Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Hey everyone, slept from 1am I think Reshmi, last night anyway. Sorry Toady, I wasnt in the kitchen when you wanted tea.

    Definitely go for the scooter, but I think it should be an action character like Batman or Spidy and you get double points if it’s electrifried. But please be careful. Lots of scooter accidents happening atm.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Oooo, first post on new page😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    We currently playing camping with a makeshift tent upstairs as it warmer than lounge. Sucré is making bat soup in his cauldron.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi S Keef

    I see about the sleep

    that’s sweet about Sucre, at least he’s not cooking up methotrexate lol

    have a nice evening tc x

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 18. Jan 2024, 18:48

    Tent is a brilliant idea SK, I may seriously consider it 🏕️.

    Re the scooter, yeah it really should be Spidy or summat but no haven't got the nerve for electrifrying myself sorry 😔 thing is I have no idea how I'd get on with one ('hey kid, lend us your scooter just want to go a few hundred yards up the road to try it, honest' - yeah, no). I could waste a few quid to find out if I suck at it, but then part of the reason I suck could be because it's a cheap scooter 🤷‍♀️. Anyway it may well not happen it's not my most sensible middle of the night idea 😄 but at most it would prob be to just speed up the walk to town slightly - eg wheel it so far then a quick run along the flat or the park, so as safe as it gets.

    Never mind about the tea you can leave out a flask of bat soup tonight 😄. I bombed out of my 1am quiz by not knowing Prince played 27 instruments on his debut album (I went for 15 I think), that's 58p I'm down 🙄😄.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    27? Thats only because they counted all the individual percussion stuff like shakers individually. If you grouped them as one then I would think you would be correct with 15.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Lenny Kravitz is also a multi instrumentalist and played everything on his first album Stevie Wonder too, and then there’s me of course ha ha.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 19. Jan 2024, 06:19

    Morning Joan hope you and Sue are ok? How are they changing your prescriptions? We can still go in and drop the slip off but not phone up. I think it's possible to do online though. I was thinking the same Lucy will be able to bath safely when I'm not there 😊 Take care and keep warm ((())) xxx

    Reshmi Hello😊 I'm glad to see you and your Mum are both ok. Hope today is still ok for you after your MTX yesterday?

    and more so that BIL is having a 'light' breakfast today! Bless him. Mustn't forget the diet coke don't want to get fat😂

    ETL really does need to stop bringing her work home - that was so funny!

    My bloods are back a couple of abnormal results but the Dr was off sick so no chance of finding out yet....

    Hope your day is good and you keep warm and safe - no slipping over outside ((())) xxx

    Hi Skinny Keef

    I love the tent idea I used to play 'camping' with my kids all the time. Sucré is providing the food? What a great lad he is I'll have anything please.

    You were probably wise to stay indoors by the heck it was cold yesterday and today is really not much better.

    Hey! never mind Lenny Kravitz or Stevie W we have Skinny K! Only the best for Val's caf'

    Hope you slept better last night i think maybe you did?

    Morning Toady yes yesterday was the coldest day so far think today is maybe a degree or so warmer. Fingers paws beaks crossed.

    The birds were waiting for me to thaw their water and add seed they are hungry ATM bless them. Mostly tits and my robin. Did you see Mr and Mrs B? I hardly ever see sparrows why is that?

    Sleek has her onesie packed ready

    looking forward to another day a-bed! Thanks for the reminder I did my shopping order yesterday myself and would have been late if not for you. I am still on the plan but thinking about stopping it maybe. The good slots are less important now than during COVID. Glad al fresco are doing their online foodbank donation. is it to the trussel trust? Thant's ours.

    I'm so glad to hear your parcel arrived safely and meets the customer's approval. Even though it still looked stationary.

    Right do less but do it better. That sounds good advice for me too Toady. I think I might leave off my sunflowers then and sweet peas prioritise food? Hmm thinking....

    Hehehe I will be the old girlie 🤣 It had to be it was the only word which sort of 'went' right with the poem.

    Have a good day and keep warm.

    I think we'll have some

    ready brek to keep us all glowing

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good weekend love to your carers.

    Toady (()) I’m pleased we have the Royal Family. I wouldn’t like it like America. Have a good weekend they say it will be a bit warmer. I haven’t seen any birds all week.

    Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) we can get our tablets from through another website thank you. Sorry your blood’s a bit abnormal. Have a good weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Skinny Keef I have a mobility scooter it has a clock it goes 8 miles an hour. It gets me where I want to go. Not has good has your motor bike. Have a good weekend love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good weekend love to your mum (()) I hope she is well.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Toni toady Joan SK

    hope you’re all ok?

    I am brewing a poem lol

    bfn tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Hi all 😊

    Just nipping in early again while it's bright enough for my fingers not to freeze to the keyboard 😬 colder last night and colder here today than yesterday for me frog I'd say, not vice versa. The sun is the only saving grace. Sleek is tucked up here in her onesie and very fetching it is too, isn't she lucky to suit everything she puts on 😺 she is currently referring to her shopping list while I'm editing my basket, to hedge her bets against what's going in yours, I will cross-reference with you to avoid too much duplication 😂😂. Yes al fresco are doing trussell. Have you seen a tv ad about food waste, won't give spoilers in case not. Do hope your blood results are only bits & pieces of not much note 🤞shame the Dr is off 😕. I am very much hoping this prescription thingy won't affect me I have just got everything set up just so. No other news - not really much birdlife but I do see some sparrows, so yes I wonder why you don't, you'd think it would be perfectly good territory for them. No sweet peas? hmm well I might or might not try sunflowers again but the snail situation will have to be got round. Hoping for a quiet afternoon because I kid you not I had just relocated to the front room downstairs yesterday (bit warmer in the sun) round 3pm, just put the tv on cup of tea &c, huge clank, van draws up, man shins up the telegraph pole that's right outside me. They had had all day, but no. Stuck it out for a bit then gave up & decamped back upstairs - they stopped, to the minute 🙄. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hello joan, no I don't want it to be like America either, heaven forbid 😕 and if you-know-who gets back into office I will be cutting myself off from all news, I just can't hear anything about it 😱. No birds all week, well it has been extreme I'm not surprised, I see some when the sun is out round the back mainly the odd pigeon or dove or sparrow. I think robin is aroun somewhere but I hear not see him. I saw a wagtail on my way up to the PO the other day, they are lovely little birds 😀. Have a good afternoon nearly the weekend again! :) xx

    Hi to bosh and will probably see you on a later session 👋 hope things not too bad with you :) xx

    Well that's rather sneaky if they were counting every last item for the Prince question SK 🤔 but I wouldn't put it past them. It was particularly annoying because I'd already got or guessed right a few US-based question which is usually what trips me up. Yes as Toni said there's LK and then there's SK, we know quality when we see it here in the caf, no offence Lenny 😄. Hope things not too bad with you today so far :) xx

    Love to all - are the emoji weird for everyone today they are either showing as the small ones or as unicode - maybe it's me 🤔 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Toni and toady

    how are you both this afternoon?

    my back is aching and I couldn’t nap when I needed to due to some fish frying extravaganza or something similar going on summer dress weather in this room

    ”cold as a vampire nurse’s soul” in the other room, well now it is, not when i really needed to sleep

    I’ve written the small poem but feeling a bit nauseous right now

    mums ok though 🙏

    ok I’m going to try and find some mint flavoured gum

    bye for now all tc xx

    ps the bread of Atlantis apparently lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Skinny Keef

    how are you all this evening?

    I have kind of recovered thanks 👍

    so I thought I’d put the poem I wrote on here before I forget

    it’s called “The cold morning when bosh couldn’t stop yawning”

    Do I dare go outside? It’s minus six

    I mix icicles with my W****bix

    Snow with my coffee and grit to make it sweet

    I wear a scarf and gloves indoors- not my idea of a treat

    But Toni has been kindly knitting thermal socks - so at least no cold feet

    I consume hot porridge made of cabbage and beet

    I drink toady’s strong tea, my goodness, I drink it neat

    And with the help my VC pals my mood is again upbeat

    ps honey bee macarons xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Migraine city for me unfortunately. Hopefully just starting to come down.

    been worst one Ive had for months

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Toni

    how are you tonight?

    mum and I are ok thanks so is her bs 🙏

    I’m not too bad thanks

    was feeling a bit nauseous before

    not so bad now thanks

    sorry I’ve lost the thermostat wars getting tired

    nice R Brek 👍

    thanks about elephant pic

    Sorry about your bloods hope the doc is back soon, that’s a pain that’s he’s off sick

    LA said he and Lorenzo have a plan to destroy the school!!

    Thats bad enough but what if they also destroy the Houses of Parliament? Its quite possible of LA and Lorenzo Oliver Cromwell 😱

    Bye Toni toady SK and Joan good night everyone tc xx

    ps midnight feast cake created by bill - joking xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Fingers crossed feeling better.

    Last thing I remember was saying to Anda the pain is so bad if it gets worse I need to go to casualty (again) and I must have fallen asleep. Just woke up and thought I better go check on bunker as I haven’t been in there for 24 hours and then realised I was feeling better. I thought I was going to have a stroke or worse I felt so rough.

    I think it’s going in Anda’s car two days running that caused it. Neck definitely compressed.

    Just having a cuppa as I feeling better ish.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning Joan How are you today? All is well here had two walks yesterday one with Kari one with my friend and the yorkies (neither too long). I am anaemic I think trying to work it out from the bloods and also something to do with my kidneys. Booked apt with the nice Dr for 8th Feb. Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef I am so glad that migraine went after that restorative sleep. Clearly you needed it very badly. Do you think any particular car might be better than Anda's because I'm sure she'd change it if it helped you.

    How was the bunker though was everything ok? Looks like a milder but probably wetter and darker, weekend ahead.

    Hopefully now you can have a good family weekend together.

    I want to wash Penelope with the new gentle car jet washer thingy.... that's all I want to do this weekend.

    Take it steady ((()))

    Morning Reshmi how are you today (and your Mum of course) but more so you - not feeling queasy i hope? I bet that fish cooking didn't help even if it takes lovely.

    I made a Hungarian dish the other day one of mine and Lucy's favourites kaposztás tészta. I could still smell it in the kitchen yesterday! Poo!

    Loved the poem it's excellent (another Bosh triumph) though to be fair I did have some help with the socks


    Maybe to cope with the temperature variations in your house you need to wear a bikini with thermals over the top. As they say layering?

    BIL's cakes are actually rather pretty aren't they? I'd have one if they are vegan.

    O-oh!😮 What is with Lorenzo?!!!! The boy worries me I mean destroying the school at 5? You're right what will it be at 25?!

    I have made an apt with doc for 8th Feb hopefully they'll be back for then.

    Morning Toady

    How are you? In the cafe again nice and early. Sadly yesterday was probably the last bright day for a bit. It's windy out there again and rain may be due too🙄

    Sleek could put on a hessian sack and look good I have to agree bless her. Her onesies are extra-adorable though. Be warned she's trying to find out when your birthday is and wants to get you one. To be fair they are warm though.

    Have you ordered doughnuts? I have so if you have chop them off the list and same for jars of herrings.

    I have yet to see the TV ad about food waste. Tell me more please. I think 'we' (as in households) are the biggest culprits.

    My bloods seems to be (doing my best) anaemia (quite bad) not B12 (hoorah) urea something to do with kidneys I think apart from the worry about the coronary arteries that was it maybe. Failed to do CRP and ESR and Thyroid all relevant to me! Never mind will get some extra iron tablets today. Yukky thought but can be done. Maybe I'll wake up then! Booked appt with nice GP for 8th Feb.

    Oh no! Not a man up the telegraph pole by your window! Typical the minute you want to sit down in peace and private😠 Grrr!

    Oh I nearly forgot to tell you we walked in the forest yesterday Kari had made some duck food the pons was almost totally solid so they came right up to us on land and scoffed the lot. Even the moorhens! Poor things.

    You take care going to include lots of iron rick breakfasts for a while....

    starting with baked beans on toast:

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    mums bs is ok thanks 👍

    we’re both well today thanks for asking 🙏

    have a nice morning tc xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you have a good day. Love to your carers.

    Toady (()) we had a bright red sky this morning it’s gone now. They say rain for tomorrow. I hope next week is good for you.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry about your problem’s. Two of our friends have to have B 12 injections. Have a good day. Love to Kari (()) and Mabel and your friend with the yorkies. She is doing so well (()) enjoy yourself with the gentle washer. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and Your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) how is she doing.

    Keef (()) sorry you had a migraine I have never had them. Have a good day all of you. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Sorry I for got Charlestown ((). nice to meet you the people on her are kind and helpful.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Hey Charlestown, welcome from Skinny Keef.

    Toni, I bought her the Mini because she absolutely loves them and I felt bad after selling her motorcycle when I gave up and sold mine even though she said to. It is her dream car with lots of JCW parts on it. I would be okay if it wasn’t winter because I would be on my bike. I think I mentioned before we have our pretend secret liaisons where we turn up at say a garden centre cafe and make a big thing about meeting and having a hug and kiss. It’s got tongues wagging more than once when people have seen us turn up on separate vehicles, very funny, makes us laugh. I did actually point out to one person that gave us a really black look that we were husband and wife lol.

    it does indeed look to be warmer this week so i will brave storm Ishi or whatever this one is called and be back visiting Sucré at nannies. I just try to avoid salt and frost but will if I have to.

    i bumped into an ex colleague of mine at the BMW garage. Haven’t seen him since I left and he was also a motorcyclist and a very good one too. One of the few i had to work hard to keep up when riding together. He also has spine problems and sadly isn’t allowed to ride anymore. Very much looking forward to getting the bike out and having a ride, even if it’s raining.

    good luck with the jet wash. I find my one is okay with the snow foam attachment only if the foam thing is set to maximum. What make did you get?

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    And yes all okay in bunker thanks.

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