Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613
    edited 25. Apr 2023, 21:49

    Hello all 😊 late again but I went off to sleep round 6 for a couple of hours 😮

    This is probably on account of having done several Hard Things today (hard by my feeble standards lol), I have rung someone, written to someone, and seen two people 😱. Should be plumber tomorrow if all goes to plan, thank you frog, so it's a quick supper for me and off to bed - at least he has to go in far fewer rooms, so less tidying 👍️. It was very nice today here for me sorry if you had rain - tomorrow may be half decent. I have just bought some more garden pots 😬 in my defence some are just to replace 'frostbitten' ones. I also bought some seeds the other day including spinach as I mentioned to bosh, with that purchase I will get 2 free random packs of seeds probably veg, I guarantee now I will get parsnips or something I have no chance with 😂 I'll let you know. I have enough bamboo if I want to use that for my beans, but I'm also considering putting up another arch & using that in a semi-temporary way 🤔 it's a thought? might work ok. Well done getting some jobs done fridge etc ticking things off your list, too, aren't we being good 👼. Sorry to read in your bit to joan that Lucy & her boss don't get on that madly well, was her boss not the hirer then, or is she a middle-boss level person, shame for Lucy anyway as everything else is ok 😔. Nuisance about Kari's youtube money too 🙄 yes there is an awful lot of bandwagon selling for the coronation if anything has the faintest hint of red white & blue, or even some red white or blue, somewhere in it 😄. Have a good day tomorrow love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, I don't actually compost, as such, I have thought about it - what do you do with your peelings bins? 🤔 Nice day here today not sure about the rest of the week. May have the boilerman tomorrow quickly then nothing on my 'list', have a good day yourselves :) xx

    Hi bosh, I think I got sucked into the Tuesday vortex! 😱 had one of those not altogether nice sleeps this afternoon/evening but it couldn't be avoided, my eyelids were shutting. Your day sounds nice out with your mum I'm glad you both enjoyed it 😊 yes you can't expect ordinary tea to come up to special vc standards 😄. Marathon clothes shopping trips with sis in the past, yikes it always sounds more fun on paper than it is actually I usually just felt hot & stressed in the old days, one v good internet thing, not standing round a shop trying to decide. Glad you found some nice things in Text 👍️. I like the green of the frock that's a very nice colour (I even have toady green eyes, did you know 😉 true story) but I don't think I will greet the boilerman in it I'm sure he think I'm eccentric enough already 😂. He may be here tomorrow then that should be the last workman for a while. Hope you have a good group day tomorrow if that works out 👍️. Funny H's cat storyline, I have just got extra milk again today slight surplus so there may well be custard this week 👻 the govt haven't yet begun sending alerts for spooky custard to people's mobiles so I will just have to be on guard myself 😄. Have a good night :) xx

    Love to Barbara, Kitty and everyone who calls in 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Thanks toady

    good night to you too tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,233
    edited 26. Apr 2023, 05:15

    Morning Joan I suppose we can like everyone. Lucy loves the children though so we'll see how she gets on in time. One of her old managers who used to work at McDonalds saw her the other day and offered her a job where he now works. I'm not too bad atm how about you? I expect that leg is still very sore 😒 ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope your Mum is ok too🤞

    I am in the vortex 😮 how do those work almost spooky!

    See BIL above drinking his coffee? Is he still eating plenty of butter and lard?😁Soooo good for us all - not!

    I have a Text voucher you could have taken with you yesterday😉 The quality of the clothes there is good I always got clothes there for nephews and nieces. I bet LA and BR will look cute and am very pleased your Mum enjoyed herself too. Lovely frock for Toady I'd love to see her in it😁 I bet she wears green too🤔

    I'm glad you are going to the group today you get more out of that than the course. Good decision.

    Lucy has a super critical boss. she had been warned by a friend who did a placement there that she can be nasty.

    Oh my goodness I bet that's exactly how kids these days do 'tea parties'! That's brilliant.

    Morning Toady I hope you're well?

    I see the plumber is coming today. only two rooms isn't so bad I'm sure all will be done quickly and hopefully with minimum stress. Gosh all those people yesterday you had to interact with even if one was in writing😯I hope you have recovered?

    Parsnips or sprouts probably I can never achieve anything with them. Spinach is great, but you hardly get anything off each plant I have had successful harvests, but only managed two curries and it was all gone 😫

    New pots to replace damaged one is fine. Will they be able to overwinter in the cold frame in future maybe?

    Kari got her money yesterday she told me so all good.😊

    I think the boss is just nasty to be honest and maybe Lucy isn't the fastest worker? Well time will tell she has options as she has been offered a trainee managers job even if it is back in hospitality.

    We had a bit of fog this morning so maybe it will be a better day? Yesterday I did get out for a bit anyway. Went to supermarket with plastic for recycling too...enjoy your new pots and growing your spinach😊

    Have a good day!

    I think we all know who would love this!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,250

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) How are you I hope everything is going well there for you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I hope the plumber comes at the right time for you. We put our peeling’s in a kerb side caddy it’s emptied twice a week. I saw a fox in the garden yesterday evening. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) How are you and Mr B (()) and your family take care (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Have a good day. Some people will find fault with anyone. Lucy is a good worker (()) don’t let upset her (()) Sorry about Kari’s problem (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that was nice going shopping with your mum (()) that’s good your mum is feeling better (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613
    edited 26. Apr 2023, 16:40

    Hello everyone 😊

    All's quiet for a change, boilerman been & gone, all done & dusted (not dusted to Hyancinth Bouquet standard I don't suppose, but what passes for it 😂). Yes minimal disturbance thanks frog, & all's well, half a league onward 👍️. Can get on with some of my own odd jobs now, have started preparing the garden arch for if I do put it up as a bean structure, & finish some other little things. I said yesterday I'd bought pots, well I thought I had, but this morning the items were still in my basket which I thought odd 🤔 I'd had a thank you for order screen & a paypal email, but turns out my card payment had then been cancelled (no fault of mine) and no-one had told me, not the store or paypal 🙄. Had to put it all through again with another card; luckily all round, a discount code I used only expired today not yesterday. It will definitely help putting next year's pots in cold frame, yes, I should have brought them in this year there was just too much going on & stuff got neglected😔. My seeds have arrived, 2 free packets of chives 😂 I'm not short exactly but never mind, they'll be used and at least I don't have to grow parsnips after all haha. Yes growing spinach to use as a cooked veg is a thankless task, agreed, I just do a pot of 'beet perpetual' for salad really. I've had a bit of a reluctant epiphany for seeds after this year's problems - I should probably steer away from anything asking for warm temps, I just don't have the wherewithal (don't want to get into heated propagators &c really). Because I'm always late sowing things, & they come up ok then because warmer, I probably never realized (being a bit dim) that if I did start early, nothing would germinate anyway. Cue a rethink. Hope all's well with you today - fog this morning, really? ooer. Glad Kari got her funds and that's interesting about Lucy's offer, always v gratifying for someone to appreciate you enough to do that 😊. Have a good Thurs, hope you picked up a few nice things in the supermarket as well as doing your recycling :) xx

    Hello joan, I see about the kerbside collections thank you, obviously your collections are much better than here as you have the plastic recycling etc too. Don't have any options really unless I went in for proper composting like Toni. Mr Fox again? around quite a lot then lately, do you keep a look out or just happen to be there at the right time. Have a good Thursday - nothing booked up for me now, oh the plumber was prompt thanks and gone by 11 which was good 😀. xx

    Hi to bosh, hope your day and the group has been going ok 😊. Couple of things from yesterday I meant to say, I liked the anti-stress colouring book, that would be me 😂 I can't understand how anyone finds fiddly things relaxing, painting by numbers etc, obviously have all the wrong temperament. Also I was thinking back to your comment about mentioning the Marquez reference to your sis and 'silly meaningless things' being not on her wavelength (shame, think what she's missing). I was imagining yesterday that the boiler would be wondering why its father (aka boilerman) hadn't come to see it this time - "haven't you brought me anything? you brought me an expensive present [new spare part] last time, well I don't call this much of a visit!" 😂 I don't think boilers taking imaginary offence would go down well with your sis 😬 but half the stuff I think is along these lines 😂. Hope everyone else well today, will catch up with you soon 👋 :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346
    edited 26. Apr 2023, 16:40

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    im more than slightly frazzled but my mum got obsessed with something and basically didn’t let me sleep when I was on the verge of a most likely deep sleep and would’ve dropped off like the proverbial log 🪵🤷‍♀️

    so I’ve been traipsing from room to room like a homeless dinosaur but cooking has started now so I guess I need to wait for night time even though I went for a walk like a good anteater sorry, I mean ant - placer 🐜

    and now my feet are aching in a most unladylike manner , sorry JA lol

    ok I’ll stop complaining now, wouldn’t want to re - generate into our friend the reptilian dr who - only joking 😂

    i did go to group yes, bus both ways as dads car is being serviced, which was prob good for me, I did my 2 thermal jumpers and a thermal vest trick, so I managed to avoid wearing duvet - coat which always hurts my back and tires me, though of course when the temps get extreme we do unfortunately need to wear coats like these.

    how about you? Were you on the right side of the “coat issue” when you went out today?

    sorry about L’s boss, I’ve had several bosses like that, it doesn’t help matters does it? But bosses can change sometimes and also maybe she can look for another job when the time is right 🤗

    mums b sugar is ok thanks, but her and dad had another volcanic row again and I really wish she’d felt a bit calmer and had let me sleep - but anyway things could be a lot worse.

    Thanks I’m not sure how the vortex gifs work I just came across them by accident- they are a bit on the eerie side aren’t they? Lol

    Oh yes you’re right that’s bill again- it’s a good job he doesn’t know about VC - I may acquire a large dent in my halo if he ever finds out lol 😇

    LA thanks you for the Dino breakfast btw lol 👍

    Ok I’ll leave it there for now

    as mum is blowing up sporadically and I am tiredly hiding in cold room, well not that cold atm

    bfn Toni tc xx

    ps pic called Spinning the moon xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Good night toady

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,233

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue today? Well I hope. Shame Lucy is very sensitive and not having a partner tends to worry or overthink things too much so I fear she will leave after she's been at the nursery for a year. Not good to be unhappy is it? You take care and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi oh dear me your Mum stopped you sleeping?! She must have been worried about something to do that. I hope you slept well last night and feel a bit better today.

    Ah I see it was your Dad rowing 🌋 with your Mum which upset her bless her she must have been upset. Hope you are both ok today then.

    Can't have you wandering around like a homeless 🦕 Well done going for your walk. I managed mine too it was spitting but ok. I wore my slightly cooler coat so coped well with the odd temps we get at this time of year. I'm so glad you didn't need duvet coat mine is now hopefully away until Autumn at least. Well done going on the bus both ways better to teh group. Was it the one RR goes to?

    I think Lucy will have to leave the job, Reshmi, after she's done a year there she is just too unhappy. She's like me a bit of a ruminator so can lose sleep and appetite over this sort of situation.

    I also hope BIL never finds the café he would eat us out of house and home! and yes we would all be in trouble especially your halo😇🤭

    Now we know who made the moon and why wolves howl at it! Lovely pic.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady I hope you are well today.

    Lovely Plumber helping you and you are now leagues ahead that is fabulous!!

    Good job you spotted your payment had gone wrong in time to make use of the offer on your pots! Inside this year - not that I can talk I've lost one or two too and have a whole greenhouse😳

    Ah yes so your spinach will be for leaves in salads and the like. Not a bad idea this year with all the salad shortages. My Dad always grew our own I am not as good as he was but still love my own produce. My Dad could grow parsnips! and well almost everything! Not so me. I only grow what is successful for me

    It is lovely that Lucy's old boss wants her at his new place I think when she's done the year where she is she may move there. She is like me - a huge worrier and ruminator so it really isn't good for her to be unhappy.

    I only picked up a nice french stick in Al Fresco that was it. Mostly was off to teh eco shop really for refills of my washing up liquid etc..

    Have a good day

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,250

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to your carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) that’s good the boiler man came and everything went well. The fox lives under our next door neighbours shed. We’ve been her over 20 years and the plastic bags have been collected since before then the food caddy about 2 years. Have a good day I don’t know when the warm weather is coming.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I can imagine how Lucy (()) feels she’s not good enough for the job I bet the children love her. How are your aches and pains (()) have a good day and Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry your mum (()) and Dad (()) had a row I’m sure it was not your fault (()) have a good day take care

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi everyone

    Ive rested properly thanks fish -finger -deity 😂

    toady thanks for the custard 👍

    wppl xx

    ps just a peppa pig - coloured ( well almost) more elegant and hopefully more manageable Thursday vortex lol

    bfn xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613
    edited 27. Apr 2023, 13:18

    Hello all 👋

    Tired cold and grumpy today, bit of a lethal combination for toads 😬 a cup of tea will sort me out hopefully. Very dull today, doesn't help when you can't see what you're doing, or not doing, in my case. Poking lethargically at a couple of chores but thankfully don't really have to do anything. Hope you are having an ok day frog, weather not too horrible, not too many jobs. Yes I quite see Lucy's perspective on her job and how she would be happier elsewhere, not nice to have situations at work bring you down, it happens too much - one of my very cross-making things, no-one should have to have someone else spoil a job for you 😕 (and so much worse goes on of course, long gone is the day when you took for granted the fire service &c as an unimpeachable body of people 🙄). Have posted some more tulips, with so little else to show for this year 😂 but all salad is doing quite well so I will indeed be applying myself to a bit more of that sort of thing and a bit less to the more temperamental type of seed. Hope best kept village stuff is going ok and anything else coronation-related (will there be a nice tea? 🍰 I quite liked a cake stand in em & ess (can't remember the proper cafe codename for that shop), even though I would never use such a thing 😂 ..until I saw the range had dogs on it, in party hats and leaving half chewed sandwiches on the floor, dear me no. And someone complained it was just a general celebratory design nothing about the coronation so not commemorative really, which was a fair point). That cat picture is very strange isn't it 😮 mind you I saw an article with a pearly king and a little mouse mascot, for a minute I really did think it was a real pet 'pearly mouse' 😄. Have a good day (& you've reminded me I have a part-cooked baguette to use up so lunch may be that and my last tomato 😂). How's the little froggy? xx

    Hello joan, oh the fox is a resident then really, that's nice 😀. Would love something different here, a squirrel or a hedgehog. I never saw the little toad again even. The birds are all fine though. Not a nice outdoors day today; as you say, no warmth about yet is there really. Have a nice afternoon :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope you are still in a good place buoyed up with a bit of fish-finger/custard energy 😄. Don't tell LA that the cost of a home-made cheese sandwich has 'soared by more than a third' according to the news 😱 bad times! Catch up with your news later I expect :) 👋 xx

    Tulips (again 😉), Copper Image and Purple Prince. I think 🤔

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I eventually caught up on sleep about 10.15 am today thanks 🙏

    so it took time but I got there👍

    The misunderstanding with mum was cleared up eventually too👍

    bill accidentally sent me text about some cheap alphonso mangoes he was going to buy online lol

    online mangoes? He does come up with some strange ideas lol

    he could just walk to shop

    he might burn off half a calorie lol 😂

    mums ok today thanks

    my stomach also hasn’t been too good

    I’m not sure if it’s fully better yet

    but taking it easy today

    hows your own stomach?

    ok bfn tc xx

    ps rose coloured glasses lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi again Toni

    sorry I didn’t really read back properly just now

    so just picked up on a few points

    that’ll be good when L looks for new job👍

    great that both her parents are supportive of that too 👍

    I did the job at unnamed college for years I was really unhappy in it but my dad put a lot of pressure on me and I didn’t seriously look for a new job until Id just had the stomach ulcer then I thought “ what in the name of vegan cheese sandwiches do I have to lose now?” as it were lol

    mum was supportive of course she always is 😀

    I see L is a worrier like you and I bless her 🤗

    RR group was yesterday yes, he’s changed his unhealthy ways allegedly, he says he’s lost weight by having a plethora of giant choc buttons for breakfast instead of brownies- okaay RR - I will believe anything you say 😂

    he has in fact gained a bit of weight but I wasn’t going to point that out of course, I did almost throw a bowl of Ch**Rio’s in his direction but LA would’ve quite rightly scolded me for wasting food lol

    Thanks about the walk

    Oh yes RR also said he was a childcare expert because he looked after his niece and nephew for one or two days about 25 years ago! What!? It’s like me saying I’m a professional seamstress because I made a garment in school the stitching of which fell apart in the time of the T - Rex / Cretaceous period or whatever it was called lol

    LA’s birthday is in June and he wants Noel and cake - licker Riley there! Oh dear. Not sure what’s happening yet, maybe they could gate - crash Big Ella’s soirée instead? They’d have to supply the ants though🐜

    but hopefully not the nits! 😱

    ok bfn Toni tc xx

    ps Apple - sculpture pic (not made in California lol) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi toady

    sorry you’re having a grumpy day

    mine wasn’t that great either but def better than yesterday as I got enough rest mid morning- ish thanks 👍

    Lovely pics btw

    my stomach was / possibly is not 100 % plus not great deal of food in the house so I was careful with food but did have a 5 pm - ish R Brek in desperation as I was so hungry by then, the prob with my stomach is that it’s issues often don’t manifest themselves properly until night time so I guess it’s a fingers crossed situation really 🤞

    Felt sorry for M in group yesterday, not second M, the nice M, who had diabetic son, she’s gained a lot of weight, it’s mainly due to her meds, I believe, but doc was was quite nasty to her in the way he told her to lose weight, but as I mentioned to her, certain MH meds - like the one used to be on - increase a person’s appetite for food dramatically and there’s not really a lot a patient can do about it, sad to see really and I know how society treats very overweight women, having been one for so long, of course men too (but I’m obviously just talking about what I know) this was the point when RR said “lose weight by having a whole W Wonka’s factory- sized portion of milk choc for breakfast” - he’s just a few celery sticks short of salad, don’t you think? Lol

    Well I’ll go for now toady bye tc xx

    ps another Apple / Sam**g sculpture with “Alician” under / over tones lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    mum and I are ok thanks 🙏

    thanks for the nice comment about the row

    bye tc xx

    Ps apple sculpture xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613

    Quick wave to bosh 👋 ..I thought that checkerboard apple was just a clever pic or some artwork when I first read your post on my phone, but now I'm on the laptop I can see it's real isn't it 😮 omg. Talk about patience, when I was saying I didn't even have enough for colouring in (not to mention a steady hand!). Amazing 😍. Glad group was ok-ish even if there were a few tricky moments with RR etc, yes a shame for nice M's doc to be quite so heavy-handed round the subject of weight loss 🙄 not a simple matter is it, things affect metabolism as well as appetite, steroids for inflammatory people can have the same effect can't they, anyway there are better ways & worse wys to talk to patients 😕. Hope your own stomach has settled after the R Brek, I'm much the same in that probs with mine manifest at night so can only try & avoid things I know will come back to haunt me at 2am 👻 and just fingers crossed, yes. I saw your comment about bill's cheap mangoes text, he moves in mysterious ways 😂 could be worse I suppose. It should have been walk to postbox night for me but I've backed out and will go off early I think, definitely down a few walks lately unlike you & Toni, and Joan walks the dogs, I am the black sheep of the cafe 🐃. Must try harder. Thanks about the pictures, it's about all that hasn't failed in the garden this year 👍️ will keep trying. Have a good night hope it's a settled one :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,233

    Joan you are right children always love Lucy. She loves them too she is really sweet with them. Her infection has come back so she's back on antibiotics again ::) How Is Sue Joan is she doing ok? Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope nice and rested. Hope your Mum is well too? My stomach is as iffy as ever hope yours isn't too bad today?

    I can imagine your Mum being supportive of you when you were unhappy at work I can also imagine your dad wanting you to just put up with it. What caring parent wants that for their child? If it is making you really unhappy it's not good for you is it? Definitely both of us want Lucy to be happy - after all work is a significant part of our lives.

    Us ruminators must stick together.

    Those apple sculptures! They are incredible! I imagine they have to be done super quickly too before they go brown. Wow.

    Aha so RR was there another slim-Jim like BIL!!! Of course! the chocolate button diet. Works a treat - not🤣 Bless him I suspect he genuinely believes he is losing weight you are kind to keep the obvious gain to yourself.

    LA will undoubtedly have his two mischievous friends at his party in June, but (very very importantly) the cake must be kept under cover and protected at all times😮Maybe Big Ella could be security? B.E.S Big Ella's Security. I think that could work.

    Ah another idea💡 RR could be the party host for the event of the year! With his childcare experience😂

    Sorry I will behave now.

    Have a good day and take care.

    Morning Toady - it's raining but other than that i am ok. I hope you are too? Not too tired/grumpy? I think the two can go hand in hand unfortunately.

    Ideally I still want another coat of paint on the cart🙄please switch off the rain.

    Still the weeds will love it. the birdies are making quite a noise outside and the buns are at the bottom of the garden doing their thing - playing🐰🐇

    Your tulips are lovely😊really pretty great colour combination.

    I agree we should grow what we can and what we like rather than 'flog a dead horse' Horrible expression that when you think about it🤨but you know what I mean.

    Lucy will have to change jobs I think if things don't improve. Bless her it's not good to be stressed when you have epilepsy. On a positive note Charley has started on the lung ward and is loving every minute of it😊

    Yes a village gathering is happening here for the coronation - any excuse for a party with this lot! What about where you live?

    Let's hope today is a good one for us all. 🐾 🤞

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,250

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day thinking about you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good day it’s Bank Holiday this weekend. It’s good you had your roof fixed all the rain we are having. I read where a black bird and his family got into a couple’s loft and made a good mess with the cladding. Lovely tulips.

    Barbara (()) thinking about you and your family (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry you have tummy problems (()) yes Lucy needs a job she is happy with she shouldn’t be that worried to upset her Epilepsy (()) Have a good Bank holiday. good luck to Charley (()) and her new job. I Hope Paul is well (()) Thank you Sue is well now she had a bug but she feels better now. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope your tummy feels better today (()) sorry I didn’t know you had a tummy ulcer (()) love to your mum (()) have a good Bank holiday take care.

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,250

    Sorry Toady it was a jackdaw not a blackbird.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Toni toady and Joan

    sorry got busy with stuff but I’m ok

    so is mum thanks 👍

    see you on the other side of mxt

    bfn tc xx

    ps is toady a secret canine?? See pic Lol x

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,613

    Hello folks 😊

    It feels like Saturday, surely there's some mistake I cannot make it be a Friday whatever I do 🤔. I suppose at least I get another Saturday, sort of. It was a passable sort of day, bit of rain overnight and black/overcast for some of the morning but cleared up nicely and not as cold, definitely. Hve just been doing odd jobs, and less tired, so less grumpy thank you frog 👍️. Any rain stoppage for you, any chance of cart-painting?🤞Not up to speed with all the things that may be going on around here for the 6th, at first glance there's a less than enticing indoor local thing advertised (3 spelling mistakes in 3 lines 🙄 very classy) but in any case no hobnobbing for me and I doubt v much my immediate lot in this road will do anything but have a back garden something or other for themselves 🍻 🥂. Glad to hear the buns are frolicking and I love that latest one in pancake form, may have to try it 😂. I have been multi-seed-sowing because at this point may as well chuck things in in quantity and see what I get. Yes I was actually thinking of the phrase you mentioned the other day and how we say it despite it being horrid, not the only one of course by far. I am pleased with the tulips 😊 and how they look with the salvia (you helped me decide on something in that line, if you recall 👍️). Glad Charley is enjoying her work, and Lucy will carry on coping with hers hopefully especially if she can think in terms of it not being forever that can help - sorry about the dratted infection though 😕. Hope it can got properly shot of this time. How is your friend + doggies, will she go to the caravan this Bank Hol? Have a good weekend yourselves, love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, I looked up the jackdaw story, I was pleased to read they have a sensible plan what to do so the eggs & chicks will be ok 😊. That is quite a mess though 😬. Yes the less rain the better here there are still bits of roof I don't entirely trust, but it's sound at the problem bit I had, touch wood. Have a good weekend :) xx

    Good luck to bosh with the mxt & beyond 👍️ see you when you are next in. I would be better off as a low-flying owl don't you think, doesn't sound like a good place to be a lost chihuahua 😬 . Glad your mum is ok today hope everyone else is too 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    mum is ok thanks

    Thanks but don’t worry my ulcer was a long time ago 😀

    im ok thanks just v tired after mxt

    hope you both have nice evening bye tc xx

    ps funny sign pic lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,346

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    no need to behave, I don’t lol😂

    BES - big Ella security - I like that idea 👍

    she is also nutrionist extraordinaire nicknamed Broccoli Endive Spinach (another BES) lol

    mums ok thanks

    im v tired after mxt but otherwise ok thanks

    sorry I know this isn’t a lot of info but I’m pretty shattered now

    have a good evening and night Toni bye tc x