Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
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    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 29. May 2024, 17:22
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  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 79

    @Charlestown I SWEAR I ever see a dancing bear I will attack the puppet master

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    I forgot the pic had to turn my laptop back on @Charlestown 😂 well I'm just doing what you say, support and keep an eye on them - one place on internet says first earlies are ready when they start flowering, and when foliage dies back for maincrop 🤔 in any case about 10 weeks from planting seems to be roughly the idea. Because they grow near the surface you can apparently have a careful poke around & see what's what near the time. Also then it says when ready if you don't want to harvest them all at once, cut off the foliage, the plant will stop growing and the spuds will keep for a month or two, or if you worry about pests lift them & keep in a hessian sack in a cool dry place. Just reading this as I go along I guess there's a bit of trial & error first time round! 🤪 Your toms shouldn't need pinching if they are trailing type they count as 'determinate' 👍️ they grow a certain amount & produce a certain amount of flowers and that's it. It's the indeterminate type that keep growing and need support that need side shoots pinching because that channels production into toms instead of growing new branches. What peas have you got? :)

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni Joan SK and C and s

    How are you all?

    Sorry wasn’t feeling too well in the heat, felt a bit dizzy, but then had food drink and rest, feeling better now 🙏

    But also had bad stomachache

    Mum is ok now thanks

    But I’m feeling weak and ookey

    So not writing huge posts right now

    Bye all and tc xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 29. May 2024, 18:49
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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    i really need to see my consultant again asap. Things are really bad. He told me not to get stressed out as it would make things worse and as can be seen from my recent posts I am a little bit.
    will ring tomorrow first thing. I have sent some emails to his secretary but I’ve had no response. 🙄

    Had an early night due to pain and being a bit miserable so it’s brew time now as pain has woken me up.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 29. May 2024, 21:10

    ^ yes please (only in fact currently having a herb tea, surely that will offset several hours scrolling on the net when I should be winding down 🤔😬). Sorry your night has not got off to the best start and you do get some kip and it lifts you a bit. Hope you can see the consultant at a reasonable juncture at least a response back would be good 🙄 xx

    April 19 makes you nearly 6 weeks in for taters doesn't it @Charlestown so 3 or 4 more by the sounds, looks like I will be the guinea pig with being a bit ahead 😬. Not having to pinch is one v good reason to grow trailing toms, you can just let them get on with it 👍️ I used to only do those don't know why I branched off into others too just to try really. Snails etc lurking behind your trough, what a dirty trick 🐌🙄 wish I had a snailcam I would really love to know what is getting at some things..

    bosh hope you have an ok night and feel more settled 🤞😘

    'night all 😴 xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    @Charlestown , aren’t doormice the really tiny ones that are endangered?

    Also the ones that Alice has in her teapot?

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. May 2024, 06:00

    Morning Joan how are you today? Yes i hope only 4 months to go but it is miserable going on holiday with a sore arm. It only needs to be a bit better for me to be able to ignore it though. We are very good at ignoring pain us lot aren't we? You take care your appt is next week now so closer have a good day love ((())) xxx

    Morning Sandeelily I do think it can be very challenging being around other people's children. You have no say in how they are brought up but have to cope with the consequences of that upbringing. I agree with Joan good manners cost nothing. Ah well keep on going l suppose.

    How amazing seeing Otters like that but I am with your daughter a bit cruel to the Otters.

    Take care.

    Morning Skinny Keef

    Hope your head is not too bad today? I hope you get hold of your consultant for an appt.

    The shoulder/arm elbow pain has indeed been since mid-march, but of course I thought it was 'just the arthritis' so ignored it. Not sure when I did it but it was since I went A over T so no idea. Of course really it's all the housework I do😂not!!!!

    I can see little Sucré can be a challenge at times, but his heart is definitely in the right place and his Mum is on the same page as you. Between you two and with the aid of MIL and the bunker for respite I think you'll get there. It's good that you know you are not a natural parent we should all be aware of our limitations and you are. Living with chronic pain alone can be enough for some people to cope with.

    When he gets a little older it will be a lot easier to reason with him, but 3 year olds are very, very tricky.

    Are you still living in your new leathers? I needed some for next time I fall - oh and a helmet too😁

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? I hope not too bad. Your stomacj iffy and feeling quite queasy thanks for letting us know you're ok though some extra ((())) for you.

    Glad to hear your Mum's BS was ok yesterday hope it's the same today.

    Get Spock he looks lovely! I have no idea where Sesame street is either, but think it's in America - better ask LA🤔

    Well done getting to the group.

    Does LA notice that the house is a furnace?

    How is the kitchen - you never said (I never asked either!)- does it look lovely now? Is your Mum pleased with it?

    Take care and have fun with your tiny tornado😊 ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown hope you are feeling ok today?

    I promise faithfully to do the exercises they aren't difficult, but the first time I did them I think I overdid them. The stretches felt so good…..until bedtime🙄

    All you have to do with your toms is pinch out the little suckers which grow here:

    Morning Toady

    Bless little Sleek glazing over yes she does that

    She tries so hard bless her.😁 So glad you could just about see the deer if I had got any closer they would have vanished. The lane is just lovely l am so lucky to have it directly opposite the house.

    Yesterday l went for a ride on my bike up there it was just what l needed. I raised the handlebars so l look stupid, but no pressure on my arms wrists hands at all. Looks a bit like a chopper now!

    I did the exercises again but just gently and will absolutely do them religiously. I need things to get better if at all possible, but as you said and as I think I said to Joan just a bit will be enough we are used to coping with pain. This is just a bit much. My Lefty is a bit naff but by Righty is out of action pretty well. Annoying isn't it? I have the hairdresser on Friday so that will give me a few days off all being well.

    The photo of the spuds didn't appear😕 but I am sure they are starting to flower not long after that they'll be ready. One of the farmers here was testing his spuds yesterday by gently digging a plant up bang in the middle of the field. Yes we must check our toms regularly and keep those suckers from growing. Oh dear could it have been a butterfly who had a nibble of your marigold?

    I also like seaweed feed. In fact anything nutrient wise added is good isn't it?😊

    Have a good day Toady l heard next week will be nice!

    Found the spud pic it was on the next page! Yes definitely flowering - excellent👍️

    My shop came yesterday so Sleek will be en route with a bag of goodies……

    Healthy breakfast!

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    yes, still living in the leathers. I won’t say what effect they have on Loanda 😉

    I did try them on the bike yesterday for the first time, for a quick spin over to Braintree, and they almost stretched in, in the right places. They take AGES!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I have Lactose in a bottle last time it was a glass bottle. I’m lucky the chemist is in the next street. A man steals Alcohol from the co.. every day they can’t stop him he could have them for assault. No body has any control any more adults argue like children.yes I read you can take a parcel to any newsagent and it will be picked up. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) sorry about your arm is the pain gradually easing (()) yes you picked a lovely place to live. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry you feel not right (()) love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef children can make you so mad but you love them. What were you like when you were 3 years old love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good day the days go so quick.

    Sandeelilly (()) where do you live have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    How are you?
    Kitchen - I’m not really a kitchen aficionado lol

    But mum likes it 👍

    Mainly dark colours with a hint of okra- type green I guess

    Mums bs is ok 🙏

    I’m feeling really drowsy
    stomach is better thanks but not fully

    LA has gone to soft play area with his mummy etc

    Not sure if they’re returning here briefly before they go home or not

    LA and I did some opera singing one morning

    Can’t remember if I’ve already mentioned it or not

    Basically we sang “hmm hmm hmm” very loudly in our best gruffalo voices, very therapeutic, voice yoga im calling it lol, you can download my podcast from i - prunes, all proceeds go to buying a biscuit cupboard of my own

    LA has been lovely but pretty naughty really

    Ok I’ll stop now as I know my sugary tea - fuelled energy won’t last long

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps funny news item about bills bacon, well someone’s bacon anyway lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi lovely Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    The tiny tornado left about 3 pm with his mother and BR

    Bill was “working from home” which means N F**x and chocolate W**tabix in his case but even that’s too healthy for him, NF and hot sauce pick’n’ mix or something like that lol

    Someone phone toady for emergency antacids please, hopefully not C*lpol - flavoured haha

    My stomach is ok currently thanks but maybe I didn’t 100 % sensibly today, I did try though,

    Oh well it’s up to the oracles

    My back isn’t too bad today thanks, well as backs go, as it were haha

    Mum is ok 👍

    But she’s relieved the aristocrat has gone in a way

    As he has become quite naughty

    He also accidentally caused mums knee to collide with a table luckily it wasn’t too bad and he cried afterwards but he was just generally playing up like trying not to eat supper and basically doing mischievous things kids do, but it was industrial strength bad behaviour or sugar level, like one of RR’s brownie - family packs, unlike toady’s white witch tea biscuits or something like that.

    Ok charge is low so I’ll leave it there for now Toni tc xx

    Ps pic of me lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋 don't know about you but I've got sunny then cold then windy and round & round again 🤷‍♀️ not that nice really.

    Afternoon frog 😊 no proofs as yet what's been nibbling what or whom, I moved a few things round & we'll see what the hotspots seem to be I suppose. If only every pest was like carrot fly, that Joe was explaining can't fly very high! I do have a runner bean seedling now, so then we'll definitely see how useful the collars are, except I will probably lose my nerve and add several more anti-everything inventions 😄. Just not that inviting out there today though. Tea party with Sleek and a few nice bits & pieces was more the thing 😊🥧🍪 ta very much, cake & biscuits tins duly washed & returned 👍️😄. A bike ride, lovely, and I hope you can get out this week too if it really will be ok, that would be nice. At least the hairdresser appt is one less thing for your arm to do and of course never mind polishing the silverware, yes you clearly have been doing too much of that sort of thing 🍴 we're just too houseproud, that's our trouble 😄. Not much else doing here, I am expecting my voip phone soon that I bought, I will let you know how I get on, can't imagine it will be straightforward! 😱. Have a good Friday hope everyone well :) xx my smilies are still small btw have been for a while 🤷‍♀️

    Hello Joan, oh I never thought about chemists' bottles, silly me. Glad you have them nearby but that isn't good about the shoplifter, you wouldn't want to be the staff there or even a customer particularly 😕 yet in the news they were stopping innocent people because the face scanning security camera had identified them wrongly 🙄. Awful. I didn't know that about the newsagents, mine do because they are a sub PO too, I would probably never find it more convenient than having postie pick up from me but I have dropped things off myself some times, it's all useful to know 😊. Have a good Friday, it doesn't feel like a Thurs to me so I mustn't forget the bins 🤔. Love to you & the dear dogs :) xx

    Hi bosh, glad you're getting a break while LA is playing elsewhere. I like the sound of the opera singing and I will certainly look out for your i-prunes podcast 😄 my biscuit cupboard is your biscuit cupboard of course as the saying goes (I expect it does anyway), but a cupboard of one's own is always a good idea and an investment to boot, at least we know you won't be ultra fussy as to decor 👍️. Have a good evening see you next visit :) xx

    Hope your day is going ok keef, still sporting the 'Jim's Chimp' look I see 😉😄. Have a good evening hopefully more nice biking weather to come for you if we're lucky 🤞xx

    They are just purple-podded not purple peas, sorry @Charlestown 😄 dwarf so I'm hoping they'll be ok in a container with a bamboo wigwam. One runner bean seedling is up will watch it closely 🧐. I was going to say we could think about maincrop potatoes couldn't we but actually it's late even for those now, because we were a bit late all told, never mind I don't think I have the life force for any more at the moment 😄. Aw thank you for not minding the mice having a strawberry 💕 'my' mouse family or in fact any mouses have not reappeared this year at all, I miss seeing them, they used to hang about under the shed as well as down the bottom of garden but not a whisker so far 😔. Yes real shops are better in a way for choosing throws etc see what you're buying, dear old La Reboot are still going online but the stuff isn't what it was 😔 I loved them and yes especially the catalogues, the photography! the nice settings! the aspirational looks! 😄. Do miss the catalogue but as you say that sort of thing is gone really, just makes no sense for firms to put them out now I suppose. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hope your day is going well @sandeelilly 👋

    Love to all xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. May 2024, 18:05
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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    ha ha Jim’s Chimp look, that’s a good way of putting it lol

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Loanda said these had bloomed and had I posted pics.
    she was disappointed as they were supposed to be red

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Sucré is home. He came in and gave me a spider monkey hug (his invention) and said, “I love you daddad. I’m gonna be good now”

    Think nannie has had a word in his ear.

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 79

    @toady having a good day today thank you my other half growing spuds too great fun lol

    Hi everyone else hope you are having a good day xx

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