Val's Cafe
hi everyone, been rough all day. Head just starting to clear. Have been up since midday just about able to watch tv. Been catching up on first day of TT from IOM yesterday. Did try playing some bass in bunker but no way will my head let me do that. So I’ve got my bike leathers on in front of tv just in case i fall off sofa.
Actually I am still stretching them in at every opportunity. Think they gonna be the best ones I’ve ever had, they certainly long enough which is a miracle for me. Just wish the weather would dry up and my head would clear.
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Hi all 👋
Weather not too grim at the moment but not really outdoorsy, have been looking through old photos to pick some to send a family friend, now I feel about 100 😣 partly because I've seen my face from the past 😂 mostly because sorting through things seems so tiring, and just reminds you they need a total reorganise, and you lose stuff, and you remember something else that should be sorted too, and then you just want a liedown.
Glad all's well with you frog 😊 oh dear the poor towed person yes I wouldn't like that at all, not surprised they didn't 😬. Sorry you are 'off' again not too long hence, I take it that is absolutely fixed and unchangeable, well try & ease up as much beforehand as you can but easy to say 🤷♀️ yes it is entirely typical that it's dried up today. All quiet here & nothing much to see in the garden, beans & peas doing ok, potatoes huge 😮, no runners yet. I'm willing your hyacinth bean on in its brave recovery 🤞. How far on are your toms? must try & work out if I'm ahead on last year 🤔Take care Sleek will keep me posted on all matters, news and or gossip, in between mouthfuls of crumble 👍️ :) xx
Hello Joan, my tablets are nice & straightforward at the moment, I order them online through the pharmacy with the same name as the bank that has the black horse 😉 it works very well I get them in the post. Recently they said they have merged with another company I am hoping it won't cause problems, I used to use that company and then left them for this one, typical. When I used to pick them up in person from chemists it was always trouble, they never had the right brand. Lovely to get washing done outside isn't it 😊 too hit & miss here today, it's certainly windy enough if you pick the right time but I don't want to be watching for rain every 5 mins. This week looks a bit iffy but not bad at all after that if they stick to it! xx
Hi bosh, good work on the littley survival front, nothing worse than bruises and storytelling fatigue so far 😬 and hope there has been no accidental biting. Sorry your mum has been below par and I hope she's managing at the cinema, you too🤞. Sun shining at the moment at least the internet has stopped going off every other minute. I have just bought a new phone so that I can start trying to set up this voice over internet thing, of course as it relies on the internet connection I won't be able to receive or make any calls at all if the connection drops, oh dear how sad 😉. Yes true I expect the driver has seen worse things on doorsteps 😄 I look at the ones sometimes from my nosegay sales, nothing interesting there, but it's quite surreal in a way for overseas parcels, seeing one you've just packed sitting on a front porch in California somewhere. I have some new buttery F*ra here myself as it happens I can confidently back you up no fauna included 😄. Talking of plant life that apples picture is very clever, I like it 😀. Have a good evening :) xx
Hi to SK hope everything going ok with you at the moment, no early tea, hmmph had to get my own 😉 hope no bad heads today < edit: sorry, wishful thinking, didn't see your post - hope things pick up soon xx
Well the sun shone for you sandeelilly that's good 🌞, children/grandchildren are not my department it must be a minefield these days, so many new difficulties to navigate with life being so complicated, technology social media mobile phones and all that, would not be a parent 😔. Plenty of time for the grandkids to come around & outgrow the spoiling I'm sure. Hope you are having a good day :) xx
Hope your day is going ok too Charlestown, it's not bad out there at the moment. I have a charity bag hurrah for Friday 😀 no books or bric a brac though, bah 😣 oh well a bagful will still help. I think the snails may have had a little chew at one lot of marigolds but I might have left them with a way of getting around the collar because the pot is near other plants, they could have dropped down off its leaves 🤔 not really a definitive test. Will move pot & observe. Would the slugs etc like a banana that was past even being fit for baking I wonder 😂. Have a nice evening :)
Love to all 😘 xx
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thanks toady
Glad you are ok
LA is fine thanks
He’s become addicted to the confectionery below though😱
Mum felt unwell after the cinema
But she’s feeling better now 👍
I’m helping her with some tasks
Ok ablutions time before all sorts of little people decide to inhabit the bathroom lol
Bye tc xx
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good night SK C and s
I’m completely shattered tc xx
👋 Joan
How are you?
Cinema was nice thanks but LA got a bit scared
He’s ok now though
Mum wasn’t too well afterwards at all
But I helped her and she’s ok now thank you 🙏
Have a restful night Joan and take care xx
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time for a brew. Bit early tonight as I went to bed early due to pain and the blasted low rumble of tinnitus. Still got head/neck pain. I don’t think it’s ever gonna go ☹️
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Reshmi that pic of Picard with hair is really Spooky and has completely freaked me out 😳😳😳
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@Charlestown The weather was nice, wasn't busy when we got there but by m8dday it was rammed!! But it was nice to have a day away.
How was your weekend
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@toady Yes weather held out till we were driving home! They are my partner grandchildren m two will NEVER have children and after this weekend maybe that's not a bad thing, rules are so different now if I acted or spoke to adults the way they do now I would have never got out of mt teenage years! Now adays the kids have all the cards, no idea what NO mean I'm just getting g old lol
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Morning Joan how are you doing? Are you coping ok without Sue I hope you don't get upset when I mention her. My arm is pretty bad and unfortunately it is the right one an dyes you guessed I am right-handed🙄. I have started doing the physio exercises but slowly am building up. I did them the first day i got them and was in agony that night so building up steadily this time. Thank you for asking ((()))
Morning Sandeelily I hope you are ok today? I see they are step-grandchildren. Well that's ok I have a stepdaughter and two daughters first Grandchild coming in October😊 I hope she will grow up into a nice girl. Some kids these days do hold all the cards not good is it?
Morning Reshmi I hope you're ok? Not too hot in your room. I think the weather is warm even if there is an awful lot of rain so for me the bedroom is still far too warm overnight.
You must be quite worried about your Mum this low bs is happening quite a bit. How utterly adorable and innocent was LA thinking your Mum should be able to 'get better'. Made me almost well up too. Bless his heart.
I should think you are all exhausted - did any of you fall asleep in the cinema? Did you have to eat a Maccie D's?
Will you get to the group today? I hope so something just for yourself.
I have foodbank this morning then this afternoon I have my lung check up. I had to fill in a stupid online form yesterday. I did it but it was quite difficult as some of the reply boxes were too specific for me.
No statins for you I hope ever 😊
Have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K how are you?
Glad you head is clearing at the moment even if it is taking a large proportion of the day. There have been some days when it hasn't must be utterly miserable for you.
The picture I have of you in your leathers watching the IOM TT is just so funny! Glad to hear they are a good set though and worth the money and time wearing them in.
At least if you do fall of the sofa you'll not be too injured. Actually it's a good job the weather isn't too warm for your sake in that outfit. You'll be getting something for Sucré soon as and when he can be trusted to hold on.
Take care.
Morning Charlestown How are you today?
Thanks for asking I have a rotator cuff tear? Means up by my shoulder (as the physio says) but it goes right down my arm into the forearm and hand so nasty. He said it takes 6 months to heal!!! It's been 2 so far.
Your are up North then? North west or east? I am Midlands - Staffordshire to be accurate.
Morning Toady
I saw some sun! I really did honestly! Did you see it? Hopefully it will be ok-ish today although I suspect some more showers.
I have to wash my hair yes I do and my arm hurts too much. Left arm will have to do most of the work.
"…sorting through things seems so tiring, and just reminds you they need a total reorganise, and you lose stuff, and you remember something else that should be sorted too, and then you just want a liedown….." That sums my life up!
Not much news in my garden either I am trying to be good and not overdo the use of my arm. My tomatoes are doing ok they are having the juice from my bokashi if you know what that is? and they like it very much☺️ There a small smiley again - why? What have I ever done to my smileys? Over-used them maybe?
I am pinching out laterals now on my toms so quite pleased. Not much else to see/say there either how long before you can eat your spuds do you think?
Well I am meeting Kari for a walk before the foodbank in a bit so better brave this hairwash. Wish me luck🤞
Oh look who i saw crossing the lane at 6pm last night! I hope you can see them I obviously couldn't get closer so a naff photo.
Take care Toad hope you found the photos you needed. ((()))
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@frogmorton Aww That is so lovely congratulations, I got 2 bonus daughters and 2 bonus Sons when I met my partner Den, Love the girls one of the boys is hard work 40 going on 12 !!!
I love the grandkids but I have such strong ideas of how children should behave especially manners it is very hard at times I know it is a different time but surely good manners and respect should be ageless.
Hey Ho, Hope your tests go well today big hugs x
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It's world Otter Day
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@frogmorton My daughter loves them! she just came back from Japan and they have cafe's there with Otters she said she went but couldn't stay as it was horrible how people would crowd them and it was so unfair. She melts seeing them
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@sandeelilly u &I share the same view of children & discipline I think. I am having a break from Sucré this week and won’t be going to nan’s to visit him there as he was so badly behaved at my house last few days.
hey Toni, head not to bad this morning thankfully. Not pain free but then it rarely is these days. What with the osteo and now the inflammatory problems I guess I am lucky to still be able to get out & about. How come it’s taken 2 months to tell us about the rotator cuff tear? Very naughty, hope you are okay, I am guessing that was from when you fell over and had your eye injury too??Hey everyone, going now as typing aggravating headache. Have a good day everyone.
wppl x
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@Skinny Keef There are 11 of them and they are all good kids really but JESUS the word NO has never been taught, we went to McDonald's while in Clacton and the youngest 3! started yelling at her mum where is my food!! the mum replied it is coming it is very busy her reply? that is not good enough its been too long we had been sitting there for 5 minutes IF THAT!
Kids today demand everything they do not ask and if they are told No the world hears about it, I do not like that at all my daughters are 33 and even now I will give them "THE LOOK" if they step out of line
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) Do you have to wait in for your tablets mine wouldn’t fit through the letter box. The chemist is in the next street so I’m lucky they don’t always have all of them. I hope you have a good day.
Toni (()) sorry about your arm. 4 months to go. Enjoy your walk. How is your eye now. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your mum (()) has low bs thinking about you.
Skinny Keef (()) your right children should be taught right from wrong. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day
Sandeelilly (()) I’m glad you enjoyed your break. Yes your right children should know right from wrong it’s manners.
take care
joan xx1 -
@dachshund Today youcannot say boo to a child but they are allowed to run wild for sure, Hope you have a great day xx
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the behaviour of my first child was one of the reasons I got divorced. I was very strict but a lot of the time my wife at the time undermined my discipline until I said I wouldn’t get involved in it any more and simply let him do whatever and left it up to her to sort out. Wasn’t long after that i left.
Due to my disability and Loanda wanting to work, which I support whenever I can, she works from her mum’s home and her mum has Sucré 3 days a week. They stay over. The last few days he had at my house with the two if us he was so badly behaved I couldn’t wait for them to leave. I don’t agree with violence towards children in the name of discipline but crikey I was close to it at one point so I took myself off to the bunker and played some music for an hour. I have never ever heard Loanda shout at him until dinner time on Sunday evening. I cooked a lovely meal and he was refusing to get up the table and Loanda knows when he plays up at meal times it stresses me out and I can’t then eat.
I am not going over this week whilst they away like I normally do. A mate of mine who used to be in the police with me has a flat to rent out and if things don’t improve I will move out.
I absolutely love Sucré to bits, but I don’t like him very much lately.
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my MIL says I have ‘the look’ and even that doesn’t work lately.
I not really father material, I really have to work hard at it, and most if the time I would rather be doing my own thing, be it bikes or music.
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@Skinny Keef I have twin girls as a result of an incident when I was 19 ( I do not believe in Abortion for me) and I always say if it had not happened that way I would not have had children, I was brought up in Ireland in a catholic home so rules were rules, then I left there and joined the Wrns again rules are rules so my girls were brought up with boundaries and rules which did them no harm, but Dens grandchildren are so manipulative and plain naughty at times I have to bite my tongue so hard! I love them but the way they speak to adults and demand everything god Help the person who gets them when they are older if for going to the doctors they DEMAND a expensive toy
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hi Toni
How are you today?
Mums bs is ok thank G*d
Good luck for lung appointment
Went to group
Now I’m in the furnace
Wppl xx
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hi toady
How are you?
So your packages have emigrated to Hollywood?
Well, why not?
No point wearing your best bubble wrap gown to hang around in the biscuit cupboard
It’s so hot in this room
So bye for now tc xx
Ps this is just a funny pic, but of course if anyone minds I’ll delete xx
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OMG Darling that make up and those eyebrows go together SO well !! 😘
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Hi all 👋 sunny day, chasing the clouds away, to contine the sesame street theme 🤭
Such a lovely picture frog, that lane is glorious and yes I see the deer 😊 beautiful. Hope all's going well with you, appointments and hairwashes and so forth 😱 same here, my left has the do the work, the right tries to help but it just hasn't got the skillz 😄. I've just bought some of those wooden articulated artists' hands, maybe mine will pick up the idea from them 😂. Bet that's the sort of thing Kari has at least one of, mannequins, them sort of things. Keep up the (not-too-many) exercises, we don't like froggy to be in the wars, no fair 😣 hope you see improvement, sometimes just enough is the vital difference between painful and annoying but manageable. Hope food bank was good too, nice day for it. Pic attached of spuds I think it's fair to say that's them thinking of flowering? 😀 I could pinch out my toms soon I think thanks for the reminder, they will be behind yours but not so badly. Mine will be getting seaweed feed, arriving shortly. I know about the bokashi, because of you, I think. Something has had a nom at a marigold in its snail collar, nooo 😕 but no snail trails, so what? & how? 🧐. Yes I did find some pics that will do thanks, and restored some order 😬 Sleek was very polite looking at the first few dozen I showed her and if she glazed over a bit after that, well who can blame her 😂. Take care all :) xx
Hello Joan, yes my tablets do fit in letterbox sized outer boxes, I hadn't thought about that 🤔. I suppose I would have to make sure I was in otherwise though my postie might leave them in the porch as they're not ones that have to have a signature or anything. Do your chemists dispense yours into bottles or might there be a boxed version too. My chemist would be a fair walk probably a mile both ways the nearest. Did you see Royal Mail have formally agreed to a takeover bid, very sad after 500 years 😔 we'll see if it is the end of post deliveries as we know them but who knows maybe someone new will make a better job of things! You asked yesterday what I'm doing this week, probably mostly housework 😬 must catch up with some things, garden as well if I can, and go for a walk or two I hope, maybe see the cows in the field. Have a good day yourself tomorrow :) xx
Hi to bosh, oh jelly snakes yes please 😂 just one or two, I promise to say 'fangs very much' 🐍. This is not a continuation of the bitey theme I hope, just a coincidence 😬. I do hope your mum is really ok today 😔🤞and will go along more steady hopefully no bs ups & downs. Glad you got to group I haven't been out for a few days I must try later maybe. Hope everyone who was there was ok & especially that nice M was having a better day if she was there. Hope you have exited into a less furnace-like area by now and have a good evening. I do envy my exotic parcels I should be trying to network with my customers really, someone would I expect, there are certain sorts of people that would get themselves invited over for free holidays by private swimming pools etc but somehow I don't think I'm one of them 😂. Ah well I will have to put my Spock face on and make the best of things but sadly I don't think I could emulate that shiny hair, the HD would be holding it up as an example to us all 😬. Have a good evening :) xx
Sorry things are a bit iffy chez SK, time & tide, will hit a better patch I'm hope 🤞 not qualified to put my two penn-orth in beyond that so I won't. Kettle on and hope the quiet time helps with things xx
Hello sandeelilly, sorry to hear you had a difficult situation to deal with so young, sounds like your girls are lovely, well done you, are they identical? If we all got an expensive toy for going to the drs think how many we'd have between us in here, could stock a small brance of Hamleys 😬. The otter cafes, cat cafes, all that sort of thing yes I wish they wouldn't, even if well run 😔. Hope you are having a good day 😊 xx
And to Charlestown; see spuds, as above 👍️ not much else happening except a bit of chewing here and there 😱 even one tomato plant has had a nibble. Quite heavy charity bag packed for Fri, clothes and a few throws I don't use etc, will I notice any difference 🤔 I'm sure other stuff just fills the space up somehow.. have a good evening hope the clematis ok. xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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