Val's Cafe
My lapto has gone into hospital, it needs a hard drive replacement
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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@Kitty MTX is still the best tolerated and understood given it was invented in 1947, making it the gold standard. As for progress… hmm well… in the west private profit focused pharmas decide what research to invest in, and the almighty profit margin is the altar what ALL big businesses worship at… everything else is lipservice.
Consider this:
1975 Kodak invented the digital camera. This scared their executives so much as it could wipe out their film, photo paper & developing chemicals business that with the tacit support of the film & camera industry they successfully suppressed it. It wasn’t until 1994 silicon valley’s upstart Apple decided they could profit from film’s demise and made the first consumer digital camera. Then all the others quickly followed and that was the end of Kodak’s main income stream.
The car industry has a similar history, in 1905 most cars were electric, but Rockefeller figured out that if this useless black stuff coming out of the ground could be monetised by creating demand then he’d make a mint. And so he went, developing an efficient drill rig, then collaborating (or colluding) with auto makers to market the internal combustion engine running on refined oil as the “man’s choice” offering power & speed and needing a strong (non-RA) man’s arm to crank it, with electric cars relegated to the feminine choice as no cranking was required or messing with complicated oily engines. It worked. It wasn’t until the 1970’s that the oil industry research showed climate change was bad news & govts might react badly to it, just as the US gov broke up Rockefeller’s oil company into little ones. So one of those child companies paid for the research into alternatives to oil, patented the lithium battery and disallowed licenses to build a car sized one, and when GM in 1990 as an experiment showed an EV could perform as well as a petrol car they, like Kodak, panicked the entire car & oil industry, so GM’s popular EV (Impact) was promptly & literally crushed. Until 20 years later silicon valley upstart Elon Musk decided the world would benefit from reviving the EV, and got around the lithium battery license issue by building an electric car with thousands of licensed laptop batteries, sticking 2 fingers to the oil & car industry as apple did with film.
Tobacco has a similar story, selling a toxic product for as long as possible, casting doubt on any research that might threaten sales, pulling the wool over health minister’s eyes until western govts finally wisened up to the high healthcare costs and loss of taxes being due to this one industry…,
Food… same… a major UK food manufacturer even admitted more than half of what they sell is unhealthy, but that’s what sells well… people love sugar & salt, and allows them to sell more!
Pharma… the same. Small university research labs have started to come close to restoring immune order from the disorder of autoimmune, but there is no profit incentive to sponsor such curative research, indeed, there is every incentive to redirect or suppress it so that expensive biologics that don’t cure but create an endless subscription business cash cow. Pharma are also huge donors to med schools, govts & charities so few would speak out against them. Their influence on the teaching of medicine has been profound, where docs since 1910 are taught instead of looking for a cause and cure, they treat the symptom (“defect”) with a pharma product and reach for a bottle. Only a few medics go against that, eg Prof Tim Spector (Kings College) or Dr Barry Marshall in the 50’s.
So a long story… to give you some context on how finance & business priorities govern how much pain RA sufferers will have to endure.
That said, your rheumatologist & NICE are right in requiring 6 months with MTX, a cheap drug, before filling the coffers of pharma with biologics, which carry huge risks, but for pharmas are the most profitable best sellers, earning the industry $40bn in biologics sales last year.
If govts were smarter they’d have truly independent advisors and have health ministers with a STEM background, rule curative drugs as tax free and subsidise University research on those while capping & taxing subscription drugs like biologics, giving pharma a huge incentive to chase cures instead of drug subscriptions which are only good for the pharma, while saddling the health authority with huge costs and patient with the risks associated with immune suppression.
This history of big business teaches us that somewhere in the world some research lab has something safer & more effective than mtx or biologics, but not the sponsorship to pursue it.
That requires a smart govt needing to protect its taxpayers or a very wealthy philanthropic foundation that is not dependant on donations from pharma. Maybe Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation! 😁
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Hi Toni how are you today? by the way this is a public voice controlling session. Don’t worry I’m sure your brain is not shrinking I think we mostly use our brains less than we were younger I don’t think they’re shrinking at all, lol. Yes LA is being very fickle indeed oh dear, haha. That’s good, French manon has a bit more poetry to it I think no offence to the Welsh at all by the way, lol. Thanks About my mum, yes I’ll see you for a walk, haha. Yes ice and snow are terrible things indeed I agree. Yes LA and his pancakes are a bad influence, haha, but I think the main bad influence is his dad yes kids can eat like that as long as they Have controlled potions et cetera, but your right Bill should definitely know better, also I don’t think it’s a weekend treat type thing, it’s more like an every day treat type of thing, let’s not forget poor mummy left out of the pancake situation completely not even given the option oh my goodness me that’s very naughty indeed. My aches not too bad today thanks but I’m a bit tired so I didn’t go on the walk, I think whats helping me today is that where I am at least at the moment it’s slightly warmer. Have a nice Morning Toni take care. Xx
ps HV hasn’t fully erupted yet 🔥
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Hi to Everybody else that is Joan kitty Barbara ar. Xx
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Hi again J , just wanted to say aches not too bad today how are yours? Tc x
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Kitty (()) I hope your laptop comes back to you soon
take care
joan xx0 -
hi again Toni just wanted to say lovely picture.
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Hello all.. it doesn't get any warmer does it ❄️ (*ignores fact that it's February, what do I expect?*) - don't think I'll look at the forecast, given that there is talk in the cafe of ice & snow, I'll save it as a nice surprise 😬
Sorry your laptop has been taken away Kitty and I do hope they are busy saving your stuff - they should be able to (especially as it's gone private for its 'op'). Fingers crossed for you! xx
Have I finished the garage frog? Oh, no. This is one of my famed proper sort-outs, every last jar of nails & screws, every shelf and every last box of odds & ends plus a jolly good rearrange too. I always remember the gentleman/researcher at the Nat. Hist. museum, Leslie Bairstow, who kept every bit of string off parcels he received, in boxes, by size; the last being labelled 'pieces too small to be of use'!. That's me (or very nearly!) so it's high time I had a turn out. (Was hoping the scrap metal men would be around; they were, right until I was ready for them.) The tidy up includes all the gardening stuff, of course. I am still note writing and seed sorting - I should be ok in terms of pacing things out, as quite a few of my usuals don't need to go in quite yet - I grow Garden Pearl toms for example, they can hang on a bit. Also I only have so much windowsill & outside-under-cover space. Will update soon with some specifics about new purchases & ones on the 'possible' list. 😊 Fancy your sister getting ahead of you by taking shortcuts! All's fair in gardening.. I suppose?! 😉 Glad she's happy & that you will be helping her out too with toms. 🍅 Lovely picture! :) 👩❤️👩
Thank you joan I am keeping busy (or what passes for busy - a little more energy would never go amiss - look at the Queen and how well she's managing Jubilee related receptions and so on - what an enviable constitution!) Hope you're both well & keeping warm.
Hello Barbara your rat pic is fabulous! Standing on the lower tray to reach like that, oh, clever ratty (of course they're intelligent! - there is always some story or other about such and such is cleverer than 'we' thought - no idea why people are ever surprised 🙄 ) All the best to Mr B for the scan (it will soon come round, like it or not, won't it, mixed feelings I'm sure) will be thinking of you & listening out for news 😊 hope you are ok yourself! x
& all the best for everyone waiting on any test 'doings'
Love to everyone xx
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Morning Everyone 😊
Mike I wonder why the Doc wants to redo your prostate tests...🤔Probably being extra thorough. Did you sort that yesterday while having your ECG? Did that go well too I was thinking about you all day not knowing what time it was. Of course Vixen will be being supportive she is that kind of cat😻
Morning Kitty I hope John (computer man) iss able to fix your laptop and maybe he will have an idea how to store your poetry in more that one place for safe keeping?
Potentially losing your work like that must have made you feel really flat I know it would me.
Will you be able to visit your laptop on hospital or is that still restricted with COVID?
Madame La Sleekipuss reckons she has your house just right temperature now and is working on doing the same here too. Paul and Chris might not be too pleased when the heating bills come in😯
Joan yes it is lovely and warm the girls are in Puerto Rico in Gran Canaria the temp is about 24 and sunny just right. Charley doesn't like it too hot she is like Aidan used to be. ((())) xxx
@Arthuritis 40lbs is incredible! That's over two and a half stone! Wow! Pat on the back for you for definite. The improvement in your BP is really good too I bet the Drs are pleased about that aspect. I lost weight when initially ill too I felt so exhausted and fluey with a slight temp I had to force food down to take meds, but in your case the change of diet and your own effort has done the rest.👏
Shame I can't really cook isn't it? Actually i am being unfair - I am very much a savoury cook and do enjoy food very much. I was veggie for decades before going vegan and find it means you naturally become more experimental with your food. Can I ask do you take a probiotic - kombucha or anything like that? If so how much and how often?
I do rather like my name though Rana Capocuoca I shall tell my husband that is my name henceforth🙂
Get out there and travel why not? We are going to France this summer to their Historique car show in my Figaro. Husband will do most of the driving bless him it's too far for me, but I will be there. I do speak French reasonably well luckily. Oh and we are thinking of a river cruise the year after Including 3 days in Budapest where I have family. I can only be polite in Hungarian though😳
a small cake for you!
Morning Reshmi thank you for the reassurance about my shrinking brain
at least it's not tooooo big!!!
Oh dear BIL is teaching Lord A to eat pancakes on a daily basis and leaving LA and BR's Mummy out of it?😮 Poor Mummy even if she probably would say no. Really we know it is more for BIL, but including LA in it makes it sort of legal😁
I am glad to hear HV is still only spitting things must be getting more tense with your own mum's outpatients apt looming though ((()))
I'll see you soon for our walk? Seriously I hope all is well today not too achy - keep warm. When I went on mine i saw two deer but failed to take a photo I wasn't quick enough 😕
Thanks about the girls honeymoon pic they are having a wonderful time.
Toady that clear out sounds an absolute mammoth job😯 a bit much for me but I am proud of you. Very thorough 👍️That chap's string issue the 'bits too small to be of use' I have a use for them! Honestly my sister is a mixed media artist and she would find a hope for the in one of her journals or something. Yes she cheated, but her garden is large and last year got very overgrown so I will allow her this one cheat.
Please do keep us up to date with your plans for the garden this year. I have very little windowsill space too i know what you mean, but when it warms up slightly I do have a small greenhouse and a potting shed. Both still far too cold ATM sadly though.
I am glad your toms don't need to be rushed at least. TODAY I am going to start!!! Yippee!
Watch this space.
Love to Carol if she calls by
Barbara we have turned a page I hope you can find my reply from yesterday knowing me it wasn't that interesting anyway😁 ((())) xxx
Saving the porridge for when Toady says the snow and ice are coming.....
vegan option
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Good morning everyone
Toni (()) I hope you have a good day that must have looked good seeing the deer. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) I don’t think it would get that hot hear love to the careers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Toady (()) I hope you have a good day yes the queen is doing so well she has a lot of worry one of her family is in the news every week.
Reshmi (()) have a good day take care
love to Barbara and her family (())
Kitty (()) I’m sorry you can’t write love to all
Mike (()) thinking of you and vixen
Carol (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Mike I wonder why the Doc wants to redo your prostate tests...🤔Probably being extra thorough. Did you sort that yesterday while having your ECG? Did that go well too I was thinking about you all day not knowing what time it was. Of course Vixen will be being supportive she is that kind of cat😻
Morning, on here later today cos I have had to go for an x-ray. Don't know why they want to redo the tests, took the piddle in yesterday and have blood test booked for a couple of weeks. No indication of ECG results yesterday, just that the Dr will have to look at them, I do not have a lot of faith in it as it took longer to get me wired up than it did to run the test! When I got back from the GP yesterday I had a phone call saying I had to go for a chest x-ray at the hospital in Penzance at 9 this morning, luckily baby sis is off all week so I gave her a tinkle and she said she could take me. Blow me down half an hour later I had a call to say that I have to go to the main hospital in Truro at 2pm this afternoon to get the lumps looked at. That is a 52 mile round trip in baby sister's car which means that I will be in agony when I get there and even worse when I get home so I will be quaffing Oramorph like it's going out of fashion later. If that ain't bad enough I dropped off the BP machine at the surgery on the way to the hospital and have just had a text saying that I needed to book a phone appointment with a GP to discuss the results; I duly phoned them and told the receptionist why I needed an appointment so she has booked me in for a fortnight's time, a doctor will phone me some time in the afternoon on the 24th!! More ruddy anxiety.
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@frogmorton Thanks! my ribcage now doubles as a Xylophone! 🤣
No kombucha, but I do have sauerkraut (choucroute) from time to time, and a commercial product called Symprove which helped me with IBS years ago.
I like the look of the vegan egg on toast, what is it made of?
Thanks for the cake!
Puerto Rico in Gran Can is great, but super hot ! Stayed at the BayView Hotel with a short steep walk up to the top of the hill and its great views. In 2017, not sure I could manage that now.
For a tiny dot of an island its got a huge variety of features more in line with a mini continent! Def worth exploring.
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Hi everybody sorry I’m a bit tired today this will be a sort kind of drowsy message sorry about that. Hi Toni how are you? I like the brain cartoon by the way lol, yes, Megabrain syndrome is definitely something to be avoided, lol, my stomach was not good yesterday in the end but today it’s kind of half recovered I think I have to be quite sensible with food for the rest of the day even if it means feeling a bit hungry unfortunately how’s your stomach these days? House Vesuvius has definitely erupted but I understand my poor mums worries most definitely so tomorrow morning is when she finds out if things are okay actually probably more like afternoon by the time she’s got back from the hospital so I’ll be sure to let you know, thanks for your support. I did walk this morning thanks for asking, the walk was good thanks but it was colder than I had anticipated but luckily I’ve got the clothing more or less right so I didn’t feel unnecessarily cold which was good I quite like wearing a thermal vest over my jumper or cardigan when I go out these days because it’s easy to take off without embarrassment and especially since this house is heating Vesuvius as well I can remove t vest as soon as I get in the door quite handy idea for what that’s worth. We’re you Okay on your walk, got the coat situation more or less right? I think I’ll stop there actually because I’m already pretty tired hope you’re having a nice day, same to Joan kitty Barbara take care. Xx
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Evening all
Toni I do see your post I always look through everyone's but have ti skip through most of the time ..
So you are off to France I'm si pleased I know you must miss it ..some normality for you 😁 xx
Toady thankyou will keep people informed..I was doing well with tomatoes ..but didn't realise how tall they grow..they were in a plastic greenhouse that was far to small..not long till spring 😁xx
Kitty sorry your laptop has been taken in fir repair ..hope they can save your work xx
Reshmi I will be thinking if your mum and hope all will be well gave reminded me kidney blood's next week xx
Mike hope the test all turn out to be fine for you ...especially after such a long journey ..xx
Arthritus that was very interesting reading xx
Sorry this all sound stunted but have to keep it short
Love to all xxxx
Barbara1 -
Hi Barbara thanks for your kind message and for your kind thoughts about my mum, I’m glad I reminded you about your bloods hope the blood test goes okay take care. Xx
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Hi Reshmi you are very welcome xx
I just came back because I forget to mention Tonis photo of the girls honeymoon ..looks so lovely 😍 xx
Barbara1 -
Sell, what a shattering day yesterday, both physically and mentally. Went to Penzance hospital for xray at 9 and once again did not have to wait cos I was in my wheelchair, just have to wait for results sometime. Then in the afternoon went to Truro hospital, a couple of hours and half a bottle of morphine later I had seen the Consultant who apart from everything else stuck a camera up my nose then down my throat which made my eyes water. He then asked me to sit in the waiting room and someone would take me for a scan. After an hour sitting in the wheelchair my pain was increasing drastically so I did something I had never done before, I wheeled my way to the Nurses station and had a bit of a moan, they were lovely and found out that I was next so 5 minutes later I was having the ultrasound, followed by 3 biopsies being taken the results of which I just have to wait for. So there we are. Thank goodness the Winter Olympics are on so there is something to watch during the silly hours when sleep does not come!
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Morning everyone
Slightly chillier this morning.
Mike how on earth are you going to keep up with all that? Your quiet life has suddenly gone really mad, but overall despite the journeys and extra pain your GP is doing a thorough job and I do not think will be happy at you waiting 2 weeks for his/her phone call either🙄
I hope you are ok today (thank goodness for your lovely baby sis she is a star) and not in too much extra pain after the trip to Truro, most of all I do hope you were given some reassurance. I am definitely thinking about you and have everything crossed. Tell Vixen Sleek will call round any time if she needs support supporting you ((()))
Joan it was lovely seeing the deer they are so beautiful. Not such good news now - my lovely neighbour tested positive yesterday. I was with her last Friday and she wasn't well she had a cold but at that time tested negative. We were supposed to be having Sunday lunch together this weekend so we have put that off. You take care now you and Sue ((())) xxx
@Arthuritis the vegan scramble is tofu, nutritional yeast (have you tried that yet?) some black salt (tastes 'eggy') and pepper. I have also made it myself with gram (chickpea) flour, but funnily enough my stomach can't cope with that very well nor the same as vegan omelettes. I really love scrambled tofu with pepper and mayo in an 'egg' mayo sandwich.
I might try your saurekraut if I can't do the kombucha - i am a bit sensitive to caffeine you see so it has to be early. Thanks for the tip.
I am so glad you know where the girls are on their honeymoon isn't it lovely?! I want to go myself now. Bless them they are having a great time laying down memories.
Good Morning Reshmi. I am thinking of you all today and hoping you get to stay at home in peace while HV travels off to clinic. Everything is crossed for your Mum I can totally understand her anxiety too and very much hope they will be pleased with her.
My stomach isn't 100%, but not too bad either coping ok just about like you by being extra careful just now ( hope you have kept yours under control). Not sure why I don't think I did anything silly. I am trying kombucha ATM which is supposed to put live cultures in your stomach. Problem is it contains caffeine which sends me sicky and is fizzy. So just having a little at a time for now. Will report back.
I have my coat situation just about right too thank you it isn't too hot here as in the day I have control over the heating situation👍️My woolly hat goes on and comes off if needs be, but gloes stay firmly ON! See you later for our walk.
Take care now I hope today is a good one.
Morning Barbara I am glad you can find our messages. Coming in every other day must mean a lot to read though. Don't forget your kidney bloods will you whatever you do.
Nip the growing tip off your tomato plants when they get just below the top of your greenhouse that should work. I have planted my tomato seeds (for myself and Kari) cucumbers, some rosemary and red geranium seeds.
Hope everyone is well at yours and that Niamh will be here this weekend to distract Grandad from his hip. Thinking of your brother. Oh did you see my lovely neighbour is positive, but has been ill a week negative up until yesterday🙄
Charley and Annie are snapchatting pics every day they are so happy together in the sun.
Morning Toady did you see my post to Barbara?My tomatoes are planted as are cucumbers rosemary and geraniums. Everything else must wait until March ya boo😕
No Kitty yesterday?🤔 I do hope all is well. Have you heard from the computer man John yet? All is well here except my lovely neighbour (shielding as you know) has tested positive. She has been ill over a week, but tested negative until today. Now she is beginning to feel better which l find very reassuring as she is extremely vulnerable as you know.
Take care me duck sending ((()))🌈🌈 and fingers 🤞 crossed for your poems.
I fancy a hot crossed these are not just any hot crossed buns....
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My laptop is coming home today, but it’s Asda day, so won’t be on it until tomorrow. My iPad is alright, but I can’t type long messages.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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I also find it difficult to type any long pieces on my iPad. I now use the Siri voice assistant for some things but it is really difficult if you want to edit and needs too much concentration when trying to compose a sentence - something I find tricky with a keyboard on those days when the chronic back pain turns the brain to fog.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) it will be nice to have your laptop back I hope it will have on it all you want. Love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your dad (())
Barbara have a good weekend sorry about all your problems (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Mike (()) how many miles was that you traveled in your sister’s car I hope you don’t have to wait to long to know the results (()) thinking of you and vixen
Toni (()) I’m sorry you have a upset tummy (()) sorry about your lovely neighbour that’s good she is feeling a bit better (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carer’s (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend how is your mum (())
Arthuris (()) have a good weekend
Carol (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan kitty Barbara and Toni, my mum is okay thanks everybody found out roughly lunchtime today thank God for that thanks for everyone’s kind wishes regarding my mum. Hows Sue, Joan? I hope she’s okay and yourself too ? Tc, xx
T, Im not feeling too bad today thank you how are you? interesting about the new drink let me know if if it works for you, fizzy drinks are bad for the stomach though they are very bad for the stomach lining that’s what I was told when I had my ulcer I’m not saying never to have them but generally speaking it’s not a good idea. Because of my mum having to get up early for her hospital appointment et cetera I didn’t really get enough sleep at the normal time and I ended up having to have a last nap late morning so by then it was too late to go outside for a walk but never mind these things happen, but what doesn’t necessarily need to happen is another excess family invasion for me this Sunday which I was only just told about so that’s a very lovely thing to put up with during my methotrexate hangover or maybe I should just hang out in costa for the whole day Sunday persuade them to open early and give me free tap water and folic acid? That reminds me folic acid is missing again from my pharmacist so I’m emailing the doctor surgery and all this rubbish goes on and on it’s really irritating me I’m getting many more ulcers than I normally do and it’s not good I may have to end up buying some folic acid to tide me over or something like that but I’ll have to see how it goes don’t really want to spend too much on it plus it is on my prescription anyway it’ll get sorted out one way or another but the chemist I go to is very inefficient I don’t know why, do you have problems getting your medicines at all? That’s good that you’ve got a nice warm hat, my hat is 5% cashmere but the rest of it is cotton blend it’s really good it is a bit expensive but it’s the only type of hat I can wear without being itchy on my head, okay that’s it for now, I really have to get on with things and have the beautiful methotrexate soon take care T, Hope you are having a nice day. Xx
ps wanted to say that I don’t know if you’re already watching it but on Netflix there’s a good family drama type thing called sweet magnolias about a friendship between three women who live in the south of America sounds a bit cheesy and it is cheesy to a certain extent but really it is not too bad at all once you get into it okay bye for now. Xx
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Just calling in to tick the register 😊 - 'here' - not at the back of the garage under a pile of planks and detritus. Bit too arctic to be in there today - the wheelie bin lids were frozen shut this morning! - I did a bit yesterday, but wandered off the point by using up some scrap wood to make a rustic (very!) spare storage/seed/whatever box. While I was hammering someone tapped at the door, which helped no end 🙄 I wish people wouldn't come round on the offchance especially if they just want to ask do I want my trees trimmed or my drive paved or some such nonsense.
Anyway I have progressed towards some seed choosing; I have bought some Alliums, and in a different shopping basket I currently have 2 more sweet peas, some Peach foxgloves, my cup & saucer vine, dwarf french beans, & some vermiculite. I will firm my order up tomorrow; then I have a secondary list, such as nasturtiums, but they can wait. I grew dwarf broad beans last year and I was very taken with the flowers, but the blackfly/ants got at them so I will have to be more careful. Then I need to buy some more pots 😊 D'you know what I finally learned? only over the last couple of years (and at my age too) - there's a difference between making do and mending, & being resourceful, and going without things you actually NEED. So now if I need more (or bigger) pots, or equipment, or whatever, only cheap things but stuff you can't really substitute, I buy it & it makes life so much simpler. Long time to grasp that though! What do you do with your rosemary frog - is it for pots? Good to make a start isn't it :) By the way any compost recommendations (or do you make yours)? I got fungus gnats in mine last year among other things 🤨 . Hope everything else ok with you at the moment. I'm so sorry your neighbour has tested positive but a relief for you she seems to be going in the right direction! Hot cross buns, now I may have to put some in my shop again next week.. they will be just any hot x buns, in fact they will be 2 packs for £1. 😉 When is the NEC car show you mentioned previously? soon? (just reading your French car show bit, which is further on, I assume).
Kitty hope your Asda delivery goes well and the laptop is convalescing nicely. I treat mine terribly.. always too many tabs open and I only ever hibernate because I hate shutting & restarting my browser session.. I deserve it to pack up on me. I've never had a tablet, I don't think we'd get on, somehow.
Joan, wishing you both a good weekend too thank you - yes the Queen has a lot to deal with family-wise - and now Charles with the Covid (again!) oh dear. xx
Barbara good luck with the bloods xx I used to have a mini greenhouse but I never replaced it after it got shabby. Now I just have some ramshackle cold frames, I will reconstruct them a bit when it warms up & get them better 'lids'. My Dad used to grow toms in the porch; I ought to have a go here.
bosh have you ever been offered mtx by injection (or maybe you wouldn't want to) sorry if you've already said.
Love to all & may all your tests come back AOK and all your Drs leave you alone for a bit. xx
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Hi t , that’s okay I don’t think you’ve asked me before about methotrexate No, I haven’t been offered injections so far Nurse did vaguely talk about it actually but then she went on to other things could’ve been distracted but she did tell me that in the summer they will try and reduce the dose which I think will be a good thing to try anyway , do you take methotrexate by injection yourself ? is it a better way to take it then tablets in your opinion? okay I’m a bit tired now so I’ll sign off have a nice night. Xx
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Hi, I'm not on mtx now but did have the injections at one point & got on well; I never had the tablets so can't compare the two but in theory the injections are supposed to be easier to tolerate/have less GI side effects because of bypassing the gut (& I think some studies suggest subcut mtx can be more effective at same dose because it has higher 'bioavailability'). Mtx never worked for me and at the point I came off it I think it was making me feel not too well but I was failing on a biologic at the same time so it could have been general unwellness. Obviously that's only one person's experience but I was really glad to be offered the option. Just a thought. Have a good weekend :) x
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