Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 10. Sep 2023, 21:12

    'Lo bosh 👋 I didn't get caught in the rain thanks, not even the 'lovely rain' as you described it to Toni, not a word I'd use lightly haha. I haven't been out really except into the garden in the bits when it wasn't doing anything. If it's going to be humid and drizzly on & off I can expect the hair frizz that the fairy godmothers saw fit to gift me in their wisdom 🙄 not even all the hair conditioner sachets that may have been spared the bonfire will help me then 😄. I hope you get on ok on Tues, was that the appointment you wanted or was it a case of 'terribly busy all booked up might just fit you in' like it sometimes seems to be where you go. Anyway on the subject of rain thank you for remembering to fish out the name of the song 😀 I will check it out and see if it rings any bells. Sorry that HV has been rumbling, shame there isn't a weather warning type app for that and you could maybe take evasive action 🤔. I did laugh about what you said about LA evicting you from your own home, a not impossible prospect I imagine if he put his mind to it 😱 😂. Thanks btw yes it wasn't the day I might have chosen in the end to go out & see people, and wasn't a bad day in itself, quiet here no mowings no DIY and no-one daring to laugh in their own garden 😂. There was some sort of party a few doors up last night though, fireworks & all, and that horrible music where the beat speeds up so you feel your pulse is going to go up in time with it 😬 I have no idea how people listen to it at close quarters. It wasn't loud here, just you couldn't quite tune it out either so put headphones on. Anyway I got some things done today and it gave me time to work on some new nosegay listings. I have more things up now than I have had for a while so cross your fingers and I may indeed be able to afford Madagascan vanilla custard in bulk for the cafe 😂. Plenty of room in introvert's corner although logically I suppose we should take it in turns haha. Maybe two people is not too peopley, I promise not to time the gaps between sips of tea and tell you about it 😂 verily an odd conversation! Have a good night :) xx

    Love to everyone and goodnight all 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi all, quiet cafe day for me today. Will catch up with you all tomorrow. Woke up with worse neck pain but managed to spend some quality if very slow and careful time with Sucré today before he and Anda left for nan nans. He’s going through the ‘No I can do it myself!!!’ stage atm and no one is allowed to help. I sat out in bunker for half hour after they left but too much pain to play.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 11. Sep 2023, 05:49


    I'm home and it's soooooo much cooler here😊

    Hi Joan gosh I am sorry only tesco left once you lose your M&S that's bad. Went past the turning for Swindon on our way home yesterday and thought of you both. It was a it uncomfortable on teh way home yesterday, but at least it was cool enough! Most cats can swim but hate water. That one loves it! I am going to peep in on his session saturday - caturday?!!! Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I hope your back is a little easier today and your Mum's BS is nice and steady in the ideal place.

    Absolutely lie down in 'LA's' bed I would, but never, ever tell him, (don't leave your medal in 'his' room either by mistake) That Tiny Tyrant will have you living in a tent in the back garden before you know it! 🎪

    I'm glad there were no serious injuries. Well of course BIL would need some sweeties himself to get over the trauma of his boys hurting themselves🙄🤣

    I felt like we were in Spain this week (Lovely Valencia pic ta) it's been so hot. Glad it's 'broken' now though. Much easier to breathe. My Oxygen sats were very low over the weekend I bet everyone's were.

    Such a shame neither of our stomachs like mushrooms when we both love them...woe is us! I am pretty sure onions and garlic also cause trouble, but they go in most things I cook so who knows. I'd have to eat rice cakes for a month to find out and i can't face the thought of that.

    Hoping for a cooler day you take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Oh dear you know all the news from next door. They are not ones to shy away from airing their dirty linen in public are they?😯

    They shout even when they are just feet away from each other not over the road. Painting windows does indeed have it's advantages when it comes to face recognition😉shhh!

    Sleek loves a bit of goss.

    She is a happy girl again now insisting that Tia hardly fed her at all and the only thing she's had are a few biccies at yours. There is of course quite a lot of evidence to the contrary, but I'm saying nothing....

    It would have been awful to go out yesterday. The rain was torrential absolutely even if the sun did come out afterwards the glare would have hurt your eyes. Probably done permanent damage.

    Another nasty dream last night along similar lines too...hmmm must google it. Not that I really believe that sort of thing. Pain slightly less, but I rested more yesterday while Paul watched the racing in the rain🤭

    I love your gargoyle! He's a smasher! He needs a scarf though he looks a bit chilly?

    Take care

    Morning Keef

    I am cheered slightly to read that you managed some time in the bunker and a little time with Sucré before he left for Nan-nan's. Bless him.

    He is growing up and showing some independence as it should be I suppose.

    I hope today is a little bit bit better again.

    Take care and rest if you need to ((()))

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day love to your carers (()) and your family (())

    Toady (()) I tried to take some photos of the foxes playing in our garden I was in the living room too far away. I will keep trying. We have a lot of children screaming in garden’s by us I think it makes them tired. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) that’s nice being back in your own bed again (()) That’s good Tia (()) getting the pool going for the animals to help them. She doing a good job. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day what would little one say ( sorry I don’t know which one it is ) if you say I like your bed what would he say. Love to your mum (()) she’s doing well.

    Keef (()) have a good day. I hope less pain (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

    ps bill’s working out lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hey Toady I like your little gargoyle creature reminds me of Dobbie from HP.

    The vailed woman did EXACTLY that to me. I didn’t know Anda had bought it let alone put it in the storage thing and I opened it up to get bin bags and I nearly crapped myself when I saw her staring out at me. Really made me jump big time, and then of course we had a good laugh about it.

    Hey Toni how was Goodwood apart from hot? Those Indian bikes looked great. The story with the police Harleys was that someone at Harley UK clicked on the wrong button on the computer and ordered 17 police spec Road Kings and by the time the mistake had been noticed it was too late to cancel, at least that’s what I was told. They all got sold over here and I was riding around on one for a while, but it wasn’t mine.

    I actually got my bike out today and rode over to see mum at the care home. Its a pleasant enough ride of about 30 minutes but i felt every undulation again and now I am absolutely spent and just about to go for a laydown. Yet another pointless speed limit been imposed since my last trip in that direction this time on an on slip onto the A12 of 50mph. I really do wish I could still ride a cruiser because I never felt the need to go more than 55mph and it was a cool ride in more ways than one. Maybe I go test ride an Indian this week and see how I get on, I think they do one with air suspension. Then if I buy one I just say Toni made me do it.

    Lovely pic of Valencia Reshmi. We were there in 2019 just as Covid was getting a grip in China. I had my electric skateboard with me as I couldn’t walk too far but was still able to skateboard and the river was diverted a while back and the old river bed is now a fantastic walkway and park which is a mecca for skating. It was absolutely brilliant. I think I recognise the corner in that photo. I wouldn’t have the confidence to skate now as the slightest knock is very painful let alone taking a tumble, which I have done frequently due to stupidly. Why is it I always feel the need to push to boundaries of my capabilities???

    hey Dachshund and Jewels and everyone.

    sorry if i’ve missed something further back. I’m not ignoring anything on purpose.

    Have a good afternoon everyone, slightly cooler today although i still have aircon running in bunker. I check back in later probably. Not quite so miserable today, but I still feel a bit like I’m teetering on the edge. Mind you the tram is yet to kick in amd Ive cut it right down lately again due to side effects so that’s probably why. Sorry for the ramble. Laters everyone. x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Toni

    How are you?

    yes, it’s cooler today thank goodness 👍

    mums bs is ok today thanks

    yes my secret secret sub - contracting of LA’s mattress will remain top secret, living in the garden in a tent Bill got from the pound shop certainly doesn’t appeal to me lol.

    I can eat small to moderate quantities of mushrooms, but too much definitely upsets my stomach, you could conceivably cook without garlic I suppose, but onions would definitely be difficult

    my sister used to say she hates onions, but she’ll eat them as long as you don’t tell her that meal contains the dreaded onions, what a silly person she is , lol.

    Everything’s more or less ok here at the moment thanks

    Back is ok at the moment thanks Toni

    haircut tomorrow- maybe if I borrow a few of toady’s moths to decorate my tresses with, that will put the hairdresser off for life?

    Toni I fear you may have to become VC’s designated hairdresser! Don’t worry bill is buying you 22 karat gold gardening shears and I’ll pay you with wild portobello mushrooms, oh wait, that’s no good, I must find some alternative currency- how about vegan digestive biscuits? Haha.

    hope you’re having a good evening Toni bye and tc xx

    ps pic of Barcelona xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Joan

    how are you today?

    that’s ok the littley is LA, I think he wouldn’t like it all, he doesn’t even let his poor innocent little baby bro BR go on his bed lol.

    thanks about mum, she is indeed doing well

    her bs is ok today thanks

    i hope you both have a nice evening

    bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602
    edited 11. Sep 2023, 20:19

    Hello people 👋

    Ooh don't let me do as many nosegay listings in one sitting again, my head is like a boiled owl 😫 (another of those really very unpleasant sayings as we've mentioned before frog, but really does sum it up, no offence of course to my dear ooky feathery 'familiars'). So I will be brief! At least I don't have to do anything now for a bit except deal with orders and pack parcels ha ha 😬. Glad you are home, and cooler, and with your dear ever so slightly plumper pusscat 😺. I have seen nothing of her today, so I take it all is forgiven. Nothing else happening with me, so I wish you a very good night and no dreams 😔 just good ones. Scarves for gargoyles 🤔 I shall put my mind to it! More chat tomorrow :) xx

    Love to joan, I forgot to answer your question from before about the internet, it's behaving very well thank you 👍️ although the landline has been unplugged for a few days because plugging that in & out of the broadband socket seems to upset things sometimes, let's hope no-one has been trying to ring me, that would be a shame wouldn't it if I'd missed some calls 😉. Thanks too for trying to get a fox pic not easy especially as wildlife doesn't usually sit still for you. Screaming children would make me tired 😣 I never wanted to scream I don't think, I just liked everyone to play nicely. Have a good day, love to Sue :) xx

    Quick hi to bosh - yes do borrow a few moths, I don't even want them back thank you 😄 hope it's not too hot for you tomorrow. I like the cookie monster pic 😄, I think the conclusive answer to the question is yes it is ok, because there is OK in Cookies but there is no NOT 😉. Nothing going on with me except I am going to go to bed early and I think I might pinch the eau de cologne myself, have overdone the internet a bit. Have a good night and will be in properly tomorrow with a bit of luck 👍️ :) xx

    Wave to keef too 👋 yes there's a lot of Dobbie especially round the ears in my little fellow, in the face he reminds me of Alastair Sim 😂. Not surprised you had a bit of a cartoon-style fright reaction to the veiled lady if you didn't even know she was there, just the sort of thing people like to set up & put on social media or pass round on mobiles so lucky you it isn't 'out there'. Glad you managed a ride, not fair that the bumps have such an impact but it's fresh air and a change.. I guess.. 🤨 and I hope your mum was ok. Have a good night xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324
    edited 11. Sep 2023, 20:17

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    The rain was lovely because I was observing it from inside the house lol.

    some of my friends in India try to convince me that rain is always “lovely” - I try and explain that cold uk rain is nothing like a monsoon season following horrific heat, but they’re generally not convinced lol.

    Hair frizz, oh dear, I must admit, I don’t have that “blessing” but I think the humidity is increasing the Mad Hatter - ish tendencies of all our barnets, as it were, lol, while not being frizzy, my hair it still rather unruly and seems to have a personality of its own, possibly that of LA deprived of high glycemic jelly babies - what a thought! Lol.

    The hair appointment time etc is ok thanks I guess, but you’re right, the time and date aren’t always convenient, for example tomorrow’s appointment is at 10.00 am, which is ok, but on hot days it’s not really convenient as it takes a long time and then I end up walking about around noon in a highly frazzled manner tempted to eat any appealing easily available hot food high in saturated bats 🦇 - oh sorry I meant fats, lol - that I can find, it’s odd as I’ve seen the hairdressers working in the salon much before the pitching hour - free pitchers of iced tea for loyal customers maybe - of 10 am - pretty strange really, it would be much more convenient for everyone if they let customers in earlier, oh well, never mind.

    thanks about the song, it’s something I used to listen to a lot as a student, I’m not sure how much I’d like it now though, I used to like the lyrics of the WS songs though, even though they were a bit depressing

    oh dear workout type music in the background when you’re just trying to relax, that’s no good.

    I think two people in the introverts’ corner could work very well

    Do you know FB banned me from putting a photo of D Trump on there, saying something like, “Inaccurate information, he’s not partially bald in real life”??

    Haha, can you imagine being a FB fact - checker? I might start the training for that esteemed profession, Questions One and Two - “ Is toady’s hair full of saturated bats or saturated moths? Who will do the VC laundry when LA has spilled jus de jelly baby all over Toni’s pristine white tablecloths?”

    Im getting a headache just thinking about it lol.

    Good night toady Toni Joan and Keef tc x

    ps is that a pic of me, do you think? A militant mima? Hopefully not lol. xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Made it into tomorrow before the pain woke me up. TBH i never sleep too well when I’m home alone. Must be time for a cuppa, anyone else awake at ridiculous o’ clock.

    Loanda text yesterday evening to say she was Halloween Hunting with her mum and Sucré, God knows what she’ll be back with. Tends to get more betterer the closer we get to the day in question.

    Right no chance of getting back to sleep as back and neck both killing me so pills and a cuppa.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 12. Sep 2023, 05:29

    Morning Joan it's lovely to be home even though I also love the motorhome very much. The bed is good - the heat wasn't at all. Also my Sleek is here bless her. She has actually gone out in the rain probably just for a wee. Did you say foxes in your garden? Wow!! 😊 Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I see BIL is doing his recumbent exercises in bed😁

    How are you this morning? Ready for the hairdressers? I haven't found many moths, but could sort you out some dust maybe the odd cobweb to 'put off' the hairdresser? Just tell him you used conditioner. cross fingers behind your back I don't think it counts as lying then🤔

    I am very happy to cut everyone's hair with 22 carat gardening shears oh yes definitely

    As far as you using LA's bed what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over. 🤫

    Maybe i should try less mushrooms like you. I wondered about garlic salt I have never used that, but saw it in the supermarket. I like the taste of the real stuff. Onions? Your sister doesn't like them? Wow! How can you eat anything without apart form vegan digestive biccies of course!!

    Love LA's T shirt. Absolutely that's you no boring 'normal' Aunties for him and BR.

    Have a good day and take care ((()))

    Morning Keef

    I was up more 4.30ish but try hard to stay in bed if I can till 5.30ish after taking morning meds which I keep nearby. Then I get up and put the dishwasher on, feed my pusskin and the fish, probably put a load of washing on and sit here chatting to the café crew.

    I agree with aircon in the bunker absolutely vital to keep cool although I bet in a week or so time we'll be putting the heating on 🙄

    Well done visiting your Mum I bet it was lovely to be on the bike even if it hurt hopefully no extra pain from that today? Air suspension? Now that is definitely worth investigating seriously. Our mental health is as important as our physical health surely? I have no idea why they constantly change speed limits - it seems almost just to annoy us maybe???

    Shame the police Harley wasn't yours it sounded fabulous. The bike race was one of the ones I managed to watch as Goodwood it being an early race. For the later races I did need to lie down in the motorhome. Aircon will be fitted properly in March when it goes for service and habitation check. Paul has promised.

    Can't wait to see what Anda has bought this week😊and hear how Sucré is doing.

    Morning Toady

    How are you today? Is your head less boiled owl-esque? I do hope so. Well done though getting that all done it will really help in the long run I'm sure.

    Yes I am forgiven by Madame La Sleekipuss although as it's raining here she may nip over later just to check in on and you. Probably also because she can only sleep so many hours in a day! About 20 i think they say! She is a tad plumptious and has just walked in soaking wet!

    Yes a scarf for the gargoyle he looks quite chilly.

    I managed to get outside yesterday for an hour which was fabulous. We ate our cucumbers and toms with dinner last night.

    As yet uneaten blueberries!

    Raining here so no gardening today, but i will walk even if only a short walk.

    Hope your day is a good one and all wildlife are ok at yours .

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope everything is going well for you and your family (())

    Toady (()) It seems colder today. I hope you manage to find what you want on eBay after missing things the other day. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) how do you feel living in the bungalow now after your house. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) good luck at the hairdressers (()) love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) Good luck looking at the bikes. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie thinking of you (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Good afternoon everyone

    wppl xx

    ps Bill has been cooking again lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    bill doing recumbent exercises indeed lol

    i think his main workout is opening the takeaway pizza box lol, I wouldn’t be surprised if hes made it poor BR’s job to put it in the recycling bin haha

    mums bs is ok today thanks

    I survived the hairdressers thanks, cobwebs - a great idea not sure about the dust lol, if I start a sneezing fit whilst mr HD is wielding the scissors- oh dear, well, put it this way, toady won’t need to read Agatha Christie anymore- she can become her second incarnation- only joking of course lol.

    It did get very stuffy at the HDs’ for a while, despite the air con, I almost fell asleep, very strange

    at the beginning of the appointment I was full of energy though as I had had some fresh fruit juice with breakfast, which I hardly ever do, some of the non - banana based smoothie from yesterday’s takeaway, very bad for me I know, but it was definitely energising, but don’t worry I strictly ration the delicious but evil fruit juices.

    my rheumo hospital appointment has been changed again - 25 th September they’re saying now, which is good in a way, I can “get it over with”, unless they change it again of course 🤷‍♀️

    also I can ask the doc / nurse about the foot / leg problem if necessary too, maybe he / she can refer me to physio or something like that

    I love the garden shears pic lol

    Yes I will keep hiding things from LA, lol, just for his own good and my safety you see, lol.

    im planning to go to the group tomorrow, it may possibly be humid, but it can’t be more humid than in this house to be honest

    so I wonder what’s next for LA regarding the ladies? there’s a little female admirer called Alana, so maybe she’ll write him a sonnet,

    “Dear LA

    there’s something I feel I have to say

    my heart is as tender as the broccoli you seem to crave

    and even if my affection is wholly unrequited, I will take it with me to the grave”

    well it’s not impossible, lol

    im also glad it’s cooling down eventually 👍

    I’ve not heard of garlic salt before, that sounds interesting

    No please don’t go on a rice cake diet lol, I’ve only recently realised that rice cakes are really unhealthy- at least from the diabetes perspective

    have a nice night Toni tc xx

    Ps Alhambra Palace Spain xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    im not too bad thanks

    the hairdressers was ok thanks, but I don’t think the hairdresser was very pleased when he found out that I’d washed my hair with baby shampoo instead of some posh designer brand lol, I have told him before that I have sensitive skin etc, not my fault he’s got a mind like a sieve lol.

    mum is ok too today thanks

    I hope you both have a nice night bye tc xx

    ps bill nighttime snack lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi Keef

    sorry to hear the pain is keeping you awake at night

    mine used to be like that, but not recently thankfully

    I sometimes wake about 5 am and then fall asleep again, but that’s because my room seems to burn like a furnace sometimes

    I hope you have a better night tonight, at least it probably won’t be that warm

    good night and tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,324

    Hi toady

    how are you tonight?

    mum is ok today thanks

    I survived the hairdresser but he wasn’t pleased when I told him I used baby shampoo lol, I also packed some garden shears I stole from your garden and put them in handbag, just in case lol.

    I think I’ll leave it there, getting a bit tired.

    have a good night toady tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Hi all 👋

    Seems to have been a day of three halves, morning seems absolutely ages ago even though it only started for me long after your kind of early hours frog. My head is not terribly happy with me but if I don't try anything advanced like handstands or going on roundabouts I think it might be ok 🌀😬. Anyway the fruits of my nosegay labours so far is £6.99 post free for something that was already up 😄 so I can stand everyone a tea but the tin of luxury biscuit assortment may have to wait for next time. Still I did make banana muffins yesterday with al fresco nanas that like yours were never going to make old bones as they say, so there are some of those. Blueberry version optional if there happen to be any spares left over at yours 😀 they look really good, what a nice compact satisfying little plant. Haven't had a sniff of the air hardly today, heavy rain overnight so I went up the loft to check for my ongoing suspect leak and got absorbed with moving things around. Hope you fitted your little walk into an ok bit and had a good day, love to all - Sleek paid me a flying visit, very slightly damp still (oh that beautiful wet-wool smell of damp cat fur! 🐾 💕) xx

    Hello joan, I haven't been shopping online today but I will have a little browse soon I expect. The auction I missed will be round again soon if want. At least I made a little sale so I will have pocket money 😄 it is annoying at ebay now that your money has to go into your bank. It used to go into paypal and you could keep what you sold & bought separate from where you pay your electric bills & whatnot, it's all muddled in now much less simple 🙄. It was definitely chillier today by far and wet, not very nice. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Hi bosh, glad you survived the ministrations and the disapproval of the hairdresser 😬 and survived literally, so I don't have to investigate 'They Do It With Scissors' ✂️🧐 ! Sorry I am behind with my replies, I will make a proper visit tomorrow otherwise I will not make any sense tonight and I want to come back to your yesterday's post etc properly 👍️. Save me a chair in the corner and I will see you then, have a good night :) xx

    'Night to keef too (hope you didn't lose a post there somehow) - sorry you were up in the small hours for tea, if I am tonight which seems likely as I am a bit overwired I will join you ☕️ xx

    Right must stick on my parcel label or postie will be here before I even get to bed 😬 night all 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Tea anyone??

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Ta 😀 Might be a bit stewed by now but I'll just reboil the kettle and chuck some more hot on, not worth a whole new pot. Was listening to the radio, & playing an online quiz (won 28p 💷😁), didn't spot the cafe light was on. Hope you got off to sleep 👍x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toady, got a few hours thanks.

    Just got a fresh brew on now.

    28p hey??

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning Joan how are you today? All is well here and I love living in a bungalow it's great I almost feel like i'm on holiday all the time! What about you? Do you prefer it too? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you feeling today? Looking good with your hair cut 10 years younger😉. Actually it's good you felt tired at the hairdressers maybe it was so relaxing? You know I think I can 'feel' how much better you are on your current dose of MH meds in your writing. I am so pleased.

    Rice cakes are rubbish for diabetes? Wow! Who would know that. A little bit of fruit smoothie should be just fine as we say a little bit of what you like does you good.

    I rather think BIL could make his cheesecake for LA - he'd love it!

    Imagine his exercise regime consisting of opening pizza boxes! and making BR take the empty ones to the recycling bin😁 poor little BR I can actually imagine him doing that too!

    Love the Alana poem it's cute well written. Who knows what his future holds with all these young girls after him? The list so far has been endless although I do rather think his heart is still with Elephant trunk girl.....

    Good luck today at the group I think it might be ok as it isn't supposed to be hot or rainy so 🤞

    I'll give the chocolate spread and cheese on toast a miss if you don't mind, but the Spanish palace is just gorgeous.

    Take care now ((()))

    Where is Keef? Have I missed his post?

    I do hope all is well Keef, Loanda and Sucré ((())) to you all.

    Ah there you've just arrived and put the kettle on thanks I'll have one please!

    Morning Toady how are you this erm dry day. That's the best i can say about it. We had rain solidly all day yesterday typical.

    Thanks I'll have a banana muffin with the cuppa Keef has made. They don't get the fruit and veg quite right with deliveries do they? Never mind such is life.

    Well I suppose £6.99 if you get 5* might be ok? Better than a kick in the rear.

    I'm glad Sleek popped over she can get a bit stir crazy in rainy weather. I know her fur smells lovely when rained on unlike dogs - well Charley's anyway I can still smell them on a wet day after they've gone! She will bring some blueberries today because Paul is away and they might not get eaten. And a plum for you!

    Well done having a tidy up in the loft - leak ok? Ours roof was dry this time yippee! I did indeed manage my walk. Walking with my sister and her DIL this morning pre-foodbank.

    Have a good day😊

    Been up baking all night.....(honest!!!!)