Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    Wppl xx

    Wi-Fi issues I’m at c a packet 🌸

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) how did you get on with painting the wall. They say it will be fine tomorrow and rain on Sunday. Have a good day. Is your neighbour still on his own.

    Toni (()) yes I had hot lemon no paracetamol as I don’t like mixing tablets I have Tramadol melts. That was nice you met your friend. How is peanut (()) Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) is she feeling better now.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m not too bad thanks

    Wi-Fi is back for now

    I’m trying to preserve stomach integrity for meal out on Sunday

    No cheese, milky drinks, nothing yummy 😭

    But I sure I’ll survive lol

    Ablutions time

    Bye for now Toni tc x

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all, well it stopped raining eventually, that's one mercy 🙄

    The ark being not quite ready frog I had to stuff my head under the duvet with some suitably distracting stuff on my phone last night and hope it all went away. I did sleep though after Wednesday's horrid night so another small mercy. Managed to get back to the painting today and Sleek was a great help with her tail, for the bit under the radiator, just perfect 👍️ and well washed out afterwards I hasten to add. She did her best with the listening too 🥛 but not much to be gleaned unfortunately (no of course she doesn't get these habits from you 😄). She tried to help me with some shopping as well because a catalogue sent me a welcome back sweetener but even between us we couldn't find anything nice if they are giving it away, which says a lot 🙄. Hope weather not too bad where you are, we are getting some half decent bits as a reprieve but a nasty spell of high wind & rain Monday I think 😕. Hope your tv is ok, pixelating is not something we had before the digital switchover is it 😒 poor reception and 'snow' and trouble with the horizontal hold, yes, but let's not split hairs 😄. No other news, hope you got a walk in maybe - yes Kari must be a big help, how else would you know what butterflies were trying to say in their high-pitched tiny voices 🤔😄. Have a good Saturday :) xx

    Hello Joan, I hope you feel a little better today 🤞. I have done some more wall thank you I'm not sure enjoy is quite the word 😄 it's the fiddly wall where the doors and radiator are but I wanted it out of the way, now I can do smaller bits and I will quite enjoy those. The paint is a creamy off-white shade I had 3 pots on a special offer a while ago so may as well use them up. Yes the chap is on his own, he was clanking about a bit yesterday probably working on the place, I forgot there is a small extension downstairs so could probably fit half a dozen bunk beds in there too, heaven help me 😬. Oh well I'll keep doing what I'm doing painting & sorting out in case I need to pack up, who knows, maybe 'something will turn up' as Mr Micawber said 🤞. Hope your heating is ok, have they rearranged? I saw about it being called the Magic Roundabout, it's a far cry from Florence & Dougal isn't it! Did you see the person got £1700 for the 25p coin - it was trialled alongside the 20p apparently because the Mint hadn't decide which value to bring in, I never heard that before. Nice to get in your change, which is how they got it. Take care :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry awol yesterday it was all just a bit too ooky and apocalyptic round here 😱. I even had R Brek for supper shows how topsy turvy everything is. That's not a R Brek faux pas I do hope. Hope your wifi is ok today if it was playing up at cost a packet too it seems to be following you round 😐️. Quite nice out today but I didn't get around to a walk, it is quite blowy though. Hope the mxt 'hangover' not too bad apart from the eyelid-propping necessity, look forward to the song if & when it's released (if look forward is the right term 🤨), is it set to a well known and suitable piece of music? 🤔 Have a good evening and I send my best vibes for getting on the right side of the gastric oracle for you in advance for Sunday, glad your mum is getting on well great that the patch is making a difference 😊 xx

    Kettle on ☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    The patch monitors blood sugar, but mum checks the levels after she eats or drinks something, so in that way is learning about the diabetic nutrition side of things, the device doesn’t actually give information on specific foods 👍

    That looks like a very delicious porridge by the way

    I hope mxt wasn’t too bad?

    Sorry mum is enjoying the thermostat bless her lol

    So even though I’ve had healthy protein I’m almost in the land of cod - is that what sleek calls it?
    Sorry to end with a terrible pun, though possibly better than no joke at all

    Have as good a night as possible tc xx

    Ps Marjorie The Trash Heap from old kids show Fraggle Rock - or toady’s phantom neighbour - who knows? Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Greetings toady and Joan

    How are you both?

    Mum had a good night thanks 👍

    👋 toady yes the methotrexate song thanks for reminding me

    It’s almost ready for public consumption but not quite 👍

    I think it is definitely time for the cabbages to retire for the night

    Well this particular cabbage anyway

    Plus mxt “mood” is definitely there

    Good night everyone tc xx

    Ps “random” lentils lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853


    Hi Joan how are you? I know what you mean about mixing tablets Lucy doesn't take any painkillers so she can have my hot lemons. Hope you don't feel too bad. Peanut recovered well this time I think my friend is spotting the signs that something isn't right earlier. Thanks for asking Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you and your Mum doing? I am ok thanks for asking.

    You got to Costa packet and avoided anything too milky which might upset your stomach before Sunday good thinking👍️

    That's good though being able to see what individual foods do to your blood sugar in like 'real time' incredible really. She'll be able to see what to avoid or eat more of.

    You are in the land of cod due to the excessive heat in the house!!! Oh no🙄Sleek does indeed call it that. Well she does now she's read this post😁 Are you sneaking the temp down when she's not looking again?

    That lentil pic might be lovely dahl or soup I would eat either please. I feel that its getting to be porridge weather again don't you?

    Marjorie bless her used to slightly creep me out you know bless her not her fault she's a slag heap is it?

    Stay well for tomorrow oh yes I am also having Paul's EF here on Sunday too so that will be fun won't it? We are eating out after they have come here so the house needs to be immaculate as well…..

    Take care rest when you can (((()))) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Hope all is well with you.

    Sleek loves going under her blankie too on her phone she has a little Pou she takes care of or she browses catazon and orders things on my card. She thinks everyone should spend a large part of each day (especially rainy ones) under blankies. Especially in rubbish weather.

    Yes she won't buy stuff no matter how cheap if she doesn't need it or i don't or you don't or Lucy doesn't or Kari doesn't etc etc

    Sorry bout the eavesdropping😳 as if I have ever done such a thing! Charley and Lucy's Dad used to though you know like really!

    Must make sure that no Government scientists realise that Kari can enable insects and wildlife to communicate else they might steal her and do all manner of experiments on her😶

    I got outside yesterday albeit very briefly because we have Paul's EF coming tomorrow so the house needed tidying🙄 What a weekend not much rest the village harvest supper today too not very restful.

    Yes🤔you're right. We didn't pixelate did we nor pop. Forget all the other stuff that was fine we understood that. Grumpy old woman here.

    More high winds due? Nooooooo🙀 Let's enjoy today.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I’m sorry your new neighbour is noisy i hope it doesn’t last too long. We have Magnolia on our walls. No I didn’t see that about the coin. I don’t understand how a 12 year old boy can get a machete and keep it under is bed. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) good luck with the Harvest supper. Peanut must be a strong little dog. I hope you have good weather tomorrow we have rain tomorrow. It’s a good day to day.

    Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day your mum’s patch is good it’s helping her sort things out (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni toady and Joan

    How are you all?

    I’m only getting very intermittent internet

    Mums ok 👍 👍

    Meal out tomorrow has been booked

    Ok I worked on the mxt song, more of a poem really- I did sing it an “opera singing gruffalo” voice but skinny Keef was the musician not me lol- let’s say that you can pick the tune, these are the universal lyrics haha

    Vc poem called “Do you think I’m acting pretty”
    Do you think I’m acting pretty after injecting my methotrexate syringe?
    When all I want to do is eat 200 iced buns in an ill advised type of binge?
    I will drink Earl grey out of masculine mugs not dainty cups today
    If you’re looking for my feminine manners, you’ll be searching for a needle in a Peppa Pig - sized bundle of hay
    I’ve had mxt let me slam the door
    Let me throw tins of paint at the phantom neighbours - that’s what they’re for
    Let me wash my hair in the bird bath if I so choose
    And if you’re walking at the injecting hour to al fresco, please remember to buy me a muse

    Ok bye for now all tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    How is the cleaning going?

    Thanks, yes so far my stomach is behaving, but I’m almost afraid to write about it in case I “jinx” it lol

    Basically I was listening to a catchy pop song on Thursday but it had the usual silly lyrics and the singer had a funny kind of voice- a bit like an opera - singing gruffalo - the song lyrics were something like “The girls ask me if I think they’re pretty, I say no, not really, I just a have a roving eye, ‘cause I’m that type of guy”, or some such rubbish, so I made a feminist methotrexate anthem out of it, if that makes any sense at all lol

    I hope you have a nice meal and time with Paul’s EF

    I’m feeling a bit better today thanks Toni

    I’m in the cold room but dressed in warm winter layers including my nice warm jumper- it is pink though- don’t tell Lorenzo please

    Posh meal tomorrow in a restaurant in MH , I think I will probably have the fish, I’ll bring some back for Sleek in a catty bag, no worries there 😂

    Do you know that there’s a Pokémon called Froggy?

    LA drew him, or you, haha, but my sister has encrypted the image or something like that, I’m not sure why, so I can’t show you it unfortunately - but I noticed you had dyed your hair blue, so maybe it’s just as well really, the hairdresser would’ve been most displeased, no point in having a clean house if your hair is looking distinctly hatter - ish Toni, is there ? 🎩

    Yes Dahl in the photo 👍

    Ok I hope you have a good evening and night Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Joan

    how are you today?

    Mum and I are ok thanks

    Yes it’s very good that the patch is helping her

    Have a good evening Joan and take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 28. Sep 2024, 18:21

    Hi all 😊 I have goodish news 😀 I have managed to rummage up a bit of info and the neighbour is a temporary person 👍 in other words we're back to my first theory! Not sure what next but that's for another day, phew. In future a little less running through a million scenarios and a little more fact-finding, toad.. 😳 though tbh the fear of finding out something worse is partly what stopped me.

    Thank you for the handholding frog (and the paw-holding Sleek), hot sweet tea all round and definitely going under the blankie for quite some time now. Sleek can show me Pou's wardrobe etc and there's a shop, is that right 🤔 beats real life shops I imagine. I can't rejoin the bnpl on the shopping site I mentioned anyway, because compared to the old days they want every last scrap of personal info, they can whistle for it 🙄 end of an era but I did say they had nothing nice, so not much loss I suppose. Hope the tidying going well and v good luck for tomorrow, no day of rest for you 😣 hope the harvest supper isn't a late affair? Have been outside briefly, quite chilly 😬 but am also tidying, as CH man should be here soon. Have as good a weekend as poss, love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, hurrah the chap next door isn't staying 😊 thank you for all the good wishes, no noise since; to be fair anyone that comes permanently will have work to do on the house it needs it, but in some ways I'm less bothered by that than any day to day noise, people's TVs etc. No painting today I will pick up again tomorrow I think. Magnolia is always nice goes with most things doesn't it 👍. Yes I don't know where it will end with young boys in today's society 😔 something has gone badly wrong you think of Just William and the gang just having a catapult and scrumping apples but I suppose it was never really like that either 😕. Have a good Sunday it was quite cold all day the best was later almost with some sun, none tomorrow by the looks. Take care:) xx

    Hi bosh, I absolutely love the poem 😀 touch of rap in there yes, or slam poetry maybe is that the right term. Washing your hair in the birdbath 🐦😊 fabulous. I would do it too for tuppence, as a celebration, well it's a bit far to go to frolic in Trafalgar square fountain; as you will see, my phantom neighbour has become a little more ethereal 👍 transitory in fact 😀🎉. Throwing paint at them 'that's what they're for'' I love that bit 😂. Good luck again for tomorrow I hope they have some user-friendly meal options 🤞 that lentil pic looked so nice, parsley & all 😍 I really like them why on earth don't I eat them more often?! Must make a mental note thanks. Hope you have a good night :) xx

    Love to everyone the tea & bics are on me ☕️🍪 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi toady

    How are you this evening?

    Sorry you had some ookey days, it happens to the best of us 🤗

    Don’t worry if I had no concerns about my own weight I’d be feasting on R Brek at all hours myself

    Yes the patch is helping mum a lot 👍

    As I explained to Toni the mxt song turned to be more of a poem (see above lol) but I did sing part of it in my best opera - singing Gruffalo voice - haha.

    How are the phantom neighbours now?

    I hope you noticed in the mxt poem / song, there is now a term I’ve coined called “ the injecting hour”, the hour has regional variations but the sentiments are the same, so we can think of each other when we inject lol.

    Have a good night toady and take care xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Joan hope you and the dogs are doing ok? All is well here got Paul's bother and sister and spouses coming in a bit. I agree with you for such a tiny little boy Peanut must be strong. You can tell he's in pain though when it happens the poor little soul. My friend wants to see the really nice vet about long term treatment she doesn't want it to keep happening. Hope you have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi hope you are well today and your Mum ready for the meal out. The boys will be intrigued by Granny's special patch won't they?

    How is your internet? Is it behaving?

    I loved the poem and (I think) sang it to the actual music🎶 I think I know the very song you meant. Very upbeat and a bit funny. Your words were perfect - spot on. Yes there are regional variations and methods of administering said MTX but I think we all get it😁

    Oooh a Pokémon called Froggy! That's me. Don't worry the blue hair is just a wig as you quite rightly point out the hairdresser would not be at all happy if I dyed my hair blue😶

    The house is now pretty well clean just need Paul to put a bolt on the inside of the bathroom door as the lock has stopped working. High up so when the baby arrives and grows she can't lock herself in. My shoulder did not enjoy the cleaning at all not one bit.

    We are going to a super posh pub, very close to our house, after they all arrive and we have had a cuppa. We recce'd it the other week and they do lots of vegan options so I will enjoy it too. Fish is a very good option should be nice and gentle on your stomach. Whatever I have I know I won't need anything to eat tonight🙄

    Good luck for today my friend I am looking forward to hearing some tales from MH. ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Did you say the Heating engineer is due soon? 🙄🙄So is mine but not yet booked.

    I still think your man's wife has kicked him out and he is hoping to either be forgiven or he will have to sort himself out permanent accommodation. I got most of this from Sleek who sat outside right by your boundary when he was on the phone smoking. She may have put 2 and 2 and made 6 but you know Sleek!

    Pou has an extensive wardrobe. He was, last week, dressed as a monk complete with orange dress and shaven head, but this week he is a black cat. When Lucy was in hospital he used to dress up like the nurses.

    He has his own cat too

    Sorry cat was asleep in the photo they appear to be on their holidays.

    Harvest supper was a little late 6pm so after tidying it was 8:40 before this exhausted Frog got into her PJs. But it went very well everyone had a great time I think. Still the actual Harvest service ahead though tonight. I only help with the drinks so that should be easier.

    Sometimes these offers of discounts etc aren't worth it if you don't want what they are selling and you really don't need the hassle so bye bye to that particular site. Remember to unsubscribe though. I have so much rubbish to ditch like that, but I am working through it.

    Take care Toady ((()) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) Now you don’t know who’s living there so that’s more worry for you. Have a good day. How is your internet. Yes it’s getting colder.
    Toni (()) have a good time today. Nice you don’t have to cook and wash up. Sorry your shoulder did not approve of all the work you did. All the best to peanut. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a nice time. I hope the meal is alright for your tummy. Take care. Love to your mum (()) nice she has no cooking to do.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni Joan and toady

    How are you all today?

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m tired but ok

    BR has earache, so just cake in MH

    No meal

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi again toady Joan and toady

    Good evening or night

    How are you all?
    I am rather cream crackered but it was nice to see the littleys

    Sis made a fruit sculpture for dad’s belated celebration

    No meal thankfully Joan 👍

    I did eat a tiny bit of cake but it wasn’t sister’s additive homemade version

    I was on storybook - reading duty

    I read the Halloween storybook for BR

    Poor BR is getting better, his ear is aching less than before

    LA called me Reshmi at one point, what a cheeky monkey

    More to report but it’s a “ to be continued” situation

    LA stood in the garden for a long time waiting for us to arrive, aww ❤️

    Have a good night tc xx

    Ps This is toady on a full moon apparently- Toni we must start giving her chicory instead of coffee - those pupils are rather too dilated 👀lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Yes that is me this evening bosh 😂 too wired to go to bed too tired to stay up & stare at the moon unfortunately. Glad you coped/enjoyed/survived the MH visit and hope frog her visitors likewise. Love to Joan too will see you all tomorrow, may well need Sleek's ark overnight I fear 🙄😬 I'm very glad she has been giving it the finishing touches! Really nasty out, hope not too high winds for everyone, proper catch up tomorrow I hope 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Joan. Hope you are doing ok? How is the leg pain? Seeing the family was lovely really it is nice to catch up. Peanut is doing fine had his hair cut this weekend and looks like a puppy again. Mind you he is only 3 anyway. Rained all night here is it the same with you? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi How are you and your Mum today?

    Oh dear so ill-health got in the way of a meal out. Possibly good for your stomach, but a shame for you all😕 I do hope little BR does feel better very soon. They often get these little viruses littleys don't they, but they usually chuck them off much quicker than us adulks.

    Well done your sister trying to make your Dad's belated birthday celebration a bit special in spite of the circumstances. I do hope he appreciated it.

    How adorable LA waiting outside for you all to arrive! What a sweetie, well except for calling his Auntie by her forename😶LA, Toni is shocked😲 very shocked indeed! Even when you are an adulk you must respect your Auntie.

    I actually think that was our Toady there by the full moon we can give her nice chicory coffees or even gentle herbal teas I think she might appreciate it.

    You'd better have yourself a restful day today my friend ((())) xxx

    Good morning Toady

    Sleek has already left for yours in fact she was there until about 9 last night if I am correct? the ark is coming along nicely she says she's got the framework almost complete now it's doing the inside. To be fair there isn't much else she can do is there in this vile weather. She has taken some unused curtains from here and is going to see what she can do.

    No more leaks yet in the roof here but neither had it been dry enough for long enough for Paul to do any mossing🙄

    Maybe I will have to resume the Swedish death clean today again…..not sure I am in the right headspace, but still.

    Take care Toad ((())) xxx

    Shall we have an indulgent breakfast this morning to cheer ourselves up and maybe a hot chocolate?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) sorry you are tired (()) have a good day if you can.

    Toni (()) that was nice meeting up again. Peanut is happy again good. Thank you my leg is alright. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry about yesterday i hope you have a good day love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni Joan and toady

    How are you all today?
    wifi problems for some of the morning

    Hence my late entry into this Cafe this morning sorry about that

    mum is ok at the moment 👍

    I’m a bit tired but ok thanks Toni 🙏

    Hot chocolate looks tempting 😋

    thanks about the poem

    Bye for now all tc xx

    ps pic illustrating what you have to do if BB tries to force - feed you a cheese sandwich when you’re stomach is already ookey 😂. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 👋

    Hope we're all having a good Monday so far - mine's been noise noise noise, after a bad night, just what I wanted 🤪. Mystery lodger or whatever he is* went out at his usual time this morning, oh goody, but 5 mins later mr assumed still the owner (maybe; also who knows) came in and started doing stuff himself. Not even knocking off half an hour for lunchtime or something 🙄 ugh, every time I say mustn't grumble something else happens and no, I really must 😄 oh glory. *Don't know for sure about your theory frog, working away from home is another possible option, at this point it's a bit academic as he isn't there longterm so 'whatevs'. I could go in the spare 'oom myself but I'm not ready yet, it's too nice 😄 this is how I go on in life. There will still be pics at some point 👍️. Are you doing any turning out or as you say is it not quite the right time & place mindset-wise. Yes CH man when he gets in touch, he had his hols at the least convenient time 😒. Glad the harvesty things were ok hope the service was too 🍎🥔⛪️. There was just a bit less rain overnight than I feared, hope your roof is no worse 🤞it was dry when Sleek got here and she busied herself very industriously, I love the curtains 😊 the whole thing is a tour de force, more than I can say for myself who started putting a storage cube together yesterday with the countersunk screw holes facing inward 😳 me of all people. Glad she didn't see me do that 😄. Ooh there's more to the Pou universe than I thought, I had a little tamagotchi type thingy once there was no going to the seaside and having multi-options, (and no colour, of course!). The hot choc was ideal thank you yes very cheering 😊 I think I will stick to herb tea in the evenings thanks, must rummage in the cupboard, couldn't give me a worse night. Have a good evening yourself take care :) xx

    Hello Joan, internet fine today thanks even after last night's rain. No I don't know who will be next door permanently now but if it turns out to be more of a rental thing for a bit that's fine by me, as a tenant won't be able to do major things to the place 👍️. Hope your day has been ok it is not quite as cold I don't think and thankfully not too wet again for a bit now 🤞. Have a good evening hope you are feeling better now 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, I am putting the kettle on now as I have had ordeal by DIY again today and am just stoking myself up with one teabreak, I will be reprising my full moon kitty impression again by tonight 😬😂. Yes the injecting hour, well an uncomfortably close relation to the stitching hour really 😱 as you said regional variations but the same the whole world over, subcut sisters (& brothers) under the skin you could say 😬. Glad to hear little BR is not too bad now, your sis's fruit sculpture sounds very nice 🍍😊. Hope your wifi improves for you, mine is ok touch wood. Will have a rest now if poss before I have to borrow the matchsticks back 😴 , see you later maybe if I'm in again - take care and to everyone :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    oh dear me Toni toady and Joan

    What a day!

    I had a shower after two days due to mum panicking about preparing for MH visit and this and that

    Also had a well needed nap afterwards

    👋 thanks Joan,

    Mum enjoyed seeing the littleys

    But she has a blood test tomorrow relating to her new dose of kidney meds

    So she’s understandably a bit apprehensive today

    👋 Toni how are you tonight?

    Mums blood test tomorrow is early morning

    Also early morning, well most of the morning in all probability, is when we don’t have Wi-Fi here these days unfortunately, so if you don’t hear from me for a bit tomorrow don’t worry 👍

    I’ll post when the gods of Wi-Fi and tiredness see fit lol

    Yes LA is very cheeky monkey indeed

    He did go through a “Reshmi - phase” when he was younger, but he just liked saying the word I think lol,

    But don’t worry Toni yesterday he soon reverted to Mima haha

    Sorry incomplete post time again

    But unfortunately an early start tomorrow with mums blood test

    I was working on a poem but then the shouting began 🤷‍♀️

    I’ll try and pick up pen and paper soon so editor Toni won’t be bored lol

    Bill complained to mum because sis made him wipe down the coffee table lol,

    Even if it burned off 1% of calorie it must’ve done him some good lol

    👋 toady

    That spectral neighbour again? Oh dear

    Yes don’t upset gastric oracle with badly timed hot choc 👍

    I had a cheese toastie today after a very long time

    It was very delicious

    Sis made a great fruit sculpture, she hollowed out parts of a melon or something like that and there were kiwi fruit, strawberries, grapes etc, but you could cut into like a real cake 🎂

    A poem is not quite in the bank, let’s just call it a BACS payment, in the bank in 3 working days lol, now that brings back many a terrible office job I had to “partake” in in the past

    By the way giants roamed this earth at the same time as the Dinos, LA said it, so it must be true 🤷‍♀️

    He also said the giants had rock fights - maybe he meant rock cakes or scones?

    Fighting with scones? Waste of good food if you ask me, lol

    Good night everyone, sorry about the compound message again

    Take care xx

    Ps Kafka cake - goodness, the things toady’s got me eating lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    'night bosh nice cake 😀😄 and I love the BACS poem system lol very good, look forward to it, hope it doesn't bounce and we have to refer to drawer, but maybe that could just be the cafe kitchen drawer 👍️. Good luck to your mum for tomorrow and you for early start, glad you could catch up just about on showers & naps & whatnot :) xx

    btw before anyone feels too sorry for me I think bona fide workmen were doing things next door and possibly not the owner/ex-owner himself, well it looked like the same haircut and van they all look the same to me 😳😄. It is only fair they do necessary work I just wsn't expecting it and also not in a milk of human kindness mood, but I have climbed down off my high horsey now, let 'em get on with it. Hopefully get on with some things myself tomorrow and at least any noise I make they won't care less about 👍️.

    Have a good night's sleep everyone 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853
    edited 1. Oct 2024, 05:53

    Morning Joan Hope you and the dogs are doing ok? I'm very glad to hear you are coping with your leg pain. All is well here not much doing cleaning yesterday and then my bro popped over for a cuppa and to talk about these new 1st cousins we found. We are going to meet up with them next month. It's actually not raining here ATM! ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Fingers crossed for your Mum today gosh they expected quick changes in her blood after the meds tweak don't they?

    Hope you are doing ok yourself and able to a) get on the internet when you want to and b) have a shower when you want to or at least near enough when you want to.

    I am very glad to hear young Mr LA reverted to calling his Auntie Mima Auntie Mima and not be her forename. Very good behaviour LA. Toni is now pleased.

    Really Giants? I didn't know that thanks LA for my history lesson. There was me thinking we were getting taller too.

    Like the new method of saying NO! I need that with me at all times please😊

    I can wait for a new poem I do not like to pressurise my literary friends that wouldn't be right at all. I had a message from ELTB to tell me so. A BACS payment is fine or an illegally post dated cheque whichever suits you. That's if you can find a chequebook so perhaps stick to the BACS😉

    After your sister made that beautiful fruit sculpture BIL could surely wipe a table without moaning🙄 honestly!

    You take care and have a good day if you can ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    It's not raining! It's really not Sleek is over the moon😊. She is coming over under her own steam later no need for a catsi today. She intends to make a lot of noise hammering today she is building some sort of kennel for the dogs. She's not overkeen on dogs you know? but at the same time they also need rescuing apparently.

    Well the intrigue as to the origin of the 'temporary' resident next door continues….time will tell I have no doubt. Or Sleek's glass wielding activities possibly.

    She also reckons the beautiful small room must wait until it's vital it's like a show-home she says - and really ideal for small cats. Ones with a bit of Arthritis. Ones who absolutely did not notice any errors someone might have made putting a storage cube together. She has got some tact.

    I just knew you'd have had a Tamagotchi I knew it!!! Bless him somewhere in the ether. Cris 'skezier' who used to post here she still has hers on a very very old phone kept alive just for that purpose😁

    Apparently we shouldn't have hot choc before bed as it contains caffeine. So herbal tea it is. Lemon and ginger for me please. But we can have it in the daytime especially if it's low fat vegan and stomach friendly😊

    Take care Toady ((())) xxx

    EDIT - it is raining was just quieter than it had been and no interior leaks🙄