Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope everything is alright there. Love to the carers (())
Toady (()) have a good day. How is your leak. We had some malted milk biscuits. Good luck for next week for any parcels you have to post.
Barbara (()) have a good day and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) That’s nice your friend going to the football (()) Thank you for saying that Cris (()) is alright. Have you heard anything about Kitty (()) I have pain across my hips I was given a wide belt you wear it has Velcro but it was no good because I could not pull it tight enough to help. That might help Keef the physio gave it to me. I’ve heard of people putting foil behind radiators. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope you and your mum (()) have a good day. It’s good your heating is working.
Skinny Keef (()) I used to go to the hydro therapy pool that has warm water. Have a good day. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi everyone
all Sucré is on about is Santa and swimming. So we back at the pool as I type this. I did get in with them today but the kiddie pool is so shallow I can’t really get any support from the water so it was too painful so I’m back to watching.
Sucré isn’t really interested in swimming he just wants to play with the watering cans and buckets, which is fine.
I will be back at docs this week. I am due a meds review anyway so will book a face to face to discuss the grinding sounds.
one of the songs I used to play when I was lead guitarist in a band before I moved on to bass was Sweet Child by G&R. I always had to cheat to manage the intro, not that anyone noticed, yesterday I saw a lovely Gibson Slash Signature model guitar for sale and I thought I couldn’t justify buying it coz I can’t even play his most famous riff properly or so I thought. I had a bit of spare time away from the child in the bunker and happened to absolutely nailed it first time I tried so I was very smug for at least an hour. It’s been about 15 years or so since I last tried to play it so I must have improved in that time. They have interest free payments available too 😁😁😁😁😁
sorry if I was all doom and gloom (can we abbreviate that to D&G please Reshmi as you are queen of the abbreviations) yesterday. As you can tell from today’s post I am feeing a little more upbeat today.
wppl 😉
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Hi Toni toady Joan and S Keef
how are you all today?
mums bs is ok thanks
how are you Sue and Joan? Thanks about mum, yes big relief about heating 👍
Toni I’m not sure why she’s having a scan either but it sounds like a good dentist even though only Lords and their mothers can afford it lol
Yes my sis thought flossing etc meant no dental issues ever 😂
you’re absolutely right teeth aren’t that predictable
mum said fish will be fried today 😱
oh dear I’m already feeling a bit queasy lol
yes you’re right too much stress makes us toss and turn more and is bad for our posture
I see yes I think LA is like that too, there’s a word of the moment lol,
he said to me 2 days ago on video call that he’s built a Lego jet plane that’s going to India and France but not visiting ETLB, I asked if the pilot speak French, he gave me a very patronising look and said, “mima, he speaks french and English, just like Lorenzo speaks Italian and English”, oh dear I should’ve known that Toni, i must retake the mima - exam- wish me luck please 🍀 I promise I won’t cheat lol
👋 toady - I’m glad I got your hairstyle right lol
👋 Skinny Keef glad you’re feeling more upbeat today
that’s it for now as it’s almost ablution - tine
bye for now all tc xx
ps a friend of Sleek’s lol xx
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Hi all 👋
Nice quiet Sunday touch wood, thus far anyway, that'll do 👍️. Tried to rain on me for a minute in the garden, the outrage none forecast, and just as I was trying to spot whether the female blackbird I saw was indeed Mrs B 🤔 fingers crossed! Hope you had a less busy day than yesterday frog. No I have never got into the radiator foil thing, worth a thought I suppose, there are other things that would probably help more that I haven't got around to either 🤷♀️ but do tell how you get on. Glad Sleek is all sorted as to building regs. Wouldn't she just love that sunflower bed bosh posted in her 'pad', to lounge on and browse her social media, but you would never get it through the ickle door 😄 actually same goes, you really need a certain sort of house for that! Hope Penelope took being washed with a good grace. My recycling bin is for indoors so will lead a pampered life out of the elements, it's for helping me segregate all the soft plastic that's piling up - it's stainless steel and very nice 😊. Maybe one day soon will take a walk to drop some off! actually haven't had a walk all week, which is shocking, must do better 😳. Love to all hope everyone well :) xx
Hello joan I like a nice malted milk 😊 and they don't seem to have changed from what I remember. Some biscuits have really gone downhill, like those chocolate breakaway bars which aren't nice any more, and jaffa cakes have shrunk so much 😮. Thank you I will probably need good luck if I sell the things I am listing at the moment 😄 they are bulky & awkward and will mean wrestling with bits of odd packaging I may or may not have the right size boxes 😱. I went up and baled out the leak after the last heavy rain, it seems under control I think and at least not leaking into anything other what I've put there. If it's dry for a bit it will look after itself hopefully thank you. Hope you & Sue have had a good Sunday 😊 xx
Hi bosh, I love that cat at the laundrette 😍 what a very capable looking cat that is, in fact I would trust that cat to run the laundrette 😂. Good find. I didn't get anywhere with the tinopener yet, no, I just have a manual one at the moment (never tried an electric - if that's what your new fangled one is/was), but it's just getting blunt now I guess. It had very good big chubby handles and the actual turning handle was fairly ergonomic too but tbh yes at their best it's not a happy or elegant operation, using one, my left wrist is worse than my right but even so. I think I got that one from somewhere fairly ordinary at the time but need to browse a bit more and probably get a decent quality one. Good luck to your sister for tomorrow (not the best segue, from tinopeners to dentists 😬) hope it all goes well for her. Have a good evening yourself, glad your mum's ok at the moment too :) xx p.s. one of my daily quiz questions today was what is a nosegay, well any fool knows that 😄
Hello SK, go you, knocking that guitar intro out of the park ✌️how very gratifying. And impressive! 😀. Glad your mood is a little brighter today, but sorry for your troubles, do hope the doc will be helpful. Is it going to be Santa all the way clear through to next xmas with Sucré, it may seem like a long year if so 😂 even the shops only start in Oct, or is it Sept these days, or Easter 🤪. All the best hope family all ok :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Malted milk is Sucré’s fav too.
Toni you didn’t go and get the Fig dirty did you?
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Hi toady
thanks for the feline laundry observation 😂
Thanks about my sis - she’s having a fair amount of sedation anyway- she’s not “slumming it” nhs style like I did when I had an extraction- my goodness that hurt.
im pretty cream cracked to be honest
have a good night toady SK and anyone else who’s around tc xx
Ps royal blue cake
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Morning Joan that belt sounds rather comforting I also wonder if it might help our Skinny...🤔Yes Cris sounds just the same as normal. Not heard from Kitty lately but did hear from Barbara a fair bit over Christmas and new year. I'll let you know if the foil makes any obvious difference to how warm it is. Take care both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef
How are you today? Glad you are feeling less Dolce and Gabbana (D&G) love the new abbreviation there.
I'm not surprised if you nailed that riff first go. Isn't it good to know we can still get good at new things (or better at old things) even as we get older?
Glad you at least tried in the pool the kids pool is definitely warmer, but way shallower isn't it? Playing is more than enough for little Sucré for now he'll be a proper water baby when he's ready.
Yes I did get the Fig dirty (😣) so have ordered a gentle jet washer recommended for classic cars. Paul was happy enough because he has his cars to wash too.
Morning Reshmi how are you today and your Mum too of course?
If he is anything like me LA's 'word of the moment' will change soon enough, but not before every single adulk is thoroughly sick of it!!!😁
Did you cope ok with the fried fish? I bet it tasted good if you could cope with the smell🤢
Let's hope your sister's teeth settle down after this nasty treatment and she has a few years of no more than a scrape and polish to cope with. Oh yes and pay for!
I love it that you have video calls with LA (BR too) and are so much part of their lives. Yes you must revise for your Mima exams and retake. ASAP. LA's lego jet plane sounds fabulous shame he isn't going to visit ETLB his lost love. Wasn't it sad when he thought she'd still be in school with him as normal😔
That's Rosie Charley's cat and Sleek's niece in the launderette. She is good at doing washing, but can be very bossy indeed. Love it!
Going for a bike ride and walk with Kari this morning.
Love the blue jellies btw so pretty.
Hope you have a good day ((()))
Morning Toady
How are you?
It rained properly here😕 so I did not wash Penelope, but instead ordered a gentle jet wash thingy which can be attached to a bucket of water. I must be very careful not to scratch the new paintwork. Paul recommended it. Maybe today will be drier?
I hope that was Mrs B you saw beaks and paws crossed.
I did however get out and spotted some buds here and there. The hydrangea and some bulbs hyacinths particularly.
The foil is in place, but I am not going to stick it to the actual wall like they suggest. No it is just sitting behind for now. The small amount I have left over has been taken into Sleek's ickle house(s). Who knew she had central heating in there?! She loved that huge cushion Reshmi posted and has been looking on catazon for a smaller version. No good for us lot really we'd be stuck down there permanently 😂
Your new recycling bin sounds lovely. I am most covetous. My soft plastics are in a box and do go to the supermarket for disposal from time to time. My friend has a fabulous recyc bin too. All I have are two normal bins inside, (one for actual rubbish, one for glass and plastics), my bokashi and the cardboard and paper bag from the council. Takes up a lot of space all this doesn't it? I remember my parents having one little black bin when we were little which had no bin-liners in it and was collected weekly. So much less waste then. Oh and a compost in the garden. They had one of those as do I and you I'm sure.
Well now I have moaned I will leave you in peace hope your day is a good one 😊
vegan scrambled eggs
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day love to everyone.
Toady (()) we have the sun out here. Are you in line for any snow.have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good day. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Are you in line for any snow. Last night a teenager threw an electric bike at a policeman he is seriously injured. The teenager is in prison. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) i hope you have a good day. Love to your mum (()) I hope she is has well as she can be.
Skinny Keef (()) that’s nice Sucr’e (()) is happy in the water with you there. Love to Loanda (())
take care
joan xx0 -
I don’t know what a nosegay is. I am guessing it’s something to do with ebay as it rhymes, maybe, I dunno 🤷♀️
perhaps u could fill me in???
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Hi Skinny Keef
how are your pains today?
I started using the word nosegay because we’re not supposed to use brand names on the site, so nosegay rhymes with eBay basically
but the actual meaning of nosegay is a kind of small floral bouquet that in mediaeval times was worn around the head to ward off bad odours
I hope your afternoon is going okay and that your family are okay too.
Bye for now tc x
ps so this is a kind of modern nosegay I guess, though of course not being worn around the head or anything like that
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Thanks for that Reshmi. 👍
So far today I have hit my head really hard, once on bunker door frame and once on TV after bending down to switch on the amp, whacked my hand loading the drier at the laundromat and fallen down the stairs, thankfully from fairly close to the bottom.
I am being careful for the rest of the day.
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Hey Toni, I ordered a cordless jet wash when washing the bike was becoming difficult. No substitute for elbow grease unfortunately.
We cheat and take the car to an exceptionally good hand car wash in the next town. We have no facilities for car cleaning at home as no driveway etc.
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Hi Toni
how are you this evening?
mums bs was ok thanks
I’m ok thanks in general, just feeling a bit nauseous but it’s just totm I think
yes LA latches on to certain words and goes on repeating them too lol
he told his mummy that he wants to go to Reading on holiday for a few days to have a break from poor innocent BR! Oh dear, maybe all is not well in fraternal paradise, or most likely he’s half - copying phrases from bill lol.
sis is ok thanks more or less thanks for asking 👍
she had extraction in the morning I believe, it went smoothly
I didn’t have to eat the fish, I do like fish, but this was an Indian fish and I don’t always like the Indian type, but mum said it wasn’t that good anyway.
actually LA demanded a video call with granny but then didn’t talk to her much and i happened to be around so he told me about his toy plane tc, but yes it is so nice to interact with LA even though he sometimes still calls me “ a silly boy - girl” lol, what that means no one really knows, but his tone of voice indicates it’s very much an insult- oh dear 😱
yes I should revise asap indeed, more exams at my age, my goodness nothing’s simple is it Toni? Haha
Yes that was sad about ETLB, but my sister said he seems to be fully over her now and is fully obsessed with his mafia brethren- ookey times 😱
I see that was Sleek’s niece, that’s good, you’re welcome 😂
I hope you and K had a nice bike ride
glad you liked the jellies
there was another birthday soirée I think it was maybe on Sunday and Louisa the bully said that the red paper plates were for girls or something like that and made LA swap his plate for a white one - what outrageous behaviour!
LA was particularly chivalrous and listened to the lady baby’s plate - changing demands, but he wasn’t happy, I can’t say I blame him - a man needs sufficient fuel to run around like a D***cell bunny, 10 family sized birthday cakes should do it, eaten off any coloured plate that takes his fancy, in theory at least.
This also made me think that Louisa the Bully is perhaps in training for a Queen of Hearts Alice - related role? It would certainly explain her bossiness.
in other news the plumbers were obsessed with WR no added sugar lime cordial, they interrogated my dad about all aspects of the drink including how to dilute it apparently. Sorry, how to dilute it? Lol, that’s like asking “how do I use shampoo? What’s LA’s favourite sandwich - filling?” Or something along those lines, very odd indeed haha.
I hope you have a nice evening Toni tc xx
ps sweet potato choccies, probably just of aesthetic value lol xx
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Hi all 👋
Jings it's been a cold one 😮❄️. No snow though, apart from a sprinkling of odd very tiny very white icy bits, only on the wheelie bin nowhere else. Not the best day, thanks to a grim night (courtesy of the gastric oracle 🙄 or more exactly owing to its complete inability to make any predictions whatever, as I had no warning and wasn't expecting that at all 🤷♀️ hey ho). Anyway not conducive to having had to do all my leftover listings for the aforementioned nosegay, pack a - thankfully easy - parcel for tomorrow morning, and have to get up for HAH by 8.15 possibly 😫.
So it's just a hello from me tonight and a plea for any and all hot drinks moral support pep talks and whatever is going. See you all tomorrow hopefully 😬 have a good night everyone, and try not to poke yourself in the eye with a toothbrush SK 🤨 (falling downstairs is even worse than falling upstairs, and that's never any fun 😖).
Love to all, will catch up with you properly soon 😘 xx
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Hi Skinny Keef
you’re welcome about nosegay
sorry to hear that you fell, hurt your hand and so on
i remember once when I fell on the stairs, it’s quite unnerving isn’t it?
I like the d & g abbreviation by the way 👍
I hope you have a good / ok night take care x
hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
mum and I are ok thanks
we had a bit more of a peaceful day today as dad went to some kind of society meeting for quite a long time
have a good night tc xx
hi toady
sorry you had a bad day
hopefully these virtual sweet potato cookies may help cheer you up, though to be honest I think they will look better than they taste lol
those pesky oracles
Balzac wrote about a young man hounded by ladies even during his constitutionals! So LA can’t even go to WR to buy a slice of cheese without his bevy of ladies accompanying him, no wonder he’s hitting that squash bottle hard 😂
hope you have a better night bye tc xx
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Thought I’d get an early night but can’t sleep. Heaters are working overtime to keep bunker warm. Just been sitting out there for half hour hoping I’d start feeling tired.
having a church clock that chimes every fifteen minutes doesn’t help when you’re laying awake. Normally don’t notice it anymore but tonight it seems extra loud. Earplugs I think 🤔
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Morning Joan we had snow yesterday morning but not a huge amount thank goodness. Kari and me only walked no bikes not safe. We didn't see any policemen to throw them at either. Honestly! Some people! Any bike shouldn't be thrown should they at a person😠 Have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef
How are you today? I hope you got off to sleep when you tried again later. Little bunker heaters did you proud in that cold it's super-chilly atm. Our poor church clock chimes have stopped working now oddly enough that has affected me a lot - I miss them!!! Yes try earplugs.
The jet wash is a cordless one not too big. I expect with the bike you aren't supposed to 'super' jet wash it? We aren't with our Figs and their chrome with rubber underneath. I promise to finish off with elbow grease. I have a lovely kit for polishing her up afterwards.
There are some fabulous car wash guys up the road, but their jets are too powerful for the Fig. Normal stuff goes there though like Paul's work van.
Hope Loanda and Sucré are doing ok. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi How are you today and your Mum too? Hope you are a little less queasy.
I'm ok except I just spilled my (decaf) coffee on my computer mouse! Luckily I was able to save it and all so far seems well🤞
Oh bless him! LA needs a break from his innocent little brother! I expect your parents will enjoy a visit from him and you will too as long as it's only a night or two! It's a while yet before half-term though isn't it? How very rude calling you a silly boy-girl! Respect should always be shown to Mimas.
Get your French revision done asap! LA might be testing you sooner than you expect. Oddly enough Kari did her fine arts degree in her 40's I was so proud of her. We are going to France again this year, in fact we booked a trip in the motorhome at the weekend. Staying in several places.
Kari and I did not go out on the bikes as there was snow over ice but we did a careful walk in the Forest where it was much safer underground. Today it looks only icy. That's bad enough. You be careful if you venture out.
Laundromat -cat looks like Rosie, Charley's cat, so must be Sleek's niece 🤔
How very rude of Louisa the bully! (LTB) really! A boy can use any coloured plate he wants! She really is a bossy-boots! He does need to ingest as many carbs as possible to keep his batteries on full power.
How very odd the plumbers were! I think most of us know how to dilute cordial don't we? Mind you perhaps not when you see some of the tutorials on tiktok and the like!
I would try a sweet potato choccy if they were vegan they look yum!
Hope your day is good and if you go for a walk make sure you are careful ((()))
Morning Toady
Oh dear me I do hope last night was a better one for you. If I had known I would have prayed to the gastric oracle for you too.
Sleek has made this tray up and is on her way in the catsi to wake you up in time for HAH:
She is ready and willing to help with parcel wrapping and bashing any stuck doors open.
Bin day here I proudly put out our bin with it's new 30PMH sticker on it to be ignored by any speeding motorists.
No snow here this morning I checked, but still very very cold indeed....brrrrr!
Take care
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
Ps baby Yoda macarons xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day love to your carers (())
QToady (()) sorry you had a bad night. Have an easy day. Things can wait till tomorrow (())
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) have a good day. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) have a good day. Sue read Willco’s are coming back to some town’s. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day. Love to your mum (()) does her shoulder still hurt.
Skinny Keef (()) you have not fallen off your chair yet don’t try that. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx2 -
Morning all 👋
A rare case of me being up with the lark, not of my own free will of course haha but as I had to get up for HAH and it's bright today, may as well get on early & knock off early. Thanks to Sleek I was up in good time because they were very early into the timeslot so not a moment too soon to be up 😮 I had barely finished what you could laughingly call the finishing touches to my appearance & there they were 😬. So that tray of tea was vital 😽 and postie has been too so that's me done 👍️. A much better night apart from the slight worry I'd oversleep, one of the things I'd love an answer too digestion-wise is why I never have 2 bad nights in a row 🤔 but I'd have to start notebook keeping & all that jazz to look for patterns.. maybe one day.. not that keen. Hope your day is going well and the weather not too bad, not 'proper' icy. Will get into the garden soon & check for blackbirds and ask them to show their IDs if necessary 😊 will report back. Then I might start a grand recycling sort out into the bins if I can decide what segregating policy I'm going for. No I don't have a compost bin at the moment but should look into it. I keep hoping the council will do a rejig of their collections, as was mooted at one point. Was annoying to see yesterday (when searching for what you can take where near here) that in other places their tips are open to people on foot or bike, why not here 😠. Hope your 30mph stickers have any effect whatever but like you say it's optimistic 🙄. You reminded me by mentioning Kari's fine arts degree 😊 that I read yesterday about a gentleman of 85 studying for a master's at the Quaker Studies Research Centre in Birmingham (having got a very good brain & multiple other qualifications, it must be said, which helps!) - the course professor is called 'Ben' Pink Dandelion, oh I want a name like that 😍 (I realize your take on non boring names may be different though!). Have a good day :) xx
Hello joan, I had a better night thank you and all deliveries/collections have come in or gone out for the day 👍️. Nothing on my list now except normal chores. Cold here but bright 🌞 very welcome. Hope you & Sue are having a good day so far. Interested to see you mentioned some Wilkos coming back, when I last looked at the website they said something like 'we're back' on there as well, though there was a lot less old wilko brand stock as you'd expect and a lot of the same sort of third party branded stuff you see everywhere else, which is an annoying modern trend. Must buy some of their own brand paint while they still have it thanks for the reminder. Have a good afternoon :) xx
Hi to bosh hope your day is ok so far. All very interesting about LA and the dictates of Louisa 😮 if she is going to be among the bevy of ladies following him to WR he can 'look forward' to being told what he can buy and how to pack his shopping by the sounds of it. Hilarious about the plumbers and the lime cordial, who knew that would be a field of interest for workmen, you learn something every day 😂. I had a better night thanks and it should be a quieter day 👍️ not much doing here, though there was an unspecified van and orangecoated workman and a few hundred yards of green piping last time I looked out the front, let's hope they don't want to knock on the door and ask something because they may be disappointed 😉. Kettle will be going on now and I may as well have a whisk round the cafe with the broom & a tidy up if anyone wants me :) xx
Waves to keef too and hope your night was not too bad in the end despite 'the bells, the bells' 😖 they're lovely in theory but no not for me thanks. Hope everyone well today 👋 :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi all. Been a bit D&G here today. Very lonely and missing my boy. Still they home tomorrow. I haven’t had many pills today so that always affects my mood. Tried to stay busy with guitar and not done too bad. Just having a coffee break. Decided to relearn the solos from that GnRs track in its entirety and I got it all apart from one bar which is super fast. I must have played it in the past but my fingers don’t remember it.
so who is putting up their own 30 mph signs? You know if you write in and complain to the police they will have ti check speeds of 100 vehicles a few times to see if there is a problem. We used to call it a 100 sheet where every vehicle gets checked and recorded. Sometimes they put a sensor down on the road surface. Wasn’t uncommon out in the rural areas for someone to write in and complain then when we went to enforce the speed limit the person that had written in would be among the drivers we would catch and prosecute. Happened a few times. They would be like no you can’t do me i was the one that wrote in, but they were speeding so they were prosecuted same as everyone else.
the high street here was like a race track last Friday. I phoned it in. Boy racers doing a circuit. One particular car exhaust was so noisy it sounded like automatic gunfire on the over run. Crazy. Just when you thought you’d heard the last of them and they’d finally got bored of going round and round they’d come back 🙄
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Sorry I disappeared everyone. Was having loads of knee pain as biologics are not working aswell as MTX .
Hope you all had nice Xmas and 2024 goes well
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Hi Emma 😁
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Hi Toni
how are you tonight?
mum and I are okay thank you.
Her blood sugar was okay I’m feeling a lot less queasy thanks for asking 👍
I did go out to walk today but later than usual, which is a pain but it felt safer that way.
Glad you didn’t go on the bike ride on snow over ice, be careful
Thats great about K, good for her, it must’ve taken a lot of determination and hard work to do that 👍
yes LAdoes like to insult his loved ones from time to time. Silly boy girl is one of the insults that I can safely put on the site. Sometimes his language is a bit naughty oh dear 😱
Yes, Louisa is indeed, a bossy boots not a good quality in anyone male or female of course
You are right, a coloured plate is perhaps the one comfort LA has left so he’ll have you believe Toni lol
My sister is not doing too badly thanks she said there’s a bit of pain but it’s not too bad. She’s also quite worried that her smile has been affected although she’s having an implant done.
I’ve got it a bit wrong again sorry the implant is being done in three months time,
the thing is of course I’m sympathetic to her pain but as you and I said at least you can afford the implant
so her smile will be sorted out in due course
also to be honest that would be the least of my worries, but anyway, I’m sure that the pain will go away in time.
there’s not much point telling her beauty is on the inside because she’s one of these vain ladies anyway all will be well 👍👍
I don’t think anything much happened today really. Really my dad went to a society meeting yesterday. Forgot to tell you that so there was peace for about maybe I don’t know maybe 2 hours
my mum just relax and watched a bit of TV downstairs without my dad going on and on criticising hogging the TV, the conversation and everything else as I’m sure you can understand haha
One funny thing I remembered was that bill told LA that he needed to be good because mummy had a tooth out and she had anaesthetic so she’s forgotten things, poor LA went very quiet and then asked if she’s forgotten her children!
Bill said no, but probably was looking at NF or a cup of coffee with hot sauce or something at the time, so I think he didn’t say it with conviction, so innocent LA really thought that mummy had forgotten her children and when she came home from the dentist in a very shy and sombre voice, he said to her “mummy my name is LA and I am your son” bless him, oh dear naughty bill indeed, because he should of course never really left LA in any doubt that a bit of anaesthetic cannot make a lady forget her own little gentlemen babies - peculiar and funny times 😂
I do hare this weather don’t you Toni? I hate it because we can go out if I careful but in my case at least we can’t quite go out as early as normal because it’s more risky. Oh well it can’t last forever maybe about 20° tomorrow and all the Gastric oracles will be happy, Louisa will reimburse red plates of the bone china “Hedge - wood” variety, toady will sell them for us on nosegay, so no money worries ever again, as a consequence we can buy the vampire Nurse send her to Transylvania, we can then recruit a new Nurse is very cute little lady baby Nurse who is currently in Bangalore and all will be well in the world of Val’s café or perhaps not, but everyone has a dream
bye for now Toni. Hope you have a good night. Take care xx
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- 230 Work and financial support
- 6 Want to Get Involved?
- 184 Hints and Tips
- 405 Young people's community
- 12 Parents of Child with Arthritis
- 39 My Triumphs
- 130 Let's Move
- 34 Sports and Hobbies
- 245 Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- 21 How to use your online community
- 39 Community Feedback and ideas