Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady

    fair enough tidying up for s invader 👍

    I just found some relevant pics one of you 😂

    and one I’ll show hairdresser next week, my conditioner - usage will be the least of his worries lol

    good night toady tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235

    Morning Joan. I have to agree with you money needs spending on cures and prevention though I am convinced Barbara's boy's heart problems come from him getting covid a year or so back. I'm going on now too🤭I think having a moan about things is ok. Thanks for caring about Lucy. Take care yourself and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you feeling today? I hope a bit better. My eyes are pouring I don't see how the eye drops are even staying in long enough to work! Kari says the pollen count is really high. I hope yours aren't hurting too much today?

    Let's hope the increase in your Mum's meds helps her fingers crossed.

    Lucy has today off so later on I will bring her over here, she is babysitting for the foster carers in the village, being registered with social services. One of them has had surgery.

    The dentist is lovely with her and says she can help sort out Lucy's gums so she shouldn't lose any teeth.

    Isn't LA funny being all grown up and disapproving of the lady-babies running about!!!! I think you were very wise indeed not to point out his gender error. He would not have thanked you😉

    If elephant trunk lady baby has gone back I presume he has accepted she won't be in school? It was so sweet him thinking she still would be😘

    That's annoying all the discount apts being 'gone' at the hairdressers🙄 Do avoid that Christmas special if they do it imagine!🤢

    Right you take care I hope you manage your walk today.

    Morning Toady how are you?

    Definitely you did the right thing having the heating engineer today. I will be thinking of you and hope it doesn't take too long. I also hope the loo part has arrived and you can fix that too🤞

    I am sure you are ready for the invasion even though you probably don't think you are.

    Gosh yes imagine if Al Fresco had delivered in the middle of all this! I had that once with Workhardo coming when the man was fixing the dishwasher or was it the dryer? Now that we really use either much, but bets they work.

    Today I am very busy as per bloomin' usual. Walking NOW....well in about 15 mins. Then I have to visit my bereaved friend. Then bring Lucy over here to help with the foster babies then take her back and introduced her cat to the kitten NOT through the cat box but in person!!!! Scary eh?

    It will all be worth it for half an hour outside.

    I am with you there.

    Take care Sleek is en route to keep you company.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day you are doing so well (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) yes that would be very frustrating to have to work men come for different jobs.good luck for tomorrow. It’s worse if they don’t speak English. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) you take care (()) you have so many worries it’s nice you have family to talk to about it (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) take care you are busy today (()) I hope Winnie and Minnie get on well together no hissing just purring good luck. Have a lovely time with your friend (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) take care (()) i hope the extra blood pressure tablet helps your mum (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,614
    edited 17. Apr 2023, 13:02

    Hi all 😊 I'm free, I'm free 😀 well for now..

    ..I have booked mr boilerman in to do another small job for me, slightly non-boiler related but it will help me out enormously so will be worth having him back. Thank you for thinking of me frog, it didn't take too long at all & a not desperately early start - boiler all fine 👍️ - half a league onward. On the record, he really is a super chap and all talk of the horrors of having someone in are 100% from my side, no reflection on him at all. Apart from the trouble getting a word in edgeways 😄. Oh and yes he did coincide with al fresco once and bundled out to his van when the chap was still here & I was in the height of having a hallful of half unpacked shopping, I did think he could have hung on a minute 🙄. Anyway! Phew. I shall be having a pre prepared sandwich & an upstairs cup of tea, then going to pot for rest of day. Hope things are well with you apart from all the busy-ness 😬 hope your friend is still as ok as your last news, and having been up to the caravan I think you said. Fingers crossed for Winnie & Minnie too. Sorry you will have to go & look at curtains your very self, you can take something with you to match colour with I assume you mean, good luck with that. Glad to hear you are doing Bill & Ben! That will be brilliant, does it mean 3 'bodies'? Or are you doing something v clever with flowerpots? Look forward to updates, You said you were helping with the village/Charles outfit, is that because the base scarecrow is fine from past years & just gets re-dressed up. No sign of washer btw, no post at all yet, & no sign of missing parcel but I remember yours and I had a late one too, (mine was tracked service, was yours? can't recall). Weather forecast now not looking nice so I don't think I'll getting my sunny week 😔 Hope you get some sun and/or a bit of time to yourself today :) xx

    Hello joan, just the one chap today and he's been & gone 😀 back in a week or so's time but not for a repair or anything, just an odd job. All fine otherwise will be having a quiet week now I hope just catch up with odd jobs of my own. It was supposed to be quite nice today but it's a bit dull and must have been damp overnight. Looks much wetter this week than what they promised last time I looked 😕 oh well it must be nice one day surely 😬 hope you are having a good day thanks for wishing me luck today :) xx

    Hi bosh, great minds think alike with you & Toni and the troll pics 😄 no beauty sleep around here, I had a stinker of a night, indigestion and probably being wound up about today 🙄 I am not fit to do my batty party piece right now but I will regroup and after a few more teas I will be back to my usual fun* self I'm sure (*less poetic licence, more outright lie 😂). Hope your day is not too bad I will probably see you later after I've had a catnap myself 👍️ maybe a dino-nap as I feel like sleeping the sleep of the extinct after the last few days 🦖 bye for now :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady

    I also slept badly in my case I think mum had made house too hot, oh dear indigestion too

    I hope manage the catnap tc xx

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Toni

    How are you?

    almost same pic!

    thats funny lol

    I’m getting a bit sauna - ish and need to shower

    but generally not bad thanks

    more later tc xx

    👋 Joan xx

    ps Toni saw pic and thought of you lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi again Toni

    how are you?

    my eyes aren’t too bad atm thanks I just rushed around doing a quick morning walk and have been hiding indoors for rest of day👍

    my optician recommended eye drop called Thealoz Duo it’s an over the counter one it works fairly well for me anyway, but “pollen- ey” wind blowing into the bus, when I take bus that is, def doesn’t help in my case yucky 🤢

    but I suppose where I live is fairly urban so less pollen naturally, sorry about your eyes🤗

    a bit of a weird thing happened yesterday on a FB group that cannot be named some selfish woman had written about how she lives with her diabetic mum because she doesn’t earn much and the mum is selfish, and so on, it was quite derogatory about her own mother basically and she wanted comments advice an so on, so I wrote politely and tactfully that living arrangements aren’t always ideal but her mum needs and values her help and surely that’s what’s important, something like that. Then one of admins for the group posted a long lecture reprimanding me basically, saying no one should make negative comments and all that, that I shouldn’t invalidate people.What!? Invalidate people? Anyway she was a bit of a jobsworth and I of course apologised though I’m not sure what for. Have some people really become so insecure that they can’t take any form of criticism at all? I could have said, “well what if you develop severe diabetes and can’t work? Would you not like to think that some person close to you would be there to care of you?” Hmm most definitely curiouser and curiouser. Sorry that little rant is over, though of course it wasn’t aimed at anyone here in this lovely VC 😃.

    mum seems ok on new dose so far so that’s good news thanks 😊

    Yes elephant lady’s gone back and LA is fine with it - there seems to be great hordes of lady babies wherever he shows his little face lol, so no time to miss anyone lol.

    Like toady I didn’t sleep well last night unfortunately, my reason was that mum had got carried away with heating again but I know she was anxious about new dose and tired so I didn’t say anything

    after walk haven’t really had as much rest as I would like, cooking - heat related issues again unfortunately but maybe I’ve rested more than I thought and will feel ok tomorrow morning I hope so🤞

    that’s nice about Lucy - kind dentist and babysitting 👍

    my backs hurting after cold room - rest so I’ll leave it there

    have a nice evening Toni

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    I’m not too bad thanks

    mums is ok so far with new med dose thanks 🙏

    hope you’re both having a good evening

    bye tc

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235
    edited 18. Apr 2023, 05:12

    Joan I hope you are well today? No purring only one hiss and a bit of stalking from Winnie after Minnie. We kept it very brief and we all survived! Will repeat when we can.... Still waiting for some nice weather here. Overcast yesterday but dry at least I suppose. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you feeling today? I very much more rested than you feared🤞 I am very pleased your Mum got on ok with her change of meds.

    We are all well here not a nice day ahead a funeral lunchtime and then off to the QE for an echocardiogram for Lucy.

    I hope it didn't upset you that incident of facebook yesterday? I think some people are very much only able to think of themselves and being a tad selfish. We only get one Mum and gosh how with he/she feel when they lose their Mum and they have to remember that they only thought harsh things about her? I have noticed we aren't allowed to say things these days without someone getting 'upset' No more sensible dialogue. That's what I like in the café. we can safely say it as it is and if we accidentally upset someone apologise and move on🙄 ((())) for you.

    I have googled your eye drops and am going to try them. Yes is suppose being a bit rural here isn't great for pollen. Be careful on the bus from now on yourself.

    Erm yes I had noticed that LA attracts the lady-babies. I suspect BR will be the same!

    I hope it isn't so sauna-ish today. BTW that pic was brilliant. Sleek does do that to me when I am meditating/deep breathing!!!

    Have a good day😊

    Morning Toady how are you doing today? Weather improving soon I hope please get it sorted if you can.

    I believe your boilerman is lovely. I am glad he is going to help you with another job (and that you survived yesterday f course Sleek had reported back!) . Thing is no matter how nice they are they are still in your space and well just there! I'll try to remind you when the time comes for him to return. I am very very pleased all is done for now at least. Aha! He coincided with al fresco before did he? 🙄

    Did you see Bosh's procrastination pic?!! It's ME!!!! and you a bit too maybe?

    Yes 3 bodies for Bill and Ben as if I could forget little WEEEEEED!!! It is taking a bit of thinking about to be fair, but getting there for now. The village one is a recycled scarecrow from last year who is just going to get changed. managed to make 2 'medals' for Charles. yesterday

    Minnie and Winnie are both still alive and no active aggression so good for a first actual encounter. If Minnie wasn't so tiny I would just let them get on with it in a way, but she is😍

    No chance to repeat today as I have the vet, a funeral and Lucy's echo in Birmingham to survive😖roll on bedtime.

    Have a good day everyone

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Thinking of you have a good day (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) That’s good the boiler man can do a job for you he seems a nice helpful man. Have a good day (())

    Barbara (()) sorry you have so many problems (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) good luck sleeke at the vet’s (()) sorry about the funeral (()) good luck to Lucy (()) with the Echocardiogram at Birmingham (()) I hope it all goes to time it only takes one to make you late (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. does your mum (()) feel better now she has been on the tablet a few days (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Toni🌺

    sorry you have a not nice day ahead of you🤗

    yes it’s good about my mum and the blood pressure tablets, Thanks, she said day before yesterday she did feel really tired at one point which she thought was the result of the dosage change

    But she’s feeling good now, and that’s the main thing so that’s v good

    but angry though really🙄

    didn’t go to the Tuesday group today because I’ve still got the totm so just wanted to get out of the house really at a time that suited me, Tuesday group starts a bit later than the other one so it’s not really a very great time for me if I’m already feeling weak

    my eyes are feeling a bit nasty from time to time to be honest, but it will be better after my shower

    dad is being himself, but not extra evil at least, well right at the moment

    I’m trying to send a quick message here because my cunning plan is to have a shower and get some rest before the evil cooking smells starts it was fish yesterday Toni oh the glory🤢

    thanks about the Facebook group thing it was okay in the end just a bit irritating really especially since the person who wrote the post didn’t mind anyway I won’t go on about it anymore but thanks for understanding

    just wanted to mention one thing, I’ve said this joke with a Toady already but I thought it was quite funny at least in some ways, Ha ha, I was thinking of a positive message to give myself when feeling down so I adapted original version and with bills possible LA over eating seafood trip in mind, I came up with, “ remember that the darkest hours are always are before the prawn🦐” lol

    Ok That’s it for now Toni bye take care xx

    ps Mark Z is struggling with his security question 😂 xx

    👋toady xx

    👋Joan xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,614
    edited 18. Apr 2023, 16:51

    Hi all 😊 you'd think I'd be in a more chilled frame of mind today, and yet.. 😂 so noisy today, from building work and neighbours too, and the weather.

    Oh gosh this wind frog 😣 bad idea to leave it to me to fix the weather, apparently I have pulled some sort of 'turn up wind volume and don't stop until the Day of Judgment' lever by mistake 🙄 ugh, really getting wearing now. I could hardly stand up against it in the garden, stuff being blown around &c, how is a poor little tulip supposed to manage. And you have had enough on your plate today, it could have been nice and calm for you, not much you ask. Sorry it was such a busy day and all of the not nice variety, hope the funeral went as well as possible.. I am writing a sympathy card here myself (an old friend of my mother's that no-one really knew to let me know about, til I wrote at Easter). Sad times. Do hope Lucy and Sleek got on ok today, yes Sleek did come over to see me and keep an eye on things, and I'm sure she wasn't a bit trying to think up reasons to stay over and not to come home today and miss the vee ee tee 😉. Roll on bedtime for us all indeed, we will not be procrastinating that will we 😄 oh yes I too am not an amateur at it, quite the cup-winner, good call of bosh's. Hope B&B&Weeeeed will not be too problematic and Charles' medals stay pinned on nicely 😀 look forward to next phase. We will have a better day soon, surely.. I have broad bean seedlings to see too and summer flowering bulbs to plant and stuff to do 🙄. Oh I have seen 'my' mousie though 😊 and have just bought myself some more garage shelving so if all else fails I can play indoors. Have a good evening and a better day tomorrow🤞xx

    Hello joan, yes the chap is very nice and the good thing is we think along similar lines, quite like old things and not having new ones for the sake of it, so never suggests having more work. Nice to have a few days with nothing booked and I shouldn't get things too untidy by the time he comes back again in about a week 😉. Hope the wind not too awful where you are today 💨 have a good Wednesday :) xx

    Hi bosh, I did have a dino-nap spanning a few whole geological eras yesterday so I never made it back in, but I did feel better for it. Hope yours was a better night too than the one before and it suited you better having an early walk today than going to group later (I think that's what you meant). Nothing much going on with me, definitely a day where I rose but did not shine 😄🌞 noisy people annoying me today though so I can be excused a touch of grumpiness. The Mark Z pic was v appropriate for me too, ticking security boxes etc, missed a nosegay auction yesterday because they deemed I was not logged in 🤔 and of course no just quickly chucking your password in (which I had time for), no, 'we need to send you a security text/email'. If you aren't logged in you shouldn't be able to see your name and pic on the page, it should say hello guest or whatever - I had refreshed the page plenty of times - it's not clear enough 😠. But yes, whether Mark is a robot is more of a moot point than most 😂 though we'll all have trouble working out who is a robot and who isn't soon I think.. if 'has da best prices' (<terrible but can't think of anything better) are going to deliver your shopping in self-driving cars etc.. it's all getting a bit 😮. See you anon :) xx

    Love to Barbara 😘 and Kitty (how's your garden? 😀) and to everyone xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351
    edited 18. Apr 2023, 17:39

    Hi again Toni

    sorry to hear about the funeral

    I hope L’s ecg goes well,🤞

    That’s good about the eye drops I hope they help you👍

    yes I’m careful thanks, do you wear glasses all the time? I was only asking as I do apart from sometimes when I’m wearing a mask, but I think it also helps protect our eye’s against hay fever a bit - well that’s my theory anyway 😃

    Yes according to BR’s dad he’s already got a lot of female admirers lol, but he’s only interested in one lady currently, she’s called Peppa ❤️

    Glad you liked the pic .

    No was a lot cooler inside house today luckily thanks👍

    also I went out and did a relatively long walk to tire myself out 😀

    I hope you have a better day tomorrow

    bye tc xx

    ps I know it’s not morning but thought this was funny lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady

    sorry you had a noisy annoying day

    I went to the town centre a bit earlier than normal and just did some fairly mundane shopping and had a walk on way back thanks

    as Tues group is a late starting one

    but was feeling tired and didn’t really want to hang around today

    Security emails questions etc how annoying 😡

    hello guest - that’s quite funny though

    maybe nosegay app can take on a job! It can become an automated sister in law, saying “ Hello guest, takeaway menus are on your right, massive bottle of cola is in utility room, please provide your own hot sauce, automated mother in law is resting, don’t disturb, if in doubt please return to your own home, if you irritate her sufficiently, sis in law (the one in human form that is) will reimburse you for ticket home, but please only do this if you feel there’s no other way you can bring yourself to leave the premises, love from Marcella Z - long suffering android sis of MZ - the so - called alpha male”.

    Yes electric cars etc v scary really I agree.

    Ok I’ll leave it there for now toady bye and tc xx

    ps gift for you lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    Mum and I are ok thanks 👍

    first day she felt v tired but she said the new dose is suiting her now thanks for asking🙏

    I hope you both are having a great evening

    bye tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235
    edited 19. Apr 2023, 05:26

    Morning Joan. Somehow I managed yesterday! Sleek had bloods bless her results when they ring me. Lucy's heart is good 👍️and the funeral was as good as sad events like that can be. Not quite as packed as P's but not far off. How are you and Sue doing? Have a good day today ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi. I hope you are feeling well today fingers crossed. My eyes were pouring at the funeral yesterday - we were outside in the windy marquee I know how you feel. Let's hope both of us feel better today eyes-wise at least.

    I only wear 👓 for reading but try to remember 😎 outside it doesn't look too odd and am sure it helps a bit.

    Lucy's echo went well they are pleased no issues with her heart, but she is to have one if she ever gets pregnant in the first trimester and again anyway in 5 years.

    I hope the other group is more accessible for you this week I know that you do want to go but understand the timing issues at the Tuesday group for you this week. Well done getting out for a walk you are good a lot of people wouldn't bother.

    Hmmm I agree it could easily be the increase in meds making your Mum feel weak let's hope she adjusts quickly and has no more issues today🤞

    Thank you I did manage the day, but was so glad to be 🏡

    I am very pleased to hear your Dad was no worse than usual that sounds ok and quite manageable. Did you manage your shower pre-cooking smells? Fish did you say on Monday? ooh😣

    Love your inspirational phrase!!! Very good😂

    I knew the girlies would love BR, but I think he will be respectful of them as he grows up he already shows a very kind streak. Peppa is a gorgeous girl a bit two dimensional, but I can see what he sees in her!

    have a really good day ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you doing today?

    Did Sleek come back to show you her paw where the vet took blood? A whole paw-full apparently and she needs it back!!! She seemed to get on fine hopefully her bloods will bear that out paws crossed.

    How right were you! That 🍃 wind!! It's not even March! what was going on? Looks a tiny bit better out there atm, but who knows? I do hope the 🌷 survived? We were outside at the funeral as the Church was full to the brim there was a telly so we could still join in the service. (sorry about the old friend of your Mum's yes very sad😔)

    When we got home my back was terrible i think due to standing in the wind eyes pouring🙄still all went well with Lucy's check up too so we are all relieved about that.

    Today should be better once I have made Charles' head complete with the ears. Let's hope yours is good too. New shelving?! I have shelving in my potting shed too! It's smashing!! You'll love it! have fun☺️

    I'm very pleased to hear original (your) Mousie is alive and well. the birds are mating here in the garden all good eh? 😊

    Have a good day I will try too. We shall procrastinate not at bedtime🤭😌

    Take care everyone

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope everything is going well for you (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) yesterday I had a message on my iPad you can have a job at Amazon ( I thought they would not want me.) yes it’s good having quiet day’s. Have a good day today.

    Barbara (()) How are you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) good luck with sleeke’s blood test. Lucy’s doing well good (()) yes funerals are sad it’s nice the person is not in pain anymore. The daughter of one of Sue’s carers has got a job has an air hostess she has just gone to South Africa for 3 days. Have a good day I hope your eyes are better today. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day your doing well love to your mum (()) that’s good she feels better (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Toni and toady

    how are you both?

    before I write proper posts as it were

    a little poem related post thanks 😀

    toady, I just wanted to mention, I bought some toadstool socks yesterday from a well-known jewellery etc company known as (this is where the poem begins)

    Poem is just called “also known as”

    how ooky this pollen is going right in my eyes😱

    ”Prawns floating in custard sir? Sure I can make it supersize”

    is that nosegay user really toady - or a guest in disguise?

    bill’s doctor said it’s my job to strongly chastise

    that naughty bro in law for his diet of amphibians and pies

    but I don’t want to rock the EF boat so turn a blind eye(s)

    I know not quite a rhyme at the end, but almost lol

    ill post again later

    got this online sleep course thing starting soon

    bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,614
    edited 19. Apr 2023, 12:11

    Hi all 😊 the sun is not shining, my neighbour is being noisy and someone is having solar panels fitted on scaffolding overlooking me even if I did want to go in the garden, among other things, but have grumbled enough lately so instead of whiney Wednesday I shall tone it down & pass the tea & biscuits with a pleasant air 😂.

    Hope we are all as well as possible today🤞well done getting through all your things yesterday frog, sorry you had to stand for the funeral and in the nasty wind - especially as your eyes have been suffering already 😿 I really do under-appreciate not having problems in that line myself. Glad as many people were able to turn out as did, and that it did not rain! Glad to hear Lucy is ok, too 👍️ but poor Sleek, and her 'very-nearly-a-pawful', I hope the tests come back well.. she did pop round here briefly, yes, and may have had a few pointed things to say about wishing she were the one giving 'sharp scratches' to certain white-coated persons 😉. Do hope you're having a quieter day and being left alone to concentrate on Charles' ears 😂👂️one is being respectful, I trust 😄. I love the soldiers eggcup, very appropriate. Not long now is it! bank holidays will start creeping up before we know it. My shelving will be here tomorrow 😬 ooh, so soon, overexcitement! not to mention I have not made room to put them up yet - I have one bank like it already so thought I'd buy another while I still know it will be the same from same people etc. Yes I will have much storage fun thank you 😊. Tulips &c still standing, will try & get out later. Only 1 variety out though, shame the others won't quite catch up. Not certain whether I have any definite nesting sites but glad to hear there are little lovebirds at yours 💕. Forgot to say yesterday that my washer did turn up later on the Monday and I never got round to fitting it yesterday, silly me, so it is today's job, fingers crossed it does actually sort it and it is not an unrelated problem. Updates to follow 😂 :) xx

    Hello joan, oh Amazon want to headhunt you do they 😄 well I would fancy your chances ahead of mine, with the skills you have & work you've done 😊 all they offer me all the time is to take out a credit card, which they would not accept me for anyway 🙄. Quieter day today and not quite so much wind, will be going to put the kettle on now and do a few odd jobs ☕️ talking of kettles I was sorting out the garage and I have 3 old kettles (and a toaster) just taking up space 😬 not that easy to dispose of them though you have to take them somewhere specific. Have a good day yourselves, love to both :) xx

    Hi to bosh from the incognito 'guest' 😂 🕵️ automated sis-in-laws, well someone has definitely missed a trick there, every home should have one 😄 I love 'if in doubt please return home' & the ticket reimbursement etc (we would all chip in sixpence here to help out 😉). I hope you like your toadstool socks, they sound cool 😊🍄 unlike that cushion. which has to be the most horrific gift anyone has ever given me, by a very long way 😱😂. Today's poem is super 😀 yes, definitely 'do not feed the bills' there must be a handmade sign for that on e*sy somewhere between beware of the dog and home sweet home. Btw having made me miss my auction nosegay sent me one of those stupid 'xyz is no longer available, let us help you find an alternative' emails 😣 which is always something totally unrelated like windscreen wipers or dog biscuits. Grr. Hope your day is going ok, I don't seem to know about the online sleep course? sorry I was probably 'wool-gathering' as they say & missed it. Have a good afternoon and I will certainly swipe that lovely little toad bun before it can fall into the 'wrong hands', thank you 😊 xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    I’m a bit tired but not too bad thanks

    thanks about mum she had covid jab today she’s tired and her arm hurts a bit otherwise she’s ok thanks 🙏

    I hope you both have a good evening bye tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    my neck is a bit stiff due to gel pillow and just bad resting position nothing to worry about but sorry if i don’t answer all points 😀

    I did the sleep course thing today I didn’t tell anyone about it because it was decided on all of a sudden by the organisation that runs the Tue group.

    It wasn’t the same people as I see on Tuesdays but it wasn’t too bad

    free course so no commitment, it concludes next Wednesday, not sure if I’ll attend it then though, may make an excuse as I prefer going to group

    I walk like you for the obvious reasons, but also I do it as I do worry if I don’t have enough sleep because I know what it can lead to for me potentially

    mum had her Covid jab today. It was at 5 o’clock but she’s not feeling too bad 👍👍

    LA put an ant on girls head and got told off - sign of affection maybe? Lol

    Ok I’m going to leave it there as day got a bit higgeldy piggeldy again

    but one thing - do you want to volunteer for the de - lousing - sorry de - anting of the little girl’s hair please? 😀

    bye for now Toni sorry i didn’t read back and answer properly tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady

    glad you liked the bread roll I can’t say it’s homemade though lol, I could make a sponge cake that tastes ok but may look as appetising as that cushion lol

    the sleep course was decided on by the organisers v suddenly so didn’t have time to mention it

    it was ok not that great really but at least I tried it , no new info there really

    that’s annoying about missing auction

    i did walk but after sleep course so a lot later than normal plus didn’t wear enough layers so was far from ideal

    thanks about poem 👍

    haircut tomorrow for me, so I’ve bought all the conditioner on nosegay and put it on my head - or was that vanilla buttercream icing? Hard to tell the difference these days lol

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    Ps I took a pic of toadstool sock - it’s a bit wrinkly now but at least you can see the design xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,614

    Oh they are cool 😊 I like. Thanks for posting. Btw I did 'get' the ref to the well-known brand, meant to say, in case you thought it had gone higher 'over my head' than a troll's hairdo 😄. Good luck for the hairdresser's 😬 hope there is only a minor conditioner lecture at most, and not a written exam. Thanks for the sleep course info, yes I see 👍️ Have a good night tonight yourself 👋 :) xx