Val's Cafe
Hi Charleston
how are you?
so my real name is Reshmi, but on here I am bosh
you’re welcome about the pics
I’ve got some neck pain but otherwise ok thanks
have a good night tc xx
hi SK Toni toady and Joan
hi again Toni
how are you tonight?
mums bs so ok 👍
she’s generally ok thanks
but she said she didn’t sleep well last night
I’m ok too just a little bit of neck pain
the cold room suddenly became too cold so then I relocated
I think that caused the pain really,
but I’ve found today the temps are going up and down constantly or that’s it how it felt to me anyway
thanks again for cabbage recipe I’ve written it down and will be sure to make it soon
About the nasty nurse, all that happened is that I put the strong slippery cream on my hands as I’d run out of normal stuff and I took longer than usual unzipping the folder with the form, but this set her off into some kind of rage, very odd indeed, you’re right she shouldn’t be in a profession that involves dealing with people if that’s how she treats them, oh well over now 👍
Back to the topic of the Bangor miners, I think I remember reading that they helped build the university buildings, which i found quite interesting.
I went to the group RR said his flat was as big as my house, I really doubt that, but if that keeps his artist’s temperament happy, so be it lol
poor nice M was crying because she showed us some photos of her mum who died in her fifties, bless her, she’s also going on some kind of Internet date with a guy she’s only “met” very recently, I’m worried about her but I can’t do much, but her know her dad is of course looking out for her.
I had lunch in the town centre cost a packet as a bit of a change, which was nice
also I noticed malfunctioning fridges in Brains - berry and the chemist known as “all those pharmacists are in cahoots” - rhyming slang - so a normal sandwich was hard to find anyway, have LA and Lorenzo been destroying shop - owned fridges as well as schools and parliaments? Oh dear time to bulk buy the decaf lol.
BR is sometimes having some potty trouble, so his mummy bought some prunes but bill has eaten them all, that bill - what a human dustbin
BR is however feeling a bit better today thankfully and had a peach purée pudding
he also when in search of relaxation listens to music streaming service “Potty - fy”
ok I made up the last bit haha
iron tablets are nasty i remember, how long do you have to take them for?
👋 Joan
I think you could be right about the nurse
mum is ok thanks
hope you both have a good night tc xx
hi toady
glad your internet was working for longer than you thought
i didn’t skip group just had lunch outside afterwards as a lot of the fridges were down in the shops! That LA and Lorenzo trying to be plumbers in the hope of free cordial it seems! Very uncivilised lol
ive got some neck pain nothing extreme but maybe I’d better not wax lyrical tonight lol
hope your bloods go ok
bye for now toady
bye Skinny Keef too
sorry for this compound slightly abbreviated post
hope everyone has a good / ok night bye for now tc xx
ps an al fresco dress for toady - you might need a coat though, possibly four, lol xx
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Morning everyone!
Joan yes times flies for us. I suppose for dogs it probably flies even faster bless them cats too of course. You'll be having your coffee soon then 7.30ish. I see the Dr on 8th February so we'll see what she says then. When is your next apt? ((())) xxx
Charlestown this is a map pf cannock chase here we all just call it the chase. I live near Brocton technically in Stafford, but about within about 2m from the nearest edge of the forest. Off there in a bit with my sister this morning.😊
Morning Skinny k how are you today? I adore that little dog looking like king of the castle on your bike! I think maybe you should have a baldy 🐶 (Immac😂) maybe when Sucré is a little older you have a lot on ATM. Gosh though they are such good company aren't they animals?
Great news about the MOT and that the bike was complimented for it's upkeep. Of course if we can't manage ourselves we get a professional in. My bro and me do what we can and then have a great mechanic too for Penelope. It's all we can do. Paul is off to Kings Lynn for a car auction today he may come back with something sort of 'slightly' for this space.
I agree bike bike bike for you unless it's an emergency.
Hope the lad was good for his beloved Daddy while Anda did her work?
Morning Reshmi I actually love your eyeliner😁 and your hairdo too! brilliant.
Glad you and your Mum were ok yesterday but how about today? Has your neck recovered from getting cold? I am doing ok on the iron tablets but my stomach isn't so keen🙄 I will have to take them until the repeat bloods for iron in 4-6 weeks. Then I am interested in Toady's maintenance dose lower and less troublesome if I have to carry on.
Nice to go to Cost a packet sometimes isn't it and hope you enjoyed your cheese butty. I promise faithfully not a word to LA🤐 Well to be fair if it was himself and Lorenzo who broke the fridges he can hardly complain about one little cheese butty.
Really RR? That is one huge flat! Poor poor nice M she sounds such a nice lady missing her own Mum😕 oh dear me an internet date. Hopefully her Dad will vet any potential suitors thoroughly and keep her safe. What a worry though.
I will say no more about that nurse other than my Charley would say she shouldn't be one. She tells nasty colleagues off if they have no empathy. The girl is fearless and anyway she's right.
Oh our poor little BR having trouble with his tummy. Not like us I take it if he could have done with the prunes. Bless him glad it's ok and yes very funny - pottify😂 I hope BIL learnt his lesson eating all the prunes.
Take care Reshmi ((()))
Morning Toady hope you are ok today?
I see you take the liquid form of iron? I may move on to that after I've got the levels back up. Kari has that stuff too.
I'm so glad your internet is at last stable again odd it happened before the wind dropped though isn't it?🤔
Sleek likes coming to yours doesn't mind any moaning after all she is used to it isn't she with me?! I tripped over her yesterday good and proper poor thing was trying to drink form her water fountain. I must get a pic it's cute❤️ She has a lot of empathy and is very happy just to listen and drink tea/eat biccies....yes and nod politely. She cat-ually said it was all go at yours and not on really. Not much time for chilling watching TV together.
The birds were glad to see me yesterday here in the garden and I am worried about my passion flower looks dead although apparently it might be ok. I am sorry about your arch. Have you laid it down for now to deal with in better weather?
Today we will be on the chase so feeding the ducks again weren't they smashing?!
Definitely stone walls and hedges for me too Charlestown Toady and I love them so much. especially walls with gates in them like Monty Don's one sigh.....
Have a good day Toady
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
ps when the hairdresser unexpectedly takes out the razor lol xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day love to your carers.
Toady (()) that’s good your internet is behaving. Have a good day how is your leek after all the rain.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I’m sorry you fell over did you hurt yourself. Our dad always said did you damage the floor. Good luck with your appointment sue has to go to have another ex-ray on the 7. I had a message yesterday my appointment is the 25 December then it said we book you in then so has your on the list. Good luck with Paul finding what he wants. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day you are doing so well. love to your mum (())
Keef (()) It must have been hard for you knowing all you did and now you cannot do it because of Arthritis. You are still enjoying your self being a house keeper and a good cook. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charleston (()) I used to go swimming but the water got too cold when I had Arthritis. Have a good day.
take care
joan xx0 -
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Hi all 👋
All quiet, dull & cold but quiet, I'll take that at the moment. The arch snapped at ground level frog, both legs on the same side at a join if you see what I mean, so it's solid one side but leaning - I will probably have to sacrifice pieces from my other new one and replace them, at least I can just undo and rebolt, nothing more major. Annoying though 😔 currently splinted with a bamboo cane til I get to it on a decent day / when I get around to it. Oh no I do hope your passion flower has not had it! Frost are you thinking? Fingers crossed for you it is still alive & will revive🤞. Sleek and I are having a less harassing morning (sitting on the sofa safely out of tripping's way! poor you), just watching a nosegay auction because something is going reasonably cheaply but has plenty of watchers, I'm hoping someone will bid up so I don't have to buy it (do you ever do that?) 😂😬 stop me Sleek! Then I have to go and pack a parcel which is what I should be doing now. Has Kari been telling you about the annoying new HMRC rules for online selling? 🙄 ugh. The liquid iron I take is vegetarian not vegan btw but a v similar one I have had before too is 👍️. Hope all ducks were present and well this morning 😊 have a good afternoon :) xx (edit: I was outbid so I have been saved from myself 😄).
Hello joan, hope things well with you & Sue today. Very dull but dry. The leak is behaving.. that I know of.. there's a limit to how many time I want to go up the loft & look 😬 but there has not been so much rain since I last checked, just the wind. Sue's xray has come around quickly probably doesn't seem like it to her. Good luck in advance. Have a good afternoon :) xx
Hi bosh, glad you had a good group and some lunch out 😊 yes definitely don't want any dodgy unchilled sandwiches out of a warm fridge, though BIL might.. (I know they wouldn't sell them just dramatic licence). Yes LA and Lorenzo are back on the protection racket game there methinks 😉 oh dear. I love the al fresco frock actually, v cool, and I'm even more bony than the model so would need less bags 😂 not sure about the feathery hat or fascinator/hatinator or whatever it is, shan't be adding that to my hat collection. Have a good afternoon hope the neck pain has lessened. Thanks about the bloods I just don't want to go that's the thing, most inconvenient 🙄 so no idea when I'll actually go 😕. Keep warm/cool whatever is the prevailing temp at yours :) xx
Hope SK not too bad today, hooli-sitting went without incident etc. Yes weather looking better for bike riding if they stick to what the forecast is, glad to see some sun in the offing 🌞. Have picked up a cheapo scooter so watch this space 😂😂 now I just need a very quiet street to practise, or a 5-year old to give me lessons 😄 (in reality it probably won't see any action til the Spring though). Have a good afternoon :)
And same to @Charlestown glad your garden not too bad, yes some of us would definitely have been more fitted to past times, I was watching a programme about Sissinghurst and Bateman's, Kipling's home, all very interesting restoration work and of course the gardens 😍. Less keen on the bit where someone was talking about spiders setting off the alarms all the time 😬 that's an old house feature you can keep. Have a good afternoon 👋 xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi Toni toady Joan SK and Charlestown
hope you’re all doing ok this afternoon?
mums bs is ok 👍
I've got a bit of a cold, just a “murmur of neck pain” so to speak
also mxt time in about an hour or half an hour maybe
Bill has the “stuffiest nose in the universe” silly person
Toni, RR doesn’t have a massive flat he was bragging - another very silly person lol
see how I avoided saying “silly man” ? in case it as misinterpreted? 😂
ok I’m being kind to my neck so I’ll stop for now
have a nice afternoon everyone bye tc xx
ps “toady on a mission without makeup” lol
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Hi Charlestown, yes Diego our chihuahua used to travel on the bike in my jacket. He wore a harness and I would clip that to a saxophone sling around my neck just to be sure. It started when I had a Harley but I can’t ride those anymore because they are too hard for my back. He used to stick his head out of my jacket around town and then hide in my jacket completely at more than about 40 mph. He loved it.
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Way to go Toady check you out.
you’ll be scooting in no time.
Anda’s thing was cancelled but we stayed in bunker anyhow. He thumped the hell out of my fretless bass so much so i put it through an old speaker that is not used for anything else and he likes the overdrive pedal on as well 🙄 then he says turn it up more. I think he gonna be a head banger bassist in a loud band. I keep the volume under control so as not to damage our ears in case anyone thinks it’s irresponsible lol. He always goes for bass and says he likes the rumble through the floor. !!!! Definitely a bass player thing. I used to run a big 4x10 speaker cab in the band and that had a lovely rumble. Then we watched some Paw Patrol snugged up in the bean bag, he had a lovely evening with old daddad and we didn’t go indoors till late, he didn’t go to bed till after 9 which he thought was great. 10am this morning he was still laying in bed after having tea and biscuits saying he didn’t want to get up. What a life!!
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Hey Dachshund, hi how are you today? Yes I do get a little frustrated at stuff I can’t do, but asfar as the mechanics doing stuff for me, I don’t really mind because I was fully trained through work with evidence gathering stuff from vehicles which covered everything mechanical but I don’t mind not working on my own bike if I trust the mechanic doing it and it was just too much for me with the pain and doing stuff one handed as i always had to brace with the other arm to support my back. So long as i can still ride and do the music for as long as possible.
Hey Reshmi, how are you today.
ooooo, Toni, what are you getting from the auction????????? 😳😳😳😳
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Hi Toni toady Joan SK and Charlestown
how are you all this evening?
sorry if I repeat by the way
but I’m not feeling too great, nothing serious but a bit of dodgy gastric situation with no warning from the oracles
I had this corn snack yesterday which perhaps was ill - advised but I was trying to be healthy and that backfired but never mind
ive booked torture by hairdresser for Tuesday of next week lol
👋 glad you’re having a good day Charlestown
does anyone here actually enjoy getting a haircut I wonder?
i understand of course they’re different issues with male and female hairstyles etc
but I hate that shampooing basin which always hurts my neck and the whole thing takes so long, in my case at least, I’m always discreetly moving my legs a bit occasionally lest the joints get a bit “rusty” as it were and the chatter, once the HD told me the cure for hay fever was eating an ice lolly - good job he’s not moonlighting as a physio, as far as I know lol.
Toni EF are more or less ok thanks 🙏
BR’s lady baby friend is called Celeste apparently, BR drives her around in the big toy car in the nursery, what a gentleman, she has blonde hair in tight baby curls and it appears this brother’s first foreign language will probably be French not Italian!
Thats great that Charley agrees Toni 👍👍
sorry I’m not winning the gastric battle - not today anyway
so I’ll say good night to everyone - have as good a night as possible take care xx
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Goodnight Reshmi, feel better. x
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I thought it was soon Joan for Sue my appt is the day after. That's good I should remember both now. Good Christmas pressie for you then! Actually I think the idea of just getting you in the system is good. Take care both of you ((())) xxx
Morning Charlestown. I never walk on the Chase on my own I go there with my sister and sometimes her DIL. I only go on my own up the lane in the village. We have no streetlighting here, but your eyes do adjust in the dark.
Maybe you were a Victorian farmer in a former life eh? Walls are fabulous we have low stone ones at the front of our house at the back some pretty old brick ones., but most of our 'garden' is hedges great for the hedgehogs (I hope to have some this year) to come in and out. We have a large patch of greenbelt land which we aren't allowed to grow anything on that's it.
I'm very glad to hear you are feeling so much better long may it last.
Morning Skinny K how are you?!
OMG he bought it! He bought it!
one of these!!!! Called and Scargo he is also Nissan like Penelope and is I think 37 years old. So on Monday we are both going to Stowmarket to pick him up!
Sounds as though you and Sucré had a great Dad-son bonding time. I never would have thought you'd risk his ears no way. Although no one was as considerate of ours were they?
Have a great day!
Morning Reshmi how are you after yesterday's MTX? I have yet to face that challenge this week🙄Could have been the corn snack maybe with your stomach. Hoping mine adjusts to the iron soon too.
I have the hairdresser's 😣today! Help!!! If you come with me I'll come with you on Tuesday. We can distract each others' hairdressers while we discretely shift position and get comfy. The whole process does take far too long I agree. When my back has been really bad I have leaned forwards into the basin, but that isn't easy either to be fair.
Awww BabyR What a sweet boy looking after his GF like that! Celeste is a lovely name he will definitely learn French for her. Not Italian. Nope anything for his beloved❤️
Will you be seeing EF this weekend? It's been a while you must be missing those boys and they will definitely be missing you.
That Eagle in the pic just had a blood test with that nurse you had and is off to see the nursing manager. Hah!
Get well soon ((())) xxx
Toady you've bought a scooter? Sleek will come along with hers
that was before she went to her slimming club some years ago. Please don't tell her you saw it😮
Honestly it's a good idea doing that because you'll get to the post box super quick now. YAY!!! such fun too.
You should be able to repair your arch I'm sure hopefully your foliage survived? I'm hoping mine will be ok (frost yes l suspect)and perk up again next year. If not I will have to be more careful again this year. I had a passion flower in Lichfield totally hardy, but that garden was very, very much more sheltered.
Sleek loves a good nosegay auction bless her. Was she watching anything? She usually is. Glad fate saved you this time.
I had a fish tank emergency last night. The big filter stopped working so it was a dash to 'checks and phone' for a replacement at 7.30. Not a restful evening reflected in a bad night's sleep. Ah well.
I did know about the new rules yes honestly it should really only apply to very big sellers but you know the tax-'man'🙄They need the revenue to pay those poor Post office managers back what they took from them don't they?
Ok I will not take a vegetarian supplement so just hope this course is enough. Or maybe take some weekly in the longer term. Yukky stuff.
Have a good day Toady.
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day and weekend
Toady (()) good luck with the auction. Have a good day and weekend. I think the wind is calming down a bit.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good day and weekend. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I bet you will have a good ride in there. Have a good day and weekend. I hope you are not too painful after your trip (()) we are off in to town. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and weekend and your mum (()) is she well.
Skinny Keef (()) yes I know what the aching is like to me it’s like toothache. Wears you out. Have a good day and weekend love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) the little picture by Dachshund is our dogs my sister bringing them back from a walk. That’s good you have found something to help your pain. Have a good day and weekend
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi all 👋
Nice bright morning, started well until I opened my last box of meds by post to find a brand I've never had & aren't on my ok list 🙄 that's a morning of faffing around for me thank you very much. None in hand either as I've received the same brand for so long I didn't check them when they got here. Gah. Not a good night for me either frog so the plan was to finish my jobs promptly & knock off for the afternoon 😕. Sorry yours wasn't good partly because of the fish emergency 😱🐠 glad you could get hold of what you needed promptly (good shop name code!). I trust Sleek was not eyeing up the frying pan just in case.. 🍳 no, terrible thought!! She is here now and as luck would have it it was ideal scooter weather for her, well chilly, but ok 😀. Naturally I will never let on I've seen 'that' pic 🤫. I don't think I will be going to the postbox on mine in front of the neighbours 😄 the idea is to use it to knock a bit off the walk to town, maybe. This is assuming I can even do it haha but at least whenever I'm not on it people will just think I'm dragging it along for my child/grandchild/ggc or god knows what, or I can use to help carry shopping off the handle I suppose. Strictly for flat terrain anyway no stunts or steep hills 😂. That's what Paul was buying? 😮 I was thinking small bits & pieces of Fig accoutrements! Ooer, nice!! look forward to hearing more. Sleek & I are not browsing nosegay today but yes she does have rather a long watch list doesn't she, I did mutter something about 'some of us not being that keen on watchers', but it was water off a cat's back 😹. Oh the arch is fine plantwise thanks as it's just ivy over it, it's the multi-purpose 'screen neighbours & grow runner beans' one. The other has the winter-flowering clematis (no flowers though 🤔 but healthy). Well enough rambling for now, on with the motley & see what else the day has in mind for me. Maybe elevenses first. Have a good afternoon :) xx
Hello joan, I was outbid on the auction but that was ok it was only something I didn't want to go too cheap so I felt compelled to bid on 😂 at least it meant a bit more money for the seller. Yes the wind has calmed today but it was off again in the night 🙄, it's bright though such a nice change 👍️. Have a good afternoon love to Sue :) xx
Hi to bosh hope the stomach is settling down🤞will probably do a part two later so see you then 👋 :) xx
Hope having a good day keef 👍️ and Loanda and Sucré (tea & bics in bed at 10am and nothing to do, there's been a clerical error somewhere, that should be our lives 🤔😂). I've let the side down not getting a fancy scooter (I do have holographic Doctor Who stickers if that counts 😂), the theory is I may as well find out what's right/wrong specification-wise & grade up if needs be. If I can't do it at all then it's academic haha. Enjoy the sun :) xx
Hope everyone else not too bad today :) xx
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Hi Toni toady SK and Joan and CT
how are you all?
Toni I hope the HD experience ( hair follicle related, not “vegging” in front of the tv of course) goes ok and no one questions your discreet physio routine👍
mums bs is ok thanks 🙏
she does have a bit of a cold though
I do too but it’s less bad today thanks
My stomach is slowly getting better but not really “quite there” yet 🤞
but the acute stomach pain of yesterday seems to have subsided thanks
toady sorry you had problems with your medicines, I hope that they’re sorted out now?
nice breakfast by the way Toni 👍
Thanks Skinny Keef I’m getting better slowly- how are you today?
Toni I will be there in spirit at the HDs but not as a poltergeist who mischievously throws bottles of psoriasis - unfriendly hair products into the air, well maybe, depending on how many virtual Blearios I’ve consumed
ok I’m still feeling a bit weak
so I’ll leave it there for now
bye all have a good afternoon take care xx
ps some Moroccan architecture xx
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Hi everyone.
the new vehicle looks great Toni. Very characterful if that’s a word. I think once you find a manufacturer you like its best to stick with it, like BMW moto for me. Nissan certainly make some fantastic cars. Wasn’t there a 380 zx or something that was really super sports.
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Had a very slow day. Sucré is sick again 🙄.
yet another cold. I really pamper him when he’s ill and he knows it. We had nearly the whole morning in the bunker, then we took him to Greggs for lunch as he off his food and I just wanted to get some calories in to him. He so skinny he can’t afford not to eat.
Then he took himself off to lay down and slept till nearly dinner time.
we supposed to going swimming tomorrow with nanny and gramps (niffniff and wiffwoof) but that doesn’t look likely now.
i heard the tell tale scratching of rats under the bunker yesterday so Anda has been out there today tidy up all the litter that blows down the side of the bunker (not ours) and hunt for evidence. I tipped two bottle of fabreze down under the floor as they hate the smell. Hopefully that will get rid. Have Guns n Roses playing in there quite loud atm.
Glad you feeling a little better today Reshmi.
I had a siesta as lots of pain after walking back from Greggs.
Hi to everyone. I’m off to bed shortly as I left my pills off this afternoon and I’m paying the price now.
Toady, I am going to check my meds I picked up yesterday are the right brand. I didn’t even look in the bag and it’s stapled closed. 😳 i just took my last two so i really hope tgey haven’t done same to me.
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My grammar lately has been terrible. It’s coz i hurry so i can lay down as i normally type on here before taking a rest. Must try harder. 😁
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Good night everyone
toady stop brooding and go to bed only joking 😂
I’ve got a bit of neck ache but less than before
it’s a cold one tonight so Toni can you provide some post HD tea please?
as long as it’s not laced with conditioner lol
ok I don’t want to aggravate neck etc so I hope to post properly tomorrow bye tc xx
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'night all 👋
Just a quick iou to bosh &c as am tired myself tonight but will catch up tomorrow 😊 still sorting the meds thanks but of course it's Sat tomorrow so not much will happen I doubt 😕 lucky they aren't life & death it will get sorted after the weekend I daresay 👍️. Ooh you and frogmorton in more or less the same week for sweeney toady, poor things 😱 no chance whatever of me leaning back over the sink these days even if I was going. Good luck getting in training for the necessary discreet fidgeting etc, feel free to try out your HD polite chitchat on us 😄 have a good night :) xx p.s. just seen your picture while I was mid-post, oh fabulous, me to a T 😂
Sorry Sucré has the sniffles again SK, hope they're short-lived (and keep themselves to themselves). Hopefully your meds should be fine this is a rarity for me I've had my arthritis meds setup down perfectly for ages - it's all on record I can have this not that etc, but a new brand seems to have snuck in that I had no instructions for so they had no reason not to bung me those instead of my usuals - this invariably means they're cheaper in my experience 🤨. Rats, yikes, no way, keep out of the bunker! 🚫. Hope Sucré/you don't have too disturbed a night🤞xx
Thanks @Charlestown yes it will probably mean a call to GP, the online process usually takes care of all that but they will want to know why I want another I suppose. The tricky bit is avoiding having this brand next time it has to be put on your notes &c always find it a fiddle 🙄. As you know I expect, most pharmacies etc these days operate on this get what brand you're given system causes no end of trouble for people. Ooh no real life auctions for me thanks, not cut out for that at all 😄 online only and usually use a sniping tool. Hope you have a good day tomorrow, hope your kitty is ok just routine stuff?🤞 xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Tea anyone? Hot milk with brown sugar for me
can’t sleep and I’ve turned up the heating. Didn’t see the frost on the forecast, really cold here tonight.
my 2 are snoring !
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