Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋

    Have just been to the postbox 😬 so cold out there. I hate winter, did I mention 🤔😂. There are xmas lights up as well, omg, save us. When I was nearly home a bus passed me and I couldn't have been more surprised if it was an ice-cream van, what's a bus doing out I thought, it was only just gone 6 hardly the middle of the night. How are your roads and general terrain frog? After the fog? 😣 The first morning the bird's water was iced over here today and will be tomorrow I assume as it's going lower again. I stuck it out there for a while this morning sweeping leaves up &c but that was about it. My bulbs have all arrived pretty much and the salvia plugs, they look fine 👍️. Yes I don't care a fig if there are seed trays around the house 😄 and no shortage of polystyrene (this is the toady that throws nothing away, remember 😄), I even have a nice thick hollowed out box in two halves that would be good that I once had refrigerable meds by post in, but I keep saving that for if I have to pack a fragile parcel 'one of these days'. No other news, I will be off to bed at my earliest convenience tonight, and will sleep all the better for knowing Sleek is my self-appointed foe see-er-offer 😊 at least one thing for the cold, it does keep the usual (cat) suspects indoors more. Not that there is much for them to chase. Hope everyone ok, Friday already eek, have a good day :) xx

    Hello joan, glad you have some little birds around, I must do like Toni has and replace one of my bird feeders that's got old. No sign of snow it wasn't icy underfoot or anything going to the post just now but you could tell the grass verges looked a bit 'crunchy'. Will warm up in a few days but only because it turns damp 😔. Hope you're both alright today there is nothing happening here, put the bin out, that's it 😄. Have a good Friday, will you go to town if it's bright :) xx

    Hi bosh, finally catching up with your news too, I love the gingerbread slaughter 😱 poor things shouldn't laugh of course (but funniest thing ever, don't tell them 🤫) jelly sweet buttons pulled from icing waistcoats 😂😂 thank you for the laugh. Sorry group was a bit not ideal but good that you went, ooh and did some shopping, nice 👍️. Good luck with the new hopefully super-fast pider-web, as opposed to superfast piders which we do not want, as I said mine has just gone up in price rather annoying I don't really want to switch. I suppose I should ring up like people do and say I'm leaving, in case they offer me a better deal to stay, knowing me they would just say 'cheerio shut the door on your way out'. I don't have fibre thought so I can't really ask you for recommendations. Hope you do get good speeds. How is the gastric oracle, would it let you help me out with some chocolate brownies, they're only little and gluten free, I over bought slightly 😄 maybe not so near mxt day. Have a good night :) xx

    Wave to keef hope the weather not too grim where you are, & bunker & all equipment is at the ambient sort of temp these things like, take care & have a good night :) xx

    Love to all keep warm 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi all, yes bunker has heater and humidifier.

    I was out there earlier with Hooligan. He was listening to a Hendrix CD. He has a habit of listening to 2 or 3 songs and then changing the CD. He flicked through the CD folder and chose Jack Johnson (laid back surfer dude, acoustic songs) I said you won’t like it. He insisted. 10 seconds into first track “I don’t like it!!!”

    I gave him a Bon Jovi CD instead. First track is It’s My Life. Heavy guitars and drums/bass. “I like this one turn it up please dad dad!!!”

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni

    how are you doing today?

    thanks the biscuit slaughter pic lol

    mum is okay thanks bs wise

    I did indeed satisfy my cauliflower - related cravings. It’s best not to tell GI Joe the physio though, goodness only knows what he’d make of that one Haha.

    I’m Not too bad thank you apart from it being methotrexate Thursday for me today of course

    Thanks for your comments on Chairs hats biscuits and indefinite leave

    sorry mum is thermostat mode again

    also some mxt fatigue of course

    I hope sis does like the earrings but she has odd taste and she loves to wear grey.

    have a good evening Toni and tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    mum and I are ok thanks 🙏

    thanks about my eyes

    the optician was quite impressed because I remembered one of the terms relating to my eyes, I have something called a myelenation, it’s a kind of harmless anomaly, or so they call it, nothing to worry about basically, but I’ve heard the word enough times, oh patronising optician lol.

    yes a low and uncomfortable stool indeed

    Have a nice night tc xx

    ps nice purple macarons xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi toady

    sorry it’s so nastily cold where you are and the water froze in the outside pipe- is that right? Sorry I’m a post mxt haze / smoothie blended with fresh fatigue and poor innocent mum’s heating obsession- but such is life

    brownies - oh dear don’t tempt me lol, on group day I had a half of one but I was so tempted by the remaining half that it was a close call and I’m afraid that only mutilating the brownie with a surgeons scalpel - ok kitchen knife- solved the problem and yes am feeling somewhat on the nauseous side you’re right there, but it was a kind thought.

    Glad you liked the biscuit massacre

    The digital piders are scuttling about faster thanks 👍

    The gastric oracle has not spoken yet but thanks for asking- how about your oracle?

    I hope you have a good night toady tc xx

    ps pic of some of your pals lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone it's a bit chilly here the back door was frozen shut.

    Morning Joan

    You are just so right! People are homeless all year round and often Christmas isn't the absolutely coldest time. It's terrible. That poor man who was in our Church porch. I mean it's diabolical to be outside in this weather. Anyway are you both ok? It's December you should get your appt soon now fingers 🤞 ((())) xxx

    How are you today Keef?

    Hope all is well with you all. Will Loanda be working over Christmas or will you all be together?

    So sweet you and the little Hooligan in the bunker listening to music (or jamming) he likes Hendrix and Bon Jovi? The lad has good taste😊

    Good job you have heating and a dehumidifier this is not the best weather at all is it for bunkers😨

    I was busy outside making wreaths in the garage with the cars had the heater on and it made the car covers 'sweat' not the Fig hers is still off due to the new paintwork, but Paul's. That's a pain means I will either have to cool teh garage down afterwards or maybe not put the heating on or get a dehumidifier?

    Take care ((()))

    Morning @Emmasknackeredjoints Emma hope you are doing ok sending my best wishes. Is it cold in Essex I wonder🤔

    Keep warm ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Gosh it's cold here hope you are ok? I am ffffffreeezing!

    Mum would indeed have been in full Thermo-mode and actually I can understand it at the moment. I will probably light the fire later today.

    Hope you are not quite so MTXy today now your day is Thursday. I am fine yet.

    I am sure your sister will love the earrings. Grey is such a popular colour isn't it at the moment. I expect she can get plenty of anything in grey just now. She'd better make the most of it and fill her wardrobe with grey!

    Good to here your Mum's bs remains nice and stable.

    Thanks for my vampire fudge how did you know I have bloods today - I never said😁 Mind you I would like some purple macarons too they look so pretty. Not a word shall I utter in the direction of GI Joe with regards to your cauliflower-binge🤐

    Went for my walk with the foster babies and one of the foster-carers yesterday (afternoon) and it was still quite lethal out there. So please be careful if you do brave a walk.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady hope you are warm enough.

    I had to pour boiling water on the bird bath twice yesterday! They are certainly necking back the bird food although only a few have spotted the fatty sticks so far. The seed is going fast!

    Glad you have plenty of polystyrene at your disposal and are happy to have seedlings everywhere. Perfect that will really be fun. It's the best time of year when new growth starts😊 That deep package sounds fabulous you can put your feet in it one foot in each half🤭

    Saw Christmas lights up here - in the next town right at the beginning of November! Some people are mad they must love it so much! I was saying to Reshmi it was lethal out yesterday even in the afternoon sun.

    Sleek won't be doing much protection atm though like your 'predator cats' she is staying indoors for the duration bless her. She is on her blankie by the radiator right now. Did I tell you her insurance went up by £140 quid?! I am busy doing the comparison sites before I commit to that this year!

    Right better get dressed.

    You take care and keep warm. Careful not to trip in your polystyrene boots😁

    savoury gram flour pancakes nice and warm for a cold day

    Love to Carol if you pop by hope all is well and that it's warmer maybe in the city ((()))

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
    edited 1. Dec 2023, 09:16

    Morning Toni, I have a humidifier running atm. It’s very dry with the heating on and I keep my No.1 guitar on the wall not in a case so I need to keep the humidity up around 50%.

    I think for your garage you could do with a dehumidifier like the one I use here when it’s spring / autumn. It has a good warming effect as well as drying. Would be perfect for your garage. I’ll get the make and model when I’m up and about.

    Mt best amp went wrong recently. Went all trebley and lost the bass end. I put new valves in it but it’s toast. I looked in to getting it repaired but they so cheap to buy new it’s not worth it. I might look into doing it myself but they very high voltage and it’s necessary to diagnose with them on using a multi meter and that has always put me off as i often have brain fog these days.

    Gone back to an earlier setup and it does sound awesome, made me wonder why I changed lol. Although I did spend the last few days dialling it in as I have changed guitars since I last used it.

    Still haven’t used the ebay amp other than a quick test, as I just wasn’t well. Maybe fire that up next time I’m on my own.

    Morning all. Very cold here. Currently -0.5 in Loanda’s greenhouse according to my remote device by my bed. It’s a toasty 20.5 in the bunker. Heading out there asap 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey Reshmi, sent that vampire fudge pic to Anda. Right up her street. They do all sorts of fudge in the gift shop at our zoo. I might chat to one of the staff and see if they’ll make me some 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Keep warm have a good day love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) Our neighbour who comes in every morning to check on us and the dogs said if we don’t have snow this weekend there is something wrong. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good day love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Have a good day. A 15 year old boy and a 16 year old boy ( in our town ) have been charged with the murder of a 16 year old boy they were all carrying machete’s. They said they were protecting their selves. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I love chocolate brownies. Have a good day take care. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) keep warm love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Emma (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey Dachshund, keep warm, yes trying. Have windows wide open atm as I am supergluing the diamonds back in Loanda’s watch. If only the little packet I have were real diamonds 😳🤪

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Difficult day today with Sucré. I’m sure he is doing stuff just to annoy me. I am beginning to enjoy my time alone more than when he is here, which is a terrible thing.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Spooky story;

    whilst peeling the spuds for tonights meal I felt and heard someone breathing down the back of my neck. Obviously I thought it was Loanda messing about. Turned round and she was standing the other side of the room. Then the temperature in her green house which is right outside the window went from -2.8 c to +2 instantly. Freaked me right out 😳

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋

    Too tired too cold, really is a bit punishing today, innit. Not done much but just getting by is an achievement in this really. Hope you are not going out in anything too slippery frog - yes bird bath had thicker ice again today, and although there was quite bright sun, the white crunchy frost on the grass on the side out of the sun never budged. Door frozen shut, gosh! Mist is my forecast for tonight, and tomorrow. Then bit warmer but damp 😕. Sleek must not be parted from her blankie, at all costs, don't worry, no cats about, and in other matters her influence as a protecting cat charm works perfectly well remotely. Ooh that's a price hike on her insurance alright 😮 it's not because she's adding me and her other territories in is she, like multi driver car insurance 🤔 hope you do find something better for same cover. Currently still doing broadband quotes since mine went up, annoying, I was hoping to stay put. Hope you have a good weekend, hope all well, Lucy and Minnie & Winnie, & everyone 😘 xx

    Hello joan, very frosty this morning 😣 I went and brought the bins in and then realized they hadn't done them and had to wheel them back again 😳 (I'd heard them but sometimes they do odd cul de sacs etc and come back on another circuit). Then they somehow got past me and my neighbour brought them both up after all that, how embarrassing 🙄. Don't think it will snow here now as the temps are on the up if anything. Or maybe if could anyway 🤔 we'll see. Sorry about the awful local incident, dreadful times we live in, I suppose people have always said that but there wasn't the knife crime. Can't imagine having been at school and having to be taught about those sort of things and dangers, it was unheard of. Hope you have a good weekend :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope your day is ok. No pipes frozen thankfully, thank you, just the water in the outside bird baths and drinking bowls etc. Glad the digital piders are doing good things I don't notice that much as I'm not usually downloading/uploading things so my very unfibrey broadband is enough, not a scrap leek of broccoli or cabbage or leek in sight, much more like R Brek 🤭. I'm just happy if it doesn't go off. My gastric oracle was on the lenient merciful side last night ta, hope yours was, at the moment I'm just diluting some very salty soup I had with lots of tea, which you get about 2 minutes to drink this weather before it's iced tea. Won't be late to bed it's just too nasty but should be better over the weekend, well half a degree here & there. Hope the heating has not gone into overdrive at yours too much, something slightly short of the heat of a thousand suns hopefully 😬 . Thank you for the batty bats, have a good night 👋 :) xx

    Hi keef, if you have a spooky presence that can make the temp go up a bit rather than a sudden chill like in ghost stories, can I borrow it 😬 seriously, that is quite freaky 👻. 20.5 in the bunker though, wow, toasty temps are a bit of a distant dream here for now. Have a good weekend, can't imagine there are many parents who haven't felt that way on a difficult day with their kid, at least you can come in and express that in here, not terrible at all quite understandable (and arthritis puts us a notch down on other people anyway for what you can cope with). Nice watch 👍️ fiddly job! xx

    Love to everyone not in today 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    oh no the back door was frozen shut, but is the rest of your house ok?

    Love the gram flour pancakes and bread upma

    It is indeed freezing, yes thermostat issue has many sides I know but in my room I’m right next to the radiator and also mum puts the heating on high even when it’s warm outside, but I know she feels cold and at least it’s not summer 👍

    I’m feeling a bit nauseous but that’s probably because BB is making some kind of horrible smelling daal - well at least he’s doing something other than criticising poor mum - makes a change.

    mums ok thanks bs wise etc but she’s angry now because of the BB situation, he’s been especially critical today

    Thanks about sis - related matters 👍

    yes everything is available in grey - true, I am no follower of fashion goodness knows, but once I saw a young woman with long dyed grey hair but I had no idea until she turned round and I could see her face properly obviously we all go grey eventually and there’s no shame whatsoever in that, but the combination of the very youthful face and the hair colour did look odd to me, maybe if she’d tied it up it may have looked better somehow.

    thanks for your cauliflower related discretion 🙏

    l hope your bloods went well?

    you’re welcome about the fudge, maybe you can use it to bribe the nurse and get earlier appointments? Unless bill decides to get in his car and drive to your house to consume your high sugar snacks in Staffordshire? I’ll try and stop him but in this room the only “food” is folic acid tablets which I have blended with R Brek as advanced preparation for tomorrow’s breakfast- ok that maybe not be strictly true lol.

    Glad you had a nice walk with the foster babies etc, oh dear be careful on the walks

    Thanks the roads and pavements were ok here mid morning luckily

    I wore my Tetchers boots 👍

    A few days ago I heard an elderly gentleman from south wales having a conversation with a stranger on a bus, he was telling this lady how he felt cold even though he was from the Valleys, but he wasn’t wearing a hat 🎩

    (let alone toady’s four hats) or even a coat, which was a bit strange, but then he told a quite moving story of how he was going back to visit south Wales the next day and his daughter had cooked some kind of special Welsh stew for him in advance - bless him

    weather’s a bit better on Sunday according to my local weather oracle anyway lol

    LA has a new called Freddy 1, another naughty boy I’m afraid, but I like the nickname, just how many versions of Freddy’s, why? - phones / pads and most importantly toadys can there be floating around the universe? I don’t think any oracle will be able to answer that one lol, BR may have the information as long as we manage to keep him away from the “piders” and the shouting Big Babus - I think the latter task will prove to be the more difficult one.

    Ok I think I’ll leave it there for now Toni have a nice evening and take care xx

    ps poison apple fudge - just in case Gi Joe somehow gets wind of some of my food - related indiscretions lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    yes brownies are great but I’m trying not to get too addicted lol and have a few more chocolate free days

    thanks about mum - we’re both ok today thanks

    have a good night, keep warm tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi toady

    glad your pipes haven’t frozen

    yes it is most definitely a nasty kind of weather isn’t it?

    heating situation is slightly better thanks, as the thermostat- app is working properly at long last, so no 5 am thermal- donning and rushing downstairs to adjust turvy thermostat activities anymore

    we’re all more or less ok thanks toady my stomach is ok at the moment thanks but the oracle hasn’t spoken yet

    LA got some Christmas gifts for the “fambly” as I think he used to say and guess what? The largest one was for mima, bless him.I just hope it isn’t a giant rectangular processed scrambled egg, eating an unrefrigerated egg more than 25 days over its “gobble up by date”, oh dear, well the gastric oracles might just decide to emigrate, as long as they don’t re - locate to cabbage land of course, Staffordshire may be a good choice though lol.

    Maybe the solution is eating the modern fibrous broadband? I can’t imagine it would taste palatable though haha.

    ok toady have a good / tolerable night tc xx

    ps you on a walk, good way to disguise the problematic Barnet I like it lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 2. Dec 2023, 06:41

    Still cold!

    Morning Joan that's awful that poor boy getting killed like that. Machetes honestly what has the world come to? In your town too. Terrible I feel for all their families. It was the one year anniversary of the death of my friend yesterday one whole year when did that happen? You two keep safe (and warm!) anyway ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    Sounds as though Sucré is going through the terrible twos for definite. It's good really and part of his development, but tough to cope with especially when you are already in pain. Best thing you can do is plan activities and keep the boy busy.

    Oh no you blew an amp. I was so relieved it wasn't the nosegay purchase there. That's a small blessing. If you are going to tackle the repair do it on a good day when you feel as alert as possible.

    20.5 in the bunker? I'm moving in right now! Shove over!

    Please do let me know about that dehumidifier/heater I don't want to damage Paul's cars do I? I have the winter wreaths to do yet and I do them over several days.

    Did you see the fudge Reshmi left me yesterday? I rather think Landa would love that too. Glad you are repairing her watch it will mean a lot to her those little things do.😊 Now if those little gems were real.....🤗

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are well today. Less nauseous and not toooo warm. I understand that the radiator by your bed would make it stuffy.

    I had the nicest nurse this time thanks no bribe needed so i ate all the fudge myself Keef can have some of course. Glad you loved the upma and the gram flour pancakes I think they'll keep us warm.

    How sweet was that old man looking forward to seeing his daughter back in Wales. Is it all older men who won't wear hats? Honestly I live in mine (as many as will enable me to still get through the - not frozen today - door).

    Freddy 1 Freddy 2 🤔 mm mmmm. A lot of Freddies around these days aren't there? I wonder whether they are as nighty as LA's usual friendship group? We will have to consult with BR I think and yes keep him away from Big Babu explosions. Poor boy. If he comes here to stay in Staffordshire (all peaceful, but chilly) maybe it will be best if your sister brings him not BIL or I would have to lock up the pantry (If I had one!)

    I have my techers boots on too when I walk😊

    Have a good day ((()))

    Morning Emma I hope you are doing ok in probably not so sunny Essex? Take care of yourself ((()))

    Morning Toady.....brrrr! Tis chilly still. Maybe we should hibernate? Like bears.

    Sleek will be over later well quite soon actually she has her bike ready - Keef should approve

    But she will be wrapping up warm and bringing Tommy with her hope that's ok? Kari's Meg arrives this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

    Sleek's remote power over intruder-cats is legendary. Yes it is but today she is on her way in the hope of biccies she's bore with our supply now!

    All cats and dogs are well here yes Charley's Tia's and Lucy's. Gosh that's a lot of cats. 6 in total. Grand-cats and 4 grand-dogs. A new cat-niece in Meggy-moo!

    The sun is low in the sky isn't it this time of year? A lot of this village will stay icy for the duration now too 😕 not sure I'd replace this weather with rain though🤔 The bird bath was solid again🙄 the pond is ok though at least.

    There's a lot to plough through with these insurance quotes isn't there? I hope you can persuade yours to reduce yours I tried with Sleek's to no avail. I am unsure whether it is relevant to her price hike that she is 'living' at two addresses...there's a thought😂

    warm savoury oatmeal

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone

    Was feeling slightly ookey

    was sick due to either food or mxt

    but better now

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good weekend love to everyone.

    Toady (()) I’m sorry about the trouble with your broadband. and your bins. This morning our washing machine decided to flood the kitchen. Our neighbour who visits us every day took our washing and washed it in his machine and brought it back. Have a good weekend.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good weekend. Love to your son (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) that must be a tricky job doing the wreath’s but worth it. Yes that year went quick your friend has done well thanks to you (()) have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope you and your mum have a good weekend. Take care (())

    Keef (()) I bet to Loanda (()) the watch is gold. It’s nice being warm. Have a good weekend. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Emma have a good weekend (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    its horribly cold now isn’t it?

    mum and I are ok thanks

    I was sick in the morning but feeling ok now thanks

    just a bit weak

    Have a good afternoon keep warm

    bye tc xx

    ps rose - milk, maybe more decorative than tasty lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Toni, this one. Dimplex. No model number on it sorry.

    The roof is frozen and it was dripping with condensation in there this morning. So drastic measures are required. Thankfully the music side is lined and was all okay. Lining this bit too. The bike will be more cozy then 😁

    dehumidifier running flat out drying it all out.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 2. Dec 2023, 19:07

    Hi all 👋

    Lock up your tender perennials 😬 that really was a stinker today. Nothing gave whatsoever, if it was frozen it stayed frozen, no sun, so anything that had survived the last few days met its match today out there 😔. But yes even then I'd take it over the rain to come too frog because for the difference of a couple of degrees, hardly a deal breaker. Glad your pond is ok (if it still is). Lovely to see Sleek, who unlike yours truly suits her fun fur and russian hat and all the rest of it, and Tommy too plenty of bics for all 😊🍪. Luckily Sleek is untroubled by the cost of her insurance and isn't worrying her pretty little head about that, ignorance is bliss. Have done next to nothing all day so yes to hibernation, I'm sure I missed a turning somewhere that meant I could have been something that does, I'm clearly designed for it. Something went very wrong obviously 😄. Look forward to hearing about Meg's arrival all bright spots in this gloom are to be greatly welcomed! 😺. Retrospective hug for you for yesterday, a year, oh gosh, thinking of your friend 😔. Love to all, have a good Sunday xx

    Hello joan, ugh what a nasty day, how could your washing machine do that to you as well 🙄 what a nasty trick. I hope you can get it fixed it's nice of your neighbour to help but you won't want to be without it. The bins well it wasn't the end of the world I do bring them up every time it was just I felt a right twit not doing, on the coldest day, silly fool. Not sure what to do about the broadband they've done their usual small mid-contract price rise already back in April I thought that would be all there was this year 🤔. It was also v. good to have free calls as part of the package considering I hardly make any it's not worth paying a monthly fee for 😄. Hope you're keeping warm no sign of any sun for a while 😕. Have a good Sunday just have to drink tea (coffee for you ☕️) and make the best of it :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry you didn't have the best day 😔 hope you're still feeling a bit better now. Glad to hear your thermostat app thing is behaving and not just taking matters into its own hands so to speak. Haven't managed a walk today not sure when I'll drag myself out next 😬 but when I do I'll be very glad of my Barnet disguising solution 😂 in fact that would cover a multitude as they say. I'm coming up to a haircut/scythe/garden shears occurrence soon so I'll probably be even more glad of a disguise after that 😂😂. Glad to hear you are in line for the biggest xmas pressie, quite right too 👍️ though I too wonder about the nature of said gift 🤔😄. All will be revealed one day. Hope your Sunday is ok and you have a better night :) xx

    Hope your day has been ok keef and nothing else has gone trebley or fizzled out or anything. I finally broke out the frozen apple crumble, a poor second to yours & Sucré's I imagine, but needs must it was so cold that anything hot was a mercy 😄. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hope Emma and Julie and anyone not in at the moment are coping ok, love to all 😘 xx

    P.S. pider-web xmas tree decorations anyone? 😱🕸️

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni toady and Keef

    how are you all this evening?

    sorry for my almost silence, stomach was pretty dodgy indeed this morning so until supper time I didn’t eat normally to be safe, also felt extra fatigue this morning but I’m not too bad now thanks, mum made some of her therapeutic fish stew bless her, which really helped a lot, no “sicken” so BR would’ve been happy lol.

    Glad the Barnet - disguiser is effective toady lol

    i also should have some sort of haircut really, but the HD is fully booked up with festive Barnet enthusiasts, oh well, I’ll just have to purchase twenty hats from nosegay I suppose lol.

    hi Toni

    nice savoury porridge there

    mum is ok thanks bs wise

    im feeling a lot better now thanks

    but was very careful with food all day

    as was sick in the morning

    I actually forgot about the Tetchers boots but then found them in th cupboard

    I can’t fit insoles into mine, but they’re the best winter boots I agree 🙏

    LA got “fambly” gifts from school fair and mine is the biggest!

    im wondering if it’s an oversized rectangular processed scrambled egg?

    which is a lovely thought I just hope Im not expected to eat it

    maybe i can use as a decorative egg and put it on the mantelpiece?

    Lorenzo is the king of the naughties I agree.

    LA has a slight temperature unfortunately

    BR said despondently, “I’m everyone’s baby” - bless him lol, I almost said, “ don’t worry BR that’ll change in the blink of an eye, once even Big Babu was a baby” lol and on that terrifying note I’ll leave you,

    have a good night everyone tc xx