Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853
    edited 4. Oct 2024, 06:47

    Yes I do do jigsaws @Stuartknee ! Toady is right usually wasgij ones though I love the car one she showed and old bubble car!

    I love them nearly always secondhand they pass between myself and a small group of friends or get them from charity shops. In fact the jigsaw season is nearly here when being outside is less possible. I take it you enjoy them too?

    Well done getting your jabs done I am so glad you've had no side effects. Hope you enjoy the cafe here you are very very welcome. We just come in and chat rubbish really eat and drink food and support each other I hope you'll decide to pop in regularly. No obligation to reply to all our posts at all. If it helps we can all tell you a bit about ourselves?

    Oh Joan @dachshund used to do online jigsaws if I remember rightly.

    Morning Joan hope you are doing well? Yes Claudia Winkelman's optician must tell her off mine tells me off and it's not as bad as hers. i sometimes think she clips it up when she's at home aits actually a sort of disguise?

    That's it exactly with MRIs they are pretty horrible. Lucy had an ultrasound at first with hers them she had to have an MRI but she was always in a scanner at the time then so she didn't seem to mind so much. The physio said the tear takes about 6 months to heal and really it started in March so that is over 6 months😕 Going to see the yorkies this morning - and my friend of course! Take care ((())) xxx Oh are going into town today?

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you and your Mum this soon-to-be sunny day?

    Thank you for asking I survived the HD experience (hairdresser for the benefit of Stuart) she was ok she asked after my sister as I was on my own this time. Sadly she lost her Grandmother a little while ago so is still a bit sad😔

    So kind of you to say I don't look like a Granny sometimes I do feel like one I bet we all do with these silly aches and pains😒 I can't believe this will be the last weekend without the baby.

    What an absolutely adorable poem about the boys! I love it spot on gosh you really are on a poetic roll ATM aren't you?! It scans beautiful you should share it with them and your sister too.❤️

    Ah I see who your provider is well I am quite shocked it's been so bad with them lately are they doing work in your area or something?

    An airborne nut allergy?! Whatever next😂

    Ok well I'd better get me showered you take care my friend I hope your day is good ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady what on earth was going on next door at 7.30pm! That is a bit naughty really. I think no later than 6pm is acceptable unless it's some sort of emergency then you really ought to let your attached neighbours know and apologise.

    Well done getting to the charity shop and passing stuff on Sleek loves a ride on your scooter. Wasn't it a lovely day yesterday today looks promising too. Nothing exciting in the 'middle aisle' then? sigh…..

    I took some photos on my walk:

    and some coos

    They were a bit shy. Not my regulars, but the sun on the brown and white one so pretty!

    Then I had to go to the shops for Sleek-food which took me to this carpark/river - you know the one🙄

    Le bavoir était ravissant sans ma couture!

    I did see that ebay are doing away with fees for clothes i think maybe due to vintage's success? I can see it getting quite cluttered up. Maybe your clothes will miraculously reappear now though🤔could that be where they went? Imagine all the fees the loyal nosegayers have paid over the years though😠

    Of course you can tidy in 3 days Toady. The house has had to be pretty tidy for some time so unless Sleek has been looking for something (please say not😣) it should be easy to put right🤞

    I do have that kind of curtain hook - in the motorhome ah yes rather fiddly, but lovely and smooth once you have them on there. Are you having trouble?

    Right had we better get on then? Yes! Hope you have a good day ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you doing this afternoon?

    The pharmacist made an error with my meds

    So my mxt day is today this time

    It is hot in here with the heating blaring but before it was too cold especially in the “cold” room I was wearing thermals etc

    So basically I’m practically asleep with both mxt and thermostat situation 💤

    I did say that I scribble notes etc in small notebooks sometimes, so I think you’re right, RR was being a copycat lol

    He also said I wrote like Kafka, a bit an overstatement really lol

    Id be happy just to bake like Kafka haha

    Forgive me if I sign off for now

    I have no eyelid - matchsticks today

    👋 Joan toady and @Stuartknee

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 16

    Do you buy any puzzles off ebay? Because I know a seller that is selling jigsaw puzzles @ the moment.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 😊

    Well the workmen made as much noise today as they have all week, in terms of loudness, but not all the time and thankfully they knocked off early, hurrah. Used the rest of the day vaguely usefully, bit in the garden, start on the tidying. No there is not much leftover from the last lot frog 😬 partly because CH man has to go in more rooms, including the ones I use to chuck stuff in when emergency tidying 😄 and also I can get untidy again in mere hours after I've got shot of people. None of this is Sleek's doing 😉 & anyway anything she gets out are just nice things for sewing or baking or scrapbooking, not dreadful muddle. Is it a different story at home? 😸 Thanks for the lovely pictures, that toadstool is magical, properly fairytale - and yes don't the coos look lovely in the sunlight 😍 . Here's a moth for you; was on the petunias for a long time - as you can imagine I took it for a bit of dried flower or foliage at first. It's an Angled Shades Moth, definitely familiar visually but not the name so maybe I just never looked it up before! Gosh still high season for boating & paddling at the local 'beauty spot' then I see 😯 how will it ever dry now??! It's fees on all categories now on nosegay not just clothes, this is why it's such big news 😮 apart from motoring I think. There are other changes too some will cause confusion methinks.. 🤔. Yes some people will be miffed about past fees but I suppose if you've always used the regular promotions for reduced fees like I did then it was still the most competitive platform. 'My' clothes people were business sellers so this wouldn't affect them, I think my item is gone forever. Right the curtain sliders, the old ones were simple little ones with a hole some now broken, the only near enough ones I can find are an angled sort of shape - although not much different overall the curtains hang a little lower. With the windows here even a bit helps. Will post a pic, it's an old corded track but some gliders can be interchangeable hopefully. Btw I'm sure the bib was lovely before, mais maintenant il a la touche unique de grenouille 🐸😀. Hope you got any things done you wanted today, have a good weekend love to all 👋 :) xx

    Hello to Joan, hopefully just had the 'post not posting' thing or went to town and was busy. See you tomorrow I expect 😘 xx

    Wave to bosh, sorry your house temps are still running through all seasons hope you find a happy medium and have not nodded off on the stairs or the airing cupboard maybe 😴. Ooh annoying about the mxt too hope you get back to whatever day suits you best after this. There has been no baking of any kind here today let alone literary baking 😄 the most I have done is heat up a shopbought apple crumble (Keef look away now 😬😳 sorry). I will be off to bed earlyish after this but don't let me forget to checkout my al fresco new slot before then will you, they were coming Sunday but I don't see that going well with the boilerman here next day 😬. Have a good night yourself :) xx

    Hi @Stuartknee I don't buy jigsaws anywhere than charity shops really, if at all, but nice of you to suggest someone. Hope you have a good day and have a nice weekend. I see from your other posts you have a gardening background, that's interesting 😊🌱 I can't do anywhere as much as I'd like to but keep going where possible. Take care 👋 :)

    Love to all reading or absent at the moment :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good night everyone

    Toni thanks about the poem

    I’ve definitely lost thermostat wars

    I am a fried potato

    Don’t tell GI Joe The Physio

    or on second thoughts I may be a deep fried M*** Bar - yucky- don’t worry I’m casting no racist aspersions of course lol

    Ok I’ll stop waffling on now

    Have a good night all tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Joan - where's Joan? Oh dear hopefully Joan you are ok and your post has really just not actually posted with one press of the send button. Well I saw the yorkies yesterday both well Peanut incredibly well. We took them out for a walk and played with them. I met one on my own walk 'driving' some farm machinery on the lap of her owner❤️ Hope your day is good today take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Happy Saturday.

    Hope you and your Mum are well. I also hope you are over the MTX and are now feeling ok except heat exhaustion of course🙄 We are only still putting the heating on for an hour in the evening. Sometimes half an hour before showers in the morning.

    Oh no! Reshmi get out of the frying pan!!!!

    I knew it about RR he has done this sort of thing before slightly copying other people. More really absorbing what you say than anything malicious, but there you go you take notes now he writes complete novels in his notebook on the bus🤭 Kafka? Really?! Not everyone even knows about Kafka did you mention him or did RR come out with that on his own? Either way he is a very entertaining person and not unkind. He was clearly really complimenting your work.

    Do you still need some eyelid matchsticks? I have some available they are cooks ones so extra long pretty colours too…

    I hope you get out for a nice cool refreshing walk before it rains possibly this afternoon or tomorrow. Take care my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning @Stuartknee thank you for thinking of me about jigsaws just be careful though it's against the rules to advertise here.

    Morning Toady

    Hope you are ok today? Good yesterday was quieter yup most work-person like knocking off at a civilised hour on a Saturday. Oh yes that room😳 that room which no-one shall enter for fear things shall fall upon them😳 Yes the CH person does want to go in all rooms in spite of the humiliation it causes us🙄 If I took you a picture of my such room you'd totally understand you are not alone. No none of it is Sleek's doing she keeps her stuff in her ickle house has boxes and storage for all of her scrapbooking bits. She does not take after her mother. Crumbs that's the worst thing she does. Oh and those adorable wet paw prints! 🐾

    I expect you are not alone in being a tad furious about the new nosegay selling fees issue. I mean it is a bit unfair on all the loyal sellers. Having said that you are probably right it always was the cheapest method anyway so nothing lost really.

    YesterdayI had to wait at traffic lights (20 minutes I reckon) while the police did their arm waving bit directing traffic. This was to clear a way for a convoy of attached massive vehicles to go through (at 5mph) and guess who was first behind them🙄 yep me in my little pink car🙄 at least I was in her sat there playing my squeeze album so was happy enough. Blimey I needed a wee though by the time I got to my friend's! Bless her she had the door unlocked my slippers ready and the loo vacant ready for me🤣

    Love the Angled Shades Moth it's just gorgeous and yes I have seen them before. Some of us have decided it might be nice not to enter best kept village next year instead to have a theme. Butterflies🦋 and bees🐝 and just enjoy the village for what it is. Clear up today not in my garden even though I'd rather. Well done getting out in yours.

    With regards to the bib oui c'est effectivement le cas pour mon petit-enfant😊 Anyway it's done all bar the date/weight and name which I will add next week. Have a good day today I hope ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    I’m not going in to town today my scooter going in for a service.

    Toady (()) the shops are not like they used to be. There’s shops I would never use like vape shops and nail shops. Have a good day I bet your house is tidy all the time you wouldn’t make a mess.

    Toni (()) my new birth certificate came yesterday I text my friend and said I’ve put it with my death certificate she said I don’t know how you did that. Have a lovely time with your friend and the yorkies she is doing well (()) my friend is going to Cyprus today till the 22 of October. She has an apartment there. I hope your shoulder soon feels better he’s caused enough pain. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how is your mum getting on (()) has she had her results back. Have a good day both of you

    Hello Stuart knee (()) I have a new knee. I do jigsaws on- line you get the pick of the sizes and ones to do. Have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    I just found yesterday’s post till in the box I always check it’s gone.

    Toady (()) I’m sorry you have a lot of noise going on. Have a good day it’s rain later on. Thank you for the photo of the moth.

    Toni (()) have you heard anything from Kathleen. That was nice seeing the Yorkies and peanut is happy. What do you think of tablets to stop aging. Not for me. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum(()) Keep warm

    Stuart knee (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    How are you?
    mums ok 👍

    Wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    I do indeed need to get out of the frying pan lol

    Yes mums heating obsession starts early morning unfortunately

    But the walking of course helps me with sleep

    yes I agree with you about RR generally

    No he knew about Kafka before

    But what goes through his very strange mind is hard for me to fathom really lol

    Oh yes I’ll borrow those matchsticks 🙏

    I’m ok thanks

    But the arguments are getting worse

    Dad says mums diabetes isn’t a big deal etc

    But there’s a cultural society event soon,

    So maybe after that’s finished things will be better

    Yes I had a nice refreshing walk thanks

    But it was so late in the morning thanks to losing the thermostat wars etc

    I’m a putting a tiny LA true story in the bank - remind me if I forget 👍👍

    👋greetings Joan and @Stuartknee -hope you are both well?

    👋 toady how are you? Has the great R Brek famine of the midlands been addressed?

    Yes I agree chocolate with R Brek is too ookey - they don’t even eat that on Planet Vulcan lol

    Ablutions are calling

    Bye for now everyone tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Good early evening everyone

    Posting super early as i may not get on in the morning I am at a car show leaving here at 6:15am. Don't want anyone worrying.

    Joan isn't it annoying when your posts don't get posted and they are there the next day🙄Hope the scooter service goes ok no major or even minor faults found. Glad you ahve your birth certificate. I take it you really put it with Sue's and possibly your parents' death certificates. I bet your friend laughed! No I haven't heard from Kathleen for ages maybe I should drop her a text? Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Good early evening Reshmi

    I really sometimes wonder how you cope when your Dad says such ludicrous things. I mean diabetes can actually kill you!!! Hopefully you are right and he is just stressed about the latest cultural event.

    Maybe you need ear defenders as well as the matchsticks…

    I will remind you about the little LA story which is in the bank atm. I always enjoy a good LA story they really make me laugh😊

    Gosh the heating goes on from morning till night?😥 At least you can get out for a walk to keep cool. Anyway exercise is good for our mental health isn't it? That's the main reason (and to keep mobile) that l go out every day.

    I have ready brek here in the Midlands l can share some with Toady. Oh dear we can't have our Toady starving I'll get Sleek to take some over.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Here's a bowlful for now Toady.

    I hope you got outside today? I did but in the village l litter picked and did some clearing up. Very few turned up unfortunately.

    Tomorrow I am out super early to go to a car show Kari is coming along too though so that will be really lovely. Hope it doesn't rain it is a possibility. We are going in the Fig I have packed my umbrella just in case.

    Baby coos!!!!

    I can't see that car park being dry all winter now sigh….

    take care Toady ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good night Toni

    Have a good time tomorrow

    👋good night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 5. Oct 2024, 21:32

    Hi all, thanks so much for the jolly messages & pictures, not to mention warm R Brek 😊 have all cheered me along. Nothing has gone entirely to plan today I am not really on schedule 😬 I see tomorrow being a bit of a fluster. Sleek will flick a duster about a bit if I flag, I know 😽. Have a nice morning frog and hope it stays dry 🤞will pop in tomorrow if poss though not much sense will be got out of me now til 'after' I don't think 😆. Yes I did get outside though thank you and dried a line of washing too, next door was out all day still out, hallelujah 👍helped a lot. Proper reply soon, take care have a good night :) xx

    Nice to see Joan 👍 me tidy, oh no that will never be 😂😂 I'm not one of those who say 'excuse the mess' when there's hardly anything out of place, I really do spread myself everywhere. But I don't see the point putting things I'm in the middle of away, it just uses up energy. Hope your scooter passed its checkup. Chilly tonight a fortnight in Cyprus would be very nice. At least I can put the heating on after Monday. Yes the shops are no use are they 🙄 I just don't go to my High St really. You don't see much different these days either shops sell much the same things. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Night bosh, just a quick wave I am fighting a losing battery 😬 and a losing awakeness battle as well, must try and get a decent night. No R Brek til Tuesday at least if it hasn't gone out of stock that is, like half my other 'usuals' 🙄. It may have to be buttered crumpet tomorrow 😳 well it's only once in a while. (Are crumpets logical? 🤔 Come to think of it I can't remember seeing much food on STrek, just that it popped out of dispenser hatch things I think, lucky them.) Anyway they were frozen & I need to defrost the freezer, so needs must etc. Have a good night and hope HV a bit less active tomorrow 🤞xx

    Night all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I’m sorry you can’t get Ready Brek. That’s good your neighbour is out you will have peace and quiet. Yes my scooter passed its test it had to have new batteries that was all. There is rain on the way so they say. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) good luck in the car show. I put my birth certificate with my funeral papers so my friend knows where it is. It won’t be long now and you will be seeing a lovely cuddly little baby. All the best to Annie and Charley (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. No your Dad doesn’t understand Diabetes if he had it he would. You have to have things to understand them. Love to your mum (())

    Stuart knee have a good day did you find a puzzle.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816
    edited 6. Oct 2024, 11:37

    hi Toni toady Joan and Stuartknee

    How are you all doing today?

    Mums ok 👍

    I got an early walk in

    Which made me feel a lot better

    👋 toady logical crumpets - why not?

    They do upset m gastric oracles sometimes though

    👋 Joan you are right about diabetes, but the problem is also that dad is so very self absorbed and devoid of empathy

    Thanks about mum

    👋 Toni Hope you’re having a good time 👍

    👋 Stuartknee - how is your knee today? When I was first diagnosed it was also my knee that was the issue

    Have a good afternoon all bye for now tc xx

    Ps knitted ladybug mug - cosy in toady - style lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    I’ve taken the true LA story out of the bank - here it is like a pristine £20 note, or possibly a pocket of rather grotty loose change, you decide, lol
    LA told his mummy that he went to the after school club and dropped a meatball on the floor and that Lorenzo and his pal played football with it and that L scored a goal with the meatball.
    My sis was somewhat worried that etiquette in the club had deteriorated so much from Jane Austen’s day (ie. Thursday lol) so she asked a carer what really happened, the carer said that our little hero did indeed drop a meatball but the rest was the product of his rather fertile imagination.
    I only wish I knew a few more details- Italian meatball? Swedish maybe?
    I’m afraid we’ll never know
    Were cucumber sandwiches available for the healthier footballers?
    It looks like LA is becoming a second Mima when it comes to story telling haha

    ps cosy for mug of hot chocolate xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816
    edited 6. Oct 2024, 14:33

    hi toady

    How are you?

    Sorry iambic pentameter security question haha

    That’s so funny lol

    Another security question could be, “ what do you use to write with?

    Option one - quill dipped in ink

    Option two Toni’s knitting needle dipped in salmon flavoured R Brek
    my goodness what times we live in

    Have a good afternoon toady bye for now tc xx

    Ps some cups for when Lorenzo becomes an adulk (in 5 minutes 30 seconds most likely 😂)

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 6. Oct 2024, 20:26

    Hi all 👋 well I've houseworked myself into more or less obliviousness so what didn't get done today won't get done, I have thrown in the (tea)towel and am off to bed.

    Hope frog got on ok today, I look forward to any news and a quiet sit down and a cuppa in here after 'himself' has gone 👍️ . I just can't wait to go and fish things back out of the room of doom 😄 before I forget where a vital thing is, preferably. There is a lot to be said for an ickle house, there really is, just have to look through your storage boxes, only so badly you can lose anything 😺. Sleek did pop round for a bit while you were out btw. I do hope it didn't rain on you today especially with Kari coming along too, it did here a bit, but nothing dreadful 🤞. And no more waiting in line behind HGVs or container lorries or whatnot 😣 Squeeze as a soundtrack, good stuff 👍️ you weren't singing 'Convoy' then 😄. Oh yes the wretched call of the loo, takes all the fun out of missed trains and late buses and traffic queues, doesn't it 😣 glad you had all facilities right there when you got to your friend's, brilliant 😀. Hope you have a good Monday, sorry there were few litter-pickers the other day - like the idea of a themed village thing this year though, I hope it doesn't cause any friction with diehard BKV-ers etc 🤔. Love to all catch up soon :) xx

    Hello Joan, it was quiet again today, the chap was out for quite a bit, we shall see if any work starts again Monday morning or not 😬. I will get my shopping on Tues hopefully, RBrek included 😄 well own brand actually 🤫 I hardly ever buy branded cereal it's such a price!. Just a good brand sometime of porridge or granola type. Glad your scooter is ok 👍️ have a good night, we have a bit of sun in the morning at least I think, will be good for having the CH done :) xx

    Hi bosh, thanks for holding the fort with lots of tea & bics today, & what lovely mug cosies 😍 silly not to get something like that instead of just complaining (me) how quickly tea goes cold this weather. Glad you liked the security q's, I like your multiple choice question, that's even trickier, just the sort of sneaky thing Freud's Bank would do to try & catch people out. (I'm sure you had a better name for that bank I can't dredge it up tonight.) Yes not too many crumpets, the gastric oracle is being pretty annoying with me at the moment so will have to be placated with cream crackers apparently 🙄. Talking of logical things, I tried to make an offer for an item on nosegay of 20p higher than the asking price (there was a sensible reason 😄), would you believe nosegay wouldn't let me 😂. Have a good night will be in tomorrow after the boilerman hath departed, save me a cup of tea I will need it 😊 xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    There you go a photo of Penelope at the Scramble yesterday. As you can imagine she got a lot of attention and hopefully converted a few more future Figgy owners too (some around LA's age!)😁

    Morning Joan thank you we had a great day yesterday. Kari came too Penelope did really well we managed 3 motorways without too much hassle. It was a lot for me as i am scared of motorway driving these days. . Since Lucy got cancer really and I was driving every day. Aha yes birth certificate with the funeral papers ready for a long time distant when they will be needed. Everyone should do that my friend had hers all ready everything to hand it helped a lot at such an upsetting time.

    Take care Joan hope your day is a good one. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you and Your Mum? I hope really well.

    I just said to Joan I think I converted a few people to having a Figgy to drive especially some small children of any gender, but I reckon ETLB would most certainly have been up there. She'd had persuaded her Dad to get his wallet straight out!

    The new shiny LA story? A £20 note😊

    However I really don't think she'd have been too happy about meatball football. Great embellished tale LA I do rather love it! I think he does take after his Auntie MIma. You know you have done him so much good with your own imagination. That will help him a huge amount with his future creative writing. I suspect they were Swedish meatballs and that cucumber sandwiches were indeed available for veggie people. Oh dear! just thought I could imagine a certain young man Lorenzo (or really any member of the mini mafioso) throwing cucumber slices on the ceiling to see which sticks the longest😣

    You have been very busy knitting us all mug cosies - good idea at this time of year to keep your tea/coffee warm. I don't think I need a special mug for my moustache though yet (hopefully never)🤣 I'll hold it out of the way with some lemons maybe?

    Take care and have a good day Reshmi ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Hope your day was a good one getting outside.

    Rained yesterday in the end a bit annoying, but luckily really on just on our way home and already on the M6 toll by then. I think Kari enjoyed her first car show. We were on the mental health display chatting to people about cars and our own individuality. We are all different, but each of us is as valuable. Had some great conversations. Plenty of time also for us to have a wander and look at other cars.

    Check this out

    If my brother's car (MX5) and Penelope had a child!!!

    We did sing Convoy!!!! Though we remembered the tune better than the words! Also we got separated and had to sort of look after ourselves. I practised mindful driving would you believe. Being careful to only look at the car in front not panicking about the M40 M42 and M6 yet to come😮

    I have no doubt one or two BKV-ers will not be so happy about our bees and butterflies but knickers to them!

    Hope today is good for us all. Things are beginning to happen baby wise with the steroid injections for imminent arrival of my Grandbaby😊

    Take care ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) good luck with the gas man. Why can’t people just move in next door. Everything has to be just right. We have never bought a house it’s always been council. This is Housing Association now. That’s good you have the groceries you wanted. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) thank you for the photo’s Penelope looked lovely you are a good driver to go along a motorway. Good baby will be there soon. How is Paul’s Arthritis. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope everything is going well for you and your mum (()) have a good day

    Stuart knee how are you have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good afternoon Toni

    Wppl xx

    Ps “Random” image xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni Joan toady and Stuartknee

    How are you all?

    Sorry I posted the same twice lol

    That shows how tired I was

    Very late start - heating related

    Spoke to mum she’s agreed to compromise at least with heating timings - so at least my sleep pattern should become a bit more normal

    Mums ok 👍

    But toxic atmosphere remains

    The cultural society events are mainly this weekend but

    I think there’s one tomorrow too

    I hope things “normalise” a bit after these silly events are over

    👋 toady I’m working on some more security questions, well one at least

    So I guess the question(s) is / are in the bank, which really doesn’t a lot of financial sense lol, ‘highly illogical’, to quote Spock The Great, but you know I mean
    👋Toni - I’m glad you’ve given toady some R Brek, can’t have her wasting away 👍

    👋 Joan how are you?

    Mum and I are ok thanks

    More later

    Bye for now all tc xx

    Ps I did tell toady to lay off the coffee 🤷‍♀️ xx