Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Having a lazy day today. Keeping my eye on our bin, which is ready for the bin men - Unless the wind carries it away! I hope everyone is well, and prepared for more disruption as Storm Eunice hits tonight!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 17. Feb 2022, 15:01

    That's certainly the face I'm pulling Kitty! Yesterday was not tooo bad but I'm petrified of the sort of thing we're in for tomorrow.. speeds of 60+ .. never known anything like it. When I checked the forecast last thing it had gone to just 5 or 6 hours of around 40 or so and some hail, and I cheered up, now they've recanted again 🙄 I mean, something's got to give, it's the speeds and the keeping it up for a relentless period. Yikes. I'm not putting my bin out for tomorrow - luckily it's recycling, but I wouldn't anyway - mine are sort of lashed together in a cantilever effect (totally the wrong word but I can't think of the right one I mean) with my slightly dodgy garden gate, hoping to support each other. 😂 I am very glad I had my shopping yesterday and not tomorrow.

    I'm not on the doorstep of Dudley, frog, but yes that's what I meant; with speeds of whatever we're getting I could certainly be blown there before you can say 'Ta-ra a bit'! Batten down the hatches is an understatement! There was a chap in the news today who has decluttered himself down to 406 items.. well if my roof comes off tomorrow and my possessions are spread across 3 counties, it will certainly settle the 'dispose of your wordly goods' question! Good luck getting out to your veg patch today 🥕 I am still double checking on anything I should bring on or nail down! but at least my bean canes shouldn't go, I put them in to death last time. Oh where are your snowdrops 😔 can't think what's keeping them.

    Thank you Joan and you too! Maybe things will not be so bad as it looks at the moment.. not wishing it on anyone else of course, but it would be nice to think it will change direction and go out to sea or something! xx

    Those of you talking about your early RA signs is all too familiar.. especially painful feet Arthuritis.. oddly one of things I've had least trouble with since things 'got going'. (Are you seronegative or positive by the way..?)

    Barbara I have all my seeds and compost here now but have not actually planted any yet 🤫 I must get going or Toni will make me stand in the corner and I will not be allowed any 'good' cafe cakes 🍩🍰🥧 😂 What are/were your favourite antique fair 'departments' to look round? Yes photos are tricky, maybe it's easier now people have mostly digital.. if I scanned & uploaded mine somewhere at least they can be password protected & no-one could access them in future.. they'd just be sort of 'out there' somewhere.. it's a solution of a sort I suppose.. but not the same as handling the originals, reading the handwriting on the backs etc. (And it would be a lot of work!)

    Love to all and do take care in all this! xxx

    Putting the cafe kettle on while we still have power. 😬

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 17. Feb 2022, 15:02

    (some sort of double post while I was editing, ignore!)

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    hi Toni how are you today? I’m not feeling too bad today but I think slept in a weird position so one leg is hurting a bit but it’s it’s bearable and is is getting better slowly nothing too bad and nothing to worry about but thanks for asking , Poor Lucy being without folic acid must’ve been really difficult for her, at least that’s over with now, I gave a little money to the homeless friend’s other friend, so hopefully they bought something to eat with it together, I’m hoping that’s what’s happened anyway, I’ve seen him around the town centre though, so at least he’s still around, I suppose that’s something its sad though because you can’t of course force people to accept help, as they make mental health issues etc, it’s just a difficult and tragic situation in so many ways. It wasn’t such a high energy type day as yesterday mind you I wasn’t expecting it to be but I did manage to go on a walk and even though there’s a bit of stiffness I of course feel better for it didn’t really manage to nap afterwards though because it’s way too hot in this house at the moment but not feeling horrific like I did when excess family came and My need to sleep wasn’t really respected. That upma looks great im eating it digitally, lol. How are you feeling today?how’s your stomach? mine seems to have settled for now at least I think I better stop this message now though unfortunately because I need to do a few things and then phone the doctor for the lithium blood test for my mental health meds, oh the excitement never ends take care Toni bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi Barbara Kathleen and Joan and Ar how are you all today? Thanks Joan , how are you and Sue doing today? How is your garden Barbara? How is Mr B? Is the weather on the mild side where you are today Joan? Ok got to go for now. Tc. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi everybody this is not a proper message I just wanted to share a very tiny poetic outpouring with you it is tiny indeed just a few lines I’m afraid I’m not a female Wordsworth no matter how I try, lol, okay so humorous verse or something like that hope you enjoy. Xx


    A storm is coming time to batten down the hatches,

    I would like to bake and gobble up my carob cake in most unseemly batches,

    but my methotrexate belly certainly would not thank me for that,

    So I’ll have IV spinach for folic acid, I’ll boil by the vat.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Look very closely you should see two geranium seedlings!!!!!!

    Also I have one teeeeeeeny rosemary seedling 👍🤗

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning everyone

    Raining stair rods out there storm Eunice approaches.....

    Mike I do hope you are ok and safe Vixen will probably (hopefully) have more sense than to venture out. Still thinking of you ((())) xx

    Joan Izal medicated did not work did it. My Mum told me to scrunch and unscrunch it over and over that helped a bit. My seedlings are finally appearing 😊 I hope the bird feeders stay up. love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    😺 Kitty storm Eunice is here luckily our bin day has 'bin' and gone sorry😳 I hope yours stays upright. I am quite worried about Mike now for an extra reason as the west coast has had the storm the worst😕 I hope we hear from him today.

    Sleek will come over but only through your gate today she has been told firmly by the powers that be that is is a strictly NO FLY zone for the next 24 hours.

    Toady they are still clearing up in Dudley (well all of the W Mids) after Dudley and now Eunice is here to cause more havoc. I hope your bins so ok are they daisy-chained together??? That chap has downsized to 406 items? Does that include socks and pants? Because that isn't many items.....🤔one mug, one knife, one fork....

    If your possessions are blown this way I will try to gather them up for you If I can.

    What do you think of my beautiful bebbies? Aren't they sweet. The rosemary is popping up but too small to show in a photo even with the aid of my torch. I have no idea where on earth my snowdrops are 😒

    I think I will be leaving my veg patch for the day eh? Might have been a bit optimistic there🤭Oh I do hope our birdies will be ok. I'll say 'tara a bit' for now.

    Morning @Arthuritis i hope it's not too blowy in Londres? Stay safe if at all possible.

    Morning Reshmi stay INDOORS today we will do a little indoor exercise instead methinks. Low or high energy it won't matter it is going to be a dreadful day I think. I hope you get some sleep today and the temperature in the house is ok.

    I am so sorry your friend can't bring himself to accept your help but all being well his friend used your money to feed them both that night at least. Pride and his mental health issues probably prevented him from seeing where your kind gesture came from. I am glad you have seen him and his is still around.

    I hope the stiffness in that leg has eased? I did a stupid walk yesterday which I should not have tried🙄 it has stiles - yes stiles! and my knee hurt to get over them so will not do that again in a hurry it was just a change and the lane is so very wet and muddy at the moment so I was avoiding there..... I did see some deer though! I will post a pic in a minute.

    I LOVE upma isn't it gorgeous I have just realised I haven't made any for Lucy lately and she loves it too. Been eating Mediterranean couscous this last few days (homemade of course). I am sorry your poor tum does not fancy a vat load of carob cake when your mouth does🙄

    I love the poem it's great! Made me smile hatches are duly battened down.

    this my contribution to your spinach drip!

    Love of course to Barbara I hope you are all safe and sound up there and your hatches are battened down too ((()))

    Porridge definitely porridge for breakfast on such a day as this:

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike I do hope you are ok and safe Vixen will probably (hopefully) have more sense than to venture out. Still thinking of you ((())) xx

    Thanks. Bit breezy down here (winds to 70mph), power cut from 0300 to 0600 and another about 0730 but OK now (touch wood). Vixen WAS out over night but is now firmly ensconced on my bed with a full belly.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) you go careful if you go to your bin. Don’t try learning to fly love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) go careful going around your garden you don’t want to end up in a tree.

    Toni (()) do you remember when you had to rip newspaper’s in to square’s for toilet paper. You go careful to day or you could end up in a tree has well has Toady. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day go careful and your mum(())

    Barbara (()) you go steady you don’t want to end up in a tree Love to everyone (())

    Mike (()) go careful and vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 18. Feb 2022, 13:10

    Afternoon 😊 ..well so far so good, this is not as bad as I feared by a long way, hopefully not famous last words. If you looked out now you would not say this is gusts of 60+ if you didn't know. Plenty of bins out this morning, plenty of cars - just as usual - dog walkers, schoolchildren.. here's me practically saying fond farewells to people for worst case scenario 😂.. but well, worst storm in over 30 years, who wants to be too laid back? I wouldn't go out in it, for sure. Hope everyone doing ok too!

    Seedling seedlings seedlings! 😀 ..practically the first thing I set eyes on this morning, when I blearily checked my phone after not the best night, so something cheerful was just what I needed 🌱🌱 they will be off now!! I really will get going now I promise.. I have done all my notes & looking-up of growing tips.. but I will be glad of a couple of quieter days first to regroup. Aren't the deer amazing, I was thinking you meant there was the odd lucky glimpse of 1 or 2 to be had, not by the dozen! 😍 Hope all family safe, whatever will Annie & Charley think they have come back to!! You are quite right that pants were among the chap's inventory haha, mentioned especially in fact, 14 pairs (I think). (Lucky him finding 14 decent pairs of underwear, ladies' designs are a nightmare imo!) Not sure how/why you'd keep books to a minimum if you are in the writing line, you'd think they could be excused.. I suppose internet reference would take their place.. not the same. Just read a book review on Amazon, incidentally, where someone didn't like it & said it went in the bin, oh so cross, give it away stupid person. 🙄 Same with groceries, can't bear people saying things went 'straight in the bin' like they're proud of it. (Not mouldy or off things, just ungrateful fussy people). Yes my bins were forming a support network lol, gate in the middle, 1 bin either side. (I could just have dragged them in or round the back but too much going out in the wind and re-jigging for my liking, didn't seem worth it.) The birdies are all hunkering down I hope! Few pigeons out for breakfast not much stops them; otherwise, hope to see them all soon. 🤞

    Joan I fed the birds this morning when it had not quite picked up speed, and not setting foot outside again now. Looking forward to a quieter evening very much! And a decent sleep without wondering what you will wake up to. Hope you're all fine too & safe! xx

    Love to Mr & Mrs B & family hope all safe & sound xx

    Love to everyone & bosh your verse amused me last night in between worrying about the weather forecast, so thank you :)

    I made sure to top all my phones last night in case of power cuts, but no idea why I filled all the kettles 😂

    By the way I DO wish emoji would not vary between platforms - grimacing face should be that sort of yikes/eek - not the angry scowl Android shows me, even though that should only be on earlier versions. Hopefully all your tech is more up to date than mine & I'm emoting the things I mean!

    Have a better night everyone xxx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    We Asda braved Eunice and all our order arrived safely I hope my daughter Marie Claire is safe. She lives in Biddeford, North West coast of Devon, so right in the path of it !

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi Toni and everybody, hope you’re all okay in the storm? today got off to a bad start for me so I just need to concentrate now on what’s important physio and methotrexate I might be back later but I think the reality is I will be probably too tired if not I’ll definitely chat properly tomorrow, Tc. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all..

    Hope everyone's keeos safe..its strange here ine min the trees are going wild then all go still..our granddaughter and fiance had a train booked today for London to see family dint think it's running

    Toni I'm sure Lucy won't go far..

    Izal toilet paper i used for tracing 😂xx

    Joan thankyou again for being so caring keep indoors xx

    Reshmi peace and quiet for a few hours us wonderful hope you get more soon xx

    Toady I keep imagining spring and sat in the garden ..maybe windy flowers but who cares xx

    Love to Mike kitty and arthritus


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320
    edited 18. Feb 2022, 18:12

    Hi Toni Barbara Kathleen Joan and Ar, I have briefly returned after having methotrexate managed to get possibly half an hours sleep after the med, but that’s definitely better than nothing. Hi Joan how are you and Sue doing today? hope you’re keeping warm and safe. Xx hi Barbara it is indeed great to get peace and quiet and time alone sometimes shame it hardly ever happens though, lol. Hope you’re keeping safe in the storm Barbara? take care. Xx back to Toni thanks for liking my poem I’m really grateful for that and thanks for the spinach contribution to the IV spinach drip, lol, Iron rich boiled veg contributions are always welcome to my Green veg drip by the way, lol. Oh no Tony Stiles that must’ve hurt your leg I hope you’re okay now? Be careful. What you said inspired me actually about indoor exercise because this morning I was feeling so sluggish and in a bad mood so what I did is I went in the cold room and wore sort of workout clothes T-shirt leggings whatever so basically didn’t even wear a jumper but it woke me up and I did the physio - the neck physio that I always do plus the move with the Leon morning routine thing that we talked about once and that really helped me as soon as I finished I put on 1 million jumpers et cetera so I didn’t catch called but it was a good thing to do and like you said since it’s physio lead there is no danger of overdoing it and stretching dangerous muscles and hurting yourself so that was good are use the step box set I bought a while ago but just as instructed by the physio in the video though one day I do hope to use it properly but when that day will be I don’t know but still like you said it’s really good to do something and really important for our joints. The day got off to a bad start for me but not extremely bad and the physio made me feel better but then I just wasn’t in the best of moods to be honest and you’re absolutely right not being able to go out of the house at all for weather reasons it’s always depressing I made a nice lunch though when I say made I mean semi-prepared today was fish sorry Toni tuna pizza I enjoyed it quite a lot because I enjoy tuna but we seldom eat it because I worry about mayonnaise etc but anyway this was nice and like I said would indeed work with just veggies it was a nice lunch but fairy light, they weren’t full-sized pizzas just mini ones so to be honest I’m also a little bit hungry, lol, though of course not starving or anything like that, the food shop Internet Tesco is coming tomorrow so that’s a good thing do I have to really make a bit more effort with the food and the sugar I know I always say that anyway hopefully things will get better soon and and like you implied Toni we try to be healthy but when Our guts are not on our side due to the glorious methotrexate it’s not really helping anyone is it? oh dear anyway so yeah the day wasn’t so great but could’ve been a lot worse. Oh yes, I was going to report my sister phoned my mum to ask if she should boil the eggs she’s got in the fridge for her and her husband, because they’re one day out of date, oh Toni , that megabrain of hers is really working overtime bless her my goodness eggs one day out of date?? I’m sure she once S aid something similar one day about apples and eggs are one thing of course they need to be cooked properly and so on and so forth can be highly dangerous, though one date out of date is a lot of rubbish of course, as we all know lol But Apples? my goodness these mega brains, do you have she eating too much folic acid - I don’t know? Oh dear me sisters they’re a conundrum aren’t they really? Lol. Did you rest your leg today Toni? do you use Deep Heat or something like that?or are you allergic? anyway I really hope you’re you’re feeling okay now and I hope you have a nice evening and that your stomach is holding up okay. Love Reshmi. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    hi everyone just a quick visual possibly this is the Apple my sister is fearing to find in her supermarket Internet shopping? Who knows, the minds of sisters very much a labyrinth…

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    @frogmorton Yes… its pretty breezy down here, rattling window all over, hoping nothing breaks!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    On here early today as I want to get settled in for the girls' gold medal match in curling at the Winter Olympics. Thankfully the wind has backed off down here despite an extra blow yesterday afternoon. Hope you all survived. Have a good day.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning Mike I am so glad you all survived down there I was quite worried. thank goodness your power was restored quickly. Vixen knows what to do not sure about this puss though:

    Fingers crossed we get GOLD today. Have you noticed how much lighter it is in the mornings now?

    Joan we didn't do newspaper in the loo, but my Mum used to tell me they used to cut it up and tie it on string. Those outside loos sounded really scary and cold too. When I was very very little (a baby) my Dad put my Mum a loo indoors for her birthday! ((())) xxx

    Morning Barbara it's chilly here now icy this morning, but the wind has completely gone. I hope your bloomers stayed on the line not in the neighbours' tree😁

    I am sorry the girls couldn't visit the family but maybe today I am sure the trains will be running today.

    Izal medicated would make excellent tracing paper!! The days are growing longer soon we will be able to get outside and enjoy the weather and flowers🌹

    Well done Reshmi doing your indoor exercise yesterday. When the weather is as nasty as it was yesterday it's so easy not to try at all. Even range of movement (our stretches) is better than nothing. In your case the neck physio is so important you don't want that kicking off nor do I it's the worst. You turned what could ahve been a really bad day into a positive one yourself how good is that? Thanks Leon!

    I am glad you managed half an hour sleep better than nothing after your MTX. I favour taking it as close as possible to bedtime and trying to sleep it off overnight.

    I am going to grow kale this year and cabbage so you can have some of that for the green veg drip. You can use

    this ah I see you have spinach in it already!

    Your mini pizzas sound a really good idea just enough but not too much I would be happy with a veggie one definitely. I tried a vegan 'tunah' sandwich at Starbucks a bit back oh my goodness🤢 never again! I used to love tuna you see. We do our best with our stomachs that is all we can do I think.

    No common sense those people with overdeveloped brain-size you see. I have never thrown an egg out in my life (Paul and Lucy love them) and the shells are good in the garden. They keep the slugs away and are full of vitamins. So many people do not look at food and smell it especially fruit and veg🙄

    My knee is ok so far today, but I have looked at the knee braces on that physio site you once mentioned I thought maybe I might get one for my walks. Sticking to flatter ground again for now though. Deep heat is good as iare my beloved wheatbags.

    OMG! look at that lethal apple!!!!!!!!!!!!!😁😁😁

    I saw new footage in London of people being blown over @Arthuritis I hope your windows stayed where they should be.

    Now where oh where is my Kitty? I do hope all is well Sleek said it was she was there yesterday via the gate of course.

    Toady you don't need to hide if you haven't planted anything you still have plenty of stuff going on in your garden. Did you end up in Dudley with the wind? It was a bit hairy wasn't it? My poor little car was buffeted something rotten picking Lucy up at 2 yesterday.

    Love of course to Carol.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning - WOW! wasn't it a windy one, although not too bad on the Notts/Derbys border. I'm rather worried about my eldest, Marie-Claire lives in Bideford, N. Devon! She is a very private person and doesn't contact us, I hope she has messaged her sister Helen, or her brother Richard. 😲 And today we expect torrents of rain!

    Now Antoinette, you know I hardly ever visit the café on Asda day, All present and correct, even my favourite dark chocolate. I had three yesterday. 2 Asda ones and one Bournville. Tell Sleek she isn't to come today or she;ll get soaked.

    Toady, my sister has a mind that wanders too much to worry about poison apples. Unless she accidently mixes one in my dad's shopping - no, he can't eat apples, they grt stuck beneath his plate (false teeth).

    Reshmi, I don't think anyone got much sleep last niht, MTX or not. I hope you are OK today x.

    sending hugs to Joan, Barbara, Mike and Aurthuritis.

    Kale and Mushroom Toasted Quinoa Pilaf

    from Arthritis Action

    SERVES: 4


    120g (4.2oz) quinoa

    600ml (1.05 pint) hot chicken or vegetable stock

    200g (7oz) sliced mushrooms

    2 large handfuls of kale (woody stems torn out)

    1tbsp extra virgin olive oil

    1 clove garlic, crushed (or you can use dried garlic granules or ready made paste)

    To season:

    1tbsp lemon juice

    2tbsp parmesan cheese (or for a diary free version, try nutritional yeast)

    Black pepper to taste

    Recipe Summary

    Here’s a warming, super healthy, arthritis friendly dish to start your New Year with. Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is a small seed that is cooked and served like rice or couscous. It is gluten free with a nutty, mild flavour and is unusual in that it is a complete plant protein source, containing all 9 amino acids. It’s quite widely available in supermarkets and health food stores nowadays. I find the flavour best if it’s lightly toasted first in the pan before you add any fluid. If you struggle to find it or want a substitute this recipe will also work well with brown rice but you will need to adjust the cooking times accordingly.

    Enjoy vegetables at their seasonal best. Kale is available in abundance in the winter and is a wonderful source of vitamin K which some studies suggest can slow cartilage deterioration in osteoarthritis. It also contains sulphurous compounds that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Mushrooms add a good dose of healthy fibre and folate.

    A good tip for using lemon juice when you have arthritis in your fingers, is to pop the lemon in the microwave for 10 seconds before cutting open to squeeze. This makes it much easier to extract the juice. If you don’t have a microwave you can also just roll it on a board firmly a few times before slicing.


    Put the quinoa in a pan over a medium heat. Let it sit and toast until it begins to pop, then remove from the heat and stir in the olive oil, garlic, hot stock, mushrooms and kale.

    Cover the pan and simmer until all the stock has been absorbed and the little white edge of the quinoa seed has separated from the grain.

    Fluff up the quinoa and season with the lemon juice, parmesan and pepper. Serve immediately or allow cooling at room temperature. Enjoy as a warm salad.

    Nutrition Information

    Nutritional values for 1 serving (based on recipe serving 2) Energy385 kcalCarbohydrate30.8gSugars2.6gProtein18.5gTotal fat14.7gSaturated fat3.6gFibre6.0gSalt0.7g

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) good you had your delivery and you are all safe all the best to your sister Marie Clare (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and Val (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good weekend go careful

    Barbara (()) you take care have a good weekend. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I remember our Dad saying we are having a square box in the corner it was a television we went for a short walk yesterday. Sorry about your knee I hope it calms down soon (()). Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) how are they. have a good weekend

    Reshmi your doing well (()) have a good weekend and your mum (())

    Mike (()) I hope the weather was not too bad for you yesterday take care love to vixen

    Arthuritis ((())) take care have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    hi Toni Kathleen Barbara Joan and Ar , hope you’re all doing okay today? Oh yes Toni wheat bags that’s a good idea you use the wheat bags and get some rest. Geranium seedlings that’s nice. A nice bubbling witch’s Cauldron full of green veg it’s just what I need, lol, but with the toads and newt eyes on the side this time, lol. Yes I agree There’s no point wasting food egg shells are good for the garden and the snails I didn’t know that that’s a good tip. Im glad that your knee is okay so far. BR was not very well stomach upset but it appears to be some rich food he had at nursery he’s okay now thankfully. I’m generally Okay today thanks but my right leg really hurt yesterday before I went to bed I think it was just too cold but I’m okay now thanks for asking. The deer look really nice. I’m getting some neck twinges though right now so I think I’ll go for now Toni. Tc.xx

    just wanted to quickly say hi again Joan, I hope you and Sue are okay today? Tc.xx

    hi Barbara, I just wanted to check your okay in the storm? Xx

    hi Kitty just wanted to say I did sleep well in the end but in the daytime not enough sleep everything okay with you regarding the storm ? Is your house undamaged? okay bye everyone take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Hi all, just to say everything is still standing, myself included, back soon but just to let you know all's well.. certainly was rough and it got worse before it got better.. but no damage & no power off (or worse), so feel very lucky. Few nasty hours tomorrow apparently but after that it might calm down and it might even dry up & brighten, let's hope.

    Hope everyone else has come through it ok too (& that you hear news of your daughter, Kitty). xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning everyone :)

    It was indeed a scary and hairy one Kitty! Sleek is coming anyway through the gate you know she wraps up well just get your airer out for her mackintosh and sou'wester.

    Did you have ❄ snow? we did yesterday very wet snow luckily so didn't stick although there was plenty of it.

    Marie-Claire is near my kids' Dad and their two half-sisters. They are near Barnstaple. I hope she is ok in fact I'm sure she is or you would hear via one of the others ((()))

    Of course it was Asda day for you doh!

    Glad to hear all present and correct and adequate supplies of dark choc are at yours now. Sleek is looking for cockles and herrings.....

    That recipe looks so nice I am actually definitely going to do it when Paul isn't here he has something against grains of any size for some reason 🙄 Lucy will love it though so knickers to him!

    Joan what a lovely memory your first television! How amazing was that? I bet you were so excited and prepared to watch anything at all! Did you get snow yesterday? Well done doing your walk ☺️I did a short one early before the snow came down. Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Mike Sending ((())) hope you are doing ok take care.

    Morning Reshmi I agree eye of toad and whatever of newt cannot go in the green veg drip not this time🤢

    Knee is ok as long as I am super careful and don't bend it too far I am sure it's a ligament not my arthritis hence only one knee....the wheatie is so helpful. When Lucy had cancer we had 7 wheaties between us and the microwave was always pinging! How is your leg today? Sounds like it maybe just got cold. I hope so ((())) and taht today is better.

    It sounds as though your neck is on the edge of 'going' you must be careful and rest it as much as possible and do the physio cautiously.

    On no Baby R😯Poor little thing. It is good for babies to learn to eat a wide variety of foods, but not if it upsets their tummies bless him.

    How is HV? I hope relatively peaceful.

    Barbara I hope all is well and you can find our messages easily enough.

    Toady I have one tomato seedling now too!!!!! Oh happy days! Now you must have seen the snow or sleet at least yesterday morning between 11 and 12? I am glad all seems to be well everything still where it should be more or less. Still very blustery here is this storm Franklin now?🙄

    Woo-ooo!👋too @Arthuritis

    Naughty breakfast today full CORNISH (Mike)

    full vegan