


  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Cris, rehab, Annie, Val, Trish, Joan, Jan, Joy, Julie, Ange hope I haven't missed anyone?

    Rehab I'm with you for dunking it has to be a ginger biccy.

    Oh Ange ((( ))) not a good day for you I know nuttin about cars but it don't sound right that he could charge you for basically not putting enough miles on the clock :shock: Lots of people only ever do short journeys! Do hope you have someone that can advise.

    Joy you had another busy day, hope you resting now. You too Jan sorry the feet and hips complaining for ya. Hope you are getting to know peeps a bit now.

    Cris I've brought you some tea bags and some extra bread for Annie. Cris hope your weather doesn't get to hurricane level tomorrow, hope no Sunday sale! Been wet but quite mild here today. Weird!

    Julie hope you coping there after your trip out and caught up on some rest now. Hope it wasn't your Saturday to work Val? How is the neck today?

    Hope you resting now Trish, glad you were in earlier.

    I need a brew and a small snack, have just completed the ironing mountain :D

    Chris :wink:
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    skezier wrote:
    Hi Joanne,

    Oh could you do the yak as well or would you want a hand with her :wink: hey you met Cuddles the cafe kitten? More cream for you and well not sure what to put with it just now :lol::lol: xx

    Im not sure id recognise the yak and ive got a bad foot marigold trod on it and the milk spilled everywhere joanne
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Joanne,

    She does do that sometimes :roll: Did she say sorry? The yak is styling a hair do like jedwood, but she looks better and has more talent :lol::lol: Can I say that? :lol::lol::lol:

    You want a drink there and come clotted cream though as yet I don't know what t put it on :wink:

    Hey have any of your hens laid 2 eggs in one day? My cream legbar did today..... mind she is young. ((( ))) xx

    Hi Chris,

    Tis all calm just now but the rumor is horrible..... I should like to just get the 40 mph ones but....

    Thanks for the tea bags your a treasure but did you get Toni's green ones :lol::lol::lol:

    You want another builders? ((( ))) xx

    Hi who ever I missed, I sort of had it today :roll:
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cris lets hope we get some sleep tonight
    Chris i'm stuck in bed my hips have seived up, i think its all this damp weather
    julie xx
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    snowball wrote:
    There you go its not nice here been to Nottingham and it was wet windy and cold
    julie xx

    I was in Nottingham today as well, Julie. Didn't see you there :!:
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    joanlawson wrote:
    snowball wrote:
    There you go its not nice here been to Nottingham and it was wet windy and cold
    julie xx

    I was in Nottingham today as well, Julie. Didn't see you there :!:
    Were you in Ikea :?:
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    snowball wrote:
    Cris lets hope we get some sleep tonight
    Chris i'm stuck in bed my hips have seived up, i think its all this damp weather
    julie xx
    that should say seized i think my pain meds are working :oops:
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A cuppa before i retire sounds good no sugar in mine please. im not cut out to be a milk maid maybe i would have had better luck with the yak if i could recognise one that is.
    I will get out my banoculars and get a copy of animal spotters weekly and go searching for one. I would like the jedward hair style and we can get on that stage im sure we could do better than them :lol: joanne
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    snowball wrote:
    joanlawson wrote:
    snowball wrote:
    There you go its not nice here been to Nottingham and it was wet windy and cold
    julie xx

    I was in Nottingham today as well, Julie. Didn't see you there :!:
    Were you in Ikea :?:

    Not today, but have been lots of times. I was near Trent Bridge.
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Chris, Joanne, Cris.......

    Ironing?? Ironing?? Whassat then?

    Oh Joanne, I do hope Marigold said she was sorry.........she gives you such a sad look if you tell her off...........Jedyak's got a bit of an attitude problem sometimes.......but she's no trouble.

    Lots of eggs, Cris.......check 'em carefully in case I missed a golden one.

    Calm here and the sky is clear just now...........but according to those who are supposed to know we are due to be blown downriver at about 3am.......just what I need for a Saturday night.

    I'm not doing any more book breaks me up 'cos I'm having to part with a lot of old favourites. I have to be so stern with myself, too, or I see one and think 'ooh, I'll just read a couple of pages' and come to about 2 hours later. I used to be able to speed read but my concentration is shot now.
    It's so tiring, too.....didn't realise how much.

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Julie,

    Sorry your seized up there, we always have to pay a price don't we? I came home shaking I am so inflamed but ........ do it all again tomorrow...... got to be a better way eh? A ((())) and a builders for you Cris who is so hoping the rumours of really bad gales re false...... Up to a 7-8 I will ok more than that an there will real damage and a 12 :shock: :shock: :shock: Lets hope eh? xx

    Hi Joan :D

    Oh Annie I have that many rumors bout wind speed today :shock: You don't know how much I hope they are wrong......... Hey if there is a golden one we shall split it :D xx

    There you go Joanne a cup of tea for you c060.gif served by a g045.gif:wink: xx
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    joanlawson wrote:
    snowball wrote:
    joanlawson wrote:

    I was in Nottingham today as well, Julie. Didn't see you there :!:
    Were you in Ikea :?:

    Not today, but have been lots of times. I was near Trent Bridge.
    It was packed in there wont go on a weekend again, did you enjoy yourself near Trennt bridge :?:
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Julie, Joanne, Joan (all the J's there :lol: ) Cris and Annie

    Joanne hope the foot ok? Marigold is no lightweight, poor you.

    Julie sorry the hips have locked, I know that one well, have you done the hot bath?? Seems Nottingham was busy with both you and Joan there. Hope you had a good day Joan.

    Cris, you and Joanne want some Cornish Fairings for that cream, I know a good supplier :wink: You mean the sale is on tomorrow! :shock: Do get to bed earlyish then or I'll be out with the mallet.

    Annie I feel for you, would hate to part with books. :cry: So hard eh!
    You done enough today lass. At least Cris got you two blue eggs! :D

    Chris xx
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi all not bad weather here so far but will wait and see what it like when it hits hope that it kind do not like the wind .
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cris hope you're feeling better in the morning heres a ((((hug)))) for you. I had a steroid injection a couple of weeks ago so i thought i might be able to a bit of retail therapy never mind. I will just sit in the fire and keep warm.
    julie xx
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Val,

    With a bit of luck it will miss and go out over the ocean...... Is it meant to be coming from Spain? x

    Hi Cris,

    Now that does sound nice :D They really do go together well as I remember :wink:

    The morning one almost certainly will be cancelled but I did so badly today will have to try and get in an indoor one, bit later start but the 5.30 call will still come :shock: Mind I might be awake and hiding by then :lol::lol::lol: xx

    Hi Julie,

    I will move over in the fire :wink: I had a medron in the neck a while ago and it did help but worn off now :roll: xx
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Chris if i could cock my leg over the bath i would have got heated wheat bags on each side, will try and get in bath tomorrow
    julie xx
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Time for another builders...........I've just put 3 more books in the 'out''s so hard to do........

    Finished now for today, run out of boxes for a start and I'm fed up with climbing over beds and cupboards and piles of books.

    All sorted though.....just got to box them up.

    It must be the calm before the storm here........just seen on the news that NZ is expecting the tsunami to hit later tonight.....hope daughter all right, but can't remember where she is in relation to the geographical knowlege doesn't exist, things are always either right or left to me (possibly that way? or the other way?)

    ........a refill now, I think.

  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Right i'm going to see if i can get some sleep nite all sleep well ((((hugs))))
    julie xx
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Night Julie, hope the hips ease off tomorrow and that you get some decent sleep tonight.

  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Angel, Julie, Jan, Val, Cris, Annie, Barbara, Toni, Deb, Trisha, I know I have missed some important people, but at this time of night, after the day I have, can you forgive me?

    Angel, didn't know I still had it in me. Had the OH with me mind. They were truly nice lads and we in University in Holland, but one had a sister in Cambridge. Didn't get round to asking which college she was in. We gave them our cards after they had given us their email addresses,because we told them that if they wanted to break their journey at any time, we would love to show them around Northamptonshire. Christian and Kirill. Kirill is the Russion one and he was beautiful. Stop it Joy, You're 65 and should be ashamed of yourself. There were four of them, but didn't chat to the other two.
    OH and they were sharing jokes in the end. Great kids.

    Anyway, I am going to wish all you lovely peeps a good night.

    Jan glad you hve had time to come in and I will catch up on your job tomorrow. Nigh Night

  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Night Joy, Cris, Chris and anyone else still around..........going to try for some sleep, been a busy day.

    Will probably be around in the night, it doesn't take much to disturb me.

    Hope for no gales and better days tomorrow!

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sleep well Julie, Joy, Ange, Joanne, Chris and Val as well as everyone else, hope you all get a good night.

    Hey Annie I hope you do sleep through and well I am able to kip up to a force 7 and than I get edgy and we are certainly having one of those I believe.... force 8 I eating finger nails, force 9 I hide and 10, 11 or 12 I will be moving with out consent :wink::lol::lol:

    You all sleep well and I also hope for a better tomorrow for you all xx
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cris ((( ))) Do hope tomorrow is ok for you and not the gales you expect. take care, get some rest now if you can.

    Night all, I'm just getting a brew to take with me as am at work tomorrow too! We must be mad Cris? no don't answer that. :roll:

    Hugs to you Trish ((( ))) and to Wonky and Debs, not seen you today? Hope you ok too Wulf?

    Have refilled the energy buckets and rewarmed some Wonky hugs for those who need them.

    keep warm all, will hopefully catch you tomorrow.

    Chris xx
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not many people around, Wulf, but I'll make you a builder's if you like.
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