Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all, quick post, have been in the nosegay packaging corner and am now throwing in the towel and going to bed, it's so cold 😬 oh well worse to come this week, that's a nice cheerful thought.

    No ice here frog, hope yours did go off before making nasty rain/ice combinations of itself. My forecast looks hideous this week frankly 😣 looks like I will be wearing Sleek's mittens til springtime (she is right it's freezing), and heaven knows what else, too cold to think straight I will be filling my hot water bottle with tea at this rate. Actually is that a workable idea, for tea emergencies? 🤔 no, no it isn't 😄. Glad you had a good day and night out yesterday but yes it does sound tiring. Oh yikes, your poor friend, in for probably major dismantlings and people-in-ness, so sorry for her. This time of year, too. Hope everything else ok with you today - I have chosen a few bulbs, including Tulipa 'Havran', just deciding if anything else needs to go in my basket, hate paying delivery then realizing I should have got something else (hate paying delivery full stop 😕). Have a good Monday, more chat tomorrow :) xx

    Hello joan, did I say I was going to have a quiet day 🤔 the hospital rang me twice and left messages, once to say why I hadn't I come to an appointment, then again 10 mins later to say sorry they didn't realize I'd cancelled. She also said she would send out a new appt which I'd asked them already not to do, til I contacted them 🙄. Then I had a delivery I wasn't expecting, there is no peace 😄. Yes rain on the way but it doesn't seem it will be warmer either, the only thing rain is useful for. No change in the leaks. Hope things not too bad where you are :) xx

    Hi bosh, I see you have found a picture of my house from somewhere 😂 except it's in slightly better shape haha. Well done coping with EF and the onslaught of the LS and toy sheep and whatever else, hope the apple crumble was kept under control (and that you got some yourself). As for Bill, well he really does have a strange relationship with his own gastric oracle, which seems to be ignore what it says altogether, whereas if mine would give me a few handy hints what to leave well alone I'd be much obliged. It seems to work more on a Sphinx like basis, say nothing and look inscrutable. As to the slanderous comments of certain littleys, I had best not comment, the matter may be sub judicae 😉. Funny about LA and the fishy romance though 😂 I like close relation to a tuna sandwich haha. Oh the kangaroo driver story was a different one but yes the crane driver was great, I don't look at much news either, but sometijust want to see what's going on - usually wish I hadn't. Have a good night, v cold today so not at my best, will be glad to go to bed. 👋 xx

    Hi Emma, I started off life in Essex, just for a couple of years though, so it's the opposite way round. Sorry you had such a bad time with the mtx especially if you felt it worked, did you ever go onto injectable? That's the only form I ever had it in. Nothing going on with me this week I hate the winter so there are no such things as nice plans for me til summer when I thaw out again 😄. Hope your week is as good as possible :) x

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    👋 Emma

    Regarding methotrexate injections

    I prefer them to tablets but I have some nausea mostly immediately after injection and in the night but for me luckily it’s bearable, poor you to have such extreme side effects, I’ve never taken biologics

    im a bit tired so have a nice night tc xx

    hi toady

    oh dear I hope your stomach calms down, I am praying to my own gastric oracle tonight 😱

    flu jab for me to tomorrow

    id better hit the sack, as long as the sack hasn’t been shredded by LS

    thanks I’ll never look at a tuna sandwich in the same way again lol

    good night all tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 27. Nov 2023, 06:53


    at least it's rain again so warmer than it was this weekend.

    Morning Joan hope you and Sue are doing ok. I am very glad to hear it won't be long before they Xray Sue's ankle again I hope it is healing really well for her. Is your heating behaving? I even lit the fire yesterday we were so cold.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Emma How are you today?

    I am sorry the biologics aren't as good as the MTX. I'm glad you've found a red wine you enjoy now @Arthuritis he knows some great non-alcoholic reds too.

    Would it be best to go straight in for a THR or is the other operation slightly less invasive. Can you have a THR if it doesn't help enough at a later date? A lot to consider there.

    I have lived in Essex twice once as a child, that was in Grays. Then as an adult I went back and lived near Colchester before moving to Sudbury. It's drier there but I remember more sunny days too.

    Take care

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing? Have you recovered from EF's visit?

    Did you get zapped by a light saber? I do hope not or fall down several stairs due to toys everywhere?

    Those boys! Large and small (BIL included there) all putting in separate food orders for Granny's kitchen! I don't blame BIL for his order really and well at his age LA will want the food his friends are eating. As we agree Granny's version will be far healthier.

    I wonder really though whether Granny goes need to know LA and BR's Daddy is FAT🤣 Gosh he does make me laugh that boy. Honest to a fault good job Daddy wasn't nearby to hear just how bad his dancing is!

    One day i hope though that he really will realise his own eating habits aren't helping with his stomach issues. Possibly not until he has to have his gallbladder removed🙄

    Please do send BR over to meet us! I'd love that and promise no chicken at all I know he isn't keen and respect the young man's wishes. He is safe for 8-legged creatures here in the café

    I loved BIL's breakfast menu and his devout prayer too🤭

    Take care now ((()))

    Oh and I think the spray water bottle is an excellent idea.

    Morning Keef

    I hope you and the family are ok. We have missed your posts very much sending love to you Loanda and Sucré and hoping your Mum is doing ok ((()))

    Morning Toady

    No ice for you yesterday morning? No? I even lit a fire! In the grate not in the Church porch like our homeless chap did the other night.

    I did take a photo will try to find it.

    Sleek is right about the weather and sat on top of the chair nearest the fire all night bless her. She is busy knitting you mittens now....

    Hot water bottles are for water flasks for tea. Honestly I do think that's best. Imagine?! Rubbery tasting tea🤢😁

    Erm you also spent time in your childhood in Essex??? Me too! Then I was in Grays, but returned as a young adult to Colchester area. Both of us now in the Midlands.

    Well done ordering some bulbs purple tulips beautiful 😊

    Take care and keep warm!

    cows milk and alternatives available😊

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) sorry about your appointment some people don’t listen to what you say. Have a good day. We have rain on and off today.

    Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) have a good day. and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How is Cris with the horses getting on. Sue has about 15 injections to go the Doctor said when she has had them it will be time for her appointment. Yes thank you our heating has been on the last few weeks we keep it low so the place stays warm. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Emma (()) have a good day. I have a Thr that’s nearly 30 years old and a Tkr that’s 20 years old. Good luck to you.

    Reshmi (()) How are you after yesterday (()) have a good day today and your mum (()) how is she.

    Keef (()) How are you and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) and your mum (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 27. Nov 2023, 16:31

    Hi all 👋 ooh this is a bit grim 😬

    No ice snow or other nasties but can quite see why you got the fire going frog, 'tis perishing 😕 move over Sleek, room for another one on the top of that chair? Thank her for the mitten-knitting but she must conserve her energy too and do a bit at a time 😽 (is she going 'knit one purr one'?) - hope everyone else ok today. No rubbery tea, I promise 😄 oh if only it was lovely picnic basket season, perhaps if I think very very hard about sunshine & cucumber sandwiches those days will not be so very far away 🌼🍴. Have bought the rest of my tulips (after a bit of 'oh just make a decision toady for god's sake' 😄), a double white, and some Sun Lover, also double. I was tempted to one called Brownie but it was fairly early flowering comparatively, also the Sun Lover are clump-forming apparently so may have half a chance at keeping them going, somewhere. Didn't have a good tulip experience last year so we'll see. I might buy some more salvia plugs too, as they were this year's hit plant, they are fairly easy from cuttings I think? 🤔. Not much else happening here - v glad I nipped in with a grocery order when I did, at least I will be alright for a scone & butter for a good while if it snows 👍️. Keep warm yourselves 😊 xx

    Yes joan the original hosp staff person I spoke too seemed to have taken on board about the appt, I think this one just wasn't referring to the right bits of info - I was just glad they were the one having an awkward apologetic phone call to make and not me!! Hope you and Sue are ok today not too cold, and that Sue doesn't feel the cold in her ankle or anything like that. It does get in your joints a bit, even at the best of times. Have a good afternoon/evening :) xx

    Hope bosh doing ok today, ta for the lovely morning cup of tea. Hope the flu jab went ok - I had a good night thanks, hope yours was alright too after any EF-visit related food🤞probably see you later 👋 :) xx

    Emma hope you are doing ok and the cold is on its way🤞forgot to say, don't worry about what's in your post, it'll be no more boring than my leaky roof or moaning about the cold 😉 always interesting to know peoples arthritis experiences, are you sero-negative or positive by the way do you know? Have a good afternoon :) x

    Love to all, hope anyone missing is doing alright, thinking of keef, Julie, and Barbara & Kitty of course 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    Mum and I are okay today thanks but it was tiring yesterday

    enjoyable though on the whole thanks

    it helped that I had the methotrexate on Thursday so I had a bit more energy

    I had the flu jab today and I have the opticians check up tomorrow.

    I hope you both have a nice evening. Take care Reshmi xx

    Ps a breakfast dress lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    No I didn’t get zapped by light Sabres though LA did try his best lol

    Luckily I didn’t fall on any toys for it. There were some close calls though

    mum and I are okay today her blood sugar is okay🙏

    a lot of very rich food was eaten by almost everyone yesterday and my stomach has just about survived, I’m not sure what’s going to happen tonight, Stomach wise, oh well only opticians checkup tomorrow not the most important thing if I feel unwell I’ll just rearrange it

    Yes separate food orders make things tricky

    only poor BR is not fussy - no Plucky Dried Sicken though lol and I don’t blame him, chicken with skin on how disgusting

    poor BR started crying because something fell out of the fridge and then evil Big Babu said loudly “BR!” as if it were his fault when he was just standing there innocently, nasty BB, scaring a tiny little boy like that.

    Yes good job Bill wasn’t within earshot haha

    Bill indeed doesn’t help himself

    yes a Staffordshire holiday sounds perfect for BR 👍👍

    You may need to provide his daddy’s body weight in gingerbread man cookies to keep him going though

    i bought one such cookie for the boys it was a big one they were meant to share it their parents but with LA “in charge” that didn’t happen - oh what a naive mima I am lol

    Thanks about spray bottle and bills menu etc

    back to cookies, LA said that Mr. Gingerbread Man does exist but when I asked him if he goes to the after school club, he was extremely patronising and said, “ No biscuits or cookies are allowed to go to after school clubs, you should know that mima” , oh dear that silly mima’s got it wrong again lol

    flu jab went ok incidentally, less waiting than before, arm is feeling ok at the moment thanks

    a somewhat boring morning at “Liability wavers” tomorrow- stomach - permitting of course

    have a good evening Toni tc xx

    ps pic of the actual sheep that LA kept putting on the stairs - ookey

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314
    edited 27. Nov 2023, 22:19

    Hi toady

    sorry you felt the cold today, I was on the other end of the temperature spectrum with heating Vesuvius

    glad you’re not having rubbery tea

    Sorry got caught up in emailing etc

    my stomach is just about ok thanks I’m waiting for the oracle though

    liability wavers tomorrow- what fun!

    have a good night toady and Emma and everyone sorry for the short message

    bye tc xx

    ps a candle for my poor sis perhaps xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 28. Nov 2023, 07:09

    Morning everyone!

    Morning Joan how are you today and Sue too? 15 jabs left eh? Poor Sue I bet she is heartily sick of them. Lucy refused when she had leukaemia them she was very lucky not to get a DVT wasn't she? Good idea to keep the heating on low when you are less mobile like Sue you can get colder quicker. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef. We are all still thinking of you and hoping you and the family are ok. It's been a week now since you were on-line and your last post was a bit worrying. Take very good care ((()))

    Morning @Emmasknackeredjoints Emma hope all is well with you. You can chat to us about anything here things that are happening in your life. Annoying neighbours and sometimes lovely neighbours😊Talking about Arthritis pains is also absolutely fine we all do it.

    Take care and hope your day is good.

    Morning Reshmi How are you? Did your stomach cope with all the lovely food you had? Hopefully it did you rarely actually overeat unlike a certain BIL!!

    Glad to hear your Mum's blood sugar remains nice and stable.

    Naughty, naughty Big Babu!!!! I am very disappointed in him blaming poor little BR for something falling. I take it plenty of you women reassured him that it wasn't his fault. BB has got into bad habits shouting and forgot himself there I think.

    I love Sheep!! Does he have a name? Is it Shaun by any chance? He does however look rather large to leave on stairs...

    Ok plenty of gingerbread biccies for BR when he comes to stay. I can do that and even sort out a supply for him to take home for LA (none for BIL he needs no extra calories at all🙄) when his holiday in 'Sunny' Staffordshire is over. I think Sleek might like him he is a quiet boy. LA might scare her and she'd hide at Toady's!!!

    Oh dear me Reshmi. I really would have thought that you'd know by now that Gingerbread men (people?) are not allowed to go to the afterschool club😣I bet you felt proper silly😂

    Glad your flu jab went ok and good luck today at Liability-wavers🤓

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you this delightful day?

    Yes Sleekipaws is indeed doing knit one purr one😁 and never fear she paces herself. She'll take your mittens to her knit and natter group too for sewing up she knows I am rubbish there.

    White tulips and doubles too good choice. Extra good choice that one might be clumping fingers crossed eh? Shall we get our cats together this year and do our seeds on time? I love cucumber sandwiches I really do yes please.

    I also like stews and casseroles and soups though... We had a cannellini bean and veggie stew last night I had made and frozen nice easy meal for me yesterday. Good job to and my shoulder(s) are a bit sore ATM

    Thursday snow for us yes? I am still hoping it will be a trivial flurry of the white stuff. They do often overdramatise the weather forecast don't they? Please say yes to that! At least you have plenty of food in though.

    Hope your day is a good one😊

    Ps love to Carol if she pops in too ((())) xxx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Hi all

    Sorry for my absence recently but i have been so busy knitting bits for our church Christmas fair on Saturday. I have barely had time to do anything else. Along with the Knitting I have been Christmas present hunting for the little people, there are eight of them now so it takes some time. This added to general every day things time seems to just evaporated into a big black void.

    hope you are all as well as can be. The weather here is very cold and rainy. What is the weather like in your area.

    thats about all for now as I am just about to be given my breakfast which Mr T does every morning.

    see you all soon

    Love to you all.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day. Thinking of you and your carers (())

    Toady (()) yes it is nice when someone else apologises to you when you know it’s not your fault. Have a good day. They say we could have snow Thursday or Friday.

    Barbara (()) have a good day keep warm (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I don’t like needles I look at sue she’s smiling it makes me laugh I have the needle ready I put it in place then close my eyes then it’s done. Have a good day. sorry you have pain. We could have snow on Thursday or Friday it’s nice to see it falling that’s it.

    Reshmi Good luck with the check up at the Opticians (()) Don’t worry love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) love to you and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Emma (()) have a good day. I hope everything is alright (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone wppl


  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 28. Nov 2023, 16:16

    'lo people 👋

    Hope everyone is having a good day so far. Bit of a crummy night for some reason, seems to be one on one off at the moment, but still got some stuff done this morning inc some washing, and it was bright, so that helped. Sun setting now in no uncertain terms, we will just have to see how the weather turns as you say frog, by their own admission they don't really know whether to predict snow or not 🤷‍♀️. Mitten weather either way though, no doubt about it, I'm very glad you won't be roped into sewing up I won't have to feel you are suffering 🤭. Glad you had a nice easy dinner, is the shoulder pain still from the CPR or is it more general and/or the cold? Hope it settles. I have been in the garden for a spell, turned out couple of planters, lopped some buddleia down to be be cut up, lots left it makes so much growth I always say that but it just amazes me. Yes please please can we 'get our cats together' and plant our seeds on time 😸 sorry, but that is my favourite typo of all time ever ever ever 😊 a dear little gardening cat is what I need. I will be sowing my sweet peas shortly, and then will have to address how to get my spring sown stuff to germinate this year, short of putting the trays on the aforementioned hot water bottle, it was definitely my biggest issue this year (well, next to the snails 🐌). Don't especially want a heated propagator but there may not be many options. Nothing else doing with me today, just sorting out a bit of nosegay stuff and keeping an eye on them getting the Himalayan tunnel men out 😀 so brilliant, such a relief after all the dreadful set backs. Hope they will all be ok. Have a good evening love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, it was lovely and sunny for a good few hours today, and not even as cold. It all helps. Having a quiet sit down now and watching the reports from the Himalayan tunnel 👍️ nothing else much I have to do today. I will look out for snow on Thursday and Friday, I don't think I'll suggest a little sweepstake on it though, I am never lucky that way whichever I drew it would do the opposite! Love to Sue have a good evening :) xx

    Nice to see you Carol, I think my time is in there somewhere in the big black void with yours, where does it go 🤔. Hope you are lucky finding the right xmas presents without too much hunting 😊. You and Toni have both been doing things for church Christmas sales etc, she was pickling things, I haven't even looked at anything to do with xmas yet and it is already too near to Dec for my liking. But I don't have much that I absolutely must do. Hope you had a nice breakfast, have a good rest of week :) xx

    Love to bosh and see you later probably, although I never did make it in again yesterday 😬. Hope all went well with your check-up and hope things not too bad with you today. A quick funny coffee-related pun for you I heard on an old radio comedy, someone was talking about having a posh country house/estate, and saying it was 'lovely in the summer to make a pot of coffee and sit in the grounds' 😄 well I liked it haha. Bye for now :) xx

    Hope everyone else as well as poss 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni Joan and toady

    how are you all today?

    a very tiring day as dad went wild with the thermostat

    in the night so it was so warm even mum couldn’t sleep properly

    Opticians went ok thanks

    mums bs is ok thanks 🙏

    shaun would be a good name but now sheep is nameless

    nice coffee joke toady

    Thanks Joan

    sorry that’s it for now , I really need to hit the sack,

    bye everyone good night tc xx

    ps blackout cake apparently, hopefully not made of burnt tuna sandwiches lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 29. Nov 2023, 06:55

    Morning everyone! Certainly is getting cold enough to snow I am quite worried....

    Morning Joan. How sweet is Sue smiling when you have to do her jab to reassure you that she is ok bless her! I am so glad things are getting closer to an end now I would hate to have to do that to someone I love. Well done both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef sending love and hopes that you are all doing ok a coffee to warm you up too

    steaming hot ((()))

    Morning to @Emmasknackeredjoints Emma I hope you are doing ok and it's not too cold in Essex i suspect it probably is though ((()))

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Hope you and your Mum are doing ok.

    Thanks for the blackout cake I found a recipe for some vegan blackout cake! I might just try it🤔 Luckily it's not made of burnt tuna sandwiches.

    I am very pleased to hear that the opticians went ok. Hope it wasn't an expensive visit.

    Did your Dad leave the thermostat alone last night? I do hope so then you'll all have slept a lot better. You our friend will have a good bit more energy today too😊

    Yes Shaun the sheep you'll have to run it by LA see what he thinks. The poor creature cannot spend his whole life un-named after all😁

    Is it group today for you? If so just in time because snow might just fall tomorrow and we don't want any of us falling do we? Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you? You rarely say. I hope not too bad and warm enough.

    Thanks I don't think the CPR training did cause the trouble although I am blaming it and the cold. Probably was going to happen anyway. I resorted to painkillers anti-inflams and the tens yesterday as well as my trusty wheaty. I'll be ok as long as someone else does Sleek's sewing up😁

    Yesterday the sun set just like that! One minute it was ok the next I was driving home from Lucy's in the dark😮

    Cats together oh me and my typos!!!! Sleek is a gardening cat she really is as was her predecessor, Eric they both like(d) to sit near by and 'protect' me when I'm outside. She said you don't need one she will come over.

    Yes your sweet peas do need to go in soon don't they? Heated propagators yes not sure either. I just put mine (the kind with clear lids) on the sunniest windowsills and hope for the best. Maybe if you get any polystyrene in packaging you could sit them on top of that?

    I was so glad I missed the terrifying tunnel story until it was all sorted just awful. Incredible wonderful outcome though.

    Take care keep warm.

    Morning Carol I am busy making bits for our Churches Advent fayre on Sunday! I am making pretty bits wreaths, candles, baubles that sort of stuff. Sure all your knitting will sell and help a lot.

    8 gorgeous Grand and Gt Grandchildren to chose pressies for! Wow not cheap and not a quick process I should think.

    Mr T can come here and make my breakfast too if he's free!😊

    Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you are has well has can be. Love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) I hope you are warm there. Our neighbour has DPD vans and prime vans drivers come. We don’t see her. We have two buddleia’s. They grow quick. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Has your pain calmed down a bit. Have a good day yes the weather man keeps saying about snow. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good with the Opticians. Love to your mum (()) she’s doing well.

    Keef I hope everything is alright there. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Emma (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋

    An unseasonally early post 😮 it is me, honestly 😄 not an imposter. Thought I'd try to get on with things a bit earlier today, by afternoon yesterday the cold & dark plummeted and so did my energy, so forewarned today. Hope we don't get any snow, as I said to Joan I would never pick lucky if me calling 'snow' meant there was a prize in it, so maybe if I do say it will snow for definite, that ought to guarantee we get none 👍️. I'm ok give or take thanks for asking, I just go about my business trying not to stop & focus on how I am for too long in case I see something I'd rather not 😉 the cold is a big factor for me as you know, I'd always like to know how I'd feel if it weren't winter, because you can't tell what to blame for what. It definitely doesn't help though just in simple things like getting up the energy for chores, I begrudge the time wasted being too cold & dark to throw yourself into certain jobs. I will have a go at homemade propagating kit, a whole polystyrene box might be an idea, mostly the house is just not warm enough anywhere like windowsills really but I could try some sort of mixed approach some near a radiator some here some there. Thank Sleek for being prepared to do gardening shifts here as well as at yours, there was a definite hint of territorialism in that offer, 'I do the visiting and the gossiping over jammie dodgers round here, no other cats required, thank you very much' 😸 . Must get outside for a bit as it's bright, clean out the bird's water, there was a sparrow or two around first thing so there's life. Hope you are having an ok day yourself and the wheaties &c are doing the trick :) xx

    Hello joan, glad your neighbour has things delivered at least you know she's alright, I would still like to go to shops for some things but parcels in the post are always a little bright spot in the day too. I read about the ex-chair of Wilko's being questioned by MPs yesterday, they seemed to give her a rough time but you don't know the ins & outs of it all from outside I suppose. Yes the buddleias I can never get over how much growth they put on in one year, from being cut right back, mine is so tall now and all the thick branches you end up with! If they didn't lose their leaves, and didn't like to be cut back every year, they would make the perfect instant hedge. Wish there was something else like it! Hope you both have a nice afternoon it is bright at the moment :) xx

    Hi bosh, I never did make it back again yesterday, I had a nosegay parcel all packed early then another silly buyer jumped on the bandwagon later & I had to do that too as it was a waste having the postman pick one up & then come again. Hope things ok with you today, Weds has come round so quickly I didn't even think of group day til reading Toni's post. Should be sunny anyway unless your weather is totally different. Glad the opticians was ok. Did you see about the boy who thinks they should change the emoji with the glasses as it's mean to give it the 'rabbity' front teeth too and make it the 'nerdy' face. He was called Teddy, good name, short for something I suppose (or maybe not). Well teatime for me, might hopefully definitely almost certainly call in again later 😄 have a good afternoon :) xx

    Love to everyone else 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi everyone.

    Apologies for being awol.

    I was so rough I just didn’t have the energy to post. It just seemed to be one thing after another, and I didn’t want to bring lots of negativity to the cafe.

    Things seemed to have turned around a bit and I feel a bit better. I actually felt well enough to make Hooligan an apple crumble Sunday.

    Hopefully I’ll be posting a bit more now.

    Hope everyone okay.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    'lo keef 👋 good to see things are on the up a bit for you, hope family well. I tend to go to earth if I'm sub par, rather than post that I am, we could all tell you not to worry about negativity ofc but sometimes you don't want to dwell on it yourself I get that side of it too. Take care whatever you & family are doing if it's going to be cold & whatnot your way, minus 5 here at night by Fri apparently 😱 ugh. Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    how are you all doing today?

    sorry for the late post but Wi-Fi supplier was changed today hair follicles, folic acid and fibres installed or whatever lol, so hopefully the pider - web as BR might say, may be faster than a snail once more 👍

    Mums bs is ok thanks 👍

    I am ok thanks but I took a long time leaving the house I guess I was still a bit tired but I did go out eventually to brave the hordes and multitudes so to speak at the group, ok i exaggerate slightly and seating - wise, there was only a kind of baby stool lol on offer, but my back was aching a bit and mainly I didn’t want to hang around too long and have to sit in an even more excruciatingly uncomfortable chair which would undoubtedly happen with arrival of nasty M

    I did do some minor shopping though which was good and also bought a nice “posh style” of shopping bag in the sale and yesterday got some earrings for my sister’s Christmas gift whether they will be boring sorry “conservative” enough for her to wear I don’t know lol

    hi again Toni

    i feel that the gingerbread men / people - good point- may be allowed entry into the after school club with a work visa but just don’t let them train as professional bakers just to get into the club please- the gingerbread people have already seen such slaughter - jelly sweet buttons detached from icing waistcoats, chocolate hats removed from heads - the great biscuit slaughter of 1645 I remember it well, I was so hungry I ate a whole cauliflower at 3 am - just don’t inform toady or anybody’s gastric oracles lol

    Toni I’m glad you liked the cake and found a suitable recipe 👍

    dad left the thermostat alone thanks 🙏

    Hi Keef glad you are feeling better 👍

    Hi Joan

    Thanks about the opticians they just said reading prescription has changed a bit and new glasses are voluntary this time as it were, I haven’t decided yet about whether to get new specs

    Hi toady

    that’s interesting about the nerdy face

    sorry about the nosegay issues

    sorry this is very inadequate hotchpotch of a message but pider - web Wi-Fi guys took a long time hence the low haemoglobin type post today, im aiming for tomorrows post to be suitably iron - rich, but even if it means some intravenous kale juice for toady in the morning 😂

    bye everyone have a good night tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan gosh it's chilly here! I hope you are both snug in your little bungalow? I am not too bad here even in this weather. Thank you my pain is calming down steadily should be ok in a day or two. How about you are you coping ok? December will soon be here. ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef!!!!!!!!!!

    Great to see you☺️ We were all getting a bit worried. Sometimes it is best to go off grid for a while when things are a bit much.

    Glad you managed to make Sucré his lovely apple pie! He loves his Daddy.

    Don't worry too much about bringing negativity we all have to main from time to time.

    Morning Emma (@Emmasknackeredjoints ) just sending a hello and hope all is well. Stay warm if you can and watch the ice if you do go out. Take care now ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Well hello that's you early! Mind you I don't blame you these dark days are dreadful. I was confused how dark it was yesterday till it got 'light' and saw treacle fog here🙄

    I definitely feel better when I am in sunnier climes you know. You wonder if it's just an illusion, but I think not. This weather is to blame to everything! There you go. I agree it makes it so hard to get up and go. I am not the type to sit down and do nothing by the fire I sometimes wish I was. I suspect you are the same.

    Do have a go at a homemade propagator it has to be worth a try. You do still get polystyrene in packaging. I put it under my plants outside in the shed/greenhouse you can do the same with your cold frame. Radiators will provide heat too good idea. Your house will look odd 🌱hopefully growing everywhere, but who cares!

    You're quite right about Sleek being territorial. Your house and garden are now 'hers' too no other cats are allowed under any circumstances. She also things she is 'protecting' you? She has her back to you watching for any foe bless her.

    Thanks for asking I think I'm on the mend again for now hope you're ok.

    Morning Reshmi

    Glad to hear you are ok in spite of eating a whole cauliflower😁 you do make me laugh! I am unsure whether anything could help your poor stomach with that😂

    Of course good that your Mum's bs is stable. She does do well. The thermostat remained interfered with too all good.

    Well done braving the weather to get to the group. Glad you didn't hang around on a stool with no back?! I would also have had to go early. If Nasty M had tried to take that pathetic offering of a perch from you I would be livid!

    Oh my goodness the great biscuit slaughter of 1645 there's me forgetting my history!

    So few survived and then of course it rained 😒

    They might get work visas possibly, but I can't see them getting indefinite leave to stay.

    You did well getting some shopping done though I am impressed. I'm sure your sister will love the earrings.

    Take care and hold on to your chair! (as well as your hat🤭) ((()))

    Morning Carol if you call in don't feel under pressure to come every single day if it's too much no to spend hours reading back just pop in when you can and tell us your news. Take care of yourself Mr T and Cookie 🙀 ((()))

    bread upma that will warm us up.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you are not in too much pain from the cold (())

    Toady (()) I can see a few small birds on our tree. We haven’t got any snow yet. Have a good day. Keep warm (())

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That’s good your pain is going (()) was sleeke when she was young jumped up on the work place and pinched food. Have a good day. I feel sorry for the rough sleepers people always think about them at Christmas but they do it all year people don’t think that. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your eyes haven’t changed much (()) No a stool would be no good they are so low down. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) that’s good it’s so good to see you (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Emma (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx