Who are we roll call - Part 1
Hi everyone,
Im Lorraine and live alone with my little staffie in Southport Merseyside, divorced and have two grown up sons who live with their lovely partners and three fabulous grandchildren that I adore.
Although I dont post often but I read daily and it warms my spirit that everyone on this site is so kind and cares so much
I have oa which is spreading quite quickly, need 2 new knees, (to young) have bad hip pain and lower back, hands and cervical spondy which keeps me awake an awful lot, had mri last week to see why Im having so many probs with nerve pain and occasional loss of use in my hands, which frightens me. I have diabetes aswell
I take celebrex, cocodymol, paracetamel, stomache protectors, metformin. fendreral, rosehip and omega 3. Its taken some time to find meds that suit. I meditate and practise Reiki healing to try and overcome pain....sometimes it helps.....sometime not
Have studied Holistic Therapies for 4 years whilst working as a support worker for young adults with special needs. Was in the midst of opening a clinic when was badly attcked at work and after xrays was found to have severe oa in my knees and hips The CS had almost made it imposs to continue my dream. Its been very hard coming to terms and I have been in denial, believing I would feel better soon....silly me!
My boot scooter has changed my life, I love it and the freedom it gives, love aqua aerobics and swimming
Warmest wishes xx0 -
Hiya Everyone,
My name is Jenny, I'm 25yrs old and have had RA for past 10yrs. I live in the Midlands (although only for the past year) with my wonderfully patient partner Steve. We're getting married in march. I'm due to start anti-TNF soon and can't wait as I seem to have tried everything else!
Greetings all.0 -
Hi all,
Looks like I am the last to sign on here! My name is Eugene I am 38, married, and am father to a lovely little girl of almost 5 and a mischievous little boy of 2 and a bit! I was originally diagnosed 6 years ago with RA and have since been with Fibromyalgia, Plantar Fasciitis and Achilies Tendonitis in both legs and feet. I have also had lovely attacks of gout! I live on the outskirts of the east end of london and hold down a full time job as an assistant motor claims manager. To add to my pain I am also a season ticket holder at West Ham!! When I am suffering and suffering other people's perceptions that there is actually nothing wrong with me, my wife is my rock and my shoulder to cry on. I have also discovered you guys in recent times and have found out that I am not alone.
Eugene.0 -
Hi, Im Debs, i'm a quiet member!!! I got OA about 8 years ago. Living in pain now, unable to work. On the good side. Ive got 4 kids, a great husband so my life isn't all that bad.0
Hi all
I'm 52 and live in south lincs near the borders with norfolk and cambridgeshire. Originally from Essex we moved here 4 years ago. I love lincolnshire but miss my older family who are still in Essex. I am married with a 7 year old daughter and a 26 and 28 year old son and daughter from a previous marriage. I have just become a grandmother and that is great.
At the moment I haven't a clue what type of arthritis I have other than it is of the inflammatory type. I have had it for at least 6 years but have been mis diagnosed many times. I find this very frustrating. At present am not on any meds for this except paracetemol which is useless. I was on prednisolone for 3 years but have been taken off so that an assessment and diagnosis can be made. Have lots of pain in lots of places and suffer from debilatating tiredness like lots of you. Also have under active thyroid and high blood pressure.
Have suffered with anxiety and total agorophobia (couldn't move from one chair - safe place) for a long time but am making a lot of headway now with some fantastic counselling and lots of support from family and friends. I feel like I have given in to the pain and the loss of use in my joints and need to make more of an effort to reclaim some life.
I used to be a primary school teacher but medically retired with stress and anxiety. Also trained and worked as a driving instructor but couldn't cope with the sitting down for such a long time.
I love reading and couldn't be without a book. I used to love gardening and cooking but haven't bothered for so long but hope to rekindle this. I also used to love driving but the agorophobia stopped that - something else I intend to change.
This site is great and I think this thread has been really interesting. Thanks0 -
Hi all
I'm 32 year old and my name is Netty (short for Jeannette). I also live in south Lincolnshire and the only thing I border with is the Wash! I've been married for 10 years to my very patient and daft lorry-driving hubby Darren. We don't have any children although we do have 3 cats and 2 four-week old kittens. I work full time as an admin assistant in an IT department, started off as a temp position but was made permanent last week, yay! Luckily I have an understanding employer, it helps when my manager is also disabled.
After being mis-diagnosed a lot since an early age, I had finally been told a couple of years ago I have OA in my feet, my left foot is so swollen it looks like it's about to burst (I call it my elephant foot!). I also have intermittent problems with my knees and hips, plantar faciitis in both feet, fallen arches and restricted movement in my ankles so I tend to trip over fresh air! I sometimes use a walking stick although I have to admit not as often as I should. I don't take painkillers as often as I should either. I take ibuprofen, there aren't many painkillers i can tollerate and since coproxamol was withdrawn and my GP refuses to give it to me I tend to grin and bear it. But when the pain gets too bad I take Tramadol and veg out. I don't let my OA take over my life and am pretty upbeat about it all even though I have problems finding shoes that fit when I have a 'normal' foot and an elephant one! The only thing that really gets me down is not being able to wear my beloved Crocs!
I enjoy knitting, needlecraft, card making, cooking, gardening when my body allows (I'm determined not to let my hubby concrete my pretty garden!). We're also avid followers of motorbike racing and go to British Superbike races when we can. We don't enjoy football but I wouldn't say no to watching a rugby match if only to drool over the players with their muscly legs and cute bums!
Anyway, enough of me. It's nice to meet you all and hope to speak soon. Take care all xxIn a world where everything is a copy .... I remain an original0 -
Is it ok?..I live in the United States, ...in Illinois, have had RA 13 years, on mtx, humira, and a NSAID, had some knee replacements, very happy with them...
just wanted to say hiPat
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Hi, Pat! Of course it's OK! Welcome from the other side of the big pond.
JossX0 -
anniethe1st wrote:Hi all i only joined recently,dr receptionist rang to say an x ray l had on left arm was arthritis ,last week had a terrible flare up right arm lthought someone was sawing my arm of saw gp on co drydamol dicloflex appointment to see musculoskeletal clinic 24th this month
ive had aches and pains for years but gp never took me on,ive read info on site and l think it could be RA will write down how ive felt for appointment,im fifty four nearly fifty five l have five offspring seven grandchildren im retired but occasionaly teach folkart decorative painting l love crafts card making ect,we have three dogs a cairn a westie and a mongrel two are rescue dogs one fourteen year old cat a cockatiel and one great supportive hubby,l live near Wigan Lancashire.
Hiya Ann! I just read your post on the roll call thread and recognised a few things we have in common. I live in Bury but I lived in Wigan until 1982, in Hindley Green. My mum still lives in Lower Ince and a few of my friends are in Hindley Green . I'm just turned 57, married 35 years with 3 grown kids. Two have flown but my eldest has Aspergers Syndrome and still lives with us. I have 2 cats and a garden full of birds and squirrels. I like to make hand crafted cards when my hands allow
It would be nice to chat now and then. Hope you will reply soon but please don't worry if you would rather not. I understand. Hope you don't mind me saying hello. Best wishes Kate0 -
Hi everyone
I only joined up today. I have Stills disease, eventually diagnosed in 1994, oesteoporosis and a dodgy kidney. I have had both cataracts removed and both hips resurfaced. Slowly becoming a new woman, hubby says he can't wait lol.
I am 47, married with no kids, one dog and a caravan lol. I live in the West Midlands.
The Stills is under control at the moment with Humira, MXT, steroids and local injections. 14 years ago I thought my life was over,but now life is good again even though I am always in pain somewhere.
You all seem very friendly and supportive here, I look forward to getting to know you better.0 -
Hi Forum... I've joined jsut few days ago and cannot stop reading and participating on our chats, I have OA, and being studied for maybe RA, I am very sensitive to cold and change of weather.. it sets up a wave of pain that droves me crazy, I am 59 years old and live in London, I am thinking to move to any seaside area maybe to the West ( I believe the air will make me better... :roll: ) that is what I was told.. I am a spaniard you see... and there is working I am told. The point is, I do not know if any one living in a rural area or the seaside finds that Arthur get angrier there, be for the colder weather or the open spaces. people tells me that it is a lot colder autside London, and more expensive to get warm ( so important for me )
I know what everyone is thinking... go to Spain woman !!! The point is, family is here and I would feel a foreigner there :shock:
crazy uh?
Let me know what you think... if anything...
Thankyou all0 -
Hi all
I'm Elaine and joined today so forgive me if I get things wrong to start.
I'm 56 with 4 grown up children (2 still at home) plus 2 step children (almost) from my partner. We have been together now for 4 years. I have OA and have had it for a number of years now. I take Arthrotec and Codydramol but only when I feel really bad. I also have gallstones & believe it or not when I have an attack I can use my arthritis tablets so I don't have to go to hospital (unless of course it was due to a blockage). If that wasn't enough I also have lipoedema with overlying lymphoedema and in June this year I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Apart from that I'm fine!!! :roll:
I've always tried to stay positive and not let pain get me down but I have to admit that in the last year things have been difficult and I have suffered with bad mood swings. Of course that's probably to do with the FM cos I have also found myself forgetting things where I used to have such a great memory. I started using my son's gameboy - the education game where you have to remember things and beat your scores in maths and it's great fun and actually it does help stimulate your brain. He gets real mad when I beat him too (especially as he is 23).
I hate moaning but I think my family have suffered because I haven't been able to get through to them how I am feeling (physically and emotionally). I guess they think of me as the trooper so tend not to want to know about things that are negative about me (if that makes sense). I know it's not that they don't care - more they don't want to accept the fact that I am not as healthy as I was.
I'm looking forward to being able to talk to other people who know how I am feeling but most of all to feeling better in myself.
Elaine x0 -
Hiya Elaine !!!! Welcome... My dr told me about this site.. I was very confused for the pain( everywhere ) I thought It was all in my mind... ter seing so many people with the same issues I began to feel "normal" I had my gallstones taken last May, and all is OK, day surgery and back home, no problems, also a keyhole op on my righ
knee last December to repair ligaments and meniscus... sadly the OA set in and the pain still there...
ou Family will eventually realize what is going on with you... perhaps showing this site will also help them... Do not let depression settle in... much of the flares up have to do with our emotions... keep in touch and be part of this wondefull community.. self help is the key ( and keep up with your son, these kids need some sort of restaint, otherwise they grow too big for their shoes
I know by experience !!!! mine are the same
Take care
[quot e="elainezena"]Hi all
I'm Elaine and joined today so forgive me if I get things wrong to start.
I'm 56 with 4 grown up children (2 still at home) plus 2 step children (almost) from my partner. We have been together now for 4 years. I have OA and have had it for a number of years now. I take Arthrotec and Codydramol but only when I feel really bad. I also have gallstones & believe it or not when I have an attack I can use my arthritis tablets so I don't have to go to hospital (unless of course it was due to a blockage). If that wasn't enough I also have lipoedema with overlying lymphoedema and in June this year I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Apart from that I'm fine!!! :roll:
I've always tried to stay positive and not let pain get me down but I have to admit that in the last year things have been difficult and I have suffered with bad mood swings. Of course that's probably to do with the FM cos I have also found myself forgetting things where I used to have such a great memory. I started using my son's gameboy - the education game where you have to remember things and beat your scores in maths and it's great fun and actually it does help stimulate your brain. He gets real mad when I beat him too (especially as he is 23).
I hate moaning but I think my family have suffered because I haven't been able to get through to them how I am feeling (physically and emotionally). I guess they think of me as the trooper so tend not to want to know about things that are negative about me (if that makes sense). I know it's not that they don't care - more they don't want to accept the fact that I am not as healthy as I was.
I'm looking forward to being able to talk to other people who know how I am feeling but most of all to feeling better in myself.
Elaine x[/quote]
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elainezena wrote:I hate moaning but I think my family have suffered because I haven't been able to get through to them how I am feeling (physically and emotionally)
It is very difficult for others, even close ones, to understand how you feel. All you can do is tell them and hope for understanding, but don't be afraid to say NO and stick to it if you are really feeling ill and they want something doing.
And before I get told off for running off the thread!
I live in South Staffs and worked as a precision tool and gaugemaker for 20 years, then got hit by redundancy. Blew the money on college and a successful University course in BA(Hons) Art and Design.
Went on to become a college Lecturer in Art/Design, then moved on to lecture in Computing and IT. 8) Had to retire early when diagnosed with RA about 6 years ago.
My partner is employed as a Lecturer in Psychology. We have two children, my daughter is a pharmacist/manager in the Lake District, while my son is employed by a mapping company in Nottingham.
Currently, I design/maintain a popular website for a roadhumps protest group. As their main spokesman I have appeared in the local papers, on radio programs and TV news including BBC1's The One Show. I also visit detainees held in police custody.
Joseph 8)Joseph0 -
Crikey! :shock: I thought I'd posted on here but seem to have gone AWOL!!! (my 'arthur' memory is obviously playing up. Just shows how long I have been posting on here - I must be remembering the last time!!) :oops:
So .... wecome to everyone I have just 'met' for the first time and here goes about me .....
I'm Alison, I have rheumatoid arthritis (along with depression and high blood pressure) and am 40 (gulp!).
I currently have Methotrexate Injections and take ibuprofen and co-codamol. I mix in other meds for various other complaints but don't rattle quite as much as I used to!
I live with my gorgeous - and very understanding - hubby who has had to learn to live with 'Arthur' too!
Our family is completed by our dog - an almost 6-year-old Staffordshire-bull-terrier cross rescue dog who has really rescued me from the pits of despair and depression. She is our reason to keep going when all others seem to have flown. She looks after us both so well and loves us to bits. She looks a little like my avatar, but is much more gentle than the picture appears!
When we got her she had to learn to walk at two different speeds - fast for himself, who was jokingly referred to as 'quick legs' and slowly for myself .... hence 'wonkylegs'!!! so I usually call her 'littlelegs' so she doesn't feel left out!!!!
In reality most bits of me are 'wonky' at some time or other, but I try to make a joke of things when I can to keep 'Arthur' in his place.0 -
my names Andrew im 46 been married for 26 years wifes brilliant got 2 sons 25 and 22..who i wish wouldnt worry so much about me...i have RA and just been diagnosed with ankolising spondulosis which is fun never gives me a minutes peace i have a smashing job working for child maintenance ( NOT THE CSA) i live in barnsley i take the usual meds mtx diclofenic dhydrocodeine tramadol to name a few hahaha i also have 2 grankids who rock my world there a new lease on life...i dont post much but always read what people post and find this site very helpful ...its nice to know that your not the only one with this awful disease and we can help and comfort each other when were feeling down...peace and love
andrew xx0 -
hi im kezzo1- formally known as laura im 26,i was diag with ra after birth of my daughter in aug 2007. started mtx treatment in feb im on 20mg tablets which are not working soon to start injections. im also on naproxen. i work part time 3 days a week admin.
ive been with my partner now for 7 years. this site is amazing and hello to u all. :P0 -
Hi there, I'm Poppy!
Visited this site a few years ago and found it really useful so I've returned!!!
Have PA and until recently have been on mtx and Humira.... stopped both in order to start a family so am very nervous/scared/excited/in pain(!) right now (hence re-joining this forum!!).
Look forward to chatting to you all!
Poppy x x0 -
Helloo my name is Elissa am 37 I live in Cheshire with my hubby and 2 kids. I was diagnosed in 1995 just after the birth of my first daughter. I had my knee replaced in 2006 after a lot of begging and pleading, they told me to come back when I was 50! Have just started Leflunimide, also on sulpha. Tried Mxt but had to come off it as made me feel even worse than I already did. Have had to change career paths from admin to art student and have just started my 2nd year at college and loving it. Positive way of thinking is that without 'Arthur' I wouldn't be doing what I love I tell myself that through gritted teeth every morning when I am hobbling and shuffling to the bathroom! Glad I found this place don't feel quite so lonely now0
hi, I am Anna otherwise known as popsqueek. I have OA pretty much everywhere but it is really bad in my knees and hips. I have had problems since I was 9 which were put down to the fact that I was a dancer and then growing pains etc, OA wasn't finaly diagnosed untill a couple of years ago. I am 31- Just and am 7 months pregnan at the moment so trying to keep the meds down- it was a bit of a shock going from oramorph to paracetamol I can tell you! other than that there is not much to know realy. I can tell you that this place, the forum, has been a great help as has Arthritis care in general,
Take care
A0 -
Hi I'm Lorraine, otherwise known as Loz23McG and I live in Hove with my Hubby and a lovely new sofa! No really, it's great!
I was first diagnosed with Hypermobility and then Sero Negative Poly Arthritis, but my consultant is dismissive and unhelpful and I have to say I'm a little lost as what to do. Luckily, I know that a post on this forum will help me work things out, so if I can stop re-typing the bloomin' thing I'll put up a post! To be honest, knowing that I can talk to everyone here is worth *so* much to me, it puts a little light back in to the whole dark, depressing business of being ill. Thanks guys!0 -
Hi, I'm Mctricky, quite a newbie on this site.
I live with Psoriatic Arthur and have done since about the age of 28 - I'm now 52
I was in RN until getting medically discharged, thanks to Arthur and now work with Naval Welfare as an Advice Worker.
I'm married to Christina Patricia, who sadly has mental health problems and is in hospital. I have one daughter Lynne, who is still at home and is currently studying accountancy at Paisley Uni. (Lynne has also been diagnosed with Arthur)
We are also fortunate to have Jasper Carrot a wee King Charles Spaniel (Ruby) (Jasper has also been diagnosed with Arthur - what a family!!!)
Up to now I've managed 3 hip replacements, 1 shoulder replacement, 1 ankle replacement and Fowlers procedure on each foot.
Am currently on Methotrexate 12.5mg (for many years), Indometacin and all the accompanying meds, which manage to fill a carrier bag (recycled of course) every 28 days.
I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on the site.0 -
Hi I'm Jane and have been a member since 2005 when I was diagnosed with OA in lumbar spine., Since then it has appered in hands and feet, and probably neck and shoulders too. And jaw, but people think trhat's because I talk too much!
I live in north Scotland with lovely hubby and a smallholding with sheep and horses (Harley is my horse and I love him to bits, keeps me sane). I also enjoy singing, all music and good food!
I take ibuprofen, co-dydramol and amitryptiline to keep going, and have recently been told I have Lyme's Disease from a tick bite so that's playing havoc with everything LOL! I work full time and work are very good about time off for appointkments etc.
I used to post on here a lot but recently haven't had much time or energy so have been missing! Good to see old names still here, and LOTS of new ones too.
Jane0 -
my name is gary im 38 and today was at doctor about my knee which has been making crunching noises and a clicking sound she told me i have arthritis in my knee0 -
hi names lynnmary 49 and was feeling very low and sorry for myself and came across this site , have read through many of your posts and have felt my spirits lifting just to know im not the only one out there going through pain and a whole life adjustment as you can feel so alone in your pain..thinking your the only one going though this awful ilness...bright blessings for you all .0
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