Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Love that T shirt Toni, I’m gonna get one just the same.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 1. Sep 2023, 21:26

    Hi all 👋

    Ooh, tired 😣 not a good night's sleep plus have still done quite a lot - painting curtain hanging weeding etc - so I may drop off mid-word 😴.

    Thank you for admiring my daisies and being kind to a poor largely failed gardener, frog 😄 but not completely failed, that's the main thing. Lovely out there today, it really was, a few more like this wouldn't go amiss for sure. Half the net curtains got hung, should technically be taken up a bit but tbh speed was of the essence just to get maximum coverage at the window - neighbours in again today 😱 Do Not Disturb indeed, I am a little afeard that Things will start happening next door soon. Yes don't think I wouldn't have tried glass against wall if I had thought to get myself one before I had got into Position A under the window and didn't want to get back up again 😂😂. Doesn't help that my neck isn't bendy enough to tilt at the best angle for listening at walls. Sleek will do a much better job than me, who would suspect a little pussycat sitting on the wall licking its paws and twitching its ears like radar. (I'm quite aware how awful it sounds to shamelessly snoop when I'm always on about 'privacy, privacy, my precious privacy' 😳. Lucky I'm in the confessional corner of the cafe! and anyway it's the exigencies of war type of spying, not snooping for its own sake.) Yes, she was safely here while that scary bird was at yours - they just strike fear don't they - you want to say 'bad, wicked bird' yet it's only nature etc, but nature wants a few adjustments if you ask me 😔. As far as my parcels go, and your flasks, well the difference is that if I will shop with odd nosegay sellers that's my lookout 😂 buyer beware etc. Will have to get that one refunded I think (yet other people have left them feedback for lightning fast shipping 🙄). Have a good Saturday whatever your plans, or if you have no plans - hope everyone has power ok in the village. 'Night :) xx

    Hello joan, glad me painting from behind the curtain was funny - it's the sort of thing Mr Bean would do isn't it 😂. I have got the actual curtains back up now it looks better but I have the other half to do. Hope you had a good day and Sue too :) xx

    Hi bosh, help is at hand, cheese is on the way - fully bona fide I can assure you (I lol'd at 'certificate of authenticity' 😂), as it was brought by the milkman's own fair hand. It is actually quite good cheese too, from a brand that describes itself as 'inspiring dairy & fine foods since 1880' so I hope there will be no complaints from LA. (I have timed it to arrive for his Sunday visit so don't worry it won't turn up while you are still feeling ookey and un-cheese like yourself). Naughty cake sitting there in the shop calling to people with the cake equivalent of a siren's song 🤨 tut. Sorry the pharmacist didn't get things right with your meds, one could do without chasing up things like that of course but mainly because you do rather need confidence in this stuff it's not exactly trivial. Do you pick up your prescriptions in person? The one tablet I get that isn't from the hospital I get by post, seems to work ok. Must go for a walk soon haven't been anywhere since Mon 😬 glad to know that any pond I happen to pass probably hasn't got a witch in it on its holidays 😄 wonder where they do go? 🤔 not something I have ever given thought to. Have a good night and hopefully I will not need my little mackintosh tomorrow 🌦️, I do look somewhat miserable there but sweet at the same time, not something I can manage in real life 😂 xx

    Love to everyone not in, thinking of Barbara, Kitty, keef, Julie and any non-regulars 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    And a further wave to keef who I didn't see (still longwindedly typing mine while you'd been in) - glad you felt up to cooking, that's a super little plateful & was obviously appreciated, not surprised 👍️. Good luck with the meds even if on/off, & have a decent night I hope. xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 2. Sep 2023, 05:48

    Morning everyone

    Apparently it's going to be nice today which is good it's Pride here and I'm looking forward to it. It's a lovely family event children dogs for everyone.

    Morning Joan glad you got into town. Do you leave the dogs at home I never asked that? Did you get any bargains or was it just a wander about? I went for a walk with Kari in the morning then Charley and one of their dogs in the afternoon. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Well I am glad to hear that your leg is a bit better but not an ooky stomach on top of MTX Friday😣 you poor thing! Well I'm sure the cake was lovely and worth it. I hope things ease for you today. I am coping ok more or less thanks. Hopefully safe enough to go to pride🤞

    Glad to hear your Mum is doing ok.

    Is everything ready for the arrival of our tiny tyrant tomorrow? I'm sure it is. Plenty of cheese in that's all you need. Yes I think I got all my shopping for the week🤣. Probably just have to get extra fruit and veg. It's just so expensive these days isn't it?

    That butter angel is actually quite adorable and very clever. BIL would have it's head on a crumpet or toasted tea-cake before we knew it! Hide it at the back of the fridge in case he sticks his nose in when he drops LA off. I am glad LA is getting a last visit before he goes back to school. What year will he be in?

    Take care and have a good day ((()))

    Morning Keef

    Well that does sound a bit better. and the dinner does look lovely. I am impressed that Sucré loves his veggies mind you Lucy was exactly the same - she'd eat peppers like apples. She is still like it now. Gets through loads of fruit and vegs so good habits should stick with him.

    Yes maybe we all need those T shirts!!

    I am glad the arcoxia didn't cause you any trouble today, but I hope (and am sure) you are being careful. Any mouth ulcers? I get them on day 2 of taking them and usually try to take them for as few days as possible.

    You take care fingers crossed things continue to pick up for you ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you today?

    You haven't had an entirely failed year neither have i even though it feels like it for me. My tomatoes did ok! I ahve moved stuff planted nothing new though and my veg were a serious flop, but like you it's fine. We carry on it's just lovely to be outside☺️

    The nets will be fine a little longer - room for shrinkage when you wash them😉

    I fear you are right about something happening next door soon. It can't stay shut up indefinitely and of course that is why you are 'spying' just because it affects you more than anyone and precisely because you value your privacy!

    I'm so glad Sleek was safely with you when the buzzard was in the garden. Your mice wouldn't have been safe either nor any sparrows. Probably why I don't see many here😕 I know it's just nature you're quite correct, but it is awful to think.

    Yes that noesgay item will need to be refunded then it will turn up like that one of mine no doubt!

    Get yourself outside today and enjoy the weather while it's here should be a few days so they say. I don't think you'll need the mackintosh which Bosh got for you.🤞

    Have a good day!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    Ps bills low fat breakfast lol xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good weekend love to everyone.

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good weekend. I never watched mr bean. I liked Frank Spencer. Some mothers do have em. That’s good the mice are safe.

    Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Have a good weekend enjoy the pride event. No we leave the dogs at home. Wilco’s had a closing down sale. We just had a look around. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Keef (()) have a good weekend all of you. That’s good I hope the tablets help. Love to Sucr’e and Luanda (())

    Reshmi (()) love to you and your mum (()) have a good weekend

    Julie (()) have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    my stomach is still playing up a lot unfortunately

    mum is ok today thanks

    hope you both have a nice Saturday

    bye tc xx

    Ps pic of Mount Etna erupting, also known as House Vesuvius apparently lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni, toady and Keef

    How are you all today?

    Toni to be honest my stomach is still feeling distinctly ookey

    I thought I’d take a chance with that rich cake - never again

    mum is ok thanks

    also we have plumbing problems one toilet isn’t working

    mum is in a bit of a mood actually but it’s quite understandable as dad tried to fix the plumbing earlier this morning- seeing as how he’s an expert in everything apparently - but he only made it worse.

    LA preparations almost over I think thanks

    other than relocating mima’s “mansion” to Amsterdam to get the posh cheese without going to WR I’m not sure what else we can do lol

    im still feeling a bit weak with the stomach to be honest

    ok bye for now everyone tc xx

    Ps Icelandic volcano eruption aka - yes, you’ve guessed it - House Vesuvius lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Day two back on the new pills. Side effects not really noticeable atm, lots of pain though. Didn’t even contemplate walking to town to get dinner ingredients just grabbed the chair and rolled. I find if i go slower over the bumpy bits it’s easier and I’ve let some air out of my cushions.

    Hope the stomach feels better soon Reshmi.

    sorry I’ve not been much fun everyone lately with boring posts. Seeing my osteo next week so hopefully that will help.

    enjoy the weekend everyone.


    oh i did manage to get another bit of guitar gear so it’s not been all bad. A vintage Marshall speaker cab. Looks and sounds awesome and I’m looking forward to playing it more when things settle down.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady and Toni

    my stomach is on the mend now thank goodness, but it took a long time getting there

    what an ookey day

    good night everyone see you tomorrow tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 2. Sep 2023, 21:32

    'night bosh, 'night all - only a hello from me too as it's got late and tiredness has come to get me, and drag me from my comp, much like a small boy being dragged away from icing 😣

    Will see you all tomorrow, hope you had a good day frog, lovely weather for Pride 😊🌈 xx

    Joan if I had been doing my painting and odd jobs like Frank Spencer it would have involved me hanging off the curtain rail, pulling off half the plaster and falling out of the window 😂 have a good Sunday xx

    Glad your ookeyness is sloowly receding bosh and have a good night, see you soon 👋 xx

    Ooh Marshall, iconic stuff keef, I can picture the logo on many a TOTP set of old 👍️ enjoy! Hope you have a quiet minimum-pain Sunday xx

    Cheerio for now all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    ps Lake District xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone😊

    Lovely day ahead again I think.

    Morning Joan😊 awww poor Wilko's at least you got in maybe one last time. Pride was really good. Helped feed the foster babies and got covered in sick!!!! Bless them they were on the Gay fostering stall. Had a lovely decaf soya latte and a vegan curry too. The sun shone so a great day all round Lucy enjoyed it too. She had the baby which wasn't sick🤣 Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Love all the eruption photos! They actually look quite beautiful from here not so good close up. Much the same, I suspect, as HV! 🌋

    Glad your stomach is settling. That took a while for you. Is your Mum ok today too? and your leg?

    I see you need a plumber not a Big Babu trying to fix the toilet. Oh dear me your Mum had a right to be cross yesterday with LA coming today to stay.🙄

    We had a lovely time at Pride ( a bit late here being September) a really good parade and turnout so many people there and a real family event. I bet it went on long into the night we left in the afternoon it was a lot for us oldies!

    Today should be quieter I think. I am just helping out do the coffees at the Church service this morning and then visiting a neighbour this afternoon for a cup of tea.

    Best of luck with the Tiny tyrant AKA the Cheese Monster. Take care ((()))

    Morning Keef

    You do sound a bit better in spirit. Please don't worry if you fee rubbish and don't think you're contributing. We don't mind we all have times like that and it's what the café is all about.

    Sounds like the air cushion was a bit too hard maybe? Well done even contemplating cooking never mind rolling out for supplies.

    Ooh! I can picture your new speaker cab! Lovely😊

    I am very glad to hear you are due to see the osteo path this week coming. I really think you need it. Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    How are you this potentially sunny day the second in a row!😊

    I am very glad indeed that you didn't do a Frank Spencer that would have been embarrassing! Definitely would not have kept the neighbours away🤣

    Fabulous day at Pride saw loads of people I know from my sister to one of Charley's exes. Helped with the Foster babies got sicked on, oh well. Had a lovely street food curry vegan of course before then.

    Those fabulous people from the 'one stop shop' who got so much for us with their open day were there again raising money. Such genuine people with huge energy.

    Hope you enjoy the sunshine today.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to everyone (()) have a good day

    Toady (()) Have a good day. Our neighbour moved in next door yesterday. The removal van had You Tube on the side. Enjoy what ever antics you get up to today.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m glad you enjoyed it yesterday. You were kept busy with the babies and Lucy l bet she liked being with them has well (()) so you will be serving drinks this morning at the church. Have a lovely time with your neighbour. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your tummy feels better. Sorry you need a plumber. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) that’s good you got that for your guitar. Have a good day (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) Have a good day love to everyone

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady and Toni

    how are you both?

    toady - have you been sabotaging the universal thermostat again??

    my goodness you’ve created Weather Vesuvius yet again lol

    my stomach is almost fully settled thanks

    plumbing issues still there, only one working toilet, practically no running water for morning hygiene routines, was resorting to using cups of drinking water oh dear

    tiny tyrant arriving about 5.00 pm today

    lock up your fridges - actually Toni you may be safe, unless someone blabs about Violife lol

    Toni I’m glad you enjoyed Pride, sounded great

    ok I’m off to shower etc while the coast is clear

    remember to hide all your dairy products- there is every need to fear

    bye for now everyone tc xx

    ps another Indian aesthetic type pic possibly Jaipur - I’ve forgotten lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 3. Sep 2023, 16:14

    Hi all 👋

    Oh what a beeyoutiful morning.. and afternoon.. for those of us it suits 😍. 2nd day of sunshine quite right frog, am scuttling round trying to prioritize my outdoor jobs - will line up a bit of painting for later, was in the garden this morning talking to the mousies. And went to my local shop. Hope you had a nice quietish time with just local coffees and visits. Glad the sun shone on Pride too, the difference between a wet day for things like that is enormous. So helpful to have a super day for fundraising etc. As for babies, well, take them away, take them a million miles away from me thank you - good call, Lucy! Hope things are good with all family at the moment. How is your bro these days? Have a good rest of afternoon and a potter outside I hope. My verbena bonariensis is as good as out, take note Carol 😄 another small success. I was listening to the people from the house at bottom of garden yesterday, talking outdoors - not eavesdropping this time, you just couldn't not hear - every third word seemed to be 'tomatoes', so if they were remarking on how well theirs were doing, rather salt in the wound frankly 😂. Have a good week :) xx

    Hello joan, my fun for today was rescuing a spider that chose to drop out of my hair and into the bathwater just as I started running it 😱. It wasn't hot at that point so I fished it out and left it to dry out on a towel, it refused to show any signs of recovery the whole time I was in there but just as I was about to give up and read the last rites it perked up no end & bolted up the curtains. So that was very relaxing, just like the bath foam adverts 😂. Hope you are having a good Sunday. I read on the statement on Wilko's site from management saying 'it's been an honour', etc, very sad. Do hope someone can do something. I always think about things like the shop fittings and the work everyone put into that. Have a good new week, hope your neighbour settles in nicely - Youtube on the removal van, that's a sign of the times, it would have been lovely hand painted signwriting once. Love to you both & the dear dogs :) xx

    Hi bosh, oops, sorry about the thermostat, I cannot tell a lie it was I 😳 just a little more sunshine before the icy fingers start to creep in, I couldn't help myself. It's helping me catch up on my garden & maintenance jobs but that's no consolation to anyone else, I realize. Trouble with fine weather is it's like 'one man went to mow' - one starts and then they all join in, it's like the strimmers all hear some sort of call of the wild 🙄. One day we'll run out of electric for big machines and they'll all have to have little push mowers, ha. Well it's 5.00 as I type so zero hour for HV 😱 hope it's all going as well as poss, plumbing just about holding up & so on 😬. I had a little walk to the local shop this morning and bought a fruit cake and some reduced price biscuits, so if the worst comes to the worst you can requisition the rest of my cheese and I'll be alright 👍️. All the best for the rest of your day, do try to totter back in here for tea later and some recovery time :) xx

    Love to everyone, hope your day is ok or at least fair to middling as we say, good luck with the osteo next week xx

    Bye for now all ☕️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Sunday evening again already. On my own now for a while. Had stomach pains last nite that woke me up. So no more of the new pills for a while, which means more pain unfortunately.

    I did manage to visit mum today, Sucré was on top form saying hello to everyone in every room we passed and harassing the staff for biscuits. I really don’t know how he is so skinny lol.

    was supposed to be visiting an old colleague by the sea tomorrow but I just can’t face the ride there so I’ve cancelled. Might just pop out for a once around the block, which is about6 miles just to see how i get on with the pain. Used to be that being on the bike was when I was most comfortable.

    Hey Toni I saw two of your fig cars today both green both on the same bit of road travelling in opposite directions within seconds of each other.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326
    edited 3. Sep 2023, 19:33

    Thanks toady

    glad someone is enjoying Weather Vesuvius lol

    my stomach is still not 100% settled, I’m in a lot less pain and discomfort but I can’t leave the house until it’s settled

    plus attempting to shower with half jugs of cold water that took ages to fill didn’t help my mood

    LA arrived a bit later than expected at about 6 pm but he started jumping on beds with a stomach full of jelly babies - ookey .

    Sorry toady I was very much disturbed by all sorts of “fambly” members as I think LA may possibly have said once, I wrote this post a long time ago,

    so good night toady and everyone have a non - hot and humid night - ok we can’t expect miracles, have a tolerable night and take care. xx

    ps thought this pic was funny lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 4. Sep 2023, 06:06

    Morning Joan

    New neighbours eh? I hope they are nice. I did help serve drinks and chatted to people yesterday then in the evening I chatted some more to my lovely neighbour while her husband was out. Their son is in this race

    He is in a boat called Qindau (sp) pronounced chindow I think. So he was there to see the start. Their son (the youngest) won't board until somewhere in Australia.

    Morning Keef

    How are you today? Sad I suspect with teh family absent for now 😕

    A dicky tum eh? Have you asked about the proton pump inhibitors yet? That should help with your tum. Even though a Cox 2 like arcoxia is gentler on your stomach you should still protect it if you can.

    I wondered whether you'd have any advice for this person?

    Hope the ride around the block helps it may well do fingers crossed for you. Shame you aren't up to seeing your old colleague this time. Any news on that MRI yet?

    Did you hear the two Figs beeping? We usually beep at each other like idiots when we see another one! I wish I'd been there.

    I was followed by another biker yesterday - could have easily overtaken, but i think he was looking at my Fig. When he came level at a roundabout I got the thumbs up☺️

    Have a good day Take care. ((()))

    Morning Reshmi What a beautiful pic. They certainly knew how to build fabulous buildings. The mug though that was brilliant!

    Erm dare I ask how are you? Worn out yet? I bet the tiny tyrant is running you all ragged😊 All the beds got jumped on? Gosh I remember when jumping on beds was fun now. I cannot imagine doing it now I'm an adulk. Nor can I imagine 'skipping'. Kids just have so much more energy than us adulks.

    My fridge is firmly locked thanks for the tip and Sleek is on guard.

    We do have cheese cathedral city vegan and violife for my butties.....and Paul has 'normal' cheese too. Those were the days when you were young and could eat anything.... sigh.

    It was indeed very warm I had lots of extra hot flushes yesterday and the pollen count was high.

    Sorry about the shower situation.

    Have an entertaining day! Try to rest if you can ((()))

    Morning Toady

    I bet you are loving the heat I am loving the sunsets! and of course being able to get outside. The hydrangeas are much much happier at the front in the shade in pots.

    Yes thank you my day was far more restful. I am a very good happy helper with cuppas as you can imagine. Although not so next weekend as we will be at Goodwood Revival and its some sort of bike riding event where people call in to Churches on their bikes.

    I sat with my neighbour for a good chat, but she is a very interesting person to talk to so I enjoyed that. Along with a bit of pottering (watering too) a really nice day.

    Make the most of it while it's reliable.

    Erm yes tomatoes mine are rather good too get those leaves off yours so the sun can do it's bit asap! I think tomatoes are the only success I've had this year - hang on! I have a single tiny, tiny are you ready? courgette! I will get you a pic later! My first EVER!

    Paul ate two of our plums - it's a good plum year - and a handful of blueberries. I ate 6 (sorry) tomatoes.

    I'm so glad your verbena is out😊 when the flowers die off maybe you'll have finches eating the seed heads like I did last year.

    I'm glad you saw the mousies and they are still well. Sure we'll have a mild winter this year again. Hopefully they'll be ok. I will get my hedgehog house filled maybe?

    Going to need to cut the wisteria back soon should have been August i think.

    Oh dear lots to do!

    Have a great day!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day love to your carers (()) and your family

    Toady (()) Have you seen the spider again. Have a good day. When will little birds arrive.

    Barbara (()) Have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sure I have heard of that name of your neighbours son’s boat good luck to them (()) Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Keef (()) Sorry you have so much pain (()) I hope the bike doesn’t cause you too much pain (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry about the plumbing (()) love to your mum (()) have a good day

    Julie (()) have a good day take care.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    good morning everyone

    wppl xx

    Ps pic of Florence, Italy xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 4. Sep 2023, 10:57

    Hi Toni, yes I have the stomach protector pills but after reading the common side effects I didn’t take them. Seems that they and the new antiinflams will start off my ibs which is exactly what got me into this mess in the first place. I never knew there was a link between ibs and arthritis and i think now it’s only just being discovered/researched.

    that clipper race looks fun. I loved sailing in my step dads yacht, i think i mentioned he was a boat builder. First time I simply could not get my head around how fast we were going just with the power of the wind.

    Have to offered advice to Galaxy re his guitar hands issue.

    it’s play a while rest a while for me today. I’ve just done a few songs, and even had a thump on the bass, now going for laydown coz the pain is bad, even making me feel sick. I take comfort in the fact that the sounds i have in the bunker are the best they have ever been, it’s been very difficult tuning such a small space to sound good with such a high sound pressure level. My new cab…..

    In British Racing Green 😁

    its a bit beaten up I bought it as b stock but adds to the charm. If anyone asks i can say oh yes, been toured and gigged all over the world lol.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Loanda had lot of halloween swag in the last few days. Will hopefully post some pics soon.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Dachshund, tbh I just don’t feel like riding the bike atm. I guess one day i will get up and be like bike bike bike, but it’s not happening just now. I don’t feel like doing much at all. Thanks for the well wishes.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hey Toady and Reshmi. Ooooh that mug is creepy 😳

    nice pics other than that one Reshmi. 😁