Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day love to your carers. Have a good weekend

    Toady (()) yes we have dry weather in the morning for the weekend. Do you mean the duck tape. That’s good you did a good job with the parcels. Have a good weekend

    Barbara (()) have a good day and weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I will never forget Lucy having the Cancer she was so young and it came so quick she was lucky you were with her. Enjoy your walk. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Tia and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry your mum had a little hypo (()) have a good weekend take care.

    Skinny Keef (()) Do you like skinny drinks. Have a good weekend love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Morning everyone.

    Loanda’s hair is long and blonde. She has nearly always worn it in a ponytail since I met her, Toni. I have asked her if she would have braids or dredds (after watching Gone in 60 Seconds) but she likes it as it is and is certainly free to have it however she wants, shave it off if she wants, it’s her hair after all.

    I emailed the VA team and asked for a name change. Reminds me of Breaking Bad. Lol. Mind you if I carry on with the Christmas chocs I’ll have to change it back. Although I’m still only just over 70kgs at over 6ft I think I qualify for the Skinny moniker. 😁

    nice mix of old and stupid measuring scales there.

    nice that Sleek is in on the bed making / testing.

    Neck still bad today although I did manage a stroll to the river and back to see if it had flooded. Very high but still within the banks atm.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    how are you this afternoon?

    good that you’ll get statins if you need them 👍👍

    mums bs is ok thanks 🙏

    I was feeling shattered after mxt but post - sleep rest today helped thanks

    but I need to get on with stuff soon before cold room gets too cold to use

    yes LA is too young for a cheese PhD student I agree lol

    BR got angry and took off his shoe and threw it on the pavement oh dear

    he once thought granny had lost mima, he asked angrily “ where’s mima? Your home or another home?” Or something like that lol, he didn’t want to encourage the illegal subletting of Mimas or something like that 😂

    ok I’ll go for now thanks for the cabbages, have a nice afternoon

    (sorry I attached wrong image somehow and now can’t delete never mind lol)

    bye tc Toni xx

    👋 Joan

    how are you both today?

    thanks about mum 🙏

    She’s ok today

    BR’s party tomorrow

    I hope you both have a nice Friday bye tc xx

    👋toady and skinny Keef (but is it full sugar Keef? Non - dairy Keef? Not enough info lol)

    good afternoon all bye for now tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Full sugar full dairy. I hate all that lite stuff.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 5. Jan 2024, 21:34

    Hi all 👋 think I got out of the wrong side of the cat bed this morning, a tired grumpy day annoyingly, especially as I liked yesterday and was expecting another one like that. Can't a person have two roughly ok days in a row, I'd like to know 🙄. Anyway have done a few odd jobs mostly by poking myself with a stick so to speak but nothing very successful, so am admitting defeat and going off early. Glad someone's happy with their new bed 😸, that you & Paul are allowed to borrow frog, and do apologize to Sleek for being very poor value today fun-wise. Especially after that lovely breakfast tray. Tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow 👍️ bound to be better. Have a good Sat love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, hope you've had a good day, chilly isn't it 😮 there's one little twinkle of snow forecast here but not for days, we'll see if it actually does. The sticky tape is more like brown paper, there are different types mine isn't very good it sticks ok but other sellotape doesn't take to it because it's got a waxed sort of finish. So if you're sticking as address label on with normal sellotape you have to avoid the other tape, I'll look for a better sort. Duct tape is very sticky but still plasticky unfortunately I use it round the house but not much. Have a good weekend :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope your day was better than mine 😬 my gastric oracle set me up for a 2am spell awake last night, but that doesn't usually give me a bad day necessarily. The cold weather doesn't help I suppose. Hope your mum is ok and especially with birthday type things to do sorry I've lost track slightly which things you're involved in and which are just EF but hope all goes well, & Happy Birthday to littley 👋🎂. I loved 'illegal subletting of mima's' 😂 you do make me laugh, all the more welcome on a grumpy kind of day. Have a good night I hope :) xx

    Glad your day was not too bad keef, or at least let you have a stroll to the river, definitely water water everywhere at the moment 😱 so much flooding and mess, lucky here not to be affected. Best good news story of the day was a lady who found a mouse happily floating on a plate in her flooded kitchen, which she saved and took to 'higher ground' 😄. Have a good weekend I hope :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Thanks toady

    sorry you had a grumpy day

    heating is making me sluggish- so I’m going to Slug tomorrow my bad pun for the day lol

    Intravenous cabbage soup please

    had a barney with mum to be honest

    wasn’t good

    sorry about your stomach

    I’ve got Indian restaurant meal as well as soft play area tomorrow 😱

    I may need to borrow antacid

    muffins too

    good night toady Toni Joan and streamlined Keef lol tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi Toady, unfortunately I am with you in failing to string two not too bad days together. If I manage to crack it I will try to decode the secret formula and will publish it here, so you’ll be the first to know.

    Mice on floating plates, they’ll be surfing the flood wave next.

    I do the several pieces of sticky tape stuck along the edge of the table ready when wrapping. Saves a lot of cursing, although I don’t think I wrapped a single present last year solo, I only assisted Anda in her quest, she can’t wrap very well at all.

    early night for me too. I have ‘headbutt neck’ still and can’t hold head up unaided atm.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    That's the carpark near Lucy. The maccies she used to work at.

    Morning Joan how are you today? Sue too how is her ankle is she in any pain still? I know it was awful when Lucy suddenly got so ill. Very scary. The worst time of my life, but she has done so well hasn't she? Both of us have been talking about those times a lot since the anniversary. 2.5 yeas off chemo one hip surgery one new shoulder joint later she looks great😊Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef! How are you today?

    I love the name change good for you. I think you absolutely are skinny. That's not much over 11 stone in old money I think definitely skinny. If you keep eating we can think again🤣 Sometimes I might call you Skinny for short though so watch out.

    Loanda probably only had a trim then if her hair is long (you are quite right I can clearly see she is her own woman) - did Sucré look cool still, when they got back from the hairdresser's?

    Well done going for a walk even if it was a short one. I have posted some pics of Stafford near me where we are very flooded. Glad the river is ok so far for you.

    Have a good day!

    BTW I think the full-fat stuff is way better for you than all the sugar free ultra-processed stuff.

    Morning Reshmi how are you? Recovered from the MTX enough to enjoy your nephews. Hope your Mum is ok too.

    You'll be off to 'Slug' later here are some more cabbages for you to take with you

    Oh I do so wish I'd seen BR getting angry and throwing his shoes on the pavement! That actually sounds quite adorable❤️ Still he'll have a great time today.

    Sweet boy wondering where you are and wanted to be sure your Mum hadn't given you away🤭 He is just so cute.

    Ok a unicorn well they are pretty rare! Perhaps when you've got one you can't get rid of it🤔I did like teh green super-huge cat though thanks.

    Morning Toady

    I bet it's not easy to get out of the wrong side of such a bed as that one. Wasn't it amazing!?

    Sleek didn't mind you not being on form yesterday she said we all have days like that. She does know this as she lives with me after all!

    She has decided to try again today

    Hope things are better.

    Our bed still smells very 'new' a bit strong to be honest, but it's easing off now and is very very comfy. It passed Sleek's inspection which is probably all that matters.

    Here's to a better day

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    good morning everyone wppl xx

    happy birthday BR❤️

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    how are you this morning?

    Mum and I had a big Barney yesterday, I can’t really say what it’s about

    I was very stressed most of yesterday

    we are going to Italian restaurant instead of Indian today

    I really hope I don’t have to eat cheese 😱

    have a nice morning Toni tc xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to everyone have a good day

    Toady (()) have a good day today. Did you read David Soul died he was in Starsky and Hutch. I hope you have a good night tonight keep warm.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) yes I remember you coming on the forum saying Lucy’s in hospital she has something serious wrong. She had collapsed in the Primark’s shop. Yes she did so well to survive it. Having Epilepsy has well (()) she is a strong lady (()) all the best to her. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Have a good day sorry you and your mum had a fall out I hope it’s sorted out now love to your mum (()) Happy birthday to BR (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 6. Jan 2024, 16:39

    Hi Joan gosh yes Lucy was in Primark spending her Christmas money bless her. That was when I decided to take her to the Drs in the morning. That was the beginning of it all. She's done really well thanks for saying so. Howare you both? ((())) xxx

    Hi Reshmi

    Italian eh? I like Italian, but hope it's not too rich for your stomach.

    I am so sorry you had an argument with your Mum and really hope you are ok today it's horrible when you are upset like that. I would have struggled to sleep last night ((())) for you.

    Happy birthday to the baby boy 3 today!

    The room looks quite empty without the tree and decorations up.

    Take care

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all 👋

    Bit of a better day ta, got a bit more done and it's bright & dry too so my front door shuts, small mercies 😄 yes I do apply the shove with hip method like Sleek (with caution 😬), that's not so bad, it's the getting it open that's the trouble, pulling is v different to shoving. I have the horrors it'll do it one day for an unexpected delivery and I'll have to say hang on I'm just going round the back 😳 or I suppose I'd have to tell them to push it, not much less embarassing tbh. Thank Sleek for the (pancakes, are those pancakes? 😊), nice of you to admit to not being a total pleasure to live with, frog 🤭 but in true well brought-up cat style, Sleek never tells 'tails'. Yes I was thinking myself not easy to get out of that cat bed full stop!, never mind the wrong side, roll to the edge & hope for the best I think haha. Sorry your new one has a bit of a 'pen & ink', hope it carries on wearing off quickly. Hope you are having a good weekend - that is a lot of water round your way 😬 do be careful if exiting the village by not quite permitted means. No other news here - have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hello joan, yes I did hear about David Soul 😔 I have a friend who was a big fan of them both, went to meet them at events etc, they will be very sad. It is bright here today quite sunny at times, but yes definitely cold nights and a few colder ones to come, never mind I just invoke the upstairs kettle in the early hours if needs be and have tea & another hot water bottle 🤭. Have a good Sunday love to Sue :) xx

    Hi bosh, do hope the whole Slug soft play & meal extravaganza is going as well as possible for you (I have been sending no-cheese vibes out into the universe for you 😬), and that BR is having a nice time. Sorry things have been rather bumpy between you & your mum 😔 do hope they get smoothed over. Will probably pop in later and catch up with things then 👋 :) xx

    Yes quite keef, the no 2 days the same thing is v tedious isn't it, today is a bit half & half 🤷‍♀️. They always say listen to your body etc but why doesn't it tell you anything useful, like 'this tiredness is not payback for what you did yesterday, it's on a delay from 3 days ago, you should redo all your calculations' or even 'I need more carrots but only on a Tuesday', etc 😄. Yes I do that sticky tape thing 👍️ but for going right round a parcel for the post I'd get in a mess, I should get a tape gun thing really. Hope the jolted neck is giving a bit🤞hope your Sunday is ok too xx

    Love to all ☕️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Oh NO!!!! David Soul has gone. ☹️☹️☹️

    another part of my childhood lost. I loved Starsky and Hutch. They had a cameo in the film remake, had tears rolling down my face on the way out of the cinema was very emotional.


  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Toady, what you really need is thick clingfilm wrap and a heat gun. 😁 no better way of doing parcels for transit. Totally postie proof.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni toady non - fat Keef / Skinny Keef and Joan

    how are you all?

    I’ve made up with mum now 🙏

    Poor BR wasn’t feeling well after the meal

    retching tummy ache etc

    so mum made supper for EF and then we left

    Toni I didn’t eat very much some of the fish a quite small amount of pizza

    what happens to my own stomach- well I guess I await the oracle

    Toady hows your own esteemed stomach today?

    LA had a massive tantrum and went outside and shouted in the street 😱

    i calmed him down later by telling him the story of how Mima developed a cheese - nose lol

    getting a bit of a headache so I’ll stop there

    bye everyone good night tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    On my electric bike ride yesterday....

    Oh Skinny Keef I am so sorry I loved Starsky and Hutch too. Wasn't David Soul the Good looking one?

    Morning Joan I replied to you already I think you'll find it. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I am so glad you sorted things with your Mum. She clearly means so much to you. Hope she is well today.

    How is your stomach was the Oracle good to you? Fish? You did your best there given the options I think.

    Super Auntie Goddess Mima the only person who can calm LA when he is so angry/upset. Well done great diversion tactics there.

    Poor BR I hope he's ok. His stomach seems to be taking after Mima's and is maybe a tiny bit delicate. I will bow to the Oracle for him.

    Loved the mirror photo🤣

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady well I am glad to hear you felt much better yesterday and hope today is even better.

    Of course I am far less than perfect - no-one is really to be fair. Only Sleek seems her usual self every day bless her. Nice and calm only shouts at 5am😁

    I got locked in the front door once but can't remember why. I do remember my lovely neighbour (him) calling round and me joking that Paul had locked me in. Naughty Toni. Not a lot you can do if your doors swells in the damp other than shrink it but then it might be draughty....🤔

    Online investigations tell me that the smell is called 'Off-gassing' and due to the new mattress. Depending on your sense of smell - mine is acute - can last 2 weeks!!!! Improved by ventilation (doh!) and a fan so this house was cooooold yesterday!

    Did I confess that I went on a road with 'road closed due to flooding' signs? I sure did. Got through too. NOTHING will stop me. I know that rd and it's regular flood. They can stop the outsiders, but not super-Tone! I was careful though don't worry. Sleek took Mabel, Tigger and Winnie Paddle-boarding yesterday up the lane bless her.

    Right she's on her way plans to canoe to the end of the lane and pick up her catsi there. Take care!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning Toni toady and everyone

    how are you all?

    Mums bs is ok 🙏

    BS is ok now too thanks

    but no T rex sandwiches today aww

    pizza may have upset his tummy

    im tired but ok thanks

    LA’s teacher said he’s a very bright boy but especially good at maths 👍

    takes after his mummy and BB

    LA wrote “3+3=6” on BR’s card lol

    ok bye for now everyone tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Morning all.

    woke up to more pain than normal today. ☹️

    hey Reshmi, I used to have terrible tantrums as a kid. I think it’s all down to frustration and inability to communicate properly.

    don’t have the energy for them these days lol

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (())love to you and your carers (())

    Toady (()) some places are having snow today. I hope you have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good day love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) yes thank you I saw your message (()) that was nice seeing the sheep. You did well going down the road (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi that’s good you and your mum are happy again (()) love to her take care.

    Keef (()) have a good day. How is your pain. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all 👋 grumpy toad is back today, it really is a one day on one off Jekyll & Hyde thing at the moment 🤷‍♀️ just flat & uninspiring. Nothing makes you feel more full of the joys than traipsing up to the remaining clothes bank to find it's not there either (was too narked to ask whether just gone today or altogether), & traipsing back home with the stuff you were trying to cheer yourself up getting out of the house 🙄 . Currently nipping in & out of my tomorrow's miceland shop at the moment & couldn't be less interested. Bread, I suppose so.. milk, well if I must.. biscuits, meh who cares. Well, no, not actually past caring about biscuits there's still hope for me 😂 don't worry Sleek there will be something in the tin. I was very impressed with her canoeing skills I must say 😺 believe it or not I do own two oars if she needs them, not a pair mind you, but they'd do a turn 😂. Hmm I hope the bed 'offgasses' itself sooner rather than later, does Sleek not mind it then, or did she just have a quick investigate & decide to come back later. Can't cope with anything like that myself either, it would bother me. Yes not a good time of year for madly ventilating everything. The door, well I have occasionally sanded bits off it as it's not the inner front door and never mind draughts, but it does need a better approach really, as I suspect it just re-swells to fill the space available - could do with something to help it resist doing that. Hope your Sunday is going ok & have a good start to the week :) xx

    Hello joan, no snow here, cold yes but really not cold enough yet. Just happy it's dry. No news here, it's been a quiet Sunday, life will probably make up for that tomorrow and they'll start digging the road up or something 😂. Love to Sue hope you're both well and the dear dogs :) xx

    Hi bosh, oh dear not exactly fun fun fun yesterday by the sounds of it so well done making it out the other side with hopefully no gastric payback yourself. Stomach not too bad for me at the moment just rumbling quietly away in the background but not at menacing levels 🤞. Wish I had LA's maths skills I could do with them in my virtual shopping basket, I spend half the time trying to work out whether 3 for 2 of something or a different reduced price for fewer grams or 6 for 5 or heaven knows what.. is better 🤪. Hope your afternoon is going ok and glad you & your mum have made peace 👍️ :) xx

    Wishing you a better day tomorrow too pain-wise keef 😕. Clingfilm, yes, very resilient I grant you just a bit too much plastic really, it always reminds me of feedback someone left for an order of film to say that it was ok but came packed in the same film and they couldn't get the clingfilm off the clingfilm 😄. Nothing to pack at the moment anyway January has gone quiet again, might get some different stuff listed at the weekend if I can get up the energy. Hope your evening is ok as poss :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 7. Jan 2024, 18:40

    Hi Toady, yes I should consider the environmental impact. One of the music retailers I buy from uses zero plastic in their shipping something they are quite proud of and it’s all easy open pull tab boxes too, I let Sucré open them he loves it.

    Ginger Bread men baking this afternoon.

    Read books in bed this morning to Sucré and had a walk at lunch time so not a bad day. Lots of pain especially neck did spoil things a bit.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    We watched Chicken Run 2 Dawn of the Nugget recently. Probably watched it about 10 times actually. We were in Tesco yesterday and I bought a pack of chicken nuggets. I don’t ever buy rubbish food like that but I thought it would be nice for a treat. He was looking forward to having them all day. Took one bite and said he didn’t like them, which is a good thing I suppose. Tbh he is used to meat from our high st butcher so I guess I’ve spoilt him, but in a good way.

    On my own but only till tomorrow coz he starts prep school / nursery tomorrow afternoon so i get to see him everyday this week without freezing my assets off on my bike. I rolled the bike out of the bunker to have a tidy up and sitting on bike felt really good and i miss riding it when it’s cold like this. Roll on mild February. 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Skinny Keef

    Good evening

    thanks that’s interesting about the tantrums

    I think you’re right, also LA was very thirsty apparently and calmed down a lot after a drink of water

    Sorry the pains are worse

    bye tc x

    ps charcoal pancakes apparently lol