Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you doing today?

    mum and I are ok thanks

    I’m just a bit tired post mxt on my new mxt day

    thanks about the hospital letter you’re absolutely right about the inflammation markers. I didn’t think of that.

    I booked a flu jab at the same chemist I went to before which isn’t ideal if there’s a big queue like last time, but at least I’ll be aware of the possibility of the queue and it’s better than waiting for the al fresco chemist which would be mean more delay than necessary

    Yes nice M’s dad is a very nice person he said that he’s recently turned 78 and that life begins at 80 so he’s only got a two year wait now ha ha.

    I’m getting a bit of shoulder ache etc so I’ll stop for now Toni. Sorry if I don’t post again have a nice evening take care xx

    ps me preparing mxt brew for you in advance lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi toady

    How are you?

    sorry am somewhat cream crackered again

    The latest report on BR is that he likes using the potty now and eating pre - school snacks!

    whether this involves chips from air fryer or chip shop I have no idea

    I have a feeling EF may be coming on Sunday oh dear

    ive got a bit of an ookey stomach to be honest- I hope your gastric oracles give you a favourable prediction tonight

    good night toady and everyone tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 24. Nov 2023, 06:27


    I hope the photo posts.

    Chilly up here in Northumberland.

    Joan friends are too important to lose I value them too highly. You're right though people do fall out over nothing. Hope you having a good day. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Good morning @Emmasknackeredjoints you are very welcome here. The kettle is always on and any treats consumed are low calorie! Just pop in any time you are online👍

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? Home your Mum's blood sugar is OK.

    All well here although it is very chilly. Luckily I brought extra layers and my warmest coat.

    We has a walk along the prom yesterday hence the photo above it was lovely. Today we do some cleaning and load up the car with anything which might go damp over winter.

    Thanks the mtx looks erm.....just lovely I am soooo looking forward to that when I get home🤭🤭🤭

    Absolutely your bloods would've been high if the surgery had even been prepared to take them when you had covid! Ah well we know you did the right thing.

    Great to know life begins at 80

    Take care ((())) xx

    I can't see all our messages for some reason on my phone so I have to send my best to Keef

    I hope all is well with you and the family.

    Sucre and Loanda especially and you most of all.

    Sending ((()))

    Hi Toady.

    It's freezing up here inside abd outside of this caravan!! Brrrr!

    Hope all is well with you and no new leaks have soring up.

    Take care


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 24. Nov 2023, 09:10

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

    ps dragon cup xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) have a good weekend

    Toady (()) I’m sorry you are so stressed you have so much dragging you down. Have a mug of tea. I hope you have a good day (()) and weekend.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (()) have a good weekend

    Toni (()) Thank you for the photo yes it looks freezing there. Good job you took plenty of warm clothes with you (()) It won’t be long now before Meg comes. Have a good day and a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Tia (()) and Lucy (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) we had our flu jab in September at our Doctors surgery. Your later having yours because you had Covid. You have done so well after having that (()) love to your mum (()) have a good weekend

    Keef (()) How are you we are getting worried about you (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) have a good weekend

    Emmasknackeredjoints Welcome to the lovely friendly forum. Have a good weekend (())

    Julie (()) have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 24. Nov 2023, 17:11

    Hi all 👋

    That landscape does look jolly cold frog! striking though. Not quite my kind of landscape as you can imagine at this time of year, but certainly grand. Hope all's going well in the packing up department and you're keeping warm in your big coat. Safe trip back. All ok here, the drip is now worse ta, so far have directed it to a slightly different place of exit, no idea if this is an achievement or not 😄 but have ordered some self fusing silicone tape and will have a go with that when it gets here (the plumbers' whatsit stuff is not for plastic apparently). If successful will report back otherwise I'm still locked in battle with it. The list of stuff to do is going down thankfully, HAH have been, prescription meds on way or as near as, parcel picked up by courier, just grocery shop to go tomorrow. No other happenings, it's going down to minus 2 here tonight they say so it's exactly toasty down here either but you will be glad to be back - safe trip whenever it is. Love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, thank you I could do without extra silly little troubles but I bounce back once I've got over the initial nasty surprise, don't worry, with mug of tea definitely 😀. All I ask really is 5 minutes peace between things (and I definitely don't want a third leak, especially one involving being in the middle of dressing while juggling pots of water 😄). Hope you're having a good day, it will be dropping chilly but bright the next couple of days so that's something 🌞. Full moon on Monday. Did you see about the toolbox floating around in space that someone dropped from the international space station, worth thousands, you were supposed to be able to see it from here with binoculars this week. Have a good evening love to Sue, did you go out today? Not so many weeks now for Sue's plaster 👍️ :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope the stomach not too bad at the moment. I have been looking (again) at things to do to help mine, diet, maybe probiotics etc, it's finding the right things though and then sticking to them 🤔. Chips seem to be this week's theme don't they especially with BR getting in on the act too 😄 I hope the woman in the queue's life story was interesting, not that one wishes to eavesdrop, but if you can't help hear, it may as well be something funny or fascinating. Hope you won't have a long wait in the flu jab queue🤞. Lots of lovely pics this week 😍 just looking back at some I didn't see in detail first time. Beautiful cauldron lady. When the dragon with coffee cup has finished doing things best left unspoken with his duct tape, I'll borrow it for my leaky pipes 😄 and I would definitely like the vacation. But I think the coffee and the nap are all I'm going to get 😔. Nothing much going on with me, my broadband bill has just gone up which was a nasty surprise because I'm used to having phone calls thrown in, I saw an £8 charge for those and though I'd somehow managed to make an £8 phone call 😱. Do I switch though, can I be bothered. 🤔Have a good evening :) xx

    Thinking of keef 👋 and love to everyone else & anyone passing 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    I see about the flu jab that’s good that you had in September 👍

    Mum is okay today thanks

    I am okay too but pretty tired because there was lots of disruption here today building work going on etc.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I hope you both have a nice evening. Take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 24. Nov 2023, 18:46

    Hi Toni

    how are you today? I’m not too bad thanks but just quite tired because there were some workmen putting Internet cables in outside the house in the morning and dad insisted on going and having a look every five minutes so the house was freezing cold despite the heating, I had to put on all my thermals just to warm up and even then it took about an hour and a half to warm up enough for me too feel ready to go on a walk, so it was a really late walk which made me grumpy in itself and of course it’s mxt hangover day for me so I got really shattered by the time I came home I must admit it was a flapjack day today, but there are worse sins, chocolate was calling my name, but then I thought I can’t quite bring myself to become the new Reading Rembrandt’s yet lol.

    Mum is okay thank you. Blood sugar is okay anyway, but she’s insisting on cooking a massive feast for EF who are coming on Sunday. I told her not to and I said I’d help her but she listens to nothing regarding such matters as I could’ve predicted, never mind

    News hot off the press as it were, BR used the potty five times day before yesterday, which was quite an achievement because he was not fond of the potty before and would angrily return the reward stickers that the carer gave him to try and bribe him into potty usage, but now it seems he likes it, and also he did enjoy a mid preschool snack, but it was a mid morning snack, so I doubt it was chips and toady suggested, lol, but that sounds like a great idea in an ideal world where cholesterol is just a Demon invented by the Brothers Slim(m) - wait that sounds a bit wrong haha

    I hope you’re not getting too cold in Northumberland?

    I’m glad you’re wearing your warm coat. It was cold outside today even here in Reading on the Equator or whatever it’s called these days haha

    I almost wore the wrong coat but I did were the right one in the end. Mum was worried bless her, but she was right this time. It was colder than I realised but I was still so tired from the MXT hangover that even that cold breeze wasn’t really invigorating, but never mind.

    do you know I heard a funny thing the other day in Cost A Packet? a lady was complaining on the phone to somebody. I think she was planning Christmas dinner for a relative in advance or something along those lines and she was saying “he doesn’t like my lamb and rice so I’m going to get some spaghetti and meatballs take away delivered and charge it to his account. I don’t care anymore.” Oh dear is Bill being an even naughtier bill than usual? fancy not eating lamb and rice. I know I don’t like lamb myself, but Bill is a legendary carnivore unfortunately no wonder his older son he’s a T-Rex ha ha

    ok I must admit I haven’t read back properly yet but I thought I’d better post something before the whole day goes by, my plan is to write more later, but it does depend on the North Pole or North Etna situation.

    Bye for now Toni take care have a nice evening.xx

    ps bills fave shop in Milan lol

    for some reason I can’t reduce the pic size and also there is brand name here but it wasn’t my intention- anyway I’m sure someone will inform if there’s a problem, also can’t delete ok bye for now xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 24. Nov 2023, 20:28

    Hi toady

    How are you today?

    sorry that the drip situation has got worse

    Probiotics et cetera I don’t think they work for me, but of course every stomach is different I guess

    BR didn’t really have chips I was joking. I’m sure he had something healthy like an apple instead haha

    thanks about the pics

    The Woman told some very boring story about how she did the stock take, and she’d forgotten to order something. It was extremely boring indeed to be honest, also I was hungry, so my patience was thin for that reason too 😂

    For now I’m totally messaged out, I may send another message later on today. I’ll see how I feel. I hope you get to have the coffee and then nap though maybe a nap would be better without the coffee okay bye for now, have a good evening tc xx

    sorry toady pic is of Lombardy Italy xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 25. Nov 2023, 07:00


    Back home to a good frost here overnight good job I'm not up North😯

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue? It's chillier than ever here you should have seen the sea yesterday before we loft it was so choppy! Beautiful though. Nice to be home I had missed Sleek so much even though she had Paul. Yes Kari will have little Meg soon to cuddle🤗 and Meg will also have a new Auntie Toni!! Take care ((())) xxx

    Sending love to @Keef and really hoping you are ok. We are all missing you I personally am worried that something extra is wrong. ((())) to you and best wishes to Loanda, Sucré and your Mum. Please do take care ((())) xxx

    Hello to @Emmasknackeredjoints Emma I hope you are doing ok? If it helps we can each tell you a tiny bit about ourselves so you don't feel to confused by the madness that is Val's cafe?

    First of all the café was started by an old member, Valval in maybe 2009ish (she sadly died in about 2014 (ish) of unrelated cancer) I think I was probably first or second in the door so to speak. In the early days it was very busy with people popping in and out all day long talking about this and that not always Arthritis just chatting mostly.

    Nowadays there are far less people popping in but the principle is the same just friendly chat and you are so so welcome.

    I am Toni in real life and have 3 (now adult) girls one of whom had leukaemia some years ago and the support I got from people here was phenomenal. I also have a cat nicknamed Sleek as the vet said she was overweight and she reckoned she wasn't🤭 She is quite elderly now at 14, but Joan (Dachshund) will remember me having her as a kitten.

    Ask us anything we are a friendly group. Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? and your Mum too? Is her blood sugar nice and stable?

    Honestly I don't know how you cope with your Mum and Dad! One needs the heating on too high the other keeps leaving doors open and freezing you all to death! It's a wonder you don't catch every chill going I think🙄

    MTX hangover day is very often a chocolate day so you did exceptionally well to make it a flapjack day at least there is healthy stuff in flapjacks too😊 Today for me will be a vegan sausage roll day which always helps as you know! Albeit only temporarily.

    It was cold yesterday, but gosh today is far worse thick ice outside here i hope Reading-on-the-equator is bearable? Yes warm coats and thermal vests need to come out of our drawers and stay out for the duration. Those fluffy lined leggings too maybe?

    Sometimes you just can't reduce a pic size can you? Not often but like a glitch in the system maybe? I am very impressed with BIL's fave shop I doubt they would let me set foot in the door though. Far too 'common' me😁

    If you eat meat I see nothing at all wrong with lamb and rice! Whoever he is he sounds very ungrateful if that lady is prepared to cook for him! I think BIL would definitely eat lamb and rice - well anything really if the quantity is large enough!!!

    Enjoy seeing EF this weekend I am looking forward to hearing plenty of funny nephew stories.

    Morning Toady!!

    It's PTFE PTFE tape!!!! Yes!! My friend also has a leak maybe in the loo or shower in her ensuite can't tell due to it being built in. She can see a crack in the kitchen ceiling below 😮 I am very glad you have yours under temporary control pending the arrival of a possible fix which certainly sounds promising🤞

    We packed her caravan up perfectly yesterday it was all done in no time. Not sure I was an awful of of use but could help with the yorkies and give moral support.

    Blimey it was cold, but it's frozen outside here for definite. Looks pretty though all sparkly. Must check on the bird bath when it gets light. I hope all your meeces and birdies are ok too. Must be so awful for them all😓

    Hope your grocery shop goes ok I'm sure it will I have CPR training this morning here in the village pending having a defibrillator we all need to be trained.

    take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day love to everyone (())

    Toady (()) i hope you have a good day today (()) you don’t need anymore problems. I hope you don’t have a problem with your parcels next week. The weather man said we could have snow soon.

    Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) have you got any pain from being out in the cold (()) How is Paul and his Tip and Tilt going (()) have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how are you feeling today (()) i hope your mum has a good day (()) take care.

    Keef (()) I hope you haven’t got any more problems (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) and your mum (())

    Emmaknackeredjoints (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    LA wants handmade cheeseburgers with pickled gherkins from granny oh dear kangaroo order is in lol

    mum is okay thank you blood sugar wise I’m okay just rather tired hot and flustered but need to prepare for the Little Lord and BR who is scared of “piders” by the way he’s in good company 🤗

    this is the first instalment more later at least that’s my intention bye for now Toni take care xx

    Ps pic of ETB lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 25. Nov 2023, 16:45

    Afternoon everyone 😊

    Sunny, it was sunny, actual sun 😍 what a difference that made. Shopping in, a few jobs done, even got in the garden for a few mins, all in the decent daylight. Can't last ofc rain tomorrow but it was nice. Shopping mostly ok frog thanks, couple of missing items nothing vital. Glad you're all done & dusted and back with Sleek, I'm sure you were a huge help, just being there your friend will have been jolly glad and the bits you could help with would have been very handy. Oh no not more leaks, tis the season obviously 😱 this set off even before the trip did it? Built in stuff gives me the horrors, I just know if I had any it would have it in for me, the thought of something going on out of sight 😬 heaven forbid. I'd rather have visible pipes all round the place like some sort of Wallace & Gromit affair than have them up to things beind my back. Her poor ceiling, will it be very intrusive even to get at the plumbing let alone fix? not good anyway if its exact cause is unknown 😔. No change with mine, yes PTFE tape I knew what you meant thanks, I do have that in my kitbag and silicone etc, things that are mostly better at the tightening up stage. Bit of an awkward joint, well it would be 🙄 so the actual best approach is probably moot. We'll see. Hope everythng fine at home, and that the CPR training went well. Certainly was frosty first thing, even at the sort of time I get up, so yes definitely chilly for wildlife, can only put food out and hope they are dug well in somewhere. I moved a few more pots and as I never got round to all my bulb buying, will get to that now too. How's the shed these days, tidy? 😉. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hello joan, hope not too cold where you are, certainly was a noticeable drop today definite frost. Snow wouldn't surprise me but it's turning damp again here for a bit, so not yet I should think. As for parcels, well I may not need to pack anything, unless people start to make a few panicky xmas present purchases, you never know 😄 nothing much happening at the moment but I do have an auction on Monday with one bidder so another bid to push them up would be nice. Everything quiet today all deliveries etc in so nothing to do tomorrow, have a good Sunday yourselves :) xx

    Hi bosh, oh EF again so soon 😬 oh dear sorry about the excess cookery prep but you don't surprise me that you can't budge your mum on that point, hope she's not doing too much. Oh it wasn't chips for BR's pre-school snacks, yes I can see that wasn't logical at all now you come to mention it, sorry Spock, and for missing the joke (gullible is my middle name unfortunately 😄). Shame the woman's stock-taking story was not more interesting, unless it was some sort of spy coded message, not very likely. I expect you saw that kangaroo drivers are in the news after the chap helped with the incident in Dublin, what a brave chap, tough enough job as it is delivering picked gherkins and dealing with problem customers & whatnot. Oh BR not keen on the 'pider' fraternity I see, I do call them that myself on occasion, hope they all stay away from him🤞. That cat is my spirit animal as they say these days I think, brilliant 😸. Hope your day got a bit less hot & flustery this afternoon, good luck with the visit see you anon :) xx

    Love to all, hope everyone as well as poss 🤞😘 xx

  • Evening everyone, thank you for the kind messages. I wasn't sure what on earth vals cafe was lol.

    I'm quiet new to the world of inflammatory arthritis, well I say new it's been 3.5 yrs but the fight to get the diagnosis has been madness and new.

    Currently on biologics as MTX was awful, 9 months of incredible nausea and vomiting, I have no idea how I lasted that long.

    I've got a stinking cold at the moment so feel knackered , ( my first cold since starting dmards, biologics, didn't realise I'd feel this crap.)

    atlthough just had a lovely bubble bath so all cosy!

    Apart from the joy of arthritis, I'm in my 40s and live alone in East of England.

    Are you all over the UK?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    I’m not feeling too bad thanks just a bit tired but not abnormally so 🙏

    mum is okay too thanks but just a bit stressed because my sister and her family are coming tomorrow and she’s doing a lot of cooking and won’t except my help.

    I hope you both have a good night. Take care xx


    ps pic is butterfly pea flower sourdough bread xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi Emma 👋 do hope you aren't on any of the falling-into-the-sea areas of the East?! 😣 I'm in the Midlands. Similar kind of diagnosis story to yours, unpleasant 1st consultant experience &c &c 🙄, now also on biologics. Hope yours work well for you, (I think from your other posts it hasn't been very long yet?) good luck with them. Also hope the horrid cold doesn't hang about too long. Have as good night as possible :)

    same to everyone else 😘

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    glad you had a nice day and went out in the sunshine in the garden and got some jobs done.

    Mum and I are not too bad thanks are not too bad thanks

    well, I am a bit tired but not abnormally so despite having fought crime intergalactically thanks for promoting me to Spock by the way, before I was just a Leola root sandwich so thanks again for that. At least no one will eat me in order to heal their delicate stomachs.👍👍

    Flustery - I like that - a nice alternative to blustery ha ha

    when I went on my walk in the morning, wasn’t actually extremely blustery, but it really was very cold and nasty gloomy with little sunligh, to be honest. My legs were so cold. I was wondering if I would ever warm up, but walking slowly once round as I call it did manage to warm me up in the end, I also avoided the hot chocolate trap, even though like that’s not something I manage to abstain from every day to be frank but tomorrow EF are coming so there may well be apple crumble and custard, if I’m a good mima. I doubt the apple crumble will be up to the standards of Keef (shop - bought) but it will still be very welcome if my stomach behaves itself, and the oracles are having a good day, of course, Needless to say. 🤷‍♀️

    i’m not a great news watcher to be honest, I find it too depressing, but I think I know which story you meant my mum pointed it out when the driver saved an old man’s life with his crane or something like that? Does that sound familiar? sorry like I said I don’t really keep track of these things but if it was that one, yes, that was very courageous and commendable indeed.

    The ‘pider fraternity, I see that’s a good way of describing them, LA was saying something to my sister when she was on the phone to his granny, it was something like “mummy you’re way better at dancing then daddy because daddy is too fat”. Luckily the portly daddy was taking BR to drama club at the time so he didn’t hear this “slander” for himself, then mummy of course diplomatic as ever, said there’s no need to say those things now LA”, or something like that, but then he just shouted at the top of his voice, “But granny needs to hear this, Daddy is too fat!!” Oh dear 😂

    Regarding whether the day got any less hot, will it sort of did because I really needed to sleep so I wore one million jumpers and slept in the cold room without putting the heater on which suited me even though it was a bit of a hassle, but then I really needed a shower so I went back to my room which was a boiling hot sauna and I somehow managed to shower and change there, then however the lamb cooking was taking place and I came close to being sick. It was a case of a piece of cotton over the nose to avoid nausea and get some rest which isn’t really good for breathing, but then breathing is a minor concern in the “hot as morning R Brek temperature” in the tropical frazzled brain - forest Isn’t it really? 🤷‍♀️

    Anyway the main thing thanks is that I did manage that nap thanks, in the North Pole, without which I would be very much on the verge of starting yet another intergalactic war in the most un Spock- like manner.

    I recently discovered that Bill has taken to eating massive potato - stuffed chapatis well something similar to that anyway, and very large portions of Indian semolina pudding, which would upset anyone’s stomach at the best of times and still he’s complaining of acid reflux and general stomach issues etc, my goodness, even Peppa Pig would be shocked at this but what can you say? my brother-in-law plays by his own rules on a diet as rich as cream and gooseberry fools, okay I think that’s enough rhyming for today ha ha.

    I hope you have a good night toady, take care xx

    ps a golden rubbish bag? My goodness, the things that Bill spends his money on lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 26. Nov 2023, 07:17


    Still cold here but apparently we're due rain later so hope it thaws first or it will be lethal.

    Morning Joan Hope you and Sue are doing ok? Saw my lovely neighbour (him) yesterday she was at hope waiting for the district nurse. Talking of nurses will Sue need to go back to teh hospital for them to check on her ankle at some point? ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef I am quite worried but hopeful all is ok with you all leaving you a coffee if you get in at all and sending my love ((()))

    Morning Emma lovely to get a picture of who you are too thanks for that. I live in Staffordshire in a little village. It's very Midsomer here with village fall-outs and Fetes tractors and Best Kept Village competitions etc. No murders thus far at least😂

    Where are you in the East? I was up in the North east Thursday and Friday helping my recently (and very young to be so) widowed friend pack up her caravan.

    Every week you'll hear myself and Reshmi talk about MTX people here must be sick (pun intended!) of hearing about it! I'm glad you are on biologics and hope they are helping.

    Hope you don't keep that cold and glad you enjoyed the bath 😊

    Morning Reshmi Hope today is less hot and flustery fingers 🤞

    Aha I love the black puss ETB is a shapeshifter too! Wow! Who knew?

    LA has put in an excellent order to the cafe in the well-known and much visited holiday destination of Reading. Your poor mum still and burger she makes is likely to be healthier than the scary clown's eatery.

    Oh poor BR! Bless him tell him to come here or to Toady's we will look after him. Neither of us likes s*****s either, but we won't kill them.

    Oh I like BIL's golden binliner! I am most covetous😳 and there was me thinking I am special with biodegradable ones. Get him. Probably made out of recycled rolexes....

    Have a great day with the boys.

    Morning Toady how are you?

    It's great to be home before this real ice set in. I know you are near me did you not get ice yesterday? Our garden never completely defrosted and it's frozen again now due rain this afternoon. Glad you got out though well done.

    I didn't plant bulbs either I just let whatever is here come up! Hopefully all wildlife will cope the poor things usually do somehow. Anyone in my hedgehog house I wonder......

    Shopping pretty well all present and correct that's good thumbs up to al Fresco (For Emma that's Tesco!)

    I think my friend could be in trouble. Yesterday she had two friends over to watch the football 'he' is a landlord (a nice one) and she was going to get his opinion and probably a decent plumber. It will be tiled floor up and shower and fitted cupboards out I suspect. She also detests people in the house.

    Glad yours remains stable ATM and yes visible pipes do have their advantages when it comes to maintenance.

    Sleek says it's freezing out there. How right she is!! Brrrr.

    We were out last night at the next village for a tribute band. Queen. They were pretty good. We had an unusual group on our table, but they were lovely so it was good fun although it was a late night for me so i am tired today. Oh yes wrists hurt form CPR training! Maybe I tried too hard!!! Broke a few ribs you know.

    Take care and keep warm/dry.

    Vegan/veggie options of course available,

    Love to Carol if she gets a minute to pop in😊

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Keep warm love to you and your carers (())

    Toady (()) Have a good day (()) how are your leak’s getting on. We have rain coming (())

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m pleased you enjoyed the tribute band. That’s good your neighbour is alright and his wife (()) Yes Sue has to go up the hospital for a ex-ray in about 3 weeks. Thank you for thinking about her. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Emma (()) It’s nice to meet you but I’m sorry you have Arthritis. I live in Swindon in Wiltshire with my sister and our Dachshund’s (dogs) have a good day

    Reshmi (()) Have a good day and your mum (()) you said you were having a house full today

    Keef (()) we are all thinking about you. keep warm love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    mum and I are ok 🙏

    Thanks, yes the whole of EF ( Excess Family) are here today

    also my dad / nephew’s’ grandfather/ BB has been spotted shirking food prep duties - but not on this Earth lol

    have a nice afternoon bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you this afternoon?

    I went for a walk this morning and it was most definitely cold of course but a bit warmer than yesterday here

    however inside the house it’s getting rather warm again 🤷‍♀️

    I bought an empty travel spray bottle from the M Zuckerberg’s fave chemist “Super Bug” and I fill it with cold water and spray my face from time to time, it helps a bit 👍

    Mums bs is ok thanks

    but she’s going on cooking no one can help her nor stop her but never mind

    As for the flustery situation- yes still happening when I go downstairs but I’m hiding upstairs while I can even though it may involve spraying the whole of the Channel and the occasional whale on my face🐳

    ETB - shape shifter - that’s great lol

    Yes almost any food is healthier than the scary clowns eatery lol, I agree

    yes poor mum indeed, bill wants Indian food, young LA has of course put his aristocratic order in, so it’s not a straightforward situation in the kitchen, bless her, why can’t they all eat some porridge for a change? Or even R Brek, while watching Shrek perhaps? Lol that would be LA’s idea of heaven, well he would put no doubt some cheese sarnies in the breakfast cereal if left to his own devices 😂

    I will indeed ask BR to visit the nice ethical spider - liberating ladies from VC 🤗

    but remember no vegan chicken sandwiches for him please - just to be on the safe side haha

    Recycled Rolexes that’s very appropriate haha

    Thanks I’m having a nice time thanks but boiling 🥵

    Bill is eating potato - stuffed bread (paratas) and a kind of rich Indian semolina dessert in vast quantities daily and guess what? He’s complaining of stomach problems! What a silly man he is really.

    LA went to a kind of children’s event in London with his parents, it was a mixture of things and there was an aquarium and LA was kissing a big fish through the glass! So he’s found his wife at long last! It’s not a young lady at all, it’s not even a tuna sandwich- well close relation maybe - just don’t tell his mummy- how cute.

    Also, I don’t think I’ve mentioned this, but sorry if I’m repeating myself but it’s very funny, my sis was on the phone with mum and LA said in the background, “Mummy you’re way better at dancing than daddy”, sis asked why, he replied, “ Because daddy is fat” sis, ever the diplomat said, “There’s no need to say these things now please LA”, but he responded by shouting, “No, granny needs to hear this, daddy is FAT!” - sorry very much LA’s block caps - not mine lol.The portly daddy was taking BR to drama club at the time luckily, so no “slander” for him to hear 😂

    ok I’d better go downstairs in a minute to try and keep the littleys from eating a mountain of apple crumble and then saying “ mima why are our tummies hurting?” Lol, wish me luck

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    ps a pic of you and another related to Bill’s mid morning snack xx

    bye for now Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Just a quick 👋 to toady before i forget

    hope you’re ok today?

    👋 also to Emma

    its nice meet you

    right it’s back to the nephews in a sec, they’ve covered the stairs in cuddly sheep and glowing light sabers / or it sabres? - I’ll say LS lol, I hope there’s enough custard or a battering of mima / auntie by plastic toy LS may be on the cards .

    Have a good afternoon everyone tc xx

  • @bosh love the gold xmas rubbish bag lol how funny.will have to get the tree up soon . @toady @frogmella I live in Essex although originally from Scotland lol not sure how that happened. Although I do love the warmer weather here.

    How do you find the MTX injection. The tablets were awful but the injection seemed to be OK. Then the longer it went on the nausea and vomiting lasted 48hrs +. I had no food for 2 days and ended up vomiting blood and blood in urine from not drinking , ( sorry for the over share) . Little disappointed as I feel the mtx was a bit better than biologics for the pain . I hope they work better soon.

    I had app with hip surgeon yest so now I have to decide to have surgery on hip, either THR or another kind to help the hip dysplasia. Both have pros and cons, how frustrating.

    On a plus side I found a lovely non alcohol Red wine ( practically juice I know ) but not sure I can drink on biologics yet.

    Anyone have nice plans for the week coming. X

    Sorry my post was rather boring arthritis nonsense.