Who are we roll call - Part 1



  • katherine810
    katherine810 Member Posts: 67
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I'm Katherine, one of the younger people on here as I am only 15.
    I have JRA & Live in England, Bedfordshire :)

    I'm a newbie, only just joined.

    I've had JRA since I was 4 years old, but was diagnosed at 6.
    I love this website, I find it really useful.

    Thats all I can think of.

  • wallysatt
    wallysatt Member Posts: 87
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I'm Sally. I've just turned 27 and have had JIA since I was about 6 years old.

    I finished an Ma in Music in May but I'm not able to work because of my arthritis, which I find very frustraiting.

    I still live at home in Staffordshire with my Mum and Dad.

    Not much else to report at the minute.

  • suffolkgayle
    suffolkgayle Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm new to these boards so i thought I had better introduce myself!
    I'm 31 and as my forum name suggests yes my name is Gayle :D from the suffolk essex border I have had investigations after massive joint pain over the summer best I could get was " it probably is arthritis" as it wasnt showing on tests.
    my pain seems to cover most of me hips shoulder neck and elbows especially I am trying difffernt anti inflamatories on diclofenic sr now I do click rather loudly most of the time and I seem to get infections of one sort or another every few weeks ( perhaps not connected but does seem strange its happening at the same time)
    I work with children with additional needs part time and study the rest.
    I work with young people as part of the scout movement in my spare time with my husband Tony we are halfway through adoption process and I'm hoping that this will not stop us ( I cannot have children so its our last hope!)
  • hedgehog
    hedgehog Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi I'm Stan and I've only posted once before. Could be something to do with being 63 I s'pose. I joined the club,(Arthurs that is),about two years ago and going downhill fast. O A of spine,neck.shoulder,elbow and now, both knees. Apart from that I'm fine. Look after my beloved who has real problems. No, not always from me!!! Unfortunately, she's in Kidney Failure, so that puts my little problems on the back-burner as it were. Anyway, enough of me, you Guys an Gals deserve a medal for the way you all make me laugh on this forum. Keep it up

    Stan the man.
  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi its bertyboy here no not my real name its the pups handle i am 54 have 4 adult of spring one of which is still at home on occasions but who serves a perpose of cooking for me and my hubby when he has the time , he is a chef so its not always beans on toast. we also have 6 great grankids one of which lives abroad with his mom and dad who is also a chef and who is working with the ankolisising spondolitis form also have 2 dogs my probs are my knees giving up on me and have been told i am too young for new ones but hay ho ,i am now being re refered to see a diffrent doc take care all {may}xx sorry forgot to say i live in nottinghamshire xx
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • suepollard
    suepollard Member Posts: 28
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, im Sue Pollard! ho de ho before you say it!!!!!! Everytime I make phone calls I always say Susan Pollard, cos of course I get the cracks, infact 2 of my pals came to my wedding in red coats, :D
    I am 47 years young, have a good outlook despite being in the early stages of things, I have Osteoarthritis and they now think, not 100% certain yet, but the consultant thinks its the onset of Rheumatoid aswell. health wise has taken a nose dive in the last 6 months, but it all started a year ago, nothing happened, it just started. I am married with 3 children, although 2 are in their late teens now, one of them is at college doing Public Services, as he hopes to go in the RAF, and my daughter is at Uni studying Prosthetic Makeup, its very interesting, as we are guinee pigs for her homework! My husband has arthritis and Fibromalgia, and my eldest daughter has a muscle disease called 'Dystonia', its a neurological disease, weve been through the ringer a bit to say the least, but some how I find this inner strength, goodness knows where it comes from. Whilst all this investigation is going on with myself, it has been hard to comes to terms with especially as ive been left hanging in the balance for a year, until finally im now seeing a smashing Dr in Leeds, :P ,
    I wish everyone a very peaceful and happy Christmas, and hope you get what you want in your stockings!
    sue xx :wink:
  • 1962sara
    1962sara Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi I'm Sara. I'm 45 and the rhuemy thinks I have PA, though tests are ongoing :roll: I teach adult Literacy and manage to keep on going at work through the aches and pains that move around and constantly take me by surprise :x I live in Manchester and have a very supportive O/H and two lovely teenaged daughters as well as an 83 year old mum who runs rings around me :oops:
    Have a happy Christmas everyone.
  • huddylion
    huddylion Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello good people just joined the group, so now to introduce myself,
    The name is Peter I am 51 and have Osteoarthritis of the knees, back and neck, have been off work for 14 months now, just been registered disabled and been medically retired from work :( , shame as I loved my job, I was a baker for a large supermarket chain.
    Gradually seems to be getting worse, have had all the treatments going physio,hyrdrotherapy,accupuncture,all the pills going and at the moment am on Fentanyl transdermal patches 72 mg per hour 3 day patches, Paracetamol 500mg 8 per day, pregabalin caps75 mg 2 per day, and , have had facet joint steroid injections which i hoped would mean i was going back to work but no they haven't worked
    :( , havent got another appointment to see consultant till middle of January which i'm a bit peeved about.

    But i try to look on the bright side well you have to dont you, always someone worse off than yourself.

    Dont know what i expect from the forums , support i suppose advice and to ry and cheer each other up.
    Sorry that was a bit long winded :wink:
  • susie51
    susie51 Member Posts: 57
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am 57 have had both osteo arthritis and RA although RA was only diagnosed two years ago been on Methotrexate since diagnosis and had a hip replacement two years ago which went like a dream and the best thing I ever agreed to doing! My 3 daughters and son are grown up my daughters have two kids apeice of their own now, two living near me in Wales and one in Ireland and my son is living in Austratlia :cry: thank god for modern communications is all I can say :) I live in west Wales with my step daughter who is 18 and has been a life saver! I too used to be a practising artist Dollie ceramics mainly and have had to retire altogether although I still draw a bit when my hands allow. I had just bought a large house to renovate when the RA finally laid me to rest and have been trying bit by bit to save enough to get others to do the work, I am slowly getting there. Just recently I have been developing some weird symptoms; bad taste in my mouth and worsening tiredness/lethagy and I am beginning to wonder if this is the Methotrexate. I also take Arcoxia, the highest rate of co-codamol, and of course Lansoprazol and folic acid.
    I found this site the best support when I was first diagnosed with RA I really cannot imagine how I would have got through all my woes without it and the support I recieved at that time, now I only log in from time to time but love that it is still there for us all. Seasons greeting to everyone
  • renard99
    renard99 Member Posts: 19
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all

    I'm new

    My name's Mark and i'm 25. I was diagnosed with RA only 3 days ago. The news was like a sledgehammer to the head. I recently moved into a new home, passed my driving test, got a new qualification and started a new job that I loved and thought that for once, after years of hard work, things were going my way but I spoke too soon.
    The pain in my knees has meant i've had to give up driving, my wrists have become so restricted that working with delicate IT equipment is out of the question and the work on the new house has stopped and we can't afford to get someone in to do it.
    The RA is affecting my fingers, wrists, elbows, knees and toes, with the knees being the worst of the lot by far.
    I'm currently only on Naproxen (spelling?), which only just takes the edge off the pain meaning I can just about walk, however i'm waiting for my referal to the rheumatologist.
    My one shinning light, and I'm sure many of you will echo this, is my other half. I know it's hit her hard. We've only lived together for 5 months and had only just unpacked and got into a daily 'routine' when RA tore it up. She has minor OA (a right pair we are!) and I know for a fact that she's battled through pain without saying a word just to make me comfortable (the thought of which is making me cry now as I write). I love her dearly.
    I know it's early days for me and things may get better, but at the same time, i'm fully prepared for it to get much worse. My two passions are rock music and motor sport. My dream has always been to drive a race car and play in a band, even if I only do each one once, just to say i've done it. I shall hold on to those dreams and use them as goals but for now..........

    I'm scared
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Mark
    i have sent you a pM
  • sweenyuk
    sweenyuk Member Posts: 15
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi. I am Mark, 43 from the North of England. I have both OA and RA as well as conditions of the bowel that are linked to my arthritis. I work full time in a call centre selling power tools to big burley men on building sites.
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