Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    how are you this afternoon?

    sorry for the very late second post

    yesterday was very tiring and I only managed to get out for walk today at about 11 am

    My stomach is ok at the moment thanks 👍

    bur I ate very little the whole day, well at least I managed to control my appetite-

    I don’t always, but as you once implied, everyone is a human being and most people like eating, so perfect control in a situation when someone is really hungry but they’re no healthy alternatives is never going to happen

    anyway this time I controlled, the white fish wasn’t too bad but I didn’t squeeze a lemon piece on it as I didn’t want my eczema to start stinging- I know you’re familiar with this problem

    so I ate some kind of bland but harmless fish, green beans I didn’t have much of as they often upset my stomach and there were some potatoes in various forms, not too much

    LA was meant to share chicken nuggets with his brother but he didn’t so BR just had pizza but not much, but it seemed to upset his stomach

    my mum massaged BR’s stomach and it helped a lot

    he is feeling a lot better today though and even had a piece of paw patrol cake his mummy made him bless him

    we didn’t get to sample the cake lol, just as well really I don’t want to become the second bill lol.

    Thanks about mum I’m very glad we made up too, but in some ways it’s good to clear the air

    its a shame no one can clear the air with BB, but his head is so full of volcanic ash - laden air, no one can even dare attempt to clear it

    thanks I did eventually manage to calm LA down, but I think he was mainly thirsty and he calmed down after he had some water

    He put a massive inflatable paw patrol puppy on my head, which was a bit naughty but of course I didn’t mind, the sp*der was on holiday thankfully, I’m not sure where exactly, maybe he was guarding the house in Reading on a temporary basis, well I very much hope it was a temporary basis.

    Nice breakfast pic there Toni

    I like the mushrooms especially- good for us of course- folic acid 👍

    Sorry I almost forgot how is mxt day going for you?

    yesterday LA tried to have an adulk piece of cake for supper - Super Mummy stopped him of course

    “Super Daddy” aka Bill, was not being too super at all yesterday he didn’t take care of the kids at all, he blamed my sis when BR was unwell, anyway I won’t expand now otherwise I’ll get angry and I don’t want to do that

    oh well BR is well which is indeed the main thing thanks Toni

    have a good night take care xx

    ps ginger cardamom and orange tea xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan

    how are you both?

    yes it’s great that mum and I made up thanks

    I’m ok thanks just a bit tired

    have a good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    sorry you had a grumpy one

    mum and I are ok thanks 🙏

    BR is now ok 👍

    LA put a giant puppy - balloon on my head!

    but I didn’t mind as tarantula is on holiday or something lol

    glad your stomach isn’t full on volcanic mode

    I only felt like a human being after having a hot shower this afternoon

    good night to toady and everyone keep warm and tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 8. Jan 2024, 06:13


    There was a fox (large and brazen) in the garden last night. I am worried about Sleek going out first thing for her early morning wee so went out with her armed with my broom😁and bellowing!

    Morning Joan we are flat here in the village the only slopes are up to the houses on this side of the Rd including our bungalow. That makes it easy to ride the bike especially as it's an E bike. Great fun it is you'd love it. Hope you and Sue are ok? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today and your Mum too hope her bs is is ok? I agree sometimes you do just have to clear the air. BB cannot ever clear the air I suspect his head is just far too full of noise.

    Well done getting your walk.

    I am very glad to hear BR is well again. He takes after his Auntie Mima with a delicate stomach - nothing like his father who can eat anything! There is a lot of very fatty rich 🧀 on pizza isn't there? Hardly your sister's fault though naughty BIL blaming her!!!!!

    Plain fish was a good choice for you and ouch that lemon was definitely best avoided😣

    Probably for the best that you did not sample the paw patrol cake I agree, but so glad BR was able to bless him.

    Poor LA though getting angry I hope he only got his mathematics ability from Big Babu not his temper as well😮 Chances are he was just hot and bothered and needed a minute which you gave him and a drink. Well I never! 3+3 does indeed =6. Please thank LA for teaching me something new. Bless him.

    I think an inflatable paw patrol dog is far preferable to that sp***r any day.

    I'll have some T-rex butties please with cucumber inside mine thanks☺️

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Skinny Keef

    How are you today less pain than yesterday i hope.

    I am very pleased to hear your little man is off to nursery now. That will do him so much good. His speech will come on in leaps and bounds now! Hopefully then he won't need to have too many tantrums like his Daddy used to😉

    Will Loanda be running here and there though now with work and nursery runs? Will you be able to meet him after his first day?

    Love the gingerbread men they are adorable.

    I used to make my children homemade nuggets. Schnitzel breaded ones. Maybe your lad might enjoy that more than supermarket ones? Just an idea and you'd know where everything came from so peace of mind for you too.

    Have a good day!

    Morning Toady Hope you are feeling ok today? More of a happyish Toad.

    That sounds really frustrating the only clothes bank being gone. So annoying. Was it salvation army? They collect at our al fresco and are the only ones who do there. What will you do now? I know there are companies who will collect from the house, but you'd want to check them out to ensure they were a genuine charity of course.

    I had no idea it was possible to stop a door from swelling sounds a bit too advanced for me though😣

    Sleek is on her way and wants to see your oars please she reckons yours might be better than hers. She really is a bit beaky. She still loves the bed whiffy or not bless her and was on it most of yesterday - well in it of course as it was 'airing'. Wish i hadn't got rid of the old one. If it's dry I might put the topper at least outside later.

    Sounds like you'd struggle with the smell too. Hope it's not harmful.😯

    I have biodegradable clingfilm now, but avoid even that if I can.

    Hope you have a good day

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Morning all. Snow forecast here 100% at 11am.

    In bunker nice and warm with a nice hot tea and new strings on my fav guitar.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) thinking of you and your carers (()) have a good day

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day today. We have our back door sandpapered every year I can’t open it. Do they take the clothes bank away to empty it.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope you have a good day (()) How are Kari (()) and Meg (()) Are the two ladies still not speaking. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (()

    Reshmi (()) love to you you do so well. Love to your hardworking mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) That’s nice Sucr’e going to a nursery near you. Love to Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all, jolly cold here but no snow 👍️ you can certainly feel that it's out there somewhere though.

    Better day so far thank you frog, despite 6 things missing off my grocery order & 1 sub (manages to graciously not complain & be happy to have the rest of it) shame, I do think most of it would have been sub-able with something, where I ordered variants they could have duplicated the one sort & given me the option to say no thanks. Never mind 😬 kettle on & plenty bics. Ooh, a fox this morning 😮 have you seen that one before; it's been around but not when you're looking, maybe. Well done for making the garden safe for small cats to go out in 🤭 & then back to bed apparently. Oh if your mattress topper is separate off able that's a big help, nice dry & crisp air out ought to do something🤞is there a latexy type element? I'm not claiming to have a patent anti door swelling fix btw, just playing round in my head for ideas, I wondered about a judiciously placed wedge or two to keep the gap at a fixed width when it's damp, theory being it can't swell past that 🤔 or can it 😂. It will come to a new one someday sadly. I do love timber though so you have to make concessions. I'm hoping the clothes bank will return, I did a recce before xmas which is partly why I was cross 🙄 as joan says, do they take them away to empty, I wasn't sure. Hey ho. Have a good day I hope :) xx

    Hello joan, yes very good point about the clothes bank, I'm not sure what they do about emptying them, I think I always assumed they'd do it on the spot but maybe not 🤔 I'll go up & check again, I wasn't in the mood yesterday I could have just asked in the shop. Oh dear your door is the same as mine then, I suppose it's just the nature of wood but you'd think there was a limit to how much it could swell up & then that was the maximum 😬 . Hope it's not too cold where you are I will not be going far from the kettle today :) xx

    Hi bosh, oh that ginger cardomom and orange tea looks so nice 😊 a cup of that in front of that lovely library log fire, that would do me nicely today 👍️. Hope things are ok with you, I am less grumpy, somewhat 😉 and am just going to potter around on the internet for the afternoon I think. Inflatable paw patrol puppies on your head, well that's a new one 🤨 what is the fascination for adding 'extras' to poor undeserving mimas, I wonder, but as you say better than the alternative, ie the holidaying arachnid, long may it extend its break 😄. Hope all littleys well today and you have a good afternoon 👋 :) xx

    Hi keef, did the snow materialize I wonder, I know what the 100% forecasts are like, much the same as the 0% chance of rain ones I should think. Glad you are toasty in the bunker anyway 👍️ and do hope Sucré has got on ok. Lovely gingerbread men/skellies btw, and nice to see the Queen 😀 they're great. Are you any good at scones, mine were absent from my grocery order 😕. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    good afternoon/ evening

    how are you?

    yes mums bs is ok 👍

    I’m a bit tired but ok

    my goodness wasn’t it cold this morning?

    my face felt frozen and a bit numb like I’d been to the dentist lol

    yes it’s good to clear the air sometimes thanks

    yes just noise and hot air inside BB’s head lol

    Thanks about the walk

    thanks also about BR

    he’s fully recovered now thanks 🙏

    yes he’s part of our delicate stomach club it seems unfortunately

    you’re right pizza is never kind on the stomach

    Yes bill was being quite nasty to my poor sis that day

    Yes maybe poor little LA was mainly just feeling a bit dehydrated

    Yes LA is now our maths teacher / doctor/ delivery driver and grandson of bin man lol

    Please help yourself to the sandwiches haha 🥪

    I’ll add some cucumber

    LA said as soon as he sat down in the restaurant in a loud bossy manner “ Where’s the cheese?” 😱

    Ok have a nice afternoon/ evening take care xx

    ps Tiramisu Dino lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    thanks so much about mum and I

    shes ok today thanks 👍

    Little BR’s stomachache has also gone

    did you have a lot of snow?

    we had some

    I think probably it didn’t settle

    have a good night tc xx

    ps nutmeg ginger apple snaps xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    glad you are less grumpy today

    it is indeed nastily cold even here in Reading on the Riviera, we had some snow but I think it didn’t settle

    yes mima - additions slightly worrying lol, please note this is not an online dating service lol

    mum and I are ok today thanks 👍

    the arachnid has packed his / her bags and has moved to pastures new, well cobwebs new at least

    You can hire him as kind of littley - style human calculator of course, but the question is can you afford the fee, currently he’s demanding 20 chicken or vegan nuggets for half an hour’s work, it may be prove expensive and you may have to buy a bigger freezer, im not going to say even bigger than the one you put the new neighbours in as I know you wouldn’t do something like that, unless a small person put a wriggling sp*der toy on your leg for half an hour of course, because then any right - thinking amphibian’s judgement could be impaired

    The littleys are well thanks

    LA thinks my nose is made of cheese and dragon’s eggs 🐉

    He also thinks Mimas glow in the dark like the Spider-Man eyes on his backpack lol

    So maybe im a radioactive mima - in fact it’s possible the tarantula fears me more than I fear it!

    in that case I look forward to the next blood test,

    a test tube full of glowing matter

    did indeed make those receptionists chatter

    but I think it’s not quite full poem time lol

    glad you liked the tea etc

    have a good night toady and take care xx

    ps ginger newt biccie - not my bad pun - so don’t blame me lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Well I had a good day today. (Guess I better plan for a bad one tomorrow Toady).

    Had a crafty nap at lunchtime to take strain off spine, was tempted to push on through with the guitar playing but know better these days.

    Unfortunately Anda was rather annoyed and upset when they came home. I was sitting on stairs looking out of window so I could let them in out of the cold without Anda faffing with keys. Seems that Sucré weaponised a long handled wooden scoop thing and hit her with it several times in front of the staff when told it was time to go home. The staff looked horrified and as it is a private school and places are limited I would think he probably won’t be accepted now. Today was one of two try out sessions to see ‘how they fit in’.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Yes Toady, we do scones. Cheese or fruit?

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning everyone!

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue? Bloods for me today. The two couples are definitely still at war although one couple are away ATM so peaceful just now.🙄 We are off up to Aberdeen until Thursday Paul is working up there so I am going for the ride. I visited Kari and Mabel yesterday they are both very 😊 happy. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef

    How are you this miserable Tuesday? Did you get that snow? Glad you were snug in the bunker with new strings on your fav guitar a cuppa ready if it did happen.

    Very wise to rest your spine you know honestly it can really help.

    Oh dear naughty boy Sucré😣 I'm sure the staff have seen worse private or not private. They will not give up on the lad I'm sure yet. He has another session, they will be looking at other stuff too and he is a bright little thing.

    Remember some children aren't even potty trained! and look at his musical ability.

    Morning Reshmi hope you are well today and your Mum's bs is as it should be.

    You are right it was so so so cold yesterday my fingers really hurt it was so ❄ but did you feel as good as me when you got home? I bet you did sort of proud of myself and smug for braving the weather!!!!😳

    I'm so glad BR is fully recovered from his pizza. Ah well if he joins us in the delicate stomach club (DSC) he'll be ok we can teach him loads. He's in very good company too😉

    Naughty BIL being mean to your sister hopefully she put him right when they got home. She is a strong woman.

    Cheeky LA - "where's the cheese?!" mind you that was rather funny🤭he does love his cheese. But he probably needs it with all the jobs/professions he has under his belt to be fair.

    I am off up to Scotland with Paul today until Thursday so will take the cat handbag if I may?

    Great dino dessert there.

    Take care and oh yes bloods this morning for me so wish me luck. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady how are you today?

    Oh I do hope Joan is right and your clothes bank will be back soon nice and emptied.

    Sleek was pretty dischuffed about the lack of certain items in your shopping. Presumably stuff she herself had added? Now did you know that our refused subs do not get re-sold? They go to the local foodbanks. We they do with work-hardo anyway.

    Very frustrating that they can't try harder though isn't it? 🙄Have you ever seen them 'picking'? They do it at our huge al fresco and are 'shopping' for several people at the same time. I can't work it out. Once I had a whole bag of stuff not for me. Fish fingers and the like😃

    Well at least you have some idea of what might help your door. I am worried it might end up completely jammed though😮 Still you do have the back door at least. I also love wood over plastic/metal which I think is what is here. It swells in the summer and then won't shut at all! Luckily it's the porch door and the next door also locks so we are safe.

    Right better get on.

    Off to Aberdeen in a bit after my bloods.

    Take care

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning Toni and everyone

    good luck for your bloods Toni

    wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hey Toni, hope the Vampire Nurse treats you well.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Thinking about you take care love to your carers.

    Toady (()) have a good day. We saw a little bit of snow yesterday. It’s been so hard to open the back door I’ve asked a neighbour to help he’s shaved a bit off then it’s alright again. I wanted a little bit of snow to settle it looks good every garden looks the same.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) have a good day. I hope the journey to Aberdeen is not too painful for you. You’re going to be in charge of everything. That’s good Kari (()) and Mabel are happy. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) take care

    Skinny Keef (()) perhaps Sucr’e (()) was trying it on in front of others. Have a good day love to Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Back to docs for me too this morning. They don’t supply sample pots anymore necessitating buying one from the next door pharmacy at £1.60 😳 receptionist said they were 30p. Rip off.

    played a few tunes this morning from my SRV set but I got so much pain had to stop after 3. Might go have a coffee and some pills. Bit early but pain is pain right? Very frustrating because I have the best gear and sound I’ve ever had, I am extremely fortunate to have such a good set up but can’t play it for very long.

    try some exercises first.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi everyone 👋

    No snow here but omg it's cold 😬 not surprised you brave souls going for walks have got numb faces, I've only been as far as the garden that was enough. Glad no delivery drivers etc coming today & I can go for the full ramshackle assortment of scarves fingerless mittens & what have you 😄 I didn't know about returned subs not going back on the shelves thanks frog, although yes common sense says that's probably what would happen - I never send any back anyway unless they've really bought something peculiarly unsuitable. No I've never seen them doing the picking always wondered how they go about it though, is it done before opening time, etc; wouldn't fancy it would you. Are you sure the bagful of fish fingers &c was a mistake or maybe certain cats had been doing a little editing to your order 😄 no it was none of Sleek's things that were missing, though I got neither my richm*nd sausages or the brown rolls I wanted, so if she was hoping for sausages in a bun today, she's totally out of luck 😄. I will recce the clothes bank again and I had a rare charity bag today, one that takes books & bric a brac 👍️. No other news except I lost out on 3 items from nosegay over the last 2 days (buy it nows, & nothing exceptional no idea why someone else had to gazump me 🤷‍♀️) so I am rebound shopping today 😬 tell Sleek to tap me sharply with a paw if I am getting carried away. The door will be fine I'm sure btw, I will sand again if I must, just trying to avoid it if poss. Hope the bloods were ok and have a good trip up north! couldn't you have engineered a trip south instead? 😮 hope all goes well no weather troubles etc. Glad to hear Kari & Mabel are fine 😺 take care :) xx

    Hello joan, well the snow is definitely creeping around then, I will check out of the cafe windows who knows what might be out there maybe a little flurry or two when I wasn't looking 😄. None here and even the bird's water wasn't frozen but it just does feel really bitingly cold. Glad your door is ok again it is a nuisance to have to do things to them though, I have to refinish the edge with some wood stuff etc, is yours painted? Have a good afternoon love to Sue :) xx

    Hi bosh, ooh a freezer specially for my neighbours 😬 there's a thought 😂 luckily there's no-one in there yet (or is that why there's no-one in there?? who can say.. 🤐). Actually all I'd have to do is invite them in here for 10 minutes, and steal their hats & coats, it's so cold, for anyone used to triple glazing and 3 foot of loft insulation that ought to do it haha ❄️. Hope your day is going ok well done for going out walking. I said that the minute it stopped raining I would go but I wasn't reckoning on such drastic cold. I'll have to get the big coat out myself and be braver. Sorry LA the answer to where's the cheese is that it was in my sandwich yesterday - no I really don't think I can afford a littley-style calculator sadly 😕 does the arachnid come any cheaper I wonder, would at least give me an extra 8 after I've counted on my fingers. Maybe not worth the ookeyness though. 'Off to cobwebs new', I like that 🕸️. Glow in the dark mimas, ooh, well as special powers go not bad, very handy in a power cut 😄 not so good in other ways maybe. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Fruit scones please keef 😊👍️ hope you have had the 'two not bad days' exception, to break the pattern, would be nice to know it can be done. Sorry about the tricky Sucré incident 😕 hope it doesn't sway the nursery just on that one thing. The irony is it meant he didn't want to leave and presumably liked it there, which is probably half the battle for other parents worrying their kid won't want to go 🤷‍♀️. Good luck with it all 🤞hope Lonada ok too xx

    Love to everyone hope anyone not in at the moment is ok 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    Im just checking in from the sauna

    I hope your bloods went ok and that you’re having a nice journey to Scotland

    Sorry your fingers hurt - did they even hurt through your gloves?

    Yes it was funny wasn’t it about the cheese? Lol

    the cat handbag is your and yours alone 👍

    I won’t let toady sell it on nosegay haha

    Mums bs is ok 👍

    im ok I just need to sneakily have a shower while the adulks are watching peppa, ok maybe not the female pig but something similar lol

    yes lovely feeling post - walk if the volcanoes are dormant that is…

    hi Joan and toady

    toady I’ll read your post post - ablutions so to speak lol and will reply soon

    hi Skinny Keef don’t worry I didn’t go to a posh school either 🤗

    hope everyone’s more or less ok?

    sorry for this rushed mini post

    bye for now all tc xx

    ps toady’s new look lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    you ate all the cheese!

    outrageous lol

    pider works for free but he / she / it is made of ookey - ness concentrate

    so may not be worth the ordeal

    i have a special switch for you though so you can switch ookey- ness on and off at least in some dimensions, though not the cobweb - related one unfortunately

    bye for now I need to take a non - ookey nap in a minute I feel,

    tc toady xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    Hi all.

    The school isn’t posh it’s just got a really exceptional music and performing arts centre. The music department starts them on an instrument of their choice from year one I think and music notation is standard tuition. I could read and write music before I could read English I am sure.

    Sucré redeemed himself yesterday evening. He was watching a utube video on colours and such, so I asked him to call the colours out in Spanish and he got them all correct.

    He also had a much better day there today. Don’t think they’ve made their mind up yet as they’ve asked for another trial period on Thursday.

    I have tendinitis in my guitar arm so am bored as hell now as I am home alone. Hopefully a few hours rest will sort it.

    Hope the bloods went okay Toni.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi everyone

    I wrote another poem, this one is called “Val’s Cafe - another “take” more than just online hot drinks and cake” (Inspired by toady and Julie Andrews)

    A ramshackle assortment of fingerless mittens 

    The cold wind has frozen the whiskers on all the kittens 

    Nosegay packages that fly themselves to the postbox with angelic wings 

    These are a few of Winter’s characteristic things 

    Skinny Keef makes coffee and hot apple crumble

    You can sample them here in VC if your stomach starts to rumble 

    toady likes bats - in her cave she’s got “oodles” 

    Joan and Sue have lovely dachshund dogs, not poodles 

    Toni likes walking early in the morning and sometimes sees the deer 

    bosh walks a bit later on, but not in the park as the cake stall fills her with fear 

    This is our cafe but it’s really not exclusive 

    Feel free to write a line, or even an anecdote, if your mood is conducive 

    ps Van Gogh cake xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    ^Wonderful 😊👏 xx

    (I'm not really here 🤫)

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 10. Jan 2024, 06:42

    Morning from a chilly Aberdeen!

    Joan yes plenty of stops on the way up here including Tebay my favourite for some lunch 😊 The van has heated seats whcih are good for my back too. Hope you and Sue are both well? ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef how are you? Take the pain relief if you're allowed honestly i would if you need them. There is no point suffering.

    I am so glad you have the best set up it's some compensation (possibly some frustration too though) for the pain you are in.

    I knew Sucré wouldn't let you down no matter how cheeky he is. He is after all just a little boy. Ask Reshmi she knows with two male nephews. Good luck for his extra session.

    All good up here I will photograph the hotel it's gorgeous. It was dark when we got here last night.

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are well and your Mum too.

    I loved, loved, loved your latest Val's caf poem😊 You literally have us all sussed don't you?!

    There's you posting from 'the sauna' and me receiving from the arctic!!!

    The cake is rather fabulous too good to cut into though.

    My fingers really did hurt through two pairs of gloves. I think I need some fleece lined ones. Going to look in Aberdeen this morning while Paul is working.

    Blood test went ok although she left a lump this time. At least I was back in Paul's van before I was even due in!

    The cheese was funny but toady's face pack was funnier. Totally do not let her sell my handbag. Anyway it's too late it's here with my purse in it ready.

    Watch it's not too slippery when you go to group and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Keep your fingerless gloves and scarves balaclava etc on it's cold out there. Walking it terrible sets of my dry eyes never mind.

    Is Sleek there moaning that she's been abandorated again? I bet.

    Yes but the returned food at least goes to the foodbank. I have had to return stuff before especially vegan items replaced with non-vegan, but with alfresco I tick the no subs box now by those items.

    The pickers have hugh trolleys with big black boxes on them and a hand gun. They pick all day in the massive al fresco in town. I usually use the smaller one in the nearby town instead, but I have seen them. They are picking for several people and have to be quick hence the dates aren't always what you would choose yourself.

    I hardly ever get charity bags any more grrrr!

    Sleek is bringing some Richmond sausages with her and some rolls out of the freezer she just read this as per usual she is also logged in. Sleek get out of Mummy's account!

    Enjoy your rebound shopping!

    I am going to do real life shopping while Paul is working. New drawers straight off as you know I bought no new cothes last year they are getting a bit past their best. Anything else i see.

    Take care

    not mine! but looks lovely