Hi, I am thinking of doing some volunteering. Maybe in a hospital, CAB, library or something similar, I'm not sure yet, but it can't be anything too physical as I have severe RA. I was also wondering what are the chances of getting a paid job after volunteering. If any of you has any experience with that I would greatly…
Tier 2
Hi there iv just completed my ill health retirement forms, and now its a waiting game, i have worked for the NHS for 16 yrs, could anyone tell me if I do get it , what sort of payment you get, is it a lump sum, or would it be a monthly payment?..because as you can imagine my head is in overdrive with worry as my wages will…
I dread going to work
I think it's fair to say that I am begining to dread going to work. I now live for the weekends. I work nine hour shifts, all standing (no sitting allowed, or practical) and after the first 2 hours I am tired and after 7 hrs I am exhausted and in pain and the final 2 hrs are just to be got through in the best way I can. I…
my day from hell
Oh my gosh, I have just had the day from hell. I came home from work on wednesday evening and was not feeling too great. My right foot was aching as was my right wrist. During the night I became aware that the ache had developed into a pain and it was waking me up each time i turned over. When the alarm went off at 7am I…
Another HR meeting.......
Had another meeting with my line manager, HR manager and my union rep. Thought it went well.......asked if cutting my hours would help, no as whether I am at work or home doesn't make a difference to my pain levels. HR asked 'is it an autoimmune thing?' (These questions coming from someone who works in the healthboard!!)…
Redundant and due for ATOS Medical
Hi all... I have learnt this week after being off sick for nearly a year that I am being made redundant as from Friday, in itself that isn't too much of an issue as I don't think I could go back if I am honest. Tonight I had a call from atos booking a medical for the 4th of July :shock: Now this does worry me after reading…
Pain in the neck!!
Been diagnosed with Arthritis in C5 and C6 Vertabrae. Have had Neck and back of my head pain, plus pins 'n' needles in my arms. Been in pain for 6 weeks and I am depressed. My doctor prescribed Codeine and Paracetmol, they help a little but first thing in the morning I am not good at all, it takes me untill afternoon to…
Good evening Thanks to this forum i applied for dla and got help filling in the forms Got a telephone call this afternoon from dla to clarify some answers and after this, was told that i have been awarded it, To say i was shocked would be putting it very mildly, My award was getting processed this afternoon and i will be…
House Sharing
At 65 with RA and totally human and power chair dependent, Large care package but i am feed up with not having people to talk to who are not involved in my care package. I am looking at buying a larger house and inviting 2/3 others to share it with me. I would value any input with this idea. I live in Newcastle upon Tyne.
REQUEST for HELP - please ....
Being referred to Occupational Health through work.. "Seriously" worried now about losing my job.. very upset.. :cry: Does anyone have any tips of:- What I should disclose... and anything that I should NOT disclose.. I've never been in this situation before, and am very worried about my job and future.. I would really…