


  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Joy, Toni we have had no snow here :) feeling a bit better but my wrist still flared up a bit but i'm going to try and ignore it, had pain meds now for a mug of tea. I've made some pancakes if anybody wants one.
    Julie xx
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    morning all sorry if iv missed much , will spread the hugs thick to make up xxxxxx i have been a bit eyeless as the lense fell out of my specs and the old ones make my head ache x i feel in a baking mood so if there is anything that any of you fancy let me know , will just have a quick cupper before i check the store xx
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    bertyboy wrote:
    morning all sorry if iv missed much , will spread the hugs thick to make up xxxxxx i have been a bit eyeless as the lense fell out of my specs and the old ones make my head ache x i feel in a baking mood so if there is anything that any of you fancy let me know , will just have a quick cupper before i check the store xx
    Oooo some scones would be nice let me know if you need a hand :)
    julie xx
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mornin All,

    Tis so cold so I going to get a builders and go weld to the fire....... Got tons of rain if anyone needs some? A biting horrible direction wind and I would love to know who came up with the slogan 'come to sunny Cornwall' cus I could do with something so wrong as my sales slogan :lol::lol::lol:

    Joy hope you get on ok there? x

    Hi Jan ((( ))) and xx

    Hi Toni I let Cuddles back in and sorry I forgot to take my boots off as well but least, as yet, I haven't nose dived the mud so I's fairly clean :wink: xx

    Hi Bertie oh scones do sound good and I got a bucket of clotted cream so maybe I could have a cream tea for brekkie? Hey did you sleep well now you know the cure..... :lol::lol: D'you reckon I could sleep better knowing this? :lol::lol::lol: x

    Hi Julie we got some jam between us? I might have to pop out and get some. Hope your ok today? x

    Right I shall use Berty's courses wisdom and at least remove being cold from the equation and get in the fire for a bit, mind where you chuck the next log please :wink:
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    :) mmm cream tea sounds good here i've got us some jam Cris, think i will sit by the fire too it's cold here but not raining yet. I managed to get some sleep last night, 3 hours thats good for me how are you today Cris :?:
    julie xx
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Julie,

    One cream tea.... well tis maybe the second :lol::lol: We had huge rain and a northerly running and welding to a fire seems the best plan eh? You know for some reason...... I have no idea why...... I's feeling some tired :lol::lol::lol: You got 3 hours, flower its not enough you know that though eh? I beat you I got 4 and was late this morning cus I turned the alarm off :roll: My employers (a bunch of reject animals) were all in their white coats and holding clipboards as well :lol::lol::lol: Shall we put another log on this fire? xx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to you all, Julie, Jan, Toni, Joy, Cris..........and anyone else who crept in under the radar.........

    Julie, Cris - against all the odds I did better than both of you for sleep.......I managed 5 hours off and on!

    Have finished all the morning duties and work and have popped in for a builders........won't have anything to eat, it might spoil my stew and dumplings later!

    Hope everyone is having goodish here appalling, best not think about it.......whereabouts in the fire are you, Cris, can't see you?

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry Annie...... I hidden under the embers :lol::lol::lol: Oh well done for 5 hrs worth, long over due for you I think. x
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie n Cris hope you are both warm by the fire, i'm aiming for 4 hours sleep tonight the thing is i allways seem to wake up at 6am had too for work i started at 9 and only live 10 mins in car from work but i'm that stiff in the mornings had to wake up that early just to try and loosen up, now i dont have to i still wake up :x
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie Cris Snowball.
    i hope you are all getting on ok.
    cris i hope you feel better to day less pain.
    anyone want a drink.
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Julie,

    Best get out the fire now and do this lot else there will be a revolt on my hands..... Mind thy are often fairly revolting :wink: I the same as you with a sale I have to up so early to take the tablets to get them to work so I can put my shes on! You stay warm there x

    Hi Joan,

    Please a quick builders and then I must gt done.... Not really any better at the moment but the new tablets have only one day and might take a bit longer I guess? I'm off the antiflams at the mo and boy do I know thy do a job..... sorry I'm moaning away here...... Hope alls ok with you up there and Hi to Sue as well. ((( ))) xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :D

    Good to see so many of you in......

    have you noticed though....

    it's SNOWING again :shock:

    Had outpatients for my daughter last week and it snowed me in - got a cancellation for tomorrow morning :roll: She will have me down as a basket case :roll:


    Toni xx
  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all , baking is done help your selves scones with or without the wrinkles and cheese ones and a lovely chocolate surprise cake with fudge topping x enjoy
    did i see a little grunt er some where , :lol: hope marigold is not feeling pushed out x

    just going to see whats on the captains table x
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All

    Rather say that than miss someone.

    Well, doctor has been, he thinks I may have another chest infection, temp was 102 when he done it.

    He has put me back on the antibiotics again, told me to rest. Eat little and often.


    Have you got any soup tonight??


    I know you are struggling ((())))xx


    How are your eyes today?? ((()))xxx

    Sorry I will have to read back to catch up.

    Trish xx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wow Berty home made scones :D:D:D x

    Hi Trish,

    You got to stop doing this you know. Sending you a ((((( ))))) and a hope you soon get rid of it and feel better. Eyes iffy but ones not too bad :wink:

    Going to go and get the girls done now so another ((((( ))))) and will be earlier back tonight.... xxx
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Trisher

    Just read that you have another infection. I hope you will soon feel better with the antibiotics.

    My car has broken down today, so I'm fed up :!: ( a minor problem in comparison to yours )

  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Now what are we going to do with you :?:

    The girls have told me of the heat pads, someone did say you have to be careful cos you can get burnt??

    I don't mean the burnt bit but would thay be any good when you see to the girls and have sales??

    Hey, when summer comes put up some notices's some ground for peeps to park or rig a tent in the summer?? Might have lots of peep just looking for a space :D

    How are your eyes?????

    love Trish xxx((()))too
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Thank you.

    Sorry to hear about your car what is wrong with it??

    Does anyone know what happend to Val's piglet she found????

    Trish xx
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Trisher

    I've had to leave my car at the garage, so don't know yet, but I won't have it tomorrow and it will stop me going somewhere I want to go.
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Can you not go by train or taxi?? Or a bus??? Is it too far
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cna I have a large coffee with cream and some grated chocolate on the top and a sticky bun with a cherry on the top. please

    I have not had one for a couple of days.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    Cna I have a large coffee with cream and some grated chocolate on the top and a sticky bun with a cherry on the top. please

    I have not had one for a couple of days.
    Hello Trish..and anyone else that is in...I hope your chest improve very soon Trish...heres your hot drink...and bun with 3 cherries on just for is freezing here today and just started to snow...
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elisabeth

    Three cherries wow, mmmmaahh the coffee is just right thank you
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Trish, I've got chicken soup again........comfort food. I've done all the rest of today's chores and jobs, so now have some me time and can chill out with a builders and enjoy some fire-gazing.

    If I can find an extra jammy doughnut that will be wonderful........

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie, Trish...I will have some chicken soup....just what I need to warm my bones......why can't we have hot sweats when we need um :roll:
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