Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305

    Hi Joan just checked your message properly nice to hear from you I’m not too bad thanks stomach has healed for now, lol. Weekend is not going to badly thanks so far even though I feel I can’t have cheese anymore but cheesy crisps are fine so there’s always a silver lining (or should I say savoury lining, lol?). I hope you and Sue enjoy the weekend too take care. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305

    Hi Kathleen only just read your message sorry oh no cold and catarrh, sounds really nasty I’ve got a bit of a cold to myself streaming nose and an irritated eye, wow, egg and chips sounds great well I’ve feel have to avoid cheese again but fictitious cheese is fine, lol. My friend seems to be living on a diet of mainly chip shop chips and all sorts of naughty foods, oh well, not my place to say anything, she complained because her son asked her for money and was rude about it but to be honest things could be much worse because as far as I can gather, he actually tried to kill her once or came very close to it, he went to jail for that and when he came out she just welcomed him back into her home I mean of course I’m not a mother but well what can I say she is way too soft on this son of hers and he is still violent, when she lived in Reading, he destroyed the staircase by beating it with baseball bats, I know you can’t choose your family but this isn’t really a blind kind of maternal love for and for her own safety she should have nothing to do with him but of course I dare not mention that at all sorry I know that was a bit depressing but just thought I’d mention it, thanks have a nice day Kathleen take care

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    So sorry I have just typed lots well for me it was and pressed something abd its gone my phone has just updated so probly something new 😒

    Here we go

    Mike I'm so pleased you are now sorted..I have made some expensive mistake with centimetres..I hate them xx

    Joan thankyouI will make a list fir Mr B if they don't let me go in with him love to you all xx

    Toni kidneys are a minefield especially with poassium levels ...I Google the foods but its not good reading really ...all the things we like are not on it...xx

    Reshmi at least Lord A won't get the flu ..even if he did kick the nurse ..maybe it was a reflex 😏 so glad the baby us OK you take care xx

    Kath so sorry you are feeling poorly I hope you pick up very soon xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225

    Morning everyone :)

    Ah Kitty it was a tonic she makes a great tonic using 'Mother's' recipe book! In fact as i now have Lucy's cold she put some in my coffee. Not sure about in sardines or coffee to be honest! You do however have my sympathy it's been so long since I had a cold I am just not used to it! Where did it come from I wonder for you though?

    Poor Dad I suppose these things will happen from time to time, but he must wait for his carers even if they are late. Does he have a urine bottle nearby for emergencies I wonder🤨

    Lovely looking chips those I could eat them without the egg or cheese 😋

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are ok after the dreaded MTX ((())) I gave up cheese as you know I think it and cream weren't good for my belly either. It has to be worth a try I doubt there is much cheese in your crisps so carry on with them!! ((())) for you.

    Lord A is a cheeky one hopefully he'll grow out of kicking in time. His parents are very good keeping baby safe. I take it baby is ok now his temperature fully gone? If Lord A doesn't stop kicking he'll have to take up football😁

    Sometimes it is for the best to keep our mouths shut with friends like yours. I have one the same. If i offer any words her reply is instantly 'No!' a bit annoying really she seems to have to be 100% heard, but not so good at hearing me and has an opinion on everything herself!! Patience is a virtue isn't it!

    Totally if foundation was the answer to everything we'd all be wearing it all the time. I saw on TV an advert for a 30 hour foundation?! Erm what about washing your face😮

    Barbara that's a good idea write a list for Mr B to read out if you can't go in perhaps 3/4 points not too many so he asks them.

    My bro is upset about sausages...cheese and sausages peanuts his snacks really. They are putting him on ACE inhibitors then maybe a statin and something for diabetes even though he doesn't have it. He's 52 in December. His BP is ok, but they want it LOWER!

    Phone chose in the middle of your post to update?! How infuriating😫

    Love to you all and enjoy Niamh bacon butties and Sunday lunch.

    Morning Joan I hope you and Sue are well. The cold is not too bad but I am worried in case it goes to my lungs🤞it won't. I am having Sunday lunch delivered today. My lovely neighbours have ordered it. I wish the weather was nice we could have eaten together outside. Ah well. ((())) xxx

    Mike power cuts all over? I hope so love to you and Vixen🙂 Thinking of Elliott and hoping he is doing well.

    Carol I also hope your daughter and family are ok, she is recovering from COVID and no-one else got it.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I'm sorry you have a cold not nice when you have catarrh have you got Olbas oil you put it in a basin with hot water and hold your head over the basin you have a towel over your head to keep the steam in so it can clear your head. (((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())) sorry about his carer.

    Reshmi ((())) take care all of you ((())) that's good your tummy feels better ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good day love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) I hope everyone has a good day love to Paul ((())) and Charley (((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy (((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((()))

    Mike are you still having a good nights sleep ((())) love to vixen and Elliott ((()))

    love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good morning folks,

    Antoinette, well the catarrh seems to have gone, but I'm still sneezing! I've taken my obs, Sleek can check them when she comes.

    BP - 163/83, Pulse 83, O2 - 96, PEF - 275 (it should be 300, but I'm putting it down to the cold). At least my BP is nice and low.

    We can't seem to get any of the ITV channels - good job Corrie isn't on.

    Joan, I do have some Olbas oil, but I don't breathe it in. I also stick some Vicks up my nose.

    Reshmi, HE TRIED TO KILL HIS OWN MUM?!? Oh my goodness, I shall keep my bouche firmly closed.

    Oh, all the ITV channels are back, probably a glitch.

    Samphire and sea beet sambol from Olive magazine


    • dried chilli flakes 2 tsp
    • lime ½-1, juiced
    • curry leaves 5-6
    • shallots 2 round, peeled and roughly chopped
    • fresh coconut 50g, finely grated (or defrosted frozen grated coconut)
    • samphire a small handful
    • sea beets a small handful, roughly chopped
    • green chilli 1, roughly chopped (optional)
    • carrot 1 small, grated
    • coriander leaves roughly chopped to make 2 tbsp
    • black peppercorns ground to make ½ tsp


    • STEP 1
    • Use a large pestle and mortar to thoroughly bash ½ tsp of salt and the chilli flakes, adding a little squeeze of lime juice. Once the chilli flakes have turned into a bright red powder, add the curry leaves and shallots, and pound a few times to break them up and release their juices – you just want to bruise them, as opposed to turning them into a paste.
    • STEP 2
    • Add the coconut and the juice of half a lime. Pound a few more times to bruise the coconut, then stir everything together.
    • STEP 3
    • Tip the mixture into a medium bowl, add the remaining ingredients and stir to combine. Check for seasoning and add more salt or lime juice, if you like. This sambol is best enjoyed at room temperature or slightly chilled. It will keep for up to 3 hours but is best assembled at the last minute and eaten fresh.


    If you can’t find fresh or frozen coconut, you can use 2 heaped tbsp of desiccated coconut. Soak it in 60ml of just-boiled water for 10 minutes, then squeeze out the water before using.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305

    Hi Toni thanks for your message I’ll reply properly in in a min, just wanted to say to you and Kathleen and everyone else, about my long lost friend yes, her son did try to kill her at least I’m more or less sure that’s what happened, what I definitely know is that he physically attacked her and she was so traumatised that she called the women’s rape crisis line just to talk to someone and she was put in a psychiatric hospital for two weeks (even though that wasn’t the right place for her and she does not have a mental health condition), so yeah he attacked her and did tremendous damage mentally and physically whether it was actually a murder attempt I’m not 100 % sure, tbh, she doesn’t talk about it too much to say so obviously I don’t want to press her, but he’s an evil piece of work who was arrested for what he did and went to jail, that’s all I’m saying, okay will reply properly to everyone a bit later bye for now take care

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning gang. Power cuts over with - fingers' crossed. Still getting reasonable 5 hours kip with Amitriptyline, the night before last I did not take a pill to see if they had a cumulative effect but they don't, I had an horrendous couple of hours in the sack before giving up so I made sure I had one last night and will be getting hold of the GP (if I can) to get them put on my repeat prescription list. Vixen is fine and enjoying me bed more than I am, having said that she is kipping in the garden at the moment! No doubt she will be back in dreckly. Have a good day all.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305

    Hello Barbara thanks for your nice message yes maybe it was a reflex, lol. I hope you have a nice Sunday too. Xx

    hi again Toni, i’m relatively okay actually had a good sleep anyway, stomachache returned though and so feeling hungry basically but surviving, lol. Thanks About cheese and cream et cetera, I don’t really have cream at the moment anyway but you are right cheese and cream are rich and not that good for the stomach. LA does naturally play football once a week, but his kicking addiction doesn’t seem to have been subdued, lol. Baby R’s temperature is almost normal thanks. True About patience and foundation. Sorry, I know this is a somewhat rushed reply but still not quite feeling hundred percent due to my cold so am taking it easy you have a nice day Toni , take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305

    Thanks Joan Hope you’re okay have a good day too take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305

    Hi Kathleen how are you glad that your cold is a bit better I’m sneezing too it’s so irritating isn’t it? Your recipe looks nice, samphire, that’s what I was thinking of too in connection with the friend who lives near the seaside now that’s what she should be eating, nice healthy things like that instead of stuffing her face on chips every day oh well its best if I keep very very quiet on such matters, lol. Take care have a nice day.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225

    Right I think I am ahead of you Reshmi and Kitty with this cold.

    the urge to sneeze was pretty constant wasn't it? Well it's GONE I can breathe again now it's been a week today since I had the first sign of a cold looming. The only problem I have is that my productive cough is more so🤢

    Morning Mike. No the half-life of amitrip seems to be quite short, but you were very wise to test it before getting it put on your repeat prescription some people do only need their poor sleeping pattern 'broken'. Not you though well probably not many with chronic pain🙄I am very pleased to hear Vixen still loves the bed even if she was out my puss was outside too yesterday it was such a lovely day.

    Power cuts solved👍️reckon it will be our turn soon then😁

    Joan I did have a good day thank you pottered in the garden two different neighbours came for a look round and then sang at the next village's Church Harvest service with choir last night. How are you and Sue doing? ((()))xxx

    Well Kitty your BP is 'lov-lee' according to Nurse Sleekipuss; she is relatively pleased with all your obs but will 'moniter' your PEF. She reckons it's your cold too and probably nothing to worry about. I have some free cat tail floof in my coffee - still is suppose it's fibre?😂

    In my case I still have the extra productive cough - sorry, but us lungies get each other don't we?🙄 Sleek is making chest 'pol-tis-iz' so you will no doubt be getting one too and maybe poor Reshmi!

    The Samphire and sea beet sambol looks really lovely I would definitely like some of that please - very tasty😋

    No ITV for how long?! That's outragious! Such a good job Coronation street wasn't on. Did I say I am doing a wasjig jigsaw which is on the street here and now? I bet Joan would be interested in that too. Wasjiges are extra hard as they do not give you a picture to look at so you have no real idea what the picture will be!

    Reshmi your friend is taking a big risk with her son I do hope he had sohe treatment for his anger when he was inside😮 I know you can't tell them can you Mothers do love their children and are weak will them. I am too with mine but they are pretty good girls. Did you read the book 'We need to talk about Kevin'? That's areal mother's love for sure.

    Good to hear Baby R's temperature is pretty well down. Oh dear Lord A already plays football and it isn't stopping his kicking habit🤔

    Cheese and cream are just so lovely, but a lot of us can't really tolerate it can we? Cheese I miss very much I have found an ok can of spray cream if I am ever desperate which is vegan. I will get some for Christmas I expect.

    I hope your cold is slightly better today. I have turned the corner with mine and feel WAY better 😊

    Sending much love to Barbara we had a Sunday lunch delivery yesterday it was yum! Such a treat meant I could stay pottering in the garden longer.Hope your eyes are rested ((()))

    I hope Carol pops in soon I am worried about her eldest and COVID and that no-one else has caught it ((())) xxx


    fried egg banjo!

    Vegan option available of course....

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I hope you feel better today. Love to Chris ((())) how is he doing. Love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((()) I don't have automatic up dates on my phone I do them when I want too. Have a good day love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni (((())) no you don't want the cold on your chest it takes a long time to go if it gets there. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day all of you take care

    Mike ((())) have a good day ((())) and vixen and Elliott ((()))

    love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning all.

    Antoinette, my cough not very productive, it's hacking and hurts y chest. My Bronchiectasis hasn't bothered e for a few years, but it seems to be quite active at the moment. I just hope my Pseudomonas doesn't become active again! 😦

    Joan, my dad's not bad at the moment thank you, but I do worry about his mental health.

    Reshmi, the sneezing doesn't bother me much but oh that cough!!! I think my lungs will come out it's so awful.

    Vegan lasagne

    By Anna Glover from Olive magazine


    • olive oil 2 tbsp
    • onions 2 large
    • carrots 2, finely chopped
    • fennel 1 bulb, chopped
    • celery 2 sticks, finely chopped
    • chestnut mushrooms 250g, finely chopped
    • garlic 2 cloves, crushed
    • red wine 200ml
    • tomato purée 3 tbsp
    • soy sauce 1 tbsp
    • rosemary 2 sprigs
    • bay leaves 2
    • brown or green lentils 250g, rinsed
    • vegetable stock 800ml
    • courgette 1, trimmed and sliced
    • squash ½ (the longer, thinner half), peeled and thinly sliced
    • vegan lasagne sheets 8-10, fresh or dried (boil briefly and drain well if using dried)


    • olive oil 2 tbsp
    • plain flour 50g
    • unsweetened plant milk 500ml
    • English mustard 2 tsp
    • nutmeg a grating


    • STEP 1
    • Heat 1 ½ tbsp of the oil in a deep frying pan or casserole over a medium heat, and fry the onions, carrots, fennel and celery with a pinch of salt for 10-15 minutes or until softened.
    • STEP 2
    • Add the mushrooms and garlic, and fry for another 10 minutes until tender, then stir in the wine. Bubble until reduced by half, then stir in the tomato purée and soy sauce.
    • STEP 3
    • Add the herbs, lentils and stock, bring to a bubble and simmer, half covered, for 35-40 minutes or until the lentils are tender and the sauce has thickened. Season well and remove from the heat.
    • STEP 4
    • Heat the oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Toss the courgette and squash with the remaining oil, and season. Transfer to a roasting tin in a single layer and roast for 15-20 minutes or until tender.
    • STEP 5
    • Meanwhile, to make the sauce, heat the oil in a pan and sprinkle in the flour. Stir to make a paste, then gradually add the milk, a splash at a time, until it’s all been incorporated. Cook for 2-3 minutes more until the sauce is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Stir in the mustard and nutmeg.
    • STEP 6
    • Reduce the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Spoon a third of the ragu into a baking dish. Add the roasted squash in a single layer, then spoon over a third of the white sauce, spreading it to the edges. Top with another third of the ragu, then half the lasagne sheets, trimming them to fit into the dish. Spoon over another third of the white sauce, then top with the courgette slices, the remaining ragu and lasagne sheets. Finish with the rest of the white sauce. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden and bubbling.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305

    Hi T glad your cold is gone sorry about the cough. Not heard of that book but will try and read it at some point who is it by pls? Not sure if he had treatment for anger but did have mental health assessment came back negative.. okay I know that I have now not answered your message properly at all but a friend got in touch today and I’ve got a cold and time is limited so I’ll definitely give a proper answer next time take care Reshmi

    Kathleen sorry to hear about your cough that sounds terrible. Hi Joan you have a good day too , also Barbara and TH, I know this isn’t really a proper message at all but busier today than I anticipated take care everyone enjoy the lasagne , lol.

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Have been a bit busy lately always something popping up. Two good things one is that eldest daughters pcr test came back negative so she didn’t have to isolate after that as per the people on 119. Apparently they think she had two false lateral flows because she had been sucking tunes in the half hour before taking the test. Whatever it was they told her to take what the pcr said. I have t heard anything else so presume she is ok. Also we have all our tickets, boarding passes etc for our cruise 19 days. So it looks like as long as pcr tests are ok before we go. It looks like we will at last get our cruise. Mr T was happier tonight than I’ve seen seen him for a few weeks now. He has been a real grump.I think he has been very worried and anxious about it all. Of course as usual he won’t say he’s worried. He just sits and gets himself in a right state over it. It does bother me because having been like that myself I know what he is going through but if I say that I get told you think you know everything. I did my blood test now awaiting results.

    I got a scam text this morning my parcel being delivered by Royal Mail had been sent to local office as there was a shipping fee of £2.99 to pay. The purchase was made online paid for by card and clearly showed the shipping fee. so I rang the company that parcel was coming from to be told nothing to pay it’s a scam. When I came back home today the package had been delivered.

    family are all ok , I am told Graycie and Ashley both love school, likewise Rubie and Kian love Nursery. So all is well with them Ava is also fine cannot believe she is 3 months old on the 17th. Wish they would stop growing up. Next year Lillie will hit double figures it’s unreal. Like I said to youngest granddaughter today I cannot believe she was now a mummy herself.

    I am hoping my Sister will be able to pay a visit on Wednesday at the moment it is on track for her to do so as long as she has enough petrol to get her here and back home again. So I have my fingers firmly crossed. I am also going to go out and have lunch with her which will be lovely.

    Reshmi that’s a lovely photo of you it’s always great to see who you are talking too.

    well must go now as it it time for our evening cup of tea soon will try and drop in tomorrow.

    Love and Sparkles to you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225

    Morning Everyone ☺️

    Kitty Poor Dad there isn't much you can do except ring him regularly you know Anita calls in and the carers are company too😕

    Has your pol-tis helped your cough at all? Mine certainly smelt like it should😁but I still have my lovely lovely cough🤒Try to keep your lungs inside your body if you can and no pseudomonas😮((())) Ah Sleek is just back from yours....

    Thank you for the lasagne I had a very large portion and feel rather over-full still. My own fault I didn't share!

    Hi Joan you are quite right never want a cold to go on your chest or it can take weeks to clear. I will brave my walk today up to now haven't felt well enough. You two have a good day too ((())) xxx

    Reshmi never worry if you don't have time to do a full post none of us will mind we all understand there are days when life is a bit too much and time short. I hope at least that your cold is starting to retreat this one has been a stinker of a cold hasn't it? Did anyone else in the family get it?

    The book is by Lionel Shriver, but it is quite a hard book to read emotionally I mean not intellectually. Quite traumatic I know it was also made into a film but not sure if it can be as good as the book was written as though by Kevin's mother.

    Your friend's son can't be right to do that he at least has anger issues.

    I hope today is better for you.

    Barbara It looks as though your eyes are not good and haven't been for a couple of days now I am sending some (((()))) and some of Aidan's🌈

    Carol that is great news that your daughter does NOT have COVID! I am so pleased for you all. Bless her isolated for nothing! I would trust a PCR over a lateral flow any day.

    Mr T clearly worries so much. Now he knows the cruise can go ahead and your daughter is ok he is much happier! What can you do with him i do not know if he won't open up and thinks you 'know it all' when you try to help. Maybe just say 'Talk to me and I promise only to listen not comment'?

    Why do children grow up so fast? Such a shame we don't get longer with them little they are great days. Having said that when mine were little and not sleeping it did rather seem like forever🙄😁 I am pleased at least that your little people are all happy at nursery and school bless them all.

    Let's hope your sister gets over - we are doing ok for fuel out here no shortages I wish I could send you some in the post!

    Mike enjoy your natter with Sue today. What treats are on the menu to go with your cuppas I wonder🤔

    Breakfast today hmmm.....

    potato pancakes for a change.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike enjoy your natter with Sue today. What treats are on the menu to go with your cuppas I wonder

    Looking forward to my weekly natter. No buns or cake today but I did get a couple of new choccy bars, hazelnut Wispas. 😋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) sorry about your cough I know how it feels to have it on your chest it wears you down I hope it don't last too long you don't need it you have enough to cope with (((()))) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val (())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())).

    Carol ((())) that's good your daughter is clear of the virus ((())) have a good time with your sister on Wednesday. Love to Mr T ((())) and the rest of the family ((())))

    Toni ((())) have a good day how is your back now ((())) I hope your cold is on the way out ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley (()) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day love to your family ((()))

    Mike ((())) does vixen sit and make sure all the cleaning has been done love to Elliott ((()))

    love to Chris ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225


    if anyone has time to post

    I saw those new choccy bars Mike online when I was shopping I bet they will be YUM!!!

    Joan the cold is going finally thank you so I am feeling much more myself thank goodness! Back is ok as ever probably like you always there, but we cope don't we? ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305

    Barbara Kathleen Toni TGran Joan, Nice to hear from you all. Thanks Toni about understanding when things get busy et cetera, as for the friends son the violent one, yes I agree he has some kind of anger issues or something along those lines, but the fact that he knows what he’s doing mentally makes him really evil in my eyes, but it’s also true true that was my friend lived in Reading, she would really mollycoddle him, like her, he’s into sports and he cycles everywhere but his mum had to take him to the doctors for a routine appointment and get his meds from the chemist every single time I would understand if he were barely mobile, but that certainly was not the case and she did this even when she could barely walk herself she was using a stick and driving everywhere because when the brain disorder was not treated it affected her mobility. Cold is getting a bit better thanks, what time I have made a bit of a mistake today with my stomach, It’s it’s more or less settled, What is this thing today called the coughing which I thought was a basic kind of cake but had a little bit of cream and was a bit croissant- like, well I only had about half of it because I was so cold and hungry anyway time will tell worst comes to the worst I miss tomorrow’s blood test and get another one booked at the hospital, Cream was hidden inside though, crafty, I never eat cream cake so well these things happen in life, lol. Other people have cold in the family to but it’s under control I think, thanks. Book Sounds interesting thanks for the details, potato Pancakes now those looking good have a good day Toni take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,305
    edited 12. Oct 2021, 10:47

    Somethings gone really wrong, just wrote a massive comment it was saved as but then well it disappeared so it’s kind of a very brief concise thing sorry about this, Toni TG Barbara J Kathleen, thanks Joan Hope you and Sue have a good day too. Cold is a bit better thanks other family members have it too but I think it’s under control, friend’s son he is quite evil in my opinion not like he’s schizophrenic or anything along those lines his mind is working perfectly yes maybe anger issues not sure hard to know I just feel sad for my friend really hope she doesn’t put herself in danger too much anymore, thanks about Book, potato pancakes look good.bye for now Tc. Ok let’s See if this saves what fun and games have a nice day guys

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning all.

    Carol, there are so many scams around. I'm glad you didn't fall for the Royal Mail one. There's one going round about my bank?! Better not fall for that one either!!

    Reshmi, my lung disease makes me cough so much, and I do worry about getting a Pseudomonas Colonisation in my lungs. It lives there for a number of years and makes me so ill. I have to stay in hospital for 14 days at a time on intravenous antibiotics. Kitty doesn't want to go in hospital, thank you very much.

    Mike, chocolate bars? which chocolate bars?

    Joan, I think it's just a cold with a cough, because I keep sneezing and Pseudomonas doesn't do that. I'll have to use some of Sleek's poltises.

    Antoinette, I'm going to dose myself up with Sleek's potions and poltises. I have oodles of bottles and pots of potions that she has treated me to. Before I do though, I must tell you about my donation to help Water Voles. I love them.

    Is it World Arthritis Day? Must donate to that too.

    Can't be bother to cook today, so I'll just do a banana sandwich and a cup of coffee.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all sorry fir the last few days I get sort of motion sickness looking at the screen

    Toni thankypu for the hugs and Aidans rainbow bless him xx

    I love have our Sunday dinner delivered but none around at the min ..but we love our little pub ones..hope all is well with you and your family ...I know you never say much ..xx

    Reshmi what an awful sin your friends has

    .remind me of my cousin her son he was on drugs and was violent towards her..

    Have you tried the violife cheesr spread and slices they are delicious but not the block one xx

    Joan I usually update my phone not a clue what has gone on ..maybe me setting have changed loveto all of you xx

    Kath you are suffering bless ..I hope your chest didn't go any worse have you got an oxi meter fir your finger ..and thankyou fir all the recipes xx

    Mike has chocalate wisper ..did he say your home help looks forwards to coming in there xx

    Carol I hope your sister can get to visit sorry run out if eye time xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225

    Hmmm Barbara getting motion sickness looking at the screen I get that if I scroll too much like on amazon or ebay🤔 It's got to be those eyes.

    Sending another of Aidan's 🌈 Sleek has loads - no idea where she gets them from.

    Just lovely to hear from you. You need the reader asap now I think ((()))

    Family are all well Lucy was off yesterday and Charley and Annie so I dropped lucy off at theirs and they had a natter and cuppa☺️ shame tia was at work though.

    I like violife cheese slices in a butty and the cheese spread it spot on isn't it? tastes the same as the normal stuff.

    Hope you are all well all of you ((()))

    Kitty is NOT going into hospital if Sleek has anything to do about it. She wants you to chase up your vaccinations that's what she said because it takes them forever to get round to you two.

    Dose yourself up with all Sleek's potions it's very very important you keep as well as possible ((()))

    Actually the banana toastie and cup of coffee was lovely for lunch just the right amount!

    Water voles?

    Oh the sweetest! You don't need to donate to world arthritis day just go on the thread and offer your support to each other and this forum😊

    Reshmi your post has reappeared! So you did two yesterday!

    Was it a cream horn you had? They look a bit like pastry croissanty and have cream inside. I used to LOVE them - not now though would be a big mistake for me now 😕

    The rest of the family have colds too, but yours is probably the worst due to your meds. Not a lot you can do except what you have done rest and recharge.

    Sounds like your friend's son is a bit of a Mummy's boy if he can't do anything for himself! I hope she's ok now because if she's still poorly that does make her a bit vulnerable. Extra scary that he knows what he's doing though and could potentially control himself.

    Hi Joan I replied to you yesterday really but it was early. I am up even earlier than usual I have already take Lucy to work! Waiting to hear if the macdonald's vegan burger has arrived yet! ((())) love to you and Sue xxx

    What was the Wispa like Mike? Was it fabulous? I'm sure it won't be long before they do a vegan one - I have had the vegan kitkat and it's the same as normal so things are looking up!

    Hope Carol's sister got fuel and was able to visit. Nothing like a sister is there Joan, Kitty and Mike? 😁

    porridge today because it's raining at the moment🙄