great idea for me being new to this site, it's good to get to know everyone!!

    I'm 32 and was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondilitus at about 19 but as it has never got into my spine they now think it is RA. I had a fall at 19 injuring my ankle and after 9 months of various doctors and attempts at diagnosing something (by this point I couldn't move and had lost my ankle, both elbows and my jaw to it) I went private and got a HLA-B27 test which was positive. Steroid injections into all those joints meant I could walk again almost overnight! But still have very limited movement in them all. Started on meloxicam and sulpha at about 20.

    5 years ago I woke up one morning with a knee the size of a football. Went downhill again very quickly, more steroids and upped my sulpha. An operation later and I still can't bend my knee fully or straighten it. Slowly I've started losing my thumb to it, so this week more steroids into my thumb and elbow and they now want to change my drugs.

    I live in Brighton with my very understanding husband (what I would do without him doesn't bear thinking about) but my arthritus doesn't stop me doing much - although having to admit defeat and sell my snowboard a few years ago was a tough moment.

    This site is amazing support and I hope I can share my experiences to help others. :D
  • bigmomma
    bigmomma Member Posts: 291
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, everyone!
    I'm Annie, aged 57 at the end of this month, and live in darkest Lincolnshire. I signed up on this website originally as Annie-get-your-gun, which Chrisov kindly abbreviated to AGYG. Since the update of the website, I'm known as bigmomma. I have OA and RA. The latter started when I was 21, but the former has advanced rapidly over the last 2 years, and is now in my knees, ankles, hands and shoulders, and spine. Unfortunately, I react to many painkillers, so can only take paracetamol, although if things progress further I shall ask to be put on morphine patches. I also have asthma, failed thyroid, intermittent eczema, hay fever, and RSI. Generally falling apart, really.

    I have 4 children, all adults now, the eldest (a boy) is learning disabled and still living at home. The three girls have all left home. The twins now both have children of their own - the elder twin (by 5 minutes) has 2 boys, one of whom has just left school, and the younger twin has a boy and a girl and a step-daughter. Youngest daughter has arthur, ME and a benign tumour inside her right femur, so she's put having a family on hold for a while.

    Since stopping working in 2006, I've returned to Uni part-time, to complete my Ph.D. - hopefully, I should finish that in 2009. I enjoy reading, Sudoku, and watching rugby union for the aesthetics :lol: Hubby supports Leicester Tigers, and prefer the Ospreys. I find this website very helpful - there's always someone you can share your problems with.

    Cyber hugs to all.
  • Shell
    Shell Member Posts: 45
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Am Michelle known as shell i am 41 yrs old. I have PA was diagnosed 3years ago but think i have had it for about 7yrs(long story). I am on 20mg MTX and take Naproxen and Codiene Phosphate for pain.
    I live in North Yorkshire and have a caravan in Great Yarmouth which i love going to and spending time with my family. I have been married for nearly 22years and have two lovely boys aged 19 and 12 or should i say nearly 13.I am a Nursery teacher and love my job although it gets tough at times running round after 4 year olds when in pain.I have 2 dogs (bichon frise) and they are my best friends and often spend many nights curled up with me through the early hours of the morning when pain gets the better of me.
  • dianel
    dianel Member Posts: 48
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi There,

    I've had inflammatory arthritis for an indeterminate time which has destroyed both shoulder joints and is now affecting my right knee. Due to bad reactions to the toxic medications, at the moment I'm just on Diclofenac and Co-codamol. I'm in my sixties, so feel great sympathy for those with this awful disease at a young age - especially those struggling to bring up a family.

    Some twenty years ago when I was a farmer's wife I was told I had the rheumatoid factor in my blood, but as I hadn't any symptoms I didn't pay much attention - I was certainly too busy! Interestingly enough, I now do not have this illusive rheumatoid factor and have been labelled "sero-negative".

    I have two grown-up sons, one living in New Zealand and the other in Wales. It's a long story of course, but I became widowed, the farm was sold and I lived on my own albeit with three allotments to look after because I was so used to this lifestyle, and the home grown veg. Sadly this came to an end as my shoulders worsened. How I miss it! I have no outside space, living in an apartment, and this makes things so much worse in this regard.

    I re-married to an American two years ago, and he now lives over here. He has a wonderful large family and we've all taken to each other very well.

    My hobbies are - comparative religion (I've had a small anthology published); writing; I belong to a Music Society (chamber); reading; tapestry (when I'm not in too much pain); lifelong interest in gardening, vegetable growing and indoor plants; making preserves as a result of the aforementioned!; theatre and concerts; travel (this has been curbed). I've persuaded my Husband to go ahead with a planned trip to America next week without me as I just can't face it. He needs to see his family and hasn't done so for just over two years now because of my health. I'm upbeat though, and am hoping I'll be able to stablilise things so I can go next time.

    Anyway, just a few things about me - a very good idea Noeltone so that we can visualise each other more. Best wishes, everyone, Diane.
  • hawick
    hawick Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi everyone

    I'm Fifi 37 years old married to dougie with 2 lovely girls i enjoy music,watching CSI,cooking and meeting new people. I work part time as a sales assistant. Diagnosed with Polyarthritis and Raynauds Phenomenon 4 years ago currently on Metoject 25mg, diclofenac and codydramol and Nifedipine. Live in the scottish borders about 50 miles from Edinburgh.

  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 7. Sep 2008, 15:05
    hi, i'm sue, 34 yrs old, was diagnosed with RA a yr ago, although i have had pain in joints for many yrs, after i had my 2nd daughter last january things got bad and a very good gp sent me for tests and RA was diagnosed.
    i was also diagnosed with OA in my hip about 6 yrs ago, i had a hip resurfacing which helped but i still had alot of pain, much to the confusion of my orthopedic surgeon!! but i think it was the RA that caused the contiued pain as since starting onthe meds my hip has been less painful.
    i take mtx 20 mg once a week, morphine (tablets) 40 mg twice a day, sulphasalizine and naproxine twice daily, amitriptyline at night to help me sleep and relax me a bit! RA is not under control as yet, but soon it will be, i hope!
    i live in Hook, near Basingstoke with my husband of nearly 3 yrs, my 9 yr old daughter and my 19 month old daughter plus a few pets!!!

    i'm very glad i found this forum, it's so great to have others in a similar situation, people to talk to, get and give advice to, moan at when things are bad, laugh with, shave tips with, so thank you all for being here!!! :D
  • avalon
    avalon Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I'm Janet!! I'm 54 and I have OA in most of my joints, the worst being my hands, feet and hips. I live in Manchester with my partner Bob and 12 year old stepson, Tristian. I have a 23 year old daughter and Bob has three older sons. We have 2 grand daughters and 5 grandsons, who are adorable!!!

    I am an 'early retired' Primary School teacher, who gave up in 2002, when this dreaded OA got worse. I miss it dreadfully, but am lucky to be a Community Governor and Vice Chairman, at my local primary school, so I go in quite a lot to talk and help with the children which is great!!!

    We have a touring caravan which we use quite a lot and have just come back from Conwy in North Wales. I also have two beautiful dogs, one a golden retriever and one a jack russell.

    I haven't posted much on the forum but I intend to change this in the future!!! It is great to read and share with people who know exactly what you are going through!!!

  • julesclarkie66
    julesclarkie66 Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Julie and I am 42 yrs old. I live with my hubby Keith and two girls Tori (nrly 14) and Emily (12). We have two cats, Tommy, 16 and Pepsi, 1. We live in Newport nr Saffron Walden in Essex.

    I was finally diagnosed with RA last year having suffered with various joint pains since Emilys birth! I also have scoliosis, diagnosed when I was 16. At present I am taking suphasalazine, plaquenil, prednisolone, diclofenac and tramadol. Along with medication for Hypertension and depression. I was also told I have ME last year though I am not convinced. I have just begun Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for this.
    I worked as a doctors receptionist until being medically retired 4+ years ago.
    Keith and I run our village youth club for 9-13 yr olds alongside two other volunteers.
    I worry what the future holds sometimes but try to remain positive.
    This site and forum is FANTASTIC and I look in every day.
  • hels78
    hels78 Member Posts: 60
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Helen, I'm 30 years old and live in Ipswich.
    I have sero-neg arthritis although is being treated as RA. I am currently only taking prednisolone, co-codamol, ibuprofen, folic acid, ferrous sulphate and calcium as we are trying for a baby! I have been on mtx, humira, sulphasalazine and plaquenil and hope if we ever have a baby to go back on them asap!
    I had to give up work last year where I was a full time nursery manager for children aged 2 - 5, I'm now a lady of leisure!
    I'm lucky to have been married to Iain for 3 years (childhood sweethearts) and together we run our church youth club.
    I support Ipswich Town (like sarahrockfan, sorry Chrisov!) but don't get to go much.
    This forum is great, I spend most of my time with the pregnancy and arthritis ladies but hope to get to know more of you in the future. Its great to know there are people who understand where you are coming from!
This discussion has been closed.