Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Keef

    Very sorry to hear about your bladder infection

    I’m glad that you didn’t have to wait around at the hospital though and that they gave you some medicine.

    hope you have a tolerable night bye take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Thanks toady

    you’re welcome

    howling wind that does sound nasty

    do you use earplugs at all?

    i do occasionally but sometimes I get earache so then of course it’s not a good idea that’s the problem for me

    maybe I’m being particularly obtuse, but what is “measuring my length” by the way?

    im drained after mxt but could be worse thanks for asking

    good night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 28. Dec 2023, 21:17

    Earplugs, yes same here, not that keen on the muffled feeling & even if not earache always, don't really want that noise of your pulse scuffling in your ear or whatever it is it's up to in there 😬 usually fall back on listening to something through earphones instead but when you want to be asleep it's not ideal.

    Measure your length, sorry, no it's not you; people don't seem to say it anymore actually, not mentioned much on google, but we did in my family & you hear it occasionally still - it's to fall flat, ie stretched head to toe rather than just in a heap, so (you could say) as that's your full length, it's as if you're measuring it out on the pavement. Not the best explanation but that sort of thing anyway 👍️.

    Hope you have a restful night 😴 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227


    I was wrong in the end it rained all day here luckily I had my walk early 😊

    Hi Joan thanks for the reassurance regarding statins. If the Dr wants me on them I will try them now. How fabulous having labels from your Aunt's shop for your 'shopping'! Yes Kari and me loved making a tent out of an old sheet or blanket and would play in there all day. Dressing up too in Mum's old clothes and 'clip clop' shoes! I hope the paracetamol has helped a bit with your cold? 🤧((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    Bravo our NHS I am so pleased they looked after you quickly, efficiently and thoroughly.

    How are you feeling? I bet that's been brewing for a few days. Hopefully now the antibiotics will kick in soon and you will be feeling way better. Interesting it followed straight on from your cold.

    Keep drinking is my only advice to you I have no more so here's a coffee

    Older people can even display confusion (like real sudden onset dementia) when they have urine infections. They are no joke.

    Get well soon ((()))

    Morning Reshmi How are you? Post MTX hangover ok? wish me luck for later please.

    I hope your Mum is well and maybe hears back from her blood test today.

    Oh dear me LA did not put that toy on his poor Mima's knee😮 I do hope your sister can encourage some nicer friends for him because he is a sweet boy when he is away from the Mafioso clan's influence.

    Yes BR you are a very very good little boy imagine sleeping through the whole night for your Mummy and Daddy❤️

    Shame you sell mostly cheese in your shop though and at £10 it is a little steep. Maybe it's artisan cheese? Brains-bury bags are perfect for shopping bless him.

    My great niece is 5 today. They grow so fast.

    You like my beetle car then? That's me out with a friend well spotted!

    GI Joe the Phys-i-o! (a poem there Reshmi!) would be horrified at BIL's diet😮 totally!

    The Dr's did ought to keep the paths clear really this time of year I mean not only for us but older people can trip quite easily.

    I have to say the lava bread does look rather you quiche (vegan even) must be eaten in moderation. Sadly😓

    Take care especially on your walk.

    Morning Toady.

    Did you love Sleek's onesie?! She looks adorable I agree. Bless her little cotton paws. The 'catsi' had her here in minutes all warm and dry.

    Glad you enjoyed the 'Motel bricolage' chocs. Can you manage some more? I appear to have a glut and with my cholesterol so high (4.6 is not high is it?) I daren't have more than one a day😕

    I actually watched something on TV last night - the great storm on '87! Now that was a good un. My roof is still on and no leaks although it did rain all day on and off sometimes really badly lashing down. It was dry firts thing honestly for my walk in the dark. We haven't had enough ice yet so that's to come before spring🙄

    I'll get the frog and Toad mugs out again we can have some of Reshmi's broccoli cake....maybe???? It does have an icing pig and frog/toad on it....

    Can you spare any of your marmalade?! Sounds rather lush i must say.

    Hang on better go I can hear the catsi pulled up outside better get Sleek inside.

    Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    hope mxt day goes ok as possible for you

    ps cabbage cake! Don’t tell my dad please lol xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day. I hope you are has well has can be.

    Toady (()) have a good day. You still have an empty house next door. We have rain.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) have a good day. Yes when we were young we played with Meccanno ( not spelt right) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) take care

    Keef (()) sorry you have a water infection painful. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Feeling slightly better today. Although I do feel absolutely shattered when ever i try to do anything.

    My 2 are home so all peace and quiet is gone.

    I don’t normally spend much time in bunker when they here but I have a feeling this week might be different lol.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I emailed the hospital management to say how impressed i was with the way they treated me and that even though i was only there for a few hours (none of which was waiting time in fact the longest wait was when i’d been discharged and was waiting for pills) it had restored my faith in the NHS.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    how are you this cold and nasty afternoon?

    well it’s cold and nasty here in the cold room anyway where I am currently residing - the cleaners have come

    No I think the super spider is just operated by a normal switch, not remote controlled, thank goodness, what a terrible idea! That spider could get to Staffordshire, to your neck of the woods and all sorts of places

    sorry about your stomach

    don’t worry the last time I ate a quiche was in the Middle Ages lol

    i won’t write a full message as I don’t want to repeat too much with low mxt related energy levels

    so I’ll say good afternoon for toady tc xx

    ps pic is the wooden bug LA got from the school fair and gave to my mum for Christmas

    now a ladybug’s slightly chubbier cousin like that I can deal with lol

    A creepy crawly straight out of Poe’s imagination is however a bit of an ookey challenge 😂xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    How are you today?

    I’m okay thank you just a bit tired from mxt h/o of course

    how is your MXT day going or have you not had it yet?

    mum is ok thanks, her blood sugar is okay

    but a really bad thing almost happened last night basically last night BR was very ill and the nurse thought he might be severely dehydrated so he had to be taken to A&E

    my dad drove to MH in the night to look after LA

    but it turns out that he wasn’t severely dehydrated.

    It was just a food related problem not extremely severe. It might be that he was just given too much roughage in the nursery or that he was given a soup which contained some sweet potato which he is allergic to as the nursery should be very aware of.

    yesterday the babies in the nursery were given jerk chicken, baked beans, lentil soup, which may possibly have had sweet potato in, all in one day,

    which was so upset anyones stomach really I believe

    so poor BR was very thirsty and retching upset stomach this kind of thing.

    Luckily he’s improved a lot now and when my dad last saw him he was having a squash and a biscuit and watching dinosaur cartoons,

    but we only find out early early this morning that he was fully well

    so my mum understandably didn’t sleep much but luckily she’s doing okay at the moment 🙏

    Her tacrilimous Blood test results came in and are ok, so thank goodness for that.👍

    The problem is of course that BR is so little, he can’t really say what’s wrong, but I’m very glad he as well.

    LA is in good spirits. He painted the little cardboard sick basin BR was given from the hospital green and brown make a sort of soldiers camouflage helmet which he put it his brothers head when he was well he’s a cheeky and a funny monkey that one no doubt.

    So aside from the morning drama and the drama of last night of course, nothing much happened today I went on a walk and enjoyed the weather, Only joking of course as I’m sure you did to ☔️.

    There are billions of people in cost a packet these days festive season I presume just as well really, given amount of rubbish that still in the house left over from Christmas time.

    Ok I’m calling this an instalment

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    ps Lake District pic xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    That photo reminds me of a spot In Northern Spain I stopped for lunch on my bike one day a few years back. Happy Days 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi again Toni

    your great niece is 5

    that’s so cute

    GI Joe the Physio good poem lol

    yes he may opt for early retirement if he saw what good old bill manages to put away haha

    he went out for a massive Indian restaurant meal yesterday lunchtime apparently so the diet lasted one day, or more likely a couple of meals

    he also had a fasting blood test recently, for his acid reflux I think

    so he had a massive fry up at 5 am - I don’t think he’s grasped the concept of moderation in any way Toni

    a very silly Billy indeed

    have a nice evening take care xx

    ps that’s your froggy self relaxing lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 29. Dec 2023, 20:58

    Hi all 👋

    I have 3 parcels to finish 😬 so this is a total whistle-stop, soz; serves me right for telling Joan I shan't sell anything til mid-January 😂. Anyway not complaining, and just as well, as nosegay are doing their rather mean trick they do after xmas and not giving out the reduced fee offer, just when people will want to sell 🙄. So can't put anything new up for a fortnight or so. They also sent me an automated message with a roundup of everything I bought all 2023, how many items etc, this is the sort of thing one doesn't necessarily want to confront head-on 😂. The packaging all kicked off long after Sleek left so she was spared sellotape duties 👍️ and it meant I had nothing to do while she was here except have a good gossip 😄. Btw she happened to say how much she likes her pressie from you, so there we are, you know she isn't just saying so 😸. Right, address labels for me, back tomorrow, have a good evening & Saturday - will leave some of the winter warmer marmalade in the cafe cupboard, if you're in early for toast 🍞 :) xx

    Hello joan, hope you're feeling better today🤞yes nobody in next door it does help a lot having no-one overhearing you or driving in & out every time you go to the door etc. Can't last but will make the most of it. I wish I'd had some Meccano, it wasn't looked on as a girly toy, silly as lots of girls would have preferred it and vice versa. Things are much better now 👍️ . Have a good Saturday love to Sue :) xx

    Hi bosh, oh poor baby BR, that's awful, if it was nursery food especially, an unnecessary worry for everyone 😥. Glad he seems to have rallied quickly. Glad to hear the 'pider' won't be on the loose, it's quite bad enough that you had it on your knee 😱. I have one of those wooden bugs! 😀 they're great, simple but clever. Hope everyone else ok this evening, v glad to hear about your mum's bloods 👍️ :) Sorry short post, back tomorrow hopefully :) xx

    Hi keef, hurrah for feeling better today, and hurrah for the NHS, they will have appreciated a nice email 😊. Keep up the good work hope you are getting your appetite back slowly. I'm sure you can plead extra bunker time perfectly legally, diplomatic immunity, special circumstances, &c &c 😉 take care love to all :) xx

    Have a good night everyone 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good night toady and your fellow fungi tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toady, I like your style in the pleading for extra bunker privileges, made me smile.

    However, I have a full time pass whenever I want to GTB, the problem is my conscience, it just doesn’t sit well in my mind when Sucré is home, I always feel like I am neglecting him if I’m out there blasting out the tunes and he is crazing Anda coz he wants to be with me. However this week I may well just get on with it because i have had so little guitar time lately what with illness and the worry of mum before that. I am only up now because I've got one of my stupid heads which I think is down to the antibiotics. There are plenty of searches online about painkillers and headaches with the ones I've been prescribed.

    I am sure he can cope without Daddad for an hour.

    Anyway they will be off out in the car I’m sure as Loanda is off this coming week and she isn’t one to sit at home. I can’t go because I simply have too much pain for bouncing around in the car and it’s gonna be TCFB (too cold for bike).

    Crikey Bosh what a combination of food for the little guys? I think I would have been in there giving them a very large piece of advice and contacting the council too.Not good enough. Hope they’re recovered now. Makes me so angry thinking about it. How much salt in all that?????

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan hope all is well up there? Meccano now that was a very good toy - educational as well as fun. We never had it me and Kari, but my brother did along with lego. How is your cold and has Sue caught it? I do hope she doesn't. ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef I imagine you still need a day or so to recover from your infection so if the bunker is warm enough for a poorly person then maybe stay there at least for today sending ((()))

    Hopefully Sucré is still behaving reasonably well with all his Christmas pressies to play with anyway on not too much trouble for his Mum. As you say Loanda will be out and about with him. I like it TCFB today! Not TCFF (figaros) but still pretty cold here too!

    How lovely sending a positive message to your local hospital to thank them for your excellent treatment😊


    Morning Reshmi how are you doing? I am so very pleased to hear that your Mum's meds tweak solved the problem. You can all breathe out now.

    I take my meds in the evening I'm afraid quite late before bed, so today will be my 'not great' day. Is it working out well for you taking yours on Thursdays? It feels like it might be, as you have the weekend feeling a bit better and if EF come you are on better form.

    Poor poor poor BR! How scary. I am so glad to hear he is fine now but gosh it is awful when they are so little and can't tell you what's wrong with them yet. At the end of the day he has had really good NHS care too we have a lot to be grateful for don't we? Big Babu to the rescue as well. I am impressed. Not with the amount of food they were fed though.😯

    I have done another 1 liner for the physio:

    Think of GI Joe and just say NO!!!! (no to what l have no idea probably anything at all which BIL eats...)

    Oh no that's not what a fasting blood test means! Let me know his blood test results when you've hear. I bet the meal out was just lovely though.

    Well done yourself managing your walk. I went with my sister so it was in the Forest. Chilly, but a lovely walk met some dogs and said hello to a few other brave souls out in this weather.

    Thanks that was me relaxing with a nice cuppa warm jumper on😊

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady how are you today?

    Hope the nosegay parcels went off on time 3 eh? That's good. Not good 'they' playing tricks like that with fees knowing people need the money. Meanies😠

    Sleek is peeping over my shoulder and reckons you should have saved the parcels for her she loves putting her paw on the parcels while you sellotape.

    On the subject of my small cat (that's what she calls herself as you no doubt know - 'Do small cats eat such and such' ) I have a decision to make. I have a new ickle house here for her. Do I make it up? Will she enjoy moving house and a clear out? What do you think?

    I am putting the toast on and going to try the winter warmer marmalade.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 30. Dec 2023, 08:14

    Hey Toni, I don’t know about small cats, but no one likes marmalade more than skinny keef, except perhaps Paddington, so save some for me please, winter warmer sounds yum.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 30. Dec 2023, 08:13

    I’ll tell Anda, Toni says I have to stay in the bunker All Day today, no exceptions 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day keep warm love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) I’m sorry you have had things wrong since you were a child (()) good luck with the parcels. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) and Mr B (()) have a good day. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Have a good day. That was nice going for a walk with Kari (()) No Sue hasn’t caught my cold yet. We played with the Meccano we lived with our cousin who was 10. My Statin tablets are called Atorvastatin 20 mg film coated. I take my 9 tablets in the morning except the Tramadol. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that must have been very worrying for you and frightening for him has well. Have a good day and your mum (())

    Keef (()) how are you today. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 30. Dec 2023, 14:43

    Hi Keef

    sorry it’s too painful for the car and TCFB

    yes a worrying diet for the toddlers indeed, my sis has already informed them about the sweet potato allergy, more than once I think, I agree I would’ve complained to the council too, also as you say far too much salt, if I were a littley I’d refuse to go to nursery if they fed me like that

    oh well at least BR is well now

    I hope your pains settle down a bit

    have as good an afternoon as poss

    bye for now tc. x

    ps a gothic vegetable carving lol

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    mums bs is ok thanks

    I’m more or less ok thanks

    just a little bit of backache but will ok after my shower 👍

    yes thank goodness about mums “tac” level as she calls it

    and little BR being ok now

    I like that physio poetry haha

    Bill saying no to any kind of food - no not unless sausage sandwiches start flying in the sky lol

    yes that was a stupid thing to do wasn’t it?

    having as much fried fatty food as near as possible to the blood test fasting deadline?

    I will let you know about his b t results thanks🙏

    dad was contemplating not going to MH but mum was half thinking about going there in the middle of the night and even dad isn’t cruel enough to let her risk having a hypo in the car, so then he went, his one good deed for next year dealt with in advance lol, but yes I agree impressed that he went - his behaviour is so erratic these days.

    a walk in the forest with K, that sounds atmospheric and nice

    I know it’s not a forest but I quite like the nearby park, but I must admit my fear of dogs keeps me away, but it also keeps me away from diabolically delicious cake stall 😂

    so that’s a good side effect

    im feeling tired again now, goodness knows why

    have a nice afternoon Toni tc xx



    Bye for now everyone tc xx

    ps more prayer wheels xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 30. Dec 2023, 16:57

    Hi all 👍️

    I have an unscheduled phone call later ☎️😫 not a bad one especially but not really what I'm in the mood for. Have nipped in for a quick fortifying cuppa and will have to have a quick rest. Parcels went off promptly thanks frog, in fact almost a bit too promptly, there was only 10 or 15 mins between me putting them in the porch & postie turning up 😱 forgot he might be a bit early doors, it being Sat. Not much else doing with me, hope you are having a good day, filthy weather permitting 😕. Tidying out an ickle house for a small cat, well, is the small cat amenable to change 🤔 I don't suppose she's got 30 years' of gas bills, has she 😄 so it just depends. Put both side by side and see what happens? or will she treat them as house a for one purpose & house b for another, like an extension, and expect to keep both. May require pics 😊. Yes a bit mean of nosegay but they rely on the fact that people will just list anyway at this time of year (for those not familiar, ebay commission is nearly 13%, which adds up - on the offers it's more like 2 or 3). Can't complain really because it's good they even do these promotional offers at all, there's no good alternative that would charge so little. Hope you have a good Sunday, hope everyone well :) xx

    Hello joan, I was ok as a child though I wonder looking back if there were small signs, I mainly got ill in my 20s. Annoying to go to school ok all those years which I hate and then not have the benefit once I got my 'freedom' 😉 but could have been much more unlucky all things considered. My parcels have all gone, I am free to pack something else now if any customers are listening haha 👍️. Glad Sue has not got the cold. Keep warm it's dropping a bit chilly here the next few days they reckon ❄️. Have a nice Sunday :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope things not too bad with you apart from the tiredness, probably not too surprising after mxt thurs and a middle of the night drama too. Hope baby BR ok today🤞and EF are alright. No news here, I have to speak to someone later, definitely a bit more peopley than what I feel like today, hopefully nodding & saying yes every now & then will do 😬. Btw don't think I didn't see that comment about grumbling 'like toadys', young bosh, I haven't moaned about the weather for days 🤥, well hours, ok at least 10 minutes 😂😂. I checked back over all the things I bought from nosegay this year on the list they sent me and even though it's quite a lot, I was surprised how much of it was practical (nuts & bolts, doormats, saucepans, glue, paint...), I think what this means is, I should buy myself something, don't you 😉. Have a good Sunday I hope :) xx

    Hi keef, hope family well and you are on the mend 👍️ yes I get the GTB/conscience clash, can't be helped sometimes I guess, it's not like it's ever long until there'll be more Dad time. The marmalade seems to be going down well in the cafe 😄 its actual name is the drink that rhymes with 'not shoddy' (marketed as a man thing in fact, another of those gender things like meccano 🤔🤨 ..), lemon ginger honey and whisky. Ideal for when you have a cold, or have had, or might get one at some point... 😉😄. Hope you have a good evening, how is the sleep at the moment. xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toady, sleep still not too good thanks for asking. Last night was awful. I had just dropped off finally around 2 am and Sucré woke up screaming and I shouted at him as I was really fed up at being awoken and I found out this morning he was shouting i wanna cuddle with dadad so i felt even worse than i did already for shouting. ☹️

    Funny story, we trying to get his please and thank yous up to speed ready for his part time prep skool next month and as and when he forgets we put the word in for him which the child would then repeat. No not him. It goes something like this.

    can i have a juice dadad


    can i have a juice PLEASE dadad

    yes, here you go


    thank you

    you’re welcome dadad.