Val's Cafe
Hi Joan how are you? I’m not Too bad thanks quite tired today but that’s just the female stuff really, How are you and Sue? My friend Sue, the long lost friend as I call her, may be in the process of disappearing off the face of the Earth again, but I’m trying not to worry about it too much really. My mum made these really nice coconut desserts as it’s a kind of Hindu festival now. Didn’t go out today but the homemade sweets were really nice, too Nice really but they were made with love 💗. I just have to resist the whole box that’s sitting in the fridge, oh dear. Hi Kathleen Hope you’re well and Barbara too. Tc. Xx
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Hello all..had my booster today
Kath we have the cold and cough..we did test si know its not covid but not nice at all ..I hope you pick up very soon thankyou fir the recipe cauliflower cheese xx
Joan it our eldest son that had had covid..but his friend from Irland was worse..he came with it si might have .catched it on the plane both keep wearing thoes mask for now ..have you had your booster xx
Carol I'm so pleased you are able to go on your cruise..and have your daughter to cat sit...gosh the little one has grown what a lovely photo xx
Reshmi I had 2 brothers, sadly my eldest one died at 60..we got on sometimes 😅I would have loved a sister..but I think most familts don't always get on xx
Toni yes a cold off Niamh we did test so it's not covid but not very nice ..hiw good you are 8n the loop with Ps daughter and friend ..I hope visitors wear mask or keep a distance from her ..hope you get your booster soon xx
Mike yes post some photos when you are ready ..xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone
Hope you all as well as can be whatever your problems health or otherwise.
Toni I’m sure the cruise will do us both good I think we will both dance 🤣🤣 for joy when we sail next week not that I will be dancing, and yes we will have to have a lateral flow test at the terminal before we board I just keep my fingers crossed that they will both come back negative. The day 2 coming back PCR tests are already booked. We had to book those and pay for them, for the passenger locator forms we have to just fill in 2 days before we get back. Ava is very very much the image of her daddy when he was little she does have some looks as mummy but more like daddy. Yes Youngest daughter looking after Miss Cookie does put less of a strain on the bank balance.
Joan thank you glad you liked the photo.
Kath I think I’m one on the short and stout side as well. Yes Ava has grown but they don’t stay babies long do they.
Barbara we both have our Covid boosters on Friday yes that’s the trouble with babies they change so quickly. We
love and sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Morning everyone😊
That's a disappointment Mike, but at least the biccies weren't wasted if Sue liked them and took them home with her.
It is still raining here and very windy Tell Vixen to make the most of the dry and sunny days.🐱
Joan yes P feels very safe and comfortable in the hospice it really is a wonderful place the nurses are all so very kind and the Dr does so well with symptom control. Is everything ok with you and Sue? and the carers? ((())) xxx
Morning Kitty Kat. Are you feeling better you sort of 'sound' as though you might be on the mend. The ABs must be working or is it Sleek's pol-tisez🤔
Well done nursey getting bloods second go without leaving a bruise. Now have you had your flu jabs both of you yet? Soon be COVID booster/third jab too.
The vegan cauliflower cheese looks lovely I might try it, but i have to brave using cashews like that. Nutritional yeast is tasty almost cheesy taste I use it in omelettes (chick pea flour ones) so I know this recipe will really work.
Any news on Dad's replacement carers?
You take care of yourself.
Morning Reshmi I rather liked your little German phrase 'auf Deutsch' might have to throw that into conversation myself now😉 Don't like ladies troubles making you feel rough I do hope today is a better one ((()))
You had had no tea by nearly 5pm yesterday!? wow.... surely one would have gone down very well with Mum's coconut desserts made with 💖
I do hope your friend Sue reappears soon😥
Hi Carol it will do you the world of good getting away. Lateral flows at the terminal will reassure you that your fellow passengers aren't bringing anything on board with them☺️
PCR has to be booked before you go? That's very good and I am very pleased you will have already had your boosters.
Ava is the sweetest little thing. Babies apparently often start out looking like their Daddies - nature's way of making sure Dad's 'recognise' them as being theirs. Us women know our babies are ours but men (back in jungle days) didn't have that privilege. Sadly they don't stay babies for long bless them, but they are tiring too so probably just as well!
Barbara lovely to see you.
Of course your son's friend could have caught COVID on the plane or the airport remember we think Charley caught it that way in March 2020. You won't catch me on a plane for a while yet!
I read that 'Sage' want us to start wearing masks again - I never stopped - and hope it will become compulsory again soon.
How are they both now?
P's sister and daughter are very good at keeping me in the loop. They know I want to be told when they no longer want me to visit and that I will not be offended.
Glad your cold is 'just' a cold but it's not a nice one is it?🙄
Well it's a horrible day here really windy and lashing rain so i am going to do a hot breakfast omelette and i know Reshmi will get the tea on for us all.
hallowe'en pot. I wonder whether @mig will happen by soon she loves brewing up trouble this time of year!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I know how you feel I used to have every cold going. You must feel worn out ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) love to you and all your family how is your brother ((()))
Reshmi ((()) have a good day it's windy here take care ((()))
Toni ((())) I hope all is well with everyone ((())) love to P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Mike ((())) I hope the weather's not too bad there love to vixen.
love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Barbara nice to hear from you really glad you had your booster, that’s great. I hope your cold and cough get better soon. Take Care
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Hi Toni how are you? That’s good about the German phrase, lol. Sometimes I still think in other languages not all the time or anywhere near that just little bits and pieces of vocab I know it’s a bit strange, lol. Interesting though translation and that kind of thing I once had a job as a German translator, it was nowhere as grand as it seems and I didn’t get a lot of work but then I felt mentally ill unfortunately so that was the end of that, I did enjoy it though. I do of course speak Bengali , but definitely not bilingual,I did read once, in an educational psychology book, again many centuries ago, People who are fully bilingual, or even tri or multilingual, have a very walked off for quite awhile keen sense of intelligence because they using a different part of the brain that most people don’t use I found that an interesting, my mum is very good at languages so I think that must be true, 😀. Female problems today almost gone thanks I managed a walk in the nice cold air in my very cosy coat in the morning so that was good. I walked after quite a while. Yes, a Bit of an absence of tea yesterday because there was there were rows in the kitchen and I was quite tired so I just avoided it basically but I’m not as into tea as some people, one major reason I like it because it helps control my appetite,I also enjoy The taste of The taste of tea but I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite drink, it’s definitely a great treat after being out in the cold. Yes, Just doing my tea making duties right now I like the teapot, you know I saw something very similar on Amazon it’s a great one. On the subject of tea I recently bought some Twinings spicy Chai teabags I think that’s the name, I thought they would taste horrible but they’re not too bad actually, I do sometimes have withdrawal symptoms from Starbucks and Costa chai tea lattes, lol, but when read how much sugar they have in them I was really horrified these new teabags are quite a good substitute not perfect by any means but it’s a bit different and the ginger and it must be good for our health at least that’s Dr Reshmi‘s opinion, lol. Have a Nice day Toni Tc. Xx
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Hi Joan Hope you and Sue are well today? I’m feeling a lot better than yesterday thanks, my sister is having some kind of lunch on Saturday just a restaurant thing near her house with me and a female friend of ours, we are meant to be travelling together (me and the female friend), but not heard anything yet anyway she’s really scatty even though she’s a manager in an utilities company so I just suppose I’ll have to wait a bit longer for some info from her. Windy here too though I suppose not that windy by comparison tomorrow are you are.Have a nice cosy coat which I wear in the winter and when it’s quite windy I put the hood up but the problem is that makes my neck itchy so nothing is really very simple is it? lol. Okay I hope you enjoy the afternoon take care keep warm. Xx
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Hi Kathleen Hope you’re well today? Xx
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I don't think our Kitty can have been well yesterday is not her normal day off🤔 Sleek keeps telling me not to worry, but I really hope the rescue pack has rescued you Kitty Kat?
Or was one of Sleek's potions actually a 'sleepy' one to rest you - that's possible she does that sometimes.
You missed the mushroom omelettes too I know how much you love eggs and mushrooms 😕
Joan thank you all is well here I am visiting P again today at the hospice and need to collect some decent sized leaves before I go.
How are you and Sue? Are you off to your cafe today? ((())) xxx
Reshmi wow that was interesting. I didn't know about bilingual people using one part of their brains that the rest of us neglect! If you can translate German and speak Bengali you are definitely one of those people - as is your Mum - I am suitably impressed🎓️ it may even be why you have had your mental health struggles often it can be brighter people who struggle more.
I can only speak French and could do better at that to be honest. Of course my Dad spoke Hungarian, but my Mum's French was no better than mine as she came to the UK as a very young child.
I know it's terrible how much sugar and how many calories are in our beloved starbucks and Costa coffees and teas even if you do do decaffeinated 🙄such a shame because I love them too. I usually have one as a treat at the weekend Paul takes us a ride out through a drive through. We did it a lot during lock down.
today's teapot:
Sounds like your tea bags are rather nice I love a bit of ginger. I have been being very odd lately and as I try to drink 3 litres of liquid a day (yes I am always wee-ing!) it can get boring so I've been having hot bouillon because it's vegan and rather like bovril or an oxo which meat-eaters drink.
I'm glad you managed your walk and are feeling better. I am going out very soon for my walk if I go this early I often see the deer. I have been ups since 4.45 to get Lucy to work tomorrow is worse as she is in for 5😣
Mike you said photos dreckly I think maybe you meant dreckly too this time😁Seriously i hope all is well with you and Vixen. Haven't heard how your baby sister is lately either....
Morning Barbara I missed you at choir practice last night. We started Christmas songs ready for the Christmas services which was nice. I am going to try to find some large leaves to take to P so we can paint them this afternoon.
I hope all is well with you all and son and his friend are really much better now ((())) xxx
Love to Carol if she pops by I hope all ready and mostly packed for the cruise 😊
Take care everyone
eggy bread I used to ADORE this!
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Sorry I missed yesterday, I slept most of it. Pity I can’t do that today, but Asda are only 9 stops away, so I’ll have to concentrate. Will pop in tomorrow for a short while. Jonathan wants some baby photos sending (they are on my laptop) for a game they are going to play. Right, back to order tracking. Xxxxxxx
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Sue just read about a lady who played a trick on her neighbour by dressing up has a gost and then she shot her dead.
Kath ((())) have a good day have Tesco's orders been what you wanted. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's good you have had your booster ours is due in November. How are your eyes ((())) have a good weekend love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toni (()))) there don't seem to be an end to the virus we have not stopped wearing a mask I see a lot of people in the shops with out one silly. No it's to wet and cold to go to the cafe. Have a good weekend love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Carol ((())) not long now have a lovely time love to Mr T ((())) and your family ((())) and cookie
Reshmi ((())) have a good weekend try not to worry take care love to your family ((()))
Mike ((())) I hope the weathers not to bad there love to vixen ((()))
Love to Chris ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
hi Toni and Joan thanks for your nice messages, i’m not really in the right mood to write to much today because this morning my mum and I had a really horrendous argument, well my dad was involved too as well to be honest, still trying to mentally recover from it, indulged in a chocolate bar which is unusual for me but still a comparatively safe way of dealing with stress, managed to walk but then my sleep afterwards was disrupted by some stupid phone calls et cetera so won’t inflict my grumpiness on you guys today hope you enjoy the day take care, Reshmi.
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Evening all
More rain here and we were doing so well...sore arm after booster unlike the other 2 jabs ..but this one was Pfizer
Toni I love the teapots..especially the cauldron one I hope Os paun us controlled bless her..the leaves will give her something to do ..we don't have niamh today has Mr B is full of this cold man flu ..sorry Mike xx
Joan my brother is doing ok thankyou just keeping on the drinks and certain awful the women getting shot while dressed up for Halloween..I hope you are all OK xx
Carol how nice ti have something to look forward to ..make sure you post some pics xx
Kath sending many hugs to you ..hope you feel better very soon (((()))) xx
Reshmi I'm sorry you ave had an argument..don't they just shake you up 😔.I hope your friends gets in touch then you can have a nice meal out xx
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Hi Toni Joan and Barbara, thanks for your nice messages. Things finally got sorted out at home. Thanks Toni but I’m not as brainy as lots of people in my family, lol,, but Then again I suppose we are all clever in different ways, yes I’ve heard that too about bipolar, thanks, that’s interesting about your dad and mum.sorry I know this is a short message but got to do a few things now have endless meds and so on and on, lol. Great That you’re an early riser, Must be nice seeing the deer bye for now Toni ,take care I’m seeing my sister and friend tomorrow if all goes according to plan, for the lunch. Xx
thanks Joan Hope you are having a nice evening too xx
hi Barbara yeah the family arguments do indeed shake me up you’ve got it right there 😀, Things more or less okay now, The meal outside tomorrow should be going ahead so that’s nice. You have a nice evening take care. Xx
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Morning everyone
Gosh that was an early start even for me Lucy had to be in for 5 so up at 3:45 am😴
Kitty I am so glad everything is ok I was a bit worried thanks for popping by. Hope your Asda order was all present and correct. Ooh! baby photos for Jonathan hehehe! Happy memories 😊
Joan the weather was too miserable to go to the cafe I am so sorry you both enjoy those trips out 😕 I am keeping my mask firmly in place! people are being irresponsible not wearing them and i think Boris ought to make us. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx I presume that lady who got shot was in America? Honestly would you really frighten a friend like that though?!
Reshmi a chocolate bar to comfort yourself after an upsetting row like that is absolutely fine. Bless you many would do far worse! Sounds as though you are ok now though I hate upset like that I can't get it out of my mind. Meeting your sister and a friend will do you good today. The day will be a much better one ((())) and you might get some Lord A stories to make you smile.
Well I think you are brainy - maybe the family is a super-brainy one then😉 You are right everyone is good at something and should be valued equally. Well that's my opinion anyway.
Many meds to sort? Do you do your MTX on a Friday? It's a good day if you do as Saturday can be a more restful day for many people who work monday to friday.
Hope it's good weather and guess what I am also meeting friends for a coffee outside later 😊 I can't wait haven't seen them for months.
Barbara good to see you and to hear your brother is still pretty stable. That is such amazing news your big bro in heaven will be looking down with a big grin across his face☺️
P was very tired yesterday and on bed rest which was annoying for her, but she was still chatty except when she dropped off. Wanted me to keep talking though so I did! Luckily as you know I can talk for England and she likes to hear familiar voices.
Poor Mr B and poor you!!!! Men do seem to suffer more with their cold than us don't they? Poor Niamh too she will be upset not to see you all.
Glad you like the teapots
Here is today's which I know Reshmi will fill later:
and of course it's Saturday so Aidan's breakfast today:
just getting these out of the oven...
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Morning Froggie. I will get round to taking some photos dreckly, I added 8 knights to the diorama yesterday which have taken me all week to paint, only another 50 or so to go! Baby sister surviving like I am, she couldn't get out to see me last week as the gas board decided to dig up the road leading to where she parks her car without telling the residents so she had no chance of moving her motor before they started. Have a good one peeps.
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope you are feeling a bit better ((())) love to everyone thinking about you.
Barbara ((())) that's good your brother is getting on alright ((())) I'm sorry Mr B ((())) has the cold I hope it does not last too long. Sorry you are not seeing Niamh ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece (((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toni ((())) that's early for Lucy to go to work (((())) are they open all night some are have a good day enjoy your coffee ((()) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers (((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) she's done so well ((())) love to your lovely neighbours ((())))
Reshmi ((())) I'm sorry you have rows I think they happen when there is a lot of people in the same house. Enjoy meeting your friends take care
Mike you must have very good fingers ((())) when I went to work I used to put the stylus together to play the gramophone 's. Have a good day love to vixen
love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Good morning everyone, I'm feeling much better today.
Joan, I had a good chat with dad this morning. He has his carers back, but they are still learning. There was a mix up last week and one of his cares got the wrong message.
Barbara, we've had a lot of rain here too.
Antoinette, I've sent several photos of Jonathan and can't help comparing him with Richard.
Jonathan at 2 weeks old.
aged 3
and here is Richard ages 3
He had beautiful red hair.
Okra and tomato tabbouleh
From Olive Magazine
- bulgar wheat 50g
- okra 175g, ends trimmed
- olive oil
- garlic 1 clove, crushed
- tomatoes 4, chopped
- kalonji (black onion seeds) 1 tsp
- flat leaf parsley 1 bunch, chopped
- mint 1 bunch, chopped
- lemon 1, juiced
- yoghurt to serve (optional)
- STEP 1
- Put the bulgar wheat in a bowl, add enough boiling water to cover it by 1cm, cover with a plate and leave for 20 minutes.
- STEP 2
- Meanwhile, fry the okra in a little oil and as it softens, add the garlic and stir, followed by the tomatoes. Simmer everything for 5 minutes and then add the kalonji and season well.
- STEP 3
- Drain the bulgar wheat and stir in the parsley, mint and lemon, season well and stir in some olive oil. Spoon into a bowl and spoon the okra on top. Add some yoghurt, if you like.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Toni Kathleen Barbara and Joan, sorry Just a very quick rush to message today, went out with my friend to see my sister for a meal outside in Maidenhead and then saw my little baby nephews and brother-in-law at my sisters house for a few hours, so pretty tired now, did do some indulgent eating but the meal was partly a belated birthday treat from my little sis so I thought why not? Lol. My skinny sister had a mini dessert even though I tried to persuade her otherwise well that’s little sisters for you, lol. Was a really nice day even though I was nervous about my arthritic pains in the cold station and about climbing all the steps, lots of steps in my sisters house which is on which has three storeys, managed okay actually in the end so that was good I did have pains but they went after awhile and basically I haven’t climbed a lot of steps for a long time so I was happy about that and the friend I went with Louise understood that sometimes my neck was playing up so I couldn’t look in her direction but it didn’t mean I was being rude she has sciatica herself so she understands about physical pain so that was really nice to be with a sympathetic friend I have already started writing a thesis oh dear, lol, Nice teapot Toni , lovely photos Kathleen I think I better stop there otherwise I’ll never get to bed, ha ha, Lord a stories to follow tomorrow at least that’s the plan good night ladies take care. Xx
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Morning everyone!
Mike your poor sister! She must have been so upset getting trapped in bless her😣8 more knights done and how many to go!😮that's keep you quiet for a bit! Photos when you've got time will be lovely thank you 😊
Hi Joan yes Lucy's Mcdonalds is a 24 hour one so I suppose the shifts could be even worse!🙄 P has done incredibly well I have some leaves I am flattening them for her to paint inspirational words on. Coffee was lovely but I don't ahve to get out of the car being a drive through! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Kitty my lovely i am so glad you are on the mend now big PHEW! Of course Sleek is taking the credit😉
I am very glad too to hear Dad has his carers back we can't have him struggling. They will learn if he is patient with them of course.
Great photos! They do look alike the boys. There is a lovely lady in the one with Richard very young and pretty hmmm🤨 like the dress too!
Loving the Okra and tomato tabbouleh some people thing okra is spicy but it's not at all is it?
Well Reshmi I am so glad you went out and you did so well with all those steps too! I am really pleased even better that the friend understands pain and could relate to your poor neck. Nothing like people who understand which is one of the main reasons i love this community. No need to pretend to be ok.
Little sister still keeping an eye on her figure then? That was a lot visiting the nephews and BIL as well in one day. Please do tell Lord A stories if you have recovered today!🤗
Glad you liked the teapot here is today's for your perusal:
Not sure what we are doing today I am waiting for Paul to get up he is up in Scotland all next week so on our own again me and Lucy. We don't mind we can watch rubbish on telly!
large full Scottish breakfast
and fried bread for Mike!
Love to Barbara (we are doing the leaves again me and P!) and hope Mr B is feeling a bit better with his cold 🤞
Love also to Carol who will be off very very soon.....🛳️
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) that pretty lady must be you ((())) that's good you are feeling a bit better now. That's good your Dad has is carers back ((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Toni ((())) it's very awkward trying to drink anything in a car when it's moving. How is your brother doing ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy (()) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) is doing so well ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi (((())) that was nice for you seeing your relatives ((())) it cheers you up ((())) take care.
Mike ((())) have a good day are you still sleeping better love to vixen ((())))
Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning @frogmorton , it is now officially "Dreckly"!, it only took 3 or 4 days which is good for me. Anyway, here are a couple of snaps of the current diorama I am making:
The figures are LESS than an inch tall as the scale is 1/72, despite that I can still paint the eyes in! The last 8 figures took me over a week to do as I can only keep going for 10 to 15 minutes until my hands/neck/back etc give up and I have to rest. I started on another 10 yesterday and have about 60 or 70 figures after that until the diorama is complete. I cut each figure from the base it comes on as I think that the models look better without them; then I have to trim the excess sprue off them and sand/file them down; then they all have to be washed in soapy water, rinsed and dried; then they all get painted with a black primer before the decorative painting can be done. I start with the faces and then work from top to bottom before placing them on the model. The overall diorama is not from a strictly historical perspective as I had originally intended, what I am doing is that a detachment of Crusaders and Templars are visiting a friendly castle when a group of French decide to attack. The target for completion is still around xmas, the whole diorama measures about 2 1/2 feet by 18 inches. I already have the next one planned, it will be the defence of La Haye Sainte by the British during the Battle of Waterloo; this one is twice the size of the ones I have done to date as the base is about 3ft x 3ft with a hundred or so figures as well as the farm house etc and I first have to find a collectors coffee table with a glass top with either a space underneath the top or a drawer. I don't expect to start it until Jan and it will probably take the whole of next year to complete.
There we are then, as requested. 😁
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Hi Toni how are you? Thanks for The advice about my methotrexate I do generally have it on Fridays, I was actually at that point talking about my mental health meds. Thanks about the steps the problem was though that my sister and her friend were busy chattering away and I was worried we would miss the train and basically I did go up a little too quickly I’ve never been to Maidenhead station before and the steps are really steep, so I had to stop and then proceed at a gentle pace luckily no one was behind me and I know what to do now, not to panic and politely say that we will be late, (well say that actually but maybe politely repeat it) and then walk slowly, but of course everyone with arthritis has to has to adapt and none of us are fully okay, youre very much right there, there are usually a lot of escalators about but I suppose good because it’s not a very big station they have the steps, but steep steps can be are a nightmare can’t they? What didn’t help is that my sisters house has three stories, the stairs are so steep that even my non - arthritic bil finds it hard to climb them, but thank goodness I don’t have to do it every day! Yes this is It’s a great site. Yes my sis is a bit of a temperamental character she does eat desserts , I just think when she goes outside she feels a bit inhibited unless other people are eating deserts too I really don’t know why because my friend is on the large side quite frankly and I wouldn’t call myself slim but when she is in that mindset it’s best for me to just let it go 🥮, lol. Yes it was a lot to do in one day but it wasn’t that bad because my sister gave us a lift to the restaurant and also to the house which is very nearby by car even though she almost missed the turning restaurant at one point because she and her friend were deep in the middle of rather large natter, lol. Lovely teapot. Lord A has become quite a little character, I read him a story book but it was seeming to go on and on, however I did not dare skip a chapter because he has memorised all the books and knows them off by heart, obviously he can’t read yet, but basically there is no fooling LA! I had a Very tiny chocolate in my sisters house because I was feeling a bit weak, it was meant to be a secret chocolate - eating, but like a bloodhound or something like that , he sniffed the chocolate and my sister had to give him one too or at least part of one, Baby R was also in fine form he waved at me and was so happy to see me that he threw his apple bowl all over the floor I think he thought it was a bowling ball or something like that, not a food receptacle, he becomes a cricketer, Then maybe dad will cancel the sky sports subscription, thats, my dream at least, then again pigs may fly, or bacon sandwiches, or vegan bacon sandwiches, or avocado sandwiches okay I’ve stopped now, lol. Tc. X
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Thanks Joan you’re right there , it was a nice outing hope you and S are okay today I’m going to keep it as short as I’ve just done the neck physio and I don’t wanna repeat of yesterday‘s pains take care have a lovely Sunday xx
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