Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Hi all 👋

    Me not like today very much 😒 bit of a time-consuming faff sorting out my wrong meds (I managed it, for now), a delivery person I wasn't expecting banged and banged on the door and on the front window (I hate that!! 😠), didn't go as I assumed it was salesmen or something so they left it under the tree in front garden. Or 'securely at back door', apparently 🤨. Just got outbid on an item and now it's got late really quickly and I've hardly done a hand's turn 😳 ugh. Have to start over tomorrow. Welcome home to the Scargo, frog 😊 what a super looking car, glad it drives well, and it was a good trip too. I never even asked what you'd done to your knee, or is it just playing up 🤔 if as you say it was better overnight hope it's not too bad now. Not much going on with me as I say, twitching a bit to get in the garden, the spirit is willing but, etc 😕. At least it is/should be dry for a bit not sure about sun. Hope everyone well, love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, next door's is still empty, they never seem to do much popping in and checking up on things I would worry what would go on behind my back, especially as their roof is the same age & no better than mine, you'd think they might well have problems too let alone it being unheated & so on. Oh well as long as theirs doesn't cause me any 😬. Yes a bit of warmth would be nice but if anything it's going cold for a couple of days I think 🤔 nothing drastic though and the worst is behind us surely🤞. xx

    Hi bosh, ooh poetry in the offing, goody. I love LA's world-weary attitude to the party-going scene, very Noel Coward 😂😂. Will he or won't he go to the mystery gentleman baby's party, I await the reports in the society columns 😄. Gosh those are some impressive cakes over the last couple of days 😮 nice to see toadstools on this morning's, can a toad be far away 🤨. Nothing much doing with me I have not got many of my jobs ticked off today, I only went into the garage for 5 mins sorting and that's when someone banged at the door, I was right at the front of house end and jumped like the high hills, as they say (well I'm not entirely sure they do say 🤔, but I do). Might try & get a nocturnal walk in 😬 we'll see. How is your mum, cold not developing into anything much I hope. Also hope your stomach is ok/not too bad today :) xx

    Wave to Sk, sorry not the best ride back yesterday hope you have had not too bad a day🤞glad the cake went down well. Bit on the chilly side today and dull mostly, hope you have made it into the bunker maybe. Have a good evening/better night :) xx

    Hope you got your errands done @Charlestown have you got some half-decent facilities where you are, shops banks post offices gps, has anybody these days to be honest 🤔 I don't drive so some things are out of easy reach, especially all the stuff they keep moving 'out of town' which is the trend these days 🙄. Have a good evening :) x

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 30. Jan 2024, 18:19

    Hi Toady, I like your saying, jump like the high hills. 🤪

    I didn’t even know Toni had hurt her knee. Serves me right for not reading thoroughly.

    yes been in bunker a few times today on and off. Thanks for asking Toady. I heard Back on the Chain Gang laying in bed this morning about 7:30 and I have always liked that song, and noticed today how groovy the bass line was so I learnt that first off before breakfast. I have also been working on the bass part of Change the World by Clapton. Over the years I have learnt that on guitar and piano and it is a tricky little piece to play well. Bass part is the same, but that’s more down to Nathan East being the bass player on that. He is my favourite bassist and an absolute virtuoso that has played on 1000s of hit albums for just about everyone.

    not a difficult song to play, but a difficult one to play well and get all the twiddly bits in as he does. All that training and I know all my Italian musical terms and I refer to “twiddly bits” lol

    I don’t very often learn stuff note for note like guitar solos as even the original artist never plays it the same way twice live, more important to capture the style and feel and signature riffs like the chiming chord in Sultans of Swing which goes with “When the time bell rings.” however this bass part requires note for note learning i think. Very time consuming especially when i have to keep stopping to rest. Which is where i am off to now. I am shattered. Pills and lay down. Didn’t sleep last night so hardly surprising.

    wppl tc everyone.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    I will just quickly say 👋to SK toady Joan and C while I remember

    Hi again Toni

    so you are / were a French plaiting expert - that’s good to know, I used to be able to do the plaiting on a doll’s head, but my own it becomes a messy and very different story, but you’re right, it’s worse when the hair type is unruly like yours, mine and Charley’s.

    I survived the HD but when as soon as I left and went outside again it was so cold, my hands were freezing despite warm leather gloves, so I walked as I’d planned but I think I lost the coat wars, luckily it wasn’t too bad, it wasn’t like misjudging the coat and going to town centre on the bus there and back which I did recently, so it wasn’t long to wait before I was back in the warm👍

    The hairdresser was relatively ok thanks but he was a bit headmasterly as usual lol

    also it was so hot in there that I almost fell asleep even though I was wearing a “height of the amphibian summer” T shirt as it’s called in Reading lol. I was wearing thermal socks but given the state of the temperatures outside that was very understandable, so after the haircut I donned several million layers including my “medium strength” winter coat (as opposed to “industrial strength”) and was still pretty cold, most odd.

    I saw the cake stall in the park was temporarily dog -free and I took one step in the park then “chickened out” as they say, but we all have phobias that are difficult for some others to understand indeed 🤗

    and the minute I realised that attempting a dog free cake buying attempt, as it were, haha, was not worth the potential palpitations and the risk of a doggie suddenly appearing, I saw one our canine neighbours with owner heading for that evil sugary establishment, a siren of the high glycemic index variety in an area of parkland that the aforementioned pets often make rather smelly, in fact it’s a smell that’s achieved notoriety, ok I’ll end that poetic tangent there

    LA said when Bill was trying to help him change clothes in the morning “You’re not my boss daddy, I’ve got many bosses of the clothes - changing like mummy and granny / Aarubabu” 😂

    so I’m the boss of story - telling maybe, you’re the boss of French plaiting - I’ll text ELTB your first client lol - toady can be the boss of banana bread baking - but toady may want to hide this fact from bottomless pit LA - you can be the boss of cod liver oil toady - which isn’t an insult incidentally, on the contrary you get left alone👍

    sorry I was halfway through this post then had to relocate etc

    I don’t think you’ll need IV iron Toni, don’t worry, maybe just try and negotiate a bit with the doctor- although I know that’s sometimes easier said than done

    group tomorrow for me if weather is ok

    gas company need to order a part for overflow tank issue - now there’s a surprise lol

    ok I’ll stop for now

    have a good night Toni tc xx

    ps this is me pre - haircut lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi toady

    only just seen your post sorry about that

    The society columns I like that haha

    Bill has been working from home because there’s lots of nice food in the fridge,

    by “working” he may well mean watching Lego cobra snakes with BR - oh dear

    quite scary viewing for kids I thought, maybe even for Mimas

    Mum seems ok cold - wise right now thanks toady

    I hope the curse of the delivery person is a temporary one

    enjoy your nocturnal walk if you go

    good night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    'night bosh, I also missed your earlier post at the time, lovely poem it flows beautifully, lyrical is the word I'm after 😊 a charming tale and no biting or any of those slightly less charming real life episodes 😄. Glad you survived the HD well done you. Have a good group day and a good night's sleep first I hope, I backed out of a walk in the end maybe tomorrow 😳 I was working from home instead, er, I mean watching the TV oops. I will try to take my new cod liver oil duties seriously, the question is whose going to be the boss of suggesting what I dress myself in 🤔 I could do with all the advice I can get in that line Bill could probably not do worse 😂. Good luck with the 'gas part' saga hope it does not run to several series, and glad your mum is ok :) xx

    Good work in the bunker there keef 👍️ interesting to hear what you've been learning/playing. I do like Sultans of Swing & I know the "when the chime bells ring" chord (even though these details often pass me by), I had a play through of it on youtube anyway - someone posted like they do 'who's still here in 2024', many people apparently✌️one comment a day ago was to mention the billion-odd plays it has on Spotify. I happened to notice Mark Knopfler's fairly bendy thumb, hitchhiker's thumb they call it I believe, is it also a guitarists' thumb occupational thing I wonder? Mine are very much so, that's where the similarity ends 😕 not from anything musical just the arthritis I think. Anyway you mentioned that track more as a side issue I realize, I get your main point about the spirit of a solo rather than the letter of the law so to speak, note for note as you say. Good luck with the twiddly bits 😄. Hope you have a better night :) x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Hi Joan Glad to hear Sue is ok, but you are you ok too?Mmy knee is definitely not ok still - not bending or kneeling, but not painful just in bed now so that's good. Extra good as Sleek was on my side last night and I had to bend round her! Hope you have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K how are you today any less pain? Thanks for sharing your story about your arthritis journey. Frustrating not much can be done isn't it?

    Yes please I'll hear the story about the station at Colchester😉

    Reshmi I love the gingerbread men poem! It's brilliant! So glad you survived the Hairdressers☺️

    This is going to be a quick post with a promise to get in again later as I have to drop Charley of at work (picking her up at 6.30 as her car is in the garage.

    Take care everyone I haven't forgotten any of you I'll be back later after the foodbank.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    Ps brimstone bread xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    I'm back! Chraley suitably delivered at work and time to finish my post before the foodbank.

    Love the brimstone bread Reshmi I want some!

    Hi Toady Oh dear a delivery person ignored🤭 it happens here a lot. Luckily we have a porch and a sign just underneath which says 'Deliveries please leave in porch. Shift worker'. So why do they ring the doorbell then? Ah well. The sign was from when Lucy was working shifts and lived here, but I've left it up.

    Flash (I keep singing 'a-aaah savior of the universe'🎵) is so cute! ADORABLE in fact and he and Penelope are related of course. Probably he is a big brother. I've had to hide his keys from Sleek, but promised she can ride shotgun. She's on her way to yours now in her onesie she's cold.

    At least you got your meds sorted well done for that. Sorry about losing the auction😕 never mind next time.

    Knee is just being naughty I am not reinforcing it's bad behaviour😡 the other one to a very much lesser extent.

    Hi Reshmi - what a hairdo you had pre HD! Hope it's improved after his ministrations. It can be cold in those places after all your hair gets wet. Still at least the hairdryer warms you up and your socks will have helped.

    It's thick ice here so you were right to feel cold - it jolly well is cold. Industrial strength coats on today for both of us. It will be chilly at the foodbank. I am going to wear my hat.

    How is your Mum today has the cold gone? You too are you doing ok?

    LA is quite right I rather think he is far better off taking advice about his attire from such as yourself, Mummy and his Grandmother.

    I doubt I could French plait your hair either even if I damped it down first I could never do Charley's. You should have seen hers this morning! Honestly! Bless her. I can do ELTB yes no problem

    Gosh you did well dodging that canine, 💩 producing, 4 legged fur-ball yesterday. I reckon that phobia saved you there! You weren't exposed to super super high glycaemic 'food' and hopefully didn't need to pray to the gastric oracle☺️

    Hope everyone (nice) is ok at group and you get there safely. ((())) xxx

    Skinny K do not worry about my knee I am ok. I do 'know' this pain it's both really but one more than the other. Makes getting in and out of Penelope a little tricky but mostly (except in bed) ignorable.

    It was lovely to hear your passion for your guitar thanks for that even though it was really for Toady - I read it anyway being nosey🤥 I hope last night was better for you?

    Hope Sucré and Loanda are ok too take care ((()))

    A quick hello to Charlestown who i think is posting at the same time as me.

    I hope all is well with you today?

    I'm off to do my volunteering at the foodbank this morning see you all later i hope.

    tea's in the pot....

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toni, no it was for everyone. All elusive poster me, or maybe that’s inclusive, can never find the right word lol.

    I slept a little better from around 1am only getting up for pills at 4. Thanks.

    Back in bunker. Had a quick play on guitar and then it’s back to bass. Think I’ve got the Change the World now. Very clever bass part when I look at his note choice.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I forgot my vit d a few days back, I have caught up now and it really makes a difference to my energy and pain. My last bt I had been taking 3-4 times the recommended dose of vit d and it still came back as low so I take even more now spaced out throughout the day and night.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) yes I think it’s rude to look through someone’s window. Good you got your tablets. I suppose he thought you were out. Sorry you missed the auction perhaps it will come around again. I keep seeing the country is having snow. Have a good day

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) yes I’m ok thank you. Sorry about your knee is it swollen (()) I read we are having snow. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) do you feel a bit lighter now you have had your hair cut. Have a good day love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef witch Arthritis do you have Osteoarthritis’s or Rheumatoid. You have done well it must be difficult managing it little boy has well. You don’t sit down and expect someone to wait on you. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    love to Charlestown have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    It started as osteo Dachshund, but then a few months back I started getting pain where there wasn’t a joint and they diagnosed enthesitis which is an inflammatory disease, goes hand in hand with my IBS apparently. I personally think it goes much deeper and more could be done to find out exactly what I have but atm I am just about coping. Also I think my spondylitis in my spine is now ankolysing as it is getting worse so much quicker now. (Would also tie in with the inflammation triggers as well.)

    My lot are talking about the IOW Holiday again and have booked some time at the end of the summer but I just don’t think I can ride down there from Essex this year. I really suffer after a half hour ride over to nif’s house and I can actually feel the bones grinding together when I hit a bump.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Morning all 👋

    Well I wasn't expecting such a cold morning that was a shock, well I was expecting it according to the forecast but not the really quite nasty frost 😮 so much for saying I wanted to get in the garden, now we've gone back a step. Oh well indoor paperwork & things it is then 🙄. Hot elevenses first definitely ☕️ that tea has kept marvellously hot in the pot thank you frog. Scargo, or Flash, is a he then, shall remember that and not call him a pretty girl, one of those is enough we don't want Penelope's bumper out of joint 😂. Yes Sleek is well ensconced here in her onesie, and blankie, and the biscuit tin 👍️ we won't be moving much, really not nice out there. Hope food bank went well and Charley's car isn't in for long too. Mainly hope the naughty knees settle down for you 😟🤞take care xx

    Morning Joan (and Sue), yes tapping on the window and probably looking in is really not on in my book. The thing is I always leave the porch door open for that delivery firm, so as it was shut you would think they would conclude yes I was out, not just out of earshot, so why bang 🤷‍♀️. Unless they thought I was 'out' for good 💀 in which case breaking the door down to help would be more use than chucking my parcel outside & going away 😂😂. I haven't actually got my pills the prescription is 'in' but the problem with wanting certain brands is you have to wait til they've got some, can't be helped. Yes another item the same will come round for auction I'm sure thank you, didn't want to go as high as the other bidder & not very important. I'm not surprised there is still talk of snow it was a very cold night. Have a good day both :) xx

    Hope your day is going ok too bosh, I liked your categorization of coats 😄 hope nothing too industrial required today but it certainly is jolly cold. The internet has just flicked off a couple of times, no idea why, never known it mind the cold before perhaps it would like a warm coat as well 🙄. Have a good afternoon probably see you later 👋 :) xx

    Glad you slept a bit better keef and that the vit D is helping, interesting that you do feel you can notice the difference, I have a 1000ug daily but I'm not sure what my levels are so I suppose can't swear as to what good they are doing 🤔. Have a good afternoon hope family well :) xx

    Love to everyone, & anyone passing 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Think I have more or less got that song sorted now. It takes so long coz I have to keep stopping to rest, it’s so frustrating, because when I go back to it I then have to recap again what I had learnt to make sure it sticks in my head. It’s the same reason I don’t study, concentrating on a course like Anda is doing would be impossible for me now. At least with music my fingers kind of know where they are going without concentrating lol.

    anyway it has reaffirmed my love for playing bass that’s for sure. I love music so much, I am glad I am still able to play because apart from family it keeps me alive. Again I have stopped for a lay down but I am already looking forward to picking up the bass again.

    sorry it’s all i go on about.

    should be a bike day tomorrow, off to see mum, the other 2 in car, but if I feel like this then I won’t even make it out of town.

    Right shut up Keef, time for a nap. Laters everyone.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Toni and toady

    how are you both doing this afternoon?

    mums ok 👍

    I went to group

    it was ok thanks

    RR was insensitive to nice M, I think he was cruel really

    I’ll expand later - the “plot” not the waistline, well maybe both to be honest 😂

    ok bye for now I’m showering while the cat is in al fresco, no offence to Sleek lol, tc xx

    ps my current hairstyle - ok not quite haha xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Charlestown, yes Hooligan is kind of okay now. Still sneezing now and then.

    Anda is studying psychology and criminology. She works for the police.

    Hope all good with you.

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi C

    how are you?

    brimstone bread - I just found it on Pinterest- I think I looked for lava bread maybe, so that’s why it came up 👍

    hope you had a good day?

    mine was tiring but ok thanks

    have a good night tc xx

    hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    my mum is ok thanks

    im tired but ok too 🙏

    yes I’m feeling a lot better and lighter after the haircut thanks

    i hope you both have a good night take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    im cream crackered again but otherwise ok thanks

    I wore the right coat today

    thanks for the advice

    how was the food bank?

    thanks also about the haircut

    the dreaded HD put some kind of texturising spray on my hair without asking me, luckily I wasn’t allergic but I could’ve been, naughty HD, no bananas, choc bars or even vegan or chicken nuggets for him lol.

    I saw the female salon owner really tell one poor elderly lady off for putting her hair in a ponytail, I thought that was a bit much, it was a windy day, were all us clients supposed to walk to the HDs with loose hair whirling around, making us modern day Medusas or something like that? It’s like an iron tablet for the scalp that place! 😂

    The group was ok in some ways thanks, but unfortunately someone stole £50 from nice M, it was a kind of fraud I guess, but it also happened as she trusted someone she doesn’t know well, but impaired judgment is part and parcel of any bipolar partial relapse, as everyone knows, so just a very sad situation, I think it’s unfortunate the doctor doesn’t let her live with her dad, I would be so much less worried about her then. RR made some kind of nasty sarcastic comment because the internet date guy is younger than her, this was just after she’d been crying about the theft, I think he is no position to judge her, also any decent person would’ve been more worried about her safety more than anything else, then nasty M turned up, no greeting for me of course, I’ve no idea why, so I decided to call it a day as it were at that point.

    Glad that Charley has the unruly hair gene lol

    ELTB has booked her plaiting appointment she said to thank you for that 😂

    As for gastric oracles, mine is sort of happy lol, well it’s not completely unhappy let’s put it that way, basically I had a bit too much roughage but at the moment at least not suffering from a full on gastric attack- how is your stomach?

    did you fall on your knee Toni? Sorry I must have missed that when I read the messages. Are you ok?

    I’m quite tired, house was too hot to rest in before so I’ll say bye for now good night and tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi toady

    it was indeed cold today

    I wore the industrial strength coat myself lol

    im ok just a bit more tired than usual as the house was so hot

    One of the first things that BR asked me on Sunday in a very patronising voice was “Where’s the biscuits?” - what have you been teaching him? Lol

    lets hope the weather is more temperate tomorrow

    have a good night toady and

    👋good night SK and everyone else too of course xx

    ps latest Apple Watch lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    'night all 👋

    Will say a proper hello in next post @Charlestown , typing on phone at the moment, not my favourite thing. Joan is dachshund by the way (& yes Reshmi and bosh are one & the same 👍). There's only one of me 🤪 have a good night hope your kitty is ok and you and the vet are too 😬x

    See you all tomorrow 😘 x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Two days I haven’t been outside the garden gate. Just how I like it. Not going out helps keep my pain to a minimum.

    Off to bed late today, no prizes for guessing where I have been since we finished dinner lol.

    Goodnight everyone, xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Hi Joan how are you today? It's still icy here and lethal I fell over just now going outside with Sleek and banged by head jarred my knee again just as it was recovering grrrrr!!!! Snow? Oh no😣 what can we do? Hopefully we'll be ok all being well. Take care both of you love to Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K how are you today?

    Glad to hear that little Hooli is recovered from his cold. I think it's good that they have booked a holiday to IOW you should not worry about it at all. See how you feel when the time comes around. Do not think about it now when you are having a tough time. Is there family over there? A reason for the IOW? I was just thinking of nearer places to you like Mersea? For a future break that might be easier for you.

    Well done rediscovering a new love (and talent) for the bass 🎸 Stickywicket always says that if we lose the ability to do one thing we should find another.

    Inclusive your posts are inclusive that's lovely thanks. Like the Gay classic car club who let me join. They are great because they have so many different cars and different events you can go to.

    I still think you should be properly investigated as far as your Arthritis is concerned after all there are medications we take to help us with the inflammatory arthritises.

    Now there you go you are spot on as a husband for Anda being ex motorbike police and deliverer of organs to hospitals. You will understand the extra demands on her when 9-5ers might not☺️

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? and your Mum too? Please be careful out there I just slipped on the ice and banged my head on the concrete slabs outside. I didn't realise how icy it is. Extra layers yesterday was spot on and needed again today for definite.

    Foodbank was good thank you for asking.

    Honestly RR how tactless🙄 Poor nice M. Nasty people do take advantage of vulnerable people like her that man whoever he is just nasty and probably doing the same to other women. Whatever age they are RR!😡 I rather agree her Dad would be able to look after her more.

    I saw your haircut on facebook and it really suits you. It is rather 1920's I agree really cute.

    Oh dear who is teaching BR to demand biscuits? That is not like that sweet boy at all is it? Just a thought - Kari used to get my brother to ask for biscuits on her behalf (because the littlest usually gets them) so maybe LA was behind it? Or even BIL!!!

    Morning Charlestown how are you today? Very wise to take some vitamins to supplement your diet. None of the ones like glucosamine did a thing for me either, but I feel more confident about vit D. I personally am anaemic atm so taking iron and struggling with it too.

    Do you drive? It does help with a cat carrier that's all I meant. My cat yowls all the way to the vet and does this sort of all 4 🐾 paws out position. She is good at the vets though I think she is too scared to be otherwise bless her.

    I hope your day is a good one and your Dad was ok.

    Morning Toady

    how are you? I am ok although I fell over back-ards! Banged my head and shoulder jarred that darn knee and my bum will probably have a huge bruise. Head is easing off now after some painkillers. Pupils reacting ok, no bleeding from ears nose or mouth so think I got away with it. Watch the ice today!

    Started on the spatone yesterday tastes nice actually not sure how anything which tastes so nice can actually help though🤔

    Sleek is on her way wrapped up again. She has taken some jammie dodgers with her bless her. She needed a blankie too did she? I am so not surprised it was and is still very cold. I think she might be fetching Tommy again on her way he is missing his Mummy and Daddy as they are on holiday and Granny (Kari) is only there twice a day.

    I agree Penelope could potentially be quite jealous of Flash couldn't she?

    Nope no gardens for us just yet unfortunately, but soon we can start on some 🌱 😊 inside.

    Birdies need our help so much atm don't they in this cold weather I can hear mine chirping outside 🐦

    Take care and enjoy another cuppa....

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Good morning everyone wppl xx