Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady

    thanks I’m glad you didn’t mind

    the pain is a lot better thanks but I think it’s recurring from time to time with certain movements, but def less sharp than in the beginning thanks

    mum said she’s ok atm thanks

    but dad is so self - absorbed he knew what time he should be back for

    also the al fresco man was quite unpleasant and inflexible too, he knew he way too early really, my mum said she might make a complaint to the supermarket

    BR likes watching Rick Stein now, I haven’t got the heart to tell him what RS’ sausage casserole is made of, what would Peppa say? Oh no that would make a v dark children’s book indeed.

    I was watching s trek Picard on prime, final episode and the counsellor has such supernatural powers that she can open all the doors, not just mental doors, but the door to the spare room where bill is hiding all his spare cash under the mattress! I told him selling omeprazole indigestion medicine on the streets to enlarge his takeaway fund is neither ethical nor healthy but as usual he listened not, so I added some extra hot sauce to his cheerios - well I think that’s what it was, but then again I’m so tired I might have added it to the dog biscuits lol.

    glad you enjoyed the sunny weather

    glad you liked the pic

    saw the Google thing that was funny lol

    good night toady tc xx

    ps found this online - what a very patronising publication lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235

    Morning Joan Jacky's daughter is really having an amazing time travelling! Imagine that meeting famous people all the time she will see some sights too I bet. All well here hope with you and Sue too? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Hope the muscular aches have stayed gone 🤞

    I pleased the jab doesn't affect your Mum's sugar I just wondered whether things like that do. Naughty Dad ignoring the fact that the Al Fresco order was coming. I hope your mum hasn't had any lasting effects either. Some people just think of themselves.

    Of course I restored our rating, but we must ban BIL from the café kitchen!! His standards of hygiene are just too poor🙄🤭

    I love the book titles mind you you'd think Daddy (BIL) would at least let Mother (sister) put his slippers on for him😁

    Oh dear me BR wanted ham! Bless him it's not always possible little boy. Imagine him being able to say Stein! wow, but very pleased to hear watching him eat an egg roll cheered him up😍

    He should try Poha😋lovely!

    Big Ella! How very rude😯but funny now LA is liking 'older' women is he?🤣

    Oh my gosh that chat room sounds awful😮 the internet is a huge worry these days. We are ok we can see suss things, but not everyone is safe out there. Hope I don't sound paranoid, but it worries me for the future.

    Well on that note you have a good day hope there isn't too much rain today. ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you?

    All is well here less windy so I am happier.

    You are right about recycling which the council don't collect. I recycle soft plastics and a few other bits for the village. Takes a bit of my time, but isn't too annoying. Anything to keep the landfill down.

    Very good that you were outside and the tidying is coming along well. All those bits planted will emerge soon if the sun helps a bit. Is the heatwave really coming I wonder🤔 We had a nice day yesterday, but plenty needed doing in the village ready for best Kept Village. I even got Paul working as did another lady get her husband helping! Typical that 'male' involvement got them receiving many many pats on the back whereas us women work away and get no praise.....🙄

    They are more like vine weevil larvae maybe white, but they massacre plant roots so not sure what to do. If I get the post emptied I suppose l could give the birds a treat.

    If I could post videos on here you' d love to see the buns running around and playing. It's lovely to have them back after the nasty virus they all had a few years ago. You know the one. Horrible to see. Sleek is getting to old for chasing buns just watches now. You saw all wildlife too yesterday including Granny-mouse! So heartening isn't it?

    Yes the Churchyard residents do not mind us doing anything much P is there I chat to her, but I think she'd like that 😉

    I missed yesterday's google though😕 Have a good day if you can!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) It’s nice to have some warm weather at last. Have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good day. I read yesterday about people who have died being used for compost I don’t know.

    Barbara (()) have a good day take care (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry you have hay fever not nice (()) what do you think of bodies being used for compost. I read that on the iPad. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry you and your mum (()) had to carry the shopping. We have Sainsbury’s they bring the shopping in kitchen for us to put away. Have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi everyone

    wppl xx

    ps a not so cuddly bear with some drastic career advice 😱

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Joan

    how are you and Sue doing today?

    mum and I aren’t too bad thanks 👍

    Thanks about the shopping

    thats good that Sainsbury’s put the shopping in kitchen

    bfn tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,614
    edited 23. Apr 2023, 16:20

    Hello everyone 😊 hope all having a good Sunday.

    I was promised rain / thundery showers today but they never turned up 😀 well until now. But that gave me an unexpected morning in the garden & quite warm too (and I somehow managed all by myself, me, a lady 😉) yes, I can just imagine the three cheers for the chaps helping with the best kept village matters 🤐. Hope all coming along well frog and you have had time in your garden yourself too. Ah, the vine weevil larvae, yes those are they 🐛😬 not keen but luckily only a couple of plants of mine seem to attract them, sedum, for one - and I'm not too bothered about those, not my favourite I just ended up with some. I have been trying to resurrect my bean canes today, turns out it wasn't my fault they've given way, the bamboo had rotted in the ground 😮 never had that happen before. I was going to stake them with fence pins this time but there won't be a lot of point if the bamboo is going to 'go' 🤔. You can skip back to yesterday's google for Earth Day 😊 complete with the aforementioned solar panels, little veg patch, and all - very 'us' 👍️ And recycling. I have to take my soft plastics to a supermarket, al fresco used to take them for you but no more apparently 🤨. Have a good Monday, hope everyone well 👋 :) xx

    Hello joan, I'm not sure about the people compost 😬 I suppose in some senses it's not much different to burial, it's a bit macabre but so is every option, that's the problem 🤔. I think we should just vanish without trace. Has just started to drizzle here but was quite nice otherwise, no sign of the mini heatwave we were supposed to be having, if the hottest temp this year was recorded in Scotland that's not really what you expect is it! Have a good start to the week :) xx

    Hope bosh is doing ok 👋 not too many twinges today. How far does the al fresco driver bring your shopping in, does he just put the trays down? I have a sort of system of crates and chuck the stuff in as he brings it, on the doorstep more or less, not very scientific! Yes they shouldn't come early doesn't help matters does it 🙄. Was the Picard final episode a good ending from your point of view (I only saw some of the beginning when I was on a p*ime trial). Ooh, supernatural door-opening powers, please don't let those fall into the hands of double glazing salesmen, they would be inside & measuring you up before you can say "there appears to be a multi-phasic temporal convergence in the space-time continuum". Hope you enjoyed it, anyway 😊. Yes rather watch that than Rick Stein for obvious reasons, poor Peppa, best not go too far down the line of the illogicality of parents & children & little baa-lambs & sunday lunches, I will be told off as a dogmatic chat-room type 😬. Well the boilerman is back this week sometime, have I got time to clean the whole house and make time to do justice to that advice for the 'Golden Forties'? Oh no - too late!! 😱😱😂. Have a good evening :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Toni 🌺

    how are you today?

    That’s a funny pic lol

    muscular pain seems to be almost gone thanks 🙏

    yes some people are just selfish that’s true

    mum seems ok now thanks after lifting shopping thankfully

    but she’s done a load of cooking again for bill mainly 🤷‍♀️

    because apparently he can help dad with some form related to the rental property and no one else can, I believe this is rubbish really certainly doesn’t merit a “family conference” in MH, probably Bill just wanted a food parcel lol and dad likes pretending he doesn’t know how to do things sometimes so that he can avoid responsibility

    Anyway at least everyone is out of the house

    i didn’t go as I’m tired and my stomach has only just settled

    Yes I knew I could rely on you to restore cleanliness of cafe lol

    yes I agree we must ban bill im just not sure how - maybe present him with a bowl of kale ice cream and tell him it’s mint choc chip? What do you think? Lol

    That’s true about the slippers lol

    yes BR is def a gourmet with refined tastes im sure he’ll love poha too 👍

    apparently bill gave him a whole packet of ham - did I already mention that? Sorry if I’m repeating- anyway then my sis had to ration the ham lol

    I think LA likes all the women, that’s the problem lol, well when I say “women” I mean young ladies under 10 years old - there have to be some boundaries after all - after school club is not a lawless land you know - unless Riley were to appear there of course- now there’s a terrible thought😱

    No it’s not paranoid to worry about internet- related future at all, I also worry and as you implied there are a lot of vulnerable people out there for whom it’s anything but a blessing, but you have to laugh at some of these fb group - admin people though lol, there’s one woman who posts pics of her tattoos and let’s just say that they’re not quite decent, it’s a shame no one put “the ant of modesty”, (as some call it lol) on her head as a child really - that’s the prob with certain young people I’ve concluded- not enough ants 😂

    There was some rain yesterday as far as I remember but I didn’t go out so it didn’t bother me luckily

    how bad was your rain?

    I got offered a free haircut by hairdresser but it would be with a trainee so potential problems were

    a) it would take 3 hrs or something ridiculous like that

    b) i wouldn’t want to risk trainee chopping off my ear so I would end up sporting the infamous look of king of hay fever our friend Vincent van Cough / or possibly Gogh (please delete as appropriate lol)

    how is your back now?

    hope you’re having a good evening

    bye Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady 🐸

    how are you today?

    parents have just returned from MH

    so I’ve been interrupted and have lost track of my notes

    so sorry for haphazard nature of this post

    not sure if I’ve already mentioned this but BR is speaking a lot more now and stood on a garden stool at nursery and he said “big boy like LA” also when LA was sad after being told off in school for spitting on a lady baby - seriously ooky 😱- BR said in car “don’t worry daddy’s here” - bless

    new series of dr who is starting today- I think so anyway- does that sound right to you?

    I hope so at least I’ll probably see it afterwards on iPlayer 👍

    so some aches and pains seems to be settling in now as they often do at this time

    so I’ll try to be brief

    directives I love that one could be “don’t watch news for a month” - ok let’s try 5 minutes - lol with the exception of green faced witch - related headlines of course- you have been eating your spinach haven’t you toady? I just wouldn’t like to see you caught up in that supernatural vortex where you have to a green veg component in every meal - even your weetabix lol

    Yes full bloated belly def means “ stop eating” to most lol, but in his defence I think he was an international student living on typical student food unfortunately

    I knew one guy once who as a student tried to cook rice by putting it in the kettle 😂

    ok I’ll go for now toady

    enjoy dr who if it’s on / if you see it etc

    bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,614

    Quick goodnight to bosh 👋 glad you had some time to yourself today 👍️. Can't see anything about Doctor Who at first glance 🤔 I saw some articles talking about it, first look at new doctor / few advance bits of info, this week, that's all. Will look again properly anyway. Oh dear I haven't had any spinach for a while, I cannot tell a lie 🤥 BUT I did buy spinach seeds yesterday, do you think the green faced witch would take that as at least a sign of commitment 😂 I don't want BR to tell on me, his vocabulary would be more than up to the task, obviously 😬. Student visitor is excused making up for lost time & dinners if he was on short rations, of course. Fair enough 👍️. 'night, sleep well 😴 x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady

    I managed to miss your post somehow when writing my own posts lol

    just wanted to mention - ignore what I said about dr who - was looking at an unnamed us site that’s not up to date on British sci fi lol - but even though I’m far from being miss Austen I won’t stoop to the level of saying “my bad” lol

    Getting a bit of shoulder ache been online for too long so I’ll just say good night for now toady

    Btw LA is free to reprimand gasman if necessary- as long as you’ve got a spare cheese sandwich 🥪

    bye toady tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235
    edited 24. Apr 2023, 05:45

    Morning Joan did you really say bodies for compost???? Well whatever next! I suppose to be fair there will be a lot of nutrients in us, but I haven't ever so much as added a dead mouse to mine🤢 I hope you and Sue are ok?

    Morning Reshmi how are you? Glad the muscular pain has eased. All is well here! Loved the facebook book pic honestly I bet half the youngsters can relate to that they live for 'likes'!

    Ah your Mum is cooking for Slim-Jim again! Lucky BIL getting one of her food parcels. Your Dad probably just fancied a ride out to Maidenhead really and I think your Mum will love seeing the boys. You took the chance for some peace and quiet. I think I would have done the same! I am sure you felt better for it.

    LA is a proper ladies-man then all women below a certain age are possibilities! I am sure after school club is monitored carefully - well it was when our girls went. Imagine if Riley was there😮all the staff would resign.

    Maybe you did mention BIL feeding BR an entire pack of ham I must have missed it! No wonder he loves it your sister is quite right to ration it🙄

    Perhaps there are less ants😁 I like it I know what you mean about young people and the internet. I was really hoping it might settle but now there's so many sites with facebook, insta tiktok etc etc The admins seem to rarely get it right unlike the ones on here.

    A 3-hour haircut resulting in potentially being maimed for life????? I think not for me either, but they can do the hairwash that's it! I suppose they've got to learn, but not on us!

    The rain wasn't sooooo bad yesterday here there was some sunshine too I got outside and managed my walk remotely dry. Sounded ok with you I hope today is even better.

    Well you take care ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you today? All well in your world of recycling, composting (no bodies see Joan's post to me) and weeding. Yes you! a humble woman who does it all without any praise whatsoever 🙄 I'm saying nothing you understand anyway! It was the women praising them BTW thanks for asking my back is ok pretty well.

    I suppose bamboo does rot over time it is vegetable, but I hadn't thought of that either doh! I have been using those metal ones for the last few years. Yes vine weevil larvae yukky and they love eating bedding plants which is mostly what gets planted in the village tubs of course. But only when men have painted them will they look even half decent😂

    Love the google earth pic! Especially the frog helping the squigger! Adorable thank you☺️Kari 'saved' a dry frog yesterday found him some water I'll try and get a pic for you to see him.

    Our local plastic free shop (refills of all cleaning and washing products) used to recycle soft plastic but they don't now because you can take them to alfresco.

    I think I am going to get outside today - it looks much better out there so far hopefully no-one's husband showing off either😉

    vegan/non-vegan options....

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good Morning Everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you have a good day. Love to your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) Did you have the alarm on your phone yesterday mine was not on. Sorry about your canes breaking. Have a good day they say it will be warmer the beginning of May. A lorry comes and takes the plastic bags from our street.

    Barbara (()) I hope everything is going has well as it can for you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) yes it did say human bodies. How are you feeling today (()) is Lucy feeling better now (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) No I would not want my hair cut someone I did not know. Your paying you say what you want (()) love to your mum (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi everyone

    wppl xx

    good afternoon from the shuffleupagi lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I’m keeping posts short today as I had some shoulder pain yesterday so sorry if I don’t answer points properly

    stomach is still ok, oh thank you deity of gastric matters 🙏

    I’m also feeling well rested after hot shower and sleep 💤

    mums ok today thanks

    Slim - Jim that’s funny lol

    yes I had a bit of peace thanks

    I’ve worked out a new time and energy saving technique for me, shower fall asleep if tired, don’t get stressed about moisturising that can come later 👍👍

    Nice monster pic lol

    oh dear pure rain for you yesterday I’ll send you jelly sweets in choc sauce - well LA ordered me to lol😂

    he said I was playing football with my friend the fish memo lol

    i didn’t know I was a footballer ⚽️😂

    yes lot of social media rubbish around unfortunately

    bfn Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Joan

    how are you and Sue doing today?

    mum and I are ok thanks

    yes I let hairdresser know I didn’t want trainee- haircut, that was good advice thanks 👍

    I had to answer a security question which was “what is 4+ 5?” Lol

    i hope you both have a lovely evening

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    👋 toady 🐸

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,614
    edited 24. Apr 2023, 16:48

    Hi folks 👋 just a quick tea break ☕️.

    Not much news, damp & drizzly; 2 nice days together still seems too much to ask yet, eh, frog. All well otherwise, even if no gardening, just a bit of tidying indoors &c. I will look into alternative beanpoles 🤔 it will depend on how much I need them to be odd sizes and if a beanpole kit would be adjustable enough, don't see why not, looking at some of the options out there. Glad you liked the google doodle 😊 and how nice Kari could help the poor froggy, was it a right place at the right time thing? Anyway she was the right person, that's the main thing. Hope everything going well with her, shop-wise etc, is she doing coronation themed things? There is so much stuff out there isn't there 😬. Glad your back is not too bad & hope you have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hello joan, no I had my phone turned off at the govt alarm time, I heard for some people it went off slightly early, so even if you were prepared for the alarm, you wouldn't be expecting that! 😮. Did you read about the lady whose dog 'chose' a kidney donor for her on a beach in Wales, sounds odd put like that 😄 you do need the full story. quite remarkable! The plastic bag collection would be great round here, I wonder if it is something they'll bring in, there was talk of reforms to the types of bins & collections 🤔. I hope it will be warmer like you say and not too wet 👍️. Hope you have had a good Monday :) xx

    Quick wave back to bosh 👋. Never mind about doctor who, always better to say something than not because I do often manage to miss hearing about things that are on, so just mention stuff anyway haha I can soon check it out myself too 😀. You may not be miss Austen but anyone who can come up with a phrase like the ant of modesty is in a league of their own 😂. Hope you are having an ok day and no-one has left the volcano on (how very apt..). Nice to see the shuffleupagi again I had almost forgotten them! How could I. See you next time :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady

    rainy day here too mostly and unfortunately- still could’ve been a lot worse

    thanks I must admit the “ant of modesty “ was inspired by something I read, it was one of the Gabriel Garcia Marquez novels and he was making some kind of political statement and a character said “ don’t consume the pills of subversion” I thought this was really funny and even told my sis about it on phone, but being the humourless person she is, she just said “ there you go laughing at silly meaningless things again” lol, but we all need to laugh, goodness knows.

    Hope you had a good tea break bfn tc xx

    ps beware of the neighbours lol

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,235

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue today? Lucy isn't too bad at all. She's busy working and enjoying herself apart from the boss. She thinks the boss doesn't like her. Have a nice day maybe we'll all get some 🌞 ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I hope your shoulder is a bit better today.

    Love the baby about makes me think of BR😍

    Now that plan is good! There is no need to overdo it. If you need to rest before moisturising then you should listen to what your body needs. Let me know how it goes🤞

    I'm glad you had some 'me time' as they say while your parents went visiting. we all need space I think. Funny you should say but my stomach has been a little better this week so far too. Let's hope it stays that way.

    If you go to the group l hope it was a good session, if you did the course I expect your glad it's over.

    How is your Mum? Happy after seeing the family I expect and feeding Slim-Jim AKA BIL🤭

    Thanks for the jelly sweets! Prefect cure for any upset.

    Loved the Dinos their equivalent to us leaving the iron on or forgetting to lock the door😁

    Whatever you do today I do hope your day is good ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you doing?

    We had a slight frost today so maybe it will be better. I don't hold out much hope though 🙄Can't seem to upload my pics today so will try another day I do have a frog one but it's very small. My sister was definitely in the right place at the right time. She loves all wildlife

    You will sort out something for your beans I'm sure. You can always get more bamboo at least they are biodegradable I suppose not overly expensive. How long did the last lot last?

    Kari isn't selling anything 'coronation' but some of her arty 'tags' will no doubt be along those lines. She won't do those until the actual day though knowing her. There is so much stuff isn't there? It's rather mad.

    Youtube haven't paid her the tiny amount they should for their adverts being in the middle of her videos this month🙄

    I think it might rain....indoor work for us again today. I did the fridge yesterday 😮l know - shocking!

    Hope your day is good - oh yes when is the plumber coming again to help?

    Take care

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,252

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you have a happy pain free day (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day. Do you have caddy bins to put food in for compost I put orange peel and potato peel. What a clever dog. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) thinking about you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I don’t know why anyone would not like Lucy she’s good at her job (()) Are your aches and pains better (()) Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. Love to your mum (()) is she alright with her tablet’s now.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Good afternoon everyone

    wppl xx

    Welcome to the Tuesday vortex 😱

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    how are you all?

    I walked then mum wanted to go clothes shopping and out for cup of tea 🍵

    so I’ve just got back and about to have a shower 🚿

    So no group for me today

    will post again soon

    bfn all tc xx

    ps bill may have got wrong end of the stick / pat / purr - pak lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    im a bit tired but ok today thanks 🙏

    Mums not too bad today I think she’s feeling more settled with the new b pressure dose now thanks 👍

    I hope you both have a nice evening

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    what happened with L’s boss? Is the boss doing too much fault - finding or something like that?

    I hope things get resolved for L

    im ok thanks, a bit tired but ok 👍

    the course would’ve been tomorrow but I made an excuse and am going to the group tomorrow hopefully instead

    today I didn’t go to Tuesday group because mum wanted to go Text as you called it lol

    it was nice and she even got some Pyjamas for LA and BR aww

    we then had some tea outside which was nice too

    we went a bit later on in the day so it wasn’t crowded

    I think mum enjoyed going out which was good 👍

    it was the Text shop that’s not in town centre so less crowded and a bit cheaper too 😀

    Ive even found a toad green dress for our friend toady - see pic lol

    well more moss green really but at least I tried lol

    yes the not obsessing about moisturising technique seems to working actually so that’s good

    I think I’ll leave it there for now Toni

    I hope you have a great evening

    bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,351

    Hi toady

    How are you this evening?

    it was a busy day for me - mum wanted to go clothes shopping etc - but not a 5 hour affair like my sis once dragged me to lol

    it was nice and I’m v glad my mum got out of the house

    we also had some tea that wasn’t as good as VC tea - but well you can’t have everything- at least I only had sweetener in my tea and avoided the temptation of stirring in some ants 😂

    I understand about dr who info thanks👍

    I found a suitable dress for you - see post to Toni lol, more moss green than toad green really but I tried lol

    a nice dress by all accounts but maybe too much of a “statement dress” do wear when encountering the gasman lol.

    I was watching H’s Cat and the greedy feline went to a free dinner in a haunted house (maybe he’s related to bill? Lol) and had custard but a skeletal hand emerged from the yellow gloop and smacked his face! Well that’s one form of calorie- control lol, also a cupcake sprouted legs and ran off - maybe to retrieve his mask and hand sanitiser? I think it’s possible lol. Also a vampire bat sucked the raspberry jam from his doughnut, just shows no such thing as a free dinner - unless you count tomato juice and half -eaten doughnuts as dinner I suppose.

    did you like my vortex pic btw?

    good night toady bye tc xx

    ps another vortex- hopefully not the boilerman vortex 🤞xx