Val's Cafe



  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 494

    @frogmorton Tuesday is my least bad day,… I like Tueaday… Friday MTX blues over and benefits kicking in, before the next Friday when I need my next fix.

    Love the brekkie pictures! Tried Yorkshire made Tofoo - a bit pricey but lovely! Like Alpro Dark choc desserts!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi to kitty Barbara Kathleen and Joan, how are you all today? also hi to toady I’m getting used to the varifocals thanks Eyes definitely feel a lot better than yesterday, But I won’t be on here for too long as I should be a bit sensible with iPad use at least the short term, hi Toni my LLF phoned me today she was in a mood because her neighbours were noisy and that doesn’t happen in the seaside it’s only expected in towns and cities, “ according to what Law?” I almost asked but it’s best not to argue with the Dragon as I’ve mentioned before. Lol. She forgot to invite me to the February meet up of Roger myself and her, but that’s okay she said she’ll include me in the March one but I’m not going to worry about it too much to be honest I’ll go out by myself somewhere or something like that. Ar is right there vegan desserts and stuff can be expensive that’s why it’s good to make your own sometimes or even half make them low sugar brownie mix has arrived but it won’t be in charge in time for LA to consume I think I’ll have to make it later on and then it will reach LA as a “food parcel”. Hope you’re feeling okay today Toniit was a cold start wasn’t it? my goodness I was cold even in my big winter coat I would’ve worn another throat protecting later if I’d known what the weather was like but luckily it warmed up a little as I walked a bit further. Okay me and my eyes are stopping my waffling for today let’s call it a vegan waffle with cream substitute sounds good Toni can provide the visual, lol. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 23. Feb 2022, 17:12

    Hello people.. chilly and no mistake today.. it'll have to be the price we pay for the wind settling down I suppose, but not much encouragement to do anything is it. I didn't feel the earthquake frog it wasn't felt all that far apparently, I have felt one of that magnitude in my parents' day and no-one felt it but me - gave everything a good old rattle, I thought a lorry had crashed into something, like people often do - the cat took not notice at all! Gladys next, is it?! I suppose Gladys Pugh could be quite fierce.. and Nurse Gladys Emmanuel when occasion demanded. 😂 We are a good way through the alphabet for only Feb, does this mean by (after something beginning with Z) there are no more storms for this year? Some hopes. I did get on with my garage Idea this morning (although I don't think it will be the work of staggering genius that these things always are in my mind's eye in the middle of the night 😂) it has metamorphosed again since then, but it is a bit of a rework involving a dismantled bit of furniture that should give me some spare workspace and possibly a bit of overflow potting space, and storage under for bags of grit & whatever. This will give me a bigger bit of space at the other end to amass the next lot of skip-worthy stuff. 😑 If I had the money I've spent over the years just to get rid of things, to the council &c, I'd be able to buy myself a damn nice bit of furniture with it instead. Ironic. Can you see your neighbours' children when they are trampolining? After the last bit of cutting back their side I could see the little dears here through the gaps, should thicken up enough this year (I shall see that it does, on my side!) And fancy having big parties, oh I bet you were better off before the new people, I seem to think you said you were. Oh well Keep Calm and grow more plants, eh. 🌿 What else can you do. Do hope you're ok and can also Keep Calm about Lucy, hope you can put your minds at rest, I have lots of glands and knobbly bits but no-one likes an extra 'gatecrasher' (if it is new and not just one of the things you notice more at times). xx

    Joan I will be still wearing a mask if I go somewhere which isn't often, and I would rather delivery drivers etc still did, as it's more important for them to really, if masks are to stop you passing it on more than to protect you the wearer.

    Kitty I meant to comment yesterday, I was surprised how little I would have remembered of 'Boys and Girls..' beyond the first line, if asked, other than being familiar - I'd have said of course I can tell you how it goes next.. and then gone on to realize, no I can't. And had to look up the rest. I tried it out on someone else and they said the same. (Funny what you do remember though. Do you have any poetry memorized from being given at school to learn by heart etc?) Hard times for children in those days (of the rhyme), my gosh. 😔

    Can't see me getting much else done today as it will drop dark any minute.

    Love to Barbara if she calls - I should have some updated bulb pictures soon (I seem to have some growing in my last year's delphinium pot, no idea what they are!) xx

    and hello to to bosh & Arthuritis, and any late callers, have a good evening everyone xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    No news on Mr Bs op so 2 weeks I think ge might need another preop

    Toni sorry have I missed something to do with Lucy hope she us well xx

    your patio doors are leaking are ours but not surprising with the druving rain..our son has been on the roof apparently flashing had moved ..

    I'm going to get new glasses soon ..I can't use my laptop becase of how far it us on my knee..hopefully distance ones might help..I have macular in both now the letter says xx

    Joan I still wear a mask..I think we still have to be carful love to all of you xx

    Reshmi not the boiler ..hope you are managing with heaters and uts sited soon if not already xx

    Mike fingers crossed you hear something soon I am angry for you xx

    Toady I look forward to the photos of the bulbs..winder what ideas you have for the garage ..and has for online shopping it wears ne out 🙄xx

    Kitty.. poor Chris not getting to bed ..there's us nothing worse than not sleeping well the little poem xx

    Love to all xxxx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Well, as if being a cripple living alone was not bad enough I had a phone call from the hospital yesterday - I still have heard nothing from the GP Surgery. The call was brief enough that I can reproduce it here without leaving anything out.

    Hello, is that Michael?


    Hello, it is Mr ..........., the consultant you saw last week. I have had the results of your biopsies which confirm that you have Hodgkins Lymphoma.


    You will be getting a letter soon with an appointment in it. Do you have any questions?


    Goodbye then.

    What a way to tell someone that they have cancer! I have told those that need to know and have sorted transport to and from the hospital for the rounds of chemo and radiography I have to face. If I have to be kept in overnight my stepson will stay in my place to look after Vixen. Lots of other things to sort out just in case. This is a rare form of cancer with only about 2100 a year being diagnosed, it is aggressive but on the plus side it is one of the most curable. At least I am already a wheelchair user with two electric chairs so I don't have to worry about mobility issues. The GP is due to phone this afternoon about my blood pressure, if he does not bring up this diagnosis and the results of my ECG all hell is going to break loose!!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 24. Feb 2022, 07:55

    Morning all sleety rain out there 🙄

    Kitty now I thought you'd be all over the mushrooms! Glad you enjoyed the Welsh rarebit. Thank you for the recipe for Sicilian caponata doesn't it look lovely? A proper rainbow of colours.

    No sign of anyone moving that meter yet then? Frustrating waiting isn't it? I hope it will be safer for you when it's moved at least.

    Buckets on stairs aren't a good look and are also dangerous so I am glad your roof is dry now.

    Sleek did leave another sleep draught if you needed it. I hope you slept better ((())) xxx

    Joan thank you I think Lucy's lump is probably only a swollen gland and ought to go down in time. We will keep an eye, but she worries sometimes that it's the cancer coming back as it took a friend at the end of November who was in The QE with her with the same cancer as her. Yes i think we should all keep our masks on for now too ((()))

    Mike we are here with you. I know a fair bit about Hodgkins as some of the kids had it when Lucy was in and like Lucy's it's a blood cancer. Anything at all I can do to help please do shout. I know we are a fair way geographically, but you are one of us and I care ((())) I hope that you have told your baby sis by now? All being well you won't have to stay in too often unless you get an infection which you can with chemo. Will you be treated at Truro? Good luck with Drs apt more ((())) xxx

    Healthy breakfast just for you. I'd do it in person if I was nearer:

    @Arthuritis try smoked tofu! I use it in cooking (all tofu dishes) it add an extra something. I am pleased you like it it's a good source of protein.

    Morning Reshmi It sounds as though you are slowly adjusting to the varifocals I hope you love them and they really help in the end. Dodge reading for now as much as possible.

    What is LLF like? Doh! Forgetting to invite you I bet Roger wasn't impressed at all. Erm school holidays impinging on her life are they? Well I never noisy children only happen in cities? At least I know that now🙄Must just tell my new neighbour that her Grandchildren aren't welcome!

    Arthrutis is right our vegan stuff is pricey, but it is getting cheaper and as you say we can make our own. Lord A will love getting brownie as a food parcel😋. I don't think you ought to cook until your eyes and brain have adjusted to your new glasses. I have got some aquafaba frozen I am going to try to make vegan meringues....not today but soon.

    vegan waffle with vegan cream for you!

    Hi Toady I have news!!!!!!!!!! 3 snowdrops are up!!!!!!!!! yippee!! and loads of geraniums still no cucumbers and only 3 tomatoes I need 6, 3 for Kari 3 for me.

    There's a chap in the village who felt when they took Rugeley power station down a year or so back. I will see him later and ask if he felt the quake - if anyone did it would be him. If you're at the epicentre I bet you can feel it! What an experience.

    Yes Gladys. Shall we call her Glad for short? You have a point there have been one or two strong women called Gladys....🤔

    YES I can see them bouncing even though we added trellis because their garden is higher and it is HUGE. Still they are only children and they should be able to enjoy their lives. They soon get bored with it too. The parties though especially in lockdown that was naughty. I think we were allowed about 6 at the time outside. The previous neighbours well I never heard a thing out of them. They were the best neighbours we were lucky.

    The garage clearing does sound a mammoth task. Forget the money you ahae spent in the past just look forward space for grit and potting sounds lovely real incentive to get it done, but still please take it steady.

    Lucy's gland had better be nothing. She is well so that is a good sign. thanks.

    Morning Barbara don't worry about Lucy it is probably just a gland🤞

    My lovely neighbour's pre-op has gone well 'out of date' too.I tell you this COVID has a lot to answer for😠

    Did you son manage to repair the flashing? I hope so that would save a lot of money if he did. The patio door is dry again as the rain isn't lashing that side atm so all good here.

    I do hope your new specs will help with your poor eyes. Macular in both now sending you ((())) as well as Mike. Take care and hear from you soon.

    Well what shall we have today I wonder? Mike has been force fed healthy food, but the rest of us can have some

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning Mike, so sorry to hear your latest news. Hodkinson’keep Lymphoma! We are all here for you, so please tell us of your woes as you begin your treatment. Toni and I fully understand the fear you must be feeling. Sending extra special hugs for you and Vixen. Xxx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Just a couple of pics for you all to see xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Yes they had unusual transport in!

    That was at the venue. The bridesmaid shot was here at the house in our garden. Tia is the nearest on the left and Lucy the nearest on the right.

    I think you can work out which one is Charley!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) any news on your meter yet. Yes it was good you had your roof done when you did. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Arthurits ((())) how are you I hope you have a good day.

    Barbara (()) I had to wait 6 weeks after my pre opp sorry about you having that in both eyes (()) love to Mr B ((()) and your son (())) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day I’m waiting to see the leaves come on the trees.

    Toni ((())) thank you for the photo’s lovely (()) I can understand how worried Lucy and you would be worried ((())) our neighbour not worried about masks he’s worried about the bomb going off. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your glasses are helping I had a pair for a good few years. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (())) I’m so sorry you have that we all know about the worry that brings just say anything to us we understand (((]) don’t worry about being a cripple we were born one it never stopped us doing what we wanted to do (()) it makes you a fighter (((())) love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni Barbara Kathleen Joan Mike, t and Ar , sorry I’m not feeling myself today I’ve only just about got enough sleep just now I say I’ve got enough sleep but really not quite there yet but almost, its a nasty feeling isn’t it Toni? when you don’t sleep enough? Not one of the worst things, I know they’re much worse problems to deal with anyway how’s things with you Toni? Don’t worry I am being very careful with the varifocals I think they’re not affecting me too badly luckily, I had a bit of a headache at the end of the yesterday but I was also cold and today I’ve mainly just been trying to catch up on sleep but mostly unsuccessfully until now or thereabouts, I haven’t made the brownies for LA et cetera yet it’s a bit late anyway for me to make some for him to consume this week but I’ll attempt it at some point night next week when I’m feeling more energetic and on a day that I’m not walking 😄. I did more or less read all the messages, but some of them are a bit of a blur now so I’ll just reply fairly briefly, love those wedding photos Toni very lovely indeed. It’s a nice vegan waffle et cetera thanks, lol. You know LLF was really going about silly things in the phone call this time I think she said that her neighbour is possibly a teenager or in his 20s or something like that and he doesn’t know how to put bins back and the bin made a noise and he made a noise and then I said are you sure he was making the noise or was it the television on loud? she said she didn’t know and that these things shouldn’t happened near the seaside, very weird I gently pointed out that nothing is perfect when I lived in East London briefly I barely slept at night at all there was so much noise sirens people in the pub et cetera, then she said something like she paid for a house near the sea that was quiet indeed silent at night so I almost said is that the Gospel according to the estate agent ? But I was trying to keep LLF Vesuvius from doing more than spitting to use your excellent phrase Toni lol. Okay I think I have to leave it there because I have spent rather a long time on FB et cetera so I should rest my eyes etc hope you have a good evening. Tc. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Mike like Toni says we are all here fir you ,and good listeners.. thinking about you good on your stepson fir helping out with Vixen xx

    Toni It's good you will be able to help Mike if ge has any questions

    Snowdrops at last 😁

    Aww wgat lovely photos has for the transport I do like WWs xx

    Joan I can still see but so annoying has things move around ..and people don't have faces ..but we all get there some way or another are you and Sue doing xx

    Love to Kitty Toady and Reshmi


  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 24. Feb 2022, 17:27

    Hello folks 😊 just a quick visit to post my 'masterpiece' 😂 so voila, as they say. It looks quite neat doesn't it until the last pic when I panned out and you can see what a hotchpotch it is from the front, it used to be a desk and there are still hinges and drawer knobs here & there 😂 BUT it is totally temporary so I didn't take any pains with it. It could also do with a rework as it ideally needs cubbyholes underneath in the middle section. One day I will get myself something nice a la Monty.

    Frog your seeds are coming up splendidly, and SNOWDROPS! Hurrah 🌼 well it's definitely Spring then 😊 ..come on tomatoes, you can do it. Yes I did think I remembered your previous neighbours were lovely, such a shame, just seems to be the way - change always seems to be for the worse :( Mine are away at the moment (I think! they don't really communicate) - I'm a bit worried that something may be afoot for various reasons I won't go into - if it is, the first I will know is a For Sale sign and the merry bangings of new people knocking the place about. 🙄 Hope your leak will behave and everyone else's can be securely fixed 🤞. Lovely pictures and I LOVE the bridesmaid's dresses; it's not always that you can say that and mean it 😉 (well I would not say anything most likely, I wouldn't fib) but I do, they are such a pretty subtle colour and the style is gorgeous.

    Joan my cherry plum hedging plants are sprouting lovely green shoots so I have posted them while we wait for more things to bud and set going, as you say 🌿 Hope you are both as well as poss. today.

    Barbara I have posted my garage project for you to see, it is bits of an old desk turned into Frankenstein's gardening bench 😂 well nothing goes to waste if it can do another turn as we say, don't we. I do hope the new spectacles will help xxx I bought my last ones online had to use a slightly old prescription plus a bit of guesswork as I haven't been since the Covid. Sorry Mr B may have to be pre-op'd again. 😔 Thinking of you both 😘

    Hope everyone else is doing ok. Mike - as someone who was here before your time but mostly absent lately, I tend to speak when I'm spoken to, so that newer people can take me or leave me alone as they please; but do take my forum solidarity as read along with everyone else's. V sorry to hear your news and wishing you all the best. x

    Must go and do Something, whilst I've been in the garage housework is going by the board. Mind you with the news as it is right now (I gave up reading it recently but you hear things of course) housework is probably the least thing to worry over. What can you say, well not much, that you could say in here :(

    Love to all xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Cherry plum, 2021

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 494

    @frogmorton Tuesday is my least bad day,… I like Tueaday… Friday MTX blues over and benefits kicking in, before the next Friday when I need my next fix.

    Love the brekkie pictures! Tried Yorkshire made Tofoo - a bit pricey but lovely! Like Alpro Dark choc desserts!

    @Kitty Thank you so much for the recipes with pictures! They make my day!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone I had to scrape the car this morning. Very very cold out there.❄️

    Morning Joan I hope you are both well today? The bomb yes well if we go to war with Russia over their invasion of the Ukraine who knows....? I am probably more worried about COVID I think though. I suppose I will always worry about Lucy, but she is well at the moment eating well and working sleeping well too. ((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Morning to you Mike I hope the Dr was more use than you anticipated. I bet they know now why you were so keen for answers. I continue to send ((())) and 💪 strength xxx

    Good morning to you Reshmi. It is very hard to function on not enough sleep isn't it? One day is one thing, but several like Mike and Kitty must be exhausting. You are right of course there are worse things.

    You sound to be doing well with your new glasses I am pleased for you because they are wonderful (according to my sister) once you adjust. Don't worry too much about reading our posts if your eyes are blurry. The main thing is that our friend Mike has Hodgkin's lymphoma so the café crew will be here for him.

    Lord A will survive a week without his brownies next week you will have more than one good day I'm sure to make them for him. It's drier today so a walk will be easier. Yesterday was Paul's birthday and a chap in the village was 95 - he walks EVERY day!!!!! amazing!

    I think LLF would have to live in the middle of nowhere for it to be really quiet. By the sea doesn't mean silence, but you are right 100% not to set LLF vesuvius off oh no!!🤐 you don't want that! Tactfully sugggesting TV noise is as far as i would risk in your shoes too.

    See you later hopefully for our walk🚶‍♀️

    Lovely to see you Barbara calling in to support Mike.

    Yes 3 snowdrops maybe more today. I expect they took time as I only planted them this last year.

    Isn't the VW fabulous? The girls are after trying for babies next!!! Help!

    Kitty you are 100% right we will support our friend Mike in any way we can. This little café is full of caring people he is not alone with us.

    Vixen will know and it might even be why she has take to sleeping on Mike's bed Sleek did the same with Lucy before we realised she had cancer. They know. ((()))

    Toady how are you today? That cherry plum looks good, but the potting table looks really good you must be pleased it will help no end👍️a masterpiece indeed. A posh potting table would be amazing, but we can't win em all can we?

    Spring is most definitely here. I shall check on my toms later there is hope and soon the cucumbers should pop up too I think. We are due some sunshine so maybe outside? Ok maybe not we shall see later on. I am hoping for more snowdrops too when it's light enough to see.

    I wonder what is occuring at your neighbours' 🤔 mm maybe a for sale sign. Wouldn't it be lovely if people moved in who plant trees and dig ponds? Who knows.

    Thak you for your kind comments about the dresses. 6 bridesmaids though! WOW! could have had 4 more 3 adult one 3 year old it was close! We have 3 girls and two more were half sisters (their father down in Devon) and two cousins. The sage green was so subtle wasn't it? The venue being rustic has all it's paintwork that colour. My hall is that colour too. Mind the girls were all a bit chilly for January although they did all have shawls to wear.

    Our Aidan AKA Bubbles would have been so upset about trouble anywhere, as you know, I am very much thinking about the people in the Ukraine and hoping for the best.

    Morning @Arthuritis I hope you are ok today it's another good day surely until later on so we must make the most of it. I hope you are getting extra sleep on Saturdays? It will help i promise you along with savoury foods ((()))

    Well what shall we have to eat today?

    egg banjos

    Vegan option available of course.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning ladles and jelly spoons. Just a quick one as it is Asda day today. Just to confirm everything the Lady Antoinette said. All my chemo group had dogs which wouldn’t leave their side while undergoing treatment, but after it was all over, they all went back to normal again. Dogs in particular can smell cancer. Cats of course had a 6th sense about most things, it’s all in the way they interpret things. Well I’m off to wait my order, I wonder if we will get everything?

    (((((()))))) to everyone and love from Kitty.

    My daughter Helen’s c o c k a p o o Milo. Hope that gets roun any admin warnings!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Firstly thank you all for your kind words and support, it is greatly appreciated. A GP phoned yesterday as planned nearly 2 weeks ago as a telephone appointment to discuss my blood pressure. She said that she was concerned that it was a little higher than she would have liked so I said "well, if you took it today it would be through the roof", she asked why so I told her about the diagnosis from the hospital and THERE WERE NO NOTES ABOUT IT ON MY RECORDS!! Needless to say I had a moan. She said that if I wanted to know more about Hogkins I could go to the NHS website!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you get everything you wanted from Asda. Lovely dog. Love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) how is your knee (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) your Cherry tree is lovely and the desk would come in handy for anything you wanted it too have a good day.

    Toni ((())) I hope Paul enjoyed his birthday (()) yes the dress’s were a lovely colour (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia ((())) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike ((())) thinking of you I hope you don’t have to wait to long for the treatment (()) love to vixen.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum take care.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 494

    @frogmorton Tuesday is my least bad day,… I like Tueaday… Friday MTX blues over and benefits kicking in, before the next Friday when I need my next fix.

    Love the brekkie pictures! Tried Yorkshire made Tofoo - a bit pricey but lovely! Like Alpro Dark choc desserts!

    @Kitty Thank you so much for the recipes with pictures! They make my day!

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 494

    @frogmorton Thanks for the well wishes. Good idea on the extra sleep after MTX! I try to take it at night to “sleep it off”, and delay the folic acid as much as possible, to avoid joint pain but accept the exhaustion & sometimes mouth ulcers due to lack of folate.

    HOME MADE VEGAN SOFT ICE CREAM (Anyone any ideas/suggestions?)

    This summer I want to try home made anti inflammatory keto ice cream! Not sure if anyone has tried this, but I want to try, maybe put some of my lab background to work! (Ice cream is a colloid, so just need the right mixer speed)!

    My proposed (experimental) recipe:

    Two Ingredient Ice Cream


    Reduce 1 litre almond/hemp milk over low heat to get “condensed milk” consistency. Sweeten with Stevia to taste. Leave in fridge overnight to chill.


    Whip 2 cups of ground flax and flax oil, with an electric mixer, until stiff peaks form.

    Slowly drizzle in the reduced almond/hemp milk.

    Add desired flavorings or mix-ins.

    Pour thick mix to an airtight container and freeze at -22C.

    Hopefully someone has tried this and can tell me if it will work or will I be disappointed badly!

    I so miss the soft ice cream cones from the ice cream vans of only last Sept! 🍦🍦

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi everybody by which I mean kitty Joan Barbara Toni , t and Ar and Mike. Hi again Barbara thanks about the heating it was a bit weird the engineer himself didn’t really know what went wrong he said the fuse was blown and there was some other problem but he did something and it fixed it thank goodness, haha, A bit funny though really that the expert didn’t know what was going on anyway we were without heating for about five hours but it was during the daytime and we had portable heaters etc so we were okay thanks very much for asking though, I do know that when the heating went wrong The upstairs lights went off so what was the real cause was anybody’s guess really. I was worried maybe it was my fault for adjusting the thermostat so much but it’s something I have to do really because of my mum’s heat obsession in the thermostat wars as I call them, lol, that was nothing to do with it so I’ll keep them up my sneaky attempts at thermostat control unless someone tells me to do otherwise. Hi again Joan I’m not too bad thank you got the house to myself today as parents are visiting the grandbabies and thank goodness for that my dad is getting more and more difficult to live with even my mum says so directly anyway that’s how the situation atm. How Are you and Sue today? Hi again Tony I did read more or less read all the texts what I meant to say was that I was so tired I wasn’t really concentrating but my sights not blurry with the glasses at the moment thanks it was on the first day now sometimes the edges are a little bit blurry sometimes but reading it is fine for me including iPads but I’m trying obviously not to go crazy on any form of reading at the moment thanks, lol. I didn’t indeed read the sad news about Mike and I do of course join the rest of the café crew in wishing him well. I am meant to be meeting the LLF and Roger next week for lunch in the usual café we go to but of course it does depend on how my stomach holds up, lol. I did manage a walk this morning thanks bit of an early one to try and avoid HV situation, lol, but I was wearing the right coat and the right warm tops, so that was good and my goodness I needed the walk and the sleep that came after it so badly but I’m feeling refreshed now if a little glum at the thought of consuming methotrexate in a couple of hours or so 🤢. I had half a cheese sandwich today so hopefully my stomach will be okay with that but oh well I’ve done it now and will have to live with the consequences, lol. It’s a bit weird the weather here in Reading today it’s sunny warm one minute Then really quite cold next min and yet my forehead always feel sweaty because of psoriasis and nothing is really very simple but never mind at least to have some solitude - the solitude ends at 6:30 in the evening.

    hi Arthuritis how are you? just thought I’d mention have you seen inhuman resources on Netflix at all? it’s French language crime drama type thing just started watching it doesn’t seem too bad, also I don’t know if it’ll help you but you’re talking about mouth ulcers I have the same problem a lot of the time I didn’t use mouthwash at first because the strong ones like Listerine really made me feel sick but now I use children’s mouthwash, unless I run out of course, lol, and it does seem to help a little bit just thought I’d mention it.

    Okay I had better go now because I’ve waffled for a fair amount of time and I may enjoy a solitary cup of tea without them 1 million family arguments that go on and on and on I did write a poem about folic acid the other day actually but I may have discarded it anyway I’ll think again and see if it comes back to me by everyone take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 25. Feb 2022, 17:50

    Hello all 😊 have just finished tinkering with my bench alterations, so here is v2.0 😂 with added storage bits & adjustable shelf; the hinged part that was in front before I've turned round so it now makes a tidy back for the right hand compartment. Definitely better! 😊 now I'm pleased with it, in terms of usefulness. I can also switch the top around in various configs to be wider/longer. Thank you for the kind words frog (and Joan), I'm sure you know there's a little bit of tongue in cheek when I post about what I'm up to and I don't expect praise obviously! BUT the encouragement and being able to exchange gardening chitchat is v much appreciated. x 🌼 I have also now PLANTED some SEEDS, yes me, before the end of February! 😉 Pictures and proof to follow. Hope to hear news of tomatoes tomorrow? It was definitely very cold first thing, but the sun was enough later to dry some washing on the line - it's no wonder if seeds & plants don't know what's what. Yes lovely new like-minded neighbours would be a dream come true but I'm prepared for kids, cars, patios & more cars. Still you never know. Hope things ok with your day since your usual breakfast post 😊 I'm not sure how Lucy's work schedule goes is it Mon-Fri and a lie-in on Sat for you? I'm sure you've said, excuse.

    Kitty I hope your shopping is all in by now & all fine. I must put cooking apples on my next shop as I still want to make your previous recipe. I did buy dates to make my date loaf & forgot I'd chucked my loaf tin a while back (shows I don't bake often!) Oh that dog! Omg what a sweetheart. That coat 😍. So envious.

    Joan hello to you both, thank you for your nice thoughts as always and have a good weekend xx

    Mike I am so sorry that your medical people have been so staggeringly awful in all this. Even with whatever workload & pressure they may have it falls hugely short (and inexcusable that there were no notes!!).

    I hope you managed your quiet cup of tea bosh & if not here's another :) ☕️

    All the best to Arthuritis for mtx day and wish everyone as good a weekend as possible xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady thanks I did indeed have a tea toute seule / ganz allein / all alone .

    Hi ar I was just wondering if speaking German is one of your many talents? I don’t speak Spanish unfortunately, but did study German at uni many centuries ago.

    Tc all xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 26. Feb 2022, 07:14

    What on earth Mike? You couldn't make this up! The GP hadn't been told? Well it had better be on your records now and that should mean better responses whenever you need to see a GP from now on. NHS website indeed.....mutter mutter🙄 anyway ((())) for you.

    As for thanking us there is no need, but so kind of you - we are all here for each other.

    Morning Kitty hope Asda shopping was all present and correct? I very much hope so so does Miss Sleekipuss who has added one or two items to your shop apparently. Cockles and herrings. nice!

    Our furry friends are wonderful aren't they? I think it's their sense of smell you know? In fact looking back Lucy did smell 'odd' when she had cancer - not offensive, but definitely different.

    Love Milo he is adorable and absolutely admin proof🤭sorry mods we love you honestly!

    Joan thank you the dresses were Charley's choice😊If Mike doesn't 'see someone' and start treatment soon I will be on the train down to Cornwall and you'll all be with me I think! Hope you and Sue are well at least ((())) xxx

    Morning @Arthuritis I 100% agree with you about taking MTX late in order to sleep off as much as possible. Rest is key. Sadly as is folic acid, but at the moment I think it all being early for you I understand you prioritising your bones.

    Thank you very much for the recipe! I might just try that ice cream, but you do know I exceptionally lazy and just buy the swedish Glace which you can get in most supermarkets😳I also like Ben and Jerry's vegan choc chip and cookie dough yum-meeee!

    Morning Reshmi I rather think the heating issue sounds interesting if the lights went off too and probably nothing at all to do with your thermostat wiggling japes!! OUrs went off yesterday because the water pressure was too low in the boiler. There was me thinking 'it's really cold today?' I checked the thermostat and it was 16 degrees when it should have been 21 at least. Soon solved though I know how to solve that at least. I am a plumber now😁

    I hope you made the most of your time alone and that Dad came back a little happier after visiting the excess family yesterday? Poor Mum I still say it's a good thing she has you for support. I hope your nephews are well and that some funny stories were brought home to make you smile.

    Wasn't yesterday's walk lovely? It was cold (wrapped up warm here too!) but bright so I also felt rejuvenated. I hope you have coped ok with your MTX and the hangover isn't too bad still you are in good company. Today I plan to be really naughty and have a greggs vegan sausage roll they always make me feel better - naughty Toni!

    I hope your stomach does allow you out with Roger and LLF I think it will even if you only risk a cup of tea 🤞

    Please share the folic acid poem if you can find it I would love to read it 😁

    Oh yes Toady! the cupboard is much much better that way more space very resourceful! You must be pleased. Recycling is also what we should be doing so extra points for that from me. We all need encouragement in our endeavours.

    Well done planting seeds!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! I am pleased for you. I now have 4 tomato seedlings and if the sun comes out maybe more later???? who knows no cucumbers yet.

    Managed also to weed one of the new raised beds! The one behind the bridesmaids in that photo.

    Sadly Lucy does not get weekends off so no rest for the wicked here.🙄 Good news is she is off tomorrow unusually a Sunday party time for Toni. Ok bedtime really!

    I have to agree about the Mike's medical 'team' who are clearly not that at all. Are you up for me geting the bus out and us all turning up in Cornwall? We'll have 'em!

    Right love of course to Barbara and Carol if she pops by:

    with blueberries for Mike.