Val's Cafe
Parasol literally translated from Spanish means - for sun.
just in case anyone was wondering 😁
think I’m in middle of inflammation flare up. Enthesitis pain is really bad. I took a tumble at mum’s care home yesterday and her carers came rushing to pick me up. Very embarrassing. Feeling a bit sorry for myself.
how is the hotel now Toni? All quiet?
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I was just checking the weather forecast Toady, and according to both my apps this cold spell is coming to an end in 9 days, with daytime temperatures in double figures. Hope that helps. 😁
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I'm home!!! Snow on the distant mountains.
Morning Joan how are you and Sue? I'm in my own bed finally and back with my adorable little cat who slept on the bed between us last night to be sure we are here. Gosh you didn't set the microwave on fire😣That was an experience, but like we said we were ok you were all ok too. Fire is truly terrifying. Seeing smoke coming out of the door next door was so scary. Luckily we all lived to tell our tales eh? Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi Hope you are well and your Mum too.
It's lovely to be back here eating vegan doughnuts and web-cakes and looking at pretty pics.
Poor Paul was most upset he thought it would be a nice break for me!
The member of staff who put out the fire was ok yesterday his cough was getting better. Although the fire service had to say it was safe it took a couple of hours. Everyone had a tale to tell. It seems the fan in the bathroom ignited sending flames down towards the loo. The room we were sent to was better, it was a privilege one with a Nespresso machine and chocolate. Not vegan anyway.
Well done sorting out your picture sizing issue most odd it's been ok for me so far.
5 year old men can learn French can they, not Italian? I expect it's actually a really good idea to start them very young. How is your French? He'll be testing you😉 Hope Louisa the bully is not nasty to him.
So glad your hot water is now sorted and you can shower in comfort. Don't you just hate having workmen in though even if you need them?
You were probably wise to postpone the HD and rebook.
Well take care ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef
Don't you be worrying we were all fine every one of us. But it was very scary at the time being the room next door and smoke pouring out like that. Fire can spread so fast.
Loved the Joe Bonamassa and Eric music it was great.
Oh how did the lad get on yesterday? Could they see his potential?
Morning Toady hope you're ok?
Sleek was on her phone half of the evening now telling all her friends that mummy had been in a fire. I think she may have implied that I single-handedly put it out myself!
Then she snuggled onto the bed between us both to sleep. So nice to be home and even better then off-gassing has finished😊our bed is now perfect.
Everyone had a tale to tell. One lady had come over from a distant island off Shetland for surgery and was there to recuperate. Bless her!
There were two dogs who made friends during our couple of hours in the spa. Of course there was the lady whose bathroom it was next door. You know she got all her stuff out! I helped her carry some. Paul came out in just trousers fleece and shoes not even dry from the shower!
Our door left hers on the right. Not much to see from the outside but gosh it whiffed😷
Happy to be home sweet 🏡
Take care
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
ps matcha swirl bread
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Hi Toni
how are you?
I’m ok thanks
mums still sleeping
still experimenting with pic size
bfn tc xx
chinese temple xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) How are you. Love to your carers (()) have a good weekend
Toady (()) I read one of the Burger shops down town has closed they had to pay £50.000 a year for rent. It was mince pie I had in the microwave. Have a good day I hope you don’t have too many problems next week. Have a good weekend.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) have a good day love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) that would have sent your blood pressure up do you think (()) nice to be back home. Were you left with breathing problems. Sorry Paul was in the wrong place when that happened embarrassing (()) have a good day and weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) How is your mum (()) today. Thank you for the lovely photos. Have a good weekend
Skinny Keef (()) sorry you fell over. Where do you live to have weather that warm. Have a good day and weekend love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx0 -
No Toni, they turned us down. Loanda thinks it is just for now them saying he’s not ready yet, but back in the real world, I’m sure you get the idea.
hey Dachshund I live in Essex.
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Hi Joan
how are you both today?
my mums bs is ok today 🙏
you’re welcome about the pics
im a bit tired but ok today thanks 👍
have a nice afternoon tc xx
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Hi Toni
how are you doing this afternoon?
mums bs is ok thanks
I injected mxt today instead of yesterday as the plumbers were practically living here and it was very disruptive and annoying, but both hot water and heating are ok now 👍
Very glad you’re safe the fire situation was very worrying indeed 🤗
lve got totm so another double whammy again
LA told his mummy not to rush as rushing makes her slow in the end lol
mum says he’s a kind of little wise man aww
sis had a toothache she’s having a tooth implant on Monday it will cost her £3000!
my goodness those private dentists…
I’ve tried to tell my sister to eat less sweet things but she’s really addicted and didn’t take my advice well - anyway maybe this will shock her into change - I hope so.
Louisa the bully once stole a card LA had made for his family
but maybe she’s changed now as long as she doesn’t propose marriage to LA all is well lol
ok i should stop before I fall asleep
take care Toni bye tc xx
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Hi people 👋
Nice to see you back safe & sound frog, no amount of Nespresso can compete with your own dear cat and your own now offgassed bed 😊 how good that it has finished I feared it would be a while longer. Yes I'm sure Sleek has been keeping the phone lines busy spreading the news around 😄 that poor lady that was there to recuperate, oh how absolutely typical. Bad enough that it was not the nice break Paul intended but that's just mean 😔 hope she's ok. Glad the staff member is alright. Hope you are having an uneventful day and have a good weekend both :) xx
Hope everything ok with you & Sue today too joan. £50 thousand for shop rent 😱 I know they are bad but that's without your other overheads etc it does mystify how any business manages. I hope something takes it over so you don't have an empty shop and that it's something useful if so. Yes a quiet week next week would be nice, it is going to be quite sunny (they say)🤞. Not so cold today anyway. Can you still face mince pies after that Christmas 🤔. Have a nice weekend :) xx
Hi bosh, glad the plumbing/heating is all sorted now, touch wood. It isn't as cold today anyway I think even though the forecast didn't say any different to yesterday 🤷♀️. School shoes, oh yikes, they were a bit of a nightmare all of their own, & uniforms, weren't they. I remember being very pleased to finally get a new pair instead of the (I thought) nasty ones I'd had for a few terms, yet the new ones were actually horrid ugly things it's weird how you can't see it then. Trying them on in the shop yes definitely no fun with a stressed parent, I suppose our parents were relatively fortunate we weren't having tantrums, I wouldn't have dreamt of it, just the odd sulk probably. Glad to hear that les jeune fils (correct? possibly not 🤔) have graciously conceded that French may be learned after all, not to mention handing out lifecoaching advice to one's mother 😄 yes LA, more haste less speed, so hard though 😕. Have a good evening sorry about the mxt etc, yes I'm afraid my gastric oracle would also have a pronouncement or other to make if I went overboard with the doughnuts, so it's a virtual plateful for me really, they did look v good though. I've settled for the good old half a brownie option 👍️. See you anon :) xx
The temps are going to double figs here by about the same time you say keef 👍️ I checked the forecast this morning, a week of sun ahead now supposedly may not need one's parasol exactly but will be very nice to see. Then a solid week of rain unfortunately with a bit of strong wind chucked in. Much as I hate the cold, & reserve the right to whine about it 😉 the rain & wind have ousted it for number 1 hated spot at least the cold isn't doing any damage. Sorry about the nursery, would be nice if it was one of those not so bad in hindsight things but disappointing all the same 😔 how does Sucré feel about it. Sorry not the best day for you all around yesterday, hope you have a better weekend xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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👋 greetings toady and SK
yes an unasked for abbreviation lol
but I’m so tired
hope you’re both ok?
toady I will read your post and respond in a civilised manner as soon as possible
I also feel a bit of a headache brewing
im hoping for a supper of rejuvenation enlightenment and possibility chicken in a non - nugget form
then I’ll sit down again with the old “why? - pad”
sorry about that
bye for now tc xx
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Hi toady
thanks about plumbing, face - numbing and so on lol
yes very glad it got sorted out though thanks
yes school shoes and uniforms very nerve wracking I agree
also my poor stressed mum would say “make the right decision about the shoes, I can’t afford to keep buying you shoes”
and poor innocent young bosh 😇
would be well on her way to tears, anyway such is childhood- I agree
le jeune fils I think - my French is rustier than my aching right foot to be honest lol
but you almost got it right I believe 👍
yes sating one’s appetite with doughnuts is best avoided I agree unless you’re a 5 year old outsourcing littley of course haha
Feeling a bit ookey to be honest almost fell asleep on the settee a few hours ago even after a proper nap in a bed, which hasn’t happened since a mxt and scorching summer temperatures incident in maybe about August time, oh well.
oh yes I too would not even dream of “tantrumming” (correct English according to MZ’s dictionary haha) I would be much too terrified but my sister did have the childhood strops believe it or not, she’d throw piles of coats on the floor in rage - she can’t really blame LA for mimicking her behaviour- or dear that’s a vipers’ nest of family rows im not getting into lol
milder or mild - ish night that’s good to know, thanks toady
have a good night
ps a little soap for certain “not great” types writers - like LLF maybe? - only joking no vipers in residence here. xx
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Hi Toni
sorry for large pic
am a bit cream crackered
glad you have a nicer room
I studied French long ago
LA will be teaching me soon
men of 5 learn both languages but Spanish is for ladies lol
this is my second attempt at a post and I’m practically asleep 💤
good night Toni tc xx
ps.vegan gingerbread hot choc for you xx
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Hi Joan how much? £50,000!!!! Who on earth could even earn that much apart from the 'big' brands. That's a shame. My breathing is fine as we evacuated super quickly and Paul was really cold due to not having time to dry himself. One man had no shoes on. Everyone else was fine I think. I visited my friend yesterday she is doing ok I think bless her. Hope you have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef
I think I am disappointed about Sucré not getting in yet, but you can keep going with him at home. Exposing him to music and other stimuli as you obviously do.
He really is very young yet, but shows so much potential musically. I reckon Loanda is quite right. it's more 'not yet' than 'not ever'.
Forgot to ask - how are you?
Morning Reshmi
Hope you are well today? Probably feeling rough with MTX hangover (total understanding here!) and TOTM too🙄 Glad your Mum's bs was ok yesterday. I'm so glad the plumbers are gone now peace is restored (well with BB peace is a relative term of course) and everything is working.
Louisa-the-bully must have wanted LA's card for herself which must mean it was the best card. A compliment maybe? No gosh no no proposals she sounds formidable 😮
LA will be testing your French language skills soon you'd better brush yours up!
£3000 for a tooth? It's mad honestly and getting an NHS place is almost impossible for most people. The majority of children's admissions to hospital being due to rotten teeth🙄
Your sister will almost certainly still eat her sweet stuff though. Hope she isn't in too much pain.
I love the cat chair BTW It would just do me purr-fectly! I will drink my vegan gingerbread hot chocolate in it😋Thank you.
Have a good day and take it easy ((()))
Morning Toady hope you are ok?
I am so happy to be home with my pusskin. Nothing like your own bed when it smells fine and your cat is on it between you🤗I didn't bother trying to work out the nespresso machine.
The poor lady who was trying to recuperate I know! She said she'd come back though as it was such a lovely hotel and the staff were just lovely. The Hero bar manager deserves 'employee of the year' not just of the month I think!
Our hotel fire is the talk of catbook and catsap and apparently snapcat too🙄 Sleek has always been a bit of a gossip to be fair bless her.
I am looking forward to some sunshine I can get Penelope out (I did yesterday actually) every day which makes me smile and Skinny can get his bike out too. We may even be able to potter in the garden.😊
Look at this beautiful lichen I saw and left for the deer in Aberdeen.
Take care
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day. Love to your carers.
Toady (()) It’s not worth going to town the only food shop is Tesco’s. 6 shops are closed. We have the co-op 5 minutes away from here. Have a good day. And a quiet week with not to many problems.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m glad you are both alright that was a different few days. I’m pleased your friend is doing well it’s so hard for her (()) good she has the dogs. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) all the best to your sister for Monday.
Skinny Keef (()) we are in Wiltshire. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx0 -
morning everyone.
Toni, I am a bit sceptical or cynical, no, very cynical, or as one of my ex colleagues used to say, an old septic! I think we’ve been given the soft let down, but we will see.
I am absolutely riddled with pain atm, but thanks for asking. I do very little now, Sucré is going swimming later, I will go and I’ll take my stuff but I am more likely just to sit and watch with a coffee than participate. Better than not going at all, which I could easily do and have some bunker time.
Our evening read at the moment is Juniper’s Christmas. Sucré got into my bed this morning and was rambling away about being Santa’s friend and being on the naughty list. Then he spilt a whole mug of tea, luckily Anda makes his only warm. Lay in ended 🙄
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Hi Toni and toady and Joan and S Keef
how are you all?
mums bs is ok thanks
I’ve got neck pain ouch
I’ll stop for now
bye tc xx
ps toady’s new look lol xx
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Hi all 👋
Not a bad day all told got a few things done, and managed to get some metal taken away by the scrap men, every square inch in the garage helps 😄 especially if we have to start thinking gardens frog 👍️. I then tackled my hair so understandably things went a bit downhill after that energy-wise but at least it was sunny to do it. Hope you did get a potter in, and Penelope got an outing too 😊 Spring is round the corner, tell her. Hope everyone well today, Sleek has definitely wrung every last bit of drama out of the story then, snapcat is very funny 😄. How is her ickle house btw and has she asked to see the fire safety certificate? 🤔 I don't suppose she especially wants sprinklers..🙀. Nothing else going on with me, I am trying to gird myself up for a listing spell on nosegay for Sun/mon, we'll see if I get through my itinerary🤞the recycling bin I bought came in some excellent packaging which I'm hoping can turn right around with an item in it for me, very handy. Have a nice Sunday :) xx
Hello joan, hope you've had some sun too like we have here. Yes I remember how many of your shops have closed so I suppose even if something absolutely super opens it's still not really enough of an incentive to go into town 🙄. Same here really I keep hoping they will not close the Co-op that would be awful. Have a good Sunday, love to Sue too :) xx
Hi bosh, you are more right than you know with that picture 😂😂 I have been washing my 'straw' this very day 😫. Complete with ginger conditioner, HD please note; I would rather have my ginger in that hot choc thanks all the same 🙄. Not doing much this evening except poke around idly online and browse tin openers and a few unexciting odds & ends. Yes the trials of the shoe shop and the horrid lump in throat of near-tears, you're so right, all the tears shed in shoe shops would rise higher than Alice in Wonderland's Pool of Tears I expect. Ah the little LA apple has maybe not fallen far from the tantrum tree then, say no more, I expect it is much less fun when the boot or the school shoe is on the other foot but such is life. Hope everyone else ok today and you fell less sleepy and catnap like hopefully🤞. Have a good Sunday :) xx
Sorry your pain level is not good at the moment keef 😔 and no not really helped by a mugful of tea, in anyone's book that's not therapeutic 😬. Hope you get a quieter Sunday morning lie in and here's a replacement tea ☕️ today's biscuit selection, digestive cream, kitkat or rich tea. xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Last time i went for an mri on my spine they said the space between pelvis and spine was almost completely gone and the disc eroded away or compressed. For the last few weeks Ive noticed graunching noises occasionally when i move. Now it’s whenever I move every time. The pain is getting worse and I can’t get comfortable and it makes me feel sick hearing the bones grinding together. I feel very miserable again. I really can see myself being house bound now and just going across the yard to the bunker. I carried home 5 litres of water yesterday for my humidifier and had to keep stopping coz I could feel the extra weight making the grinding worse.
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Hi Toni
how are you this evening?
I’m feeling a bit better now I think I slept on my neck in the wrong way before
I’m also feeling better as regards methotrexate, and totm 👍
I think it’s because I managed to have a big sleep overnight much longer than the normal sleep so that was good. Thanks
mums bs is ok today thanks
sorry if I’m repeating things. Im doing things in a disorganised way today because of guess what? BB’s tantrums and so on.
Yes, I think you’re right there, Louisa is a bully and scary when she stole the card, a complimentary type of act of theft, LA said that apparently she was smiling. He likes the word apparently and uses it in all sorts of situations not quite knowing what it means bless him, but I can just imagine that evil formidable lady baby they call Louisa, smiling with a very artistic card belonging to someone else what kind of senseless plagiarism, my goodness 😂no proposals from or higher linguistic education for this lady baby indeed, I sincerely hope not anyway - what a terrifying thought distinctly ookey 😱
Yes LA is definitely the language auditor / professor haha 🎓
sorry I got it slight wrong my sister is having the extraction and implant on Monday also CT scan but yes outrageous amount of money
at least she can afford it
yes I go to a nhs dentist but it wasnt straightforward to find i understand
my sis may well continue with the sugar addiction but she was saying that she takes good care of her teeth and expected to never have tooth problems for the rest of her life, i said that I don’t know anyone who’s never had tooth problems at all, that silly sister of mine lol
Im glad you like the chair 👍
Ok I’ll stop for now
bye Toni have a nice night tc xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
mum and I are ok thanks
thanks about my sister too
have a good night bye tc xx
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Hi toady
straw hair - washing day oh dear
ginger conditioner that’s interesting
tin openers! Funny I was just thinking along similar lines
we have a new fangled one that no longer works
also an old fangled one that partially works
so opening certain tins is a wrist - hurting nightmare
did you find what you were looking for?
im ok thanks but a bit behind with some tasks
Alice’s pool of tears that’s interesting haha
id better leave it there I think
I hope you have a nice night toady and take care xx
ps Van Gogh’s futon bed lol xx
👋 S Keef x
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Hi Joan hope you and Sue are both doing well today? Warm enough? I added some of that foil stuff behind the radiators yesterday and hope it will make a difference. Our main living room is huge and takes some warming up even though there are two radiators. Paul took my friend to the football with him yesterday. She enjoyed it I think, but honestly those two dogs kept her alive this last year. What would we do without our animals? Heard from Cris skezier too over the last week or so she is still doing really well bless her. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef hope you are not too bad today. Did anyone give you advice as to what to do about the pelvic grinding pain? Just to be on the safe side I'd want to just know. I do know some grinding sounds aren't anything to worry about, but you do need to know.
It's horrible feeling limited by your health isn't it? Absolutely going swimming even if only sitting on the side with a coffee is the right thing to do. Sometimes someone here says they don't want to use a wheelchair/scooter etc it's embarrassing, but it's more important to be out there part of what's happening than anything. The fact that his hero Dad is watching him will fill his little heart with pride.
Sucré just loves being with his Daddy, but he's still very little good job his mum knows to make his drinks cooler.
Just for you not a small boy this time!!
How sweet that you enjoy a book together every night bless him you can see his mind ticking over the character's lives💖
Morning Reshmi how are you today? Glad your Mum's bs was fine yesterday.
Good that TOTM and MTX hangover are much better I totally agree extra sleep is so helpful. Getting your neck in the right position is good too if you can of course some days there's nothing we can do. Tension in our bodies from upset like BB tantrums is no good at all😕
Did Louisa ever get caught for the card theft I wonder? It's a worry if she didn't because you are right such plagiarism in one so young is quite a worry. You can see how she might get a 'first' can't you?
I spent a good few months annoying my parents and sister ( at about LA's age) saying 'anyway' like his says apparently. Hopefully he'll get a new word one day. I did. It was then dynamic! Hmmm....wonder what it is now🤔
Really? Your sister genuinely thought by cleaning, flossing etc she would never have problems with her teeth? We all do! I mean it helps, but...a CT that's interesting isn't it? What they can do with private dentistry. As you say she has the money so that's good.
Children usually get NHS free without too much trouble, but long term it seems very difficult for us adulks.
Looks like Toady spend too long lying in the grass😁
Thank you for the cake it's really beautiful must have taken hours to decorate.
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady hope you are doing ok today?
Sleek has kept both houses so far and is think of moving one into another room as a sort of holiday home or a bunker like Skinny Keef has. She is still posting pics on snapcat etc, but eased off a bit when the number of likes diminished a bit.
She is having CO and smoke alarms fitted to both 'apparently' (LA language) this week.
Did you see I have put that reflective stuff behind my rads in the kitchen and living room? I was telling Joan and hope it helps reflect the heat back in. Have you tried it?
A new recycling bin oh lovely and a free lovely box too even better. Not sure you will be able to use it for nosegay packaging if Sleekipuss sees it she is rather partial to a new box.... No new bin here, but 30mph stickers to stick on mine were provided by the 'friends of' the village and I stuck ours on yesterday.
Well done getting rid of some of your metal, space is definitely at a premium and will be even more so maybe next month😊
I had such a busy day yesterday that I only managed to defrost the bird bath and top up their food. Today should be better. Penelope did come out for a very quick ride though - she is looking forward to this week very much. She will be having a wash although she doesn't know it yet....shhhh!
Well better get on - your hair looks much better I'm glad not so grass-like now😁
Take care.
Irish fry up. Vegan option available.
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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