Val's Cafe
good morning Toni
How are you?
Mum is ok 👍
I’m tired but ok
Enjoy your trip
LA not here yet - he’s coming tomorrow
Bfn tc xx
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@dachshund no it's quite nice at the moment off to Clacton tomorrow need it to be nice x
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hi Toni
Hope you have a nice time at your sis in law’s
Thanks about the resting
LA wants some shorts and a t - shirt made of bubble wrap to wear in the summer when he’s a young man 😂
Someone on fb asked me how to boil potatoes haha
My dad falsely accused mum of putting his mobile in the black bin, what a silly BB, now accusing the PM of misappropriating a mobile phone when taking the black bins to Westminster, I couldn’t possibly comment 🤐
bye for now Toni take care xx
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hi Joan
How are you?
My nephews etc are arriving tomorrow
Mum and I are ok 👍
We’re tidying up the house for the guests
Could take a couple of years lol
Have a nice evening Joan tc xx
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hi Toni
Yes the blood stains came out if the top 👍
I’m counting the packets of cheese lol
Have a good evening tc xx
👋good night to SK C and s too tc xx
PS pic called Tea Time by H Hubbell xx
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Hi all 👋
Haven't done a lot today, what with the monsoon weather and the hail and the thunder and lightning 🙄 jolly bank hols to you too, universe. And the predictable internet outages 😒 couldn't get in this morning.
Do hope all's well with you frog 👍️ and the drive went smoothly, and was very much hoping any thunderbolt & lightning on the way was you & Paul singing Bohemian Rhapsody and not from outside 😬. Really was horrible here - if the weather is going to keep on this way & worse I may well follow the GW nice houseplant lady's example and lock myself in with a cactus and begonia or two 🙄. Sleek and I have been baking and grumbling, well that was mostly me. Hope everyone well 😊 love to all xx
Hello Joan, hope it has not been too nasty where you are, it was the supposed 'light rain' (ie torrents of it 🙄) that was the worst, the thundery bit was not for long. It felt like Sunday yesterday as well as today, so it probably will as well tomorrow 😄 hasn't been very nice for a bank hol I always feel sorry for people hoping for business, cafes and events etc, hopefully indoor things still did ok. Have a good Monday :) xx
Hi bosh, well it was definitely the right sort of atmosphere to start writing my horror novel, the thunder cracked the lightning flashed, etc, but haven't made much progress I'm afraid 😳😄. Good luck with LA's visit, bubblewrap shorts, well I certainly have enough, but perhaps not, what would the milkman think 😱 the dpd man caught me without footwear the other day and took the usual pic of parcel in doorway with one of my 'stockinged feet' as JA might say (grey ankle sock in fact) preserved for posterity 😣 that was quite bad enough! No news here it has just been nasty, have a good night and hope your mum isn't doing too much for the visit xx (needless to say I love your picture, oh how horribly true! 😕 don't know how you found something so tailor made for me did you google 'ladies who hate workmen/visitors/neighbours/everyone' 😄 etc ).
Have a good trip @sandeelilly and hope you have got off fairly lightly for weather, tomorrow doesn't look as bad fingers crossed :) xx
Hope your bank hol has been ok SK, no migraines & whatnot, and btw try not to worry too much about the mtx there are plenty of old hands here as you know 👍️ :) xx
Hi to Charlestown hope everything ok with you and in your garden, it was pretty rough, the rain tried to murder one of my tater plants 😱😱 all ok I think, mainly because every other plant has a cloche or something over it these days or they would all be drowned or pulped &c 🙄. Have a good Bank Hol Monday says me optimistically 😬. xx
And to anyone else passing 😘 kettle is on well it hasn't been off much today ☕️ xx
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Morning Everyone
Knee deep in mud here.
it's like Glastonbury only Everyone is taking statins nothing illegal!!!
I am going home in a minute to stay.
Paul is going to drive the motorhome hopefully safely off a very slippery site and we are on a slop too.😖
Will post a real post from home later
Take care everyone
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good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) we never had a lot of rain. I took the dogs for their walk I didn’t think I would do that. The didn’t come till 17 00. Have a good day. Yes the shops used to close they don’t now.
Toni (()) I hope the motor home was not too bad after all that mud. Did Paul need rescuing (()) you were glad to get home. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day you have the little ones today love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day sorry about your seedlings.
Sandeelilly (()) have a good journey
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all,
I'm in sunny Clacton lol Have a good BH
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morning all 😁
Was migraine city this morning, but a sleep till 11:30 got rid of it, and Sucré got a gold star for not waking me up.
Now in garden with the water pistol equivalent of a bazooka.
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Hi all 👋 raining torrents again here, nice to see someone in the garden not being pelted with great big raindrops SK 👍️ the again an hour ago it was too hot to stand in one corner without feeling the sun burning the back of your neck to a crisp 🤷♀️. Hope your lasts :) xx
Afternoon everyone, hope you are down off your slopey bit safely long since frog 😬 & if so will be back by now I assume, hugging Sleek and having a breather 👍️. All fine here apart from the weather, kettle on will 'see' you when we see you 😊 xx
Hello Joan, it is raining for a minute then stopping and going hot, just had a cloudburst now, you don't know whether to set foot outside or not 🤷♀️. Yes the shops could still close on bank hols as far as I'm concerned, and on Sundays for that matter, but things going on at riversides or church fetes etc shame if they get rained off. Like Toni's weekend a fine spell would have made all the difference. Back to normal tomorrow glad you have been out with the dogs 😊😘 xx
Hi to bosh who is in mid-littley inundation, if one can be an inundation but I expect lord A could manage it if anyone - not too much lego or storytelling demands involved I hope 🤞 see you in due course 👋. That cat's expression btw 😂😂 laughing every time I look again, have downloaded 👍️ :) xx
Hope your Bank Hol is going well sandeelilly I trust you will be bringing us some seaside rock, well not rock maybe, teeth 🤐😬, fudge will do or candyfloss 🤭. Nice to get some sea air, have a good day :) xx
Glad your taters are ok Charlestown 👍️ have checked everything again today but yes it's not really the right climate for gardening is it because you just don't get an even break 🤷♀️ like I said to frogmorton I'm taking up houseplants next year if this keeps up 😂. You'd think the grass would be too wet for anyone to mow today but by jiminy they've managed it 🙄. Have a good afternoon no apple strudel leftovers I suppose 😔 ah well I have crumble in the freezer if push comes to shove 😂. xx
Kettle on 😘 xx
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hi ToniHow are you this afternoon?
Knee - deep in mud, everyone’s on the statins that’s funny lol
Mums bs was ok in the morning 👍
She wasn’t feeling well just now, but not bs issue, she’s ok at the moment though, after resting, possibly she was just a bit weak and flustered
I’m ok thanks
Ok operation ablutions in a minute
Glad you’re enjoying despite weather
Bye for now Toni tc xx
PS RR’s currency lol xx
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Hi @All good day at Clacton weather really good SURPRISED!!
Grandchildren Ungrateful NOT Surprised!!
but hey it's nice to get out for the day I hope you all had a good day xx
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hi again Toni
My goodness toady was right, inundation - littley - related
BR saved me half his cracker, bless him
Mum is ok now but I’m worried that she felt so weak that she had to rest and drink gluco -zade
Well at least wasn’t a hypo - type situation
I got quite the bruise when LA tried to escape a cuddle from mima and accidentally bashed my arm into a wooden chair😱
It’s faded slightly though and is no longer painful
LA came back for a cuddle later on as is his tradition lol
Can’t pretend I’m not tired though of course
I’ve got LA thinking the green - faced witch eats human hair -so on the bright side- no more HD! Haha
Cinema tomorrow- I really hope my stomach is up to it
Are you still knee - deep in mud? Well at least you’re not knee - deep in mxt - not yet at least
Have a good evening Toni tc xx
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hi toady
How are you?
I wouldn’t worry too much about grey ankle socks in a proof of delivery photo lol
I’m sure the driver had seen worse sights in his or her time
I’m a victim of my own success
BR wanted two encores of the green witch saga
LA ran so fast he managed to fall down the stairs! Kind of triple ook alert, luckily he’s ok, just he was a bit shocked really - bless him
Cinema tomorrow about imaginary friends
Sorry this is short and sweetLike the bakery tea that may be sustaining me early tomorrow morning- hush don’t tell anyone 🤐
👋Good evening Toni SK C and s ,tc xx
Hi Joan
How are you?
The littleys are naughty but lovely 🙏
Mum is ok currently 👍
Have a good evening tc xx
Ps bills light snack lol xx
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hi again toady
I forgot to mention that a young waitress asked me if F*ra was plant - based butter 😂
I almost said that it was perhaps the opposite of fauna but I didn’t want to “bamboozle her with science” lol - oh look it all comes down to shampoo and conditioner adverts in the end - I certainly hope not anyway
My back is aching I had kept the windows open so I can sleep at night maybe got carried away but it’ll get better soon
I had to tell BR that I have a zero tolerance policy on the biting of older brothers- even though he claimed to have bitten LA “ by accident” - oh dear - from this punctured vein of a household I wish you goodnight toady and take care xx
👋 C forgot to mention- custard and cream? You must have the gastric constitution of an ox, but good for you, nice treat.
goodnight C and everyone else tc xx0 -
Morning Joan I hope you are doing ok? I am now safely home with Sleek in the dry. I was driving the car and parked away from the slope. Paul was the first off our field and did not need rescuing. One of the people from the village did though he was so annoyed I think embarrassed. Have a good day ((())) xxx
Hi @sandeelilly in Clacton how lovely. It was nice and dry on the East side of the country wasn't it? Just those of us on the west who got wet! Especially if you were in a motorhome at a grown-ups festival.😁 How old are your G children?
Morning Skinny! Hope you are ok no more headaches today. Sucré is getting there much more able to keep quiet I see. He also has empathy demonstrated when he didn't like seeing your tears bless him
Such a cute pic I nearly bought me one of those water jetter thingies! They had them in Pea and Ham I was ever so tempted…..
Take care now.
Morning Charlestown hope you are well today? You had good weather in the East but gosh we had rain I mean rain! Ah well home now safely in the dry and of course the rain has stopped 🙄
Morning Reshmi
How are you? Is your back ok? and your bruise?
Hope your Mum is ok and her bs is good today. She needed glucosade but at least it wasn't a full blown hypo.
LA is busy pretending to be a grown up boy who doesn't need cuddles when clearly he still does😉 So sweet. Watch out for those witches. Is LA old enough to doubt the truth of your stories yet? I do hope not.
Are you going to see 'If'? Can i come too please I won't eat anything silly I'll just have a drink I promise.
I did smile at BIL's money pot I bet he gets through plenty of 'cash'😁I used to love those when I was little myself too. His light lunch though😮with the mandatory diet coke.
I have escaped the mud and am home in the dry. I also managed to avoid any of those statin pushers although they were quite persistent you know😂 They had to have a tow vehicle in each field to get them all out loads got stuck not us we left early before it was too churned up.
Well have a good day and take care on any lego on stairs on on the floor. OUCH!!!! ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
I hope you are feeling ok today. Sleek reckoned you were ok. Has she told you were are home for now (we have our 'real' holiday coming up soon🙄) I am just not ready my arm is far too sore for all this😕 Oh well never mind.
You know that hyacinth bean is hanging on in there🙂 The other one is still fine. Low germination success I think I planted 5 beans and got only the two. I have checked in on the greenhouse contents tomato plants looking good nothing dried out as I'd expect considering the erm ventilation in there thanks to Paul's strimming escapades.
I see you had a crumble in the freezer Sleek likes crumble as does Paul. Where are Skinny Keef's crumbles lately? Hmm? Too busy playing out in the sun yes sun that stuff we rarely see in this side of the country🙄
No mowing going on here things are all quiet…..perhaps the wet weather put this lot off?
Take care Toad ((()))
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) how are you. Do you have problems getting your tablets. I phone up and ask the lady says they are ready I go to get them they can’t give them to me because there’s not a pharmacist. What are you doing this week. I dried some washing outside yesterday
Toni (()) I bet Sleeke was pleased to see you. How is your arm (()) is it your writing arm or are you left handed. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a nice time at the cinema. Love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) how are you. Yes there is supposed to be warm weather coming in a few days I don’t know how long for.
Sandeelilly (()) that’s good you had nice weather
take care
joan xx0 -
@toady they are stepchildren Eldest 18 youngest 2 1 on the was 12 altogether love em to bots just hate they are spoilt
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hi Toni
Glad you didn’t get permanently stuck in the mud 😱
Cinema was nice thanks but everyone is totally exhausted
Toni my room was like a furnace yesterday I wasn’t in there mostly but post ablutions I of course unfortunately needed to be there for a bit
LA is his usual naughty self
The main problem was that mums blood sugar was way too low just now so I gave her LZ and sugary food
she’s ok now
LA asked her when her illnesses will go
We both almost cried
But the main thing is that she’s ok now
It was a hard situation no doubt but we all are also feeling rather emotional too as we need to sleep
Ok I’m going to either sleep or perform ablutions according to what Mother Nature advises lol
Bye for now Toni, save me some statins, or maybe not quite yet 😂 tc xx
Ps for the introverts lol xx
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