Who are we roll call - Part 1



  • debsmartin
    debsmartin Member Posts: 209
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All

    My name is Debra but my friends call me Debs, I am 43 years old and was only diagnosed with RA in January, after having struggled with pains in my feet and knees since October (I'm still amazed at how quickly RA gets a hold of you). I am currently taking Mtx (20mg) and Naproxen. Also my own choice Boots extra strong fish oils tablets. I am happily married to Dave and have a 15 year old son called Luke both are brill and I don't know how I would manage without them.
  • juliet
    juliet Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Awww isn't it nice to get to know everyone.

    I'm Julie. I'm 46. I have no idea what I'm suffering from. The original diagnosis was OA, but then has changed several times depending upon which specialist I'm seeing. I live near Manchester and have 2 children, but they are now grown up and leading their own lives. I also have 4 smashing grandchildren whom I absolutely adore, but then I suppose all grandparents are the same.
    I'm separated and very happy about it. My hobbies are just changing at the moment. I used to love walking and mountain climbing, but that's just a distant memory now. I've always liked reading and still do. I count myself lucky that I can still work, and fortunately I work at a desk so it's not too much bother. I've also just - sort of by accident - discovered Radio 4 and I'm now addicted :shock:

    Nice to get to know you all.

    Julie T
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i was diagnosed in aug after 6 months of cronic pain.no1 was very simperfectic,until diagnosed with oa, spondylitis & costochondronitis. im 41 feel 81. two daughters 16 &13 live with there dad.i live with my partner & his son.am taking co codomol 30/500mg & burprenorphine 20mg. still with little relief.change patch mon,after hot bath by thurs cronic pain again.used 2 b a biker sold that last yr had some pain in wrist just ignored it.carried on working in pain ignored it put it down to job,til it got so bad i couldnt move my neck.since thenpain has spread into every joint.I had real problems at 1st fort i was a fraud no1 seemed 2 believe my pain i got fed up with trying 2 carry on as normal,i sayin you do no im in pain. now my family have adjusted to this,come 2 terms with it theyre being realy supportive.its deniel they just think ur okbecause u look normal.im waffling again.on here most days.i have a mad parrot to keep me occupied & prynean mountian dog 9 with arthritis thinks hes puppy,& a mad partner who keeps me sane. thinkin of u all.debs xx
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    lindalegs wrote:
    Hi All,
    What a good idea this is. I’ve had RA since I was 27 – 22 years in all now. It came on overnight immediately after the birth of my 2nd son, basically all my joints closed down over a period of 3 weeks and I was admitted to hospital where I was mobilised once again. After this my husband had to return to work and I had to get on with the battle that is life caring for a new baby and a two year old – not easy! :( There were times when my hubby returned home from work to find all three of us crying – poor man!! :cry: My RA is very aggressive and therefore I am now quite disabled with poor mobility, but not in a wheelchair - yet, my hands, particularly, are very ugly. I had bi-lateral total knee replacements in 2000 which are excellent – although can still be sore sometimes due to being a Rheumatoid.

    I'm Sue (Woodbon) and I'm 53 years old and a part-time care assistant with the elderly. I have oa in my spine, hips, and neck, also my hands. I have had nearly a year off work, but I am back now and have very good, helpful employers in the social services. I find it hard to walk far, but can do most things if i grit my teeth and take painkillers. I have to pace myself, but find that on good days I am apt to do as much as possible, if not careful and suffer the next day! My husband is very understanding and puts up with the moaning. I have been married for 21 years, have 5 cats but, alas, no kids. Compared to a lot of you, I am very lucky so far, and I do not have as many problems with athritis as some of you but I like the way people here help each other on and have given me encourgement when down.
    Lots of love
    Sue XX

    My husband and I run a business together, I also paint and exhibit watercolours (I didn’t discover I could paint until after I contracted RA), I belong to NWR (a women’s group) and I also go to French classes, I have an excellent social life, enjoy the theatre, love eating out and drinking wine – red, white, rosé, good or cheap I really don’t mind! HIC :!: :oops: :roll: I am very proud of my handsome husband (just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary) and our two devilishly good-looking sons. All three, over the years, have loved and cared for me, encouraged and helped me to remain positive and achieve the most I can from my life. Without them I would not be the person I am and I try very hard to remember it’s not easy for them sometimes looking after an old crock like me :!:

    I consider myself a very lucky woman. :D
    Love to you all from Legs X X
  • mmarshall
    mmarshall Member Posts: 69
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi I am Mary and I am 52.
    I was only diagnosed with RA in April and joined this site soon after that. I am only in the ealry stages of RA so I am still able to work full time.
    I am on MTX and Lodine.
    I work in the IT dept covering a few of the major Banks and love my job but don't know if I will be able to do this until I retire at 60 as I struggle at times with my hands being very painful. along with being so tierd all the time.
    My boss and the guys at work have been great and very understanding.
    I am married to George, we have only been married for 2 years and he is a great guy and I am madly in love with him.
    I have two children from my 1st marriage, Anne who is 34 and Christopher who is 23. Anne has a daughter Hannah who is 8 and Christoper a son who is 1 year and I love them all to bits.
    I live in Glasgow with all my family close by.
    This site has been really helpful to me but I get sad when I read how much pain some people are in.
  • mike147
    mike147 Bots Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My name is mike R, Ihave osteroarthritis all over body now, it stared when I was sixteen , I found out that it was very hard to walk but just put this down as growing pains and as I had Epilepsy grand mal I just put up with it . Lather on in March 2007 this was to come to ahead, I collaphesped on the floor and my wonderful wife Hazel phoned the gp ( she was going to phone an ambulance but I said no) The gp called out ( I was surrprished at that :shock: :shock: ) Well he said that he what was wrong but just told me to rest and see him in a few days.. so after many vists to him he sent me to physio, it was here that they asked for x-Rays as they was sure it was my hip, here I went to hospital for x- rays after 8 , the doc told me i had O a (now I never heared that word so went home told wife it was nothing she however phoned gp to find out what his meant, and now I am using a scooter which is great.

    Hazel ( my wife ) has Fibromaglia and Epilepsy she is very tired and in pain , our son is in a splint due to Talips, but hopefully he gets this fixed next year he also has epilepsy. but other than that life is good .

    mike R & hazel
  • whizzer
    whizzer Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi im Billy .54 years old married to Susan ,for 35 years,She has RA all over .Chronic kidney disease and IB caused by the drugs taken to halt RA progressing.
    I was her paid carer up till last may but now, due to circumstances beyond our control, i do it for love.
    We live in a static caravan now, due to neighbour problems in the council flat we had to move into when in 1999 my wife was struck down with RA.
    I work part time in a local pub to try to get by after losing our benefits.
  • jeanmoey
    jeanmoey Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone, I am moey from Northern Ireland and I have RA now 4 years and fibromyalgia. I have three kids 16,11, and 5.

    At Christmas past my sister died of a brain haemorage suddenly leaving two small kids and her leaving has knocked the heart and soul out of me. I struggle every day to keep going and only for my part time job and the kids and a wonderful hubby of 21 yrs I think I would lie in a corner somewhere and vegetate! :cry:

    This illness not only takes away mobility and restricts things I would like to do but it has really brought me down. :cry:

    Thanks for your support, I feel that forums are a great way to talk to others who are going through similar experiences. :)

    Love to all.
  • annmary
    annmary Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone, everyone knows me as dilly but my real name is cathy. I am 48, married to my hero colin for 26 years, and have my angel natalie aged 16. We all live in Hadleigh, Essex.
    I have oa of the knee.
    I work as a domestic in a nursing home which I adore, they have a licence to accept from the age of 40+ and it has a re-hab unit which I am stationed at.
    I had to reduce my hours as my knee was rebelling somewhat, I have to admit the management have been supportive, the owner is also our local pharmist who fills my prescription every month, so he can actually see that I am in pain.
    I love going to the cinema, my passion is walking but have had to cut down the length but that's ok. I love sitting in the garden late evening watching the bats swoop around us,I love bats!!
    I can't cook, my daughter never follows a recipe, she just throws it all together and it works, I follow a recipe and they won't touch it!!
    I love all music from rock to classical but cannot understand jazz but am trying.
    I also love retail therapy, I think this stems from my very poor childhood.

    I love spending time with my great friends who also mean the world to me, we have always been there for one another, through good and bad.

    Now this is all sounding too good to be true, the downsides???

    MY WEIGHT!!!!
    Losing two teeth this year, third on its way, how expensive is that, having now to get replacements :roll: :roll:

    Lastly, my love to eveyone on this forum, I am truly grateful to you all for who you are, caring and unjudgemental.

    All my love
    Dilly :D:D:D:D
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've been following this post for the last few days and finally plucked up the courage to reply. My name is Eileen, I'm 39 and have a wonderful husband that I've known for 21yrs :shock: my first love! :lol: I have one daughter (5yrs) and one son (2yrs6mths). I've had problems for 25yrs or so, but 'officially' diagnosed with seronegative arthritis 9yrs ago. I also have been told I may have fibromyalgia. Pains everywhere at the moment, worst I've ever been if truthful :( Visiting Dental Hospital on 15th Sept. to rule out a few things with jaw then getting an MRI on knees on 16th Sept. In pain everywhere at the moment and going through a wee 'downer'!
    My lovely dad, who was so supportive of me, died 5 months ago and I miss him terribly, I loved him so much and can't believe he's gone-he would have loved this site!! I visit the site everyday and my husband told me today that I'm addicted!! :)
    I work for the NHS as a pharmacy technician in a childrens hospital-very hard work but very enjoyable. I'm a Scot, live in Lanarkshire, 10miles from Glasgow. Hello to everybody, love this forum and glad that I eventually joined!!!! Scarlet x
  • melbland
    melbland Member Posts: 36
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hiya , last but by no means least as they say lol

    I'm Mel, 23 years old with sero-negative inflammatory arthritis, diagnosed in July 2007 but with symptoms for around 3 or 4 years prior to this. I take Lodine SR and Solpadol 30/500 (co-codamol) for the arthur. I feel affected everywhere - I am in a lot of pain and so very tired. I have recently found out that I am also anaemic, which doesn't help with the tiredness.

    I live in Northamptonshire with my parents and three cats.

    I love rock music and love listening to good old headbanging music! When I can, I try and get to local shows - I have been to 4 rock concerts in the last 3 years and am due to go to a couple more this year. I used to go out to car shows without fail every year, and used to spend every weekend modifying my car but, alas, struggle to do so now. I do play a lot of computer games (Xbox 360, PS3, DS etc) but most of the time, I am asleep in bed.

    Mel x
  • starbuck
    starbuck Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello All,
    I have been following the rollcall for a couple of days and seeing that Melbland is in Northamptonshire, thought i would join in too...

    so here you go...

    I am Sarah, 36. I live in Northamptonshire. Have had Arthur and symtoms for about 4 years. I take MTX and Diclofenac. Currently and doing very well.

    I love, art, history, music & football. I support Coventry City with a passion and I am still able too play footie for a local ladies team.
    I think it has helped somewhat too. It is tricky playing when your hurting and feeling tierd but i am trying hard to stay active as much as i can and not give it up.

    My other passion is painting and art and most of my spare time is taken up with illustration and anything creative.

    Sarah x
  • katekelly
    katekelly Member Posts: 975
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi folks,
    Another newbie here but seing as we're all in the same boat can I come and play please??
    I've been reading all your postings on the roll call and I think this is a smashing idea and suddenly I feel that someone else KNOWS.
    Anyway enough rantings. My name is Kate and I am 44 years old. The brain tells me this can't possibly be true as it feels 25 unfortunately the body feels 95!!! I was diagnosed with RA 13 years ago after being ill for in excess of a year. I'd been treated for A virus, stress, depression, anxiety and at one point I thought it was going to be treatment for madness as I certainly felt the pain would drive me to it. Anyway I digress. I'm on Enbrel,voltarol (suppositories as tummy won't tolerate it orally),low dose prednisolone, Lisinopril ( blood pressure), co-codamol as required (that is such a stupid way of putting it don't you think??).
    The best thing about my life is my wonderful family.My girls are 19,15 and 5 and my husband is nearly 40 (yes I know a toyboy!!) and we will have been married for 7 years next month. He has known about my RA since we first met. The last one "left" not long after I was diagnosed. I enjoy going to church and taking part in the activities there. I have found much comfort and support over the years from there and thank God each day for bringing me to this "other" family. I have some very close friends whose love and support over the years has been immeasurable. I started back to work this year after a break of 6 years. I haven't returned to my old job but have taken a position of Office Administrator for a charity. I only work 12 hours a week but that is tiring enough. I have 2 dogs called Jelly and Scamp. Both a cross breed terriers (we think as they are rescue dogs we can't be sure) and who are very much loved.
    I take each day as it comes and thank God for the good days and curse the devil for the bad!!! I try to laugh each day and find something positive each week. This week's positive is finding this site and hopefully some new people to rant at!!!
    Chat soon (that is if I haven't scared you all away).
    Kate XXX
  • diane49
    diane49 Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All,
    My name is Diane and I am going to be 60 next year! I married my second husband Alan in May 1995 and was diagnosed with RA in August the same year! It was a rapid onset over a period of 2 or 3 weeks but I had had niggly pains in my joints for years before but put it down to getting older. I have 3 step children one of which lives in Canada with his wife and baby girl, 3 children from my first marriage and my gardian angel Sonja Ruth from my present marriage, she is 19 and works in a care home looking after elderly people with dementia, when she is not looking after me!
    Soon after being diagnosed I had all the x-rays and it was found that I had a pleural effusion which was drained in daycare several times taking off 3 litres at one time! :cry: It all came back slowly so 4 years ago I went into birmingham heartlands hospital after suffering with pneumonia and empyemia and had a thoracotomy and decortication, I was in hospital for 6 weeks and when I was finally discharged i was rushed back in with severe anemia and had 2 litres of blood! Not a happy time. l stopped smoking 7 years ago this week I don't drink because it affects my joints funnily enough especially my fingers! I love knitting both hand and machine and cross stich but as you all know on this lovely friendly site that sort of thing don't come easy! I get pneumonia at least 4 times a year and end up in hospital on iv antibiotics, only trouble now is the last time i was there in july I caught C -diff!!! That I am not happy about because they are trying to blame me for all the antibiotics I have to take! What do they want you to do for goodness sake? Lie down in a corner and not bother?? Sorry I am ranting but I feel really let down by all the so called health care we get. I am normally a what -you-see -is-what -you-get person so laid back apparently that I am nearly horizontal, I love rock music and can dance like Beyonce! (ha ha) in my head We have 2 cats who really rule the roost and my lovely hubby has an elderly Honda CBR 600F which he rides when the sun shines. I only just found this site and already i so love it! Keep your chin up everyone and lots of hugs to you all , Diane xx :D
  • wiltshiregirl
    wiltshiregirl Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi my name is Karen and I am 44. I was dianosed with RA last June . The RA came on very quickly, literally overnight, and like most people, I didnt know what was going on! In a way it was a relief when I was diagnosed. I go to the Bath Mineral hospital, and was a in patient there twice last year having steroid injections.

    I take Methrotrixate, sulphalizine and am also on Anti Tnf(Humira)which I take once a fortnight(stings at times,and itches afterwards)but is well worth it!!

    I work part time as a Dental Receptionist, which is ideal as I am sitting and standing.

    I enjoy reading, socialising and skittles-things that I thought I would never do again this time last year!!

    Take care
    Karen xxx
  • madwestie
    madwestie Member Posts: 383
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi my name is Tracey i live in dorset. I am 41 married for 16yrs to a wonderful man. no kids but a very lazy cat and a hyper dog. (a very mad westie) i have had OA in my neck and back for 10yrs+ but was diagnosed with RA last year. i am on plaquenil, lodine, MTX (20mg) and Co-dyramol I also have asthma.
    I work fulltime fortunately being able to work from home since 2002. I had an assessment from a charity to see what could be provided to make life easier and now ave voice activated software which eally help on bad days.
    My hands feet hips and knee have been affected by the RA and my neck shoulders and back by the OA (all a bit of a pain)

    I like walking albeit slowly, knitting, card making and cooking although i find it frustrating that i am a lot slower at it all now.
  • linmad
    linmad Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi ,
    im linda(answer to lin ) on here as linmad but started as lindylou about 20 months or so ago, not quite sure what happened to change it :?
    i have generalised o/a knees hips hands, mechanical back pain--yes it does exist i looked it up and soft tissue rhumatics, also deaf in one ear, not sure how long as have had problems since little, but have been told nothing can be done for it :(
    have had problems with joints for about 18 years on and off but started to be a real problem about 5 years or so ago, after lots of trial and error i now find myself on celebrex, paracetamol, tramodol and amitriptyline, rhumatologist told me its a good combination for pain relief but sometimes it just keeps it damped down, dreading the winter :(
    i worked until 2 years ago when my firm went under, then nobody seemed to think i was fit for work so now long term sick on i/b, can't get anything from dla ( i tried i really did ) but found by the time it went to appeal it was making me feel worse than the o/a so i gave up , lucky enough to have blue badge, but do try to keep going as terrified i will seize up completely as my gran did and my mother nearly has!
    have been with hubby since i was 16, am now 54, 1 grown up daughter 36, and two adorable granddaughters, 6 and 4 :):)
    this is a fantastic site, when my mum was ill last year and i felt as if i was falling to bits trying to do everything being able to come here and have a moan,and open up really was a great help , i dont post regularly but drop in from time to time, tonight was to see how christov's family are faring, thinking of baby and hoping for good news xxxxx
  • kate21
    kate21 Member Posts: 24
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone,
    Have not had a chance to read everyone's entries yet, but I will find the time soon, it's lovely to hear from you all.

    I'm Kate, age 21, have had some form of arthritis for about 2 and a half years now. It was diagnosed as Rheumatoid at one point, but have recently had that diagnosis taken away from me, so who knows!

    I come from Essex, have studied at University in Kent for the past three years and now live with my boyfriend in York, so I feel like a bit of a wanderer. Am missing home lots so it's nice to make friends on here. Especially anyone in the York area. I am volunteering with the York branch of Arthritis Care so that I can meet more people.

    I have got a knee aspiration scheduled for friday at the hospital which I am very nervous about and not too keen on the idea of all those needles. Hopefully it will make walking easier and I will no longer appear to have four knee-caps on each leg!

    I do hope you are all well and I endeavour to use this forum more and more as I forgot how wonderful it is and you all are.
    Love Kate, xxx
  • annic4363
    annic4363 Member Posts: 67
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi there

    I'm Annie - annic is my screen name. I am 47 married to a the fantastic Ben - cook, launderer, diy expert, nursemaid and all round good guy! I also have a step daughter of 15. I was diagnosed with RA in April 2007 and have been doing the drug fandango ever since.

    Currently waiting to start Anti-TNF but there seem to be more obstacles to that than the 800 metres hurdles!

    I am lucky enough to have great bosses so am still working as a customer services manager for an internet services company.

    Not sure what else to say except thanks for all the great support and if I can help at please feel free to drop me a line anytime

    Chat soon


  • nickiapp
    nickiapp Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My name is Nicki and I try to look at the site every couple of days or so I occasionally post but not often.
    I've had RA for 18 years since I was 20 and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year although I think I've had that on and off all the time. Keep going down with neutropaenia from the mtx twice and twice this year with Embrel so am just on pred at present and diclofenac with the hopes of going onto Humira as the Enbrel worked but not the side effects.
    Am married to John for 14 years but no kids as they just couldn't control the RA and we've usually got a dog but we lost him last Dec.
    We live in E yorks.
    I stopped working 3 years ago but I do some voluntary work for ACare and its great to meet others who have the same problems and know where you're coming from, and I think its great that there's the forum as when you're stuck in the middle of nowhere its nice to know there's someone out there for you, even though when you're struggling its hard to use the keyboard.

  • tracys
    tracys Member Posts: 25
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi - what a great idea ! My name is Tracy, I am 38 and have had RA for 12 years and now they think I have another connective tissue disease so we are trying to work that one out at the moment although they say it could take years. I have been married for 15 years to Matt, my past career was in the hotel trade doing various management roles which was extremely hard work and very tiring which is why I had to give it up a year ago- I still miss it madly but being away from it has also been good as I have managed to re establish relationships with my family and friends. I live in Fife near St Andrews which is a great place to live as it is very close to lots of beaches!! I have no children unfortunately but have nieces, nephews and god children who fill a little bit of the gap!I do some work for my husbands business, and I am about to do some training with Arthritis care to become a trainer to help run some of their courses which I am loking forward to and hopefully some other voluntary work. My disease is not under control at the moment and every day is filled with pain - It can get you down a lot of the time but I am trying to make the best of the life I have. I am grateful for the support of my hubby who has to put up with a lot!!
  • darkdragon
    darkdragon Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi I'm Ben i was diag. with Psoriatic arthritis at 17 and am now 33. qucker to say I don't have Psoriatic arthritis in my elbows and upper back :) Currently on Humira but it is causing more problems than it if fixing.
  • jennywren
    jennywren Bots Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all my name is Jennifer and I go by the name of jennywren and I am in my forties and I am still looking for Mr. Nearly Right and I think I will have to keep looking as most people take one look at me and run which I can't do as I am often in a wheelchair now I have OA in most joints for my sins and I am unemployable according the the Dept of Health and Pensions but what do they know. I live in Diss in Norfolk which is a market town on the Norfolk Suffolk border and the most excitement is the conversation about who is carrying on with the butcher and get so many chops and what would be on at the cinema if we had one. I did live in London and I supprt the West Ham I have not been on here lately for fear of saying outlandish things.
  • suziev
    suziev Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi all

    well it's not easy to post at the moment for me, what with a 3 year old boy and a 4 month old girl
    but i do try when i get the chance.
    am suzanne but go by suziev am 33 and have RA, had it since the birth of my son, however i was first told i had reactive.
    as well as having my hands full with the kids i have a hubby
    who does his best to listen to my moans and groans and a black lab called max who listens and am sure understand as the dog has OA
    i am very blessed i have great family and good friends and this forum has been such a great help.
  • colinb
    colinb Member Posts: 66
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi everyone, i'm Colin and am basically typing on behalf of my wife, Margaret, who has RA and does not often use computer cos it hurts too much. we are both 43 and have 2 kids..girl 15 and boy 11.
    Maggy takes sulfasalazine, prednisolone and a whole other cocktail of stuff. She was diagnosed about 4 years ago, and had to stop working a few months after that. i am now predominantly her carer, but still work..tho reducing to part time hours soon.
    have looked around the site a few times and found some really useful stuff here, and have decided to make more use of it now, as we are in ompletely uncharted waters here now...Maggy has been told to stop walking and uses a wheelchair etc etc.
    looking forward to getting to know some of you .
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