Val's Cafe
Hi Joan how are you today? how is Sue? that’s interesting what you said about the steroid injections I didn’t know that good to know.I hope you’re both having A nice day today and staying warm take care. Xx
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Hi Kitty how are you? that’s a nice recipe there, shame you lost that poem maybe you could write another one? My Stomachache it’s a bearable pain but it’s just very frustrating really even when I’m extremely careful with food My stomach doesn’t feel right I also had a gastric ulcer once so it’s just something I worry about but at least I can ask my questions to the nurse or doctor at my checkup in June, thank you. How are your pains today? Xx
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Hi to Barbara, how are you feeling today? It’s Quite windy here is it the same where you are? I hope you’re having a nice afternoon take care. Xx
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Afternoon all not nice weather ..but I can see my bulbs peeping above the soil...😁
Mr B had a call this morning if his heart scan is OK he us penciled in fir March ..🙏
Toni how nice is the emporium ..we used to do all the antique shows ..but not for a shops are more our thing ...I do remember the bracelet that Bill made ..yes Niamh has been she let's get mum do a test beforehand ..she will soon be has talk has me xx
Toady I like reading your post and you always make me chuckle 😃..I'm so inpatient with seeds mostly buy plants apart from my wild flowers xx
Joan carers are mot paid enough for what they do and Sue know how hard they work xx
Mike let us know when you get your results ..and good luck xx
Reshmi I'm so glad mum's test were OK..I have not been on the ball lately with my kidneys but must try harder sorry you have things going on in the family ...hopefully sorted soon xx
Kitty goid to have you back on ..but so sorry you can't find your poem..sure it will ne there somewhere xx
Love to all xxxxx
Barbara1 -
Hello all.. just a quick line.. well I say that now, we'll see where it ends up 😉
I have finished my seed order frog, to be going on with.. added in some more sweet peas, some verbena, hollyhock, delphiniums.. more sweet peas.. then I took a firm hold of myself and got myself through the checkout. Yes, I really ought to buy Astrantia, I will give it one more go this next season and then admit defeat.. maybe. Ooh, planning a return sortie to the vintage place are we, with an empty van 😊 I don't begrudge you your chimney pot.. don't mind me.. 😂 joking of course, do tell if you come away with good stuff 😊 yes I've lost a few pots lately to mostly old age, I do bring some in, not all.. my lovely skip-rescued ones have a few hairlines which I put some silicone across and I'm careful with those. For 1 straightforward crack I've seen tutorials to drill & mend with wire 'ties' but you'd need a bit of nerve! Everyday ones are cheap enough to replace now & then.. or they were! My ladder was my Dad's, but I'm not sure whose before.. his Dad's or possibly my Mum's father. I have such nice stuff and I'm very fond of some of the lovely tools etc, but I do worry a bit where these things will go to *one day*.
Barbara things are moving on for Mr B then.. all being well.. hope he is bearing up 😘 your bulbs are on their way, oh good 😊 I have a few more when I looked today.. I marked mine's positions but they have shifted as they grow and are coming up where they please 😂 never mind, Nature is not there to be dictated to, is it, quite right too. 🌷
Sorry you can't find your poem yet Kitty, have you filed it under something with a not sensible name like I do.. I suppose you're searching by keyword though, hope it turns up. Today's Wordle took me 5 goes I thought it was going to beat me.. not the easiest word, but it's down to whether you get a useful letter in earlier which I didn't.
Joan thank you for the kind little reminders of Spring, they're very heartening, I appreciate it. 😊🌼 Hope not too damp & chilly a day, the sun did come out for a little spell here. Are the steroid injections you mean ones into joints? I did once have them for my knees, for the RA, but usually into the muscle for overall anti-inflammatory purposes. Such a pity, as you (and Reshmi) say, that they can't be used lightly!
Glad you're better for a decent rest bosh, nice story about your sister, you don't forget things like that do you :) x
Nice to hear news of Carol - love and tea to everyone, weak, strong or as preferred ☕️ xx
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hi t and thanks, hi and thanks also to Barbara I know what you mean about not being on the ball there’s so many things to remember aren’t there? Sorry I also wanted to just mention Toni, yes I do now remember what you said about your dad and the junk food not helping your mum etc, it’s never helpful when family members are like this isn’t it? okay got to go now I’ve been sending way too much many messages I need to get some rest take care. Xx
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Morning everyone.
It's windy out there today and rain is due 🙄 what's new?
I am continuing to send strength to you Mike and hoping you are doing ok.🌈
Kitty I am very pleased your shoulder has improved that is a relief. Not so good though that your poem about Avril has gone AWOL. You have posted it here though once a while back so it could just possibly be found surely with a lot of effort? I can't imagine how upset I would be though.
How lovely another poetry book! I am looking forward to reading that when it's ready🙂
So Dad had ditched his sugar altogether? I am impressed mind I had to do the same myself from 3 heaped no none in one summer. I like tea and coffee according to the rime of day and whether cake or biscuits are involved.
Ah yes I do see what you mean I suspect that Holly is lonely and unfortunately some of us hope that a man will stay with us/is showing some commitment if a child is conceived. Bless her.
Thank you for the okra recipe you know I have never every cooked it! I have eaten it of course, but never cooked it so really might have to have a go.
Morning Joan how are you and Sue today and the doggies how are they? My lovely neighbour is doing ok, and so far luckily he hasn't tested positive. That is mad isn't it? You'd be sure husband and wife would catch it🙄 ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi aww your Mum is so thoughtful getting LA some Valentine's chocolates I expect they are gone by now as yesterday was really Valen's Day! I think I might avoid the popular holiday destination if it's raining - it's not much different to here🙄
Yesterday i failed to do my walk so walked around the house instead and managed to get 29 minute walk in which will do. Oddly enough it is more painful (but drier) than outside. I think because I have to turn so many corners to keep walking! Well done catching up on sleep even if your skin did prickle a little.
Charley and Annie (lobster) are home now as of last night l suspect lobster will soon shed like a snake🤢 Your poor sister suffering with the heat she needs to move to Reading🤭 Such nice people you encountered near the Taj Mahal. I had the same once when Lucy was on chemo and insisted on Christmas shopping in Birmingham (she was maybe 4.5 stone?) someone saw her exhaustion and gave us a bottle of water for her and a seat. there are more good people than bad.
Today there is a coffee morning at the Church opposite so I will have to pop in for a quick cup of something and make a donation. Shall we go for our walk early?🚶♀️
That is great news Barbara about Mr B's operation. Pencilled in!!!!!!!!!! yes! I hope he is a good patient for you. Will your boy be able to get time off at all to help transporting etc for a day or so? Nurse Sleek is ready as no doubt is Niamh?
I can imagine how tall she is they grow so much taller these days and we are probably shrinking too. I am taller than my ex MIL she used to be a lot taller than me.
Bill went to an antique place too over the weekend i think I got them thinking as I sent him a pic of the emporium on Saturday. I bet you have been to the same place I can't remember what it was called.
I know you have had al ot to worry about with Mr B and the family having COVID as well as your brother, but your health matters too ((()))
Morning Toady how are you today? Well done getting the order in for your seeds done now so plenty to look forward to. Still no sign of life in those seed trays of mine.....sigh.....
There was a lady in the village who had (she died last year) a huge pot - more stone than terracotta - with one large crack she sort of wired it together. It is still going because now I can see it when I go for my walks.
Oh gosh your lovely stuff as long as they don't go in a skip unless someone takes them out and uses them of course....🤔 You need to write your will and make provision for them. That's what I would do. We did our wills the March of lockdown coincidentally which was a good idea I think although we will update them soon. When Lucy moves out (again) which she is planning to do we will maybe do the Swedish Death Clean 'Döstädning'
That wasn't very cheerful was it?🤐 If I buy anything with an empty van this weekend I will be sure to take photos for you and you are so kind allowing me to buy the chimney if it continues to call me...
have a good day.
@Arthuritis I hope all is well with you and your bones and belly are behaving themselves reasonably 🤞
Right what shall we eat?
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No results yet, still waiting for results from second blood and pee tests, ECG test and biopsies so anxiety level increasing. On the plus side ASDA should be here soon with cream doughnuts for me and my Home Help.
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Guess what I found on here.
Avril is my hero
she saved my life one day.
When we were 12, in Dawlish Warren
on a rubber dinghy, we set off out to sea,
just before we had our tea.
Now Avril was a champion,
with cups and swimming awards.
But even though I couldn’t float
my safety was assured.
She fell off our floating vessel
and promptly disappeared,
Then, scrambling from the deep
she grabbed me by the feet.
She kicked her legs
and pushed the float
while I lay on the top.
Towards the shore she strongly steered,
My cousin wasn’t even scared,
but took me back up on the sand
and we were safely back on land.
Avril is my hero,
she saved my life that day.
Thank you Avril, cousin dear,
For without you, I might not be here.
I did a search for Avril my hero, and up it popped, thank you Froggie. Off to work on Kitty's Memories.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi k love this poem. Xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) yes Anita is your hero lovely poem thank you (()) have a good day love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) yes that is good news for Mr B (()) I hope is heart is good for it. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (() and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toady (()) yes I mean the steroid you have in your bones I had 3 and then had to have a total knee replacement. Its nice when you can see seeds coming up and the leaves on the trees. Have a good day
Toni (()) have a good time at the church love to Paul ((())) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) how do you feel to day love to your mum ((()))
Mike (()) I’m sorry you have had to wait so long you are bound to be worried love to vixen (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi everybody I know this is a virtual night time entry from me on here, lol, hi Toni, I had hospital blood test today so that was quite tiring but I did manage a decent nap afterwards which was good. That was nice of those strangers to help Lucy it must be a nice memory too. My stomach was not really okay yesterday and I’m still being very careful with food so whether it’s fully okay I’ll only really know at the end of the day I guess thanks for everyone’s concern about it though, no sugary fatty food from the hospital café for me but that’s just as well really isn’t it? Lol. Hi Barbara how are you today? things are not so bad at the moment I’m a bit hungry but I’m okay thanks, lol. Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? I’m not too bad thanks just had a blood test but other than that quiet day thanks. Hi to t and Ar too. That’s it really for now I need to stop My online verbal diarrhoea today otherwise my neck won’t thank me for it and I’m already a bit tired take care everyone have a nice evening. Xx
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Hi Toni and everybody I know I said I wouldn’t waffle but I just thought I would share one thing with of a humorous nature hopefully, lol, have a suspicion that’s my pharmacist has been stealing folic acid from me and selling it on the streets! Yes folic acid has been known to be masquerading as a class a drug on the streets of Reading! I thought my blood test nurse looked unusually happy today has she taken perhaps a less than legal high (or so she thought, in reality perhaps a bit of a placebo effect)?? There that’s something to contemplate while we have our supper, lol, remember your green veg by the way natural folic acid not that I really need to tell anyone that on this site okay bye for now have a good night. Xx
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Hello all -- I am trying to finish my grocery shop, my ebay listings, and one or 2 other things that I'd maybe be best not doing all at once.. any minute now I am going to ask Tesco to sub my vegetarian sausages with a pair of shoes please, type BREAD SUGAR and CAKES into Wordle, and try and list a 5-letter word for sale on ebay. Not a very well-planned evening! 😂 Back soon when 'normal' service has been resumed! xx
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Morning everyone😊
The rain has stopped, but storm Dudley is approaching so the wind has got up.
Mike in your shoes I would be unable to think of much else and wish there was a way of finding out immediately. I always think fear of the unknown is the very worst thing. ((())) I hope Asda did not let you and Sue down? Cream 🍩 and a cuppa what more can a man want?
Well DONE Kitty! You found the poem. I knew it was here somewhere. I was going to plough through the old posts I had tried a search on poems and got a lot but not Avril's poem. Your search being more specific bore fruit!
I am so glad our newer café dwellers can read it now☺️
Sleek is planning on getting her brolley out and flying to yousr on the back of storm Dudley. If you hear a crash outside please do let her in. Her key to yours is still hanging up here🙄
Joan the Church coffee morning was successful I think. I bought some cake for Paul and Lucy. Not for me it's not vegan. They are raising money to have a toilet put in because there isn't one. People often have to use ours or my lovely neighbours or they used to use P's! for a pee! Hope all is well with you? ((())) xxx
Reshmi you are good having your bloods done at the hospital. I am sorry your stomach is rough (maybe today is a bit better?), but expect that it at least stopped you from being tempted to nip into the café there😕 Hmm the nurse seemed uncharacteristically happy did she? very suspicious indeed🤔perhaps she fancies someone at work? Or had a cream cake waiting for her coffee break?
Surely your pharmacist not a folic acid pusher? I am totally shocked. That would do them all good wouldn't it instead of the other stuff no doubt on the streets of the renowned holiday spot Reading!
Glad you managed a nap and it sounds like it helped. Your neck though - that isn't ok I can 'hear' that in your post. To be honest I like your verbal diarrhoea it can be very funny and entertaining.
I promise faithfully to eat my green veg and will make a couscous salad or something so I can get some whole grains in....
Morning Toady....still no babies poking their heads out of my compost....😕 It will be 7 days tomorrow so there is hope after that really at least for the toms.
Oh dear me multi-tasking can be taken to extremes you know😁 I hope you managed to sort it all out and order the right things from the right place and didn't list a 5 letter word! I do not dare look at wordle I know I will get addicted and that is not good for me it's in my nature you see.
Today i am taking my sister and niece to the garden centre. We have decided it will be quiet first thing and they are desperate to go bless them. I will try hard to exercise maximum restraint from behind my mask.
Hope all is well with @Arthuritis ?
and Carol if she calls by.
Barbara I hope you can see our replies from your post. Take care
hash browns. I love the ones made of cauliflower if anyone has tried them
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Antoinette, Sleek and I have been busy with 'Kitty's Memories'. It is now finished and the lovely Yvonne is keeping it safe for the unveiling. There are 20 poems in it, some you have never seen and Miss Sleek makes an appearance at the end.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Toni (()) Do you remember when you had to put a penny in the slot to spend a penny in the toilet.
how is your neighbour doing (()) I hope you all get what you are looking for at the garden centre.
love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) Kari (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day don’t worry love to your mum (())
Toady (()) I hope you managed to get your little jobs done.
Kitty (()) have a good day all of you (())
Barbara (()) love to everyone ((())
Mike (()) I think if it was important they would have let you know before now good luck love to vixen
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning 😊 just about, anyway.
I finished all my jobs and thanks to some kind person giving up their shopping slot I was able to nab an afternoon one, otherwise they would be here & gone by now and I was not ready. So I have time to do some stuff now beforehand. A little walk after would be nice but.. maybe not! 😬 I would probably end up in Dudley. 🌪️ Stay safe everybody!
Hope the garden centre visit was lots of fun frog 😊🌱 & you all got some nice things. Seeds soon now, I'm sure! Hang on! I am nipping out in a minute to secure anything that might be a bit dicey when the wind gets up. Bulbs coming along nicely.. I'm sure there are more than I put in.. and some are either coming up very close, or have a double spike (is that likely?) All the russian snowdrop are showing which is good as there was only 1 for ages, I only have 3 in a pot which I want to put out eventually to clump - couldn't expect 1 bulb to do much clumping all by itself.
All your sensible what to do with your possessions stuff suggestions are quite right of course, only I'm not sensible.. the Egyptian Build Yourself a Pyramid and take it all with you plan is more me. There are a couple of snags to bequeathing, a) I don't really have suitable people, b) I don't really want other people to have my things. 😉 Ok, maybe the cat's home. 😸 Not having anyone to pass things to does have the benefit that I don't actually have to worry about lumbering family with doing my sorting; it will just be a case of que sera, I guess. The personal stuff is much more difficult - letters, photos - it's a choice of shred them too soon, while I still want them, or leave it too late - there's no-one I would trust to dispose of them for me. Ugh. Final point - because I've never had the sort of life where you pass through work/family/retirement type stages (partly not my cup of tea, partly ill health), I tend to ignore time & tide - whether I do it backwards, and regress to living like a student - whether I do all my acquiring and upsizing at this end of things instead of the other way around - well, it's up to me. Right, enough death for now, 🤔 all good food for thought though!!
Kitty, hurrah for retrieved poems! glad to hear the story now. I can't swim - did you ever learn?
Joan I am on top of things again now, just about. I wonder if people will just forget why they say 'spend a penny' - or whether the expression will just die out. Have a good day & hope the storm passes you asap.
Love to everyone & good luck for all tests past & in the pipeline 🤞 xxx
Waves to Barbara xx
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Afternoon all..excuse the typo's
Toni think I sa7d we used to go to the Stafford antiques show near to uuou if I remember..the biggest one is Newark used to love it..
We are struggling at the min our sin moved in with a friend but calls most days ..but us not allowed time off 😒 has fir your steps I get them in in the house now If we had a payment I would enjoy outside maybe wgen Mr B is fit xx
Toadt I think some if my bulbs are upside down 😂I blame these eyes
We have family to leave things to but can imagine all the photos being thrown or at least some and most of our rubbish really ..😂 bet you are looking forward to the seeds arriving xx
Joan yes Mr B is moving up the l7st ..must say he's in much more pain than I was before I have my hips replaced ..hope you are all doing ok xx
Mike the waiting us awful ..hopefully not long now enjoy the doughnuts with your home help xx
Kitty I'm si pleased you gage found your must have been so scary but good fir your cousin xx
Love ti all xxxxx
Barbara1 -
@frogmorton Love the cauliflower hash brown concept. Never had it, but if its anything like riced cauliflower (can be supermarket bought, ready to warm up/eat) then it would be both healthy & delish! Amazing what cauliflower lends itself to.
I am currently binging on jamie oliver’s lentil creations yummy! Funny my pre-RA self would balk at anything that wasn’t meat & a tiny veg, and here I am 5 months into my formal diagnosis a total vegan (or 1 year from my initial symptoms of buying loads of shoes wondering why none made my foot pain magically go away)! Yummy Puy lentils!!
Seems despite having a high-ish MTX dose (20mg) RA won’t quit barbecuing & eating my knees & elbows…so having some bad days and I do so need my knees & elbows to earn a living!!
Hope you get the toilet installed soon in the church, I would have thought the council would have a legal obligation to get one installed, and if there are nearby flats, a deed of covenant requiring financial support of the church by the flat owners for essentials like that. Or at least a contribution.
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Hi everybody bit busy at the moment but I’m doing well hope you’re all okay will try to write proper message soon. Tc. Xx
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Hi Toni how are you today? oh dear me I am a bit tired but in a good way thanks had a good walk and had some takeaway cheese free pizza had the whole day to myself in fact even though that solitude is due to end in about half an hour but nothing is perfect lol, It was a high energy day for me which is extremely rare but I enjoyed it and did not celebrate by having a large amount of sugar either so that was good the pharmacist has eventually condescended to give me my folic acid after selling it on the streets in the holiday destination only joking of course so my ulcers are starting to feel better and nausea is a bit less so that’s all good stuff for me thanks Toni stomach is okay so far i’m avoiding cheese and I haven’t really eaten anything that Unhealthy at least not that recently thanks for asking about my neck it was okay yesterday really but the thing is I am aware as is probably the case for most of us it gets a bit stiff in the evening and near the end of the day and also I do you know that really any I padding as I call it is bad for it unless I keep it to a bare minimum and to be honest even though I spend less time on it than I used to still probably doing a bit too much overall but as you want said at least I think it was yourself anyway almost everything is online and that’s a big problem so it’s okay for the physio to say just switch it off and things like that but yes you might need to buy something or you might need to communicate with someone or listen to music or whatever so it’s very well her saying that but the reality is in modern times it gets really difficult if not impossible a lot of the time at least for most people I love to read but of course that’s bad for the neck too and my eyes although I really can’t complain too much I’m not quite 100% and I’m waiting for my new glasses to be made that’s the problem the optician said that Reading will make you tired so arthritis plus New eye prescription are not good things anyway the glasses should be done in a couple of weeks now I think so that’s a good thing they are getting expensive though aren’t they? my goodness at least it’s a one off expense isn’t it ?instead of dentist etc which are really in mother nature’s hands as I call it, but that’s the thing there’s so many expenses that people can’t fully plan for, but at least I’m okay financially generally speaking a lot a lot of people have it much worse than me, I know that one of my friends I knew in the psychiatric hospital he is homeless now I tried to help him financially once when I saw him on the street but I think he felt a bit embarrassed bless him yeah tough times are living in there is no doubt there. Nurse was not really ecstatic poetic license there lol. I better go now before HV erupts. Hope coffee morning was good? Xx
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Hi Barbara Joan Kitty sorry I’m fully exhausted now so I’m being very rude just saying hi and bye but I really genuinely hope you’re all okay hope to chat more tomorrow take care. X
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Morning everyone!
I hope storm Dudley has not caused too much trouble? Be warned Eunice is on her way😮
Sending ((())) and some strength to Mike I really hope you get some results very very soon.
Joan I absolutely do remember spending a penny. When I was little we lived down south and used to go into the city where the loos were underground and cost a penny. Do you remember the izal medicated toilet paper too😣 ((())) xxx
Morning Toady you are near me I am in Stafford you are Midlands too I did not miss the Dudley reference. Unless it was storm Dudley? My Juke is called Dudley because of his number plate Lucy's choice.
You know what? I love you being a student and living life back to front! what a great fun idea. Not good that there is no-one to dispose of those private papers or pics which mean so much to you but would be rubbish to anyone else. Definitely leave everything to the cats home rather than let the state have it that's my opinion anyway. Eyptian pyramid😁 you must write a book to go alongside the Swedish Death Clean books!!!!
I shall check the seeds with a magnifying glass because surely today or tomorrow something must pop up.🌱 My snowdrops have also failed to appear I planted loads of bulbs it nearly killed me! I am glad though that yours are appearing they will clump for you I am sure 😊
I got my onion sets and garlic sets yesterday! and some red hanging begonia corms for my baskets. 21 in total required I just cannot wait for summer this year. Warming up veggie patch with fleece today.....
Morning Barbara.
Oh you must miss your son so much. I know I will miss Lucy who is actively planning on moving out this year! Does he bring the light of everyone's lives over though? I mean Niamh of course.
I suspect you were in as much pain as poor Mr B but didn't mention it as much and you forget pain quite quickly don't you after it stops? I remember you suffering a lot. You will need to look into a good taxi company to take your husband to the hospital if your boy gets very little leave.
The girls haven't passed their tests yet have they?
You used to come to the county showground antique fayres didn't you here in Stafford? That's where I had my COVID vaccines😊
Fingers crossed your bulbs do peep up even if they have to work harder being upside down🤭
Morning @Arthuritis how wonderful you embracing and thoroughly enjoying cooking and eating wholefoods! Puy lentils are fabulous as are chick peas and red lentils and brown ones too (look like mince). I have eaten cauliflower rice loads of times Paul doesn't like it, but he does like shop bought cauli hash browns. Find them in the freezer aisle. They are just amazing! Jamie Oliver is embracing the plant diet as is the one who swears I have forgotten his name🤨
I am very happy because I have located a vegan kefir and am able to buy it from Sainsbury's. My Sister's DIL is ordering it for me.
Not good that the MTX isn't doing the job. You might need a little extra in the mix maybe? When is your next consultant apt? It is bizarre looking back and knowing that stuff was 'going on' for such along time before diagnosis. I always say I woke up one morning stuck in agony in position, but to be honest looking back there were clues. Ah well it's in hand now.
Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope it is a good day for you. Yesterday sounded wonderful! Some peace and loads of energy that's great. I hope today is the same.
I am glad the pharmacist has stopped selling your Folic Acid on the streets honestly! The mouth ulcers will ease of now. When Lucy had MTX for her cancer she was not allowed folic acid as that would stop it's cancer busting properties. Bless.
I know exactly what you mean about physios and Drs saying we shouldn't use our tech as much as we do for our necks' sake as well as backs, but 21st century life is so much on line it isn't possible to avoid it completely. Our heads just weigh a lot so by the end of the day the neck will have had enough it makes sense.
I hope the new glasses arrive soon. My sister and i have booked ours tests in. They are so expensive! Almost prohibitive, but as you say it is only once every year or two if you are lucky.
What a shame your friend was embarrassed to accept your help when he was on the streets. How upsetting that must have been for you. Yes we must count our blessings at least we are not destitute and we can budget for most things.
Kitty me duck! What great news about the new poetry book! I will wait with baited breath for it to be revealed! Madame la Sleekipuss is jumping on her back paws reading (over my shoulder again🙄) that she will be in it.
Right I really must do something now!
Take care everyone
upma I think @Arthuritis needs to try it. It's semolina and many veggies I love it!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) that’s lovely your poems being made in to a book for everyone to read. Love to Chris (())
and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toni (()) yes I remember the Izal paper. That’s good you got the plants you needed. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) how are they.
Toady have a good day take care in the wind (())
Arthuritis (()) have a good day go careful.
Reshmi ((())) how is your neck now love to your mum (())
Barbara (()) have a good day go careful. Love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((()) and your brother ((()) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((()) and her fiancé (())
Mike (()) take care love to vixen (())
take care
joan xx1
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