Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you and the carers are has well has can be(())
Toady (()) we have had rain everyday so far. Good luck to the parcels going to the right places. I saw a post van on Sunday. Have a good day. How are your little friends.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) You are good helping at the food bank. I feel sorry that Paul (()) has not heard about is tip and tilt yet (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Keef (()) It’s nice to see you on here. That’s good your new tablets are helping a bit. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) thinking about you.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni
how are you today?
yes LA is very naughty these days
mum is more or less ok today thanks
im ok thanks
just on the bus going to the group now
bfn tc xx
ps another temple pic xx
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morning all
Toni, side effects are high bp, IBS off the scale, depression and chest pains. Haven’t taken any today.
feeling just about okay atm although headache is starting 🙄
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Afternoon people 😊
Early for me, ish, hoping to get a few more little outdoor jobs done later. Surprisingly nice out today so got a bit of painting done. All parcels done too thanks frog, apart from a little late order but that one will be no trouble. A hair under the sellotape is one of my horrors that I will do 😱 I try not to pack too late so that you get the daylight on things but after all these years I must have done it at least once 😬. But one of Sleek's, well who could object to that 😄 anyway, smoke & pet free home, can't have come from me, can it (innocent face). Pretending to be asleep, oh a very good trick. Perhaps next time Paul wants to go and look at cars and you want to garden..... 🤔😄. She would certainly look v swish behind the wheel of a Sprite, that is a super little car. Perhaps yellow to suit Mr Toad please 👍️. Hope you have been able to get out in among any errands and the food bank etc. Are the hydrangeas looking happy where they are now or will the proof be in the colder weather. I have some pics of the daisies for sometime even though they didn't really want to photograph nicely, and some fat little mice (I will post those on some sort of clickable link for any non-mouse fans). They were sampling crumbs off my new block of cheese today - that somehow escaped the LA visit - even before I had had any haha, and Mrs B too. She is very bonny & skipped round to the back door to get me. I have not seen Mr for a few days and am a little worried 😔 if anything has become of him I probably won't know what, never sure if that's any comfort or not. We'll see. I did find near enough what I wanted on nosegay, or rather I could ferret around no more and went with the best I could do, just some nets/voiles - and got a nice chunk of hector points 🐝. The washed actual curtain seems ok, they are long enough that they can shrink a bit & it would probably be better, as long as they don't do it in some sort of uneven up & down effect. Have a good afternoon and glad you had such a nice visit to the gardens, obviously not a stroll around, but worth the effort. Was there anything to buy (and did you). Love to all :) xx
Hello joan, it's a very nice day here, sorry you're getting all the damp bits! My parcels have started moving today so if there are parcel vans about on Sundays maybe they were trying to get ahead of any Bank Hol backlog, or maybe just out for a nice little drive 😄. Have been out in the garden for quite a bit this morning so have seen most of the 'regulars', Mrs B, little mice, plenty of sparrows. As I said to Toni Mr B has not been around so he may still be keeping out of view while he moults but it's unusual not to hear anything of him, fingers crossed he is ok. Hope you have some nicer weather yourselves, love to both xx
Hi to bosh, hope you got on ok at group, did you just do bus one way & walk back? depends if you thought your foot/leg would be better off for walking or not I expect. That was a very funny story about BR and the bathwater 😂 your sis is very ingenious, I would never have thought of the flask. It wasn't a cunning plan to try and accidentally drop his new suit in the bathwater & spoil it, was it 🤨 or does he actually like it himself. Nothing much going on with me, I have finished wrestling with parcels and am wrestling with tech again.. my email has stopped forwarding to another address I use, with no explanation, and every other thing I do seems to involve a glitch or an Oops or a sorry temporary error today 🙄. Grr. Have a good afternoon & if you are in later I will catch up with your news 👋 xx
Hello keef, nice to see you, hope you can sort out a meds balance that works for you, some side effects may settle with a bit of luck 🤔 take care xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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No bosh tonight? Hope you are ok will check in again on & off.
Night to everyone have as good a night as poss 😴 xx
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Morning Everyone ❤️
Will have to post later sorry
My post wouldn't go so will try again later
Hopefully this being little it will cope
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Good morning everyone
hi toady
how are you?
im ok thanks just got very tired yesterday
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) How are you and your carers (()) love to everyone.
Toady (()) I think a person who open’s the parcel would not notice the hair because of looking inside. I hope Mr B is alright perhaps he has other girlfriends to visit. I hope you don’t get wet doing your little jobs. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) I hope everything is going on alright there. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) sorry you are having problems posting. Has long has your all alright have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope you had a good time at the club (()) love to your mum (())
Keef (()) Sorry about your side effects. Try not to worry I know it’s hard (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) have a good day.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone, just thought I'd pop in and tidy up and wash up the teatowels as we're quiet.
Quiet here too not much going on although the neighbours' family did pop in briefly next door 😬 that may or may not have been me crouching on the floor under the level of the window in the front room seeing if I can hear anything useful, who can say 🤷♀️😉. Must go and do a bit more painting while it's dry - it did rain last night, pretty much just after I'd posted to joan that it was fine..
Hope you can get in sometime frog and at least we know you & bosh are ok (little posts are all you need for that purpose 😊), so will pop in again later & see who's around.
Love to joan & sue and fingers crossed it doesn't rain, much, but I don't need to go out and the outlook is very nice looking ahead 🌞 xx
Wave to keef 👋
Bye for now all 😘 xx
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Hopefully this will post now🤞
Morning Joan I'm ok don't worry probably something ; was doing wrong. I really enjoy the foodbank. We are short of pasta sauce, smash and puddings at the moment. All ok apart from that though. Yes it is annoying about the tilt test really annoying but Paul needs to chase it really. You'll see your consultant soon ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
Gosh yes chest pains I wouldn't like that at all. Gastric problems I have all the time so wouldn't really notice - just a thought are you on a protein pump inhibitor (Lansoprazole/omeprazole) to help with your stomach? But chest pains sound very scary I would also not take anything that did that.
I am so sorry Arcoxia didn't suit you it works really well for me and it sounds as though it was for you too, but safety first.
Sending you some ((())) and hoping things ease very soon.
Hi Reshmi
How are you today? I hope your Mum is ok.
We both failed to do our usual posts today, but as Toady says at least we were able to let everyone know we are ok.
Hope group was good. Was RR on his usual form? Ib et he was if he was there.
LA is very cheeky but should grow out of it into a lovely young lad in time.
I rather think you and I both need a bit of rest just now don't we?
((())) take care.
Hi Toady sorry about that Not sure whether it was me or anything to do with the internet with those national grid vans still working away out here🤔
I bet Sleek's little hairs get stuck under your tape they certainly do here. I have one of Tosca's (remember her Aidan and Bill's pusskin?) which arrived here and I have kept it because she died very soon afterwards It's stuck to my stapler.
Any hairs on your parcels must be postie's doing yours being a smoke and pet free home such as it is. I'm sure part time doesn't count.🤥
Yes please to pics of the wildlife yes clickable links means it's our choice we mustn't trigger any of our friends. Lovely to hear how well they all are apart form the AWOL Mr B😕 You have cheese? How did LA not eat it?😃
What did I buy at the gardens? A large vegan cauliflower curried pasty😋 There was a shop and a library of 2nd hand books too. I did most of the garden, but absolutely not the bridge. Nope too high up.
I am sure your curtains will be find and yes some voile /net is a good idea. Ejector points eh? They are worth having these days definitely for Christmas.
Oh the neighbours family were there. Did you find anything out? Send Sleek round next time she is a great eavesdropper.
Love to everyone sorry again for going AWOL
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It tried not to post again then....said bad gateway error....
Luckily worked 2nd go!
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Hi Toni
how are you?
yes I think we both definitely need rest
my leg was hurting a lot after walking yesterday
so I’m resting it today
had a hot shower for the pain so v tired now
mum is ok thanks
LA is visiting Sunday night and some of Monday at least - I’m calling it the LA slumber party lol, we’ll be eating cheese all night, toady is providing antacids lol
RR was showing off about his rich parents- silly Rembrandt lol
ok bye for now Toni tc xx
ps pic of Nice, France xx
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Hi all, bit busier now I see, better get the kettle going ☕️
Just as I was about to start my window frame painting, inside front therefore I would be momentarily framed in the window myself 😱, back came the neighbours' lot for another trip with a small van and spent half an hour clanking about. After that, to the minute, 4-car Charlie came out to wash ones of his beloveds - then his wife drove back in, and he started on hers. Just as I hoped he was busy enough hosing everything in sight to spot me, he downed tools and started walking over the road towards me having spotted someone to talk to. Four interruptions when I just wanted 5 mins 🙄 heaven knows what sort of a job I did to the paint in the end, half of it I was doing behind the net curtain like a ghostly spectral hand 😂. Lord have mercy, honestly. I need a highly suitable t-shirt for the next time I'm on show I think🤔.
Anyway all quiet apart from that, no post (still missing a parcel in, frog 🙄) and only a small nosegay order, would I mind posting in a week's time because they are away? No I'd be delighted 😄 no more packing. I love you keeping the cat hair of Tosca's 👍️ I have cat's whiskers & goodness knows what myself. Yes please do brief Sleek for a little spying, oh perfect 🕵️ the very thing! I certainly only picked up a few entirely unhelpful snippets. Ah, so you didn't come back with gardening stuff from Biddulph. Daisies are below - they were supposed to be part of my summer display with other things, I probably said, scuppered by snails plus non-germination. But they are (half-hardy) perennials and can be worked in with something else hopefully. I did do quite well with the Ejector points, 10x, even if I only spend them back in nosegay they're handy. Will be glad of the nets, they can look fine til you take them down and see they aren't white & will never be again - anyway at least I didn't need to worry about getting paint on the old ones 😄. Hope you make up your food bank shortages🤞. And your electrics & whatnot are ok, if any problems posting we'll know what it is. xx
Hello again joan, still dry here, hope you have a nice day tomorrow. Yes hopefully people will just be pleased with their ebay items 😄 certainly wouldn't like any sarky comments about packaging, people get quite nasty in their feedback comments and get into more or less slanging matches & name calling 😮. Love to both 👋 xx
Hi to bosh will catch you later 😊 xx
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Osteospermum Ecklonis 'Sky and Ice' - also known as African Daisy 🌼
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Hope these work 🐭 'wait for me..' and 'two good mice'
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
the group was ok thanks but I didn’t stay for too long as I was running a bit late
mum is ok at the moment thanks
hi toady and Keef
how are you both doing today?
toady LA is coming on Sunday and staying overnight. Did I already mention that? Sorry I’m losing track lol, anyway if any of you have any spare cheese in the house, please post it to me along with a self addressed envelope and a cheese authenticity certificate or failing that 20 p so I can buy some fake cheese from nosegay lol
ok have a good and cheese- free night everyone- I don’t want us to hear from that dairy - related indigestion demon they call Gastro Intestinal Joe - toady can explain this joke to newcomers lol, tc xx
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Morning everyone!
Just had my shopping delivered and put it all away.
don't worry it isn't all mine.
Morning Joan how are you and Sue this rather foggy morning? I hope you're off into town and have a good shop. God into Wilko's while you can and your café too. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
Today has to be a better day for us, less busy I hope. How is your leg today?
You need to try to rest up before you have your tiny tyrant visitor on Sunday/Monday. I have just had my shopping arrive so I'll send the cheese over ASAP.
I hope your Mum is ok? She will enjoy having her Grandson without so much EF-EF.
So it's a slumber party is it on Sunday night? That will be fun good on Toady providing essential medication for post-cheese digestive issues😃
I had no idea RR is not only Reading's Rembrant, but an aristocrat too😮 Respect to RR🤣 I expect they have a place in Nice and a 'Pile' in the country somewhere.
Have a good day and take care ((()))
Morning Keef
Thinking of you and hoping things are getting easier. Maybe you will have to get back to the Drs for further help meds wise.
Hope Sucré and Anda are both well.
Take care
Morning Toady
I love the daisies how gorgeous are they? beautiful well done that should be the height of your achievements in the garden this year well done you! I (with extreme difficulty) didn't buy any plants at Biddulph although I was sorely tempted I can tell you!
The mice look so well very plumtious would not be safe for them to be here look who I saw yesterday on the trellis
I was afeared for my Sleek, but I think she was at yours at the time. Or peering over the neighbours fences again.
What a frustrating morning painting one window!🙄 Good job it was only the 'old' nets which got paint splattered.
T shirt is here for next time;
Should maybe do the job....probably not.
Aww you have whiskers too a tiny treasure. Oddly enough I've never told Bill I still have it. I wonder whether he'll get another cat🤔there's a thought.
Sleek is a great eavesdropper isn't she? She also listens at walls with a glass sometimes. She is a very cheeky and beaky puss as most of them are.
Still one nosegay parcel missing?🙄 I feel quite guilty after my fabulously fast (standard) delivery from Thermos the other day.
Well hope today is a good one it started out foggy early so I am hopeful.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to everyone. Have a good day.
Toady (()) that made me laugh your hand at the window. Have a good day
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your family.
Toni (()) you are a good helper at the food bank. Yes we are going into town. Love to everyone (()) have a good day.
Reshmi (()) love to you and your mum (()) have a good day.
Keef (()) I hope the Doctor can find the tablet that’s right for you. Love to everyone. Have a good day.
Julie (()) thinking about you. Have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni
how are you?
leg isn’t too bad thanks, but pain not fully gone
mum is ok at the moment thanks
yes probably a pile in Nice lol.
im ok thanks just a bit tired
bye for now Toni I thank you humbly for the cheese lol tc xx
ps pic of Bali, Indonesia
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Hi Toni
How are you “enjoying” mxt Friday?
I’ve got a dodgy stomach on top our lovely weekly med - quite ookey
my fault I indulged in some rich bakery cake
are sure you did enough shopping?
ok bfn Toni tc xx
Ps bill the butter angel lol xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
thanks for washing up in the cafe lol
i for some reason got tempted by one of the rich bakery cakes and my stomach is correspondingly ookey
i wasn’t going to buy it but then the bakery lady said something about a discount on something else and then the rich evil cakes caught the corner of my eye - oh dear
am also “enjoying” the mxt hangover but of course I’m not alone in that
gp ‘s pharmacist messed up the ordering of my mental health tablets again, anyway at least it’s getting sorted out now
not a great deal new to report really other than that LA told mum that green witches don’t live in ponds and don’t even go there on holiday or something like that lol, not sure about the veracity of that statement lol, but I do know that the yellow cheese - coloured little 5 year - old wizards live in ponds, lakes, lagoons and even bathtubs in mima’s bathrooms it seems
have a good evening toady tc xx
Ps pic of your good self in the rain lol xx
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Hi Joan
im not too bad thanks
how are you both doing today?
mum is ok at the moment thanks
have a nice night bye tc xx
ps more cheese as I’m hoarding it for LA lol
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Hi everyone, lovely photos as always Reshmi.
tried the pills again today and didn’t feel too bad as far as side effects.
managed to do an alright meal for my two this evening and spend some time with Sucré this afternoon.
He ate almost all of this. I don’t know where he puts it all.
He loves the sprouting broccoli and the roasted carrots.
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First time I’ve managed to cook for them in a few days. Not up to my normal standard but better than nothing.
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