Val's Cafe



  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 16

    Hi Toady. I m taking painkillers every 6 hours for tramadol & every 4 iubprofen, Im still not sleeping more than 4 hours 😮‍💨

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    sorry to hear that Stuartknee that sounds really tough

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hello all - hope we have had as good a day as poss, will be happier when Toni is accounted for though 😔

    I'm definitely still here Joan at my usual cafe table with the checked cloth 👍️☕️. Have had a very quiet day the colder weather was definitely quite noticeable except for a small sunny spell 😮 but at least there were no thousand miles an hour winds or whatever the BBC was predicting by mistake, that caught me out for a second this morning! Hope your day was ok, has been very uneventful here have been sorting out some clothes to stay or go to charity or the clothes bank, that kept me quiet. Have you seen the building that was Arkwright's shop is up for sale - wouldn't that be marvellous to own, could we all club together do you think 😄 we could have a shop as well as a cafe 😍. Have a good Friday :) xx

    Hi bosh, I love the little ghosts aren't they great, they actually look quite happy & content sitting there, more than some humans I've seen. I was just talking about local shops to Joan the one off 'Open All Hours', sorry yours is not much better for the change 😕 and about the choc. Good luck with the self-discipline you can do it 🤐. I stocked up on plain choc from al fresco so I don't have to have them again in a hurry, one of the things I can't get any better alternative elsewhere. Definitely the weather for a duvet coat today I may try a walk tomorrow I have no idea what coat level to go for, can I please please have the beautiful outer coating of warm cats instead that would be so nice 😍. Glad you could find your mum a suitable hairgrip I do sympathize 😔. Hope you have a good night after the mxt and no more iffy leg from your sleeping position; it was my turn for the twitchy leg last night, woke me up, if it's not the gastric oracle it's something else apparently 🙄. Take care hope we are all here tomorrow 🤞xx

    Oh dear @Stuartknee that's not a lot of sleep is it 😔 those painkiller dosages can't be adjusted much I imagine. Does anything else help like heat at night - or how much you have moved around in the daytime etc. What does your GP say? Hope for a better night for you, take care xx

    Kettle on again it is ☕️ is it tea or coffee for you btw Stuart? xx

    Wave to @Laura_ and anyone else not in xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi young at heart toady

    Yes a bit worrying about Toni no doubt

    Hopefully just Internet demons 👍

    A bit of a non starter of a day for me too really

    Had a bit of a rich lunch (not my idea)

    So mxt got delayed a good few hours

    Dodgy legs, gastric oracles, nothing’s that simple is it really toady? I understand

    I must admit I put some of the chocolate in the bin, otherwise I would’ve become bill or even Peppa Pig lol

    Good in a way to have no retail temptation lol

    I would like to expand but I’m MSG - free crackered as it were haha

    So thanks about the ghosts

    I also just remembered that it’s World Mental Health Day today

    So as I’m no artist unlike both my nephews lol

    An appropriate artwork I found on Bin - terest or whatever the refuse - workers call it 😂

    👋 Good night toady Joan Stuartknee and of course Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816
    edited 10. Oct 2024, 20:28


    I almost forgot

    Vlad The Impaler is inspiring us all 😂😂

    Goodnight xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Joan how are you this morning? I hope not too bad. Thank you Alya is rather gorgeous isn't she? I love her already it's amazing. She was born by caesarean so no-one allowed in except partners. I went up as soon as I was allowed which was 6pm. I took them some food. I forgot you are on an IPAD so your PMs aren't where mine are on the laptop. Sorry about that. I hope you don't get soaked again for a while. I did yesterday too so annoying isn't it? ((())) xxx

    Morning @Laura_ I hope you are doing ok today too sending my best wishes and a cup of coffee to keep you going.

    Morning @Stuartknee how are you doing today? I hope you got a bit more sleep than yesterday? So annoying when you are up in pain and it seems like the rest of the world is asleep.

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you? Is your Mum well too? Blood sugars all settled? The patch is it still working out really useful to see what foods do what to your sugars?

    It's not fair for a woman to loose her hair - sure it's not great for men either of course but for women it's part of our identity I feel. Glad you are able to help her feel better. I take it she was obligated to join your Dad at the cultural event yesterday then?

    Oh no you missed RR's latest tall tales😕 never mind. I hope you always give nasty M your most dazzling and friendly of smiles all the way to your ears?

    She'll hate it but it will make you look the innocent party🤭

    Loved the boilerman and al fresco delivery man plotting together pic! Very funny The offside rule🤣

    Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Oh dear I see what happened. Seriously bad timing far to much for a tiny Toad to cope with Sleek said she was helping more at the kitchen end unpacking and hiding treats for you both.

    Sleek is rather scared of small children. If the baby comes in asleep I know she will happily have a look, but if there's any wailing - she'll be off like a shot bless her. Under the bed in spare 'oom or to yours. They traumatise her much like the sight of a dg does. Now Charley and Annie's dogs are not bothered at all by the new arrival. Home so very very soon yes these days and with blood thinning jabs to take home too. How times have changed.

    I am reliably informed by my small cat that your boilerman is a 'nice man' but a bit of a know-it-all and he does the sucking in through his teeth bit. She knew what was wrong with the washer, but he had to find out for himself. 🙄

    I heard all about the fairy lights I did! Can't wait to see a photo the one Sleek took is out of focus. Toady I bought something stupid on catazon oh dear me but i did. A hoover bot. Did I say so yesterday? Maybe I did Not sure it will work with clutter? What do you think? Why oh why did I do that? Maybe it will be the best thing I ever did who knows?

    Here's to a few quiet days. I have a meeting tonight so not great for me, but after that maybe better. Take care ((())) xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853
    edited 11. Oct 2024, 06:02

    Oh dear me my post didn't 'send' yesterday. So sorry I worried you all😳

    Morning Joan I'm so sorry my post didn't send yesterday I hope it didn't worry you too much I didn't come back to my lap top as I had a baby to visit and a village meeting in the evening too. Are you off into town today? Will you go to yours and Sue's café. I won't leave this one I have a lot of affection for it. It's got me through some tough times. Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning to @Stuartknee and @Laura_ I hope you are both doing ok?

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you are well today and over the MTX chocolate cravings. You are sweet i am savoury as you kno, but you had to bu a multipack? Oh no😣 That's terrible if I had to buy a multipack of Dreggs vegan sausage rolls (they do try to get you to buy 3 for something) I'd be enormous! Your use of will-power is laudable and admirable too.

    It's a discontinued product? Oh that is a shame but at the moment you can just about still get it?

    How is your Mum doing?

    Yes it's cold and the duvet coats need to come out of their wardrobes and be used again. I think we may have had a frost. It has started to get proper dark for my walks and I know this will only get worse now as the days shrink. Did you see the Northern lights at all? I didn't I forgot to look until my friend sent me a photo from Northumberland where she is.

    Is the cultural event on all weekend? I presume that means you won't see EF this weekend then. Will LA come to stay a while over half term that must be getting closer because it's when the clocks go back isn't it?

    I hope your dodgy leg was a bit of a one-off and won't be repeated.🤞

    Well I think it's time I had a look at our heating and changed the settings on the thermostat so it does come on regularly instead of when we get far too cold.

    Hope you have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    You were quite right just that my post didn't 'send' as I thought it had. Apologies.

    Gosh it has gone chilly though on the upside we had quite a lot of sunshine yesterday so i am hoping for more today. For some reason I am really looking forward to a quiet and peaceful weekend with not much more than a cuddle with a baby.

    I am going to set the timer on the thermostat thingy now so that it comes on regularly. We are now starting to need heating in the mornings and evenings, but when we just 'over-ride' it we can forget to turn it back off. It does require some brainpower though and usually a youtube tutorial! So wish me luck. Then of course the clocks go back and the clock needs changing🙄

    I'd love to buy Arkwrights shop although what would we sell candles? In packs of 4??? A real cafe has honestly always been my dream I think I'd be really good in a café you know. Well maybe not I'd have to talk to people wouldn't I?!! It could be a cat café!! I believe one has opened up really near me you know I must book us in.

    We really must start properly feeding our birdies Toady it's going to be a hard winter I feel it already. It's pumpkin season looming here in the village should be fun (and muddy!). In a year or so our baby will be able to go and pick one😊

    Well take care have a good day Sleek is bringing pumpkin lattes over for you both

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I hope you have a peaceful day today. A man is coming on Wednesday to see about a new kitchen we are having every one in the street is getting one. There is 11 bungalows. I cannot reach the top cupboard’s so it would be good if I could have them a bit lower. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) I was worried something was wrong with the baby and that was why you couldn’t post. Yes Ayala is a lovely baby I don’t know how people can be so cruel to them. I wish them all the best (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Atlantic (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. You and quite a few others take Mxt for RA is it for your muscle’s I don’t know. I have OA so I don’t take that. Love to your mum (()) I hope she has a good day.

    Stuart knee (()) I hope you have a better night tonight. Do you know if you are having a new knee.

    Laura (()) how are you I hope you have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816
    edited 11. Oct 2024, 10:57

    good morning Toni!

    So glad you’re ok

    I was getting worried

    Mums ok 👍

    Mum and dad have gone to the cultural event

    So I have peace for a couple of hours 👍

    My leg is ok now and I’m generally ok too thanks

    EF are coming tomorrow

    I bought them a gingerbread Frankenstein cookie

    But don’t worry it’s more yummy than scary lol

    Heating was blaring so I may put a poem in the bank if I can get my tired act together
    I’ll do a proper post soon

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps another mental health positivity type pic, I just mainly thought it looked nice xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Thanks, I actually have PsA, but I understand, quite a few people take it👍

    Mums ok today thanks 🙏

    Have a nice afternoon and tc xx

    👋Greetings toady

    Ps another funny sign let’s hope Bill isn’t there right now 😱😂 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    Sorry busy day today

    Getting ready for EF coming tomorrow

    Dad went alone to the event yesterday

    But mum went with him this morning

    I’m fighting tiredness as I was only allowed in the comfortable for a short amount of time 🕰️

    If only my teeth were as perfect as that lol

    Yes female loss is hard, thanks, I agree, bless her.

    I ate meatballs today I must admit

    But I didn’t play football with them, just cricket 🏏

    I’m going to try and rest a bit in the sauna but it may not be possible

    The poem may be a cheque payment to the bank though - it may take 500 years to clear lol

    But I promise it won’t bounce

    Bye for now Toni xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 11. Oct 2024, 18:47

    Afternoon all 😊 what a very cold night but what a very nice day 🌞

    Waves at frog 👋😊 I put my nose round the door when I woke up, glad to know all's well. We need a green cross code system for checking posts have gone don't we, or Tufty to remind us 🤭🐿️. I went to the charity shop and piddle again, not on the scooter today though. I was listening to this slightly randomly yesterday - do you think it should be my new look? 😂😂. Call me dim I didn't realize electric scooters are banned everywhere in UK except private land, still see kids on them though 🤔. Yes the thermostat will need fiddling with soon and ugh the clocks 😱. I am back on my exciting (no idea why I'm using that word) loft improvements project before it gets too cold to be up there, so that will keep me occupied. CH man would probably tell me I'm not doing that the right way either but hard luck 😉 at least his teeth-sucking isn't the sort that says a job will be horrifically pricey, he probably undercuts himself in fact, so I can put up with a lot of know-it-all-ing for that 😉. A hoover bot eh, ooer, have fun with that! Do tell how you get on! 👍. It's banned from the ickle house I expect. That reminds me I have 2 catazon days left must cancel! And yes must lay up extra birdy food thanks 👍 do hope you get your quiet weekend thank Sleek for the pumpkin latte 😘 xx p,s, yes of course we will sell multipack candles, and lots of these O O O 😄.

    Hello Joan, oh Wednesday to start about the kitchens, that's good 😊 would be nice before winter. I hope they can work in whatever you'd like with the cupboards 👍 I can't get at my top level of the cupboards, they have 2 shelves, I just put stuff I dont want out much up there. I went to town it seemed the best day, tomorrow was meant to be nice but they pencilled some rain in. I just bought porridge and some pillowcases and a few odds. Have a good night 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, hope you got a decent bit of peace and quiet this morning. Especially as EF are coming tomorrow 😬 scary gingerbread sounds cool 😊 they will like that. Hope the cultural thing went ok. I did go out today in the middle weight jacket with fake furry collar ensemble but didn't really need it! Unlike overnight it dropped so cold; we had a frost this morning. I have just made a bulk cardigan purchase 😂 well it worked out so well to buy more it was silly not to. Have been clanking about in the attic a bit so the PN may think he has a phantom rattling its chains up there, serve him right. Good luck with the poetry ✒️ I meant all day to mention World Mental Health day and still forgot in my sieve-like way, nice images 👍. Btw I have stockpiled rich tea biscuits against a long winter so we shall be ok 😂 take care xx p.s. Tequila Mockingbird is groanworthy isn't it by anyone's standards 😄 made me laugh though 👍️.

    Love to everyone hot beverages all round chilly night again 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Raven Birdbath toady

    Glad you’re ok

    Got some rest thanks,

    Wouldn’t say it was enough

    Yes the coat conundrums are very much upon us

    Yes littleys can eat cookies etc without GI Joe Physios etc attacking them, true

    Slept in the comfortably cold room for half an hour then woke with a start- have I swallowed an alarm clock toady?

    I must check the ingredients on the biccie packet lol

    Yes a bad pun is better than nothing

    I’d better try to go to bed well before EF onslaught 😱

    Good night toady and everyone tc xx

  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 156

    Just home from holiday in the Pembrokeshire National Park. A long way from home - near Durham - so we drove in stages with overnight stops in drivel-lodges and explorations en route; making good use of NT membership and my powerchair. (We stayed in a rented cottage near Pembroke for a week.) Only two days really wet so gorgeous autumn weather for most of the time and great to be outdoors.

    Our separation from the internet does mean that this is a belated congratulations to Toni and a welcome to the world of grandparenting. Time literally flies as we get older so make the most of every second with little Ayala. You will be a brilliant Gran/Grandma/Granny/Nana! (We are known as 'Boy Grams' and 'Girl Grams' because a now 14 year old couldn't differentiate between 'Grams' and Gramps' whe he was a toddler. We love it that, at almost 6foot tall and a rugby player, he has stuck with it.)

    I hope life continues as well as possible for everyone and that you are able to face challenging issues as well as a family member of mine did when they declared "Difficulties were made to be overcome!" I guess that includes all the arfur rubbish, family member idiosyncracies and DIY neighbours.

    Look after yourselves -🙂 Crinkly

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Joan how are you today? Arya is just gorgeous I made her a little hat last night quickly (ouch poor shoulder) hers are all too big.

    I hope it fits we'll find out today won't we? She was a good girl and slept from 11pm till 4am today so her Mummies will be more rested. I just love her to bits!

    Have a good day Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? and your Mum too of course. I am shattered not sure why but I am. I am not sleeping well partly the shoulder but partly the baby running through my head. I saw her yesterday and had a Granny cuddle no interfering just listening to her Mummies.

    Are EF coming today? Does your Dad want them to go to the cultural event again is that why or has it finished? Your Mum is so supportive of your Dad shame it's not reciprocated isn't it?🙄

    There is a poem in the bank is there? Is it a post-dated cheque then🤭 That's great I will look forward to that and some LA tales or maybe BIL ones😉 If there is food (I bet there is!) at the event I'm sure he will try everything going.

    Sounds as though it's still far too hot in MH. Trying to get the temp just right here in Stafford. I sneaked the little aircon on when I went to bed last night I get too hot to sleep you see. Only for 20 minutes.

    Meatball cricket? Well I didn't know that was a thing in MH in Nottingham and Edgbaston yes of course quite understandable, but not so far south. Any idea whether you can play it with vegan meatballs?

    Well have a great day with those adorable boys and take care my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady hope you are doing ok today.

    Yes we must sell multipacks of candles not 6 not 3 not 5 somewhere in between😉

    I see I understand the CH engineer now he is a 'You don't wanna do it like that - do it like this' type of chap. Much better than a teeth sucker. Still if his rates are reasonable…..Just don't invite him up in the loft. My job seems to be making baby stuff atm. Maybe I will get to enjoy it?

    Well Toady I actually thought it was you in the vid. I rather think you would get away with your being electric if it was just anything dangerous you could probably get into trouble for. Sleek's is electric so she can keep up with me on my bike and you on your scooter.

    Why did I buy the bot?😣 I am far too cluttered for a bot. I might try it though in a tidy room apparently it's really good for cat floof. Don't tell Sleek will you? Absolutely not in the ickle house - she already has her own she is not cluttered as you know.

    We'd better get our seed out well I had better I love the birdies bless them and my hedgehog house can finally go out too😊

    Take care Toad ((())) xxx

    Well @crinkly ! Lovely to see you! Really good to know you are doing ok. What a fantastic break you have had in Pembrokeshire I am so covetous😊 It sounded perfect and very tempting. Lots of National Trust places to see en route just perfect - possibly plenty of cake to test too😉

    Thank you for your congratulations Arya is just perfect a little dot. I love her so much already isn't it amazing being a Grandparent? I doubt she'll get to 6ft, but I do expect her to change my name to whatever suits her. Granny and Grampy is our aim, but you never know!

    I quite agree 'difficulties are made to be overcome' and overcome them we usually do unless we give in and I don't think anyone here is the 'giving in' type.

    Take care Crinkly hope to hear from you when you get time 🙂

    A quite hello to @Laura_ and @Stuartknee hoping you are doing ok.

    Shall we have some breakfast?

    Some Upma - I love this and could eat it every day. Not sure how good it is for your blood sugar though…..Bosh's mum might know though?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    Welcome to the sauna

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) what porridge do you like.I have the one with Honey. As you get older I’m sure you shrink. I used to be able to reach cupboards now I can’t. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) you will feel so proud when you take Ayala out for a walk in her pram. Have a good day. Is it your immune system you take Mxt for. I don’t know I have Oa. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Ayala (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) I hope she is well.

    Crinkly it’s good to see you. That’s good you enjoyed your holiday have a good day.

    Love to Stuartknee and Laura (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Good afternoon Toni!

    How are you?

    Mums bs was ok

    But heating is blasting

    So is the portable radiator

    Tempers are flaring in Vesuvius manner 🌋

    I walked twice the normal distance this morning but still couldn’t sleep properly as dad was shouting

    Ok I’ve signed the cheque and it has been cleared, this is the result

    Today is an instalment day as long as EF and volcanoes etc don’t bother me, if not, normal service will be resumed tomorrow lol

    👋 greetings Joan and toady and Stuartknee

    Hope you’re all ok?

    Bye for now all tc xx

    Ok preceding explanation and then the poem 🙏

    Two days ago it was of course World Mental Health Day- I saw a related poster which had common sense - type mental health advice such as “eat well”,
    which is great, but of course it’s not always that simple, it reminded me of when I went to the “scone place” as usual on Wednesday but I think the cook was running late and I was presented with a very inferior type of shop - bought scone that even some accommodating al fresco shoppers would have treated with disdain, it also inspired this poem

    It’s called “Scones, phones and tablets”
    I ventured into the centre of the town and paid good money for a freshly baked scone
    But instead I got a shop - bought cold substitute, an inferior clone
    Some sleazy guy was texting me, so I turned off the phone
    But I had an indulgent hot chocolate, although not as large as that of the toad
    And I returned pleased and refreshed to my humble abode
    Where I consumed tablets for mental health and also some for arthritis
    I applied creams for every skin disease on the planet other than contact dermatitis
    Then I switched off my “Why? - Pad” - the most evil tablet of them all
    And I slept as deeply as a Halloween ghost perched on toady’s wall.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 12. Oct 2024, 18:09

    Hi all 👋 gosh this is a cold snap 😬 finally cracked & put the heating on, not for long, but it was a start.

    I don't think my 'thermo' is as bad as yours frog, if I override mine it reverts at the next timeslot, can't leave it accidentally. I could with the old one though and would wake up stuffy and with it rumbling away 😣. Hope you get yours all set 👍. My loft insulation should be here shortly, well a couple of rolls to start with, can't have the Lovely Room getting chilly. Ah yes a clear floor, kind of a requirement for the hoover bot 😄 it wouldn't get much of a run-up here, mind you I don't have carpet except in one room, is that an excuse? No not really 😂. Making baby stuff eh, ooer, I'm not entirely sure it will grow on you, but all the more a labour of love for not being keen on ye olde crafting, and little Arya need never know. Wasn't scooter girl fabulous at it, just made it look so easy. No 'e' anything for me ta 😬. I was going to ask about the 'edgeog 'ouse, hope you get a taker for it. Oh I meant to say as well I did spot Kari in the car pic looking super 😄👍 love to everyone hope you sleep well & have a good Sunday xx

    Hello Joan I like plain porridge & brown sugar, I buy the pots occasionally if I get those I have golden syrup sort or any fruit type flavour. I chuck sultanas in mine too. Definitely porridge weather today and dark so quickly tonight. I have about 4 different heights of steps and stools in the house, if I can't reach something with one of those it's hard lines 😂 yes we could do with a good stretch! It's alright if you were taller to start with you can spare a bit. Have a good Sunday xx

    Edit: posted instead of saving as draft🙄 back in a bit to finish off 👋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni toady Joan and everyone

    Sorry such a tiring day

    Nothing like doing an extra long walk and not being allowed to sleep properly 😡

    I’m putting a very tiny BR true story in the bank

    Let’s hope my gastric oracles are kind

    I’m using expletives inside my head

    toady you keep the heating on a bit longer you need it, bless 🤗

    If I stay in this room any longer I’ll face plant the why? - pad

    If I say any more now I will grump unreservedly

    Sorry toad - I will read your post properly later on

    Bye for now all tc xx

    Ps great marriages start with text messages - maybe?😂😂xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 12. Oct 2024, 20:15

    Hello again, post-teabreak ☕️

    Nice to see @crinkly and wot a nice break you had, glad it went well with only minimal rain, takes some doing! Sounds lovely yes have to embrace the outdoors while it's still there 🌳. Thank you for the good wishes, I'm sure the DIY lot here will fall silent one day, one way or another 😉 plenty worse off than me. Take care :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry it's been a no rest when wanted day ⛔️🙄 hope you have a better night. Yes I will put the heating on more as needed thanks 😘 I want a little oil-filled radiator too, when I find one whose reviews don't say it dribbles all over the floor or bursts into flames 😱. Nothing much doing with me have been up the loft a while again didn't find any Rembrandts (Reading or otherwise) or any other useful valuables. Great poem you are on top form 😀 excellent use of tablet etc. A nasty scone though, oh how frightful 😒 how very dare they. Yes I do agree that a lot of good advice is of the 'that's all very well but..' sort, often not that easy at all as you say. Take care I'm sure it must be your turn for a kindly gastric oracle 🤞 bye for now :) xx

    Wave to Stuart and Laura, have a good night keep warm 😴 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Joan how are you today. You are quite right apparently we do lose height after the age of around 60😮 What happens with the inflammatory (autoimmune) arthritises is that the immune system attacks you in our cases our joints. Some people it's their stomachs - like Crohns disease?. So meds like MTX and Toady's biologic drug - they are supposed to knock the immune system down. MTX used to be a chemo drug and was one of Lucy's meds when she had cancer. In much higher doses of course. It's dry out there but very cold today brrrr! ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I hope you and your Mum are well.

    Thank you for the dare I say it 'warm welcome to the sauna😂 I don't know how you manage to stay awake.

    Oh dear so Vesuvius is still raging surely this must be the last day of the cultural event?🙄

    I take it EF managed to visit ok? That's why there is a BR tale in the bank for later. Looking forward to that. Please gastric oracles I hope you have been kind to our friend she has little choice sometimes what goes in her stomach 🙏

    Toady's poem though was really good I loved the bit where you wrote: "Where I consumed tablets for mental health and also some for arthritis

    I applied creams for every skin disease on the planet other than contact dermatitis" Many could relate to both of those lines. Thank you so much.

    Take care and have a good day - rest if you can ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    It's dry! It really is but chilly. You've given in too! I thought I'd sorted the thermo but it tried to come on again literally just now - the door is open for Sleek you see and it might even be icy out there it's too dark to see.

    Look who is working!

    I had to move all obstacles off the floor which is also a hard floor like yours. I did the kitchen yesterday and gosh it was shocking how many bits she picked up. She climbed onto rugs perfectly no tripping but doesn't like wires at all she gets banked like Bessie outside when it's slippery.

    Well done getting the insulation for the loft - you will be careful won't you? Don't do it unless Sleek is there so she can get help if needs be.

    That video of scooter girl actually looked so restful and peaceful like she really was at one with her scooter. Wouldn't it be fun if it was allowed? With a small cat in a cat pack on your back😺

    I want a little heater too just for me when I'm sitting here maybe so I don't have to heat the whole house. Oil filled ones last ages and if there is a heating problem can be unplugged and safely put in the bathroom before ablutions.

    Well I shall get some clothes on and venture out for my walk. Still dark 😕

    Have a good day 🦔 ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    morning Toni

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) go careful climbing. I used to but I sometimes turn to quick and my balance goes and I end up on the floor. I saw a bit of Garden force yesterday I hadn’t seen Charley Dimmock for a long time. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) Thank you for explaining about Mxt all the different things years ago you never heard of them. That’s good little bot did a good job. Have a good day. Yes it’s cold out we will need our winter coats on. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Ayala (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) love to you and your mum (()) I hope both of you have a good day. Take care

    Love to Crinkly Laura and Stuartknee (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good afternoon Toni toady Joan and Stuartknee etc

    Mums ok

    She’s gone crazy with the heating again though 🤷‍♀️

    I’m much better than yesterday thanks

    Was able to rest

    Dad doesn’t have much hair and little BR teased him, chanting “ You don’t have any hair”

    Then he went away but returned in five minutes and looked at BB again and said, full of disdain, “Still bald!”
    That was so funny

    👋Toni Thanks for the upma, mum said carbs are bad for her but some are worse than others, I think she said potatoes are the worst

    LA was being so naughty I could barely speak to him lol

    Ok ablutions etc beckon

    Bye for now all tc Xx