Val's Cafe
See what I have to put up with ???!!!
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Hi Toady, yes i had heard about Paul’s lost guitar.
i know where it is! Sssshh don’t tell anyone.
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After dark it all comes alive.
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Hi Toni
how are you?
it is indeed horrendously hot and humid isn’t it?
that toady - is she high on excess rich tea biccies again? Lol.
mum is ok thanks
I’m going to try and write things in order of importance now
otherwise someone will distract me and I’ll forget
psychiatrist phoned me today,
I am going to back old dosage of lithium- so he’s increased the dosage again - it’s such a relief to me Toni,
he said I can start new dosage tonight 👍👍
Guess what? I was interrupted again
i should be feeling normal soon
im so sorry no time or energy to elaborate now
it’s been a terrible day
arguments about the fan etc
👋toady Keef Joan
I hope you all have an ok night bye tc xx
ps my sister’s latest designer dress lol xx
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Hi all 👋
Running a bit late as I had a late grocery delivery slot and it puts me out all day then - and it's getting dark early omg 😱 these last couple of nights it's fine one min then it just drops 😕.
Sleek was a great help again frog and yes (like me) she does attach the pegs to herself, I wonder if the shortage is down to her forgetting and coming back to you with a few still here and there in her fur 🤔 if you find a few orange and purple ones among yours, she can pop them back over to me next visit - there's a doughnut in it for her 😉. Everything was there in my shopping, the poor driver went to the wrong house first & start unpacking; I'd seen the van stop short & back up a bit, I assumed he had his reasons. He said nothing when he turned up and of course neither did I. Have just popped out to do a last spot of painting - caught (of course) by the dog walker so had to exchange a pleasantry or two 😬. As you can see, dear Mrs B was helping me out the back this morning, minding the ladder for me and generally overseeing things.
Yes there were no blueberry pics were there, sounds like you would have had to be fairly quick with the camera 'while stocks last'! I did get some plums they are not at the eating stage so may end up cooked, we'll see. Very hard to draw the line with controlling sawfly etc 🤔 I agree with your nematode dilemma, if you take it a step further then (for example) you could argue you should discourage ladybirds and beneficial insects otherwise you are wilfully importing little assassins - where would it end?? Hope you have had a good day despite the heat, yes quite happy here, and if I can have it like this in my microclimate it would suit me to a ☕️ it would indeed save everyone else and no-on would have to put up with me grumbling all winter 😀. Sorry about the sp***er talk, as the littley mafia would no doubt say, 'it's not just me miss, he (keef) is doing it as well' 😂 ok I started it. Have a good day tomorrow we will all have to split ourselves between Joan and keef's appointments, I expect we'll manage! :) xx
Hello joan, no that spider was not the one from the other day 😱 if I had had that spider in my hair I would still be having hysterics 😂 ugh. Hope you have had a good day not too hot for you - all the best for your appointment, we will be coming with you, we might have to watch our timing as we have to go with keef too - but with your surgery so near, it should all work out 👍️. There are not many gps left at mine from when I went there first, if any 🤔. Have a good night :) xx
Keef, that ceiling spider 😱 did you absolutely have to, after all I've been through this week 😂. Ok that would not be on my shopping list but those cushions would, they're great, I didn't see them at 'TK'. And I love that the gargoyle's eyes light up. Gothtastic 😀. Any party rings left by any chance? Still a good biscuit even if they have toned all the bright colours way down 🙄. All the best for tomorrow🤞xx
Hope bosh is ok and just a bit wilted by the heat, hopefully the nettle spores have not got you surrounded somewhere and are holding you hostage 🌱😱 - find out their demands we will get the ransom sorted for your release 👍️ see you soon :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Late ps, have spotted you now bosh, just a lightning hello 👋 & thank you for the wave, will see you tomorrow, v good luck with the new dosage :) xx
night all 😴 xx
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Had a really good osteo appointment, she absolutely sorted my neck and had a go at my back too, very carefully as she said after reading my mri report a while back she couldn’t do anything as it was too dangerous. I got home and Sucré came home an hour or so later. 30 minutes after being home he cracks me under the chin with an accidental upper cut and jarred my whole body, and my neck is completely stuffed again. Took some tram but it’s not even touched it. Anda has banned him from sitting on my lap which he isn’t very happy about. Walking around very carefully now as every tiny step hurts. ☹️
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Sorry Toady, couldn’t resist. 😁
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Morning everyone!
Good luck for this afternoon Joan I hope you at least find out what is wrong and at best they have a plan about what to do about it 🤞I hope the practice appreciate their long-term 'customers'!! 1980! Wow😁 Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
I hope no arguments about the fan today for you and that you are less tired.
Very good news about the Psych appt that is great. I am sure you'll be feeling much better soon and hope no-one will fiddle with the does without psych approval from now onwards.
There had better be no arguments over the fan today. It needs to stay on and facing BOSH!!! My orders! You tell 'em I said so😉
I think you might be right about Toady and the biccies.... her drug of choice😁
Take care and feel better soon ((()))
Oh Keef😕
Oh dear me. Can you see the Osteo ASAP? Get it put right again. Poor poor you and poor Sucré too he would never have wanted to hurt his beloved Daddy😕
You were so upbeat yesterday too. I am gutted for you.
I love Loanda's haul it's just fabulous it really is. If you can get a night time pic I'd love it too. Don't ask for much do I?!!
The cushions are gorgeous. Out of interest does it all stay out all year or does she just love Hallowe'en? Tell her how much we love it won't you.
Take it easy today and if you can reschedule that osteo appt for sooner if it's safe??? ((()))
Morning Toady How are you today? Another hot one? Definitely it will be!
Sleek will be over - she is sulking a bit because we are going to Goodwood revival (not dressing up this year though it's just too hot) in the motorhome for the weekend. I am not too keen either - motorhomes hold the heat a bit too much!
Orange and purple pegs? I will have a look. I had better check her ickle house too in case she has taken a liking to them....🤨
Keef is definitely doing sp***r talk and pics too and my niece in law tried to show me a video of a huge one she found in her house...shudder!
It was a bit too hot for me yesterday mainly as I had to go out at night outrageous don't you think? It was the Best Kept Village Community award ceremony indoors and it was hot. We weren't even placed. Last year 2nd and the 2 previous years first. Not enough support here I'm afraid just me and two ladies in their 80s one in her 70s.
We must try to sort you out your own little microclimate if we can. It would be perfect for you.
Look at Mrs B! She looks adorable. Sleek is peeking over my shoulder and said 'Thatz my frend'
I know what can I do? Idid think about introducing predators I've done that in the past with major greenfly invasions. Baby ladybirds blimey they can eat! but I felt so guilty!
Ah well maybe just live with nature buy pest resistant plants/🌱 when possible....
Have a lovely day I know you will and yes maybe stew the plums with some custard😋
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) thinking about you. Take care love to everyone
Toady (()) sorry your shopping went to the wrong house. Do they carry your shopping in doors. Sainsbury’s bring ours in. I’ve seen Asda leave shopping on the doorstep. Have a good day you have a lot of helpers. I thought the spider had made your house his own.
Barbara (()) Have a good day. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sue likes the hot weather she would like it all year round. I don’t like it too hot. How is your friend doing it’s good she has the dogs for company (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Keef (()) I hope you have a good appointment (()) thinking of you all.
Reshmi (()) you are doing well (()) love to your mum (())
Julie (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
Had to cancel this morning, head/neck too bad. Can hardly walk, every movement of body makes me wanna throw up. Can’t type anymore. Hope everyone okay. Wppl if pos.
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Hi all 👋 I was checking in to see if keef had accidentally on purpose locked himself into his bunker but really sorry to in fact see the appts are off anyway 😕 poor you that was so unfortunate. Hope you feel better soon that is a really mean turn of events 🙄 take care xx
Morning frog, I have been outdoors at one end of things or the other according to where the shade is. Painting coming on nicely this bit of hot dry weather has truly been vital, have got further than I expected to 😊. Back in now for tea and bics, it's ok no-one need lock the biccie barrel I know when to stop 😉. Cold choc digestives out of the fridge today. It does look pretty hot for the weekend for you 😬 unless you score the thundery showers bit that might be around on the Sunday, hope it's not off the scale, there isn't really a cool side of a campervan like a house as you say. Sleek is a bit put out too, yes 😾 we are finding 'things to do', will try & cheer her up. Oh dear, sorry about best kept village 😕 but without the numbers what can you do, it makes it not really a level playing field too, how can it be. Hope you are having a good day and no-one has shown you any ghastly videos, I mean no, pics are bad enough 😱 hope you didn't get a glimpse. Last night's theme was moths, all round the kitchen in battalions, from having a small window an inch open 🙄 and a daddylonglegs, so yes, it's that time. Ugh. Thank you for the pegs back, did you find anything else in Sleek's ickle house I wonder? Friday tomorrow already, bins out tonight, ah well best be grateful, definitely not the weather for a bin backlog. Hope everyone well :) xx
Hello joan, plenty of time for a pot of tea before your appt ☕️. It was probably more embarrassing for the driver that he went to the wrong place, he did look quite new, still not sure how he could get the wrong house number they're not that similar. They would bring the shopping in if you ask - I have a system and transfer it all into crates, never takes long but I much prefer it if you don't get a driver that hovers over you waiting for the empty trays back. Do Asda still pack in bags? surely couldn't leave individual items on the step. Thank you for that frightful thought about certain creatures making the house their own 🤨 and no, not even if they made themselves useful, many hands might make light work but 8 is too many & yes I have enough help already 😄. Hope your afternoon goes ok and not much waiting and definitely no cancelling when you get there! xx
Hi bosh, didn't have time to type much last night, hope your night was ok though I know it wouldn't be ideal - how soon would you notice any difference from your new meds dose, as you're starting them straight away? Glad the psych has sorted this out for you and are being competent by the sounds it gives you more confidence. Do hope not too many fan fights today, ironic if it's hot enough for fans it should be too hot for people to fight 🙄. Plenty of nice cool cafe corners anyway and iced tea if wanted. Have there been anyway repercussions from the after school lego incident? Not really the sorts of tendencies for a future orthodontist to have is it, perhaps not the right career after all 🤐. See you later maybe 👋 :) x
Love to everyone thinking of Barbara, Kitty and any past regulars; hope everyone ok in the heat 🤞xx
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Feeling very slightly better but head still sore and not up to going out. Heard posty earlier. New arrival …..
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Hi toady
how are you?
don’t worry I’ve been worse
was just heat and family misunderstandings
I booked a lithium b test at gps’ - it almost killed me lol
bye for now, very tired tc xx
ps bills new designer look apparently lol
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Hi Toni
how are you today?
I love the pic of the cow made of food lol
mum is ok today thanks
she had a kidney doctor phone appointment and the doc said no need to change meds or dosages now - she’s doing ok - thank goodness
im feeling better today thanks as was able to go for a walk today as stomach has finally fully settled down
Went to cost a packet, it was very much tropical in there, but still a welcome change of atmosphere and a tiny break from the arguments
the fan dispute began as my right leg and foot still hurt a bit sometimes, I think it’s probably bad mattress etc, nothing too bad, may benefit from seeing the physio, but I can’t be bothered with trying to get a referral right now to be honest, I just asked my mum if I could turn off fan for just a sec, she misunderstood and blew her top, so I went upstairs for a while, sweating buckets of liquid methotrexate and goodness knows what lol, but never mind, these things happen.
I started new dose yesterday, feeling ok so far thanks Toni 🤗
its such a relief about my stomach Toni, I was in so much pain
toady’s drug of choice, I like that , lol
i think the weather is meant to cool down on Sunday
i really hope so
it’s like we’ve ordered so many A/Z packages mother (or father - I’m all for equality, lol) nature has decided we need to live in the relevant rainforest too, how very humid and ookey of her / him.
hope you’re having a nice evening Toni bye and tc xx
ps gus the shiitake mushroom and pals apparently lol xx
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Hey Toni, does that food count as vegan or veggie, coz after all, you’re eating a cow??!!!
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And it stays out all year, we have no where else to put it lol.
stay tuned for night time pic later.
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Hi Keef
sorry to hear your head is still sore
nice photos
bye and take care x
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Hi toady
how are you today?
I started the new med dosage yesterday
I guess it would take a week to see the effect
because psychiatrist said he needs a blood test done in a week’s time, but I only got appointment for 21 st , other dates were all booked
not feeling too different yet, but really just relieved, as old dosage - that is basically the current one - worked for me so well
but thanks so much for asking about it 🙏
in this house everyone fights whatever the temperature 🤷♀️
LA was told off but he worships fellow mafia members Lorenzo and Marco, so unless someone puts some sedatives in the lasagne, I’m not sure when he’ll calm down really, lol.
BR is the orthodontist apparently lol, but it’s difficult to keep track of their many professions i know, even for mima.
LA has copied his dad and has started to say very moodily, “ I’ve only got two hands” whenever he’s asked to do something, for example,
When mum asked him to pass the remote control, he had one hand free and another clasping a little cup of squash - LA’s drug of choice- to paraphrase Toni, lol - but he exploded and said in a very angry “adulk” type of tone - the two hands statement haha.
i found some mushroom toys in your honour in a previous pic
if the nettles capture me I will indeed request a rescue from you in morse code, but that’s only a last resort, just in case bill eats all the psychic paper, he claimed he thought it was rice paper, but then again he’s only got two brain cells, lol, don’t tell anyone though, especially online, I know your the fungus of discretion, as it were.
have a good evening toady tc xx
ps pic of Lisbon, Portugal
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
im not too bad thanks
mum is ok too
have a good night bye tc xx
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Hi bosh, well it's a bit hot even by my standards, I think I may have overdone the cosmic thermostat myself this time 😳 as you say it's on the turn now so I suppose it'll go straight to 19 degrees again, no happy medium, what's the matter with a nice 22 or 23. Still it's your turn so fair's fair. Good point about A/Z, clearly I have not shopped enough at the land of rice to balance matters 🤔 will perform an experiment at my earliest convenience 👍️. Sorry to have mixed up the littleys' professions haha yes it is a bit like one of those novels with 100s of characters, and some of them aren't even who you thought they were at the end. This is much more fun though 😀 good to know BR isn't at risk of being debarred or whatever from dentistry. Oh dear the influence of Lolenzo and Larco is still just as potent then 😬 yes hard to see that wearing off any time soon. I've Only Got Two Hands is quite amusing lol but then again so are a lot of things when you aren't on the receiving end, not much fun for your sis if she's getting that in stereo from bill too (I guess he does need a free 'kangaroo' hand at all times 😄 sorry bill). Those mushrooms are cute 😀 and I love 'the fungus of discretion' lol 😂, I will adopt it myself as a useful bon mot credit to the author ofc. Hope things are ok with your mum & yourself now and HV is relatively quiet - thanks for explaining about your meds and hope the bloods go ok now you've wrestled an appointment out of them, main thing is you're happy about the change it's always horrid if you & professionals aren't on the same page as they say. Have as good a night as poss🤞xx
Night to everyone hope you have a better day keef 👍️
I'm just going to leave this light bulb on 💡in the hope it will draw the moths away, I've already had a quite large one in my hair this evening, what is it with everything and my hair 🙄
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Morning Everyone
It's hot here right enough and the midges are biting. They git Paul as soon as we arrived before he even plugged hhe electricity in!
Morning Joan. How did you get on yesterday? What did thr Dr say? Sue can move in next door to Toady! We can keep it hot there all year round😂
That's one of the dachs swimming in the pool. I'm afraid she's put the weight back on....
Morning Keef
I am so sorry you has such a huge set back glad to ser things improved slightly during the day though.
Cars and vintage bikes here everywhere you'd love it. I am hoping my walking poles will be enough. My back is already iffy. We shall see.
That book is beautiful really lovely Anda must be thrilled with it.
Take care ((()))
Morning Reshmi
How are you doing? All well here so far will need factor 50 today and that green spray to keep the midges off.
Glad your mum's meds are staying steady. The Dr must be pleased with her. Your stomach too ot was going on a long time so very painful.
Silly blow up about the fan. Oh dear I Hope your Mum realises know what you actually meant🙄
Upstairs is always hotter. The very last thing you need.
Your new dosage is OK so far. I am so glad. You will feel much more yourself again👍
Love thr mushroom family they are adorable 😍
It is hot but tomorrow will be very very hot indeed I think. Today we will sit down and watch the racing I hope. I've brought my book in case it's boring 🥱
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady
I hope you are OK?
Ots cool this morning the art will be covering all windows before the sun hits I think. Windows open now fly screens down.
Aha I see you have the biccie addiction 'under control' do you? I've heard that before😅😅😅
Sleek been over? Is she still muttering? Yes keep her busy she'll be fine. Plenty of jobs. She likes it in the shade when it's hot. I do miss her terribly ah well.
Tia will see her fed properly.
I found plenty in her ickle house all now safely returned to their rightful owners. She is a bit of a magpie!
I've told her to take any ripe Tom's over to you? Hope thats OK?
Moths? Yes I rescued one here too last night and two flies in spite of the fly screens 🙄
Oh dear daddy long legs season too?
Heaven help me!!!
Enjoy this weather xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your family
Toady (()) Asda leave those red baskets on the door step you take them in and leave the empty ones outside. No you don’t need any lodgers in your house. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your family.
Toni (()) Thank you for thinking about me. I have to have a steroid injection in my hip I don’t know where has its artificial. The Doctor knew because he said it was nearly 30 years old. And I have to have an appointment for the Orthopaedics. And our flu and Covid injection is booked for the end of September. Sorry to go on. We are going to town. Have a good time. Thank you for the photo of the Dachshund lovely. Love to Paul (()) and your family (()) and friends (())
Keef (()) I’m sorry you have so much pain (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Good afternoon everyone
wppl xx
im also putting a down payment on a poem, as toady says lol
bye for now tc xx
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